Morris Oxford V Driver's Handbook

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ALL CAR OWNERS shouldreod




A coDyof this Drir€r'8 llrndbook 13setrtort riah ev€ryMorrfu Oxfonl cor. Additiond copi€c rrb obt irsble orly from yqr Morris Dis&ib{tor rnd Prrt No. A(D1O30Cshoddbe qootedwh€o of|leriDg

Technlcalarticlesdealingwith maintenance andtuning help Morris,Wolseley,Rileyand ownersto get the bestout of their cars. Expert advice of technlcal staff ls at the servlce of all readers

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DIO TO NT NG The Nuffield Organlzatlon Cowley, Oxford, England

Phone: Oxfotd, Ensland,77777 6rdri Voiluretre,

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Sole Exportcrs


Morris Molots


cowl.gY, o)GoRD, ENGTIIND letetj 83133 Morex, Oxfo.d, Etrsland Pr"n"i Oxford. Enslad,7773l Carlasj Morex, Orfo.d, Enstand

FOREWORI) |-fiHE information cotrtained in this Driver's Handbook has been confned to I tne essentiafs necessary for tlte proper runniog and driving of the car' G""ttn"toa, tn" o*o". *i 6nd a ihe information required to maintair the *r i" n*t-cl"* condition and to enable him to giv€ it thos€-all-important It"-t oiuu""tioo *ni"n go so far to etrsuretrouble-free atd satisfactory service' Every Morris car leaving the Wolks is capable of giving absolute.saiisfartion book' if ult""il* i* gi"* to the isential maint€nanceop€rations detailed in this thit tvtorris Distributors/Dealers are better e4uipped to provide il;;b". routine and repair service thaD tlle owner-drivor; therefore, if you encounter trouble consdf the Distributor or Dealer-they are at youl service' For ttose requiring information of a nore tletailed atrd t€crboicalDaturethan is io tl"-Oti"i's Handboot a workshop Manud is aYailrblert a reasonable "-t"ioJ price from your Distributor or Dealer. .A

14 tI]

X a

IDEI\TIflCATION the Company or your Distributor/Dealer always with communicating When numbers; thJregistratio! Dumber is of no use and is quoi" il" ""i -o "ogiie not rcquire.d. Note that all coffespondenceconceming exported cars must be addressedto Nuffidd Exports Limited. Car number.Located on a plate mount€d on the bulkhead under the bonnet' Engine ntrmber. Stamped on a metal plate fix€d to the right-hand side of tbc cylinder block.


The major components of this vehicle also have serial numbers, an!-should it te niessary to quote them at any timc, they may be found in the following locatioBs: fillcr G€aftox. Stamped otr top of the gearbox to the left of tho dipstick and plug. R€ar axle. stamped on the tear of the axle tube on the left'hand side adjacent to the rebound rubber.



4-cylindeaoverheadvalves 2'875in. (73'025mm.) Stroke.. 3'5 in. (88'9mm.) Crrbic capacity . . 90.88€u. in. (1489c.c.) ComE€ssion ratio 8.3:lot7.2:l Firing order 1,3,4,2 .015in. (38 mm.) Valve rock€r clearanc€(hot)-.... S par ki n gp l u e s .. .. .: ChampionN5.(14mm.) .025in. (.64 mm.) Sparkrng plug gap (High Ienition timing compression) . . 5. B.T.D.C. (Irw compre$ion) . . T.D.C. .014to .016in. ('36to .,10mm,) Contact breaker gap . . Oil pr€ssut€ (normal) . . 50 lb./sq. in. (3.5 ks./cm.i) Carburetter S.U. semi-dowtrdraught1+ i!., Typc H52 Carburetter needle Gtandard) M Wh€elsize 4*l x14 TYresize 5.90-14

G€ar treYer The lever positions for both floor and steering column gear change 1r€ clearly snown in ttri illustration b€low. To engagereversegear on vehiclesfiftcd with nooi ge". cn-ge .ove the lever to the left itr the neutral position until resist o"r-i" t"lt, Continue moving the lever to the left against the spriag pressure until the stop is reached, and then move it rearwards to eDgag€the gear' To select'reverse gear on vehicles fitted wilh st€€rhg colull|n gear chalge oull the knob in the end of the gear lever outwards, and move the lover up the , column in the neutral position and th€n down towards the driver'

Ergitrg Borc

Tytb prcssues: All conditions: Front Rear R€ar axle ratio OYerall gear ratios: First . . lSecond

with .l nira .. s)rochromcshLrop Reverse

Dimensions: Track (front) Track (rear) Tuming circle Front wheel ,lignment Wh€clbasc .. .. Overal l€trgth (De-luxe) .. Overall length (Standard) .. Overa width Ov€rall height Ground clearance(unladeir) UDladen w€ieht (approx.) . . Fuel tank capacity Esgine oil capacity (includes filter) Gearbox oil capacity .. Rear axle oil capacity . . Water capacity

23 lb./ 0.62 kg./cm.) 25 lb./ (1.76kg./cm.) 4.55| 1 16.55: I 10.08: I 6-25| | 4-55: I 21.64| 1 4 ft. 0+ in. (1.21 m.) 4 tt l& ir. (1.267m.) 37 ft. 6 m. (l I .43m.) * to t iu. (1.59to 3.18mm.)toe-in 8 ft. 3* in. (2.52m.) 14ft. 101in. (4.52m.) 14ft. 7* in. (4.45m.) 5 ft. 3* in. (1.61m.) 4 ft. 11+in. (1.52m.) 6l iu. (16.5cm.) 2,416Ib.0095 kg.) 10eallons(45.4lia€s) 7.5 pints (4.25litoes) 4+ pints (2.56lifes) 2* pints (1.28litres) lll pints(6'52 litres); add 1 piDt (.57litre) if heateris fittGd

I. 2 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8.

The controls 9. A@lerator. 10. Bornet lock cootrol. 11. G€arlever (floor contlol type). 12. Gearlever (columncootrol type)' Hand brake lever. 13. Headlampdip switch. Clutch p€dal. Brakep€dal.

Dir€ctioo itdicator. Seatlock. Hom dng. Gear cbancp positioDs (RH.D. st€eriDg-columocontrol)l

Gear cbango pogitions (fl9or .-ntrol st€€dngst€cfltrscontrol and LH.D. columtr coDtrol).

Pdds The left-hand pedal operatesthe clutch, the centre p€dal operat€sthe brakes' and the richt-ha;d pedat operatesthe accelerator.Do not allow the foot to rest on 6e clurcn-wtne ariving or exc€ssivewear of the operating mechanismwill result' Afier the vehicle has been washed or driven through water the brake liniDgs wet, 'ro dry them, apply the brakes several times with the vehicle nay 6me moving stowty. Emerepncybraking with w€t brakes is gxtrcmely dangerous a.Ird is to be avoided at all costs. Iliul brake The han<tbrako is located b€twe€n the driving seat ard the door' A thumbooerated rarchet release is ilcorporated io the ha.ndle. Pulling the handle upwards operatesthe rear $,heel brakeshoes mechaoically. 'Brake releaseis achieved by pulling on tbe lever to take the load and then prcssing the ratchet release.


INSTRIJMET.ilS AND SWITCHF-S Dhccdm hdicators rnd honls The alircction indicatol control is mounted on an arm oD the st€ering columl below tbe stecriug wheel. The indiqators will op€rate only whin the ignition is switchcd on and a waming light in the end of the lever flashes when they are operating. The horns are operated by pressing the inner ring surrouuding thc eteering whcel hub.

lamp and closisg the \ The act of opening a frotrt door will switch on the it' dbor will extinerrish


sid€.lamps **,it"u ao*o*ardsto thehalf-wavpositionto bring-the headlamps' tbe on switch position to ffi ioto tl" tu v dowo id';;;";; iil ffidffi; Gi-t-rn"v u" tii".il or loweredbv useof the foot-operated dipping switch (s€ePageO.

The instrumets and su'itches Choke control. l. Hcatcr t€mD€raturecontrol or air t0. I-amD switch. control whcNlhesteris not fitted. . Tiip-distance s€tting. Clock. 12. Blower switch. H€eterair control 13. Headlamp main b€am wamiry, So€€dom€ter. IgDitioo warning light. IEoition and startingswitch. 15. Fuel mu!e. 6. Oil pr€ssuregaugp. Panet lamo switci7. Temp€ratuegaugp. 17. Witrdshielil rviper switch8. windshield washercontrol. ImitioD -The atrd starter switch ignition and stafiei are both conrolled by a single switch op€rated by a removablekey. To switch on the ignition ins€rt the key and tum it in a clockwise dir€ctioD until a slight resistanc€ is felt. Fufther movement i8 the same direction will operate the starter motor. Releasethe key immodiately the engine starts- If the engine fails to start 6rst time wait until it has come to rest before operating the contol again. Hesdhnp dip switch The foot-operated headlamp beam dipping switch is to the left of the clutcb p€dal. It is of th€ repeating type, lowering the beanE on one application and raising rhem on tle next. The headlamp beam warning light glows when the b€ams are in tie raised position. Ctoke or mixture co rol (na*eil 'C) To enrich the mixture and assist starting when the engine is cold pull out the control marked 'C'. The control may be locked in any one of sevenl positions to give varying degreesof mixture strongth. Pushin the cootrol fully assoon asthe €ngiDewill ruD without its us€. Int€rior lrmp The interior lamp is conFolled by a separate switch otr the lamp and also by an automatic switch fitted on each frout door pillar. With both front doors closed the lamp may be switched on or off by operating the switch on the lamp. 6

wiPer switch l{fudshield " Parking ilii" il" J'irrcn oownwards to bring the wiper bladesinto op€ration' position' the 'off' to ietumed is t*ircn tt e wne" iJ aJ ifi'O* "ttm-tic "f swltch lamp Parel the fascia panel' The H" o"ti"i i"-p .witch is mountod o! thc lower edgo of or headlampsare in operatioa' tne tio"tamps wn* oper"t *il-d;;;,tlffii Oil ucssure aql frel leYelga[ges anit tempcratureindicator ""Td;;il;t"*;;;ge, iuet-tevet gausp-,aDd water temperature indicator are in tt e instt"Il|eot dial on the driver's side' --mi.:ff "ulo""i"a should b€ b€tw€en 30 lb'/sq' in' (2'1 kg'/cm'') and normal runniDg couditions' under "*".,i*-;a-g (3'5 kg./cm.) i;. 506J;. So€€dometer "ffiJ-"Juio-"t i"Ai*,i* ."a?"J" iiJ" Te-*t t *i.

panel is situated on the passenger'sside of th€ instmment distaDce The. riP distance' rip and of the total distaoce uv pushiqg the small knob situated below thr -instmment thentumingit in an anti-

and il"?"r?i'iti-. 6 "ti1i"-tn"-cp mechanism clockwisedirection.

flashitrgitrlticator'atrdmaitrb€amwamhg ligbts Isition, '*Tilgotfi"w"-hg dial or the riebtlight is situatedh the speedom€ter should it fail light will the is increasea rt"J'"i&. et tnu *giie ipeeo -go-out'"ar'i-r ,n;, the dvnamobelt is not broken'If th€ belt is-undamaged' it, i"**fit by dynamois not chargingand the circuit shouldbe examined vour ti;til or Dealer' Distributor "fr;Uilt slows red when in rhe left-handside of tle sneedgmrctel .ffifi oo andthe beamsarein the raisedpositionin orderto remind ,r'Jitiffio, "." f* upptoacni"gtraffc' situated in the top of the direction il-dip ih; ifr; i *ariing tieht lhat nasheswhenthe indicatorsareoperatins' i.arJoirJ""iri washer Winrrsbielt " situated il" *i"a.fti"fO-t""ti"g equipmentis operatedby pumpingthe knob side' parel driver's the on fiscia the of *at the lower eogp "i. pt fluid is ejectedonto tsedtowardsthe panela jet of clelnJ-Dq .Ii-tii" t"tt wiper in motion windshield s;t the bonnet' on the nozles ffi th;;d"F"td jets' op€ratingthe cleaning before *'si,*1,,i-i"ir-ri""0uids ari availableand a mixtue ol ole of the'rewith in-*ta *e"ttt"t to preventfreezinsin.the containerand wa.i;$;;rJi trot us€radiator antifreezein the n'asher' I)o o" tn" *i"aanUO,

HEATING AND YENTILATING SYSTEM The heating and ventilating system is provided for two pu4roses: (4) heatibg or ventilatirg the interior of the car and (r) demisting and defrostiog the wiridshield. The air may b€ cold or heated by water from the engioe cooling syst€m, Air distribution is regulated by dashboard controls which can be us€d to vary the t€mperatue ard quantity of the air delivered to the car interior or to th€ windshield. and in x,arm weather the same controls can b€ used to deliyer ftesh air at atmospheric temperature for ventilation. CoEect use of tlte heater controb will ensure complete comfort for the driyer ard passengeGunder all lveather coDditions, and the following not€s are provided in ordcr that the owner may become fully couvcrsaDt with the functions of the vaxious conhols aqd thus obtain the best results from the heating equipment, NOTE.-When a heater unit is not ftted the fow of colil air for ventilation purpos€$is r€gulated by fre air control (Dage6). Wh€n the control is tuned to its limii h ar anti-clocrkryis€dftection the air supplyis shut ofr. Turning in a clockwise direction will gradually tncrcasetbe srpply of air to the car interior.

HEATING AT\D VENTIII\TING Fleezing co|talitioG To romove ice from the windshield the temperature control should b€ set in the 'HOT' positioD and the air control set in the 'BOOST' position. When starting from cold the air conhol should remain in the'OFF position until the engine is warm enough to heat the incoming air. Switch on the blower motor if the vehicle is stationary or travelling at a low speed.

The controls set to reture icefrom the windshield


Booster blower To me€t extreme conditions an electric booster blower is incorporated in the heater system and its use gready increases the quaDtity of air fed into the hoater. The blower may be brought into operation when tlle car is $tationary or tfavelling at low speedin order to compensatefor the lack of the ram effect into the air intake normally causedby the forward motion of the vebicle. The blower is brought into operatioo by tlle switch located on the fascia paDel (seepage O.

ThA controls set to prevent mist lrcm formw on the windshield and to provide o circulation of ho, air

T€mp€ratBe cOtf,ol The control situated on the left (pag! O regulates tlle tempcrature of tho air suppliod to the car interior. When moved to the 'HOT' position maximum heat will be obtained, and when moved to the 'COLD.' position the heat supply is completely shut ofr. When the control is moved to the'OFF position the air supply at toeboaxdlevel is cut off. Iotermediate positions can be selectgdto meet varying conditioDs. 4St2G

Alr control The control situated on the right (page O regulates the quantity of air delivered to the winclshield for demisting or defrosting. To obtaia maximum delivery at the windshield tum the coDtrol to the 'BOOST' position. With th€ coDtrol set at 'DEFROST' delivery at botb floor and winrlshield will be obtafuled. The following instructions and illustrations give the control positions reaommended to meet certain basic conditiolrs likely to be encountered. They are provided as a guide but it n'ill be appr€ciated that a wide variety of settings can be made to meet varying conditions. 8

Coll weadrcr To prevent mist forming on the windshield and to eosuremaximum circulation of wann air throughout the interior of the car the air control should be set b€twe€n the 'DEMIST' ard 'DEFROST' positions aud tie temperature control in the 'WARM' position. When starting from cold the air control should remain in the'OFF position until the engine is warm eoough to heat the incoming air. Switch on the blower motor if the vehicle is stationary or travelling at a low sp€€d.


HEATING AI\D YENTILATING WaIm w€ather Sthen a general circulation of cold air throughout the interior of tle car is r€quired th; air control should be moved to the 'DEFROST' position and the tE;perature control moved to the 'COLD' position. Switch oD the blower motor to increasethe zupply of air.

Door locks Front and rear doors may be locked from the inside by pushing the interior handles downwaxds. Children's safety locks arc inco4)orated on each door (see illustration belo$'), and when these arc set to operate the dools aan only b€ opened from the oubide. Either front door may be lockealfrom the outside by meansof the key provided' To lock a door. tum the key slightly towards the front of the car, retum it to the uDrisht Dosition, ald withdraw it. To unlock, turn the key slightly towards the return it to the upright position, and withdraw it. .6"t-or tir" "-, can, if required, be locked without using the key by pushing the A front dooi interior handle downwards prior to closilg the door and holding the exteriol push-button in as the door is shut.

The contrcls set to provide o general circulatiort of cold air

The children's sqfety lock. Push the small lever upwatds prior to clos@ the door to render the interior controlt iroPerQlive


The controls set to provide a supply of cool air at head level


Press upwards on the tmder side of the boot lid motd to rcleasethe cotch

Hot weatber a supply of cool air at head level the air control should be moved To anO the temperature control moved to tbe 'OFF to the"oror" 'BOOST'iosition position. Switch on the blo$'er motor to iDcreasethe supply ofair. Luggageboot fiilise tUe carctr Uy ptessing upwards oo the under side of the boot lid motif' Raise the counterpoised lid to the requir€d position. The boot lid can b€ locked in the closed position by the key provided.





BoDnetlock Rel€ase the boDnet catch by pulliog the knob mark€d 'B' (page 5). Insert a finger between the top of the radiator grillo and the bnnet' push the safety catch lever towards thc left-hand side of the car, and raise the bonnet.

Push the lever in the dircction of the anotl' lo relec,se the safetY cqtch

Fuel f er The filler is conrraled by the pa.uelabove the left-hand rear $,heel. The contents of the fuel tank are sealed against theft aft€r closing the fller panel and the panel is locked and unlocked with the key provided. Considerable loss of fuel car o@ur as a result of filling the fuel tark until the fuel is visible in the filler tube. If this is done, and the vehicle is left in the sun, expansion due to heat will cause leakage, with consequent loss of and danger from exposedfuel. When filling up the tank: (t) Avoid fi[ing the tank until the fuel is visible iu the filler tube. (2) If the tark is inadvertendy overfilled, take care to park the vehicle in the shade with the filler as high as possible.

The fuel rt et c.rp is cotr,bined with the accesspanel and nmy be locked in the closedposition end unlocked with lhe key protided

Raisethe bonaetslEhtl, and slide the sleeveon the bormet support uPwards to relesse the locking mechanism

As tlte bonnet is raised the support stay will automatically spring into engagement and the bonnet will be held in the open position. To close, raise the bonnet slightly, slide the sleeve on the bonDet stay upwards to release the locking mihaoism, and lower the bonnet. Apply double hand pressure to press the bonnet down into the fully closed position' The safety catch aDd bonnet lock will be heard to engage. Seat adj||stme The iront seat is adjustable and is secured in position by a springloaded oin which is located at the front of the scat. Pull up the knob to releasethe seat ior adjustment, and move the seat either forwards or rearwards as required' 12

The spare wheel tray is Iowered by tumw the bolt ir, the luggage boot floor in a anti-clockwise direction, asw the stafiing handle

Spre wheel The spare wheal is secured on a tray b€low the luggage compartment by th€ bolt in the rcar right-hand comer of the luggag€ boot floor. The wheel is releasedand lowered by tuming this bolt anti-clockwise, usirg the starting haJrdleas shown in the illustration. It can then be withdrawn from the carrying tray. When replacing tle wh€€l push it fors?rd until it is centra.lized and tien tighoen up the securi-ogboh.


RUNNING INSTRUCTIONS Runnins-itr sp€€ds rt3 The treatment grven to a new car will have an imporrant bearing,.on period must be limited' earlv this dudng speeds engine ltf;, aid d;;;i Ttre foltowing instructios should be strictly adheredto: mile.v(800 krr') During thefrsr 5OO DO NOT exceed45 m.p'h. (72 km'p.h.). DO NOT operate at full throttlc iD any gear' Do NoT allow the €ngin€ to labour in any g€ar' Starting up *TJoi" the engine make sure that the gear lever is in the neoral it"ttl"g "p brakJ is on. when starting from cold pull out the choke *O ,n"in"iA ""riiir" 'c). Switch on the isnition and operate.the.starter' ;;;i(marte<l ;;;;,*" 'set in dotion and after a second or two should start up' ;il1 be A; practice to tn"" ";h" iit at*t". control must im$ealiately be released' It is bad takes a .titt"i .p"iating if the eogine refuses to start as the starter ii#til" i discttarge may and the battery tiri heow *tt"ni ttom rD warm Atter tne eogine has ruo for a fe$' minutes, or almost rmmedrately the must account no in' oD pushed fulty be should *"":tft. G "l=ot" "ontrol t"teth of time with this coDtrol pulled out or neat fuel ;d;L*;l;;-;t cylilders anct considerable damage may b€ caused' The f.t"6" *"filU" i-*" eogioe is .ni"rO [" t"to-"a to its normal position as soon as the *"iJ facl it is in and not necessary' lt is use its without it tt" cvenly *".--""""* a \varfn starting when cotrtrol to us€ the mixture ol choke pottilfv a.ii*"otut, engrne. up Warming '' fr"" ptou"d that the practic€ of warming up an engine by-allowing iG?"ii let the engine it i"'lJf, tro*fy i* a"n"ruy harmfrrl. the correct plocedwe is to s,pPd.9f about to a correspondins t.p.',"., t,ooo ;;;;lyEti;;;pp..^i-ttetv in top gear,so that it attai$ its corr€ctworkrng temp€raia ffo t ttt" ensine to work slowlv in a cold state -.o.ti.) iiit-'i!iiiinl;'J-p6au".'eIo'iog -.o.n. wear, ani far l"ss dnt"g" is dotre by-driviog the car iJit to i*"oilu" ;;;il;;Jfiom "finder col<tthan bv lettins the eneine idle slowlv in the saraep' ;Hid hardle Starting -8" n oar" is stored in the boot of the car' when turning the engine ltJi"J side of Uv G startin'e handle it is important to keep the thumb on the same the handle as the palm for safety in case of baclfre' accessory) -Roof rack (when fftted as an of carrying brdky rather than *""* must be regarded * ii"-t*i-"t " virtue of th€ir sbape or siz€ bv which i.J. utti"l"t i";g", ;;;;;f h*; inside tbe vehicle' Anv weight carried oo the t-t.*la 6-""i*entlv must be "il"jtG t uu" u.t adverseeffect on the handling of the vehicle' whirh iilirnJ to-anv great Oti"* *ith due discretion. A straight ritle witl not be influenced due beh-aviourin a cross-wind will b€ a"-J. Jalo"nft comering -ofan<l pressure' of-different centre the gavity and of th" p"iitioo t tl""g" ir"tr," kg.) shottldnot be carrrcdon lne roor' Weight io excessof 75 lb (34 ""ott"

COOLING SYSTEM A prcssurizedcooling system is used on this vehicle and the pressuremust be releasedgradually when removing ttre radiator filler cap $'hen the system is hot. I! is advisable to protelt the hands against e.scapitrgsteam and then tum the cap slowly anti-clockwise u il the iesistauce of the safety $top is felt. L€av€ the cap in this position until all pressujeis releas€d,Pressthe cap downwards against the spring to clear the safety stops and cotrtinue tumhg until it can be lifted off.

'fhe radiator cap removedto show (l) the cam, (2) the $op, and (3) the safety catch


Frost DrecautioDs water, when it freezes, expands, ard if precautions are not taken there is considerablerisk of bu$ting the radiator, cylinder block, or heater (where fitted)' Such damage may be avoide.dby ilraining the cooling system when the vehicl€ is left for any loDgth of time in frosty weather, or by adding€€ze to th€ water. when a heater is fitted anti-freeze must be used as no provision is made for draining the unit. Before adding anti.fre€ze mixture the cooling system must be drained and flushed thoueh by inserting a hose in thc fiIling orifice ard allowing water to flow through until clealr. The taps should be closed after allowing all the water to drain away and tie anti.freeze should be poured in first, followed by th€ water. To avoid wastage by overflow add just sumcient water to cover the bottom of the header taok. Then run the cngine until it is hot and add sufficient water to bring the surface to thc correct working level, i.e. about 1 in. (2'5 cm.) from the top of the tank. The cooling system is of the sealedtype atd relatiYely high temperatures are developed in the radiator header tank. For this reason anti-fre€ze solutions havilg an alcohol base are unsuitable owing to their high evaporation rate producing a rapid loss of coolant anala conscquent interruption of circulation. Only aBti-fre€zeof the etlylene glycol type i[corporating the correct typ€ of corrosion inhibitor is suitable and owDers are recommended to use Bluecol, Shell Snowflake, Esso Anti-freeze, or any other anti-freeze that conforms to Specification B.S.3l51or B.S.3152. Do not use radiator arti-frcazc solutioD in the windshield-washing equipment. 15


DRAINING THE COOLING SYSTDM Dralniog the cooling system Two taps are provided to ensuretlat the cooling systemis iompletely drained. The larliator drain tap on the left-hand side of the radiator bottom tank is accessiblefrom beneath tlrc front bumper, The cylinrter block ilrain tap is located on th€ right-hand side of the engine above tle starter. The radiiator and cylinder block drain taps mwt both be opened to drain tlrc system completely. Owing to the location of the car heater ii cannot be drafueit by the cooting system dr&ir taps' Anti-freeze must be used in ttre cooling systemnh€n fteeziDgconditioN are ercoutrtered'

IGNITION EQUIPMENT adiustment ImitioD -Adiustrtrent js provided for the ignition poiot to eDable th€ best setting to be atiained to suit varying fuels. The adjustment nut is indicated by the lower arrow in the illustration beiow, aud turning the nut clockwise retards the ignition' Tumbg it anti-clockwiseadvaocesthe ignition. The 6arrel of the screwedspindle has graduations to iDdicate the settings'

The sdjustment nut is indicated by the lower arrow, whilst the othar aftow indi' cates lhe verniet scale Accessto the rudiator druin tqp is gained ftom beneath thefron of the car. Tun in the direction of the atow to open the tap

Thegroove in the uankshalt pulley ard lhe pointets to qssi$t conect timing. The Iongpointer indicatesT.D.C. Thc dnin tapfor the cylinder block is located on the right-hand side of the block at the resr. Twn in the dlrection of the arrow to operrlhe tap

Ioitiotr settine -ttre normi ienition setting is with the spark taking place 5' B'T'D'C' (high (ow compressionj. The ignitioo point caD be reser if compressioo) oif.o.C. necessaryby adjusting the knurled nut on the distributor body' Each graduation on the barril is'equafto approximately 5" of timing movement and one graduatioa '- is equal to 55 clicks on the knurled nut' alrt*t ttt" pinch-clip at the base of the distributor unless absolutely oo "o'i treae6sary. dead centre Top ihe rim of the craukshaft pulley has a small gxoove which coincides with tle long pointer ou tlle timing chain casewhen the crankshaft is itr the T'D'C' positioi for Nos. I and 4 cylinders. The other two pointe$ are 5" and l0' B.T.D.C.


ELECTRICAL EQIJIPMENT Fus€s The two fusesand two sparesare located on the right-hand side of the engin€ bulkhead. Remove the moulded rubber cover to gain acc€ssto the fus€ holder. The 35-amp. fus€ cootrecting terminats 'A3' and 'A4' protects the circuits which operate oDly when tle ignition is switched on. The'other fused circuits are prot&ted by the so-a-p. fuse cou.oectingthe terminals mark€d 'A1' and 'A2" Take care to use only fusesof the corrcct value when fitting replac€ments.

ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Checking the specific gravity Check the conditiou of the battery by taking hydrometer readines of tbt specific gravity of the electolyte in each of the cells. Readings should not b€ taken immediately after topping up the cells. The hydrometer must be hcld vertically aDd the readin$ takeD at ey€-level. Check that the float is fr€c' aqd take care not to draw io too much electrolyte, The specific gravity re.dings atrd their indications are as follows: Battcry fully charged. 1'280 to 1'300 about hafdischargcd' Battery 1.210 About fully discharepd. Battery Below1.150

Tlp fases are carled ir the separctefuse block mowtted on ,he bulkhead

Thesefigures are given assumingthat tle temperaturc of the solution is about 60'F. (16" C.). The readings for all cells should be approximately th€ samo.

Two sparefuses se housed in holderc on the luse block

Ihe correct useof the hydrcmeter If on€ cell gives a readirg very different from the rest it may be that acid hl! beeo spilled or has leaked from this particular cell, or ther€ may be a short circuit between the plates, in which case the battery should be examiled by a Lucas Sewice Depot or Agent.

fus€s Slore -Spare fus€s are provided, and it is important to use only the corr-ectreplacefuse. The fusiug value is marked oD a coloured pap€r slip inside the glas! ment tubo of the fuse. If the new fuse blows immediately aud tle causeof thc rouble caqnot be found have the equipment examined at a Lucas ServiceDepot.

Top up the celts with distilled water. Do not use tap'water and do not usc a naked light when examidng the conditions of the c.ells. Do Dot overoll and always wipe away all dirt and moisture from the top of the battery.

Voltsge rcgdator fni is a sealed uBit, located on the engine butkhead, which controls the charging rate of tbe dynamo in accordance with the needs of th€ battcry' It rc€uir€s no attention and should not b€ disturb€al.

Never leave the battery in a discharged condition for any length of time. Have it fully charged aad every fonnight giv€ it a short refreshing charge to prcyent any tendency for the plates to be{ome permancntly sulpbatcd.




ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL EQIIIPMENT (excePtEu.opean tYPe) Headlamps --To j*.::""t headlampbulb remove the rim after .extract-ingreacb'the 'rtt- ,'i" t"-J* rr'eiampienector.and sioi',pusrt ,"*i """111Y^l:*"tdt registerwith ttt" to""ti"g t"t"*s asainstthe springs,tu- ,t untn"to"*iiJuoiii th.ebackDepress utrit' lisht the t't ;il;ilil";"df;i tiat the ensure bulb the "'a.*iir'i*t " "rot', tn" ou'o' wtt-"o replaciig shell and turn it to release holder'. the itr kevwav riii'ii irt"-u"r]i n*ge engagesttte pressureand turn it ttt" 't; it ni'-l ;i;id;;;k-shilipush "pring "gui"tt to engagethe baYonetattachment' the headsof thc adjustingscrews Re6t the lamp unit by posrtronmgit so that press tbe unit i'wards' and tum it fl;;;' th'" iotes in ;:;t;'d;'";i;ttlo tlockwise as far as it will go. in position "iiJr"*ih" rubber and refit the front rim' Iocking it i*i**"r"otg with ihe retaining screw.

The headlbmPunit renoved, showinBthe bulb hokfu and back-shcll, etc., with the EwopeanlYPe lqrnP intet

h€aillsmps Setting " are parallel with the JttU b€ set so that th€ main driving beams ii"'t".* ot io accordancewith. the local regulatioos' ro.J"J"i" di-sturbingthe rim by turning tho Vertical a justment rn"y o" rnuo" iiinout can ue reachedbv inserting a thin rltp' Th'o.;;; ,"reij:;ih"-',;;';i'ir," under sid€ of the rim at the top' the on provloe{l goove itr the screwdriver 'pt*iir;a-in Horizontal to permit ruuber the'dust'exclidiw i" trrs: i'ir"i of the light side each on screws rne-alGting usrng adiustment can be made oy tbe rim as describ€d on page 20' ;t;ii;;;;"itc

Remoew the lan? .mt

The ethod of setrw the headlanp bdami: (l) the ve ical setting adiusti'tg screw. which can ba rcached with ihe rim in Position' (2, the horizontal setring adiusains screws which can onlY bi resched after renwval of the m

Heaiuanps (Europ€aottT€) with special.front lensesau-dbulbs The European-typeheadlampsare 6tled

ri+,-!'il'r'll",3i:'"'..: ;;;;;;;i;iTr, s#; :'d ?:ffi1*'Jff way as for right-hand-drlve cars' ou retam-tDg pincbingtbe two endsofthe wirc withdrawingthe three-prnsocret anrl flarge' bulb clip to clear the pip taken to seethat tbe rectangular Wheo replacingthe bulb care.must be

sure that the moulded slot is wheo replacing the dust+xcluding rubber make screw' serting vertical with-the m,Ld'" irt,i,tp tit "oincide R em em ber t hat t heset t m got r nebeam sisaf f ect edbJt hel?'doDt hccar b€ alwavs therefore

sprineieflectionlri; lampsshould ';el#';;;G;;"i on the car' load set with the oormal

they will dazzle oncoming Avoid setting the maiD beams abov€ horizontal; illumination' road give-inferior trGc- ancl 2l

"'j::IlYjt"fli':,,-;'*lH,'l':,TJf#',tt'"Tlf"'.','[ioi'iilH;*"'o ,li"iii" *i"ining lugson the reflectors€atiog' "t'rtJL"g 20




Frotrt pltot strd flashing itrrticator lamDs --rr'"or*ofeachfrontpilotlampisretainedinpositionbytbreescrews. glass to gain accessto the bulbs' n"-JnE'G "o"*" "trd bayonet-type fixiDg; Both bulbs are of the

Remove the screws securinS the pilo, lqnq glast to goln accessto tlu bulbs

Numbcr-Phte itluminatioD lamp Tosainaccesstotherearnumber-platelampbulbremovethetwoscrews and gtar*' recuriig the domeo cover and lift away ttre cover

The damed covet of the number-plate illumination lemp is secwed bY ttro recessed-headscrews

The buh holders ore Pulled from the lamP back'Platc to gain sccesslo thc buhs

Tail antl stop tamDsant flsshing inilicator hmpg f"oindicator bulF.i".Fi"S f,ccess to tfre iuit aDdstop lamp,and flashiogcomplete with bulbs from the insidc the luggage boot. fuu tn" out'U holderJ sockets in tllc lamp back-Plate' bulb wbich may be replaccd The flashing indicator lamp hai a single-filament cither way routrd. aud has a twin 6tameot' The The lowr bulb is for the tai! and stop lamp oesirpeg Uayon"t n ling elsures corrâ‚Źct replacemcnl

A fe$toonlY\e butb it fitred on the tuterior lqm|

lamP Interior -rn" in position by four locating or^,L cover on the interior lamp is beld pull outwards' t!t. Lulr sentlv squeeze tJ;: f;e'"it';;ss-io-it'e -rn" "9'-*,,11d crps' retarmng the from released ie"too-o-tvp" uutb is easily 2t

xl .'t


ELECTRICAL DQUFMENT Winitshlelt wiper bladec Should it bc nec€ssaryto reposition t}le wiper bLadcsoD their spindles' thcy ca! be withdrawn by holding back the small retaioing spring clip, which locates I in I register io the spiudle, aDd withdrawing the blade. Rcplace thc blade on thc required spline, pushing it hard dotrt on the spindle uDtil retained by tb€ spring clip.

Waning lights atrd ponel lamps The waming ligbt and pancl lamp bulbs are located in the positions shown in thc illustration below. Access to the bulb holders is gained from beneath ttre instrument panel. After removing the push-fit holders the bulbs may easily be unsqewed.

To adJus,a wiper arm rahe the rctainw clip (1\ and withdraw the arm. Refit on another spli\e (2't

The location of thc waning lEh, and pdnel lanp bulbs. The bulb holders are reachedfrom behlnd


A jatnmed starter pinion may be freed by tuming the omature shaft by ntearsof 4 sDannef

B.M.C. Port No. 13H1,!0 Headlamps (R.H.D. except Sweden) Headlamps(R.H.D. Swe.den--dipvertical-hoodcd) 3H921 Headlamps (L.H.D. Europe except Frandip 13H138 vertical) .. 13Ht39 Headlamps (L.H.D. France-db vertical-yelos') Hcadlamps (L.H.D. exc€pt Europe--{ip right) . . 13H141 2H4817 .. Pilot lamps .. tFwl2 Flashing direction indicators (front) 1F9026 Tail ard stop lamps 1F9012 Flasbing direction indicators (rear) 2II4817 Number-pLatelaslp .. .. .. 2H4732 Panel lamps . . ..2H95O4 Interiorlamp . . 1G2894 DirEction indicator waming (Lilliput bt b)

Vohs Wottt 12' fil40 12 45140 12 12 t2 12 12 t2 12 l2 l',

12 t2

45lq 45140 50/,{() 6 21


2l 6 'r.', 6 1.J

Starter The starter motor is mounted on thc riEht-hand side of thc eDginc o! thc flywheet housing. It requircs no lubrication betweenoverhaul periods' Should the starter pinion becomejammed s'ith the flywhell ring, it can usually be freed by rotating the spindle by means of the squared end with a spanner' 24


WITEEL REMOVAL of tbe Use --'irt" i*ril"iacka"timed to lift one side of the car at a time' Removcthe metal jack into it' pf"g?l- itt" tt"l-"t belowthe froDtdoor and inscrtthe arm of the radial movefor the allow to top at the outwards rcan slightly srrouta tine-iacL meniof thecar asit is raised'

CARE OF TYRES Tyre pressrres Thc recommendedtyre pressuresunder all conditions are: FroDt, 23 lb./sq. io. (1.62kg./cm.'). Rear, 25 lb./sq. io. (1.76kg./cm.r). Maintain the correct pressures by checking with aq accurate tyre gauge at least once a w€ek alrd inflating if necessary. Any unusua.l pressure loss should be investigated. Underioflation causes rapid tyre wear, and even more serious is the possible damageto the cords of thc fabric owirg to exc€ssiw bending or 0exing of the cover walls.

Thc Jack shouu be Posltioned leqningslightlY out' wsrdsat the toq

A section through q tabeless tyrc showw (l) lhe oih retainw line\ (2) the rubber air seal, (3) ,he rubbersealedvalve

Intert ,he end of the hub cover lever behind the disc arrd usca twistw movemefi to removethe hub cover

Wheel remoYal To remove a wheel: (l) Apply the hand brake. one of the r€cessesin the wheel izi uii rtre eod of rhe hub cover lever in movement) and removc (not levering a to give a sideways movement the hub cover. (3) itacten rtre wtreet truts half a tum (anti-clockwise)' (4) Jack uD the side of the car. unscrew the wheel nuts and remove the wheel' i5i C;;[telt When replacing the whe€l: (l) Locarethe wheelon the hub. (:i fignt"n the ours lightly with the wbeelspanoer'

ill".t it.:".t ani fu'llvtightenthenut'' lmasining iJi lry T: P.b"""li' - ' tigbteniogse4ueucers t' J' +' z' bered I to 4 in rotatioD,the recommeBded

(4) (5) ff*ffitliHi-*T'r"nt 26


Tubel€sstyEs The air s€al in a tubelesstyre is formed by the tyle bead on the wheel rim, as can be seenin the illustratioD above, and the valve is sealed agEinstair l€alc by the large 'mushroom' head on tbe inside of the rim. In aDywork carried out great ca.remust be used to avoid damagpto the bcadi tyre levcrs in good cotrdition arc essential. Removal aod replacemeot procedure is similar to that used for convcntional covers (seeinstructions on page 28). Initial inflatioB caD be csrried out with a foot pump and a rope toumiquet around the periphery of the t$€, but it is more easily accomplished with an air-line. IYre exanimdoo Fliit$ aud other sharp objects should b€ remov€d with a penknife or similar tool. lf they are neglecteda forEign body may work through the cover. Penetratioo does Do! lormally r€sult in deflation and the tyres should bc rcpaired when coovenient, Petretratioos by objects of small diameter caD bc repaired with the tyre manufacturer's plugging kit, while morc cxteosivedaEage requires the removal of the tyrE for vulcanizin& A-oy oil or gr€s€ which may get ooto the tyres should bc cleaoed ofrby using petrol (gasolioe) spariugly. Do not use paraffi.o (kercsene), whictr har a deri mcntal effect on rubbcr.




remoYalaDdreplaceme Tyre -'i"rn*" tl" unfui interior to de8atethe tyre completelyand push both cover valYe' i"J tft" u"* of the rim at the point diametrically o-ppositeto the round C-ontioue rim edge' the over valve "aii,t th€ Dear *t" iifr-r""* "ou"a oi one side is completely fr€e' Stand the.tyr€ and wheel U*d "ag" 6r-tvt" ,i*ii tttt the remaining bead ir the well-base of the wheel rim' r-ever tii"G "*fJfti. or tne-wneet over the rim flanse, and at the same timo ;[ E;; il{;thttop onsn the wheel awav fiom the cover with the other hatrd'

The cover beqd should be Dushedinto the well-baseof -the whc.l rirn as indicated bY the arrow .

Vrlves and caps See that the valve caps are screwed down firmly by hand. Do not use tools as too much force will damage the rubber seating. The cap prevents tlle entry of dirt into the valve mecharism and forms an additional seal on the valve. preventing aDy leakage if the valve core is damaged. Changing positioDof tyreg To obtain the b€st tyre mileage and to suppressthe development of irregular wear oo tle front tyres it is esseDtialthat the wheels be interchange.ddiagonally with the rear wheels aod the spare wheel at least every 3,000 miles (4800 km.) (seepage 38). IDDact frachtr€s Excessivelocal distortion result of striking a kerb, a loose brick, a deep pot-hole, etc., may cause the casing cords to fracture. Every effort should be made to avoid such obstacles.

'Ihe cover edge should be levered over the rlm qU round the wheel

th-etyre' keepingtho A similar tech quehasto be employedwhenreptracinglevedngthe tyre carcfully and ti*t u"oa"JJg" ;" ,t wen'tase of thi to "et ". rim on the opposite side.Great caremust be enercised o* it wheel good coodition' irr "i[ " mustbe used levers ti,e tyre ii3ru a"-"t" t" ,tt; tyrebeadand -'i;i"t'i;?i.t d becarriedout with a foot pump'usinga rope-tourniquet and tho urouni tne p"tipft".y of the tyre to obtain a sealbetweenthe tyre edg€ lino' a compresscd-air with accomplished casiiy it *.rc litiit *n*i.ltt, 28


CARBURETTER ADJUSTMENTS Aitjusthc thejet the exhaustbeat ilneu* *i"g *n U. causedby a mixturewhichis too weaki the exhaustis and misfire' of tvpe it*gtlar it th";;;";";th "-ipi*rw' be causia bv i mixturc which is too. rich; tho u""t!" gti"L Siirir""l blackishexhaust' r,i"iii" tn""t.lrtvtUioicat'"ui or regulartype,coupledwith a of Accordingto the symptoms'screwthe jet adjustingnut'. oDly 91,e'.qat' enlor downwards or weakening for upwards either time, at a tfh;;;6; O" i"s6t idliDs;Deedis obtaiftd corsist€'ntwith ev€Dftitrg' t"rt#"iG (4) be slackemdasthis wil U ler ro circuDstatrc6shorftlthe ict lockingnut oe in i'mmhg ol me prslotr' cruscmlsaligueDt of the mair let, resoltitrg idling speedof wheo adjustingtb€ mixture strengthit may be hetpful if the (2)' to b€ screw stop ibrottle bv aboutha.lfa turn oi the ,h" obtained' beeo has ";A;-t-it&;rt stren$h e mi"tt, ttti iil!-*I; ;il;fi;;'.;; "ottect wh€nthemirtureandsbw-runningspeedaresatisfactory'thentheremainder of thc throttle rangeshouldalsobe coE€ct

The carburetter Jet adjustingnut. a Throttle stop scl€w. 'Fast-ialle'adjustEent sCrcW. 4. Jct lockilg nut.

Carbmetter slow-runnlngadilstment may nee'da litile When the engine is fully run in, the slow-runniDg adjuslment its normal running has attained engioe the when d done be atrooiiol].rlis-.nouf ne€ds


speedddv (not mixturc.stren$h) sroor-ruooi"g

(2) by tumiog it this can be made on tie throttie stop screw *:[ct:oo speed' €Dgine to decrease aod anti'clockwise to-i"-"*" "i"-"i"it" adjust' Aftcr the slow-running has been alealt vrith ch€ck that the 'fast-idle' about just clear of tle impact face by is a cam, on imlacts rniot ."t"* tA, "ni"n Ji in. c40mm.).

th:-Tixtur€ If. however,the engineb€at is uneven,denotingire€ular.fting' a compression' aerecti"e tnat remember a-djustment-but ;;t'"; r6;d; i"J-ti ua*,'ot ruuty ignition may alsocausemisfring' 30



KEY TO DIAGRAM DAILY (1) ENGINE. Checkthe oil levelwith ' - the diDstick.Replenishif Decessary with iew oil (Ref. A). AFTER THE FIRST 5OO MILES (t00 Kn')

.a*Hfffi'',?{fi *i.11*o ?'f,T (3) GEARBOX. Drain off old oil aod ' rcEU with fresh oil to Ref. A.

c'}}"H'f*#"Rf'""'fS sl S$. .l

EVERY 1,000 MILES (1600 KnL) ($ STEERING BOX' Ch€ck steeriDg '- box oil level. atrd top uP ll 'lec€ssary (Ref. B). (O- STEERING IDLER' Cbeck ster' ' ine idler oil level, and top up rl n;€ssarv (Ref. B)' (n STEERING JOINTS. Give tbree ' or four strok€s of the grease 8uo filled to Rcf. C to tripples on joitrts. -steering (8) BRAKES. Insp€ct fluid level ir brake master cylitrder supply t tg[' atrd toD uP if Dec€ssary wrtn Cirlitrs'CrimsoD Fluid. (9) cLUTcH. hsPect 6uid levet io clutcb master cytitrder supply taDx, and toD uD if trecessary wlrn Girl'|ng Cridsotr Fluid. Oo) CEARBoX. lospect oil level bY the diDstick, aDd top uP r| oeces' sarv with oil to Ref. A. (ll) '--'

REAR AXLE. tnspe.t ,oil. level throueh 6ller, and rcPleoish if trecessarywith oil to Ref. B.


Give the cabl-o

HBoJi.'Bffiu',J',f !*f in':Sl

(f$ CARBURETTER. Redove the ' ' cao from the top of the suctiotr aoa add a few drops of "limler oil to Ref. D. EVERY 3,000 MILES (4800 Km') (lO ENCINE. Drain off old oil and 'refill with fresh oil to Ref. A. EVERY 6,000 l\fl,F,s (9600 Kn.) O7)- FRONT HUBS. Remove froot wheel bub discs and Prlse. onqease-retainiog caps ftom enos ol Eubs, Fill caPs with grease to Ref. F atrd replace s€curelY. (18) OIL FILTBR. Renew eledent and ' wash bowl in fuel. (19) GEARBOX. Drain off old oil and ' rcfill with ftesh oil to Ref- A.

( H.Tuf#,f''*f'.*Si.1l: " (21) FRONT DAMPERS' Ibspectfluid '

in front damPers, atrd top uP rt nece€sary.

(22) REAR DAMPERS' lospect fluid ' io r€ar dampss, and top uP ll rcc€ssary. t2?) WATER PUMP' Remove Plug ' ' .nd add a few drops ofS.A'E 140 oil. RePlace Plug. (24) DISTRIBUTOR withdraw rotat'- -' Ge arm and add 'a few droPsof oil to-ttef. O to opeDing and also to advatr@ mecbanism tbrougn gBP arouod cam spiDdle. Smear catD and rocker bearing with gease or oil. EVERY 12,000 MILES (19200 fnt.) (25) DYNAMO' Add two drops cf-oil '--' to nef. D to the hole in the eDdof the dY&mo beariog.

(13) PROPELLERSHAFT.Givethree MULTIGRADE MOTOR OILS or four strokesof the greasegutr In addition to the lubricant! recodrptopeller shaft to C nltea to net io this Maoual we approve the mended nipples. use of the multigade motor olls pto' duc€d bY the oil compatries shown rn (14) SPRINC SHACKLES' Give ttrree our oubiications for all climatic co!or four strokesof the greas€gutr ditiois unless tlle engine is in poor filled to Ref. C to niPPleson rear mechadical cooditio!' spring shackles' NorDr oil ard greascrcf€r$c.s ate detalteiloDl|age60




the levet of water in the radiator, and top up if ne.â‚Źessary'

engineoit level (A) Checking --fl-" on the right' tJuetir tn" oil in the engine sump is indicated by tle dipstick on the dipstick mark the 'MAX' at Lwt tr'e Irlaiotain #;'-#;;i'th;;;;. aUow it to fa below the 'MIN' mark' ona-niver --ft" teco-In"oaeO lubricants are hdicated on pagg 60'

The engine oil diqstick with the mqrkw$ shown in tlE iwet

The otl flter caP mttst be tu ed anti-dockwise to re' leasett

Filtitrc up with etrgtueoil (A) and is '-d;;'Iil;*;il-i. ti-in" forward end of the cvlinder head cover cap. quick-action Drovided with a rrt" use of an engine oil to Ref' A (page 60) is "';j;; il;-tii; ""ti"r. "t recommended'

WEEKLY T63ffff?y."

thu andiDflate'if nâ‚Źcrs:11,, p*r"ures'usinga tvresaugsJ

that the valves are fitted with scrcw caps' prktor.t. i^ut" *irn-""d",i and wipe off any oil or grease' possible damagg r.t i*nsp* G-tyt"i 3l

EYERY 1.000MILES (f600 Kn')

EVERY 1,000MILES (1600Kn.) Gearbox (A) Check the level, and top up if ne{€ssary. To reach the combined filler plug and dipstick lift the ca4ret and remove the rubber cover on the top of the gearbox covering. Remove the plug and dipstick and fill up to the indicated level. The use of an oil to Ref. A (page 60) is recommended.

The combined dipstick and fller plug is located beneath the rubber plug ia the gearbox cover

Therear axle filler and level plug

Rear axle (B) Check the level, and top up if necessary.The filler plug is located olr the rear side of the axle and also servesas-an oil level indicator. After topping up allow time for any surplus oil to ruu out should too much have be€n injected. This is most important, as if the axle is overfilled the lubricant may leak through to the brake linings a'td lcssen their efficiency. IMPORTAI{I-USe otrly H}Toid oil in the rear axle (seeRef. B or page 60).

Steertugbox (B) with tho Check tlc level, ald top up if necessary'The correct level is flush grit enters the Uoilo* oirf," filler hole.-Tai<e care to ensure that no dirt or steeriog box when remoYing or replacing the filler plug' The use of an oil to Ref. B (page 60) is recommended'

Clean thc area around the steering box cover belore remorirg the fller glug

The steeirg idler fller Plug. The correct level is fush with tha bouom of the frller hole

Steering ir er (B) The uso Chec,kthe level of oil in the steedng idler' and top up if trec€ssary' (page recommended' 60) is to R€f. B an oil of of NOTE.-O0 tro act'ount shoulrt the steedng idter be overlook€d' as-lack sdditioral to the due lubricant in this componentmay causea seriousbreckdown, load imposedotr the steedng box.

EYERY 1,000 MILES (1600Kn')

EYERY 1,000MILES (1600Kn.) Csrbuett€r ttamper(D) The reservoir ne€ds topping up periodically with thin engine oil to Ref. D (paee 60). This operation is not at all critical; simply unscrew and remove the damper unit and then pour oil into the bollow piston rod until the level is + in (13 mm.) from the top of the rod, then screw the darper back into positioD" It is sumcieot to withdraw the damper unit far enough to ins€rt the nozzle of an oilcan. The fulction of this piston damper unit is to provide aD appropriatc degreeof enricbment for accelcration, and also to improve cold starting;

Battery of the Remove tbe filter plug from each of the cells and examine the level electrotbe bring to water distilled add suffcieat ff-necessary, in eacn. ebct.Jyte tr" tops of theieparators. Do not us€ tap-water and do,not use lyte'i*i "u""u tire condition of tlre cells' Do not overflll' Wipe Iteht;h." ;;-"1;; ";amining away all dirt and moisture from the top of tle battsry'

The greasing points on ,he lront sryention and steering linkages Ltlbricdtw the carburcttcr pitton dawer

A rear sying thackle gteas' iag niPPle'

Theclutchmastercylinilu(ll andbrukemastercylinder Q)

Brake atrd cltrtclr mrst€r cylioilers Check the level of fluid in the hydraulic brakc and clutch mastcr ctinders and replcnish if nec€ssarywith Girling Fluid. If this fluid is not ayailable a fluid which cooforms to Sp€cification S.A.E. 70.R1 should be used. Maintain the level of fuid at + iu. (13 mm.) below the bottom of the fillcr ncrk in each cylinder. 34

Lubrication nipPles(C) rc{eive Luurication nipples are situated at tie points listed below and should (page 60)'. c gun to Ref' filled seuerulstrokesoiihe gtease .. . (l) Front susDension outer fulcrum pins (one nipple eacnsloej' (t;o nippt"s each .id"). Thjt b besr done wbeo the vehicle iii ;*t;;i;i;; t-' ,r!'thi greaseis then able to peneuate properly around ir'"""rii*t!J "p ' the bushes' jointd and dh'slink ball joint nipples (one oo each tt"t-t tll iiliitt? six in aI). (4) Rear shackle pins (one nipple on each rcar shackle)' i5i propcller shaft univcrsal joirt (two aipples)' 35

EYERY 3'000 MILES (4800Kn.)

EYERY 1,000MILES (1600Km.) Hanil blake cable (F) Tte grease Dipple on tie hand brake cable should be given three or fout strokes with the gease gun filled with greaseto Ref. F. (page 60).

The hand brake cablegreose nipple

The rear unfuersol joint grease nipple. A similar ninle it situate.I on the ftont universal joint

For a completesummaryofthe rttentiotr to be giYeneYery1,000mil€s (f600 km.) ceeslso Dage51. 36

Draidtrg th3 sunp (A) Thc oil in the sump should be &ained to cleal the sump of aoy impurities that may have accumulated and then refillcd with the appropriate gade of lubricant. This operation is b€st carried out immediately the car returns from a journey, while the oil is still warm and fluid. On the riglrt-hand side of the engine will be found a hexagon-headeddrain ptug. Removal of this plug will releasethe conients of th€ surryt. After caxefully cleaning the drain plug it should be replaced and scr€wedup tightly' Refill the sump with fresb oil to Ref. A (pag€ 60).

The engine np dmin plug ls located on the fight-hand ride of the engiru

Use the special Champion spa&W plug gauge and setting tool and move the side vbe on the plug-never the cenlre electrode

Sporking plugs To sa!€ fuel and facilit4te startiog, plugs should be claned aDd tested, preferably by a service garag€ with a special 'air-blast' service unit. The cep betw€eDthe poitrts should be set at '025 in. ('64 mm.). Whetr adjusting the gap move the sidc wire-never bend the centre wire. A combined setting tool and gauge cau be obtained from tle Champion Sparking Plug Co., or from any Moris Distributor or Dealer.


EVERY 3,000 MILES (4800 KmJ

EYERY 3,000 MILES (4800 Kn.) Tyreg Changp the running position of the tyres and bring the spare whe€l into usc as showu in the illustration. This will equalizE the ryre wear of the front and rear wheels and prolong the life of the tyres. Check the tyre pressuresatter the wheels have been changed round. (See pacp 31.) Insp€ct the tyres frequently and remove any pieces of flint, stoDe, or Slass which have become emb€dd€d iD the covcrs. See .Frotrt wheel,tignn€nti pagp 41.

Change thc wheels routd the diagonally and brw spqe into ase as shown in this illastration

FaD and dynrmo belt rolled by the location ofthe dynamo. To incrcaso Th€ tcnsion ofthebeltfuco the belt tensioD slacken the two bolts securing the dyoamo slott€d link and thc two bolts on which the dynamo pivots. Using ooly hand pressurq draw the dytrario outwards to tcDsiotr the belt. Avoid overtight€Ndngas this will place unduc strain on the dynamo bcarisgs. Rctigbt€n the bolh racutely,

The four pohts of artochmort for the dynrno, all of which ttust be slackenedfor belt adiastnEnt

For a comDtetesmmary of the att€ ion to be givenevery3,t100miles (4800 kn.) s€eolso Dagg51. The two square-fuaded brake-shoe adi stW bolts on a front brake plate

Brake adiustnent Front Each of the squar€-headed bolts on the brake-plate adjusts onc brakeshoe. In order to move tbe sho€snearer to the drums the adjustiog bolts must be tumed in a clockwise direction l{heq viewed from the centre of thc car. Tum the bolts uniil a defioite resistanceis felt and then slacker each one back uotil ao binding is experieoctd. The rvheetsshould be jacked off the grourd whilst the adjustments are made. Rcar Adjustmeot to the rear whe€l brake is the sam€ procedure as detailed for the froDt cxcept that there is only one square-headedadjusting bolt which adjusts both shoesand the hand brakc mechanism simultaD€ously. 38


EVERY 6,000 MILES (9600 Krn)

EV,ERY6,000 MILES (9600Km.) Conaactbreaker gap Remove the distributor cap and tum the engine by band until tlle contacts are fulb opened, Check the gap with a'016 in' ('zlo mm') feeler gauge: thc gauge jhould be a sliding fit io the gap. If the gap varies appreciably from the the !au!e slacken the contact plate securing scr€w (see illustration) and adjust at end of the hole the notched in the gap a screwdriver by inserting ;oD;ad plate, and iurning clockwise to decreaseand anti'clockwise to increasethe gap. Tighten the securiDgscrew

The distfibutor points, contoct plote securw screw, qnd the scrcwdivet adiustw slots are here indicated by the arrow

A slight trace of greose or engirc oll thould be applied to the rotating cam. The cam beartngshoutdalso recefuea few drops of oil

If the contact breaker points are bumed or blackened clean the-mwith a fitrr carborundum stoDe or with very fing emery-cloth. Cleaning of the contacts is made easier if the cootact breaker lever carrytrg the moving contact is removed. To do this unscrew tie nut securing the end of the spring, remove the spring washer, 0at washer, and bolh whe termiDal3, and lift off the lever complete with spritg. After cleaning chetk the contact br€aker setting oD r€plac€ment. ,{()

Distributor (F and D) Remoye the distributor cover and rotor arm and lightly smear tlp cam with greaseto Ref. F (page 60) or thin engine oil. Avoid overgreasing' At the same time drop a spot of oil or place a smear of greaseon the coDtact brcaker pivot. Drop a few spots of thia engine oil to Ref. D (page 60) on the automatic advarce weights and on the screw in th€ centre of the cam spindle after withdrawing the rotor arm. Do not remove this screw as clearanc€is provided for the oil to pass. Make sure that oil or greasedoes not find its way onto the coDtact poinb. Car€fully wipe away all surplus oil aad seethat tlle contact breaker points are perfecdy clear.

Lubrlcate the advance mechonlsmand the contact breaker lever pivot at the stipulated intemols

Front wheel alignmenL Dimensioq(a\ must be between * and * in. (1.59 and 3'18 mm.) smaller thor, dimension (B-) when the wheels sre in the struight-shead position

Front wheel alignmert The front wheelsarc set with between + and * in. (1'59 and 3'18 mm.) toe-in, and this alignmeut should be checked.Incorrect aliglrment willcause excessivetyre wear. CarE must b€ taken to ensure that the measurementsare taken at axlo level and tlat the rims rur true, If adiustBe is requir€d the work should be placed in the handpof a Morris Distrihrtor or l)eder. 41

EVERY 6000 MILES (9600 Kn.)

EYERY 6,000 MILES (9600 Kn.) Erternal o flter The extemal oil filter is of the renen'able elem€nt type and is located on tho rigbt-hand side of the cylinder block. Unscrew the c€ntral casing bolt' removc the casing, and throw away the filter element. Wssh out the casiry $'ith petrol (gasoline) and dry it before refitting it with a new felt-type element.

VrlYe rockels The clearaacr b€tw€enthe valvc rockers and valvesshould bc '015 in. ('38 mm.) when the eDgineis hot. To reach the rocker gear the air cleaner and rocker cover musi be removed. InstructioDs for removing tie air cleaner are giveq on page 47. Remove tbe two nuts aDd steel washers and lift the valve rocker coYer from the cylirder head without damaging the cork s€al,

Unsuew the centrul casw bok, andtheflter bowlnqY be witMrawn Thc ,rEthod of settw the valve ckarance, snd (inset, usingafeeler gaageto check the clearar,ce

The lront hub greae cap must be gen ly prised of ttirh a scfewdriver

Test the clearame between the rocker arms and the valYe stems by iDserting a'015 in. ('38 mm.) feeler gauge between them. The blade should be a sliding 6t nhen th€ valves are tested io the following order while the eogine is hot: Test No. I valve with No. E fully opeu. ,, ,,3 , , 6, ,

Wheel hubs (F) Carefully prise off the grease-retainingcaps from the front wheel hubs and reoack them with greaseto Ref. F (pagp 60) and r€6t them' The rear hubs are automatically lubricated from the rear axle'

To adjust the clearance slacken the adjusting sclew locknut on tlle opposit€ end of fte rocker arm ald rotate tie sclew clockwise to reduce the clearaDce or anti-clockwise to increase it. RetighteD the locknut when the cleannce is corrccl, holding the scr€w agairst rotation with a screwdrivcr, 43

EVERY 6,000 MILES (9600 Ktn.)

EVERY 6'000 MILES (9600 Km.) cearbox(A) A drain plug is providedotr the undersideof the gearbox'Draitr th€g€arbox oil to Ref. A (see'RECoMMENDED LI'BRICANTS" uJ tJrfi;fiir."itt page60).

The geaftox drain Plug, A combined filler plug and dipstick is provided beneath the gearbot cover (seePage 32)

Front atr|l resr dampe$ The fluid in tle front dampers may be topped up without removing the dampers from the vehicle. The rear dampers are more easily topped up after removing them,

The arow indicates a fronl damperfller plug. Thotough' ly elean all round the Plug before rcmoving it

The rcar dampers are more eatily ottended to by remoyingthemfrom the vehicle The rear axle fuain Plug

Rear axle (B) Drain the oil from tlle rear axle and refill with fresh oit' The most suitable time ior draining is after a long joumey, whilst the oil is still-warm'.Cl€an the it is replaced and tightened. Refill with fresh oil (Ref' B' a-i"it'- pf"g bef; page60). 44

Thoroughly clean the damper bodies, particularly around ,the filler plug on top of thJdamper. Wheu clean, remove the filler plue, u4 !{Jo the tottom of th" fiU". plug hole. The use of Armstrong Super (Thin) Shock Absorber Flui<lNo. 62i is iecomnended for usein the dampers. If this fluid is not available a good-quality mineral oil conforming to Speoification S.A.E. 20/20wmay be us-ed.Tbis alternative is not suitable for low-temperature operation and is also deficient in various other ways. Rock tbe car b€fore replacing the plugs in the front dampers in order to expel any trapp€d air. No means of adjustmeot is provided on the dampers, 45

EVERY 12.000MILES (1900 Kn')

EYERY 6,000 MILES (9600Kn.) Water pumD Remove the plug on the water pump casing and add a small quantity of S.A.E. 140 oil. The oiling of the pump must b€ done very sparingly, otherwis€ oil will flow past the bearings onto the face of the carbon s€aling ring and impair its efficiency.

The water pump oiliW plug

For a complet€sutrrmtry of the att€ntion to l,e giYen every 6'000 miles (9600 tm.) seealso page52,

Air nter (drv ttTe) Unscrew the two bolts securing the air filter to the carburetter aud the set cleaner body to the support straps arrd remove the filter tft" r"t""' "ir "aruai"g n"move the wiri clip and base plate and throw away the old iir- tf," ""ftiir" Clean the inside of the casing thoroughly and reassemblg'usutg paper element. a new element.

The drylype oir fhet cont' ponents. Cleatt the inside of the casebefore rcas$emblw tith a new element

Radiator Open both drain taps on the engine and radiator and allow the coolant to the radiator filler cap and insert a watcr hose in the top of the aoii. n "-ou" All"* the water to run foi severat minutes to swill out the radiator ;;ai;i; and cylinder block Passages. f"nff tft" systen with water (preferably soft) or one of the recommended anti-freeze solutions (seepage 15). Carburetter Diston(D) The suction chamber and piston should b€ cleaned every 12,000mil$ (19200 tm.i. efter aetactting the unii clean the main inside bor€ of the suctiolt.cbamber ..J'in" oursio" diaireter of the piston with a clean rag rnoistened in p€uol' neassemble in a dry and clean condition with a few spots of thin oil (Ref' D' page-eiil orr tne piston rod otrly. Don't forget to refill the damper reservoir (seepage 34). 'lid Oitaitr tfte noot-clamber by unscrcwing tbe attachment bolt, remove,the bottom in the collected have may which sediment away any and float, and empty of the chamber. Engine-flushing(A) Remove the eoginesump drain plug and allow the old oil to drain completely' n"pfr"" il" plui and pour in through the engine-filler cap approximately recom4 pints (2'27 litres) of flushing oil. A flushing oil-s].lpplied by-one oJ lne at the englne uscd' RUD be (page 60) should manufacturers minded-lubricant tp""O for 2L to 3 minutes' After stopping tbe e-ngiDespecial care il"iii"t-o"". be taken io ensure complete drainagp of thc flushing oil' must --'i"ptu"" ttt" to-p drain plug and filt the engine \Yith oil to Ref' A (page 60)'




EVERY 12,000MILFS (f900 Kn.) Sparking plugs New sparking plugs should be fitted every 12,000miles (19200 km.). Ensure that only tle recornmendedplugs are used and that they are set to the correct gap (seepage 37) before installation. Speedometercable Every 12,000 miles (19200 km.) the speedometer outer casing should be unscrewed from the speedometer head, and the inner cable extracted and lubricated sparingly with greaseto Ref. F; oil must Dot be used. After returning the inner cable into its outer casing the upper €nd should be withdrawn approximately 8 in. (20 cm.) and tbe surface grease wiped off, before reronnecting it to the speedometerhead.

The lubricqtion hole lor the dynamoend bearing- Do not overlabricale

Dynsno (D) Add two drops ofengirc oil to Ref. D (pag;e60) to the rear €nd of the dynamo. Use an oilcan insert€d in tle central hole of the rpar end bearins. AYoil oy€rlobrtcadoo. For a comt ete summary of lhe atteltion to be giyetr eyery 12,000 miles (19200 km.) seealso lage 53.


Coachwork, wirgs, anil windshiekl Regular attention and care to the body finish is necessaryif the new appearance of the car exterior is to be maintained against the effeat of air pollution, rain, and mud. Fr€quent washing of the bodwork, using a soft spongewitl plenty of water containing a mild detergent, is recomm€nded.Large deposits of mud must be softened with water before using tlle sponge. When clean, dry the surface of the car with a damp chamois-leather. Ary damaged parts should immediately be covered with paint aJrda complete repair effected as soon as possible, When 'touching-iu' light scratches and abrasions with paint eDsurethat all traces of wax polish are removed from the affected a.r€abeforehand. Methylated spirits (denatured alcohol) should be used to remove spots ol greaseor tar from the bodywork, windshield, and bright parts of the car. The application of a good-quality liquid polish is recommended to givo added lustre to the paintwork. Do not allow silicone- or wax-based polishes to come hto contact vdth the windshield; they have been known to have q detrimental effect on the wiper blades and are dimcult to remove. Chromiom ad stafulesssteel The chromium and stainlessste€l parts should not on any account be cleaned with metal polish. Wash them frequently vift soap and water, and when the dirt has beenremoved polish the surface with a clea!, dry clotl or a chamois-leather uotil bright. The slight tamish that may be found on stainlessste€l that has not received regular washing may be removed with impregnate.dwadding such a$ that usedoo silverware. An occasional application of wax polish or light oil wilt help to preserve the finish, particutarly during winter, when salt may be used on the roads. Interior Clean the carpets in the car, preferably before washing the outside, by using a stiff brush or a vacuum cleaJrer.The leather or leathercloth cushions and door trim may be cleaned periodically by wiping over with a damp cloth. Dust and dirt if allowed to accumulate too long will eventually work into the pores of the leather, giving it a soiled appearance that is not €asily romedied. A little. neutral soap may b€ used, but detergents,caustic soaps,p€trol, or spirits of ary/ kind must not be used.


PERIODICAL ATTENTION 5(X)miles (800 kn.) free service Dlrbg the early life of the car, sootrafter it bas completetl500 mil€s (8fi1 km.)' you rre eotitlert to haye it itrspectettftee of charge by the Morris l)caler ftom whom you purchasedit, or' if this shouH not be coNenient' bryary oti€{ Morris Dealer by arrangerrent. This attention giY€nrluring the critical Friotl in the life of the car inakee all the differenceto its subsequentlife aftl Perfomance. This serYiceincludes: l. Engirc Tighten cylinder head and manifold nuts to recommendedpressures. Check tightn€ss of valve rocker shaft brackels to recommendedpressures. Check valve rocker clearaaces,and reset if necessary. Tigbtetr-fao b€lt if De{€ssary. Check atl water coonections, and tighten clips if necessary. Examine and clean carbur€tter, ard reset slow-running adjustment if ngcessary. 2, lgnition Examine, aJrdadjust if necessary,sparking plugs and distributor points. Check working of automatic ignition controls and, if nec€ssary, reset ::j, ignition timitrg.. 3"' Clutch i Check clutch pedal for fr€€ movement, aod bleed if ncc€ssart' Check Girling fluid level iD master cylindet and top up if necassary. 4. Steering Check front wheel alignment and ste€ring connections. Adjust if necessary' 5, Brakes Check brakiog systemfunctionally, and blee.dlines if necessary. Check Girling fluid level in master cylinder, and top up if nec€ssary6- Eydraulic dampers tnspect hydrautic dampers for leaks, anil check the mounting bolts for tightness. Examine oil leYels,ard top up if necessary. 7. Body Check doors for ease in opening alld closing. If necessary,lightly smear with a suitable lubricating agont all dovetails and striking plat€s. 8. Electrical Check electrical system functionally. Examine battery and top up to correct level with distilled water, if necessary. Clean and tighten terminals. 9. General Check tightnecs of universal joint nuts, spring clips, and wing (fender) bolts. lO. Lubrication Drain oil from engine, gparbox, and rear axle and refill. Top up oil level in steeting box and steering idler. oil and greaseall points of the car. 11. IYheelsand tyret Test tyres for correct Pressures Check tightness of wheel nuts. Regular senicing, as FoYed by pr€sentatior of completedYoucier counterfoils, coutl welt €oharcethe value of your vehicle in the €vesofa procpectivepurcbaser. AIL MATERIALS CIIARGEABLE TO THE CT'STOMBR. 50

PERIODICAL ATTTNIION Daily Check oit level in crankcase.Top up if necessary. Check watcr level in radiator, Top up if uecessary.

Weekly Test tyre pr€ssures,al|d regulate if nec€ssary. 1,m0 mil€s (1600 kn,) s€Ivic! l. Engine Top up carburetter piston dashpot. Lubricate carburetter controls. Top up radiator. 2. Clutch Check level of Girling fluid i! the hydraulic clutch master cylinder. 3. Brakes ch€ck brake pedal free trav€l and report if adjustment is required. Make visual inspection of brake lines and pipes. Check level of Girling fluid in hydnulic brake master cylinder. 4. Ey&aulic dampers Examirc all hydraulic dampers for leaks. 5. Electical Check battery cell specific gravity readings and top up to correct level. 6. Lubrication Top up oil levels in engine, gearbox, reax axle, stesring box, and steering idler. Lubricate all nipples. 7. Wheelsa d tyret Check tyre pr€ssures. check wheel nuts for tightness. 2,m0 miles (3200 km,) serYice @rry out the l,mo miles (1600 !or") service3,mo miles (,$(x) h,) s€rYice l. Engine Top up carburetter piston dashpot. Lubricate caf,buretter controls, Top up radiator. Check dynamo drive belt t€Esion. 2. knitiort Clean and adjust sparkiDg plugs. 3. Clutch Check level of Girling fluid in the hydraulic clutch master cylinder.



PERIODICAL ATTENTION 4. Brakes Check brakes, and adjust if necessary. Make visual inspectioD of brake lines and pipes. Check level of Girling fluid in the hydraulic brak€ master cylinder. 5. Hydraulic dampcrs Examine all hydraulic dampers for leaks. 6. Body Lubdcate door locks and hinges, bonDet lock, and operating mechanism. 7, Electrical Check battery cell sp€cific gravity readings a.ndtop up to corr€ct level. 8. Lubricqtion Change engine oil. Top up oil levels in gearbox, rear axle, steering box, and st€eriug idler. Lubricate all nipples. 9. Wheelsand tyres Change wherls round diagonally, including spaxe,to rcgularize tyre wear, Cherk tyre pressures.

4,m0 miles (64fr) km.) service Carry out the 1,000 miles (1600 km.) seryice.

5,fi)0 mil€s (8000 km.) service carry out the 1,fi)0 miles (16fi) km.) seryice

6,000 miles (9600 km,) service 1, Engine Top up carburettor pistoo dashpot. Lubricate carburetter controls. Top up radiator, Cteck dynamo drive belt teosion. Lubricate water pump sparingly. Check valve rocker clearaoces,and adjust if necessary. 2, Ignition Check automatic ignition control, lubricating drive shaft, cam, and ad. vance mechanism. Cheak, and adjust if necessary,distributor contact points. Clean aDdadjust sparkingplugs. 3. Clutch Check level of Girling fluid in.the hydraulic clutch mastor cylinder. 4. Brakes Check brakes, and adjust if necessary. Make visual inspection of brake lines and pipes. Check level of Girling fluid in tle hyclraulic brake master cylinder. 52

6. 7.



Hydraulic datnpers Examin€ all hydraulic dampers for leaks, and top up if necessary. Genelal Tight€n rear road spring seat bolts. Body Check, and tighten if necessary,door locks and hinges aDd striker plate securing screws. Lubricate door hinges, boDnet lock, and op€rating mechanism, Electfical Check battery c€[ specifc grayity rcadings and top !p to corr€ct leyel. Lubrication Chaage oil in engine, gearbox, and rear axle. Fit new oil filter elemeut, Top up oil level in steering box and ste€ring idler, Lubricate aU nipples. Repack ftont hub caps with grease. Itrheelsand tlres Change wheels round diagonally, including sparg to regularize tyre wear. Check tyre pressuresCheck whe€l aligmeat.

7,000 miles (1121Dkm.) service Carry out the 1,fi!0 mile.s(16{D km.) seryicr. 8,1X)O miles (128fi) kn.) service Carry out the 1,0fi) miles (1600 km.) service. 9,m0 miles (I,!{n km.) s€rrice Carry out the 3,fl)O miles (,1800krn-) service. f0,000 niles (160m km.) servlce Carry out the l,(XD mil€s (16fl) km.) rerrice. 11,000miles (17600km.) service Carry out the 1,000 miles (1600 km) s€rvice. 12,0q) utiles (f9200 km.) seryice 1. Engine Remove carburetter suction chamber and piston, clean, reassemble,aod top up. Removc carburetter float-chamber, empty sediment, and refit. Lubricate carbuettor controlsCh€ck valve rocker clearances,and adjust if necessary. Fit Dew afu flter element (&y type ooly). Check dynamo drive belt tension. Lubricate water pump sparingly.


PERIODICAL ATTENTION 2. Igrritiorl iheck automatic ignition control, lubricatiog drive shaft, cam' aud advance mechanism. Chech,a.nd adjust if Decessary,distributor @ntact poi.ots. Fit new sparking plugs. Clutch Check level of Girling fluid in the hydraulic clutch master cylinder' Steefing Check ste€ring and suspensionmoving parts for wear. Brakes Check brakes, and adjust if nec€ssary, Make visual inspection of brake lines and pip€s. Check level of Girling fluid in the hydraulic brake master cvlinder. Hydnulic darnpew Examine a[ bydraulic dampers for leaks, and top up if nec€ssary' Rsdiator Drain, flush out, and refill radiatorL General Tighteo rear road spriog seat bolB. o Body Ch;k, and tighteo if necessary,door hinges and striker plate sccuring screws. Lubricate door locks and hinges, bonnet lock, and operating mechaoism' 10. Electricql check battery celt specific giavity readings and top up to correct level' Lubricate dynamo beadng. Check headlamp beam s€tting; and reset if necessary. l l . Lubfication Drain engine, flush out with flushing oil, and refill with engine oil' ' Change oil in gparbox and rear axle. Fit Dew oil flter element. Lubricate all greasenipples. Lubricate speedometercable. Top up oil level in steering box ard steering idler. Repack front hub caps with grease' 12, Wheelsarrd tyret Change road wheels round diagonally, including sparc, to regularize tylo wear. Check tyre pressures. Check wheel alignment. 24,000n €s (3841X)km.) s€rvice Carr-v out the 12'000 nil€s (1900 km.) s€rvice' with the following amendment: ll. L bication Remove engile sump and pick-up straiD€r, clean, and reassemble,filling; with fresh oil. 54

IMPORTANT Your atte|rtion is drawn to the foUowirg points, compliance with which, we sugg€st,will prove mutually beneficial. r. WARRANTY CERTIFICATE (a) Completion of the Warnnty Certificate 'tear-ofi' slip at the time of vehicle purchase wheD sent to the Factory will ensure registration of owr€Nship by the British Motor Corporation. (r) Retention of the Owner's portion of. the C€rtifcate, signed by the Distributor and Owner, in a safe place in tte vehicle (by quickly establishing owDership) will help to expedit€ any adjustments utrder waranty if such adjustments are required to b€ carried out by a B.M.C. Distributor or Dealer other than tbe supplier of your vehicl€. 2, CI.AIMS T,NDER WARRANTY Claims for the replacemoEtof material or parb under Warranty must always be submitted to thc supplyiDgDistributor or Dealer or, when this is not possible, to the near€stDistributor or Dealer, informing them of the Vendofs name and address" 3. PREVEI\ITIVE MAINTEI{ANCE Servie vouchers (applicsble in the United Kingdom only) are produced for your convenience,and the useofthes€ is the best safeguardagainst the possibility of abnormal repair bills at a lat€r date. PreYCntrather than C\[e" 4. REPLACEMB{T PARTS Wben S€rvicr Parts are required irsist on genuineB,M,C. (MOWOG) Psrls as tlese are d€sigDedsn|l tested for your yehide and in adlition warratrted for 12 moolhs by Se British Motor C-orporatioo. ONLY WHEI\ GEI\UINE PARTS ARE USED CAN B.M.c. ACCEPT R]OSPONSIBILIIY.


Whsn purchasing rcplacement parts or baving repairs done owners are requestedto seethat a label similar to the one illustrated here is attached to the invoice rendered. Thes€ labels are issued by B.M.C, Service Limited aqd consdtute a guaraDteethat gpnuine B.M.C, parts are supplied. Our wortd-wide network of Distributors and Deaters is at your servicc.




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