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MSUAA President’s Message

Greetings, fellow alumni.

I am truly honored and humbled to serve as the new President of the Morgan State University Alumni Association. Growing up a son of two parents who graduated from Morgan State College, I never would have believed I would ever be in this position. After serving in several leadership posts at the chapter and Association levels, I am ready to continue moving our organization forward by focusing on increasing alumni membership and chapter growth, thereby achieving the ultimate goal of increased support to Morgan State University. Thanks to each of you for having confidence in me by bestowing upon me this tremendous responsibility. I look forward to serving each of you, the alumni, and Morgan State University. Fair Morgan Forever,

Lt. Col. Michael Bell, U.S. Army (Ret.), ’76 President, Morgan State University Alumni Association

Things You May or May Not Know About Your New President

• Is a member of Morgan’s first University class (1976), with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

• Was a Distinguished Military ROTC Bear Battalion grad and retired after serving 23 years in the U.S. Army as a pilot flying multiple aircraft, including the UH60 Black Hawk

• Worked as a Program Manager for TRW Inc. and Northrop Grumman Corporation

• Worked and retired as an Engineer for the Department of the Army as a civilian

• Has a master’s degree from Webster University and is a Harvard University Fellow

• Is a legacy Morganite: both his parents graduated from Morgan State College

• Is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

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