Is selling on ebay dead

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Is Selling On Ebay Dead I Actually Thought Nobody Used Ebay Anymore

I have to admit I had not sold anything on Ebay in about 4 years. I thought it was dead. I thought no one was selling on Ebay anymore. Boy was I wrong!!!! November 26, two weeks ago today I watched a short video about selling products on Ebay. I was very intrigued to say the least.

ď śI thought it was dead. This guy on the video was very down home and nice. Basically did not try to sell me anything. He just showed in the quick video what he was doing to make a living‌

A VERY GOOD living. I said to myself I can do this easily in the little spare time I have. So I plucked down a measley $25.00 to watch 19 videos explaining EXACTLY how he was doing it. For Newbies and People Making No Money Online This Works Like Crazy… The key to this system is it’s simplicity. 5 minutes of research, cut and paste… Got it. Ready, set, go!!!

Seriously this was different from the way I used to sell on Ebay. It don’t get any easier than this. I was thinking I can get my grandchildren to do this. But you must be 18 to set up an account. But they can still do it. Any teenager could make money doing this. Within 2 hours of putting my first product up I had a sell. I was like wow, this might make me a little spending money.

ď śIt only took me about an hour to watch the videos. Most are 5 minutes or less. I told you this was simple. I put up 7 products before I went to bed that night. ď śIt was pretty late and I was leaving to go to the beach the next morning to spend Thanksgiving there.

>>> Go Watch The Video <<< I checked Ebay before I left the next morning and… I had 2 more sales. Thank you very much. I spent part of Thanksgiving day putting up more products. I was pretty excited about this and it was to cold to walk on the beach. Football and Ebay for a few hours.

ď śWell yesterday I transferred $865.00 to my bank account from Paypal. ď śMy sales were a cool $1820.96 in 2 weeks. I should be able to transfer more in a few more days. Actually I got paid for a few of the other sales after I transferred the money yesterday. But I only want to transfer about once a week from now on.

Your financial situation may be entirely different from mine. That’s okay. You can transfer your earnings everyday if you want to. As you can see I have listed 34 products that sold. I have another 15 or so that did not sell. No biggie. That was in 13 days to be exact.  

Two Questions You Should Be Asking About Selling On Ebay 1. How much can I make per sale? That’s explained in the videos in detail. Obviously you are going to make more off a product you sell for $199.00 as opposed to a product you sell for $39.00.

But the thing most people don’t realize myself included is that people will pay almost anything if they see and want it. Most people don’t do much if any shopping for deals! You may want to remember that if this is something you want to do.

2. How much extra money can I make per month? Let me tell you there is a pretty good formula that will help you determine how much you will make per month. First thing to know… The more products you list the more money you will make each month. Sounds simple but think about it. It’s a numbers game…

ď ś When you first start it may take 10-15 minutes to research a product and put it on Ebay. After a week or so you should be putting a product up in about 5 minutes including research. By the way the research is very simple and is explained over and over again in the videos. ď ś So the bottom line is how many products can you put up each day? If you have nothing else to do the number is a lot. If you only have an hour or so a day you should still be able to put 5-10 products a day.

You know what’s really great about this. . No website needed . No optin page needed . No salespage needed. . No buying traffic or begging people on Facebook to buy . No Ebay store needed . No shipping of products. It’s done for you. . No technical skills needed what so ever. Copy and paste. Change the headline.

All you do is search for products and put them on Ebay. You can use this to make some part time money or if you want you could scale this up pretty fast. I told you earlier this was a numbers game. If you can list about 400 products a month you could be making $1500-2000 a month as a beginner. Just some food for thought. Watch the video. Let the expert explain it to you. 

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