Sources of Audience Information Source of Audience Information
Definition of source
How it could be used to develop your advertisement
Limitations of source in developing your advertisement
Audience measurement panels
This is meant by the measurements of how many people are audience, this is seen in the percentage of how many people listen to the radio and in our work how many people watch TV adverts. The audience measurements through panel is helpful to those advertisers as it allows them to understand who is watching their advert rather than how many people are watching it. This helps them get an idea of who there target audience are. This type of research of the audience is affective for advertisers as they can identify who the audience are that watch the advert this helps them to decide what time they would want to show their advert and what channel.
This would be useful to develop my advert as once I find out who is watching my advert. This will develop my advert when releasing it as an advert as I will know where to put it in terms of the channel and what time because I would be able to identify the people watching it for example if males where to watch my advert I would place it in Sky One between rugby games.
A Limitation of this would be that the researcher would only be able to get the viewing figures oaf barb which will not help specify what the target audience are that are watching the adverts that the researchers product may be in competition with. Sometimes looking at the viewing figures on barb can be misleading as they are not always updated regularly.
Advertising Ratings
An Advertising ratings is meant by the measurements of the popularity of the advert in regards to how many people are watching it. The figures decide whether the advert is popular. When an advert gets a substations amounts of ratings this can lead to the advert getting more views as it tends to lead other viewers to watch it. Each rating point is one percent of the total TV viewers so this could be like 1 rating point could mean 1,000 people were watching the advert out of the 10,000 (example). If an advert receives a lot of ratings the more exposed their advert would be so for advertisers they would like to receive as many rating points as possible to expose their advert to more people.
This audience information could enhance my advert views if I was to get more and more ratings as it will make the viewing figures go up which would not just be beneficial to the view on the advert but it would help sell the product as the more people that see the advert the more people would be convinced to buy the product.
A limitation of this would be if my advert does not receive a lot of ratings less and less people would want to watch my advert as it would not have got a good response making it not wanted by the viewers.
Face to Face interviews are commonly seen in primary research as the advertisers would like to gather extra information. An interview allows the advertisiers to have a discussion between two or more people, this can help gather vailid and reliable data that is relevant to you research. Face to face intertviews allow personal comminication and helps gather extra informtaion that is best suited to the target purpose.Face to face intervciews can fall under different researcgh type sand these are expolartory, descrpitive and explantrivy because the information you obtain is based on how structure the interview is.
This would help develop my advert as I will be able to gain in depth answers and feedback on my product and understand more about the product. This type of research can allow me to ask the creators of the chocolate bar and ask questions that only they can answer which will be reliable and help when I am re-creating the advert. This will help me get information that is just subjected to my product and is not just an overall response to the question.
These type of interviews genially take a long time as you would have to find different people from different backgrounds first before interviewing them which would lead to the whole process of being long. This can take away time for me actually making the advert which will take me of course. Although it takes time and effect it is also not sure that you will get the answers you want from the questions some people may not have the answers you want which can lead
Face-to-face interviews
Focus groups
A focus group is very similar to the face to face interview however it is with more than 4 people and allows more people to jump in and give their opinion and response to the product. A focus group is a form of Qualitive research in where a group of people talk about a subject in which the advertiser asks. In research methods it is the advertiser that organises the focus groups which is aimed to discuss and look at the main question the advertiser wants answered. A focus group helps to emphasise on the Reponses between the researcher and the participants that the researcher has chosen to ask the questions to.
This could help develop my advert as I will be able to get information from people directly talking to me this could help with the making of my advert therefore I could chose public viewers and ask what adverts they like or I could ask people in the business about when the advert should be released all information I gain from doing a research method like this could only beneficial.
When researching you need to look at your target audience and for age this is a big factor especially within advertisements. It is important as you research your target audience that you look at their age as you are not allowed to
This is very important to develop my advert as it helps me understand fully who my target audience is allowing me to focus only on making an advert that suits my target audience. By understanding my target audience will help me develop an advert that is effective to them. By knowing who my age target is would also help with making sure I do not break any ASA rulings for young children. As many adverts have been upheld due to encouraging/misleading people and I believe if I understand who my target audience are before making my advert can only benefit the final outcome.
A limitation of this is that when diving your audience in to age categories it is hard for you to still try aim the advert at more than one target age as it would be hard to cater to a young audience and a old audience. Another limitation of this is that young children are not allowed to see many things in adverts as seen on the ASA rulings.
Gender is meant by male or female and when looking at advertising different adverts will go out to different genders for example beer is typically for males. This will be important that the product identify their target audience gender because where they plot their advert as it would most be suited depending on their audience. For example if it is for males they would benefit from showing their advert in a rugby break.
Doing primary research on finding out who my specific gender audience are will also help develop my advert as it will allow me to look further on to where I would like to air my advert in which break for example if I was to develop my research and felt the chocolate I was re-branding went out mainly to males I would look at airing it on a sports channel as males are more likely to tune into this type of programme rather than a BBC programme that has lots of females shows on it for example; how to look good naked, snog, marry avoid and so forth. So this will help the development of the airing of my advert. I could also look at what lines of appeal I would want to put in for example Celebrity endorsement I would look at the gender and who it will appeal to. Having Cheryl Cole will appeal more to females rather than males.
A limitation of this to my product would be I do not want to narrow my advert to just one gender as it would not get that many buyers buy then how would I aim an advert at males but still engages females as well.
This could be a limitation as this also like the interviews can take longa and because you will be trying to get a range of people in one focus group. This could take time again as the people you want to ask questions to may not always be free at the same time. This could also lead to the disadvantage of you not getting the answers you want and therefore backtrack on more resources of findings.
Source of Audience Information
Definition of source
Questionnaires are a main source of research methods that are used by advertisers to help them get Quantitive amount of research but not Qualitive. There are two different types of questionnaires a closed and structured. They are both created for different reasons. A questionnaire is a series of questions that are used to gain simple information for a particular subject and in this case could be simple question on past adverts.
This could develop my advert if I was to do a questionnaire as it will allow me to get extra information that could evidently help when planning to make my advert. This type of research not only gives me answers but give same a lot of simple answers but from a wider range of people which would help when I look at who my advert would be aimed at.
A limitation of questionnaires is that they only give simple response which are yes or no which do not help me in regards to getting more information about my advert. Questionnaires do not give a lot of valid information that can be used.
TV Target audience profiles
Target audience profiling is where the target audience is a specific group of people these people can genuinely be categorized in different sections these can be through age, gender, martials status. All the different target audiences will all depend on you advert. Not every advert will go out to a wide range of people they are specifically aimed at one group. It is also that the advertiser realises who their target audience which is important as certain things cannot be target at young people i.e junk foods, alcohol and cigarettes.
Knowing who my specific target audience is can develop my advert when making it because it will help me with idea’s for example if the group of people that are my audience are interesting in dancing could help me with the development of my advert as I could look at putting in a celebrity (celebrity endorsement) as they would then have something to relate to and would like the advert more so as they can relate to the ‘dance’. They could also look up to the celebrity dancer more so as they may want to be like them. I could also just look at the line of appeal where it brings the audience in (Self-Perception) by having something dance related in the advert could engage the smaller target audience as they will relate to the advert making it more memorable. So finding out who my specific target audience is would help develop my advert in those senses it would also help when looking at airing it as dancers may tune into music shows more than eastenders which will show a good place where I could air my advert.
When having a really small target appeal audience can really limit what I put in to my advert as I would prefer to reach out to them but I do not want to limit other audiences due to having a specific target audience.
Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board (BARB)
So B.A.R.B is an organisation that looks closely at the ratings of different channels and programmes. It replaced the pervious system which compiled of BBC and ITV working together to rate their own shows. So B.A.R.B look closely at the viewing figures of programmes only in the UK. Their job is to find ways to develop the viewing system and measure what the rest of the UK are watching.
Looking into B.A.R.B can help develop my advert in terms of the airing of it I can use barb to look at high viewing shows and programmes this will help me look at what channel I would most benefit from. Barb is useful in this context as I can look for example at the viewing figures on different programmes like eastenders and coronation street, I can then further this and make a decision where my advert will get more views from looking at the different viewing figures of the different shows. I can then look at the different audience that what the programme most; age, gender and interests which will also help with
If I was to look at the rating figures of an advert that I feel I will be in competition with I may not get the results I want and this can also miss led me as their figures are not always updated a lot.
How it could be used to develop your advertisement
Limitations of source in developing your advertisement
Television research agencies/companies
Advertiser Rates cards
This is the different types of websites that are in charge of the TV we watch making sure the programmes we watch do not breach any rules, for example ofcom is a big agency that look at this and for advertising the ASA board look at this. The different types of websites are different made advertising advert agencies that mainly look at the creating, planning and the handling of advertising. These individual agencies almost work aside Ofcom but for different reasons. Ofcom look at viewing figures and the different agencies look at specific things like the ASA could be seen as an agency/company and they look at the rulings of different advertisements. Across the UK. Some agencies may look at the promotion of different advertisements with clients, so each company/agency have different jobs within advertising. The different agencies within advertising look purely at the clients and providers, they look at the outside point of view. This almost helps the advert producers as it gives them more information about where they should look at developing their adverts however this could cost them a lot of money to get these points of views. The different agencies can also look at the overall marketing and branding for the clients. This is mean by the different channels rate cards in which they charge advertisers to advertise their adverts. Depending on how watch the channel is the change in price for example we know BBC channels do not have adverts but ITV is the next big channel that many viewers watch and their prices on your advertising your 30 second ad depends on what time of the day you will be posting it. On ITV the price changes and can go up to 70,000 when asking to put your advert in between the coronation break, this costs more as the public viewers that watch this is much higher. However looking at a channel like channel AKA cost only ÂŁ5 to advertise your advert. So depending on the channel the price rate changes. Channels charge a lot of money to advertisers to promote their product because this is the main source of income for the channels.
These types of extra companies and agencies can help me if I wanted to get outside information that I did not know and these agencies are expects in what they do so they can help develop my advert. For example they can tell me where my advert may be best placed in the marketing i.e what channels. This will develop my advert as the agencies will know much more about the past of viewing figures and will also give me information that I would not be able to obtain from primary research.
By researching into the different rate cards for the different channels will help develop my advert as it will allow me to get inside figures of how much it would cost to promote/air my advert. This is important as I do not want to air my advert on any programme between any programmes because it may not get the right views from the target audience I want it to get, therefore looking at the viewing figures on different adverts whelp me understand what programmes are on which will help me understand where I would most benefit from airing my advert. By looking into the different viewing cards will also develop my advert as it will allow me to look at the different prices, this will help me mange the financial costs as I would prefer to spend more money on making the advert then promoting it on breaks that are not relevant to my advert audience. The rate cards also give me an idea of the comparison of prices from ITV, Sky and music channels. Looking to develop my advert I will look at my target audience first and then see what best suits it. For example if my audience
These websites cost a lot of money again as they are private websites that help clients. This would be no good to me if I am working off a small budget as I will not have enough money to pay for extra information like these. Also I may not always get all the information I need.
This could affect my advert because I would typically prefer to plot my advert in to one of the slots that are cheaper which may not help with the airing of my advert. The different channels also may lie to sell the sports for adverts which means I could need to spend more time looking in to these types of things.
An advertisers information pack is where it provides you the rate cards, which is how much it cost for you to air your advert on different channels, insertion dates, publication dates. So the pack includes all information you will need to plan the release of your advert.
This would develop my advert as It will give me all the information I need to fro the pre-production as it will give all the information that I would not have to search. This will develop my advert as I would not have to spend more time on researching the different costs of each channel to air my advert this will sane time for me to actually make the advert than researching the prices and so on.
This will limit my advert as these information packs are not easy to come across and cost a lot of money which will go into the money I will be using to film the production of my advert.
Research agency website are website that look closely at the opinion and the outside views of advertising and they help clients pitch their advert in terms of when to air. it is these types of agencies cost to get their help as they are helping the client make more money. There are agencies like the opinium research that look at helping clients with a range of their survives these could be; the audience views and opinions.
These would develop my advert as the research from them would help me into understanding what I can do to make my advert get more recognised making my product sell more. It is important that when rebranding the chocolate that I do it correctly and get the right views from it. Having an assistant in telling me what the public like and so on would be useful as they know what they are talking about.
Going to this types of agencies would genially cost a lot of money because this is where they get all their money income comes from helping clients. Agencies tend to be private which costs more money and then leads to the money being a problem as I would not have enough money to pay for this.
Advertisers’ information packs
Research agency websites
Definition of source
Standard Occupational Classification
The standard occupational classification is meant by the different levels in work ethics this tends to look at the different adverts and the audience. Looking at the different occupations depends on how your advert will plan out to be as your language would be different depending on the audience. The different classification jobs are classified in which level their skill is at this depends on how much training they would of needed to get into the job. At the top of this type of hierarchy are those that would of needed lots of training to get to where they are these tend to be people that are managers of big companies. Teachers would come under the second bracket as they also need a lot of training. This is useful as different people in different jobs tend to have different background for example people that are high up in the job worlds would read tabloids rather than newspapers like the sun. The standard occupational classification is used for career information to labour the markets in terms of jobs.
This will develop my advert as it is important to know what class of people you are aiming you advert at because this will determined what kind of language you would portray in my advert. If I find out that my target audience are of a higher class in my advert I would use more technical words as it would have to go more out to this type of people in that working class.
A big limitation to this is if I were to focus completely on my audience in terms of occupational jobs will mean that my advert will not be able to go out to other viewers and will make my advert very narrow and other people would not want to watch it and that would not have any relation to my advert. This will cause problems with viewing figures as people would not want to watch it which would mean that my product would not be sold as much as it could if I was to aim it to a bigger target audience.
Psychographics is where you would analysis a persons lifestyle to create a detailed costumer profile this is important when looking at you audience for you advert/ product because once you make a detailed customer profile of all you audience this can help with the relation you will portray in your advert by making it reach out to those people that are you target audience. Researchers tend to conduct Psychographic research by asking consumers to disagree or agree with different activities being interests, opinions and statements. The results of this exercise is the combination between geographic and demographics which is the profile of the place at which the person works and also the age, occupation and their education. This helps the researcher understand the individuals lifestyle more creating a profile around them.
This will help me in regards to my advert as I would get more of an overall understanding of each persons profile which will help me when making my advert as I will know more about my audience rather that just knowing they are manels, females young old and so on. I will have done my own primary research into each person. This will help me re-brand an old product that perhaps they brought as I will understand what was the disadvantages if the product before.
A mage limitation of this to my advert would be that it would take a long time to find out from each old consumer of the product a profile for them which will take away time you need to make the advert this would genially make the whole process longer. It would also cost a lot of money going around finding all these people that once brought the product.
There are two different parts this is you geographic and demographics. Demographics is meant by the characteristics of a population such as their race, sex, age, household size and so forth. This helps the research understand more about their target audience and understand each person as individuals instead of looking at them as a group of people. Looking at ones background helps the research look at what links the whole of the target audience together. Geographic's is meant by the persons back in terms of education, working life and so one. These are all aspects you would put together to create a profile of the person.
This will help me understand my targets needs more than just categorizing them as a group of people. This is very similar to the psychographics as the profile is made by the findings of the geographic and demographics.
A limitation of this would be the same as the above as it would constrict myself with what I will show in my advert as I would focus so much and looking at the individuals profiling and what their interests are which would help me make an advert. Although this would be affective for the advert as it would relate to them it would not
Geodemograph ics
How it could be used to develop your advertisement
Limitations of source in developing your advertisement
Source of Information