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Point Leo club makes waves in sustainability

Surf Life Saving Australia has unveiled an innovative program aimed at reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions across all surf lifesaving clubs nationwide, with Point Leo Surf Life Saving Club selected as one of just two clubs to pilot this groundbreaking initiative.

Life Saving Victoria CEO Catherine Greaves said Point Leo had shown “real leadership and innovation” in this space. “One of the club members presented at our lifesaving club preseason conference in 2022, showing how what one club can do can make a difference,” Ms Greaves said. “They have a really good eye on environmental sustainability and climate change. That impressed us, and when we were asked at the state level to put forward some club names, we thought Point Leo SLSC would be a great one to pilot it with.”

Paid for by the Surf Life Saving Innovation Fund, the program will revolutionise how surf lifesaving clubs manage their energy and fuel use. Zero Positive for Schools, a leading sustainability consultancy, will lend its expertise by implementing digital metering, conducting internal surveys, and providing comprehensive analysis and reporting. Through these measures, clubs will gain valuable insights to optimise their energy consumption.

Beyond energy efficiency, the program includes the implementation of a carbon literacy program. This educational initiative aims to raise awareness and equip staff, volunteers and stakeholders at Point Leo SLSC with the knowledge and tools needed to reduce, certify and offset their carbon emissions.

The launch of this program marks the third successful initiative paid for by the fund. Established in December 2022, it allows community members to contribute to Surf Life Saving Australia by nominating and supporting innovative projects that tackle real-world challenges head-on.

“The innovation fund offers community members the opportunity to contribute innovative ideas to solve real-world problems, and it gives supporters the ability to donate to specific projects,” Ms Greaves said. “When we asked the lifesaving community what things matter to them most, certainly climate change and this project was very high on the priority list. Lifesaving has one of the biggest volunteer membership bases of any volunteer organisation in Australia, so it’s a great opportunity for our members to feed back to us what's most important to them, and that enables us to find new solutions.”

By spearheading this sustainability endeavour, Point Leo SLSC sets an inspiring example for other clubs and the broader community. Surf Life Saving Australia continues to demonstrate its commitment to environmental responsibility, showcasing the harmonious coexistence of conservation efforts and the crucial role played by surf lifesaving clubs in safeguarding our beaches and communities.

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