By Morgan Castillo
Monster Hunter Rise Edition
How to Use tHe Charge Blade (becuase it’s appareantly that complicated)
Table of Contents
Section I: Base Game 1. What is the Charge Blade and Why Should You Play it? 2. The Basics
Swtich Skills
Silkbind Attacks 6. Recomended Builds 7. Best Charge Blades and Monster Weakness Section II: Sunbreak 8. New Switch Skills
New Silkbind Attacks
New Builds
New Blades to Have
Explaining Quirious Crafting
Final Remarks
This pamplet is writen with the intention of teaching the basics and progression of Charge Blade skills so that others can learn how to be one of the most epic players in Monster Hunter Rise. It is written in an order that will prevent spoilers as you follow the story and discover new and challenging monsters. Please note this pamphlet follows Nintendo Switch controls and not PC versions.
With that in mind, have fun, expirement, and find the style you enjoy most with all of the basic elements that come with the Charge Blade. Believe me when I say...
(PS, this is dedicated to all other charge blade users who were probably like me and guessed their way through half the game before realizing they were using the weapon wrong.)
Charge Blade (Because it’s appareantly that Complicated) Monster Hunter Rise Edition
How to
Section I Base Game
What is tHe Charge Blade and Why YoU ShoUld PlaY it?
So what is the deal with the charge blade, and why is it so complicated? Well, the Charge Blade is a heavy melee attack type weapon with an elemental advantage. It is very similar to the switch axe where there are two modes that you can swap between; sword/shield and axe mode. When you take advantage of these modes there are elemental phials that you can fill in order to release large elemental attacks and help get an upper advantage in a fight. This can also be really helpful when going against monsters that have a certain elemental weakness. Ok ok, so it is a little difficult to grasp at first, but once you get the hang of the style and learn the pattern of monster attacks it becomes easier to take down foes and gain the satisfaction of dealing large attacks. Remember this is a game where the combat feels heavy and a little slow, so once you do land those hits believe me it is SO satisfying!
2 .
The BasicS
First of all congradulations for chosing the journey that is learning this weapon! Now let’s get to the basics. The game will take you through a simple combat tutorial but when it comes to the specific weapons, you’re kind of on your own so I recomend that as soon as you can, head to the training arena and pick up the Charge Blade to get started. The best way to learn comes from experience!
The Two Modes
As stated before, when you first pick up the charge blade you will notice that it has two different modes. The first of this being the Sword and Shield mode. In this mode it is pretty straight forward in terms of simple slashing attacks and guarding manuevers. This is also how you charge your phials. The second mode is the Axe mode where you can deliver heavy hitting attacks as well as elemental discharges.
Arslan Shah-SegmentNext
Sword/shield mode In this mode your blade is represented as a sword and shield where you can make some simple attacks and charge your elemental phials. Here are the basic controls for attacks: AcTion SwitCh ConTrolS Weak Slash X Button Forward Slash X + A Buttons Fade Slash Left stick + A Button Morph Slash ZR Trigger + X Button Charge (this is how you activate your phials) ZR Trigger + A Button Guard ZR Trigger Charged Double Slash Hold A Button Morphing Advance ZL Trigger + X Button Counter Peak Performance ZL + A Button
B. Axe Mode
The second mode that you can play in is Axe mode. In this mode the sword and shield morph together to create a large axe that you can swing and make heavy as well as elemental attacks. Here are the basic controls:
AcTion SwitCh ConTrolS Rising Slash X Button Elemental Discharge A Button Amped Elemental Discharge X Button + A Button Morph Slash ZR Trigger
3. ComBos
Combos are very essential to any weapon, especially the charge blade. Charge blade combos can greatly improve the way that phials are charged and how the elemental damage is dealt. Here are some of the recommended combo moves that can be found in base rise. Keep in mind that you can always find the basic description for these combos in the game under Hunter Notes.
Monster Hunter Wiki
7 ComBo SwitCh ConTrolS Red Phial Collection Hold A Button> X Button + A Button> Hold A Button> X Button Super Amped Elemental Discharge X Button > X Button > A Button (2X) Element Discharge Loop Combo X Button > A Button > X Button > A Button The Savage Axe Loop Combo In Sword mode, Charge (ZR Trigger + A Button) and Hold X Button > Hold A Button > Hold X Button > Hold A Button
4. SwitCh Skills
The more you venture through Monster Hunter Rise, you will begin to unlock various Switch Skills. These skills are used to swap through multiple large attacks and deal adequate amounts of damage. In the Base game you will have access to 3 slots of Switch Skills, so choose which ones you prefer as you unlock them.
Arslan Shah-SegmentNext
9 original Skill SwitCh Skill SwitCh ConTrolS Condensed Elemental Slash Counter Peak Performance ZR Trigger + A Button Morph Slash Counter Morph Slash ZR Trigger for Axe mode, ZR Trigger + A Button for Sword/ Shield mode Counter Peak Performance Axe Hopper ZL Trigger + A Button Morphing Advanced Air Dash ZL Trigger > X Button > X Button > A Button
5. SilkBind AtTacks
Added into Monster Hunter Rise is a new mechanic known as SilkBind attacks, which come with the tactic of having Wirebugs. You can have up to 3 SilkBind abilities.
The Reimaru Files
Morphing Advance:
Using this Attack, you’ll dash in front morphing into Axe Mode with knockback protection in use.
Switch Control: ZL + X
The Monster Hunter Wiki
Counter Peak Performance:
Using this attack, you’re held down on the floor and as you get attacked, the Charge Blade Phials are charged up and ready for a Super Elemental Discharge.
Switch Control: ZL + A
The Monter Hunter Wiki
Axe Hopper:
Using this attack, the Axe is raised above and slammed down producing such force that the hunter leaps into the air for a couple of seconds. You can, however, switch this attack with Counter Peak Performance.
The Monster Hunter Wiki
Ready Stans:
Using this Silkbind attack, you can bind swords and axes with the help of an Ironsilk. Upon guarding, you face a noticeable knockback which makes you go into Sword Mode and thus allowing you to chain sword/axe attacks.
Monster Hunter Wiki
Recommended Builds ThRoUgHoUt gameplaY
Having a good build is essential for unlocking your potential in controlling and using the full ability of the charge blade. Here I have listed recommended builds for throughout gameplay.
2-Star Quests
Weapon: Regas Hyper II
Head: Izuchi Helm
Chest: Hunter’s Mail
Arms: Alloy Vambraces
Waist: Chainmail Belt
Legs: Baggi Greaves
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
Barroth Helm
Rhenoplos Mail
Rhenoplos Braces
4-Star Quests Weapon:
Waist: Barroth
Legs: Basarios
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
Endgame Activity
Weapon: Sinister Shade Axe
Head: Almudron Helm S
Chest: Basarios Mail S Arms: Rhenoplos Braces S Waist: Volvidon Coil S Legs: Basarios Greaves S
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
BesT Charge Blades and Finding monSter WeAknesS:
Listed here are the best charge blades recommended for you to swap through as well as how to tell which elements to use against certain monsters. You can follow the recommendations strictly or you can be like me and work toward creating whichever charge blades look the most fun. Each charge blade is unique in elements and it is a good idea to look at each monster you are fighting and find which element to use.
Monster Stats:
When you want to find which element will do more harm, all you need to do is go to the Hunter Notes section within the menu settings. Once in there you can select Large Monsters to find the monster bios. Go to the monster you want to fight and use the L and R triggers to navigate to the monsters Physiology and Alignments. It will look something like this:
When looking at the monster’s physiology it is pretty straightforward with the columns displaying the elements and the rows displaying what part of the monster is most affected. The higher the number displayed, the more damage that the element will inflict. The weapons found in the first three columns display the type of damage and how effective those are. For the charge blade we mainly focus on the first and second columns depending on whether you are in Sword/Shield mode or Axe mode.
Monster Hunter Rise Wiki
Charge Blade Recommendations:
Now that you have seen the elemental damage, which charge blades can you choose? Well, here are the recommended ones to have at all times and keep upgraded but again I would definitely play with whichever ones you may find fun and give a high elemental advantage.
Note: When talking about the Charge Blades they are on different placements of the trees, you will have to have the previous blades in order to upgrade. Just follow the trees to get the blades you need!
Scream in the Night
Scream in the Night comes from the monster Nargacuga. When fully upgraded it provides a straight base attack and while it doesn’t provide an element it is still a very useful Charge Blade when it comes to raw damage.
Required Materials: -42000 zenny -Nargacuga+ x15 Points -Magnamalo Blade + x4 -Narga Medulla x1
The Dragonsong Charge Blade is a powerful dragon element that comes from the dragon tree. Though this blade lacks major sharpness it makes up for in base and elemental damage.
Materials Required: -30000 zenny -Magna Soulprism x2 -Ibushi Claw + x3 -Great Stoutbone x2 -Dragonbone Relic x1
Biting Edge II
This Charge Blade stems from the monster Rakna-Kadaki and provides a strong fire elemental advantage. When fully upgraded this weapon is perfect for anything that has a weakness to fire.
Materials Required:
-56000 zenny monster hunter rise wiki guide
-Elder Dragon Blood x2
-Rakna-Kadaki Silk x4
-Rakna-Kadaki Carapace x4
-Monster Broth x3
Thwartoise This Charge Blade comes from the elder dragon Kushala Daora. It provides a sturdy base attack as well as deals a heavy amount of ice element. Materials Required: -70000 zenny -Valstrax Tail x1 -Daora Carapace x4 -Daora Gem x1
Draw 1 The Arcane Draw 1 Charge Blade comes from the Elder dragon Chameleos. When upgraded it provides a very potent poison element and works perfect for applying poison blight. Materials Required: -60000 zenny monster hunter rise wiki guide -Chameleos Spike x1 -Chameleos Hide + x4 -Chameleos Wing x3 -Elder Dragon Blood x1
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
Ikaji Immortal
The Ikaji Immortal comes from the Rajang tree. This blade packs a punch in base damage while dealing a fair amount of thunder element.
Materials Required: -60000 zenny -Horn of Origin x2 -Gold Rajang Pelt x2
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
Stunning Axe
The Stunning Axe comes from the monster known as Goss Harag. Though this blade misses out on affinity and sharpness it makes up for in ice elemental blight.
Materials Required:
-42000 zenny monster hunter rise wiki guide
-Goss harag Brace + x4
-Goss Harag Horn + x2
-Goss Harag Fur + x3
-Goss Harag Bile x1
Abyssal Storm Ward
This charge blade comes from the monster Thunder Serpent Narwa. Though it has a pretty basic raw damage it makes up for it in elemental, dealing a large amount of thunder element.
Materials Required: -80000 zenny monster hunter rise wiki guide -Orb of Origin x1 -Thunder Serpent Orb x1 -Ibushi Hide + x2
capcom/Morgan Castillo
Fieldblade The Final Fieldblade comes from the monster Mizustune. Though this weapon also misses on sharpness, it deals a massive amount of elemental damage making for a perfect water blade. Materials Required: -56000 zenny monster hunter rise wiki guide
Claw + x3
Water Orb x1 - Mizutsune + x15 Points
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
Materials Required: -50000 zenny -Apex Shockshell x2 -Apex Curlhorn x1 -Defender Ticket 9 x3
Blade S. This Rampage weapon stems from the Kamura Rampage tree. It is a great weapon to keep in your charge blade arsinol as it deals a large base attack and is a good weapon to use when you’re not sure about a monsters elemental weakness
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
The Rotaxion comes from the monster Volvidon. This one has a very interesting element attached to it, dealing paralysis effect while also handling a great deal of base damage.
Materials Required: -36000 zenny monster hunter rise wiki guide -Volvidon+ x10 Points -Great Stoutbone x3 -Volvidon Claw + x3 -Beast Gem x1
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
Section II
Sunbreak Expansion
After completing the base game, I highly recommend moving onto the Sunbreak expansion and continuing with that portion of the story. Within the expansion new charge blade skills and builds are added and more monsters are introduced with powerful movesets, but that also means powerful charge blades.
Monster Hunter Wiki
8. new SwitCh Skill
Phial Follow-up: Firing Pin:
Unlike the regular Phial Follow-up, this Switch Skill has the elemental energy build up on the target instead of in your weapon. This means less elemental energy is generated for your phials. You can apply multiple lumps of elemental energy on monsters with an Element Boosted Sword or with a Shield Thrust using an Element Boosted Shield. You can detonate the built-up energy in Axe Mode, and doing so will extend the duration of the Elemental Boost.
Official Monster Hunter Twitter
new SilkBind AtTacks
Ready Stance:
This Silkbind Attack binds the axe and sword together. When hit by an attack while in this stance, it lowers your guard reaction,allowing you to easily chain sword and axe attacks. You can chain an attack even without blocking anything. The type of attack you can execute after the guard depends on the input and the amount of knockback taken. Guarding against a heavy knockback attack can be followed up with an Amped Element Discharge.
Monster Hunter Rise Wiki Guides
Air Dash:
This silkbind attack provides Hunters with quick aerial maneuvers that can be used to be aggressive or defensive. It can be followed up with a Jumping Slash or Phial Explosion, both giving advantages in different situations.
new Builds
New monsters means new builds, and as we move through Sunbreak, the ranks get higher and the monsters get more difficult. Having a good build is essential to moving through the game and taking down monsters with ease. Along with the new weapons there is also a new feature added in later games known as Talismans, Rampage Jewels, and Quirio Crafting. The latter two are added in the later portions of the game, but these builds are incorporated in order for when these features are released. Capcom
41 Early Game (MR 1-2): Weapon: Kamura Warrior Charge Blade Rampage Decoration Jewel: Defense Edge Jewel 1 Talisman -Attack Boost Lv. 3 Armor -Hunter’s Helm X -Hermitaur Mail -Rhenoplos Braces X -Anjanath Coil X -Volvidon Greaves X Decorations: -Tenderizer Jewel 2 -Artillery Jewel 2 -Quickswitch Jewel 2 -Grinder Jewel 1
Jewel 1 Best Mid Sunbreak Expansion Build (MR 3-6):
Aslat Charger+
Decoration Jewel: Defense Edge Jewel 1
-Attack Boost Lv. 3
-Almudron Helm X -Damascus Mail X -Rhenoplos Braces X -Bazelgeuse Coil X -Death Stench Heel X
-Attack Jewel 2 -Enhancer Jewel 2 -Sharp Jewel 2 -Artillery Jewel 2 -Grinder Jewel 1 -Brace Jewel 1
EndGame Charge blade build can be built off the Mid Game build and if you wish to use Quirio crafting just remember that it can change around the entire build of your set so make sure to keep an eye on what it will add vs what it will be taking away.
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
11. new BesT Charge Blades to Have
Once again, new monsters bring new opportunities, and with that we have new charge blades! The Sunbreak expansion really brings a new outlook on Chargeblades to select especially with the opportunity of Quirio Crafting and Rampage Jewels. Here are some of the best ones to invest in throughout Sunbreak.
Kamura Warrior Charge Blade
The Kamura Warrior Charge Blade is the classic begining game blade that when upgraded in Sunbreak unlocks true potential. It is a great blade to start the expansion in with raw damage outweighing the non elemental stats of the blade.
Materials Required:
Ore x2
Hardclaw x2
Wyvern Gem x1
Bone x15 Points.
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
The Aslat Charger+ comes from the monster Seregios. This blade again lacks the elemental advantage, but like the Kamura blade it has a great hand in dealing raw damage and is great for mid gameplay.
Materials Required: -36000 zenny - Seregios Airblade + x4 -Seregios Slavescale + x4 -Seregios Scraper + x2 -Monster Slogbone
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
Barroth Guardian
This charge blade stems from the Barroth tree. Another blade with no element attached to it, but its heavy set allows for great defense as well as heavy hitting attacks. This is another great blade for early-mid MR.
Materials Required: -18000 zenny -Barroth Cortex x5 -Barroth Crown x2 -Goldlite Ore x4 -Ultimas Crystal x1
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
Golm Heart
The Golm Heart blade comes from the monster Garangolm. This blade has a major raw damage deal and though it has no elemental attachments, it is great for a late MR build.
Materials Required:
-24000 zenny
-Garangolm Hardfang x2 -Golm Thick Juice x2
-Garangolm Cortex x4 -Golm Ploughtail x2
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
Pure Axe Omonshiro
This charge blade comes from an introduced monster called Violet Mizutsune. This blade is one of the best to have endgame because of it’s base attack, sharpness and fire element.
Materials Required:
-90,000 zenny
-Violet Mizu Fin x 5
-Violet Mizu Hardclaw x 4
-Violet Mizu Shard x 6
-Violet Mizu Mantle x 1
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
50 Gluttonous Glacier This Charge Blade stems from the Lunagaron tree. When fully upgraded it provides a very heavy base damage and has a large amount of max sharpness. It also deals ice element. Materials Required: -60000 zenny -Afflicted Claw x5 -Afflicted Shell x5 -MR Lunagaron x30 Points.
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
Blade The Flamlion Blade stems from the classic monster Rathalos. In terms of endgame finality, this weapon gains a great base damage as well as major fire element. Materials Required: -60000 zenny -Afflicted Claw x5 -Afflicted Scale x5 -MR Rathalos x30 Points
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
Thunderclap Otenta
This Charge Blade comes from the monster Tobi-Kadachi. It is a very useful blade to be able to switch to in terms of thunder wekness and base damage.
Materials Required -24000 zenny monster hunter rise wiki guide -Monster Slogbone x2 -Tobi-Kadachi Cathode x2 -Large Wyvern Gem x1 - MR Tobi-Kadachi x10 Points.
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
Abyssal Splitter
This Charge Blade comes from the final monster himself Gaismagorm. The Abyssal Splitter is possibly the best charge blade to come from the Sunbreak expansion and once you beat the main story beat, it is a great weapon to have in your arsinol. Materials
Required: -66000 zenny monster hunter rise wiki guide -Archdemon Backshell x4 -Archdemon Wingtalon x3 -Archdemon Piercetalon x2 -Abyssal Dragonsphire x1
Capcom/Morgan Castillo
ExPlaining Quirio CrafTing
Though this feature only appears post end story boss, it is a very useful tool to take advantage of. Like the melding pot to gain talismans, Quirious crafting is a way to increase your abilities for your weapon, as well as your armor.
54 12.
Quirious Weapon Crafting
You craft Sunbreak’s best weapons with Afflicted Materials, so it’s probably a good idea to forge one of these before you consider investing too heavily in upgrades, especially as unlocking a weapon for augment also costs Afflicted Materials. Here’s a brief rundown of how it works:
Select a weapon in Qurious Crafting and enable augmentation by paying with Afflicted Materials.
This unlocks three Anomaly Slots and potential buffs depending on the weapon. These include boosts to attack, affinity, elemental damage, sharpness, or even a slot upgrade for rampage decorations.
You can purchase two different levels of each upgrade with Afflicted Materials and slot them into your weapon, which takes up some of the Anomaly Slots. You can then unlock two more slots with Afflicted Materials.
It’s a system that’s very similar to altering Buddy Skills; there are buffs to select, but you only have a certain number of slots to work with, so you have to choose wisely and tweak towards your playstyle.
Quirious Armor Crafting
The stronger system by far is Qurious Armor Crafting, since it gives you a chance to buff resistances, defense, and add new armor skills and decoration slots. You’re going to need another resource in order to do this, though: Amber Essence. You get Amber Essence by completing Anomaly Investigations and it’s used to unlock armor augmentation and perform rerolls. As with weapons, you’ll want to make sure you have high rarity armor you’re willing to invest in first. Here’s how the process works:
Complete an Anomaly Investigation to earn either Amber Essence+ if you have rarity nine armor, or Prime Amber Essence for rarity ten. These will be listed as rewards on the monster’s quest page. You’ll have to unlock more investigations to get Prime Amber Essence.
Head to Minayle and use the Amber Essence to unlock augmentation for an armor piece.
Now you can use any Amber Essence to augment your armor, which will potentially reroll its resistances, defense, decoration slots, or will add skills. These rerolls can also remove skills and reduce stats as well, making them a bit of a trade-off.
If you like the new rerolled version, you can select it, but if you’d prefer to keep your old reroll, you can choose that instead.
Closing Remarks
Overall the Charge Blade is a really unique weapon to work with and after the release of sunbreak it became an S tier weapon to use. Because of its elemental attack it became really handy to learn how to use the charge blade and I hope overall that you had fun with your experience of the game.
This weapon comes with a lot of styles,and with the different switch and wirebug skills to chose from you can come up with your own moves and combo style as you go. Everyone will play this weapon a little differently, but over all the elemental advantage that charge blade users bring to the table is pheonominal.
Don’t forget that even after the base gameplay, there is still a lot to come in terms of event quests and upcoming monsters as of today, so be sure to increase your skills and upgrade your Charge Blade arsinol.
So enjoy and remember you are now one of the most strong players in all of Monster Hunter Rise!
Credited Sources-Information:
-Monster Hu nter Charge Blade
https :// -Monster H unter Rise Wiki http s:// er+Rise+Wiki -The Gamer ht tps:// t-charge-blades/ -Sportskeeda https:// ak-charge-blade-best-builds-switch-skills -SegmentNext https://w k-charge-blade-best-builds-switch-skills -VeryAliGamin g https://
59 Credited Sources-Imagery: Front and Back Cover Art Morgan Castillo Endpage Art Morgan Castillo Charge Blade Pose Arslan Shah-SegmentNext Charge Blade Combo Poses/Silkbinds Monster Hunter Rise Wiki/Monster Hunter Wiki Armor
Capcom/Morgan Castillo (screenshots) Charge Blades IGN Capcom/Morgan Castillo (screenshots)