Vouched Books Process

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VouchedBooks Branding Process Archive

This book was made to show the process of creating the branding strategy for Vouched Books. All materials shown are original and were a crucial par t in finding and creating the final branding strategy for Vouched Books.


Table of Contents 1 Logo Exploration.......................pg7 2 Corporate Communication.........pg13 3 Product and Packaging..............pg19 4 Environments............................pg27 5 Marketing.................................pg33


Logo Exploration The Vouched Books logo was developed with a distinctive emblem and suppor ting logotype. Both pieces are distinctive in their own regard but have been designed and balanced to be used in tandem.


The Process There were a variety of sketches and ideas produced in the beginning to try and fully embody the essence of Vouched Books. From there a series of digital mock ups were created. Throughout this process there were several directions and explorations of emblems, typography, and their variations. In the end an emblem was the best fit for the Vouched Books.

Logo Exploration


Toward the end of the design process an emblem logo became the top choice. It represented the seal of approval the company gives to it’s books and the high quality of the company and it’s products. Final logo shown right.

Logo Exploration


CORPORATE COMMUNICATION The corporate communication tools were developed to be professional but still show that Vouched Books is about promoting small press authors and having the best material for it’s customers.


Business Cards


Corporate Communication

All items shown were preliminary. There needed to be a development of the communication collateral to better ser ve the Vouched Books attitude and qualities.



Final Product


Dear Mark Johnes, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sit amet diam at libero iaculis varius. Nunc id tellus sit amet magna semper mollis sit amet non enim. Pellentesque vitae eros tortor, in dignissim nunc. Nulla et semper velit. Cras commodo blandit tellus, et tincidunt metus accumsan a. In vitae enim ut diam euismod vulputate. Duis malesuada ultricies purus vitae pellentesque. Integer in nisl vel diam tincidunt sagittis. Integer fringilla nisl id velit vestibulum eleifend. Maecenas at tortor ac metus consequat dignissim id nec urna. Fusce fermentum lacus eu libero aliquet pharetra. Maecenas diam lorem, egestas placerat laoreet at, commodo non orci. Suspendisse est justo, interdum quis iaculis non, lacinia in leo. Vivamus malesuada felis nisl, quis volutpat odio. In lacus nisl, sagittis ornare auctor interdum, tincidunt eu diam. Sed tempor feugiat pellentesque. Fusce velit nibh, iaculis nec aliquet eget, porttitor quis purus. Curabitur pharetra adipiscing euismod. Fusce aliquet ipsum et est scelerisque laoreet. Aenean quis lectus eu sem sagittis elementum tempor euismod tellus. Nam vel augue nec elit feugiat dictum vel id leo. Pellentesque tristique, tellus et lacinia commodo, est nunc euismod orci, id rhoncus orci metus et eros. Nulla pharetra, est venenatis tincidunt dapibus, nunc nisi gravida urna, eu venenatis lorem nibh at est.

laura@vouchedbooks.com www.vouchedbooks.com (404)-278-8888


Corporate Communication




laura@vouchedbooks.com www.vouchedbooks.com (404)-278-8888

Business Card

Business Cards 17

PRODUCT AND PACKAGING The everyday products and packaging for Vouched Books went through several phases. There was an evolution in the brand that needed to be handled. In the end the products made became a constant reminder of what Vouched Books signifies and means.




Initially all of the materials were based on illustration and this was done to try and capture the uniqueness of the company as well as the ar tistic and creativeness. It was critical to have these components for the products.





Product and Packaging

Signage 21

Another approach to the materials leaned toward a photographic style. This style also embodied the ar tistic nature of the brand but also added humor. Which was a



crucial piece of the branding.

Product and Packaging


Vouched Books exists to promote small press literature. We sell a select number of small press titles that we love at our guerilla book stores. For more info we are availalbe online, at our book stores, or for our live events, Vouched Presents. Vouched Presents are real live writers, reading real live words. www.vouchedbooks.com




Product and Packaging

The final branding for the products and packaging came together as a combination of the first two series. There is a balance between the photography and illustration which encompasses all the versatile and ar tistic elements of the brand.


T-Shirts 25

ENVIRONMENTS The environments for this mobile company were critical to it’s overall success. There needed to be a way to attract audiences, keep the store mobile, and make an impression.


From the beginning it was known that the mobile transpor tation would be critical for the company. Again, the two series were explored. It


was a challenge to nail down the exact type of ar tistic style


to go with but in the end it was apparent that there needed to be a mesh of the two styles. Also to be included was signage that would accompany the mobile vehicle.





The combination of styles within the environments proved to be strongest for the brand. Each element of the environments are cohesive and ef fective together.



MARKETING CAMPAIGN In order for Vouched Books to reach it’s full potential it had to have a strong marketing campaign. The use of several types of media was used to reach the masses. This company is small but needed to have a big voice, this was both the challenge and the beauty of the campaign.


The first exploration of the best campaign choice was through three campaign ideas. The first campaign titled “Community” focused on creating a community in which Vouched Books connected it’s readers and authors. It was meant to highlight the uniqueness of each individual while enabling them to connect with the brand. The second campaign titled “Intimate Connection” was an approach toward sex appeal and humor. It mainly focused on double entendres as a source for the humor. The third campaign titled “Small Presses Big Impressions” star ted by using the actual quotes from the books being sold by Vouched Books to por tray messages. These messages were to be paired with obscure and attractive images. It was meant to give the audience a taste of what they might get from the product and captivate them at the same time.


Marketing Campaign

Intimate Collection

Small Presses Big Impressions 35

Newsletter The third campaign was chosen to fully embody the brand. This campaign was expanded through the use of social media, printed materials, and viral videos. It is impor tant to this brand to have as many touch points as possible with a small budget. This challenge was resolved through the use of social media and viral videos. By branding the sites in which people interact there was a connection with the brand and other people who are passionate about the brand. The viral video provided a platform for people to see another side of Vouched Books which involves it’s authors. These videos provide another inexpensive and strong media. The printed materials created are the components that will require a budget. The nature of these printed materials however can be used in dif ferent quantities depending on the current budget. The printed materials are easily acquired and are the least expensive of other options. While the newsletter has the flexibility to be printed or viewed solely on mobile devices and online.

Marketing Campaign

Social Media


Event Posters

Marketing Campaign




Stamp Goes Here

Small Presses, Big Impressions Vouched Books exists to promote small press literature. We sell a select number of small press titles that we love at our guerrilla book stores. For more info we are availabe online, at our book stores, or for our live events, Vouched Presents. www.vouchedbooks.com

Marketing Campaign

All elements of the marketing campaign work together to create a combination of touch point. These touch points can be build upon or altered to continue with Vouched Books in the future. Each par t of the strategy is an integral par t in creating the essential Vouched Books brand.

Viral Videos: Vouched Author Series


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