Morne Pa erson - Why Big Tech Censorship Threatens Free Speech in America
The influence of big tech companies on public discourse has become an increasing concern in recent years. Total social media pla orms like Facebook and Google have unprecedented power over the informa on people consume and share. This has led to growing worries about big tech censorship and its poten al threat to free speech in the US.
Lets look into several key aspects of the issue including big tech's role in shaping online discussions, explore specific cases of alleged conserva ve censorship on social pla orms, and consider the legal and ethical ques ons surrounding content modera on prac ces.
The Rise of Big Tech's Influence on Public Discourse
The influence of big tech companies on public discourse has grown significantly in recent years. Social media pla orms like Facebook and Google have become the principal sources for accessing current events and shaping opinions. These pla orms use sophis cated algorithms to deliver vast amounts of data to users, crea ng both opportuni es and challenges for public discourse.
Social media's role in shaping opinions
Social media has a profound impact on how people form and express their views. These pla orms enable users to consume and produce content, transforming them from passive consumers to ac ve par cipants in shaping public opinion. However, this increased interac vity has also led to concerns about the spread of misinforma on and the need for content modera on.
Algorithms and content modera on
To manage the unprecedented volume of user-generated content, big tech companies have implemented automated content modera on systems. These tools employ ar ficial intelligence to detect and remove content deemed harmful or undesirable. However, the effec veness of these systems is limited by their inability to fully comprehend context and nuance in human speech.
Poli cal biases in Silicon Valley
The poli cal leanings of Silicon Valley have come under scru ny. Studies have shown that tech entrepreneurs tend to be very liberal on most issues, favouring economic policies that redistribute wealth and suppor ng progressive social causes. However, they also exhibit a strong aversion to government regula on of business. This unique mix of views has the poten al to shape the policies and prac ses of big tech companies, influencing the content and discussions on their pla orms.
Instances of Conserva ve Censorship on Social Pla orms
High-profile bans and suspensions
Several prominent conserva ve figures have faced suspensions or permanent bans on major social media pla orms. Notable cases include MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, former na onal security advisor Michael Flynn, and media personality Candace Owens. These ac ons were o en taken for alleged viola ons of pla orm policies regarding elec on or COVID-19 misinforma on, or for what the pla orms deemed as hateful conduct.
Perhaps the most high-profile case involved former President Donald Trump, who was banned from Facebook, Twi er (now X), and YouTube in January 2021. The pla orms cited viola ons of their policies on inci ng violence as the reason for the bans. These ac ons sparked intense debate about the power of social media companies to censor elected poli cal leaders.
Content removal and demone sa on
Conserva ves have also raised concerns about the removal of specific content and demone sa on of their accounts. A notable example is the suppression of the New York Post's story about Hunter Biden's laptop in October 2020. Twi er ini ally prevented users from sharing the ar cle, ci ng concerns about hacked materials. This decision was later reversed, but it fueled allega ons of bias against conserva ve news outlets.
Shadowbanning allega ons
Many conserva ves have accused social media pla orms of "shadowbanning" their content, a prac se where a user's posts are made less visible without their knowledge. While pla orms have denied engaging in poli cally mo vated shadowbanning, the percep on persists among some conserva ve users that their reach is being ar ficially limited.
These instances have led to calls for greater transparency from social media companies and have sparked debates about the role of big tech in shaping public discourse.
Legal and Ethical Implica ons of Big Tech Censorship
First Amendment considera ons
The First Amendment in the US protects free speech from government interference, but its applica on to big tech censorship remains a complex issue. Social media pla orms, being private en es, are not directly bound by the First Amendment. However, their significant influence on public discourse has led to debates about whether they should be considered modern public squares. The Supreme Court has described social media as "the modern public square," raising ques ons about the extent to which these pla orms can regulate speech without infringing on cons tu onal rights.
Sec on 230 protec ons
Sec on 230 of the Communica ons Decency Act in the US has been a cornerstone of internet regula on, shielding online pla orms from liability for user-generated content. This protec on has allowed social media giants like Facebook and Google to grow without fear of legal repercussions for third-party posts. However, recent debates have emerged about whether Sec on 230 should be modified to hold pla orms more accountable for content modera on prac ces, especially in cases of alleged poli cal bias or censorship.
Corporate responsibility vs. government regula on
The balance between corporate autonomy and government oversight in content modera on has become a conten ous issue. While pla orms argue for their right to set community standards, cri cs contend that their market dominance necessitates some form of regula on. The debate centres on whether big tech companies should be treated as common carriers, similar to telephone companies, which would limit their ability to discriminate against certain viewpoints. This tension between corporate responsibility and government regula on highlights the need for a nuanced approach to address concerns about big tech censorship while preserving innova on and free expression online.
Poten al Solu ons to Protect Free Speech Online
Pla orm transparency
To address concerns about big tech censorship, social media pla orms can implement greater transparency measures. This involves providing clear informa on about content modera on prac ces, including the reasons for removing posts or suspending accounts. By publishing regular transparency reports, pla orms like Google and Facebook can detail their efforts in content modera on, data usage, and work environment prac ces. This openness can help build trust with users and demonstrate accountability in decision-making processes.
User empowerment tools
Giving users more control over their online experience can help balance free speech concerns with the need for content modera on. Social media pla orms can offer tools that allow users to block or
mute specific accounts, keywords, or types of content they find objec onable. This approach empowers individuals to curate their own experience without relying solely on pla orm-wide censorship. Addi onally, pla orms can provide op ons for users to report problema c content, fostering a community-driven approach to modera on.
Alterna ve social media op ons
The rise of alterna ve social media pla orms presents another solu on to concerns about big tech censorship. These pla orms o en priori se free speech and minimal content modera on, a rac ng users who feel censored on mainstream sites. Some alterna ves focus on specific niches or interests, while others aim to provide a more open environment for diverse viewpoints. By offering different approaches to content modera on and user privacy, these pla orms can provide alterna ves for those seeking greater freedom of expression online.
The debate surrounding big tech censorship and its impact on free speech in America is far from over. As social media pla orms con nue to have a significant influence on public discourse, the balance between content modera on and preserving free expression remains a challenge. The instances of alleged conserva ve censorship, along with the legal and ethical ques ons raised, highlight the need for ongoing discussion and poten al solu ons.
To address these concerns, increased transparency from pla orms, user empowerment tools, and the growth of alterna ve social media op ons offer promising avenues to explore. These approaches could help to safeguard free speech online while also addressing legi mate concerns about harmful content. As technology con nues to evolve, it's imnportant for society to keep grappling with these issues to ensure a healthy and open digital public square.
Why does censorship infringe upon freedom of speech?
Censorship involves exer ng pressure on public ins tu ons, such as libraries, to eliminate and restrict access to informa on deemed inappropriate or harmful, thereby preven ng the public from reading or viewing the material and forming their own opinions. Censors a empt to pre-emp vely decide on the suitability of materials for everyone.
How severe is censorship in America?
According to Reporters Without Borders, the United States was ranked 55th out of 180 countries in the 2024 Press Freedom Index, indica ng concerns about censorship. In the US, certain types of speech like obscenity and defama on are regulated either by governmental bodies or through selfregula on within the industry.
What are some reasons for imposing censorship?
Censorship involves the suppression of speech, public communica ons, or other informa on on grounds that it may be objec onable, harmful, sensi ve, or inconvenient. This suppression can be carried out by governments or private ins tu ons.
Should free speech on the internet be protected, and why?
The Supreme Court in the US has upheld that the principles of editorial discre on that protect tradi onal media formats such as print newspapers should extend at least equally to online pla orms. This recogni on supports the argument that content cura on online deserves protec on under the First Amendment, similar to other forms of media.