1 minute read


David Packard Endowed Professor, Biology Department


Mills, Terry L., and J. K. Haynes. “Increasing the Participation of African American Male Students in STEM.” Scientia, 2022. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.33548/scientia791


Trawick, Cynthia, Thelma Monroe-White, Michael Joseph, NyThea Tolbert, Jigsa Tola, and John Haynes “Investigating the Influence of Mentor-Mentee Race and Gender Pairs in Public Health Persistence.”

Pedagogy in Health Promotion 7, no. 1 (December 2021): 63S-70S. DOI: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/ pdf/10.1177/23733799211049238


Trawick, Cynthia, Thema Monroe-White, Jigsa A. Tola, Jamie P. Clayton, and J.K. Haynes. “K-12 Dreams to Teaching Program at Morehouse College: Challenges and Opportunities Creating the Next Generation of African American Male STEM Teachers.” Journal of College Science Teaching 49, no.5 (May/June 2020): 68-75.


Hendrickson, T. W. and Haynes, J. K. (2019). Successful Strategies for Enhancing Research Capacity Among Early-Career HBCU STEM Faculty. AAC&U: Peer Review. 21 (1,2).

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