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Continuing the Legacy
As the world recognizes the need for socially responsible leaders, Morehouse College is poised with a pipeline of exceptional Men of Consequence who are prepared to do what Morehouse Men have done for more than a century—lead, serve, and work on the frontlines of change.
But we cannot meet the growing need for the leadership that only a Morehouse Man can provide without investment and our continued commitment to:
ATTRACT the most gifted students and distinguished faculty from every corner of the globe EMPOWER Morehouse to push the frontiers of learning, teaching, research, and service MAINTAIN our position as the leading global voice on educating and developing men of color SUSTAIN the highest standards of excellence that have been the hallmark of Morehouse for 155 years
To succeed and thrive, we must align our resources with our aspirations. Now is the time to invest in Morehouse College. We seek to secure a minimum of $500 million in private support—the most ambitious fundraising initiative in the College’s history.