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St. Croix Road Map St. Croix Road Map

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East End Marine Park

V.L. Baseline Array Telescope



St. Croix Dive Sites

A series of dive site descriptions.

East End Marine Park Management Zones

No Take Zone – Protects near shore environments including mangroves, sea grass beds, lagoonal patch reefs, and linear reefs. OPERATING A PERSONAL WATERCRAFT IS PROHIBITED. ALL FISHING AND EXTRACTION IS PROHIBITED.

Recreational Zone – Allows snorkeling, diving, boating, and recreational shoreline fishing. Catch-and-release guide fishing, and cast-net bait fishing are allowed with a Marine Park Permit. ALL OTHER TRADITIONAL FISHING IS PROHIBITED (including but not limited to: fish traps; spear fishing; collection of lobster, conch whelk).

© Cartographers, LTD. 2023


Death – also a shallow reef area with lots of juvenile reef fish. Just like diving in an aquarium! If you want to go deeper, there is a nice slope to go down. Brought to you by Dive Experience, Christiansted boardwalk.

Wildlife Preserve Zone – Protects nesting female sea turtles using beaches in East End, Issac, Jack and Boiler Bays to lay eggs.

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