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t O dO activities in St.John
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CaRolIna CoRRal CoRal bay, sT. john hoRsesTjohn.CoM carolina one hour guided horseback rides to support the animals. horseback riding tours are Monday thru Friday at 3 pm and 5 pm by reservation only. enjoy a ride along the water to a rocky beach for pictures. Sorry, no sandy beaches to ride on in coral Bay. All our rescued or adopted horses and donkeys are well mannered and eager to please. Stop in for a visit and see the goats, sheep, cats, dogs, chickens and a hog who call the corral home. Family photo opportunity at 11 am, Mon - Fri. Select three small animals to be pictured with (or one horse on a beach) and we'll make a lasting memory! More details on horsestjohn.com as well as availability for our other activities! book online with the cARolinA coRRAl at www.horsestjohn.com or call 340-693-5778. Hope to see you on the trail!
5 Shopping
The shopping on St. John is a cultural extravaganza. Local crafts and art are available in small stores and galleries. Tropical clothing, handmade and locally designed jewelry, exotic clothing from around the world are tantalizingly displayed in the cute and colorful stores of the island. Greatest variety can be found at Mongoose Junction, Wharfside Village and Cruz Bay, but you can find charming specialty shops tucked all around the island between Cruz Bay and Coral Bay.