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TheGambridge-Oxford OwnersClub COOC HOTLINE(for generalenquiries):07966 249506/ www.co-oc.org
Iel:01473712723 taff@taffmail.demon.co.uk
Treasurer PleasedirectallJinance via relatedenquiries the FinanceOfficeruntil furthernotice.
Secretary SteveTurner Donatella House, Ryton,lValton NorthYorkshire, YO1765A.
Chairman TaffGillingham Road 21BColchester lpswich Suffolk tP44QZ
Memberships JohnMiddleton c/o 276 CollegeStreet Long Eaton Nottinghamshire NG'104GW
Publicity John Lakey 36, Rodbourne Road, Harborne, Birmingham. 817 oPN.
Tel: 0121 243 4336 Teli 07790 286974 l.com membership@co-oc.orgjohnlakey@googlema
Tel:01653693183 farinaman@btinternet.com
Marque Secretaries: Pre-FarinaCambridge Secretary A55 Mk ll & A60 Secretary Morris Oxtord V & Vl Secretary M.G. & Riley Secretary Wolseley15/60 & 16/60Secretary 6-Cylinder Secretary
FlichardMaruda,145 StonesbyAvenue,Leicester,LE2 6ry. ST147AX. Bob I\,4etzner. 64 ParkAvenue.Uttoxeier Staffordshire. Birmingham. Close,Hollywood, 847 5PU KeithBullock,35 Lynbrook neone.r DobbRhyddjng,SkiptonO d Road,CoLne,Lancashire BBg 7AE.Tel01282860909.mickholehouse@l Mick HoLehouse, YOT7 65,4.Tel:01653693183 farinaman@btinternet.com SteveTurner,Donatela House,Ry,ton,Malton,NolrhYorkshire, .demon.co.uk. Taffci lingham,218 ColchesterRoad,lpswich,Suffolk.lP4 4QZfelt 01473712723, taff@iafima
AreaSecretaries& Meetings: h,r AsreedValu. lnsuralcc AV = Club O{ficials prcparcdto carn out irrspcctiors
Merseyside:Don Sykes,53 CornwallWay,A nsdale,Southport, Merseyside.PR8sSG. Tel:01704578348 dsykess169@aol.com
Bedlordshire: NewAreaSecretaryneeded. The Whlte Horse,HusborneCrawley,Nr Woburn.'1stTuesdayin month
Norfolk Vacant Oxlordshire & Berkshire:Mark Shepley,21 Home C ose,Wootton, Abingdon.OX136DB.Tel:0T865327647Mobr07702109901 markshepley@btopenworld-com The Six Bells,The Green,Warborough,Oxon.OX107ND. 1st Mondayeach month{includingBank Holidays)Aprilto September.
Chesterfield:AV lMarkSutcliffe,5 NorburyDrive,Mansfield, Noiunohamshire. NG184HT. m.sutcliffel 13@ntlwor d.com The Old Pump , Barlow,Nr.Chesterfield(on 86051,3 milesfrom Chesterfield), 2nd Tuesdayof each monthfrom 8pnr. Dartford: AV BrianBlendell,40 BartonRoad,Sutton-at-Hone,Dartford, Kent. DA4gEA. 01322863500. Sidcup Place,on the M22 Sidcupto ChislehurstRoad(nearQueenMarys Hospital)at B.30pm 2nd Wednesdayeach month.
TS'184LN Norlh East Ron Gilbertson,13 GraysRoad,Stockton-on-Tees. T e l : 0 1 6 4 26 1 5 7 0 6 The VaneArms, LongneMon,off 466 nearStockton. 1st Mondayeach month.
Devon & Cornwall: AV John Middleton,45, St Andrew'sView,Taunton, Somerset.TA26JU. Iel: 077902A6974john.middletonlo0@virgln.net Meetingsto be arrangedsoon
Scotland: AV Jim Wilson,4 EttrickGroveEdinburgh,EH105AW. Tel:0131 228 5158 jimbev@wison6000.freeserve.co.uk
Dorset MartinKeeping,3Burnt HouseLane,Sopley,Christchurch,Dorset, Shropshire:AV DavidPortch,Shirley,BridgewaterStreet,Whitchurch, 441590bmcbuzznhornets@tiscali.co.uk Shropshire.SYl3 1QJ david.porich@virgin.net BH23BDD Tel:01425672962/07761 The New Queen,AvonVillage,83347 Christchurchto Ringwoodroad,last Mondayeach monthfrom 8pm (weekearlierfor Bank Holidays) Somercet: AV Corrad Pan, 108 Dow,lendBoad,DownendB sto . BSl 6 5EE conrad.parr@virgin.net Somerset,BS246RT. The FullQuart,Hewish,Nr.Westonsuper-l\,4are, East Midlands: NewArea Secretaryneeded2nd Wednesdayeach monthBpm. HolldayInn, NormansCross(nearYaxley),Peterborough. 1st Wednesdayeach month(exceptJanuary). South West Midlands: TemporaryContact:AV KeithBullock,35 Lynbrook Close,Hollywood,Birmingham.B47 5PU East Sussex:SteveSimrnons,22 SouthernRoad,HampdenPark, gLT Tel:01323500228info@sifencing.co.uk Eastbourne,Sussex,BN22 Sufiolkr AVTaffGillingham,218 ColchesterRoad,lpswich,Suffolk-lP4 4Qz. The BarleyMow,Selmeston,on A27 Brightonto Eastbourneroad. lel: 01473 712723 taff@taffmail.demon.co.uk. 1st Tuesdayeach month. The RushmereFalcon,Pla).fordRoad,lpswich.lst Mondayeach month (deayed by one week for PublicHolldays) East YorkshireiAV SteveTurnet DonatellaHouse,Ryton,Ivlalton, NorthYorkshire,YO17 654. Telr 01653 693183 farinaman@btinternei.com Surey: AV DavePage,T0lelegraph Lane.Claygate,Surrey.KT10oDY Meetingscurrentlysuspended. Tel:013728'10301 daveydamage@ntlworld.com on 4243, one mile northof Eire: ShaneConway,77 Bryanstownlvlanor,DublinRoad Drogheda. The Star,KingstonRoad,Leatherhead, lvl25Junction9. 3rd l\4ondayeach month 8pm Co.Louth,Eire.Tel:086824 3818.shaneconwayo3@gmail.corn Hampshire:TemporaryContactlSimonLangrish.02380270954 lf you would liketo volunteeras Area Secretary,let Simonknow.
Swansea,SAg 2JB Wales:AdrianPurdy,18 Swan Lane,Ystaly.fera, Tel:0'1639845836 gina@purdy84Sl.freeserve.co.uk
Hertfordshire:PeterBatchelor,79 FairfieldWay,GreatAshby,Sievenage. Hedfordshire.SGl 6BG.IeL 07767254012 peter.batchelo130@ntlwor d.com The Highwayman,GreatNorth Road, Graveley,nr.StevenageSG4 7EH.3rd Tuesdayeach rnonthfrom 7.30pm.
West Midlands:AV John Davies,83 MellishRoad,WalsalWS4 2DF troglodJ,.tesareus@hotmail.com ManorArms,ParkRoad,Rushall,Walsall, WestMidlands,WS4 1LG.3rd t\4ondayof the monih Sprn Wirral & CheshirerAV SimonThornton,35 BeaconDrive,West Kirby, Wirral,L48 7EB. Tel:0'151625 1236 rustywing@btinternet.com FarmersArms, Frankby,Wirral,3rd Wednesdayofthe month7.30pm
Lancashire:AV Fobert Parr,25 GraftonStreet,Preston,Lancashire. PR1BJH. robDarr@bluevondetco.uk The Boat Yard,BoltonRoad,R ley Green,PrestonPR5 oSP 2nd Wednesdaveach month 8.00om
South Atrica: Pau Cowie.paulcowie@afrihost.co.za
Glub Officers: RegaliaOfficers FinanceOfficer DieselAdvisor RR Back Numbers
Geoff& GeorginaCodling(Nodh)and Brian& WendyBlendell(Souih) See adverton page 19. SheilaGillingham,97 TuddenhamAvenue,lpswich,Sufiolk.lP4 2HG
ColinSmith,1 The Beeches,LittleBlakenham,lpswich,Suffolk. Tel: 01473830968 Cliff Brock,4 ConiferClose,St. Leonards,Ringwood,Hants.BH242RF. lel: 01425 472799 TechnicalOfficer AV Kim Henson,"Evergreen"51 BerkeleyAve.Parkestone,Poole,DorsetBH124HZ Moditied Car Officer Seth Kennedy,27a HallswelleRoad,TempleFortune,London.NW11oDH. Tel: 020 8455 1205 email: sethk@zoom.co.uk and advicepubl shed is reliableand in accordancewith safetyprocedures.We are unableto The Club makeseveryeffortto ensureihat the inforrnatron acceptresponsibilityior injury damageor loss,due to omissionor error.We cannotaccept liabilityfor advertisersfailingto supplygoods.
Pleaseaddress your correspondenceto the relevant person.
lf in doubt, use the Secretary'saddress.
NB: Pleasesubmit articlestyped or written in BLOCK CAPITALSor as a PG file on CD (pleaseread next sentence). We prefer articlesto be emailedto us to avoid errors but many differentformats and software are suppofted although it is impoftant to supply a printed sheetas wel/. CDs and photographswill be returned if you supply a SAE.
The AGM and AutumnRallywereheldat the OxfordBus Museumin October. Thevenuewasidealandthegoodlate AnotherhecticCOOCRallyseasonis over.The festive autumnweathersaw an excellent turnoutof membersand seasonwill be uponus soon,and whatwill Olympicyear carsfromall overthe country. 2012btingus? Checkout the datesin the EventsDiary,or It wasgreatto seeso manyof youandmeetupwithso many andcomealong.lf they buyyourself a 2012COOCCalendar as oureventswerethisyear, oldfriends. areas enjoyableandsuccessful too. All the Reportsfrom The AGN4was very successful the COOCwill continueto buckthe car clubtrendand go Committee wereverypositive. Members and Club Officers Andwe havenewdisplayflagstoo! to strength. fromstrength Reporthighlighted thefactthat Middleton's Membership John forthese. ThankyouTaffandtheCommittee periodandhe thankedConrad, renewal we had an excellent Bangermeetingdulytookplace,and JamesBradbury The'AllWestminster' foralltheirworkover andSheilaGillingham for manyMemberswho attended. renewalperiod. was a nightof nostalgia the (whois alsoa COOC According to the meetingscrutineer The FinanceOfficersReportwasverypositivetoo.Despitea out of the 100carspresent,onlyone shouldnot greatdealof expense member), in 2009/2010 on theFarinaForumand have gone anywherenear the track,a Wolseley6/110, theFlags/Banners project asat 31.8.11 was the bank balance purchased. Maybeanother howeverit hadbeenlegitimately a whole try to keep healthy t14,543.87. We always a very butthevast yearsworth shellsto variousdegrees, dozenwererestorable butit still in handin caseof disaster of expenses majoritywould have definitelyemptiedwalletsand bank leaves us enough to get startedon a new batch of accountsto get them backon the road!As our ChairmanMembership thisyear. stickers Cardsandwindscreen statedlastissue,let'shopethismeetingremainsa one-off- Fromthisyearthe accounts to viewin the will be available carsoverthewinter, or restoring Forthoseof yourepairing Forum and, as usual,you Only area of the Farina Members goodluck,andI hopewe'llseeyouin tn" t"t t"O1;" (addresson p.2) but from Sheila apply for a copy can ,"o" to enclosea SAE. remember again adopted accounts wereapproved andtheAuditors The Chairman'sReport for anotheryear. Codling haveagreedto runthebusiness yearfor the Club is comingto a GeoffandGeorgina Anothervery successful Shop, the Committeehaving of the COOC Online end increase previously close.This yearwe haveseenour membership agreed with them that it wouldbe verymuchon Members in Overseas slightlyto 734,a verygoodincrease the deliverytimes,etc.This terms and they would set their (up17on lastyear),thesuccessful of ourCOOC completion major forward for regalia salesandI hopethat will be a step project(seebelow),manyRalliesandShows plenty you Flags/Banners to try it outwhenit finally of take the opportunity publicity a greatdealof excellent withtheClubrepresented, itself. Eddie is working on the shop online. comes in whotakean interest in allthemajorclassiccarmagazines packscouldbe made also asked if membership Georgina ourkindsof cars,aswellas seeingtheFarinaForumgofrom available up onthe to signmembers againforregaliaofficers of in regardto recruitment strengthto strength- especially at ralliesandthiswasagreed. spot newmembers. at the NECwasraisedandthe an ideal Theissueof a COOCStand National Rallyat Holtin Norfolk; We hadan excellent would supportany memberwho said that they Committee settingwith everythingwe neededfor an enjoyableday out wishedto takethison butthatit wasa complicated process for all members andtheirfamilies. to evenget a stand.AlanLovellsaidthat he wouldbuilda to organise it. wasprepared standfor us if someone Tourand Taff Rob Parr askedaboutthe WW1 Battlefield to planon paperand thatit hadprovedcomplicated explained thathe and Robcarriedouta recceoverthewinter suggested 2012. andarrangethetourfor September withotherBMC The issueof COOChavingto amalgamate clubswasraisedagainbutthefeelingfromthe membership present, that wasthatit wassomething andthe Committee, dropsoff couldbe lookedat in the futureif membership for thenextfewyears. butwasnota concern drastically imagewas raisedandthe Theissueof the Club'scorporate Commilteeagreedto try and ensurethat there was a imageacrossthe RR,ForumandWebsite. standardised thatthe By the timeyou see thisyou will havediscovered setuphavebeencompletely Websiteand OnlinePayments we have Thanksto Eddiefordoingthis.Hopefully revamped. thewholeprocess andthisshouldmakeit easier streamlined for us allto use. whohasstooddown,for FinallyI wouldliketo thankConrad, to all his hardworkoverthe past20+years.Hiscontribution the runningof the Club has been hugeand his work on getting hasbeena great theOnlinePayments up andrunning success- as we can see from the increasein Overseas ThanksConrad. Members. The Notth East Area's new COOC Flag on its first official greatChristmas andNewYearandseeyouin 2012 Have a outing. Thanks to Ron Gilbeftsonfor the photo. ,
From your Editor...
PRilE l0lrGBnilrGr 20rr 01 to the the past bvttLootes oeLebrates
fvttvcre The sixth Pricteof Longbridge event
took place on Saturday the 16th of April; just two days after the production line at Longbridge restatted to manufacture the new MG-6saloon. Pride ol Longbridge is open to any car with a Longbridge connection which means ANYCOOCvehicle is very welcome, l\i1cbroughttwo examplesof theirnew car to the eventandtheyreceiveda very enthusiastic reception. POLhas always beenabouta community celebrating its achievementsand the new cars are alreadygiving employmentto some formerl,4c-Rover workersplusover300 development engineers so therewasan optimistic feelin the air.Thecar making machine is comingbackto life,it'sstilla viableconcern.andwhilstthe factoryis nowmuchsmaller thanit wasitsfutureas a centreforcarproduction is verypositive. Thatcan only be a goodthingfor the it. community andallthosesurrounding Blessed witha beautiful warmdaythe charming eclecticnatureof POLwas.if
anything,evenmorein evidencethisyear withcars on the fieldrangingfromearlyAustin7s to a l\,4axi basedWilliarnTowns'Hustler,RoverB00s(whichseemto be suddenlyfinding their classicstatusof late),plentyof N/lGFsand a good turn out of the wonderfull\ilustangV8 enginedl\ilG2T260.The Rover200 BR|\ilforum choseto use the evenito try and gatheras manytogetherin one placeas possibleand achieved29 cars,whichwas quiteimpressive, when you considerDanieland BeairiceSaivehad drivenfrom Belgiumfor the day for the event. especially Access was much improvedby the additionof a one way system and second gate this year and it neededto be as well over 800 cars were in attendance,even more than last year.In fact the field was so busy that the caterershad to send out ior emergencytea bag
replenishment as they had all run out of ieal SeemsLongbridge builtcarownersliketo drink teaas muchas theworkers whobuiltthecarsin the firstplace... With a bouncycastletor the kids and plentyo' + unusualcarsto see the day was a greatsuccess. The Rover CommunityActionTrust (RCAT)ran a for pupilsfrom localschoolslo design competition a logo for the event and it was won by Aimee Bowden,15,whoseDadusedto workat the plant. The logofeaturesan A40 Sportsand a L4ini,both of which were parkedbehindwhen Airneewas presentedwith her award by local MP Fichard Burdenand GemmaCartwrightNilBE, the Chairof RCAT and the inspirationfor The Pride of Longbridge. The park has alreadybeen bookedfor nextyear on SaturdayApril 14th so it would be great to see even more cars at POL 2012. Perhaps 1000 vehiclesreallyis possiblelThere is no need to book, and no club standsare erectedbeforehand. POL is a communityevent,not a car rally,and
rS= one of its greatcharmsis thatyou are quitelikelyto see a Maxi parkednext to a 1920sAustinBrooklandsracerwith an Allegro or l\i1GBbehind and of course plenty of Cambridgeand Westminsterbased COOC vehiclesas well. lt would be great to have an even biggerturnoutfrom COOC membersso pleaseput it in yourdiary for nextyear. We alsoneedvolunteers to helpmarshalltheeventon the day.Pleasecontactme if you are interested. John Lakey Abave:RexCleaver's beautiful105AiustinWestminster. Left:Belaxedfriendlyeventwasenjoyedby severalMembers.
4th March2012 Surrdav Surrey Weybrid0e, Museurn. Erookhrrds
Becominga traditionalfirst gatheringof the year for the Ctub' alwaysplenty to see at this historicaviation (Loch Ness Wellington bomber,Concordeetc.) and motor racing venue, now with the relocatedCobham Bus Museum also on site in a purposebuilt displayhanger.Reducedadmissionfor those in ClubCars.
to allprebooked to lookroundthe Hall,available forthosewishing return of yourentry for with an S.A.E. return this form entries.Please N. House,Ryton,Malton, TurnerDonatella oass.to Steve& Joanne MAY1st2012 DATEFORENTRIES: Y017654.CLOSING Vorks.
AR.[A R,AttY SOUTII EAST COOC 27ihMaV2012 Sunday
QueenElizabethCountryParkon the A3 at GravellyHill,3 miles Hampshire, as part of the SouthHantsVehicle southof Petersfield, Society'sClassicVehicleShowand Autojumble. Preservation Full refreshmentsand cateringfacilities,LicensedBar, Brass band, FairgroundOrgan, Childrensentertainment,roundabout, 14thApril,CoIlon?ark.Virninghan_ Saturday 800 cardattendedflhisyear'sevent(seereportin this issue).This Toiletsetc. Over 150 stalls predominantlyAutojumbleplus toys, uniquecommunityevent is a celebrationof the LongbridgeCar flowers and bric a-brac. Vehicles must be booked in advance Entry forms can be Any vehiclewitha LongbridgeConnection Factory'sachievements. or can be obtainedfrom Dave is weliome,which meansthe rallyfieldsees anythingfrom Austin downloadedhere:wwwshvps.org.uk . Furtherdetailsnexttimel 7's to Rover200 BRM'S.The eventis free,no bookingnecessary. Page.Phone0'137281030'1
2012 0FtoNorRpoE PR|9E
lT0AY RUN c00cz0l2vkluE TffE
A gehtle drive'around the Howardian & Hambleton Hills starting at Malton and Finishing atThirsk. Startingfrom MaltonMarketPlaceThe run will leaveat 10.30am and travelalongthe 81257 to Hovinghamthen takingthe prettyback roads via Yeaisleyand Ampleforthpassing Byland Abbey and travellingthroughCoxwoldand Kilburnbeforereachingthe Visitor Centrett SuttonBankfor our Lunch Break.After Lunchwe leavevia the A170 and then take the pretty back roads via RievaulxAbbey and Hawnbybeforecrossingover the moorlandand down in to Osmotherley.lf space allows a short break is planned here before we travelonvia the often forgottenbut very prettyvillagesof Silton, Kepwick,Cowesbyand KirbyKnowle.Then on via UpsallCastleand finallyarrivingat Thirskfor the end of our run around3pm, allowing plenlyof time to enjoythe town betoreleavingfor home. pleasecontactme on 01653 lf you requireanyfurtherintormation 693183 or emailfarinaman@btinternet.com A full and detailedrouteplanwill be givenout to everyonetaking part at the startof our run.
Get your free passfor this excellenteventfrom HertsArea SecretaryPeterBatchelor.
22ndApril Sunday
2012 l7'thJune
louk2012 c00cS00TTISH THE
Carkallv at MoffatClassic lncludina 0isplav : 2012 tlth June 2lrd Saturday Saturdav
Followingthe huge success of our 2011 ScottishTour and continuingthe now very popularthemeof an annualtour including a largeand popularrallyin the chosenarea.By populardemandin 2012 we plan to return to the Highlandsand lslands region of Scotlandstartingwith a displayat the Moffat Rally,in southern Scotlandjust north of Carlisle.This will be followedby a week of optionaldays out to placesof interest(followedby some great soclal evenings)includingGlen Coe,the GreatGlen,and Loch Ness,the lsleof Skyeand the Stunning"BealachNa Ba" passto Applecross. Entryto this fun packedweek is FREEand opento ALL Classic & Vintagevehicles.We can supply detailsof accommodationto suit all. This will be a four-centredtour stayingin l\iloffat,Callander, area to avoidhavingto Portreeand finallythe FortWilliam/Onich cover large distances each day to see the best of the regions we l SthMay Sunday plan to visit. Furtherdetailscan be obtainedfrom SteveTurner returnto BurtonAgnes 01653693183. Gathering 20'12 seestheCOOCYorkshire
We are of Simon& OliviaCunliffe-Lister. Hallby kindpermission pleasedto welcomeALL Classic.Vintage& CustomCars. Stationary Tractors. Commercials, Motorcvcles. Buses& Coaches. EntryFee Stalls. 2012 COOC National Rally is at The FleetwoodTransport Autojumble & Charity & FarmMachinery, Engines ON THE DAYClubdisplaysare very Festival,which featuresa road run from the BritishCommercial !3 DerExhibit,PAYABLE Vehiclelvluseumat Leyland,followedby a paradein the town centre. welcomebutare askedto marshaltheirowndisplayareas AreaGroup 35,000peopleattendedlast year.'nam Sunday'takesplace as part byTheCOOCEastYorkshire Thiseventis organised in aid of MarieCurieCancerCare,ALLmoneyraisedon the day of the event on the famous Blackpoolseaside tram system. yourentryfeewillgo to thisveryworthycause Fleetwoodis a trulytraditionalseasidetown,a 'VictorianTreasure' including Wolds on the Lancashirecoast. Loads of accomodationis availablein the This is a superbvenueon the edgeof the Yorkshire Entryto the RallyFieldand areato suit alltastes.Moredetailsnexttimel and Driffield. betweenBridlington your available feewitha discount in entry will be included Gardens
20I2 RAttY c00cNATT0NAt
surreyPeterBatchelorp.2 Weybridge, MUSEUM DAY ATBR00KLAiIDS 4THMARCH AUSTIN/M0RRIS Lakeyp 2 John Park, Birmingham 2012 Cofton 0FLoNGBRIDGE I4THAPRIL PRIDE steveTurnerp.2 North Yorkshire Hills-Thirsk, ITDAYRUNMatton-Hambleton C00cDRtvE ApRtt 22ND SteveTurnerp 2 EastYorkshire BurtonAgnesHall,Bridlington, GATHERING C00C Y0RKSH|RE MAy 13TH DavePagep'2 Hampshire countryPark,Petersfield, RALLY QueenElizabeth AREA C00csouTHEAST 27THMAy Luton,PeterBatchelorp 2 0FTRANSP0RT FESTIVAL ATIUTON C00CDISPLAY 17TH JUNE ToUR Forfulldetailsand itinerarycontactSteveTurnerp 2 23-30TH JUl'lE C00CSC0TTISH ScotlandsteveTurnerp.2 N,4offat, CARRALLY CLASSIC MoFFAT 23-24TH JUNE C00CDISPTAYATTHE Lancashire RobParrp.2 TranspodFestival, Fleelwood I{AIl0l{AtRATLY C00G l5ltl JUIY wales steve Turnerp 2 Rally Abergynolwyn, Vintage Tom Bolt RAILWAY TALYLLYN 21-22N0JULY C00cwEtsHRAU-Y DavePagep.2 surrey showground, Cranleigh Classiccar Show, RALLY Cranleigh AUGUST C00CSURREY 19TH
TheCambridge-OxfordOwnersClub lis beeniu$tovet12monthssincelhe Cambridge-oxford ovrnersClublookoverlhe FarinaFo.umwebsite(www,farinaforum.org). Inthattimewe'veathactednew members totheclubandalmost 50%oftheentireC00C membership areactively using parts, thesiie.We've hadgreatsuccesses infindlng sellinq carsandsolving mechanical problems! lf you'reoneof the50yowhohaven'tusedthewebsite,l'd bepleased to helpyou youneedis a computer enterthedigilal-age of Farinas.lle bareminimum connected (lf youdon'thaveyoutowncompuler, lo theinternei,andanemailaddress. nanylocal provide Iibraries andcolleges tacilities andAaining to getyouon-line.) Sendanernailt0 eddie@farinatorun.org withyourcor acidetails. lf you'rea real phone lechnoph0belhen include a contact nurnber andl'd bepleased to talkyou through howtheForunworks.otherurise, l willsimplyenailan.invitatiol"linkforyou to registeronlie site. You'llfind theForum veryeasyto navigate andlull oftriendly, helptulpeople. There's nopressure to contribute to discussions or submitcontent- teelfreet0 simplybrowseourmassive libraryot photos, videosandstories. I fooktorwardt0 neetingyouon-linesoon!FddteFesleLFatinaForunAdninistntot
Manyotyouareinterested inpe odarticles aboutourcars,Road Testsandreviewseic.Theresimplyisn'troomin theRosette Recordertor alltheseitemsto berepruduced inalltheirgloryso thisis nolvthebestplaceto enioythern. pagewithover20greatarticles Ive updated theForum LIBBARY andsalesbrochures fromthe1960'sinlantasticquality,andsome
-tr E! ;::
morecontâ‚Źmpolary onesfromthe lg90's,You'll find a link halfway downour MAINpage.Wehopei0 addnany moreilemsto the
LfBnARY in fhetuture. EddieFostet, Fainaturun Adminisbatot
E00E 2012 Ealenilar 0ller you Befmc t[em0ther-in-1il, lneasttrg$ U l0ranew w0dlyiumFl male sureWu really 0etwlatyou want tlrisGilristmas witlone uft|tesc lantastic cnlour [3calnndars! Professionally produced on 14 colour page6 of quality43 glossy paper, with 6 spiml binder and hook for wallhanging.
Pric e d a t f 1 4 . 9 9 i n c l u d in g UK d e live r y, a n d E' 1 8 .9 9fo r Internati onal orders i ncl udj ng del i very. O rde r s m u s t b e r e c e i ve d b y M o n d a y No ve m b e r 2 8 th to guarantee del i very for C hri stmas. Ordei online at: www-cooc.ecraterco.uk lf you'd like to pay by cheque (payable to The Cambridge-Ox{ord Owners' Club) then please fill in the below slip (photocopies permitted) and post, aJong with payment tol COOC 2O12 CALENDAR OFFER do Mr E. Foster, 26 Ashdale Road, Marus Bridge, Wigan, WN3 5QT
Membershi pN o
Address: Postcode: Email: Pleasesend me l
Home Tel: ] COOC43 calendars.I enclosepayment of f
Mobi l e:
as I or,crslcpt on thc Sunda,vand didn't make it to lhc Nflvbv Hrll Ral1y.Holvever I believescvcral Cllub cars attcnded the Club stand. As lal as I anl ar\,arc)al] the othcr cars rctllrnecl from Scotland rvithout any probhms. Thank you b Stcvc andJoannc for a most l\re had 6 Club cars at our North East Rally in.Jurc. N{cmber Peter cnjo,vablerveek. At the t]nd ofJulv we took the VaIdcn Plas dorvn to tr{oi|s Furness Gilliland brought his novly restorcd Nlorris L)xford along, lirst timc in Leicr:stt'rshirclor the Vandcn Plas shot'dav on Sundav 3lst Auglst. ycars. Rik:y mileage He is aLso restoring a vcl'lorv olrt in nearlv 30 horvcvcr l'e could do with a ,l/72. \\re hope to seeit rcxt year. ADdy Hodgson's6 cvlinder \Volselev It rvas a good show iD nicc sur'r'oundingsr litres at show days. 1a\\' nore 3 thosc most popular car. was \otcd dre The follorving Sunday l,e attended the BN{CIRall,vat Pctcrborous-h. Wc attended Lhc N{ollat Ttallv in thc \\iolscle,vthis ycar:rlier havirrg I alrr'avs hirvc great dif]icully il finding thc cntrance into l'erry urd I am lirm in Teessidc, by a local the auiomatic gearbox ovcrhaulcd lleadols, I think a lew molr: road signsrvoulclhclp. pleaseclto say thar u,c had rro problems Nith lh(r car'Iwo rvccks later sau,us hcading back l(r S(rrd:uld in drc \Volsclcy I anr vcrl plcaseclto irnuolLnccthat after scvcralyears ofasking, we rvith Str:veald.joannc plus all the other muirbers ancl thcir'r!i!'cs \t'ho nol have some nelv CLub flags. Thc North East Area rtas verv \{ere on the COOC Scottish]bur. lhc first half ol thc tour was a bit prir.ilcged to be given tht: {irst llag and I collcctcd it from Str:r'eat the on the (,et sidc but it sra,vedline rvhilc te altenclcdtllc Clarnis (laslltr Pctcrborough Shol.. Barrl \\rilkinson and myself displaycd the lJag-for rhc lirst timc at the \Iorris N,Iinors RalJl' at Stanhope Railuay ir,I Ra1l,v,a first timc lor me and tr'Iargaret.Tuesda,r'sat us driving norih \Vealdale on Sunda)' 2lst August. Ilver,vonervho spoke to us thoughl to thc Fort William area r,vithfine and surn,v \vcather. On arriving irr OrTich,$,hich l|as to bc oru baselbr lh(r next 'l claysJ rht: llag lookcd wc1l.Tha* ,vouthfi. Our Club rright is still on the fiIst Mo|rday of thc tr'Iondr cxcept 1br a|rd rvith Stelc\ vasl kno$lcdg-cof thc arca he soon directed all of us Holidays.and at lhc sameveDuc.I am hoping to organize a Clull Ba[k to olrr verious placeso1-accommodation. 'fhc lbur rvas very ln-ellorganizcd, with clav trips to lar-ious placcs, Stanclfor ncxt ,vcar\ llipon Old Cars gatheringrvhich is hcld on Ripon I nccd al lcasrl0 Club usuallyon the lastSulda,vinJu11,. $'ith us it was veN rnuch a casc of lollow the car in hont as thc arca Racccoursc, cars t(] applv for a stand. Could membem wishing to display their r:ars rvas all ncw to nre and Nlargarct. I{on Gilbertson 'lhc drive honrc on thc Saturclayproved to be a bit ririrg for rnl'self, at rhc l{ipol Shorv p1e:rseget in touch with mc.
Unfortunateli for onc rcasoDor anolhcr I have misscd a lcrt good shorvs this ycar rvhich includcd thc BNlC,rBl, Rallv \ras not implcssedibut I was undcr Doctors orclcrslitcrally as I rvas irr hospitall I dicl holvever ?rttend2r nerv sho$' a couplc o{-r'eeks latcr, lerv close to home at Pallshanger Aerodromc rhich is near to \'Vclt'vn Garden Ciq. this rvasa revival day with a gr-catdisplay ol oicl airclaft ll,ving as rvcll as statici Plus grnd live peliod crtcrtainment 21nda lcry good selcctionofvchicles, I onl,vst:rveda couplc oi' hours as I had a family g-athclirrgto go toi next vt:ar i[ it is hcld I rvil] be drere all dav trake no nristakc. l'he Cranleigh show il August, product:d an exccllcnt club stand ag_ainthis year. C)ur Hcrts Area m(ting vcnuc, l be Highwaynran has o$ underg-onea major' relulbishncnt and I must sav ltxrksrtrv nice indccd, so I hope to sr:e son-reof you rncmbels there on thc ljrd Tuesclayof thc month. No mccting rvill be hcld in Dccemberb t will continlreor lromJanuary 2012. A notc lor,vour diarr' - ALrstinNlorris Dav ar Brooklands tlow \vith thc Cobham Bus N{r.rscunon site too) will bc on Sunday 4th \{arch 2012 It onll'leaves me to drank evcryboq for theil suPPortto me, whctllcr at our cvcnings or thc standsI arrarflc, thc Committee lol a sterlingjob, and to wish you all a Happy Chdstmes togcther wt,n ,, tt""t,ttt#.tnu,.n"ro.
oxfordshLre ' €BerkshLre r l i l l ,r r r i - p 'r b n r e " r ' l r c r i n O r " 'r d . l r i l Inn r.
r o r Au e ,u .r i and Scptcmber. Our Augusr meet rvasprobably the best attcnded ever. A total of 29 cars including 6 club cars and a pcrfect \!arm surntlcrs evening rvlich has bccn rarc this year. I thoughl at thc time, it really can't be au,vbcttcr than this. I he <1ubcal display lvas very impressiveas wc had lour 6 cllilder cars on the night plus a surprise r,isit fronr Sutrey rvith Alan Shovcll in his Nlagnettc cstale. i'rom thc noD club car display, te had a large choir:cto viov including a 19l0 l"ord \'lodel T, a striright 8 l!)50's Buich. a rare \Iorris Isis and a Daimler Dari. Needlessto sav, our landlord t'as a hapPv man as his takings u.cre good on that night. Onto Septembcr'smcct thcn. The rvr:atherwas not looking good as I sc out but \\,orscstill rvas thc sight of trvo firc cngines outsidc thc pub rvhcn I arrived. The rveathcrhad bcen cold cnough lor thc landlord to light a hre lrnd unforlunately the chimrcy caught alight. l\s the pub is a ver,vold thatchcd building-, thcrc $'as all undcrstandablepirlic going on. Thc firemen did thcirjob quickly but the grolLnd lloor rvas atash and therc rvas no way the pub was going to opcrr. Our meet l'_ashastily relocatedto a ncarby pub $herc thc,valso hold a classir'carnight but o1l the tl rd Thursclay of cach month. it's closcd), lVc still seemto hai'e mceting lenue problclns {like somelimes \Ve still had 14 cals show up incluclinga very tasty Dodge and our back-up plan if the "C)ld Punp" l'as closed rvas lo nleet at "The Charger compJetc rvith a rvhopping 7.2 litre \rB. Leading thc o1' Trout" just dorvn the road. We had to Put that plan irlto action a couplc COOC front rvas Bill SLavcly'serceilcnt A99 and I gave my montbs ago, but unfortunatelt rvlrtrr r'r'ca]1anjved at The Trout, wc loulld Oxlord a rarc outing lbr ouce too. that lvas clowd tool Suitablc lcnucs arc not as cas,vto lind as you might Unforhrratcli, thc pub closed for good shortly aftcr the fire. think, and the only placcsprctq much guarantecd to be oPen on a Nlonday Nlaybc a ncr'vtcnant will be founcl but I suspcctthal once acair evening are the motorvay scrvicesand NlcDonalds! year as meetiDg,it lo.rkslike the solutior l,c'll bc looking-{br a neu' venue u,hen u,c kick olf next Follorving a discussiona! our SeptemL)€ir ycar not,. meets have stopped for this our pub is the l\,ill be to kccp the venue but r:hange t}re nighr. Tucsday it seerns It's r:eltainly a tough busincssrunning a rural pub and a pity prclcrrcd night, so rve arc eoilg to give that r go. But iflou alc thinking ol $,e'velosl the Six Bclls as thc settirlgwas pcrlect for us (this ihal mc :rlong), give corning along to our mc(1ings iand pleasc,plcasc do come pub rvasalso used in thc TV drama'NlidsomerNlulders'rvirh a cali lirst to check rvhcn \ve are nlccting. I hope rhe siluation settlcsvcry John Nettles). In between $e h{'o local mcets, I tent to the Cowley Classic So oul nerv nceting time is thc sccorrclTUI-ISI),{Y of dle month at thc Car Show rvhich rvns originally set up lor anything produccd at mc e call on Old Pump ar Barlorv, Chestcrficlcl,liotr Bpm. But plc:rsegive Conlcy, but lor\.sccns to attrac! any classiccar. This might be correct,belbrc travejl;ng. 01623 1i2315 to checktlis is sti11 in the futurc and I'm rvilling to I rvould like to th:rnk club member (leoll Pheasantlor all his harcl rvork, a potcnlial placc lor a club stand interest. \Vc had 2 COOC cars hclping me to sort through and clear out the hlrc_eamount of l-arina sparcs, lollow this up if there's crrough (minc irnd Grahaln Colcs\ A90) plus a Nlagnerte nrachinervctc. (and scrapl)rvhirh Pcter Dunn had collcctcdover many vears there anyvay is local to mc but is not a CO(IC menrber. It has bccn a mammoth.job so [ar, and t]rere is some way to go yct. I have that By the limc yoll read this, thc Thatchan Classic Car shorv placed an advert in this RR for some ol thc spares available at present rvlrr:rc rvc have a COC)C stand, rvill have been and gone and I'll il hcrc arc sonre individual items and a.job-lot ol really good, useablestu{I rcporr back in th€ next RR. for anvonc who is tinkcring rvith "our" c:trs on u..*utu'btl.lrU Keep those classicsrollil'. Su,,,,,U..
TheCOOC WeshRalywasheldaspadof thenewly revived TalylynRailway's TomRoltSteam& Vntage Weekend. Sadlytheeventonlyattracted threeclub carsthougha couplemoremembers d d attendPete Bushbrought hissplendid Bover2000andJohn Bradbury brought hisLandCruiser as"Christ ne"his beloved Rieyhadspatoutherbigendsa fewdays eafler. I hadhopedthegoodweather woud havebroughi outoneortwomoreclubmembers fromWales orthe borders butit wasn'tto be. Therallywaswellattended by otherclubsand
ndivldua entresfrom farandw de.Therewas a smal presented to SteveMarkham withhisnewlyrestored colection ofTraciion engines andSteam Folersanda A55Mk1andGeoffCodling andPeteBushshared the smalll\y'otorcyc e d splay.our planned aitefnoon tour distance award, Thetwobrothers ln-lawonlylve less ofSnowdonia wascancelled duetoackofclub carsin thana mleapadat Market Weghton andhadtraveled favourof a vintaqebusridefromAbergynolwyn to the downin convoy withtheRoverandGeoif's oxford.I CorrsRalway.TheRoutemaster madelightworkof suggested lcutthetrophy inhalfbutshaingt seemed theWelsh H llsandthedrivelsskI atgettingt n and a betteropion. outof Corrswth it'stightturnsandverynarrow Theraly s plannedagainnextyearandwithit'snew srreers amazeo everyone. venueat Abergyno wynandthenewdateinJulyit is Wih lustthreeclubcars,judging lor mostpop!lar muchmoreappealing. I hopemanymoreof youwil carwasmadeveryeasyasI hadiakenmyeveryday joinusfornextyearsWelsh Rally. car,l\y'yoxfordiravellerso ihe awardwas rightly SteveTurnef
the lota
and lll be in
Afterniairiilmodiis Tourwasfinallyhere.JoanneandI metupwithAndrew cjf.planning theScottish N.4artindale in hisSuribeam Talbot viaDarlington andthenuptheA68 90atThirskandwedroveinconvoy roJedburgh to meelmostof ourgroup. Bythetimewereached theEdinburgh Woollen Millat Jedburgh it waspouring downbuttheraindidn't . ..deterourhardybunch. SoonwewerejoinedbyDavidandCaroline Ezzard withtheirlovely blueSunbeam ..Alpineandlain&l\4aureenWarnesintheirsuperbgoldCortinal600E.Thenthefarina'sstartedtoarrive. intheirmaroon 16/60, MikeDaviswithhis460,ChrisandJeanPoulter withtheir andNormaLowery , ,Jack Peltitin a familiar newlyrestored rosetaupeandsandybeige16/60closely followed byRobinandl\rluriel 460previously ownedbymefora while. AboutthesametimeRonandl\,4argaret Gilbertson arrivedintheirmaroonandgrey16/60,closely followedby ChrisandAndreaCropperin theirIVlGBroadsler. The rajneasedbythetimewe hadall hadcofieein theWoollenMillcal6andmadeour introductions etc.Ourconvoymadea tinesight as we droveup the 468 lo Edinburgh andmoreor lesstookoverthe car parkunderthe ForthBridgeat SouthQueensBrrr. . Herewewerejo;nedbyJin Wilsorwitl-hisOxfo.dT.avelle'and DenisandPatNJrlall w'ththe' F typeJag. , ., . .r-ijil-,. .i_ Wepicnrcked in tl-esJnshine whilemanyorclures weretaker of oJrcarsandlne magnilicentviewoverthe Firthol Forth.As the restof our groupwouldmeetus at ' Glamisor in Pltlochry theyhadchosen to dflvestraight upthere- our convoy wascomplete.
thistime at a moresteadypace.A p e anda pinlwascailingso il lookedlike goodnightatTheO d NlI and another that it was, yel more ale and good scotchwasdrunkandmanymoretales to dl Mondayfoundus charging up Glen Westormed lheForthBridge infinesiylewithourlineofclassic carsand Sheeen rouleto Balmoral in finestylearrlving at Braernar around11 an] in Pitlochry. Afler just in timefor a coffeebreak. The cars attfacledthe usuallavourable ctralgedup the M90andA9 to arrivemid-aflernoon checking intoourchosen mostof usmetupattheOldMill attention inthecaroarkandlotsof Dictures accommodation weretaken.Then we drovethe in thetownfora nogginanda natter. Herewewerejoinedby Barryand lastfewmilesto Balmoral.Everyoneenjoyedtheirfewhoursat thlsgrand SueWilkinson, AndyandLindaHodgson andRobbie andAnneAnderson. Royalretreatbeforedrivinga few moremilesnorthto Ballater,wherewe Muchaleandwhiskey wasconsumed andmanylalltalestold - a really visitedvisitedthesmallbulveryinteresting RoyalTrain Museum ontheold goodnightwashadbyall. slalionbeforewe chargedbackdownGlenSheeandoverthe mountain Thefollowing morning weall metbrighlandearlyaswe fladto be at roadto Pitlochry, whichby thistime hadbecomea riverdueto the heavy GlamisCastlefor10amolherwise wewouldn't be allowed in.A spiriied rainwhichhadpefsistedall davaroundthisarea.We hadavoidedmosiol drivealongsomeveryscenicroadssawusqueuing to getin to Glamis at it by travelling to RoyalDeeside. about9.30amandbyaboul10.15wewereall in place.OurClubStand As youmightwellguess,anothergoodnighlwashadinTheOld lVIill on wasswelled byourguests withthevarious nonclubcarsbutI ampleased Nlondaynightl to saywehadover25COOCvehicles ondisplay. Glamis CastleRallyis a Tuesday morningandallthecarswerelinedup in the CarParkreadyfor superb thewetweather showanddespite thedaybeforeandpromise of the off as we werenowmovingon lo the Highlandregionvia LochTayand heavy laterontherewasmuchto see.Manymanyvehicles showers anda Killinandthenon overRannoch MooranddownGlenCoeto Onich,our goodautojumble. base for the rest ot the week,causingmuch interesteverywherewe Aller voting.our awardswereas follows:MostPopularCar Andy sloo0eo. Hodgson Wolseley 6/110and2nd lvlostPopular CarGeoffElliottMG TheFourSeasonsBarandBislrowasoureveningmeelingplaceandas Magnette. Thedistance withlris'16/60 from youwill imagineby nowanotl]ergoodnightwasin store. awardwentto ChrjsPoulter which Cambridge hedecided loshare withFlobin hismalewhoalsocame By Wednesday our carswerevery dirtyand everyonewas readyfor a fromCambridge andonlyd'd3 milesless. breakfrom driv;ng,so a relaxingmorningpolishingcars in lhe sunshine Therallywasoveralltooquickly andsoonweheaded backio Pitlochry,beforehavinga quickrideacrosstheCorranFerryto Argdourlo takein the
S carbson his I evenloundtimeto resetRobbieAnderson's oloriousscenerv. i/aonelte.whichwerewayoff tune Aroundlunchimewe all metup at the Linnheviewpointctr parhfor ouf shortdrivealongtne GreatGlen.to Loc-h watchingboatsnavigatethe wherewe spentthe atternoon Augustus Forl the seriesof Lockswhichrunthroughthe centreof thevillageconnecting Ness to Loch Canal Caledonian to watchthe for Glenfinnan sawmostol lhe groupheading Thursdav steamtraincrossthe lamousviaduct Weweregoingon to l,allaigbut a chanoeof planmeantwe tookthe singletrackroadto Kilchoanwherewe lett o-urcars and boardedthe ferry to Tobermolylol the alternoonon ourroutealongthisverytwistyandnarrow returnin0 to ourcarswe retraced roadto-Salenand returnedvia Strontianto reachthe CorranFerryal Argdour. (conl,4uedon Page 12)
As carsative atou meetingpaintat Edinb Ezzatdand Jack Lowetydiscuss.Iheraute Jack Lowery'swalseleyand MikeDavis'sA Linnheas weget readyfor aur run lo FartI Cotan ferryhad cars like thesect board;/ MaureenWarnes1600E,Barry Wilkinsan3 Magnetle. Thi9 page Magnette and Baty the MA
(cantinued frompage 7/) Someof our groupdecidedto dineat the wasa littletaken wouldbuttheLandlady Argdour lnnandwe allprobably to serve a backby ourcrowdof hungryclassiccardriversanddeclined gainas everyone else everyoneat once.HerlosswastheFourSeason's beetledacrossthe ferry.Of course,we caughtup withthemlaterlor a iew pintsanda dropof whiskey. Ourfinaldayoutwasa drivealonglhe shoresof LochLinnheto Oban two guys whereagainwe createda lot of interestthistimeevenattracting oi Wegota menllon on thelocalradioanda promise fromthe ocalmedia. ourafternoon so we beala in theObanTimes. Therainspoiled a mention Chili whereJoanneprepared usa faniastic haslyretreat to ourBunkhouse SupperbeforeAndrewandlwentin searchof yetmorebeerandscotch votethatlor next in a unanimous Ouriinalnight'sgettogelherresulted yearsClubtripwe returnto theHighlands. lt looksas il I willbe busyagain Watchthisspace. another tourtogether. thisautumnputting some1500milesincarswithan average Wetook18carsand35 people A anythingotherthanthemosttrivialof problems. ageof 45yearswithout floatneedleanda pairof outof tunecarbs cable,a sticking brokenspeedo reported t0 me. weretheonlyproblems Thesetoursarethe bestwayto reallyenjoyour ClubCarsin moreways whocame,I hopeyouall ralies.Thankyouto everyone thanjustattendlng SteveTurner enjoyed it as muchas I did.
Tour... Newconers try Scoftish
RablnPettitand Chtis Paultersharethe futthesl ttavelledawatd at the ScottishBally
Sain Julyof thisyearwe travelledta Jedburghalongwithsamefriends who werealso flrst timersand taking their46A Meetingsome af the rest of the group the follawingmorning ta drive in canvoy ta Pitlochryvta the ForthBridge fhe restaf the weekwas spentdoing whataur cars are made far, driving round enjoyingthe sceneryand the campany.Wewere mede most welcameby othersin the graup who made ths tour most memarable.We have made many new friends, in a vety relaxed havingtravelleda totalof 16A0tuuble free mtles,we are atmosphere, verymuchloakingfarwardto daingit all againnextyear. Chrisand JeanPoulter(Canbridge)
Havingbroughtour Wolseley16/60LGC622Din late2008.wejusl ran abautthelacalitynevertravellhgmorethan8Amilesat any one time Ea y which in 2Al0 it wastakenofl theroadto undergoat langtermrestoration 2011.Afterthis,wedecidedit wasttmeta break wascompletein February Wehad readin theRB theice and da samethinga bit moreadventuraus. and take thatmembershadtravelledlongdistancesta attendClubRallies part in Club Tours.We spoketa SteveTurnerregardingour cancerns abautdaingthissartof mileageand fittingin withothercthathad already daneall thisbefore,and Steveput our mindsto restand encauragedus part. IALaKe
Ramblingson Electroniclgnition 6r Rear Springs There has been a d scussionon the FarinaForum concernng electronc lgnt on and our Farnas. thought mighiopen t up lo thosetnemberswho are not Forumreguars. Steve Turner ftted a Lurnenton Magnetronicsystem (N/TK003)to my negativeearthedOxlord Series6 and after runnng for about 30 minutes,it coughedand d edl Apparentlywh ch coilyou link it to is somewhatcritical.A repacementMagnetron c was fitted, but ihis time complete wjth the Lurrenton co (MS3),whch comeswth a 1.5 ohm baLast Recenty was tak ng a vehcle for an N/OT,t was actua y a R ley 1.5 but recommended cou d eas v havebeena Farinaor otherC ub Car.The ittleR ey hadlLlstbeen resster which must be used. t does changethe look under tfie bonnet,but servced and checkedover for the MOT by myselfand athough a numller oT thenyou can'thaveeveMhingand purstsneednot appyl Durng the week or so it has beenfltted,the Oxfordhas pedormedsuperbly. srna iobs for the N/IOThad been carried out nothing was found with the brak ng system,so you can rnagne my shock and horrorwhen approachng Thereare a numberof observatons to be made: a luncton I suddeny foLrndmysef w thout any brakes. managedto br ng the . I havenoticedthat the choke does nol needto be used eveMime when car to a safe halt on the handbrakeand by droppingit quicky in to 2nd gear starl ng from cod. and swtching off ihe eng ne. I carefuy drovethe car the lasl m e or so to the . The car seemsto run smootherthan ever J possibe, as Stevehad t garage,whereon nspecton I was surprsed, f not amazed,to f nd a rearbrake runningLikea clock. y, there s a ong (about2m les)steadygradienlnear rne which p pe had brokenat the pointwhereit enteredthe off s de whee cy nder There . Interesting was no sgn of any corroslonwhatsoeverbut on c oser inspectonit was found the Oxfordused to c mb at about 40 mph; now its naturalgait is nearerto 50rnph. a . ol- ol oll o b . t d ' h eord,dprp . r'/". Fr\ bt rea_or lool. . g"in ^he'had a look at the brake . The Srnths Performancely'acuum gauge po nter appearsto spend more was made. Both of the other testers at the garage p pe and agreedthat hacl t not beenbrokenthey too wou d havedeemedthe t me n the green('DLE ) thanthe bluesection( DRVE")thant did before pipe more than satsfactoryand passed I along with the rest of the b'raking the e ectronc converson was f t1ed.Thiswoud ndcatea ghtertouchis neededon the throlte to ma nta n s miar progress. system. The car has s nce had a it'spipeworkrepaced with a copper set and while . havent checkedthe fue consumptonyet. That ls for anotherdayL Wh st away, Steve ftted new rear shockers and estate car rear spr ngs removingallthe old pipes t was found most of themwereverybr ttle and most iust snapped ike toffee when touched. The p pes were al orig nal though (classiccaravanduues).We reckonedihat by the stateof the old spr ngs and ooked very good wlth no sgn ol any corroslonor ptt ng. Our cars are a 40 the time t took to get them off, they were probaby or gina 1963 v ntage! was amazedat how the handlingof the car has been transformed.lt is yearso d or much more n most casesand obviouslymanyof the components g . ^ a . 6 o a 6 o r 'o n F .'1 da b l l l - 6 - , n ^ o r e ) L r e f o o e o . 'o . - \ o u | p werejust not des gned 10 ast this long. pipes t rnight an dea to consider repacement. tyres, be wth org nal brake assc or older car My adviceto anyonedrivng a c to the above,writtena monthago, havenow used2 tankfulsof fLlel FLrrther no matterhow good they look is to havethem changedto copperor cunfer ones at the earlestopportunty. f I had beentravellingany fastertheoutcorne and measuredthe mpg. The f rst measureworked out at 28mpg. Th s inc uded ots of ocal lrips to maywe havebeenverydifferentand old MoWoGmightwellhavebeendrv ng the t p with gardenwaste n a ka er, about 50 milestowing a 700k9 caravan, and reparing farnas n lhe skyl Car Readvmade brake p pe kits are avalable to fit a club vehcles for around and a ong runto Brid ngtonand back forthe EastYorkshreThoroughbred t40 or if you are handyw th the faring tool a ro of copper p pe and a box of C ub raly. The second measure came to just over 33 mpg. This was al Lrnionswon't brakethe bank.Thewholeiob of renewng the brakep pes on a loca tripsand a coLrpeof ongerruns. solo,combining far na or any club car shoudn't take more than a day.so even f you haveto So a bitof a resutLthink. pay someoneto do the job for you it s a smallpriceto pay for saie motorlng Best w shesto al Farinafans. HowardEllis(N/emNo 6130) MowoG
MoWoGon brake pipes
Ltd. SUPPLIERS OFCLASSIC CARPARTS C.O.O.C. Approved Supplier FAIRINGPANELA4O,A5O,A55MK1,VAN & PICK UP !65,08 FAIRINGPANEL455 MK2, [4O se 5, MG MAG, RIL !65.08 FAIR NG PANELA60,MO se 6 194.70 FRONT LOWERVALANCEA40, A50, A55 MK 1 & van P.O.A. FRONTLOWERVALANCEA60, etc (farifa) 4 cyl 190.41 CROSS MEMBER,(underiairingpanel) t71.6A CORNERPANEL, (usewilh crossmember,enginebay) E1493 FRONTWING A5O,A55I\4K1 pn ) 151467 F R W N G K I T RE MA N4C Y LF A RIN A( nodoor hlnge FRONTWING LOWER HALF REMAN4 CYL FARINA I2O7 29 FRONTW NG DOOR HINGECLOSINGPANEL t57.26 FRONTW NG CLOSINGPANEL460,MO se 6(S SNAPE)I28.60 FRONTWING EXTENSON PANEL460. MO se 6 124.70 ( far ina)!42.94 F R O N T W I N G QT RR E P A IRP A N E LfToidT4cy FRoNTW NG HEADLAMPREPAIRPANEL4 cyl(ta.ina) E42.94 FRONTWINGBELOWH/LA|',,|P REPA R PNL4cyl(la na)!31.20 FRoNT WING LoWER CORNER REPAIRPNL4cy (farina)€41 .63 FRONTW NG HEADLAI',4P RETAININGRING lfarina) !12.86 FRONTINNERW NG, TOP RAIL REPAIRPANEL(farira)419.10 FRONTINNERWING I4UDGUARDtoA posi4 cyl(iarina)t20.05 APosT REPAIRPANEL A55 [4K2,MO,elc 4cy (fa na)471.60 FRONT FLOORPAN A55 MK 1 & 2, 460, elc4 cy (laina) 129.91 FRONTOUTR GGERORIGSPEC455 MK I & 2, 460. etc €35.12 FR TO SIDEOUTR GGEROR]GSFECAssI"'IK1 &2460,EIC !29.91 FR OUTRIGGERTRIANGULARryPE A55[4K1&2,eic €25.99 REAR OUTRIGGEROR G SPECA55IMKI & 2, 460, etc €22.73 CENTRECHASS S U SHAPEREPA R RA|L 55 onq 4 cyl e25.99 FRONTINNERSlLLA55[4K1E28.60A55lMK2, ,460,etc4cy !29.91 REAR INNERSILLA55MK 1 &2, 460, etc4 cyl 428.60 SILL OUTER A40, A50, A55 MK 1 lse 1 pair haliton slls &jon SILL OUTER HALFTON VAN & P CK UP B,L. I4294 SKIN SILL A55 MK 2, 460, elc4 cy saloon(farira) t47.26 SILL CLOSINGPANEL kear or sirllo innersil ) (rarna) 41066 JACK POINTBRACKETA55MK2. ,460.etcliariral 125.99 FRONTDOOR B L A55 MK 1, elc REA RD O O RB .L .A 5 5 l r/K1 , e tc (rarina) FRONT OOOR B.L.A55lVK2, ,460,etc P o.A. REAR DOOR B.L.A55lvK2, 460, elc P.o.A. {rarina) FR & RE OOORSKINA55 MK2, ,460,eic (rarira) 18 high !55 97 O POST REPAIRPANELA55l',4K2,,460,erc (tarna) E44.23 RE WING LWR HALF460 MO se6 modired ro Mo5 etc !20971 RE WHEELARCII REPAIRPNLA55MK2,460,'l elc(Iarina)133.81 RE WNG LOWEROUTERBOTTOII REPAIRPNL(larina)€43.00 RE WING INNERLOWER BOTIOI,4PANEL (iaria) 4 cyl!20.05 RE L W R V A L AN CE RE P A IRP NL a tchasssends( far i.a) E1719 RECHASSISMEMBER25 ronq(rorspringhaige44cyl t65.08 BoOT LID REPAIRPANEL (larna)4cyl
frw't {ttty p*arcT*{pwt t{ry.
ENGINERECOND ]T ION EXC H 4C YL ( LEAD F R EE) 81041.06 CLUTCHKIT(cover,p ate bearirg)4CYLRECONEXCH 184 28 REcoNExexcept4R€1 16.80 ENGINESHORTB LOC KR EC OEXC N F 1489&1622c c 451988 CLUTCHK T(dr, plale,bearinq)6CYL !7.60 CYLHEAD RECONEXCH LEADFREE 1489&1622cc t25368 MASTERCYLA SLAVECYL REPAIRKIT4 & 6CYL 'TomAUro HEADGASKETSET4 CYL A55MK1& 2, 460, erc to 1966!24.11 SPEEDOCABLE lrom €15.79 SPEEDOANGLE DRVE, HEAD GASKETSET4 CYL 460. erc 19660n t22.93 HEADGASKETSET6 CYL 3LTA90,Ai 10,elc, ex.ept4R !71.03 MANIFOLDGASKET13 63 ROCKER COVERGASKEI4CYL !363 ROCKERCOVER GASKET6 CYL EXCEPT4 LR !5.30 G EAR BO XR EC O N EXC H AN G E4C YLA5S, 4 6 0 , E! 2TC 41.05 CONVERSON GASKETSET ALL4CYL t19.33 GEARLEVERGAITER4CYLiromll 2.S66CYLMANUAL€20.05 SUMP CASKET !5.82 G/MOUNIING KIT (mounrs. sraybarbutrersby ba bushes)114.20 I MINGCHAINKIT(chair,tensioner,qaskel,o iseal)4CYL!20 05 PROPSI]AFTRECONEXCH4CYL!65.08 U/JJO NT €17.37 FLYWHEELRINGGEAR4 CYL {Manual) !38.67 OIL F]LTER SP N ON ryPE FORADAPTOR 4CYL T5.39 OIL F|LTER.PAPERELEMENT4CYL'6.70 6 CYL !9.32 ENGTNEMOUNTTNG A55MK1&2 etcl24.55460.M06 elct20.86 Our brandnew "in house"exhaust ENGTNEL|OUNT|NG 6 CYL A90 ,A1l0 etc a20.05 4LR!22.73
manufacturingcentre meanswe can nowofferyou top qualityexhausts at priceswhichcannotbe beaten. Cutingoutthe "middleman" has dramaticallyrcducedpricesand these savingsafe now beingpassedon
FR PIPE & BOXA5O.A55MK1!83.67
4 Ltr R remanufactureo frontcrossmembermountinos FR & RE SCREENRUBBERA5O,A55MK1,VANEPJCKUP151.63 FRSCREENRUBBERASSI4K2, 460 EIC!38.71 RE142.59 NOWINSTOCK F R &R ESC R EENR U BBER A90,etc E51.63As s , Aei tr0 c151.63 W PERBLAD EALL M D LS812.86 W IPER ARMI o m! 1 4 . 1 6 1 of 4 - €35.46each CAR CARPETSET, REo BLUE, eic4CYL! 128.936CYLe192.26 DOORAPERTUREEDGETRIMlfana)GREY.REDfrom!23.a4 1 of 1 - €39.99each
DRAGL NK,ASSY4CYLA55I\rlK1&2. elc(fxed siderod) E52.05 DRAG LINK,ASSY4CYL,460,elc (R-H&L-Hs de rod) !47.52 HEATERVALVERECONDITION.EXCHARGEallmode s 833.93 D R AGLN K,ASSY6C YLA99,Al 10el c ( s i der od ) i ro ma 4 5 . 6 1 pair4CYLA55[,1K1&2 e22.06,460,etct2s.99 6CYL except4LRa9.32 TRACKROOEND 1 FRONTW NG TOP HALFA99.A110.6/110 etc e346.63 FAN BELT4CYLA55 460, elc!9.63 STEERINGBOXRECONEXALL4CYL I195.38 IDLER!85.93 (EXCEPT4LR) THERMOSTATS2 &88./" ALL MODELS a6.13 FR O N T W N G B OT T OTHA V L F A 9 9 A 110,6/110.etc !34663 ST R G BO X&ID LER O LSEAL4C YL!3.96 D US TS E A L E 2 , 3 8 FRONTWINGDOOR HINGECLoslNG PANEL(fanna) !64.56 RAD CAP ALL MDLS T7.98 TRANSM]TTERALLMDLS !171S FRONTWING HEADLAMPREPAIRPANEL (farina) E4259 WATERPUIVP4CYL!52.05 WATER PUMP6cylEXtrom !78 11 FRONTWING HEADLAMPRETAININGR NG (farina) €12 86 RAD RECONEXCH4CYLA50 A55MK1STD {3 core) 117720 (2 FRONTWNGOTR REPAIRPANEL(iariia) L42 59 RAD RECONEXCH4CYLA55MK2,460 STD core) 4112.53 RAD RECONEXGH A55[4K2460(coolerrunning3core)r148.07 FR & RE SHOCKER ABSORBER REcoN ExcN rom 123 69 FR O N TV A L ANC EA 9 9 ,4 1 1 0 ,6 /1 1 0e tc BOTTOMHOSE4CYL irom 420.05 BU F F ER F R O N T AXLE( U N D ER SH OC KER )4 & 6 C Y1L4 . 6 9 FR o N T O U T RIGGE R,F RON T ( all6cyl) !38.71 TOP HOSE4CYL €9.69 !65.08 BOTTOMHOSEfrom6CYL!20.08 K|NG PtN KtT4 CYL 455. 460 etc & 6 CYL A90 etc FRONTOUTRIGGER,FRONTTO INNERSILL (all 6 cyl) !46.46 TOP HOSEOCYL!17.37 KIN GPIN KII6 C YLA99,A110.4 LT REIC POA SILL A9O.A95. A1O5 USE ONE PA]R HALF VAN S LL A JOIN. STUB AXLE RECONEXCH4CYLA55. 460, EtC 1117.2A s K l N SI L LA 9 9,A 1 1 0 ,6 /1 1 0e, tc !57 58 FRONTWHEELBEARINGKIl 4 QYL T47 32 REAR 147.32 D POST REPA R PANELA99.4110,6/110 EIC 825.78 SPR NG PAN BUFFER4 & 6 CYL T15.79 R EA RW H EE L A R CHR E P A IRP NL A 99.A110.6/J1OEtC E42.59 FR BRAKESHOESSET( 4) EXC H4C YLA55M K2460etc t27.18 SPR NG PANA50.A55l\lK1&2.A90.A99,A110 eic !32.51 REA R W I N G L WR OUT E RB T MR E P AIRPNL( Iar ina) !71.03 FR BRAKEPADS SET OF 4, A99.A110.4 LR. elc 129.91 sPR NG PANEXCH(anliro tbartype)460,OMse6,eic !41.63 REAR VALANCEA99, 4110,6/110 etc t27T.89 RE BRAKESHOESSET OF 4. EXCHA55]VK1&2.460. EtCI24 32 FRONT COILSPRING4CYLfrom !39.02 6cYLcorL sPR!47.32 FR & RE DRUM4CYL A50, A55MK1.eic P.O.A ANTIROLLBAR L NK ASSY4CYL460.i,,lose6.eic €18.24 FR DRUIT,4 4CYL A55MK2. 460. Et' !42.94 REAR DRUM P,O.A ANTIROLLBAR L NKBUSH 4CYL460, etc (QTRREQ 8) !2.43 MASTERCYL 4cYL A55,A60,eb from E59.17 REPAIRK r 17.60 W ISH BO N EBU SH 4C YLA55 460,ei c !2.67ea o R l o rs ! 2 0 . 2 4 FOR OTHER PANELSSEE BODY PANELS4CYL IVASTERCYL 6CYLA99, 41 1O EICP.O.A. REPAIRKIT €10,66 TOPFULCRUI\,IPNBUSH!2.06 TOP (shockerboll)!4.90 RE WING CENTREWHEELARCH REPAIRPANEL E72.31 FRONT WHEEL CYLINDERSA55,460. etc BOTTOMFULCRUMPLN& BUSHES ALL MODELS T22 73 RE WING RE LOWERCORNERREPAIRPNL rearof arch !28 80 NOW tN STOCK t19.49 W SHBONEBUSH 4&6 CYL A50, van, ags.A110,ei. (5/s)!2.67 REWING FRLOWERCORNERREPAIRPNL fronl oI arch 827 37 RE WHEELCYL A55, 460 etc 824.32 W SHBONEB USH6CYLA1 10, A1 10.4LR, eic {3/4') t2.Ag RE WING RE QTR REPA R PANELLOWER EA2.O2 FRWHLCYL REPA IRKl T A55,460, ( 4 c y s ) E1334 l c y l ) !3,15 R ELEAF SPR IN G 4C YLA55M K1&2,el c !170 a 6. 507e t d ! 1 6 58 3 RE W HL CYL REPA IRK T A55,460, ( 2.y l s ) 19.32 l c y l ) 1530 SPRINGBOLT& LOCKINGNUT4CYLA55,460 et. T4.SO RE W HEELCLYA99.,A110er c fr om t72.90 R EPAIR KIT 47.98 l\,lAN LEAFBUSh 4CYLA55[1K1&2, 460 erc !7.89 COOPERBRAKE PIPE KIT 4 CYLE4O67 6 CYL!42.59 RE SHACKLEPIN 4CYLA55MK1&2 460€tc from !5.30 FR BM KE HOSE 4CYLA55 460,A90,4110 etc , i r onr !11.73 RE SHACKLEBUSHA551VK1& 2, VAN. elct7.71 A60elc11.32 CARB RECONEXCH SU HS2A55MK2,460, elc 878.11 6/11O , E t C E 3 1 5 J ET SUH S 2 l 1 8 .3 3 N E E DL E 1 4 9 8 &1 6 22cc!7.99GKTSET!3.60RE BRAKEHOSE4& 6CYLA55,460. A90. A1'10erc fiom 111.73 R E SH AC KLEBU SHR U BBER A99.411O FUEL PUMP MAN REPAIRKIT€ 16.74NEEDLE&SEATSU!14.27 HANDBRAKECABLE4CYL A55MK2,460 erc (REMAN) t37.89 U BOLT4CYLA55MK1&2 sa , est.etc&van e7.98A60sal16 64 RE AXLE BUFFER4CYL A55MK1&2.460. EtC ! 14.69 FU E LPU M PAC MA N UA L 4 C Y L!9 1 14 PUIIIPSU ELE!91.14 BRAKE LIGHTSWITCHALL MODELS
LongbridgeLane,LoscoeRoad.Heanor,D erbyshire, DE757GH (Eves)768633Fax 01773) Tel:(01773\7'19504 530828
CompanyReg No 423841
British Motor Heritage Approved
CliveTannerand NTGwasfoundedin 1966by BarryNaunton, whopurchased MikeGreen(henceNTG)lhreeMGenthusiasts an MGTA {orthe princelysumof t15 for sparesto keeptheir other owncarson the road.As wordspreadof theiracquisition, contacted themfor manyof theparts. enthusiasts to meet furthercarsfordismantling theypurchased Subsequently new items. a few thedemandandalsoremanufactured companyaround1970to pursue Barry& Cliveleftthefledgling joined Richard by hisbrother-in-law othercareersandMikewas Bird, who togetherestablishedNTG as an internationally Thrswasrecognised renowned sparepartsmailordercompany. by BritishLeylandwhentheywereinvitedto becomea founder Paul picking Farina spares from N l'G's extensive uarehousc. member of British is the classiccar industrywatchdog,and This organisation MotorHeritagegiven fortheremanufacture to original workshop drawings has access membership parts. ill health, and PaulBanyard, stores early in 2000 owing to Richardretired of position. for 12 years,lookoverthevacantdirectorial manager lor severalyears,and sparesfor the MG Z Magnetle NTGhad beensupplying of Farina spares.Asthe as a possible supplier wereapproached byTaffGillingham it seemedlogical, andwas to theZ Magnette, l\4k3wasthesuccessor Magnette decidedto caterfor all the 1.5litreenginedcars. In returnfor supportgivenby membersof lhe Suffolkbranch,a 107odiscount is given to all fully paid up byotherclubs,thisdeal we areregularly approached COOCmembers.(Allhough Club!) Owners only appliesto The Cambridge-Oxford from'Keeping As thescenechanges lhesecars, it on theroad'lorestoring NTG has continuedto sourceand items that are no remanufacture NTC Co-Founder N,likcGrcen longeravailable. So far to date we havebeen involvedin BatteryBar RearLeafSprings,Seat Clamp& HookBolts, Anti-RollBar PinAssembly, WebbingKits,BatteryBox Liner,Hubcaps,BootMat,BootLinerset,door Cables,BonnetPullCables, HingePins,FrontWings(onepiece),Handbrake to growl numerous badges,bodypanelsetc...andthe listingcontinues & pricelistandseeforyourself. catalogue Sendforourlatestillustrated
NTG Motor ServicesLtd 282-4BramtordRoad,lpswich,Suffolk. IP1 4AY England Tel: ++44 (O)1473 406031 or 406032 Fax: ++44 (0) 1473 743133 uk Email: sales@ntgservices.co.
Paul and Mike outsidcNTG's premisesrn Bramford Road, Ipsu'ich
' 2011 AND FAMILYFUNWEEKEND,NORIH |NALRALLY NORTHNORFOLK.Heldas part of the NorthNorfolkRailway'sVintagel? ieow|In withexcellent weatherano wealner andbu 60 uluD ClubUars Rallyfield nextto Holl Carson lne the Hally eldnen Holtslatlon. station.Manyhadgathered previousdayto set the prevjous se-tup campin timefor run alongthe coastandthe eveningpubsocial,whichas everwasgreatfun.Wewerepleasedto seeouroldfriendsJanandLennySebellrom withtheir460.Onthe Sundayofthe ofthe Rally, Rally,many manyMembers Members tookadvantage took advantage of the of , Holland, thespecialClub specialClub discounton discounl onthe thesteam steamrailway, railwav, andtravelled and travelted to sneflngnam Io Sheringham preltyhol andOacK. anO back.Utners Otherssocrallzecl socialized in the or snoozed or snoozedIn the shade shadeon on whal whatwas wasa prelty holday, day,not notthat thatwe're we'recomplaining.A good many lvlembershad travelledwell over 100 milesto atlend you can't faultthe commitmentof Club lvlembersto supporl our Railies,especiallywith fuel as dear as it is these days. days. 16/60by the railway;Andrew ldle'snewlyrestoredAustinA55lvlk2wasmuchadmiredandwas2ndmosiPopularCar,pictured I with with Below:lvlarkShepley's newA110Mk2Westminster is a fineexample, as is MarkChettleborough's Mk1Wolseley The MG 6/110. of GuyWonghinValeGreen;Charlie Gunn'sRiley4/72;Tony Bean'sA55lvlk2Cambridge;John creenbroughthisSinger
My name is Roy Presdee, a classic car enlhusiastliving in Bilmingham,and I thought it about time I wrote to the magazine to tell you about my currenl pride and joy, a A55 Cambridge Farina mark ll which I bought in June 2009. I flrst came acrossthe car about 6 years ago at a ClassicCar show held in Lichfield, where ltold the then owner Dave Morris,(a c ub me'nberl wl_ala nice vehicleiI was. I couldsee it had beenrepaintedto a very high lt had standardandthe chromewas gleaming. beenstrippeddownto the sheL,all glassout, doors,bonnet,and boototf,engineout,alllrim removed,etc, etc. Dave and I became frlends and he knew I wou d be interesied if he ever wantedto sell. BaywinningtheBLHeritage I have owned severalclassiccars since ihe Traphy in2409 1970s,my lastone beinga 105 Westminster. but as soon lh s was sold, I beganlookingfor a replacemenlThe time came when Davedecidedto sellthe Cambridgeand the dealwas done Now a littlebit of h storv aboutthe vehicle...ll was manufacturedin September '1961and registeredin Decemberthe same year, registrationnumber 7963 LJ. The colouris FarinaGrevand TartanBed,wjthtwo tone interiorThe rn leagelo by documentsprovidedby the date is 57,600which can been authenticaled orioinalowner ihe firstownerwas a Mr Harrisonfrom Surreywho spottedit in a showroom slandingnextto an 460 He likedthe colourschemeof the A55 betterand bought The secondownerwas a Mr JohnWoodfromAmershamand he is the il instead. doingsome ol il himselfThe body personwho commissioned the festoration, work was carriedout by Chesham Body Repairsol Amersham The whole restorationtook about five years lo complete.After a further three years Dave becamethe third owner.I believethat the car was given the once over by l\.4orris SteveTurner and had a few things sorted out by Dave, who kept the car for a iurtherthreeyears,takingit to variousshows. When I took over ownershipin 2009 | startedto make more improvementsThe lirst iobs were to redyethe front seats and the dash top, strip all the instruments out olthe dashboardand give a freshcoat ol paintto the sleeringwheel and cowl. I then had a new radiospeakermadein metalwhichI paintedglossblack.The enginebay was nexl on the list,paintingas many itemsas possiblein black l to fit underthe alsomanagedto gei a newpairof chromefinishersfrom Earlpart, rear lights.Not yet satisfied,I had the doors relinedas lhe panelswere not a good lit. Replacementstainlesssleel window frames were purchasedirom Mike Holehouse(the originalswere d slortedand did nol f t properly).The fittingproved quite fiddlybut the resultwas worth lhe effort.The ast job to date was to lit a new headlinjng(the prevlousone was torn)The trimmerdid a reallygood iob, but contracteaoul the fitting of the screensand what a mess the screen fitter made of the job. After three attemptsto gel him to compleie the work up to a decent slandard I gave up and searched ior someone who could be rel ed upon to fit the screensto an accePtabe level. I was eventuaJyrecommended to a chap who specalises in vintage and classic screen djd a fine fitling,who ultimately job. A lot ot the improvemenis have been done with the help of a friend who is a panel beaterand fitterand work is still ongoingto makethis Farinaan even smarter car.
a findenclosed Please coupleof snapsof my 1960AustinCambridge A55Mk2.I boughtit last atterhavinga September 19506 potChevrolet for25yeals,I Skyline thoughtI wouldlikea Yours sincerely change. (Essex) Pelercoe-Smith nicecarAnother welc1me tothecaoc Peter.
Hello,I haveiust ioinedthe C00G,andI am attachinga few photographs 0f myVandenPlas4 LitreR whichyoucouldusein the Square,London. Thephotosweletakenin Belgrave BosetteRecorder. I alsoenclosesomeinteriorpics- probablythe mostimmaculate interior0f any4 LitreR in theworld. I alsoowna 4 Litle B touling yet. limousinewith division,but this is not roadworthy laaksafineexampie. it cetlainly Giles, Reqards, GilesUsher Welcane
Notionol Rally in the Norfolk sunshineframtop:RoyConey's A55 Mk2; Alan Shovell's MG Counttyman now has MG power under the bonnet. Left: A good showing of preJa nas;Adian Janes A55 l\4k1an rostyles;the 450 of Andrcw Bean with 4 SunTorcalsa in shat: Ricardo A'Connor'sASA Cambidge; new \4ember Bichard Hughes came from Sauthend with this black A55 Mk1 Camb dge which featuresa rare period sunrcaf,seen with Keith Winsot's Riley 472 behind. Finally, we see Allan Davies discussing all things diesel with his Morris Oxford Vl Edinburgh's Andrew Shortell was furthest ttavelled with his 460, and Mast Popular Car was Lee Clatke's SunTor,as seen an the frcnt cover Thanksas alwavs to Steve Tunea who otganized a great evenf enjayed by all The National Rally will be in Lancashircin 2012 - see you therel
i ^1
Make,model,year,lengthof MoT, of yourcar in BLoCKCAPITALST Pleasewritethe description bri€fdescfipti0n, askingpriceandyourc0nlactdetails condition, col0ur,manual/auto, KT10oDY LANE, CIAYGATE, SURFEY BECoRDEB, 70TETEGBAPH Thensendto: BoSETTE rosetlerecorder@co-oc.org THE CLUB ACCEPTSNO LIAB LIry N RESPECTOF VEHICLES,SPARESOF SEFVICESADVEFTLSEDN YOUR CAR ]N TF]EBR. (M) MEMBER THE FOSETTERECORDEF.THEBE S NO CHARGEFOB ADVERTISING
F OB SAL E: 1 9 6 6Au stinCa mbri dge A60 PersianB ue. Owned by lamily lrom new,howevermYgrowingiamiY necessilalessale. SORNed,eng ne run reguarly,reeds some work and TLC, p u s sp a r e s.Via b lewin te rPr ol ecl .1600. arn plac ng this or behaf of my father ( M e m b e2 r 0 8 0 ) T e l:- 0 1 2 42558786or i or e m ald a vd j wh ite @ h o tm a il .co.uk more detals. che mslord,Essex.
FOR SALE: Rare AustinA55 [,1k2 C ounlry m a n19 6 1 e x c e l l e not r i g in a l bodywork,chrome and interiorhav ng cally fully rever been reslored.l\,4echan ov,arhaued over last 10 yearsitied wlh gold sea 1622 engine.sla n ess steel e x haus i,A lls u s p e n s i obnu s h e san d steeringjoinls replaced,heavyduty rear springslitted.Very reliablehas taken us lhe lengthand breadlhof this country nc uding lrelandwilhoulthe slighlest trouble.W ll be sold with 12 monlhs [,,1O1!3650 ConiactSieveTurner01653 693183Yorkshire FOR SALE: 1962 AustinA60 C am brdgei n P r u s s i a nB l u e .O n e o wn e r from new (COOC lMemberrecently passedaway)in very good condilion.I have beer adv sed I is worth belween t2000 and 13000.For ftrrtherdela ls lM.C.WatsonTel.A2O7249 conlacl N,4rs 1684 London
FOR SALE: Aust n CambrldgeA60, 1964.GrampianGrey wlth lghl grey stripe.[,lanua gearbox.N4OTJune 20T2. M e ch a nca ly e xce lle nal n d d r ves very we l. M u chwo r kd o n ein th e lastyear ncluding3 new door skins fltted and Ful re sprayin Granrpan Grey,resulling in near perlectbodywork.Chrome in
g or o dw i l h no ri ps n iceco n d ltio n .In te r io or tears.Recenlfu I serviceand new batlery.Price€2950 o.N.O. Contact Sandie Dougas (m) 01292242199,ol 07710 464257.Ayrshire,Scolland FOB SALE: VariousWolseey parts lor
The Cambridge-Oxford
sale: Frontwindscreer laminaled!65; R earw i ndscreen aso ami nal ed!55: 2Wol seey l rontgri l es i n vg condi l i on t35 each; 1 full sei oJwheel trims n very good condillonf20t 1 ful sel of hub caps ln very good cond llon !20; 1 Wolseley16/60bonnel n rose taupe !45;1 Wol sel ey16/60l rontbumperi n l ai rcondi i i on€25;2 headi ghtsurrounds slighty pitled but in al round condition t20i 1 completelarina wheel complete with iyre in very good condltionl15i 1 compleiesei oJrear ights in very good condilion125 pa r. Wil ing to take f300 for lhe job lot. 41522 845217 ot 47187611223. Kenneth[/att ng ey Linconshire (nm) FOR SALE: Largequantly oi Sparesfor sae Jor4 cyllnderFarlnasi Wo seey 16/60bool i d (S H )i 25. 11 variouscomplelefronl and rear doors (S H )f25 each.W ndscreenl S H ) t5.2 rearw i ndow s(S H )!5 each.2OS l ront outriggers(lriang type) (NEW) r15 -a mud flap kil pari number each. BN,4C SC322 (NEW) lT0.lvlc N,,lagnelte speedocomplete,good cond tion (SH) €10. Rear chromeir m (lits be ow rear etc. amp)tol t A 55 mk2 (andtravel l er?) (NEW bo(ed) t25. Wolseley16/60 gri es,vari ous,goodcondl i on (S H )e20 each.3 gearboxes(removedirom cars some time ago but were in good working order) (SH) t30 each. Also a JOB-LOToi most y used but general l good y condi tonparl si ncl udi ng prop shalis,lront springs,brake back pl ates,hoses,chromei l ems.tri m bts, instruments,amp un ts, carbs, distrlbuiors,door windowtrims (new), gaskets,suspensionparls, steering parls, door handles, ocks, hub caps,
R al l i es x
Ba d g e
w heel l ri ms,speedocabl esc, hok e cables,windscreenwiper parts,window runners,heaterboxes,bower motors, new Goodyearfan bells, steer ng boxes forthe ol .Tel . & [,4uC HIMOR E1120 , 01623 472315 lrlark Sulc fte (nr) Mansfield) FOB SALE: Farinarange lManualGear B o)(!15.00 A 55 B onne lf10.00 615706 n C ontactR on Gi l beri so 01642 (Stockionon Tees) FOR SALE: One genuine Bl\,4C passengersde Rearw ng lor A55 [/k2 S al oon.A l soone genui neB MCdri v efs side rear wing for Auslin A60 Country Both as man/MorrlsOxlordVLTraveller. new, slightsurlacerusl, been dry stored lor severalyears.€300 each o.n.o,lrr S. Pascoe01726 68996 (rn) Cornwall FOR SALE: Used Spares: Tors ol good used spares.G ve me a ring I might havewhat you are lookingfor. Steve TurnerTel :01653 693183or enral : farinaman@bliniernet.com(m) (N.Yorkshrre) FOR SALE: New and used pads ava lablefor the A55 and A60 Far na range. Pleasegel in touch with any Te :0128 2860909 requi rements. evenings,or ema I mick_hoehouse@ Ineone.nel(m)(Lancs )
IURNTED WANTED: Nearsde rear door card fof Auslin 460 Cambridge.Any colourwill do.GrahamC ol e(m)07 760196021 (day),01491612965(ev es )
8 ,4.50 Et8,75 EtL.25 POA POA POA €11.OO 816.50
Se r vice
All these items are availableto orderfromI Geoff & Georgina Codling, 30. Hawling Road, Market weighton, York. YO43 3JR. Te l e phone; 01430873 6 9 0 .g c o d l i n g @ g c o d l i n g .p l us.com All items subject to P&Pat f6.95 per order (including VAT) and from ReqaliaOfficersat manv Club Rallies.
RM VehicleServices Richard Marlin Classic Car Specialisl
T E L: 0 1 6 5 36 9 3 1 8 3 -1980 & Restoration OnAlt BMC& BLCars1951 Service,Repairs
All mechanical work undertaken, from seruicing to major rebuilds
(Service 60's& 70'sCars) onmostother 1950's, & repais undertoken
Body Bepairs incl. PanelWork, PaintWork, Welding, ResloralionWork Farinas always wanted, whalever model or condition!
Body Repairs,Waxoyling, Valeting, MOT's by -Appointment. Engine Rebuilds, Clutches, Brakes. Unleaded Conversions & Engine Timing.
Contact Richard Martin O777a9611O7 Fichard@RMvehicleservices.com
Used SparesFor BMC Farina's
c.o.o.c. - E.YT.c.c.- M.M.o.c.
Thatcham, Berkshire.
Approved Repairer - DISCOUNTTo Members
Wesell probablythe cheapestStainlessSteelExhaustson thtlnerkolr hr.t the*prbeErFdr ffiileble.lo flllv
f'emDers... Our stainless steelexhaust It""t'notogy suppliers are currently G"""I{:iri reviewing theirpricesand,at l"^"*" fromthese I the timeof goingto press,I still cannotgive you those lo" * " 0" I newprices.
It is sti posslblefor Cambridge OxfordOwners Clubmembefsto take advantageof the special Club Discountschemeoperaiedby the RAC.In pleasequoteyour discount, ordertoqualityforthe name and Club membershipnumber to the viatheCub Hotline(07966249506). Secretary
ci al C l ubdi s -
,0,, oJ Theywillbe printedin the RR oo''4 as soonas we havethem.
enquiril Lnr -^. .. ^ Uamofloge-9xroro
club owners
rr''-'---:!r {soon -r*'|-'iL=qTo pl aceyou.orde.se'l dyoL.chequepayabe'oC OOCS omer s etA rea. Pleaseencloseyour address,me;bership number and telephoneNo-
stainless - you can depend on it !
WANTED: For 1958 AustinCambridge (pre{arina)Workshop[ranual-Also seekingpersonto rcstorespeedoand dials.ContactWilfredWesiall (m)email: bwestall@mts.net or telephone204489-2341(Winnipeg,Canada)
Enginebackpate 12H541 SE RU I CES D RE P R I RS www.mgocspares.co.uldacatalog/lvlGoc SPARESUPPEB lt GB-4.html SoulhWest Herls. Long eslablished VAT Price: t2.87 Including motor r.echanic is willingto service, Yourssincerely, JohnDavies(Toolate!l repair,and weld ourlype oi cars. Cou d sold the car lastyear!!!' editoi
WANTED: For 1957 Austin WeslminsterA95: (i) sel ol seals,iront and rear,in led;(ii) Chrome horn ring; (i i i ) jac kPlea . s ec a l l J o h n T , e l : 0 7 83 2 994894
WANTED:For460 estate A60/Oxford irontsteelwings,Front lowerpanel,Frontfairing,Eslaterear tloor10bodylowerpanel(8241527) Simon01516251236(evenings) or rusiywing@btinlernel.com
WANTEDTRegardingthat elusiveBW 35 Auto gearboxRubberbung you have been seeking... I recondilionedan engine over the Summerand got a new one meant for an MGB from the MG ownersclub-They are on lhe internet.So if you wanl one, it can be lound here:Blankingplug -
l.zs J.oo
collecl locallo Watford.Don Dracup(m). Tel:01923 231982 (evenings) Disc Brakes & Telescopic Dampers: I am offering kiis for lront disc brake conversions,and telescopicdamper conversionsfront and rear.ior all 1500 & 1600 Farinas.Contact:lvlikeLaflin, Model Farm,ChapelSlfeet, RocklandSt Peler,Atieborough, NorfoTkNB17 1UJ Tel: 019534831'19/07801 444a$. (m) Wolseley 6/110 & Austin A110 Mk2 Front wheel Hub unit rebuilton an exchangebasis service. Relurnedreadylo bolt back on to your
Helto 1-aff, I arn rnernber 7351-Wilfred in Canada,This question rnay seern like a nobr:ainer:. Were the engine bay bodl'work the sarne for left ha.nd drive and right hand drive? I guess Oxfords and Carnbridges had the sarne body wotk? Thankyou, Regards, Wi.fred. WestaII, Winnipeg, Canada
Hi Wi!fied, tlifamt Pre Farina Oxfordsand Cambidgu wen totalQdlferent carsandhad completcl2 bctdlshelk.Howeue4I am surethat a pre-FarinaCambidgehasthesamebadlshellforbfr andright handdrhe cars.The Fainw certainl da. Tfu onj dffirenus beingblankingplatts and rubber grommehin hobsuhith meneeded/irsuaqqingflan anes;deto theothetI hat)eLnownset,eral peoplewhahau succeqJilbsuapqedFainasfon onesideto theather 'f\f Hello Tafi, I hope you don't rnind rne Thank you for the reply and the inforrnation. ernailing you with rny questions. I see in the RR, the fellow that is the man to call for info on Pre-Farina Cambridge is not on the Internet. Frfther to rny questions previously, I arn sending 2 pictures of the corrosion darnage to either side of the engine bay, I arn wondering if I ca-n use these pictures to advertise in t-Le RR classified for good sheet metal, because these parts are not available frorn Earl Part. I would also like to know if there are any books about iestoriing the Carnbridge. Also, are there businesses or persotrs that rlill lestore the dash speedo, etc.? I arn also thinling of the suspension darnpers to be overhauled. Ihanks aery tnuch, Regards, Wifred bnai.I: bzsesta @rnts.net
carJoranoiher50,000plusmiles. ContaclSlewartl/organ 07774158005 for stewarimorgan3@btopenworld.com p ce & availability of [rk2 hubs anda limitedsupplyfor Mkl models. AmazingSpecialOftertor COOC Members:A complete serviceforyour ClubCariorjusM20.00 inclusive of all willbe normalserviceitems.Yourcar lf required lvloTcarried fullyserviced. out.So,if yourClubCarneedsa liltle TLC,callme,SteveTurner01653 693183, today.(m) 6-CylinderPowerSteeringBoxes: Leaking Westminsler/ Wolseley/Vanden PlasPowerSleeringBoxesrebuiliusing all newseals& bench-tested, Tel:Andy,01609776040emaill wa.hodgson@btopenworld.com {m)