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Director, Institute for Social Justice Inquiry and Praxis, Andrew Young Center for Global Leadership; Professor, Psychology Department
M.A./Ph.D., Ecological Community Psychology and Urban Affairs
Michigan State University
B.A., Psychology and African Studies
San Diego State University
Franklin, R., Younge, S., & Jensen, K. (2023). The role of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in cultivating the next generation of social justice and public service-oriented moral leaders during the racial reckoning and COVID-19 pandemics. American Journal of Community Psychology, 1– 11. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12648
Blumer, Lawrence S., Anna J. Zelaya, Christopher W. Beck, Nicole M. Gerardo, and Sinead N. Younge. “Teaching the Bean Beetle Microbiome CURE in an Online Format.” Publication of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education 42 (2022): 19.
Schipani-McLaughlin, Anne Marie, Carmen Collins, Sinead N. Younge, Jessica M. Sales, and Katrina Farber. “Family, Sex Education, and Religion: A Qualitative Study of the Sociocultural Influences on Sexual DecisionMaking among African American College Women.” Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships 7, no. 3 (2021): 31-55.
Younge, Sinead, et al. “Moving Beyond the Experiment to See Chemists Like Me: Cultural Relevance in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory.” Journal of Chemical Education 99.1 (2021): 383-392.