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St. Croix Road Map St. Croix Road Map
East End Marine Park V.L. Baseline Array Telescope
St. Croix Dive Sites
East End Marine Park Management Zones
No Take Zone – Protects near shore environments including mangroves, sea grass beds, lagoonal patch reefs, and linear reefs. OPERATING A PERSONAL WATERCRAFT IS PROHIBITED. ALL FISHING AND EXTRACTION IS PROHIBITED.
Recreational Zone – Allows snorkeling, diving, boating, and recreational shoreline fishing. Catch-and-release guide fishing, and cast-net bait fishing are allowed with a Marine Park Permit. ALL OTHER TRADITIONAL FISHING IS PROHIBITED (including but not limited to: fish traps; spear fishing; collection of lobster, conch whelk).
Wildlife Preserve Zone – Protects nesting female sea turtles using beaches in East End, Issac, Jack and Boiler Bays to lay eggs.
Drop off Residential Household Waste, Green Waste, Bulk
Metal, White and Household Hazardous Waste. Open Mon – Sat, 6am – 7pm, Sun, 6am – 2pm. Holidays, check website. Located on Rt. #62 between Rt. #68 and Rt. #70. Blue #18 on map. Operated by the Virgin Islands Waste Management Association. www.viwma.org | 340-712-4962.