Defining cognitive structures and how video affects them

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Defining cognitive structures and how video affects them

Objective: to cause a change in the cognitive process, altering the perception of the video. This film was made for the science project. We started filming 1/1/12, we used clips from security films, Arkansas films, and fresh clips made for this project. Read about the video effects that were used .

ď śDuring the process of making the test video, we changed the color, focal length, sound, music, etc. to alter and change the video in an attempt to alter cognitive perception. After shooting all the clips, we edited them if needed and put it all together onto a DVD disk.

Hypothesis: When altering video components such as focal length, frame rate, color, sound, and music. We can alter or change cognitive perception Creating new realities, via two of the five senses (primarily sight and hearing) Effectively change and altering the cognitive process and alter perception of the events seen. By doing so we create new realities, or can create memories of nonexistent events.

ď śMaterials and procedures ď ś The things needed to test the hypothesis for this experiment: cx700v camera shooting 1920 x 1080 60 high definition frame rate. We used a camera shooting 1920 x 1080 60 high definition frame rate. The camera will use a lens with a 26.3 frame rate focal length with ½ exmor lens.

The camera will use a lens with a 26.3 frame rate focal length with ½ exmor lens.  Independent Variables: Color, Sound, Focal Length, Music, etc. Dependent Variables: Depending on what we change the video that is shot.

ď śMethods Qualitative research. ď śThe whole video took about one week to complete, edit, and burn onto a disk. Upon completion it was viewed to see if the desired effects were achieved. We were able to change the cognitive process by changing sound, music, color, focal length, frame rate, camera viewpoint, etc.

ď śCognitive Structures Defined ď śWhat mental process interprets the information from the eyes and ears. ď śCognitive structures are the basic mental processes people use to make sense of information. Other names for cognitive structures include mental structures, and patterns of thought. Both existing only in the mind, supported by gathered information through the senses. I primarily grouped them into two interdependent categories:

ď ś1. Comparative thinking structures which process information by identifying how bits of data are alike or similiar and different. They include recognition, memorization, and conservation of constancies, classification, spatial orientation, temporal orientation, and metaphorical thinking.

ď ś2. Logical reasoning structures use abstract thinking strategies to systematically process and generate information. They include deductive and inductive reasoning, analogical and hypothetical thinking, cause–effect relationships, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, problem framing, and problem solving. Both are dependent on the skills of the individual perceiving the event.

ď śResults ď śApproximately a ten minute video was created, using a high definition camera shooting 1920 x 1080 60 high definition frame rate. Viewing of the video produced the results that my Hypothesis predicted of altering the cognitive processes and affecting perception of events.

ď śI realized that most individual that might watch the video are so unaware that they don’t realize they are using a cognitive structure process when watching video to recognize what was happening or that they use deductive or inductive reasoning.

Conclusions Each individual viewer of the movie or video has to develop his or her own cognitive structures. So the altering of video affects each viewer in different ways. Often there perception of an event seen on video is just an illusion of what actually occurred. REMEMBER ILLUSIONS ARE MISPERCEPTIONS; we are fooled by the cues.

ď śIndividual viewers use cognitive structures to process information and create meaning by (1) making connections, (2) finding patterns, (3) identifying rules, and (4) abstracting principles. Which is how the process of changing components of video affects the individual perceiving it.

ď śPerception can be modified by altering the components video ď śMost viewers would only realize the effects of watching the video such as felling fear or a sense of excitation. They are unaware of the camera changes which cause the altered perception.

Illusions- REMEMBER ILLUSIONS ARE MISPERCEPTIONS It is easy to create an illusion and even alter testimony of an individual by including one tree fact and the rest can be totally manipulated. Individuals and only perceive a small fraction of true reality. We are fooled by the cues created by altering the video components.

 The brains involvement. What part of the brain is involved the cerebral cortex contains conscious thought. The frontal lobe contains volitional thoughts. The parietal, occipital lobes contain cognitive thoughts.

ď śHow frame rate can affect the mind ď śCritical Fusion Frequency - Phi Phenomenon - Is the name for the illusion of continuous motions. We need a minimum frequency to perceive motion as continuous. The frequency is determined by speed of the event, which we view. Slowing or increasing the speed either makes it appear as movement of can make it an unintelligent blur.

ď śA movie is really a series of independent slides presented continuously. If the frequency drops below the minimal threshold level we no long perceive the motion as continuous. ď śIn fact continuous movement in nature rarely occurs.

How we interact with video Persistence of Vision - the reason we can see through fan blades when turning, we create the field of vision from what we do see in little bits and form a complete field of view even though the field of vision is blocked. We can’t actually see through the fan part of the time but we believe we are as it is perceived.

Much of our understanding of how and why we perceive things comes from Gestalt Psychology Sensation: The process of receiving stimuli or information. In man, the sense of sight is the most significant one and 80% of the all information is gathered by eyes.

ď śWe receive these stimuli through our sense organs, the five senses ď śSensory Receptor Cells- receive the stimuli from the environment and through transduction transfer it to nerve impulses to be processed in the brain.

To test the Hypothesis that we can alter perception we will alter Focal length, Frame rate, Color, Sound,  Music. These alterations will specifically target two of the five senses.

Primarily sight and hearing to change and altering the cognitive process and alter perception of the events seen. (Perception: The process of evaluating information and giving it meaning.) Changing the direction and the angle of a camera shot can change perception of the event viewed.When viewed, each action causes a cognitive interpretation of the event. Read more about video illusions. 

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