Kids' Chronicle Spring 2017

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Kids’ Chronicle

Volume 3, Issue 2 Semester 2, 2017

Amazing Authors in Lower School

3-Year-Old Preschool

During an “Author Spotlight” on Mo Willems, the children in Ms. Bridget’s Pre-K 3 listened to the story, Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale. They talked about the emotions Trixie felt when she realized Knuffle Bunny was missing. Several of the students said they have felt like Trixie! Zelda said she was worried when her “power ring” went missing. Tucker was mad when he couldn’t find his snake. Kara remembered she BAWLED when her marble went missing! They also talked about whether Trixie should bring Knuffle Bunny next time she goes on an errand with her Dad. Noa said Trixie should leave Knuffle Bunny at home. Krista suggested Knuffle Bunny might be safer if Trixie’s dad carried the bunny. Rachel thought Trixie should carry Knuffle Bunny in her book bag. After further discussion, everyone agreed that if Trixie wasn’t acting so crazy in the laundromat, Knuffle Bunny would never have been put in the washing machine!

4-Year-Old Preschoolers . . . Students in Ms. Betsey’s Pre-K4 worked hard on their Blue Dot Books! These books were inspired by Donald Cruz’s story, Ten Black Dots. The students are the authors and illustrators of their book. They come up with creative ideas of what one through ten dots will represent. Each student takes time, adds details, and is proud of their book! Here are a few excerpts:

Hazel: Five blue dots can make a monster. Scarlet: Two blue dots can make the moon and the sun. Brayden: Eight blue dots can make Sonic Racers. Patrick: Eight blue dots can make Bunny. Jacob: One blue dot can make a firehouse. Joshua: Two blue dots can make hot air balloons. Kendall: Six blue dots can make stars and shooting stars. Reese: Three blue dots can make little fishies. Isla: Four blue dots can make a pizza with girls eating it. Dreux: Seven blue dots can make wigs.

Summer Challenge Just as spring flowers are blooming, the students are blossoming as writers. We are so proud of their awesome growth in writing. Over the summer, be sure to have your children continue to write. Students may keep a journal of their summer activities, use writing prompts sent home by some teachers, or find daily writing prompts online. Many enjoy creating books using online sites, such as Storybird, and making book projects. Remember how they love to illustrate and share their stories, so be sure to include these opportunities, too.

Springtime in Kindergarten The kindergartners in Ms. Misulonas’ class brainstormed and wrote about what they like to do on a rainy day in April! On a rainy day I love to open my Dad’s car to get my hair wet. It is fun. (Conrad) On a rainy day I like when the rain goes away because rainbows come out. (Mackenzie) On a rainy day Elle, Liam, and I will play Monopoly with gold tokens. (Alec) On a rainy day I like to drink hot chocolate and I like having snacks. (Victoria) On a rainy day I like to wear my new pajamas. (Charlie D.) On a rainy day I like to dance inside of my house. (Stephanie) On a rainy day I like to watch movies. (Cydnee) On a rainy day I like to watch TV and I paint paper and I play games. (Leah) On a rainy day I like finding worms and hot chocolate. (Riley) On a rainy day I like to watch TV because the X1 box can work in the rain. (Ethan) On a rainy day I like to watch TV and play with my toys and play with my airplane. (Matthew) On a rainy On a rainy On a rainy On a rainy

day I day I day I day I

stay inside and play on my Mom’s phone. (Charlie M.) like to watch the May flowers grow. Also, I like to stay inside. Also, I watch the rainbow. (London) go inside and I play with my tablet and I play with my Mom. (Joshua) like to go to play in the rain. I like to go to my friend’s house. (Mia)

Students in Ms. Davis’ kindergarten class were on the look out for signs of spring. Below are some images that signify the change of season for them. I I I I I I I I I I

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know know know know know know know know know know

it’s spring when I see baby lambs. (Zion) it’s spring when I will go to the park. (Zealand) it’s spring when I see flowers. (Addie) it’s spring when I go to the beach. (Cody) it’s spring when I play in the flowers. (Ethan) it’s spring when I go to the zoo. (Jordan) it’s spring when it is a sunny day. (Aneesah) it’s spring when I go camping. (Symone) it’s spring when I pick flowers. (Jaiden) it’s spring when I ride my bike to the park. (Andrew) I know it’s spring when I pick flowers. (Addison) I know it’s spring when I eat ice cream outside. (Niahmaya) I know it’s spring when I hear people sneezing. (Lillian) I know it’s spring when I hear eggs hatching. (Kaiden) I know it’s spring when birds are chirping. (Colin)

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A Colorful First Grade In Drew Daywalt’s The Day the Crayons Came Home, Duncan is happily coloring with his crayons when a stack of postcards arrive in the mail from his former crayons, each of which has run away or been left behind, and all of which want to come home. From Maroon Crayon, who was lost beneath the sofa cushions and then broken in two after dad sat on him: to poor Turquoise, whose head is now stuck to one of Duncan’s stinky socks after they both ended up in the dryer together.

Dear Nadia, Remember when you took me to New Jersey when you went with your family? We used to play Tag. Remember? You probably don’t remember this part either but your mom put me in your brother’s diaper bag. Your baby cousin took me out and decided to chew me up. Hmmm and now I’m all chewed apart. Luckily tape is holding me together. Please come get me so your baby cousin won’t get me again. Your friend, Violet Purple

Mrs. Gray’s first graders loved reading about this colorful bunch of crayons so much that they wrote their own postcards from the crayon’s point of view describing where they were located, how they got there, what happened to them, and why they want to come home.

Dear Jordan, Remember when we went to the zoo and you had me in your hand? Guess what? You dropped me in the shark tank when you were trying to look. I almost got eaten by a shark. I’m scared and sleepy. Please come rescue me. Your friend, Wet Gray Crayon

Dear Logan, Remember when we were in New York City and you were taking the trash out? Well you weren’t watching me and I ended up in the dumpster. Please dig me out of here. It smells bad. Your friend, Pinky pink Dear Duke, Remember all the fun road trips we had. Well you left me in the glove box. Come and get me. It is getting dark in here. I can’ find my way out! Your scared friend, Light Green

Dear Jacob, This is your friend green. Remember when we were playing in the park and we sat down on the bench to color? You were coloring too fast and I broke. You stopped coloring with me and used a different color. That made me sad. Will you fix me so you can use me again to color? Your friend, Green Dear Max, Do you remember when you were coloring the picture of the ice cream cone in the coloring book? And it made you hungry. You went to the freezer to get some chocolate ice cream and you brought me and the coloring book with you. Your hands were full and when you

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reached for the ice cream you dropped me. It’s really cold in here. I want to get out of here. Can you please come pull me out of the freezer? Your friend, Sky Blue

Dear McK’La, This is your pink crayon. Remember when you started your new school in Florida? Your teacher was collecting the papers on your desk and I fell in between the desk. Help! I’m squished. Please save me. Your friend, Pink Dear Remi, You left me under your bed. I want to go home. Please come get me. Your friend, Pink Dear Lailah, You probably don’t remember me but you took me with you when you went to New York. You left me in the drawer at the hotel because you were rushing to go home. The next family that stayed in the room had a baby and the baby found me. She put me in her nose. Yuck! Please don’t leave me next time. Sincerely, Pretty Pink

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Life From Inside a Snow Globe Mrs. Ferguson’s first grader students got into snow fun by reading The

Snow Globe Family, by

Jane O'Connor. They made a list of all of the things that they liked to do in the snow. They read Snowmen at Night, by Carolyn Buehner, noting all of the fun activities that snowmen could engage in. Finally, they drew pictures of what they'd like to do if they lived inside their own snow globe. If I lived in a snow globe, you would see me, sitting on Santa’s lap. Inside, you’d see reindeer with Santa and me. Every day, I would move so nobody can see me. My snow globe plays music too! It plays “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”. When people pick me up and shake me, I get dizzy. You don’t get to hop away when you live inside there. I like to drink hot chocolate after being with Santa and his reindeer. The best thing about living in a snow globe is playing.

By Jayden

If I lived in a snow globe, it would be cool! Inside, you’d see RC trains, apartments, and an arch. Every day, I would play in the snow. You don’t get to go swimming when you live in a snow globe! When people pick me up and shake me, snow cones fall down. My snow globe plays music, too! It plays the “ABC” song. When I’m done playing in the snow, I like to have hot chocolate. The best thing about living in a snow globe is playing in the snow!

By Carter

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If I lived in a snow globe, it would be snowing. Inside, you’d see Santa and me. Every day, I would make snow angels. When you live in a snow globe, you don’t get to go to school. When people pick me up and shake me, you’ll see me and the snow. My snow globe plays music too! It plays Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”. When I’m done playing in the snow, I like to eat tacos. The best thing about living in a snow globe is you get to live in Paris!

By Lea

If I lived in a snow globe, it would be fun! Inside, you’d see Santa. Every day, I would play in the snow with my friends. When you live in a snow globe, you don’t get to run. When people pick me up and shake me, the snow will fall down. My snow globe plays music too! It plays Michael Jackson. I like to eat tacos when I’m done playing in the snow. The best thing about living in a snow globe is the snow is great!

By Havillan

If I lived in a snow globe, it would be fun! Inside, you’d see snow. Every day, I would walk my dog. When you live in a snow globe, you don’t get to go out. When people pick me up and shake me, my dog barks! My snow globe plays music, too! It plays “Take Me to Church”. I like to drink cocoa when I’m done playing in the snow. My dog drinks dog cocoa. The best thing about living in a snow globe is fun!

If I lived in a snow globe, it would be a circle. Inside, you’d see a house, people, kids, moms, and dads. Every day, my owner would take me in the car to school. When you live in a snow globe, you don’t get to say, “Hi!” When people pick me up and shake me, I dance to my mom and dad’s music. My snow globe plays music, too! It plays Rock and Roll. When I’m done playing in the snow, I like to drink hot chocolate. The best thing about living in a snow globe is snowballs!

By Grace

If I lived in a snow globe, it would be fun and scary. In my snow globe, you’d see me as an American Girl doll. Every day, I would get out of my box and play with my friends. When you live in a snow globe, you don’t get to have fun on Halloween. When people pick me up and shake me, my friends and I do gymnastics! My snow globe plays music too! It plays Ariana Grande music. When I’m done having a snow ball fight with my friends, I like to do gymnastics. The best thing about living in a snow globe is being with my friends!

By Brooklynn


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I Have a Dream, Too Inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, the second graders wrote their own versions of his speech. We hope you enjoy! I have a dream that one day this nation will put the guns down. I have a dream that one day people won’t steal so they can get out of jail. I have a dream that one day people will let kids vote. I have a dream that the poor will have homes to live in. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day people can just live in peace. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day people in jail will stop their bad things and have freedom. This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to have a perfect world. This will be the day when I become


By Jaidyn

I have a dream that one day this nation will be free of violence. I have a dream that one day people will use words. I have a dream that one day we will all get along. I have a dream that one day countries will love and not hate. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day mankind will stop killing Earth. I have a dream that one day we all can respect everyone and everything. This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to learn with peace and harmony and hope. This will be the day when we will be in

a world of peace, good, and hope.

By Terry

I have a dream that one day this nation will stop cutting down trees. I have a dream that one day people will stop throwing trash in the ocean. I have a dream that one day there will be no such thing as hate. I have a dream that nobody will ever be jealous of one another. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day no one will ever remember the word crime. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day there will be no more pollution. This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to change the world. This will be the day when the world will live in love.

By Micah

Second Grade Poetry Potpourri The second graders spent quite a bit of time writing poems to celebrate April’s National Poetry Month. While they explored several poetic styles and verses, they especially like writing about animals and themselves. We hope you enjoy their Poetic Concoctions!

My name is Artist, ‘ Cuz I love to draw. My name is Tech, ‘Cuz I like computer science. My name is Hungry, ‘Cuz I like to eat. My name is Daring, Cuz I do a lot of crazy tricks. My name is Kind, ‘Cuz I always help people. My name is Kye, ‘Cuz that is just my name!

By Kye

My name is Gamer, ‘Cuz I like video challenges. Volume 3, Issue 2

My name is Gymnast, ‘Cuz I’m good at gymnastics. My name is Clever, ‘Cuz I am smart. My name is Friendly, ‘Cuz I make people comfortable. My name is Hungry, ‘Cuz I just eat. My name is Kind, ‘Cuz I make new friends. My name is Juanita, ‘Cuz that is just my name!

By Juanita

My name is Happy, ‘Cuz I always have Joy.

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Second Grade Poetry Potpourri (cont’d) My name is Smart, ‘Cuz I like school. My name is Small, ‘Cuz I’m good at hiding. My name is Artistic, ‘Cuz I can really draw. My name is Sleepy, ‘Cuz I always dream. My name is Flexible, ‘Cuz I can do the splits. My name is Fast, ‘Cuz I am good at gym. My name is Francesca, ‘Cuz that is just my name!

By Francesca

Fast as cheetahs. Happy as bunnies. Mad as a dinosaur. Strong like a brick. Silent as birds. Surprised as ants. Scared as rabbits.

Kind as horses. Cute as kittens, Round like a ball.

By Madeleine

If I were a cheetah, I’d be spotted with dots, I’d eat tons of meat, I’d live in a tree, And I’d run with the wind.

By Madeleine

Fast as a cheetah, Happy as a dog. Mad as a lion. Silent as a spider. Surprised as a cat. Scared as a fish. Kind as a monkey. Cute as a puppy. Round like a ball.

By Gabriel

If I were a lion, I’d live in the grasslands, I’d

Time For Me to Fly! In another project, second grade students wrote a sequel to Jack Kent’s book, Round Robin. In the original, Round Robin becomes too fat to fly and must hop, slide, and trudge his way through snow to meet his fellow robins down in Florida. It is a great winter reunion – full of fun and food. But as spring nears, Round Robin is again too round to fly. Following a discussion of story elements such as problem and solution, the students imagined clever ways for Round Robin to return home for spring. Here are a few samples. Hippety, hoppety, boppety, BUMP! As spring begins, Round Robin starts his trip back north. First, Round Robin walked and walked. He met a brown

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eat any animal, I’d be yellow as tumbleweed, And I’d roam the wild.

German Shepherd on the street. It suggested going to yoga. But Round Robin could only do a few moves because he was not flexible. Next, the brown German Shepherd said to try bike riding. Round Robin needed a kid bike because his legs too short. He biked every day with the German Shepherd. It went really well!

Finally, the brown German Shepherd took them to an Animal Gym. It was going really well! Soon Round Robin did not look like a ball anymore. He looked like all his bird friends. Round Robin thanked the brown German Shepherd and flew away to his friends. Round Robin learned his lesson and still bikes every day.

By Nayia

By Gabriel

Fast as a cheetah. Happy as the sun. Mad as a crocodile. Strong like a brick. Silent as the sky. Surprised as a smile. Kind as a mouse. Cute as a puppy. Round like a circle.

By Charlize

If I were a hyena, I’d be black like the cliffs, I’d eat lions and gazelles, I’d live in the shadows, And I’d feel powerful!

By Charlize

Hippety, hoppety, boppety, BUMP! As spring begins, Round Robin starts his trip back north. Spring in America means the birds come back home from south to north. First, Round Robin bird is hopping home. It is hard for him, so he stops and meets a friend. They played for a while. Next, Round Robin meets another friend. They both found a mouse to play chase with. They played until it was time for Round Robin to head north again. Finally, Round Robin hops to a gymnastics place. He goes in and works out very

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Time For Me to Fly! (cont’d) hard. After hours of exercise, Round Robin isn’t round anymore! He makes his trip back north. He sees his friends and promises never to eat too much again.

By Bella

Hippety, hoppety, boppety, BUMP! As spring begins, Round Robin starts his trip back north. First he was too round to walk, so he had to roll. In fact, he loved rolling! One of the friends he made rolled him. He rolled him to an apple tree. It was great. He was halfway home. Next, Round Robin’s friend left him and he had to walk to another tree. But he was really hungry, so even though he hates apples, Round Robin ate one. Finally, Round Robin was super happy! He found fresh worms. They were so

yummy. But his friend was hungry, too so Round Robin shared his food. Together they flew north. Round Robin learned about teamwork and friends. He could fly back and forth the same time as his friends if he doesn’t get too round, again.

By Tiara

Hippety, hoppety, boppety, BUMP! As spring begins, Round Robin starts his journey back north. First, Round Robin is hopping, but after five minutes of hopping he stopped to get some food. When he was getting some shade, sitting and eating, he met another friend. He had the same problem. His name was Sphere Robin. Next, Round Robin was hopping and needed to take a break, so he stopped

at a flower. He found a bird who had a similar problem but solved it. He solved it by working out and doing pushups. He told Round Robin to try pushups. Finally, Round Robin was hopping and needed another break. He stopped in a meadow and met a squirrel who saw Round Robin’s roundness. The squirrel said if you eat less, you will lose your stomach. It was the next week. Round Robin had not eaten. He finally flew back north and learned his lesson. You can eat, but not too much.

By Alana

Third Grade Homophone Fun Mrs. Berley’s third graders were learning about homophones in spelling and English. They wrote creative stories using the homophones. Let’s Meet the Guy Who Eats Meat

By Monte

Once there was a guy who wanted to meet the guy who eats meat. First, there was a guy named Zack and he wanted to meet Bob, the guy who eats meat. He went to Patrick’s Steak House where Bob usually eats meat. Next, Zack found out that Bob ate eight steaks at Parker’s Steak House too. It's two doors down from Patrick’s. Zack wanted Bob to come to his steakhouse in a tent with stakes to hold the tent up. Finally, if Bob ate eight steaks, that’s quite a feat! He couldn’t walk on his feet back to the hotel. He looked so tired that he couldn’t handle everyone’s

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stares, so he went up the stairs. When again while in Subway eating my meat. Bob got to his suite, he called Zack, his The Flower in the Flour friend, to invite him for something By Jordyn sweet. Once there was a girl named Emily and her This Bee won’t Leave Me Be! daughter named Emma. By Ryan One day, it was Emma’s I was outside and I saw a beehive. birthday. Emma and Then I threw ten rocks at the hive. her mom woke up to The bee flew out of the hive and he start the day. Emily followed me everywhere! I went gave her daughter a through the door of the Subway store hare with perfect white hair. for lunch and the bee was still followEmily also gave her a flower. ing me. They went in the house to make a cake for Emma’s birthday party. They made The bee the cake, but when Emily added the was floatflour, Emma accidentally dropped the ing over flower from her hair into the baking my sandflour. When everyone ate the cake, it wich. He was terrible. They flew too had to make a whole close to new cake. This time me. He they didn’t put a wouldn’t flower in the flour let me be. and it was delicious! I flicked him away and I can honestly say that I hope I never meet that bee Page 7

Third Grade Fairy Tales Third grade students wrote and published fairy tales on where they used various collections of artists’ illustrations to help inspire their writing. The main objective for this project was to develop a character, setting, problem and solution. The Great Fairy Tale

By Jai

Once upon a time there was a princess who lived far, far away in a castle. She lived with her mom, the Queen, and with her dad the King. There was another kingdom called the Dark Castle! In the Dark Castle lived the Dark King and his son the Dark Prince. The Dark Prince loved the princess and the princess loved the Dark Prince. The Dark King and the King hated each other. The Dark King did not want the Dark Prince to marry the King’s daughter. The King did not want the princess to marry the Dark Prince. So when the princess left the castle to meet the Dark Prince, the King told a wizard to turn the Dark Prince in to a frog. The Dark King also told the Dark Wizard to turn the princess into a frog. The Dark Prince hopped back to the Dark King and asked him if he could turn him back into a human. The Dark Wizard tried and it did not work, the prince was still a frog. The Princess hopped back to the wizard and asked him to turn her back into a human. He tried and tried and tried and it did not work, she was still a frog. The Prince hopped into the forest and met a frog. He told her, “I am a Prince.” She said, “I was turned into

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a frog by a dark wizard. “The Prince said, “A wizard turned me into a frog too. “They kissed and turned into humanoids. The humanoids got married and lived in a golden kingdom, happily ever after. The Shark and the Man

By Savanah

Once upon a time there was a poor man named Noah. When he was sailing on his boat he saw a light so he sailed towards it and he saw a strange lady. Noah asked the lady what her name was. She said, ’’My name is Astrid.” Noah asked, ‘’May I have some food I am poor?” Astrid said no. Then he started to get desperately hungry so he went ashore looking for deer. He saw two but could not catch them. He got back on his boat and heard something. It was a whale shark so Noah tried to catch it but it kept jumping in and out of the water. Then Noah decided to jump in the water, to catch fish, when it was dawn. He was unsuccessful so he just sat on shore and watched the sun go down.

Then he found a forest so he looked for more animals. He looked for more animals but didn’t find any. Then while he was sailing he found a gold coin that people say bring good luck, so he kept that coin

and started to fish for the shark again. He finally caught the shark and ate it. Noah lived happily ever after. The Good Knight and the Good Bird Save the Village

By Malek

Once upon a time, there was a sad village because the people were slaves for the… BAD KNIGHT. Bad Knight is bad, because he was treated like garbage and he was bullied at his school when he was a child. And of course with every Bad Knight there is a Good Knight. He’s good because people treated him nicely in school. The Good Knight came to the village on Sunday and tried to fight Bad Knight. He was unsuccessful. Good Bird was a gift to Good Knight from his parents. Good Knight kept him as a sidekick. One day, Good Bird had a plan for Good Knight and himself to act dead so Bad Knight thinks that they died and he would leave the village. Bad Knight heard the plan. Good Knight and Good Bird knew he heard the plan so they did not do it. Bad Knight was so mad that he haunted the village. While he was haunting the village he found Bad Bird. He paid Bad Bird to help him fight Good Knight. When Good Knight and Good Bird realized that Bad Knight and Bad Bird were haunting the village, they went to them.

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Third Grade Fairy Tales (cont’d) Bad Bird was defeated by Good Bird. Bad Knight was not defeated by Good Knight. But that was the plan. Good Bird pretended to be Bad Bird, because Bad Knight did not know that Bad Bird had died. One day later, Good Bird said” I AM GOOD BIRD!” then he attacked Bad Knight. While he was being attacked, Bad Knight cried” NOOO”, but it was too late. Good Knight found a potion that magically returns the whole town back to good. After that, everyone lived happily ever after. The Mermaid and the Magical Unicorn

By Lilith

Once upon a time there was a mermaid named Shell. Her name was Shell because she absolutely loved shells. One day she became the queen of mermaids.

Sparkle was a unicorn. She was Shell’s BFF. Everything was peaceful until one day “she” came. No one knew her name or who “she” was! “She” was the evil looking queen but she didn’t just look evil, she was evil. This was the queen’s king and he did anything to please her. One day Shell found treasure. She wanted to bring it to her kingdom for her town. The queen got very mad and wanted the treasure to keep for herself. Even though she was a queen she wasn’t rich and that’s why she needed the treasure. Everyone ignored her since she looked so evil. The queen told her husband to think of a way to stop Shell from giving her treasure away. The king thought of what to do to get the treasure.

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He said “Make them freeze for eternity.” “Perfect!” said the queen. Then she told her pet tiger Fluffy to get the parts for the machine that would freeze everything. Sparkle the unicorn turned into a fairy and overheard the queen’s whole plot to get the treasure from Shell. Sparkle tried flying back to warn Shell. Then her wing hit a tree and then she flew into a house! She met a cat that was friends with a mouse. Sparkle asked the cat, “What is your name?” “Marmalade,” the cat answered. Sparkle said “My name is Sparkle. Do you know how to get out?” “Yes, ask the mouse over there to help with anything you need. Tell him I sent you.” Sparkle found the mouse. “Hello,” said Sparkle, “can you help me get to the ocean please? Marmalade the cat sent me here.” The mouse said “OK I’ll help you get to the ocean.” Sparkle thanked the mouse. Sparkle said, “The queen is going to freeze all of us on the land and ocean!!!” Sparkle turned into a mermaid and searched the whole ocean. She peeked through a shipwreck window that was broken and saw the Queen with a machine that she was about to turn on. “That was the freezing machine she was making for freezing everybody!” Sparkle thought. “YES!!!” Sparkle said, “That’s what I’ll do. I will ask her if she is freezing everyone, and she will say ‘yes’ and I will say ‘then you will freeze your king

and friends and of course yourself!’” Sparkle said, “Wait you’re freezing everybody right?” The queen replied, “Yes of course and WAIT HOW DO YOU KNOW?!” Sparkle said, “I was wandering around. It is a great plot but you will freeze your friends and king and yourself.” The queen laughed. “Friends? Never had one. King? Never liked him. Me? Wait, freezing myself? My beautiful self! Am I nuts?!” “This is it,” said the queen, “Now help me deactivate it!!!”

“Okay,” Sparkle said. “Thank you I guess,” the queen said. “Now I will return to my own home and never come back here.” “Okay,” Sparkle said. Everyone, except the queen, lived happily ever after. Princess Diary

By Jasmine

Once upon a time, there was a princess. Her name is Mia. She loves to sneak into the woods to go see magical deer. The magical deer always makes her magical dresses and they play around in the woods. Sometimes the deer signals his dragon friends and the dragons lift her in the air until she glows. One afternoon she was having so much magical fun that she forgot what time it was. Her mom sent the royal dog to find the princess. When he returned with the princess, the queen told the princess not to leave the castle ever again. And that day on, she was just Mia the normal teenager.

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Third Grade Fairy Tales (cont’d) Treasure

By Maxamillian

Once upon a time there was a troll. His name is Max. Max is poor. He did not have the best house but who cares? He was sad that he was poor. Max lives in a mushroom village. It is mostly cold but Max does not mind. Sometimes the sun comes out. He loves to go in his garden and eat pumpkins. While he was eating pumpkins, Max saw a scroll. Max opened it and it said TREASURE at the top. Max ran to his house to grab a sandwich and set off to find the treasure. Max had never been on a trip. He walked for a long time. Max was getting tired, so he went to sleep. He woke up in a hole. Some wolves must have dragged him in to their den. First, he tried to climb out but that did not work. He saw a ladder, but when he tried to climb it, it broke. Then he called his bird and she flew Max out.

dog said, “Do you have the money?” Max said “No!”, but he took it and ran away. The dog was trying to help. Max became evil. It was the necklace. The longer you have it the more evil you get. People try to tell him to take it off but he did not listen. Max did not know that they were trying to help. He thought they were trying to take it from him. He finally found the treasure! When he got home, the dog was there. The dog said, “Give me the necklace!” “NO!” said Max. They fought and the dog broke the necklace. Max said, “The necklace controlled me. I am sorry, do you want to be friends?” “Sure!” said the dog. They shared the treasure and they lived happily ever after. The Hungry Tummy

By Justin

Once upon a time there was a boy and his name was Justin. He has two friends Max and Ella. They lived in a white containment room because Justin had an evil tummy that wouldn’t eat fruits and vegetables.

The bird flew him down. Max saw a house and he walked inside. It was not the best. He went to bed in there and he dreamed about the treasure. It was beautiful and he got really excited.

He woke up and Max saw the necklace he had read about. He saw a dog. Max said “Can I have the necklace?” The

They tried to sneak a carrot into the tummy’s mouth, but they forgot when Justin wakes up, the tummy wakes up. Next, they tried to get the tummy to drink this “hot chocolate.” Psst, it’s old banana with carrot and potato. But, the aroma it let out, you can smell a mile away! They were about to give up when Max

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had one last idea. He made a cupcake “How is a cupcake going to stop the tummy?” asked Ella. “It is a cupcake with banana bread bottom, “said Max. They called Justin and the evil tummy whose name is Mark. They said to Mark, “Look at this delicious cupcake.” “It does look rather tasty,” as Mark took a big bite of the cupcake. “What’s in this?” he said. “It has a banana bread bottom,” said Max. “I will be back,” said Mark as he slowly faded away. “Hooray,” they all said. They moved out and lived happily ever after. The Kidnap

By Zuri

Once upon a time there lived a king in Roseland Kingdom. The king was married to an evil queen. The king did not know she was evil and that she was planning to kidnap his daughter. His daughter was a beautiful princess and she liked gold. But the king did not know that the queen was married to an evil emperor. The emperor was evil because he wanted to kill all the good guys and so did the queen. The emperor loved to skateboard. Suddenly one of the emperor’s agents kidnapped the princess. One of the knights from the king’s army tried to shoot him down but the agent threw a knife at him and killed him. The king tried to get the agent but he was knocked out by a troll. The king called for help. Suddenly a prince appeared. He said he would help

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Third Grade Fairy Tales (cont’d) rescue his daughter. Suddenly a magical skateboard appeared the skateboard could fly. They flew to the emperor’s palace. They saw a ghost!!!!!!!!! They tried to fly around it but the prince got dizzy by the ghost and fell in to the forest. They saw the emperor’s palace but a troll knocked the king out. The prince was the last man standing. There she was the evil queen. She was ready to fight, a magical sword appeared and the prince grabbed it the queen knocked the sword out of the prince’s hand. ‘’Nowhere to hide,’’ said the queen. The prince pushed the queen off the mountain. Finally the prince threw a gas pipe into the emperor’s heart and killed him. The princess was rescued by the knights and prince, later that day the prince proposed to princess and they lived happily ever after. The Battle Between Good and Evil

By Maxwell

Once upon a time, there was a brave dragon, a beautiful princess, a handsome prince, and small fairies. This story took place in a sparkling, magical castle. There were big giants and wolves. The princess was afraid of wolves and giants. So the princess never left the castle. Every night she heard the wolves howling and the giants stomping. The king ordered the prince, dragon and the fairies to attack the wolves and giants.

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The fairy tried magic to get rid of them, but that didn’t work. Second, the prince tried slaying them, but that didn’t’ work. Finally, the dragon defeated them with his fiery breath. The princess went outside. It was safe. She was able to go outside again and again and lived Happily Ever After! The New Princess

By Chloe There was once a little hare who stumbled into a royal garden patch. He saw a girl. Her name was Sofia. She and her mother were visiting the king. When they arrived at the palace, her mother Miranda had found that she was a perfect fit for King Rolend. The King married Miranda, and Sofia became a princess. Princess Amber didn’t like Sofia. Amber thought she would ruin everything, so at recess. Amber made Sofia go on the Wing Swing.

Sofia fell out of the swing and landed in the water fountain. Everybody started laughing at her. Sofia ran off. She found a baby bird that fell out of her nest. Sofia helped her up, the bird replied “thank you!" Sofia was shocked because she didn't know that the amulet made her talk to animals. Sofia responded, “You're welcome." Just then the bunny hopped over, "Princess Sofia, it’s a pleasure to meet you, my name is Clover!" Sofia was startled again. Clover motioned for Sofia to follow him and she went further into the woods. Sofia asked, "Where are we going, Clover?" Clover said, "My friends Robin and Blue are

going to take you back to the entrance of the Palace, after that you have to get ready for the Royal Ball. Your family will be waiting for you." Sofia responded, "Only my mom will be waiting. King Rolend, Prince James, and Princess Amber are not part of my family". Clover, Blue, and Robin hurried Sofia back to the palace entrance. Blue quickly flew and rang the bell. A palace maid named Janet came to answer the door and saw Sofia. She hurried Sofia into the palace and helped Sofia get ready for the ball. When Sofia walked down the grand palace staircase, everyone stared. Kind Rolend took her hand and she began to waltz with King Rolend.

King Rolend told Sofia, "Sofia you're a princess now, it’s okay to talk to me. Just because I'm your step father doesn’t mean we can't share things.” Okay, Sofia said, and they lived happily ever after! The Mermaid and the Merman

By Josaline

Once upon a time there was a mermaid named Annabella. She was the prettiest mermaid in the whole sea. The fish loved her very much. She told them stories when she was human. Then she showed them a

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Third Grade Fairy Tales (cont’d) picture of her when she was human and a picture of her with her mom. But one day, she became sick and turned human again. Everyone knew she was sick. They had to get her special soup called chicken noodle soup. She got over her cold and when she was older, she wanted to become a mermaid again but she couldn’t. So she just had to imagine she was a mermaid again. Since she didn’t live in the sea anymore, she wondered if the fish missed her. Suddenly, someone said hello…..she did not say anything back because she didn’t see anyone. She went outside and didn’t see anyone. She saw someone in the sea, so she dove in. She met a merman. He took her hand and she magically turned into a mermaid again and they lived happily ever after!


By Ella

Once upon a time there was a princess who was always happy with her father. Then an evil queen cast a spell on her that meant she was taken to the sky and locked up. Then one day a prince was riding Maximus, his favorite horse, and his friend Antler, the dragon when suddenly….he heard “HELP!!!!” He wondered if someone was in trouble. So he walked and saw a magical woman that said, “Help me, please!”

fake wings on and flew into the sky. When he arrived, there was a giant snake guarding her. “Ahhhhh,” said the prince. “Hello,” said the snake, “I will kill you now!” But the prince killed the snake first with his sword. He set the princess free. They got married and lived happily ever after.

He said, “Ok, where?” “Up” she said “in the sky.” “Ok” he said. Then he set off. He put

Third Grade Celebrates Earth Day! We love our trees and bees. Please don’t litter in the seas! Pick up your trash in a flash! We need to Save And behave.

By Stephen

Earth Day falls in National Poetry Month. So for Earth Day, the third graders wrote some poems about the Earth using rhyming words.

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Save the water for the baby otter. What did he ever do to you? If I can save the Earth, Then you can too! Be the No Pollution Police

By Jayda

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Fourth Grade Letters to an Author The fourth grade class has learned that letter writing is an essential skill. The sheer fun of sending and receiving letters appeals to everyone. There is something special about putting letters into the mailbox, having them delivered, and patiently waiting for a reply. Unlike sending a text or quick e-mail, you can take the time to think about what you want to say. Best of all, you can keep letters to read again and again. We have read some amazing novels this year so we decided to write to our favorite authors.

I would like to learn more about you as a writer. What inspired you to write this book? What gave you the confidence to go on when things didn’t go your way at first? I know if I was a writer, I would get stressed if I couldn’t think of anything to write. In closing, I just wanted to tell you that your books are great and I admire your persistence to never give up.

Dear Kate Di Camillo,

My name is Micaiah and I attend Morgan Park Academy. I deeply love your stories! My favorite was Because of Winn Dixie. It was our summer read before entering 4th Grade. I liked it because Opal found a stray dog and decided to take it home. I felt a personal connection with Opal because she loves to listen to stories and I do, too! I write my own stories at home. My favorite character was Otis because of the way he uses his language. I have always loved dogs, but my parents won’t let me have one.

My name is Lauren and I’m in the fourth grade. I am writing to you to let you know I simply adored your novel, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. You are such a creative and inspiring author. Your small details make the book a whole lot easier to imagine. I love how Edward went on different journeys, some good, some bad, just to end back up with his rightful owner. Personally, I loved how you ended each chapter, leaving the reader in suspense, not knowing what was to come. I also enjoyed how you could see everything from Edward’s point of view. Your writing gives such vivid descriptions of the characters. When Sarah Ruth died, I was stunned. I was so sad, but I liked that Edward now had a new journey to experience.

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Your biggest fan, Lauren Dear Kate Di Camillo,

I had a few questions for you. Do you have any children? How did it feel when you won the John Newberry Medal? That is a great honor. I hope you will continue writing. We read about you in class and learned that your manuscripts were not accepted at first. I liked the fact that you never gave up.

Dear Gordon Korman, My name is Christian. I go to Morgan Park Academy in Chicago. I wanted to write to you to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your book Swindle. I liked your book because it had a lot of interesting characters and fun scenes. I loved how each character had a special talent just like many of my friends. My favorite part was when both the dogs ate the turkey. Palomino was so shocked! It was hilarious. My favorite character was Griffin. He never gives up and stands up for his friends. I think that is a good quality to have. What inspired you to write Swindle? Sincerely, Christian Dear Jerry Spinelli, Hi, I’m Madison but my friends call me “Maddie”. I read your book Maniac Magee in my fourth grade class. It’s my favorite book so far. My favorite character is Maniac because he runs to an all black town, the east end in Two Mills. He treated everyone there the same way he wanted to be treated. He loves to run and so do I. I run 5k’s all the time. We have another thing in common too. When he was 3 his parents died. When I was seven my grandma died. Sure, his parents died, but my grandma was very close to me.

Sincerely, Micaiah

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Fourth Grade Letters to an Author (cont’d) My least favorite character was John Mc Nab. He was not a good role model or friend at first. I like how he changed at the end of the story. I would just like to tell you what a great skill in writing you have. Sincerely, Madison

When Edward missed Abilene he was sad just like me when my parents went on a trip. I missed them. When Abilene saw Edward again, he was happy just like I felt when my parents came back.

thought of “Edward Back Home”, but that’s just a suggestion. What inspired you to write? I would love it if you came to my school to visit. I hope you continue writing! Sincerely, Tyler

It was a great book! Your biggest fan, Walter

Dear Kate Di Camillo,

Dear Kate Di Camillo, Hello, my name is Walter. I attend Morgan Park Academy in Chicago. I loved your amazing book The Miracu-

My name is Tyler and I’m in the fourth grade at Morgan Park Academy. Our class read your book The Journey of Edward Tulane. I really loved it! When Sarah Ruth died I was so sad, just like when my dog died. My favorite part of the story was when Edward thought no one was coming for him. I loved how Abilene and her daughter Maggie ended up finding Edward many years later and took him home. I thought it was a great ending to the story.

lous Journey of Edward Tulane.

It was a fantastic book to read and I really enjoyed it. I loved it when Edward had a happy dream with all the people he loved and when Abilene found Edward. I like those parts because it was so emotional and happy to see them in one place. My favorite character was Edward Tulane. He was a great inspiration and he taught me to never give up. I’m just like Edward. Sometimes I feel down and sometimes I’m up.

I had a few questions for you. Are you going to write a sequel to The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane? If you do, that would be amazing! I’ve been thinking of a name for a while and I

Dear Jerry Spinelli, Hi, my name is Will and I’m in the fourth grade. I go to Morgan Park Academy. Your book Maniac Magee was very good. Maniac Magee was one of my favorite characters. He inspires me by never giving up. When he went to the east side, he was very brave. He saw everyone for who they were. He did not judge people by the color of their skin. In the story, I thought it was very sad that Maniac was homeless. It was very kind of Amanda to let him stay with her and her family. Maniac really felt at home there. I enjoyed reading about all of the characters Maniac met. Mars Bar was a bully at first but then he became a hero. John Mc Nab was a good character too. I like John Mc Nab because he strikes out a lot of people. It was cool when Maniac Magee hit the frog. That was one of my favorite scenes. I really enjoyed reading your book and I hope you write more! Sincerely, Will

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Fourth Grade Poetry Poetry is one of the most powerful forms of writing. It is an expression of who we are. Two types of poetry the fourth graders enjoyed were “I Am” poems and “Bio Poems” both of which embrace each student’s unique thoughts. I am a warrior and a powerful girl I wonder what my future holds I hear the cries of the less fortunate I see leaves budding on the trees, spring is here I want people to stop bullying others I am a warrior and a powerful girl I pretend I’m a model when I try on make-up I feel like a different person when I listen to music I touch my lizard’s scaly back when I give her a bath I worry that people will keep polluting the Earth I cry at funerals of loved ones who were close to me I am a warrior and a powerful girl

I understand that you have to work hard for what you want I say that everyone should have a voice I dream that one day we will have a peaceful world I try to be the best “me” I can be I hope to see the first female president I am a warrior and a powerful girl I am Caitlin. I am improved day by day I wonder what the future has in store for me I hear friends chatting and laughing I see a world filled with friends

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I want a world free of pollution I am improved day by day I pretend I can feel the world turning I feel powerful with the fact that I can do anything I put my mind to I touch the world with my words I worry that someday no one will care at all I cry when a butterfly loses its wing I am improved day by day I understand other’s pain I say what I must to get through the day I dream of a world free from pain I try to be the best I can be I hope to inspire the lives of many I am improved day by day I am Ethan

I am sensational I wonder if I will get drafted in the NFL I hear cheerful sounds of football I see NFL memorabilia I want a Hoverboard I am sensational I pretend I’m a NFL player who just won the Super Bowl I feel overjoyed when my team makes it to the championship I touch gaming apps on my phone I worry about my dream never happening I cry when I’m hurt really bad I am sensational I understand math I say amazing things to my friends I dream about seeing my dad I try to motivate myself I hope that I’ll get to see a NFL game I am sensational I am Christopher I am marvelous and extraordinary I wonder if I am Indian I hear fabulous sounds of birds chirping

I see wonderful, amazing things happening outside the window I want a new phone for my birthday I am marvelous and extraordinary I pretend my baby brother is a cute baby pig I feel overjoyed when I get good grades on my report card I touch cute, friendly dogs I worry that I will not do well in the play I cry when people are dying I am marvelous and extraordinary I understand science I say whatever comes to my mind I dream that one day there will be no violence I try to be a good son I hope to be the best swimmer ever I am sensational and marvelous I am Brandon

Dion Active, lazy, funny, sensitive Son of Dion & Zantra Who loves God, video games and pool Who fears the devil Who needs family by him Who gives jokes and love to make people happy Resident of Markham Madkins

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Fifth GradeFree Verse Poetry

The Fifth Graders read Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson. This was a memoir written in free verse and haiku poetry. After reading this book and understanding the symbolism of this style of writing, they fell in love with free verse and wrote one about an important event in their lives. When I Grow Up

By Seth

All the things I wanted to be when I grow up, the first one was a singer, Show off my talents without being told to be quiet, I wanted something thrilling My second was a race car driver, something dangerous, racing and competition all for money, fame, and everything that made up the American dream, A scientist, I thought it would be like in cartoons, where you would mix some chemicals and it would just blow up, I thought it meant I could test things on people without their permission. The imagination of a child is much different than what society has things mapped out to be.

My Own Game

By Madison

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Started playing tennis at three, thought I was professional, thought it would be easy, that’s what a lot of people say They are wrong it is actually a fun, hard strategy game at four and five started getting the hang of it Six and 7 wanted to play some tournaments but wasn’t ready Nine, I played my first orange ball tournament and won played two more of those and I lost one and won one moved up to green dot ball and lost one about to play my second one this week feeling confident Thought it is fun It still is to me Some things can be hard, but I like it that way Still being confident and thinking I am professional.

Shadowing By Sydni

One day I shadowed at MPA. When I did I was really scared and nervous. Everything seemed fun and all the kids seemed nice. I made friends that day and everything was good. I'm glad my mom decided to enroll me in MPA. Here at MPA I've had a lot of ups and downs but so does everyone else. Mrs. Barnicle was so awesome and nice, she taught me the MPA way! THE DEMON

By Trey

Going on a rollercoaster First time going to Six Flags While we are driving, I feel excited but terrified Alana looks amazed at all the rides

I smell golden brown funnel cakes The smell haunts my nose The workers are all dressed in red My thoughts on this color are anger But it looked fairly happy here The demon is at my feet It’s loops go on and on I tremble where as my sister laughs After the ride my legs are shaking I hope that never happens again Shoot for the Stars!

By Jaden

He asked me what I wanted to be. I said I don't know the choices, the choices I still did not know. Later that day, documentary about injured whales Then, I knew what I wanted to do…. I wanted to be a Marine biologist .

Marine biologist the best in the land. Dr. Jaden Reeder it had ring to it. I have always loved the water that's my dream, what's yours? MY ARM!

By Leo

As I jump on the trampoline in winter It’s as fun as it is bitter But what my friend did wasn’t nice He shoved snow into my face I tried to get out of the trampoline To wipe my face off Page 16

Fifth Grade Free Verse (cont’d.) But tripped on the net When I was falling I was scared When I fell I put my arms out Snap! I fractured my wrist My Story of Sadness

By Angela

I remember everything. The last things I said. I love you. I will see you next year. Two months later on a sunny Saturday, I wake up. A fall, a cut, my family’s tears, a question, a funeral. It happened just like that. I never thought how depression could change your life. Those following days were sunny then rainy. When the sun was out I thought of the last words I said. When it was rainy, I cried. My dogs came, so did my mom and offered me food. I said nothing. I was getting over it. A few years later. My dog, Valentine’s Day, a death, a talk, a plan. Luckily I had another dog. That same week; a performance, a last death.

First Time at the Hospital By Nicholas Five years old, at my old house Playing with my dad Throwing the ball My sister called me Ran down the stairs Sat down on the weight bench Over excited, jumping around Sister says, Sit down Sat on the edge of the bench

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Fell off onto a huge weight Hit the back of my head Blood coming out everywhere my parents rushed me to the Emergency Room All I remember is lights in my face at the hospital, I try to figure out where I am They had little clamps to hold the gash together Twenty stitches! The cut, the cut finally healed The hair never grew back. A bald spot on the back of my head Finally Here

By Trinity

My mom and I take a plane from Chicago to Atlanta. I’ve never been to Georgia before. I can’t wait until the black wheels of the plane hit the ground. When we find our bags and start to leave the airport, I can already feel the warm Georgian breeze hit my face. One of my parent’s friends picks us up along with her daughter who is only a few years older than me. We get to the nice woman’s house, I am introduced to her two other children. Soon, my daddy arrives to drive us to Alabama. While we were there, we went to a restaurant called Moe’s. After a few hours of my dad driving, I can finally see the sign says “Space Camp”. I have waited so long for this moment! And I can’t believe I am finally here.

The PS4

By Noah

On one Christmas morning opening up gifts, until I opened the one special gift. THE PS4! As soon as I opened it I went straight to my room to hook it up and I started to play the PS4. I played day and night nonstop till I got tired, I downloaded game after game, and played until I finished it. Sometimes I wouldn't even go to sleep, Playing with some of my friends on the PS4 Meeting new people that are funny always rage quitting because you keep losing and dying. You’re always second guessing yourself if you should go to sleep or stay up on the game all night. Then you realize that it is 6:00 and you were up all night and you have to go to church in the morning. Still to this day I always play my PS4 all day all night playing the PS4 Just playing game after game waiting for the PS5 to come out and be waiting for me to play it. My First Story

By Sofia

My first story was amazing it had happy, sad, and awesome parts in it. I made it then the teacher graded it. She says “I will give this story a ten out of ten you misspelled some words but it is still fantastic I could not guess the end”.

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Fifth Grade Free Verse (cont’d.) Me making it was an adventure like Jacqueline I got lost in the book I took myself to the scene the setting it was so amazing. My friend said “good job” even the class bully was impressed. I was in second grade not many second graders liked the idea of writing. I wrote so much I could only write twice a week. The Day I Played on the BULLS Court

By Quentin

Very Quiet for a while, Walking through the tunnel. I put my game shoes on. Both shoes on and back through the tunnel, and onto the court I go. We get on the court and I get a basketball. I am finally on the Bull’s court. “ Will I have fun? “ I ask my dad, “Yes, he replies.” Bill Wennington looks 7 feet tall and he is not.

After the game it is tied 56 to 56 and I have fourteen points! It was awesome. New School

By Josh T.

One important thing that happened to me, is to be, a newbie, at a new school that is for me, I used to be, nervous and scared but now I’m free, to be me at this new school so now it’s my second year , I have learned to fit in, and now I am no longer new , I was new in the past but now I am old


By Joshua J.

On the Disney cruise I was excited It was adventurous The waterslides, The food, The comfortable beds and pillows.

We had to look for clues to solve the mystery. You had to search around to figure out who did the crime. It was a mystery cruise. At the Park

By Jeanell

I was at the park having fun in the sun Then my skin started to burn I had a sunburn It hurts to run and walk even to smile Inside I feel happy but also sad I want to go play again but it will start to hurt even more So I went inside and took a shower Before I go outside I put on sunscreen then I go But in my mind I am scared Scared that I will get sunburn again I do not want it again it hurts So I did not go I stayed inside I played with my brother Josh It was fun but I was still in pain I am sad and very mad I have mixed emotions now It is sad being sunburnt IT HURTS TO DO EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!

Fifth Grade Dragons Fifth grade students read Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin. This story was set in China and dragons were central to the story. Students also learned about the importance of dragons in the Chinese culture. In response to the reading, students wrote a story about a fictitious dragon that embarks

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on a magical journey. The Story of Preston

By Michael

Not long ago, there lived a dragon named Preston. Preston was a dragon of ice, lightning, and speed. Preston loved to play with his two friends, Lachlan and Fenrir. Sadly, Lachlan moved away to Australia. Lachlan became a famous YouTuber since he had become human. Fenrir and Preston

lived in Cloud City, and on the same block. A few years later Preston and Fenrir noticed some changes. Like how Mrs. Garcia had no cats and used to have nine, but Mrs. Poochy, who hated cats somehow loved them and had five. Then one night Preston realized that

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Fifth Grade Dragons (cont’d) someone had been changing the past, which is alternating the present. The next day Preston and Fenrir caught the smallest glimpse of this dragon before he poofed away. Preston snuck out of the house the next night to find the Dragon. When he did, he once again disappeared. But Preston found something on the ground when he vanished, a journal. The journal had the name of the villain in it. His name was Deathius. He had been trying to erase someone from existence. Preston! Preston told this to Fenrir and figured out where he is going next, Preston’s parent's house, but before he is born! He didn’t do this before because he could have erased himself from existence, but he has calculated this time jump, and he won’t be taken out of time itself. Preston and Fenrir find Deathius and are about to fight him when WOOSH! He disappeared. Preston now knows where he is going then moving at his top speed, WOOSH! Preston disappeared. Fenrir then went to get something to eat seeing that he couldn’t go in the timeline. Preston finds Deathius, and they fight in the space-time continuum. Preston makes the ultimate sacrifice by moving so fast he incinerated himself, but in the process, he shot off a mixture of ice and lightning, frostlightning, which kills Deathius. Preston realized he’s not dead, but in the speed force. Preston thinks of a way to escape. If he freezes the speed force, then runs so fast he breaks the speed force for a short amount of time,

he can escape. He does this but fails because the speed force is pure lightning and melted it instantly. Preston then used the last amount of energy he has then FWOOO! Preston froze the Speed Force. But before it melted, Preston zipped at speeds faster than light then KUHH! Preston broke free! He traveled back to his time and told Fenrir and his parents about what happened. Then they celebrated with a buffet of Preston’s favorite food, HOTDOGS! One of Two

By Charlie

Once there was a dragon, he was a very large dragon for his age. He was just 1111 years old, which is very young for a dragon. He had no mother or father. He was all alone with nowhere to call home. He would just move from place to place. One day when he was out flying, he was caught on a branch. He stopped as he realized his wing was not fit to fly. He had torn his wing and was in pain. This was a big problem since there was no one to help take care of his wing. As he was out walking, he sees another dragon, and he sees it looks like him. He was so excited that he screamed hey. She stops and stares at him and can see that he is hurt. She helps bandage his wing and tells him to come with her. Dragon is wry, but since he had been alone for so long, he goes anyway. Dragon says, “Where are we going?” She says, “We are going to the Temple.” Dragon asks, “What's the temple?” She says, “Oh, Poor Baby! That's my home, and my name is Kara.” Dragon thinks back to when his mom and dad were still alive and remembered what a home felt like. Dragon is very excited to see Karas home. Since that's all Kara could talk about. When they arrive at the Temple, Kara delivers him to the Grandmaster Máxi-

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mo. Kara says goodbye and good luck and flies away. Dragon never saw Kara again. The Temple is so beautiful with mountains and green fields. Dragon could not stop smiling with joy. The Grandmaster asks, “What is your name, young fellow?” Dragon says, “Well, I don't have a name.” The Grandmaster looks at Dragon and says, “We shall call you Kareem. It was my father’s name. A strong name,” says the Grandmaster, “I see something special in you.” The Grandmaster talks to Dragon for hours as the walk through the land. When they reach the end of the island, the Grandmaster tells Dragon I don't have any more questions for you now. You may stay if you please or may leave if you wish and continue on your journey. Kareem decides to leave and continue on his journey to travel the world, but not until his wing healed first. Along the way, he tells everybody his name and where he's traveled. He tells them about the people he met and all the things he has done. Everyone who met him knew his name and kindness. He was loved by everyone and became friends with everyone. He spent years in cities and villages helping people, and then like nothing, he would vanish just like that. He eventually reached his final destination HOME. He returned to the Temple where he could finally rest. He stayed this time and shortly after became the grandmaster. He eventually settled down and married a beautiful dragon named Kelly. She was just as big-hearted as he was. They had four kids named Chelsy, Chadam,

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Dragon Papers (cont’d.) Kyle, and the fourth well the fourth kid doesn’t have a name. Kareem sent out his son at a very young age and told him to travel the world and to really see it, and he will find his name along the way. Then he will know who he is and where he belongs. Kareem sent him off with a heavy heart. He had a hard time because he missed him. But as it goes Kareem died at the age of 100002. He outlived his kids, but not the fourth. For His son returned Home with his name DRAKO. The Stitch Water Dragon

By Samara

Long ago in ancient China, there were billions of dragons. There were a lot of different kinds of dragons. But there was one special type of species, the Stitch Water Dragon. But, out of all of them, there was one special dragon named Stitch.

Stitch eats shrimp, lobster, crab, and fish. Stitch catches her food by sneaking up behind her prey and catches it. (But she doesn't eat so much that her food goes extinct, she eats two things for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She doesn't have a big appetite.) The only way for the Stitch Water Dragon to breed is for them to meet another dragon who lives in a different ocean. (For example, a dragon that lives in the Atlantic Ocean could mate with a dragon that lives in the Indian Ocean.) They lay 50 eggs at a time. The eggs are purple, blue, and green, they are also very shiny. The design on the eggs looks like tie dye. The mother dragon keeps her eggs with her for 20 months. The Stitch Water Dragon has learned to change to the color of the water if they feel threatened. But they go back to blue and purple if they are okay. The Stitch Water Dragon can breathe fire underwater if they feel like it. The Stitch Water Dragon can live to be older than 900 years old. The Stitch Water Dragon will get along with humans unless they are being threatened by one. The Pearl Dragon

Stitch was blue and purple. She had a long tail, with a triangle at the end. She was not fat and she was not slim she was in the middle. She was 450 lbs, which was very light for her species. She always smelled like an ocean breeze. She can shoot water out of her mouth as far as 100ft. Stitch can travel at the speed of light. Her scales were not rough like fire dragons, scales felt like silk. Stitch lives in the ocean. She lives at the very, very, very, bottom of the ocean. She is allowed to travel to any ocean in the world.

Volume 3, Issue 2

By Morgan

Beautiful, elegant, graceful, and magical, her name is Pearl. In this narrative, you will learn how she protects, behaves, and interacts with others. Pearl is a female dragon and so her colors are girly. She is mainly white with blotches of pink and blue. She is eight feet tall and somewhat curvy and skinny because she refuses to overeat. Pearl flies with a sphere which she uses as a weapon. Unlike the female dragon, males dragons are bigger with white as the primary color and red, pink or blue blotches scattered on their bodies.

Pearl does not blow flames. She has soft scales which make her look nice. Her 6 claws are filed nicely so as to not destroy things in her path. Beijing, China is where she lives. Her home is in a small village. She lives in a cave among a beautiful waterfall, snow-capped mountains, lush green trees and a clean cool stream. This Pearl Dragon eats leaves, rice, and hogs. The villagers feed them their extra rice for being polite and kind. Also, they pull the leaves off the trees to munch on as well. Pearl Dragons build their nest in caves. These dragons usually lay six eggs. After hatching, the baby dragons (if they are male) have the exact color pattern as the adult ones and the female dragons color pattern is identical to the adult female dragon. Pearl Dragons camouflage when they are hunting for food. They have a weapon which is a sphere. These spheres are pointy and sharp. They make very good weapons. Of course, they are mainly used to kill their food to eat. The Pearl Dragon is a graceful dragon. It stays calm and is always eager to do the job of protecting China. Sometimes it may panic, but it tries to do its best. The Pearl Dragon flies better than any other dragon. It is smarter and more cunning also. Pearl Dragons love people, especially kids. They try to work well with others even if they get irritated. They are good dancers. They even ballet dance. As graceful fighters, they have peaceful spirits.

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