1 minute read

Department Chair and Professor, English Department
Ph.D., University of Georgia
B.A., University of North Georgia
Loftis, Sonya Freeman Shakespeare and Disability Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.
Loftis, Sonya Freeman. “The Metanarrative of Autism: Eternal Childhood and the Failure of Cure” in Metanarratives of Disability: Culture, Assumed Authority, and the Normative Social Order, Ed. David Bolt, Routledge, 2021. 94-105.
Loftis, Sonya Freeman. “The Word and the Flesh: Reading (and Misreading) Disability in O’Connor” Flannery O’Connor Review 18 (2020): 96-107.
Loftis, Sonya Freeman. “Autistic Culture, Shakespeare Therapy, and the Hunter Heartbeat Method.” Shakespeare Survey 72. Ed. Emma Smith. Cambridge University Press, 2019. 256-267.

Loftis, Sonya Freeman. “Mental Health Issues: Madness in the Renaissance” in A Cultural History of Disability in the Renaissance, edited by Susan Anderson and Liam Haydon, volume 3 of A Cultural History of Disability, general editors David Bolt and Robert McRuer, Bloomsbury, 2019. 151-166.
Loftis, Sonya Freeman. “Lycanthropy and Lunacy: Cognitive Disability in The Duchess of Malfi” in Embodied Difference: Monstrosity, Disability, and the Posthuman in the Medieval and Early Modern World, edited by Richard H. Godden and Asa Simon Mittman. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 209-225.