The Nuts and Bolts for Purposeful Planning Facilitator: Crystal R. Morgan
1 Our main purpose is to improve student academic achievement.
EffeTeachersive instruTeachersion makes the most difference in student academic performance.
There is no excuse for poor quality instruTeachersion.
With our help, at risk students will achieve at the same rate as non-at risk students.
Staff members must have a commitment to children and a commitment to the pursuit of excellence.
ore Beliefs, and Expe
High ExpeTeachersations For ALL
Quality instruTeachersion ALL the time NO EXCUSES
DATA-Driven Planning and InstruTeachersion
Culture of Care Whatever It Takes
AGENDA Readiness and Supporting Standards Processes
Common Assessment •
Concepts / How
Identify Questions that are aligned to the TEKS from released STAAR / SAT
Noun / Context
Residue • Prior Knowledge • Vocabulary • Spiraled Concepts
Critical Development Questions • •
Costa’s Levels of Questioning Bloom’s Levels of Questioning
InstruTeachersional Calendar • Days it will take to teach the • Create Questions that are aligned to the TEKS for Common Assessments Standards • Create The Calendar Write Learning ObjeTeachersives
Write the Demonstration of Learning
Lesson Cycle • Identify the New Learning [Set the expeTeachersations for the Day / Critical Questions to guide the student thinking]
• Obtain [Facilitated InstruTeachersions / LeTeachersure / MRS Strategy]
• Develop [Guided PraTeachersice / MRS Strategy] How will the lesson • Application / Analyze
address … • Auditory Learners • Visual Learners • TaTeachersile Learners
[Lab / DOL]
• Evaluate [DOL / MRS Closure/ Homework / Warm Up / Assessment]
Nuts and Bolts: What will I learn? Learning Objectives [LO]: Teachers will use a T-chart to analyze the characteristics of selected Readiness and Supporting Standards. Teachers will analyze and align the sample questions to content specific standards. Teachers will use the Bloom’s Mapping to write Assessing and Advancing Questions to support the development of the R&S Standards. Teachers will write LODOL’s that are aligned to the selected R&S Standards Teachers will write one Lesson Following the IODAE format that will develop conceptual understanding for one LODOL.
Nuts and Bolts: What will I learn? Demonstration of Learning [DOL]: Given Readiness and Supporting Standards, Teachers will complete 100% of the characteristic T-Chart. Given samples questions, Teachers will identify 3 out of the 4 questions that are aligned to the given R&S Standard. Given the R&S Standard, Teachers will write 3 questions for each section of the Blooms Mapping with 80% or better mastery. Given R&S Standard, Teachers will write the LODOL’s that are aligned to the given standard with 80% or better mastery. Given R&S Standard, Teachers will completely develop a lesson cycle for 40 minutes that is aligned to the R&S Standard and the LODOL for that day with 80% or better mastery..
T-chart Activity
Teachers will have 8 minutes to review R&S Standard independently and populate T-chart Teachers will have 6 minutes to locate partner and compare their results. Teachers will have 3 minutes to arrive at consensus for what should be included on the T-Chart
R&S Standard Processes VERB
Concepts NOUNS
Context HOW
Vocabulary / Residue
Apply and Analyze Given released question, teachers will identify why the questions that are aligned to the given R&S Standard. Post the question on the specific Standard. Identify Residue that is needed to work the problem or what they will be able to do when the problem is complete.
Create and Evaluate Given the R&S Standard, Teachers will write the Costa’s and Blooms Levels questions that will increase student mastery. R&S Standard:
Start Here Assessing Questions: 1. 2. 3. Comprehension Questions: 1. 2. 3.
Knowledge Questions: 1. 2. 3.
Advancing Questions: 1. 2. 3.
Writing LODOL’s Teachers will write LODOL’s that are aligned to the seleTeachersed R&S Standards
LODOL’s are: Specific Aligned Measurable
Student will … [verb] [process] [concept]… Given …., students will … [verb] … [what] … [how you will measure mastery]…
Lesson Cycle Teachers will write one Lesson Following the IODAE format that will develop conceptual understanding for one LODOL. Identify New Learning - Learning ObjeTeachersive Obtain Model ExpeTeachersations / Facilitated InstruTeachersions / Notes Develop - Guided PraTeachersice / Facilitated Learning Apply & Analyze - Independent PraTeachersice /Lab / ProjeTeachers Evaluate DOL / Homework / Warm Up / Common Assessments
Thank you for your time, attention and commitment to excellence. Please email me at if you have additional questions.