1 minute read
Assistant Professor, Sociology Department
Martinez-Cola, Marisela. “The Shameless (and Raceless) Gallaghers.” In Shameless Sociology, edited by Jennifer Beggs Weber and Pamela M. Hunt. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020.
Murphy, Mollie, Mehmet Soyer, and Marisela Martinez-Cola. 2020. “Fostering ‘Brave Spaces’ for Exploring Perceptions of Marginalized Groups Through Reflexive Writing,” Communication Teacher 35, no. 1 (June 2020): 7-11.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/17404622.2020.1777316
Soyer, Mehmet and Marisela Martinez-Cola. “Auto-ethnography: A Tool for Creating Safe Zones.” American Sociological Association Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology (TRAILS). (February 2020). DOI: https://trails.asanet.org/article/view/auto-ethnography-a-tool-for- creating-safe-zones
Soyer, Mehmet and Marisela Martinez-Cola. “New Resources in TRAILS: Auto- ethnography: A Tool for Creating Safe Zones.” Teaching Sociology 48, no. 3 (July 2020): 266. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0092055X20931954.
Martinez-Cola, Marisela. 2019. “Visibly Invisible: Native American Segregated Schooling and TribalCrit” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 6, no. 4 (2019): 468-482.