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OwnersClub TheCambridge-Oxford 07966249506/ www.co-oc'org COOCHOTLINE(forgeneralenquiries):

CommitteeMembers: Chairman TaffGillingham Road 218 Colchester lpswich Suffolk tP44QZ



Pleasedirect all finance relatedenquiriesvia the FinanceOfficeruntil furthernotice.

SteveTurner Donatella House, Ryton,l\y'alton Nodh Yorkshire, YO1765A.


Tel:01653693183 Tel:01473712723 taff@taff mail.demon.co.uk farinaman@btinternet.com

Memberships John lvliddleton c/o 276 CollegeStreet Lv,,v



Nottinghamshire NGl O4GW

Publicity John Lakey 36, Rodbourne Road, Harborne, Birmingham. B 17oPN.

Tel: 07790 286974 Telt 0121 243 4336 membership@co-oc.orgjohnlakey@googlemail.com

MarqueSecretaries: Pre-FarinaCambridg6 Secretary A55 Mk ll & A60 Secretary Moris Oxford V & Vl Secretary M.G. & Riley Secretary Wolseley15/60 & 16/60 Socretary 6-Cylinder Secretary

RichardMaruda,145 StonesbyAvenue,Leicester,LE2 6TYST147AX. Bob l\4etzner64 ParkAvenue.Uttoxeter,Staffordshire. KeithBullock,35 LynbrookClose,Hollywood,Birmingham.847 5PU BB87AE.Tel012B2860909.nrlck_holehouse@lineone.n DobbRhydding,SkiptonOld Road,Colne,Lancashire Mick Holehouse, YO176S4.Tel:01653693183 farinaman@btinternet.com SteveTurner,DonatellaHouse,B!4on,Malton,Nodh Yorkshire, TaffGillingham,218 ColchesterRoad,lpswich,Sufiolk.lP4 4QZ Tel:01473712723, taii@taffmail.demon.co.uk.

AreaSecretaries& Meetings: lbr AgreedValueInsuran.c AV = Club Onicialsprcparedto carN out inspeclions

Merseyside:Don Sykes,53 CornwallWay,Ainsdale,Southport, N.4ersoyside. PR8 3SG. Tel:01704578348 dsykess169@aol.com

Bedtordshire:New AreaSecretaryneeded. The White Horse,HusborneCrawley,Nr Woburn.1st Tuesdayin month

Norfolk: Vacant

Chesterfield:AV Mark Sutclifie,5 NorburyDrive,Mansfield, NG184HT. rn.sutcliffell3@ntlworld.com Nottinghamshire. The Olde House,LoundsleyGreenRoad,Chesterfield.S40 4RN 2nd Mondayof each monthfrom 8pm.

Oxfordshire& Berkshire: N4arkShepley,21 HomeClose,Wootton, Abingdon. OX136DB.Telr01865327647Mob:07702109901 markshepley@btopenworld.com The Six Bells,The Green,Warborough,Oxon.OX107ND.SecondTuesday ofth6 month 7pm till latefrom Aprilto Septembet

Dartford: AV BrianBlendell,40 BartonRoad,Sutton-at-Hone,Dartford, Kent.DA4 gEA. 01322863500. Sidcup Place,on the 4222 Sidcupto ChislehurstRoad(nearQuoenMarys Hospital)at 8.30pm- 2nd Wednesdayeach month.

TS184LN North East Ron Gilbertson,13 GravsRoad,Stockton-on-Tees. Tel:01642 615706 The VaneArms, Longnewton,off 466 nearStockton. lst Mondayeach month.

Devon & Cornwall: AV John Middleton,45, St Andrew'sView Taunton, Somerset.TA26JU. fel07790 286974 iohn.middletonloo@virgin.net Meetingsto be arrangedsoon

Scotland: AV Jim Wilson,4 EttrickGroveEdinburgh,EH10sAW Telr0131228 5158 jimbev@wilson6000.freeserve.co.uk

Dorsot: MartinKeeping,3Burnt HouseLane,Sopley,Christchurch,Dorset, Shropshiyq AV DavidPortch,Shirley,BridgewaterStreet,Whitchurch, Shropshire.SY13'1OJ david.portch@virgin.net 441590bmcbuzzinhornets@tiscali.co.uk BH238DD Tel:01425672962/07761 The Elm Tree,HightownnearRingwoodHantsBH243DY Somerset AV ConradParr,28 BayhamRoad,t-lpperKnowle,Bristol, LastThursdayof the month BS4 2DR conrad.parr@virgin.net Somerset,BS246RT. The FullQuart,Hewish,Nr.Weston-super-Mare, East Midlands: NewAreaSecretaryneedod. 2nd Wedn€sdayeach month8pm. HolidayInn, NormansCross(nearYaxley),Peterborough. 1st Wednesdayeach month(exceptJanuary), South West Midlands: TemporaryContact:AV KeithBullock,35 Lynbrook Close,Hollywood,Birmingham.847 5PU Easl Sussex:SteveSimmons,22SouthernRoad,HampdenPark, Eastbourne,Sussex,BN22gLTTel:01323500228info@slfencing.co.uk Sufiolk: AVTafi Gillingham,218 ColchesterRoad,lpswich,Sufiolk.lP4 4QZ. The BarleyN4ow,Selmeston,on A27 Brightonto Eastbourneroad. fet 01473 712723 taff@taffmall.demon.co.uk. 1st Tuesdayeach month. (Meetingscunentlysuspendgd) East Yorkshir€:AV SteveTurner,DonatellaHouse,Ryton,Malton, NorthYorkshire,YO17634. Tel: 01653 693183 larinaman@btinternet.com Surrey:AV DavePage,70 TelegraphLane,Claygate,Surrey.KT10oDY Tel:01372810301 daveydamage@ntlworld.com Meetingscurrentlysuspended. The Siar,KingstonRoad,Lealherhead,on 4243, one mile northof M25 Junction9. 3rd Mondayeach month8pm Eire: ShaneConway,77 BryanstownManor,DublinRoad Drogheda, Co.Louth,Eire.Tel:086824 3818.shaneconwayd3@gmall.com Wales:Adrian Purdy,18 SwanLane,Ystalfiera,Swansea,SAg 2JB Tel:01639845836 gina@pordy8481.treeserve.co.uk Hampshire:IemporaryContact Simon Langrish.02380270954 lf you would liketo volunteeras AreaSecretary,let Simon know Wgst Midlands: AV John Davies,83 MellishRoad,WalsallWS4 2DF lIanorArms, ParkRoad,Rushall,Walsall, troglodltesareus@hotmail.com Hertfordshire:PeterBatchelor,79 FairfieldWay,GreatAshby,Stevenage. WestMidlands,WS4 1LG.3rd Mondayof the month 8pm Hertfordshire. SG1 6BG.Tel 07767254012 peter.batchelor30@ntlworld.com The Highwayman,GreatNorth Road, Wirral & Cheshire:AV SimonThornton,35 BeaconDrive,West Kirby, Graveley,nr.StevenageSG4 7EH.srd Tuesdayeach monthfrom 7.30pm. Wirral,L48 7EB. Tel:0151625 1236 rustywing@btinternet.com to be Quarterlyon 3rd Wednesdayof FarmersArms,Frankby,Winal.l\,leetings Lancashire:AV RobertParr,4 BeechGrove,Ashtonon Ribble,Preston,LanMarch,June,September& Decemberat 7.30pm. cashire.PR2 1DX. robparr@blueyonder.co.uk The Boat Yard,BoltonRoad,RileyGreen,PrestonPR5 oSP South AIrica: PaulCowie.paulcowie@afrihost.co.za 2nd Wednesdaveach month8.00om

Glub Officers: RegaliaOfiicers Finance Officer DieselAdvisor

Geoff& GeorginaCodlingWo/th)and Brian& WendyBlendell(Soutt) Seeadverton page '19 SheilaGillingham,97 TuddenhamAvenue,lpswich,Suffolk lP4 2HG ColinSmith,1 The Beeches,Litile Blakenham,lpswich,Sufiolk Tel: 0'1473830968 Clff Brock,4 ConiferClose,St. Leonards,Ringwood,Hants.BH242RF. Telt 01425 472799

RR Back Numbers TechnicalOfficer AV Kim Henson,"Evergreen"51 BerkeleyAve. Parkestone,Poole,DorsetBH124HZ Modified Car Officer Seth Kennedy,27a HallswelleRoad,TempleFortune,London.NW11oDH. Tel: 020 8455 1205 email: sethk@zoom.co.uk The Club makeseveryeffortto ensurethat the informationand advicepublishedis reliableand in accordancewith safetyprocedures.We are unableto for injury,damageor loss,due to omissionor error.We cannotaccept liabilityfor advertisersfailingto supplygoods. acceptresponsibility

Pleaseaddress your correspondenceto the relevant person.


Il in doubt, use the Secretary'saddress.

NB:Youcansubmitarticlesvia emailor by mailtyped or written nice and clearlyor as a PCfile on CD (pleasereadnextsentence). Wepreferarticlesto be emailedto us to avoiderrorsbut manydifferentformatsandsoftwarearesupported. will be returnedif you supplya SAE. CDsand photographs

From your Editor...

at the AGM. This is a copy ofJohn's letter:

April 2 Al2 Welcome to RRl36, and It is nau owr tm)earssinceI toakon theroleof Membership Seffear\from firsdy apologiesfrom the last Maholn Padbury issue to Sue Gough for Sincethenall oJ us on the Crmmittze,and r,'thers in appointcdposg haae inexplicably naming her worhedtogether to a&itae thestrongporiion that theClubhasnawreached. It's 'Ruth', and alsoJohn Horton, aJar cr)fam thesituati1nweinheited. who dropped me a line to say Thueforelfeel thatit is nowtimeJormeto handoaerm1rok asMmtbership how much he and his MG 'Maggie' enjoyed Secretary. the Cranleigh Show, although he is notJohn I harereall2enjoydm1tenpl slearsasa Cammittee mmtberandhau been Murrey, as incorrecdy captioned in the enlugh t0 haae been inuohed in such a succulful team,fr*fi unda the report. I'm happy to put the record straight. fortunate enthusiastic Chairmanthipaf Izs WLlinns andktt$b u)ith'f(6[ Derrick and Sue have contdbuted a fine I mustthankConrad,Sheila,ValandJamufor all theirfuLpand support article on theb trip to Nolway, which you can duing m1 timeasMembership Seoetary. read within. Thank you to all Members who have sent me stuff ObaiouslI wiLl continuein m1rolcuntil theAGM unlessa replacement can recently,I now have a couple ofthings in the pipeline for the next belfuundsooner issue already, but please continue to send articles, especially Asltou mqt knowI hauebeena member of the CambndgeOfird Ownas technical items. Club since1989 andpreaiousLlt heldtheroleof RegahaOfftcu (I stilLhaae Enjoy your Club Cars this Summer, there are plenty of events! nightmares aboutall those7:Shi s andMugs!!!). Dave Page I am now lookingforutardta taking a backseatand eryjolting m) Rasette Rzcordrrasall our manbersdo, ChairmansReport... With VerlBut Wishes fuhn Middkton First of all a big thank you to all of you who renewed your MembushipSecretar2 membershipswiftly.COOC membershipfalls due on lst February The CambridgrOxfordOwnasClub every year, irrespectiveofwhen youjoined the CIub, and it makes job the task of our renewal team much easierto get the over with John has done some excellentwork over the years. His support quickly instead of it taking severalmonths. and enthusiasmfor the Club, and his hard work behind the As with last year we have streamlined the system so that all scenes,really has contdbuted in so many ways to the excellent members who have already renewed will receive this Rosette position that COOC currently finds itself in. Thank you to both Recorder. All those who have not yet renewedwill have received andJohn for all they have done for us. a final reminder letter instead. Once they pay their subscription James The Committee will be lookng at the implications ofJohn and the Membership O{ficer will post a copy of this issueto them. If leaving at the sametime and will certainly be discussingthe thosewho have not yet reneweddo not do so beforeJuly they will James possibilityof combining the two roles again (asit was when John deem to have lapsed their membership and will have to rejoin if fi$t became Membership Secretary),or whether to keep them as t h e ) \ a n r r o c onr inueme mb e rs h i p . two separateroles. This processsavedthe Club a great deal ofpostage expenselast In time we shall have to do the same when Sheila retires from year as we did not have to send magazinesto people who were the Finance Officer role too. She currently has no plans to do so not intending to rejoin. but that will, of course,depend on her health. I am pleasedto say As with previous years we have also sent Lapsed Rejoin letters that Yorkshiremember, Howard Ellis, has expressedan interestin to all members who lapsed last February. This has been a very a Committee post and, if any ofyou may also be interested,please successfulprocessand always recov€rsmore in membership fees get in touch. than it coststo orint and oost the forms. On a di{Ierent note, UK members will all have noticed the A h u q e r hank y ou as u s u a lto J a m c s .Sh e i l a .a n d J o h n l or al l decisionby the Post O{ficer to greatly increasethe postal charges their hard work during the renewalperiod - and also lor Eddie too for letters,packetsand parcels.This massiveshoot-themselves-inas his online renewal drive has been a great successwith many of the-foot gesture has already seen a huge national increase in you taking the opportunity to renew your membership without companiesand individualssendingcorrespondence,contractsand the time and inconvenienceof chequebooksand postagestamps! invoicesby email instead. Obviously the RR, as one of the most Unfortunately the renewal team is currently poorly; Sheila is in important planks of COOC membership,will still have to be sent hospital (but doing well) and James is having tests at his local out by post. hospital too. James has told the Committee that he feels that he At this stagewe are unsureexacdywhat the costimplicationswill needs to concentrate on g€tting better and sadly will have to be but we will have to monitor production and postage costs relinquish his Membership O{ficer post at the next AGM (or carefully and, needlessto say,an increasein membershipfee next sooner if a volunteer can be found). October cannot be ruled out. That said, you would sruggle to James has really thrown himself into the thankless task of Iind another classiccar club that givesyou the sentc€ that this one membership renewals and he has made a major contribution to does for the money you pay! the Membership Oflicers role too. He has been able to update Finally, the rally seasonis now well under way and what a season many archaic practicesand streamlinemuch ofthe processwhich it promisesto be! The LancashireArea Group have some fantastic will, hopefully, make it much easierfor the next incumbent. plans for the National Rally in Fleetwoodand I certainly hope to This news comes soon after John Middleton spoke with Steve, be there. I hope that you can make it too. John Lakey and I and explained that, partly for family reasons, Taff and also becausehe thinks it is time. he would like to stand down

1rAil01rA1 RAllYr5rn |uU 2012 G00G lleetwood lestiual oIlrans[o]t,lancashire We are pleasedto announcethe final details for this year's NationalRally,which is to be held in Fleetwood,Lancashire,as part of the long standing FleetwoodFestivalof Transport,or TramSundayas it is also known. Thiseventis oneof the oldest(26years)andbiggestfreefamily daysout in the NorthWestof England. The eventregularlyattracts well overtwo hundreddilferentvehicles- fromsteamtrucksand fire enginesto vintagecars and bicycles.The eventis heldin the historictowncentreof Fleetwood, a smallseasidetowna fewmiles northof Blackpool on the Lancashire coast,easilyaccessible trom theMGandM55.Because theeventis heldon thestreets(whichare closedto normaltralfic),the eventarea is entirelyhardstanding. The COOChavebeenableto haveuse oI AdelaideStreet,(see map)whichrunsbetweenDockStreetto the Eastandthejunction of AlbertStreetto the West. Theareais a greatbaseto exploreLancashire's beautifulRibble Valleyandthe LakeDistrictandis withineasyreachof the citiesof Manchester lf youhaven'texplored andLiverpool. thispartof the UK youwilldiscoverit hashaslotsto offer. As is haditional,therewill be a roadrun on the Saturday(14th July)afternoon,followedby a club BBQat the campsite,whichis locatedjustI milesfromFleetwood. you in July. We lookfoMardto welcoming Rob Parrand the Lancashie Area Members

COOCNational Rally AdelaideStreet

llafional noflyluentsltinGlary

Satuftlay- 11i30am: RoadRunfromYMCACarParkin Fleetwood, alongthe coastto Blackpool and on to LythamSt Anne's,for Fish to pre-bookfor the Rally,it maybe andChipsat thefamousWhelan's FishandChipshop,thenonto Althoughit is not essential Fleetwood Festival desirable. of TransoortDroducesa souvenir the prettyvillageofWreaGreenforphotosandrelreshments at the a pageof thisbrochureto villagepub.6.00pm:EveningBBQat COOCcampsiteat Highbank guideto the event,andwillbe dedicating pre-booked the COOC. All will entries also receivea comFarmas shownon mao. medallion fromFFOTand thereare Drizesfor first. Sunday- 09.00amonwards:As you approachFleetwoodon the memorative (Cars). 4585Amounderness Way,continuealongthisroaduntilit becomes secondandthirdin class Youcan usethe entryformprintedon the underside of the DockStreet,andAdelaideStreetis on the LEFTimmediately before the roadbendsto the left.Youwill see two COOCFlagsmarking FlosetteRecorderaddresslabel,or onlineat: 2/registration the end of the streetand marshals will be on handto takeyour https://sites.google.com/site/cooc201 Memberscanbuytheirraffleticketsonlinethroughthispageeven detailsandprovideyouwithyourrallypackandexhibitorspass(iI if theyare not attending the RallylWe of coursewill havevotingfor Drebooked). ClubMembersonlytorClubCars,andan awardceremony willtake placeontheSundayatternoon beforepeoplestartheadinghome.... The prizesfor this yearsRaliyare set to be a littledifferentand Blackpooland Fylde have a huge range of accommodation speciall available, thereareliterallycountless numbersof B&B's,Hotelsand Youwillbe ableto buyticketsforourCOOCraffleas well,andwe GuestHouses,http://www.visitlancashire.com includesdetailsof havemanagedto securea goodnumberof prizes,includingturtle B&B's,Hotelsetc. wax products,under-bonnet decalsets and a 9100voucherto be The COOCrecommended Hotelis The NorthEustonHotel,The spentat NTG.(courtesy of PaulBanyard of NTG)....Manymore Esplanade, Fleetwood, Lancashire. FY76BN,whichis slap-bang in prizesto be won. the middleof the action- in fact,theyusuallyclosethe roadin front of thehotelforpartoftheparade!They havea large,secure,private TheLancashireArea haveput on whatshouldbe a great carpark.The Clubhavenegotiated rateforthewhole weekend,so let's supportthemand makethe 2012 NationalRally a discounted weekend- but you mustmentionThe Cambridge-Oxford Owners anotherone to remember.Any furthet enquiriesto Lancashire Clubwhenbooking.Pricesare for two peoplesharingandinclude breaklast: Friday13thJuly- t61 ; Saturday14thJuly- t75; Sunday '1sth July - 961. Children'srates are an extra !6.50. RESERVATIONS : 01253876525 WEBSITE : htto://www.northeustonhotel.com/ Pleaseremember thisis the heightof theirholidayseason,so that'swhythe Saturdayis moreexpensive. There are a large numberof caravanparks but only a few campingsites.Theofiicial COOCCampingand caravansite and venue for the BBQ on Saturdayis HighbankFarm,Hardhorn, Poultonle Fylde,Lancashire,FYOEDN,Tel:01253 890422. http://wwwhighbankjarm.com Thereare 20 pitchesreservedfor club members,butthesemustbe reservedby 15thof Juneto be sureto havea pitch.PleasemenlionThe COOCwhenyou make yourbooking.


Acc0mm0ilation &0thfiAttractions

vehicles. Entryto thisrallyandourtouris freeandwillincludetravel Therecan'tbe concessions on th'eTalyllynRailwayforall exhibitors. returnto manyralliesheldin suchbeautifulscenery.lf youdecideto stayin 2012seesthe24lhAnnualCOOCYorkshire Gathering, BurtonAgnesHallby kindpermission of Simon& OliviaCunliffe- the areafollowingthe rallyandjoin us lor our weeklongtourthere Lister.Weare pleasedto welcomeALLClassic,Vintage& Custom, is muchto see anddo in thisarea. Buses & Coaches,Commercials, Tractors, Furtherdetailsare in RRl35, and for entry forms and Cars, lvlotorcycles, Engines& FarmMachinery, Autojumble & CharityStalls accommodation Stationary listspleasecontactSteve& JoanneTurneron EntryFeeeg per Exhibit,PAYABLE ONTHE DAY 01653693183 or email:Iarinaman@btinternet.com AreaGroup Thiseventis organised byTheCOOCEastYorkshire in aid of MarieCurieCancerCare,ALL moneyraisedon the day BtG/81R[llY &SPIRISllAY- sunday 5thAusust includingyourentryfeewillgo to thisveryworthycause. Ferry Meadows Nene Park Peterborough. The 1gth annualBMC This is a superbvenueon the edgeof the Yorkshire Wolds and Driffield. Entryto the RallyFieldand Rally& SparesDayis uponus againlThis is the best rallyof the betweenBridlington yearfor BMCautojumble (whichwasveryextensive lastyear),and Gardens willbe included in yourentryfee. you are welcometo turnup on the day (smallfee payable). The COOCstand is alwaysa great sight at this large show for all 27thMay BIVIC/BL G00G $0UIllH$I ARIInilfl - sunday cars. The SouthEastArea Rallyis nearlyupon us at the Queen Situated withinFerryl\4eadows CountryPark,andnextto theNene Elizabeth Hill,3 milessouthof ValleySteamRailway,campingis also availablerightnextto the CountryParkon theA3 at Gravelly Petersfield.as Dart of lhe South Hants Vehicle Preservation rallyfield.Pre-booking willsaveyoumoneyl Society'sClassicVehicleShowandAutojumble. Bookinghas nowclosed,butthereis amplepubliccar parkingif youwantto comeandsee us! Gatesopenat 7 am anda reminder 21stAugust, Cranleigh Showground, Surrey to entrantsthatALL CARSMUSTBE ON SITEBY 9,30am.This Sunday Our1othyearat thisverypopular charityshowwitharound1000 is strictly entorced,so you havebeenwarned! in a lovely classicsanda fulldayoI arenaeventsandentertainment partof Surrey.Entryis freeforclassics. You can registeryour classic vehicle on their website, AtTheDurhamRegatta Classic Vehicle Rally,Durham. www.cranleighlions.org/classic-car-show.php rightup to Saturday Further detailsfromRonGilbertson 01642615706 18th Augustand receiveyour pass immediately by email. getsyourclassiccar,driverandonepassenger intolhe Registration justturnup on the dayandaskto be lul0ll ESIIUAI0I ilfil$P0lf - sunday 10thJune showforfree.Alternatively COOCClub Standat this very good showat StockwoodPark directedto the COOCstand.DavePage AreaSecretary Luton,from1oamto 5pmorganized by Hertfordshire PeterBatchelor. SendyourSAElor yourFREEpassNOWto Peter G00G I[$ SUSSHI 26thAusust [411Y - sunday Batchelor,T9 Way,Stevenage. Fairfield SG16BG East At the Festival ofTransport, BroadFarm,Helllngly, Hailsham, Sussex.Thisis a 3 dayshow youcan bookin lor as manydaysas 1gthJune you like.Entryformsfrom EastSussexSecrelarySteveSimmons G00G$l[ GYllll[IRG[IllIRlllG- Monday From7pmatThe Star,Leatherhead, SurreyKT22oDP Excellent (p.2)or downloadfrom The Eastbourne HistoricVehicleClub Burgersand Hot Dogsand a car parkfull of six cylindercars. website:wwwehvc.co.uk DavePage01372810301

Y0nffiilnl G[IlltRltG- sunday 13thMay G00G


10th ll0[Ill mSI[411Y June G00G - sunoay


Saturday 23rdJunet0Saturday 30thJune

tfllrcsr0lD utilIAGI nAllY

Saturday 22nd& Sunday 23rdSeptember

Wattlehurst Farm,Kingsfold, WestSussex.TheKingsfold Vintage IncludingDisplayat MoffatClassicCarRally.By populardemand Rallyfeatures tractionengines, stationary engines, modelboats, in 2012we planto returnto the Highlands and lslandsregionof classic cars and haulage,tractors,real ale, and a wild west Scotlandstartingwith a displayat the lvloffatRally,in southern hoedown.Bookin for Saturdayonly,Sundayonly,or for the whole justnorthot Carlisle. Scotland Thiswillbe followed by a weekof weekend. Trophieson Sunday. optionaldaysoutto placesof interest(followed bysomegreatsocial Entryformsfromwww.wealdpower.co.uk or fromLynneCullen, including evenings) GlenCoe,theGreatGlen,andLochNess,the '1Chaucer Avenue, EastGrinstead, WestSussex, RH191SF lsleof Skyeandthe Stunning"BealachNa Ba"passto Applecross. fe|.01342327852.Closingdateis 1sthAugust.DavePage Entryto lhis fun-packed weekis FREEandopento ALLClassic We can supplydetailsof accomodation to suit & Vintagevehicles. tourstayingin Moffat,Callander, all.Thiswill be a four-centred 13th0ctober, Thatcham Glassic CarShow Portreeand finallythe FortWilliam/Onich areaTo avoidhavingto Saturday A nicesocialshow,not coverlargedistanceseachdayto see the bestof the regionswe On theVillageGreen,Thatcham,Berkshire. '1oamtill3pm.Furtherdetailsfrom Furtherdetailsare in far fromthe M4/A34junction. Dlanto visit. Thereare stillolacesavailable. MarkShepley RR135, or canbe obtained fromSteveTurner01653693'183. 01865327647

BInl6&0t0llR[llY G00G

G00G 3rdJuly 0U[m0HHll[ 3 - ruesday

MadeiraDrive,Brightonseafront.7.30-10.30pm. TheEastSussex Group'smonthlymeetingmovesfrom the BarleyMow for this Headlor the pier and turn left alongthe seafront. A occasion. relaxedsocialevent,scoolerswelcome. Fish'n'chips by the sea! Details fromSteveSimmons.

wElSil nilil &r0un0rsrouD0ill G00G

Saturday 4thAugustto Saturday 1lth August

fhe 2012COOCTourof SnowdoniaandWelshRallywill start fromBalaLakesideCarParkat 10 am on SaturdayAugust4thwith a convoyto theTalyllynRaifuay'sAbergynolwyn Stationfor a club A clubdisplayarea displayat theTomRoltvintagevehicleweekend. hasbeenbookedatthe rally,whichis opento ALLclassic& vintage

AGill&[UIUtil n[lU 2012- Sunday 21stoctober

At the EastAngliaRailway Museum. The2012AGM& Autumn Rallywill be heldfor the firsttimein Essexat The EastAnglian RailwayMuseum, ChappelWakesColneStation, WakesColne nearColchester 21st.TheMuseumis situated on SundayOctober just off the 41 124 ColchesterHalstedroad nearColchester. The postcodefor yourSat Nav'sis CO62DS lf youwantto checkout Therally themuseumwhynotvisittheirwebsite at www.earm.co.uk. will followthe usualformatwith carsarrivingfrom 10 am withthe AGMheldtrom 1pmuntilapprox3pmfollowedby the presentation of awardsfor mostDoDUlar carandof coursea distanceaward.Our carswillbe on displayin the museums Orchardfieldadjacent to theirexhibits. Thereis a cafewhichsellslightrefreshments and lunchesetc.Entrance to the museumwill be freefor all COOC members. ForIurtherdetailscontactSteveTurnerorTaffGillinoham

sealin thebiackandan evenkicket sealonthelilteritselt'. By thewayI havejust thoughtof tivoothetvehiclesthatwill be a 6ouce of thesepraperspinon lter assenbliesThe andke t'istal ke WedgeShape lastot ke 1800Landcrcbs Posled onApril7,2012 byWayneTamcken Pincess'shadkem. Hi, 1 thaughtI wouldbe gaodand da a bil af easy at 16:35 Alsoof notableintercit.I havejuslbeenwotkingan Chti6 Tamcken onApril9,2012 mainlenance nyselLSoI gata newailandahfifter,and ReplybyWayne detailingtheenginebay.Hiscat had a I mustadnit lasttineIgot ny filtetfrcn Ealpa andallwenl Paulter'sWalseley decided lochange theailtaday. tochecklu leaks, well well,naybe juslluckbut thinkI willget lhe nexlonet'rcm brilliantfiltetanangenentfilted Thecat hasan oil caoler Allwentwelluntill1started theengine dawnlhe thenagain.it'snicetoknowit'snatjustme,willletyouknaw fittedandtheo ginalotlfilet hasbeenrcmavedandpipes I didnthaveIalaakvetyhard,theoilwaspauring run fron the engineto lhe 1il caalerwilh a renote ltlter i hadbeenverycarcful hawit goes. sideof thefiltetbawleventhaugh assembly fittedta the ight al the ndiatot underthe slan putling itbackan.I nadesuretheseaiwasinke righlplace. panelwik a spinon225 filter Io nake Iheail pipestil the at20l0 onApril9,2012 Anyway stillnalayandhadtapushthecatback ReplybyJohnHarrls after3hours intothegarage. I lhinkthenewsealwas slightly toobigsa Whatda MGB$have,you oftensee lhetr enginesbeing origlnalfilterheadthebov'4hadbeencutrightdownso lhe collarcauld be tetainedand MGBail uniansfitted.The il asitwmtan.Hasanybody brakenandI suspecltheyhavea spinanfilter? thatthebodyaflhellllercaught flexibleail feedswercken tun behindthesteeingcoiumn elsehadthisproblem? andunderthebatlerytray. al014 canvercion kit.ArctheyEASY ta BeplybySteveTutneronApril10,2012 So1kinkI willgetaspin-an it soundslikeyouhavefittedthethickersealtoke putonanddaI needapafticulat Vpe?Otanytipsanputting Hi Wayne, onApril10,al l61 6 withnatrcuble soI da filtethead.Thekin onegaesin lhe collatt'acingthebawj neplybyTrevor& GlendaChambers onke oldVpe.I havedaneil before al lhekb in hand,exactlyMat and the thickanegoesin the biackabovethe callat My Steve,a vetyfulldescription wasnotquiterightwik theseais. thinksonething adviceis DONOfgetoneof thosespinonadapterkits,they I neededandwhatis sooftenlackingin fiftinginsluctions.. arc rubbishasMatkShepleyhaspaintedout.lt wasne that Manylhankslu takingthe timeto post thisto us of lessel Reply byMark Shepley onAprilT,al1814 kits- I tiedoneandil failed filtedhisandit failedwhichcausedmenuch enbarcssnenl BMCexpetbnce!I havehadnany carswithbawltypepaper Becarclulv/iththeconvercion I hadtageta tawbackhune. and h$ is nat lhe arty one lf yau rndsl 1et a spinot1 elementliltersand havefoundtheFaina to be by fat the badlywhilst ona runneaning get onefron an 18aaB serieseitherlittedto a nosl ttoublesone - I willtty kis mekod!| rea y missdriing |'vegonebackIa theariginalStickwithwhatyauknow conversion youcangetMaina1.8spin-an t'iltet housing. I always Mainaot Shepa van.Thesearebrilliantas theyda away the1xfardandkis wi givemethe shatin theam lo get il unless withthecallatwhichcausesall theprcblems.Themoden safted!Tnanksaga;n fte,o, (at"dGlendav'hoalsanisses wilhsonegrease toholdit fin slickthesealinthehausing frcmNIGandEa paftaddyetanohetseal thejxt'otd!) nany1960s nechanics spinon adapters bulit'snotaneasy lobandI suspect prcbably ta Iheequaton. boke didnt even lallawtheseinsttuctians carefull/andyou ReplybyJohnHarrison April10,at 18144 ln themeanlime Ia nake you allsick,I did Austin'soil changetaday.Spent willcue yau incontinent alfilter. Reply byJohnHanisonAprllT, al'19:50 hallan hou laakinglat ny strcpwench whileoil drcined. theblgoilunonnutonthecolarabove fiftetI never changed theseal Slep1: Slacken When mycathadtheariginal Naga.Butwauldyoubelieveit, I undidthe6pin-ancartidge unless it leaked, andkeptthenewonesin thecat.I alsa theflterbow. withny hand,likethehaaksays.Newoneanby handand theI terbowandcleanoutall0 . noneal Slep2: Hemove renember soneliltercwhich camewilh2u 3 seals, making sureyor.r don'l refilledreadyfara secondcupaf tea.John bg oilunion I fittedtheMana Step3: Bemovethe whtchwasquileight,oneofthercasans losethecopper washefs iittede thersideoi theunon. sptnanrype.J1nn. elc. BeplybySteveTutneronAprill0,al18:47 co arandwashcleanwithparaifin Step4: Bemovethe theb ockandceanoul Onlytoapleasedto help.Thercwasa limewhenB seies bigsealffom Step5: DigoLrtthe Seply byEddie Foster onAprilT,al20:26 filtercfightenedne butmyDadshawedmehowtodo then a doubtke original thegroove. HiWayne, it'sanenolivetopic.Wikout prcpe y andt an gladI can passth$on Cat"you fiaEne thethck sealandilt snugy lntothe paperliltetandbawlarcngement is dilflcult- | toohave Step6: Lightygrease lhei Uncle,Grandad groove will'o d iL11o ace in20yearsttmesoneanewhoinhetited inl'rebloc( -'e grease spentH)URSltyingtafitone. ihecollarandcleangroove. ot whatevelsA60tryingto do a t'illert'arthe t'isttime.I aniy thesealifom I gata spin-an kitfwn Earlpalandusedsonethr dlock Step7: Remove grease tothe hopewecankeeppassingdownallthisint'omatbn.lt'I had thelhinsealandlii snugly You'll find Step8: Llghtly ittamake sueitnevetcaneloose. ' theninslalling lhe tlmeI'd wite a bookbecauseworkshapnanualsarc Thegreasewillhold lt in place. wha've usedthesekitsandhadprcblems, collar. stories ofpeople nevetcleatenaughin ny opinian. perconally, touchwood,nine'sbeenAK.TheHalyGrallis Step9: Ft filtefe ementto bowlandplaceco arontopof filterbot atthisstage nipping fitted- but bowland lltto bockonlyjust Matina spin-on asth$ewerefactary anotiginal ReplybyWayne Tamcken on Aprill0,al20:04 gellingscarce. soyoucanrolatecollar forthehelp,yauda makeit saundeasyif I either HiSteve,Ihanks o pipeunonwithcoppelwashers Ihepaperfiltetsystenitselfis fine,I usethesame0nny Step10:Locate to Iellall thentighte. can'tdoit aftetall IhetipsI willbe looembarassed that sde ofunon.Runblgnutuplntila mosttighi Monls Minot, it'sjusttheaccess antheFarina daughter's afyoulI nusl sayitsagreatClublo bein itssogaadla knou,l nakesthejobsohad.I darciaykat anceyau'vedonea I terbollbeloreflnallyluytighlenngbignutonoilp pe thatyouuly haveto aska queslbnandlhercis alwayslots il lhe un0n. lewdozen il getseastetl I suppose it u/ould beeasier il - bul Ihe iob is nade mucheasietif yourcnavethebatteryltrct af help.ThanksagainWayne carwasana lift,sayoucangetdiectlyundeneath and can thenbe danefrcn thelap rathetthanstruggling adaplet wotks OK. lotmelhespin-on undetlhe cat. Thisis thecaffectmethodof changingthe ReplybyDennlsMilchellon Aprill l , al 19:06 Beply & Glenda Chambers onAprilT, al23:58 aiginalB seiesfullllawfilter.Bathsealsshauldbechanged I have just lagged on and t'oundthis discussionaftel byTrevor adapterc now..MyAxfotd eachme allnoughunlessfie collatdropswhenrcrnaving spendingfrcm 9 o'clackthisnorning until4 o'clackthis I cantustabouttalkaboutspin-an b achieveanail-tightsealanny 460's fatne la thelilterbowiusuay thereis noneedIo distutbit.]f thethin altemaanattempling hasbeeninthebckupfatsixweeks nawwaiting ginalcanister ist'ineifyouhavepit sealbetweenthefiltetbowlandke collaris ingaadca.ditpn oilfilterbowl.Ihis isalab thatI havecanpletedsevenlIimes brcvethisjobagain....O bul todayI havehad lo give up and youarcan and doesn'lmavewhenthebawlis drcppedthiscanusuay beforcsuccessfully, otheMise itisanightmarc unless andliftaccess, knawfora fact be leftinplace lf I geta leakwhenchanginga filtetI always admitdefeat.I justcannotgeta sealbetweenthetopof the octopus wik LEDlightsoneachtentacb...l in thedaycansisted of a wipeoverwith draplhe lat as describedaboveand changebathseals.ll filtet bowland the callar thatit baltsto. I havetied four nany"setvices" separateoil seals(rubber 'O' ings) and despitenat paraflin na hastakenne longerto wtitethiskan dong theiab. and7s6dentered onthelobcard- inotherwatds anyofthem,i.e theywercallseatedin thegrcnve is lhebestideabuthasnat ln answerto John,MGBt'ilterscanbe usedif you t'ilan ail damaging newfiltet...Spin anadapter I couldnat I havetwiceuseda differcnt seaj coolerbecausetheyhavellexiblerubbetpipesrunningf@m (heldinplacewik grcase)in thecollatcaffecUy, wotked latmeinpractice. stopoilleakingfrcn this"seal".lhave nawhadto takethe anglesto fannaanes. catingatage andn1t thernat dit'fercnt onmyspinonandit sti leaks - hence as a lastrcs) as I sinpu cannat itshauld be. ltsfinefotabout Oil ltersonfarinabarenatdifliculltodoaslongasthecollar cat to mylocalgarage beingusedonlhercadwhere I havenathing against the doesn'tdtopMydadtaughtmehowtado themanehanded conpletethislab successlullyI da not underctandwhyI |AAA mibsandkenitleaksagain. la gettoon Farinas oiginalsbutitssodifficult - my1955 frcn undeneathil yau havea pit ot a emp (he wasa couldnotachievea sealtoday thlswillga dawnas a vety and forcnanmechanicin a BMCgange fat manyyearcwhen baddayfatne indeed,andI drcadchanglngthefilteragain, Cowley hasbagsol rcanunderthefiltet,t'atexample askingEatlpart geleasier with fainaswerccwent cats),orbyremovingthebattetytogain ta thepaintwhercI an seiauslycansidering eventheMinorlACnis a doddle.lt daesnt time-ny backisnotasgoadasit wasandallmyothetcarc befteraccessandda Iheiob frcmthelop if youareunlucky Ia supplyand fit aneof thei spinon canversiansFailng that,Steve,yauknawyou'rcbokingfu a tiptap 460tobuy, area fiveminute evenIhepoxyvw andthecollarcamesawayfrcmthebbck. bb onail changes, canperwithitshaizontal oil fillet!Dontexpectaneasy Thenainprcbienwik thespinonadaptorcavailablenowis wellmine passedit's MAI hst weekvr'ithno advisaties, it doescwentlyhavea ninoroilleak lnlercsted? the fact you are addingmorcsealsto the equation.fhe although salulion! hasIocarrytulloil snalletsealthatfitsinsidetheconvercion prcsurcwhtchit aftenfailstada.My)xfud lravellerhadane ReplybySleveTurner on April12,al 017 Reply byWayne Tamcken onAp l 8,at11:48 i kinki wil stickwilhtheoiginaiasI anuntilrecentlyandit alwaysleakedslightlyandeverytime Dennis,don'tfit oneof thoseEa pa lilter kits.lt'yau arc Ihanksfatlheadvice, musthavestruckluckythelircItine raundsa oncemy I changedke filletke cente bosswouldcamewiththeald seriausabautsellingyau cat let meknawbut I'msureyau Gottobe filter.Whatsnare if the car wasn'tusedfar a fewdaysil wan'lsellyou(cart'atthesakeaf an oil t'illerFollowny tips shauldet stopsaching willgetaulandgetunder. fotke ailpresuetobuildup. abaveandyouwan'tga fat wong ]t saundstane likeyau daneashaveMOfcaningup,andwanttabeoutandaboul. wauldtakea coupleof seconds Wayne I havelustchangedit fora narinaonethatI'vehadforages havea bilafgit in thegrcavewhercthesealgoes.Nexttime Thanks againfotallthehelpt'ulltips, but natgat rcundta filting.Theleak hasgoneand the oil takeke collaralfandlit Iheseaiwilhthecallarinyourhand AprilS,at 14:40 pressureis thercstraightaway.TheMainafiltetadaptotfits nakingsue thegrcaveis cleanOttryandftnda Mainafiltel Beply & Glenda Chamberson byTrevor luckWayne, bylhewayNTG didadnittheysentsane straightin to theblockdaingawaywiththedrcadedcallal head befareyour next ail change.Ar il you arc rcally Gaad . soneold and neansthatfullail prcssueis catercdfor by the thick despentesellne thecat..... adapterc outwiththewongsealso itspossible

TIrcDreaileilOil Filter!

therearc filtetkitsnight haveincanectseals(l an assuming thatnighl dilferin detail).I nust othetB seiesapplicatlons get mine sotted aut, hopefuly find sone tine to lay undenealhandsweatfara coupleol haus

EastYorkshire SteveTurnerp.2 BurtonAgnesHall,Bridlington, GATHERING 13TH MAY C00CYoRKSHIRE Hampshire DavePagep.2 CountryPark,Petersfield, EAST AREA RALLY QueenElizabeth C00CSoUTH 27THMAY p.2 Ron Vehicle Rally, Durham. Gilbedson, DurhamRegattaClassic EAST RALLY 1oTH JUNE G00CNoRTH Luton,PeterBatchelorp,2 0FTRANSPoRT ATIUT0NFESTIVAL 1oTH JUNE C00CDISPIAY Surrey.DavePagep.2 TheStar,Leatherhead, 18TH C00CSIXCYLINDER GATHERING JUNE contactSteveTurnerp.2 Forfulldetailsanditinerary, T0UR 23-30TH JUNE c00cSC0TTISH N/offat, ScotlandSteveTurnerp.2 CABRALLY MoFFAT CLASSIC 23-24TH JUltlE C00CDISPLAYATTHE 3 l\.4adeira Drive,Brighton,EastSussex.SteveSimmonsp.2 C00CoUADR0FARINA 3RDJULY Lancashire RobParrp,2 Transport Festival, RALLY Fleetwood l5lll JULY 000Cl{ATlOMf, SaraNye01780753562ar 07751698342 DAYNenePark,Peterborough. ANDSPARES RALTY 5THAUGUST BMC/BL p.2 WalesSteveTurner 4-1lTHAUGUST C00CToUR 0FSNoWDoNIA WalesSteveTurnerp.2 TomRoltVintageRallyAbergynolwyn, TATYLLYN RAILWAY RATLY 4-5THAUGUST C00CWELSH Showground, SurreyDavePagep,2 RALLY Cranleigh ClassicCarShow,Cranleigh 19TH AUGUST C00CSURREY EastSussex,SteveSimmonsp.2 BroadFarm,Helllngly, RALLY Festival of Transpod, SUSSEX 26TH AUGUST C00CEAST Horsham, Sussex.DavePagep.2 VINTAGE BALLY Kingsfold, ATKINGSFOID 22-23rdSEPT C00CDISPLAY MarkShepleyp.2 VillageGreenThatchamcontact: CARSHoW 13TH oCT0BEBTHATCHAM CLASSIC p.2 Gillingham SteveTurner/Iaff RALLY EastAnglianRailwaylvuseum,nr Colchester. 21stoCToBEB C00CAGM& AUTUMN

Jaunaica MoNTHS beforeJamaicabecanean indeDendent nation,George Chung,then45,madea decisionto buy 0I both his wife and a molorcarlor the convenience himself. Fitty yearson, Chung- now a widower- still 1962AuslinCambridge, d veshiswhite,Brilish-made albeit shorl distances,to and from church in old whereheresides, Harbour. St Catherine. caraboutAprilor Mayol'62trom[he "lboughlthe Streetin dor,lntown dealerslJohnCrookson Hanover Kingston.I paidf550 for il," said Chung,who is five yearsshy 0t beinga centenarian. "Thatwas a l0l of moneyat thetime,as a bagof cemeniwas 10shilling in thosedays." TheformertruckoDerator saidhisA60modelAustin Cambridge hada previousownerand,if thal werenot the case,it couldhavecosthimwayoverf700. Thefatherot tvJodaughters andthreegrandchildren saidhe receivesa l0l0f attentionbecauseof hiswelF keptclassiccar.


"lt happensalllhe time,"hesaidproudly. "l went downthe roadt0 the gasstationthe other dayandthis guy cameto me and asked:'Youselling it?'Theguycontinued: 'lf lgellhiscarto buy,l'llgetall the girls',"Chungchuckled. Chung-who losthiswife0t62 yearsin November last year- said overthe years,the vehiclel00k 0n wilh an expanding family. newresponsibilities "lt was a typicalfamily car.one 0t my two daughters, evenlearnthowto drivewith it," he said. a few modifications overthe Thecarhasunderqone years.Theseatshavebeenrepaired,seatbeltstrave beenadded,the air cleanersysternreplacedand,the most noticeablechangehas beenthe additionof a lo coolpassengers in the smalllan on the dashboard unil, absenceof an air-conditioning is working[0nthe car],just as wh€nI "Everything thedoor boughlit,"saidChung,as hegentlysqueezed shut to prove the locks were in perfect working condition. Herecountslhat in the 1960s,whileJamaicawasa vehiclesdominaledlh€ island's colony,British-made r0aoways.

carslikeFod,but "Therewerea couple0fAmerican the morecommonvehicles0n lhe roadwayswerethe MorrisMinor,Rileylwhichlaterme]gedwith Leylandl, Morrisoxlord,Standardand Rover,while the main GMCandFargo,"hesaid, brandoftruckswereBedford, Chung,who learntt0 drivein late 1940s,saidthe typicalmotorisitodayis ditterenllrom thoseol the 1960s. then, "Drivingon the roadwaspleasantexperience When$toppinqand turning,indicators- and hand yousaw signals- weregivenwayin advance.When a personcrossingthe road,you would signal the personbehindyoulhat youwerestopping.Drivingis no longera pleasure." And, as Jamaicapieparesto celebrateits 50th chung advisesroad Anniversary0f Independence, users:"Justbe courleous." Withthanksto Menber SteveLtcconigle,whofound this afticle and acconpanyingshort film madeby the Janaica 0bse\et, fhe 4-minute videocan be viewed on foutube undet the title "Fifty yeat old Austin Canbidge".

ll means "cfedo'if L nguaLalna. Nobuyuk fromJapan. NobuyLrkl is myfilstname. Hellolh s isTANAHASH plaleinthose Mk4(1961)with theoldnLrmber thjsSpring olthe[y'Gly'agnelle lorward to becoming a newowner arnlooking davsInJaoan ngtothewebsiteoi'1heMGSaloons onesaccord ItissadtheL,lG l,lagnette lt4k3 &4 afenotSportSaloofsbularetheFamily (http .html) r//wv*v.mgcars oru.lldmgsa HomePage" ZA& B have"therack& pinion" asa progressive Andyouknowthelt4agnette asa relrogressve steeng, cam& peg{lever)" steengandlhelt/k3& 4 have'1he havebeen wordwasawandthenthelatters' theDLrke of Edinburgh's eventhough whylhelt'lagnene trlk3&4 were designed byBattsta' Pnin'Fafna.I wasthereason jnlL4ernbefs I woLrld be nteresied v ewsonthe thel!,lcenthusiasls. Lrnpopulaf among rnatter? Mk3& 4 a veryfewFarina Saoonsol [4Gl.iagnetle Probably thefeafemerely l\,4agnetle Mk4asanexcellent MymolherandI lovethisl\,4G heren Japanloday. y Car.And heafdthisonehasbee.awayslovedbyJapanese lam essince Farni ownersCllb from to takepart n theCarnbridge - Oxfofd 1961. SoI amhonoured - it loaksa t'ineexanple- Ed. Japanths sp ng2012.Ciao WelconeNabuyuki

V I K I N G TO U K ZOII " ,q .

...,:' .


W€ DN€ JDA Y ( DA y o F D € PA KT U K€ ); rh e tri p toH arw i ch MONDAY: Thiswasthe daywe hadthe chanceto visitthe Volvo Unfortunately, theChinesehadjustbroughtVolvoand meantwe couldcallin at lpswichto visita supplierof Farinaparts.Artiving factoryandmuseum. butwe didspenda coupleof hours we gol ourfirstglimpseoi the othercars- 13 plus the factorywasclosedfor a ceremony, al the ferryterminal, ptototypes whichincluded andoldroadsigns. around themuseum, wasfriendlyandevenpeoplenotonthetour looking mechanical backup.Everyone cameoverto chat.We madeourwayto ourcabinlor the 15 hourcrossing, Thewholeof thefrontoutsidewallis madeof glass,so we parkedourcars In the eveningthe British-made car clubtookus on for a photoopporlunity. withthe eveningmealto lookforwardto. a run.As we werewailingto setoff,a couplethaiwe'dmetwhilslwaitinglor theport theferryat Harwichcamelo sayhello- whatarethechancesol that?Also, wasquitecalm,andasweentered TH U RiDAY: Thecrossing traificwardentriedto giveusalllickets.About30carsdrove wasgoingto bea longdrive a ralherotficious wegotourfirstlookol Denmark.This of Esbjerg straightawaywith some200 milesto the northernpoint.Drivinglhrough in convoylhroughsomeianlasticvillagesandwe stoppedfor a biteto eat. Denmarkwasvery beautifuland alsoquitellat andwe soonhada small hadagreedto carclubmembers andfoundthatmost TU €iDAY: Oneof the British-made convoyotcars.Wearrivedat ourhotelinFrederikshavn so we packedthe car earlyanddecided of the groundlloorwas madeup of a fantasticswimmingpoolwilh wave takeus a scenicwayintoNorway, to get somefuel- butthe car stoppedin the car park.The fuelpumphad machineandpassageto theoutsidepool. So,we hadto emptylhe bootthatwe'djust decidedit hadhadenough. packed (the fitteda newoneand fuelpump being in theboot),Derrickquickly go Denmark. most northerly tip of Rl DAY: We decided to to Skagen, the F the We had a lovelydrivethroughsomeprettyvillages.Aflersortingout the wewereon ourway.Wefollowed fortheticketmachine, we walkedalongthe shoreto wherethe coastlineand stoppedat a lovely instructions meet,withopposingwaves.ln the afternoon, restaurantoverlookinga bay for NorthSeaandthe Skagerrak we met up with someof the othersat a larm museum.The lantasticold lunch.After leavingthe Swedish 18thcenturysleighsandsomeuniquehairjewellery. people,we foundthat the routeto buildings contained Oslo has been diverled (the American cars. Drivingaroundwe alsosawsomefantastic1950/60s Norweoians arebuildino a lotof new fre stopped D iATU RDAY: we tradto driveacrossthe roadto lhe ferryterminalto dual ciarriageways). with5 Thelerrytakesyouup the Gothia outsidea cafeandconferred catchthe 1oamcrossingto Gothenburg. ship,rightin olhercouplesto see ii we were Riverto the city.Ourhotelforthe next3 dayswasa converled car goingthe wrongway. Twocouples oftheBritish-made thecentreofthecity.Wemetupwithsomemembers club in Swedenwho had arrangedtrips for us. In the afternoonwe went decidedto stop for lunchand the shopping,bravedthe big Feris wheel,and in the eveningwe had a restot uscarriedon.We'dnoliceda i signto Osloat the lastroundabout, mealon the 24thlloorof GothiaTowers. spectacular wasempty so we wentbackandtookit.Wefoundthatthedualcarriageway Castle. andlhe roadsurfacedidn'tseemto be finishedverywell,butin trueBritish fU N DAY: Todaywe allsetofflor a classiccarshowat Tjoloholm withno othercarsfollowing us Afterabout5 minutes, house,on the coastabout40 tashionwe continued. This is in the groundsof a Scottish-style acar bootsale, or comingtheotherway,doubthadstartedto iormin ourmindsthattheroad Therewasa Spitfiredisplay, minutes drivehomGothenburg. and, oh about 800 carsl Some photos can be found at: wasnot reallyopenandat anymomentil mightcomeio a stop.Thenjust themhopingno infrontandwe quietlyjoined 1/. aheadwesawtratlicemerging www.concourshealeys.com/ljoloholm-castle"classic-car-show-201 onehadnoticedwhichdirectionwe'dcometromlAt the borderwe crossed andlethimleadtheway intoNorwayandhappilymeiupwiththeorganiser werenotthebest wasiustaswell.becausehisdirections to the hotel.Which howto getusto the hotel.Therestof theday buthe managed to remember wasspentrelaxingandhavingtheoddimportedbeer(Norwayis expensive for drink)andsittingoutsidewhereit wasquitewarmandverylightevenat 11pm. wasa restfromdrivingday.Wewenton an W€ D N € !DAY: Wednesday Wesawthe Nobel coachtriparoundOslo'sfantasticarchitecture. arranged PeacePrizebuilding,the famousskijump,the whitemarbleoperahouse, containing manyamazing walkedarounda parkdesigned by a philosopher, At lunch,backat the andwentto see someVikinglongboats. sculptures, theriver,down hotel,theguideioldusthatit wasonlya shortwalk,following (Cantinued on Page 12)

A TK I P \^ / lT Ho UKA6 0 -


to thewalerfrontin thecitycentre.Oneanda halfhourslater.withsoreteet, we madeit.Wewalkedaroundlhe operahouseandsawsomeof theshops andthendecidedto takethe subwaybackas therewasa stopjustoutside thehotel(15minuletripl).


passing TH U RJDAY: We had a lovelydrivethroughruralNorway, climbing hills,goingthroughpassesandseeing throughsleepyvillages, spectacular fjords.Andit snowedon us- inthemiddleof lvlaylWesawsome day wonderfulwooden Stavechurches, datingbackto the 12thcentury.The endedin a smalltowncalledVagamo. As it wasthebirthdayof oneof group, we celebrated by openjngboltlesof winewe had imported,untilthe hotel managerputa stopto it. F Rl D AY: We sawsomeserioussnowgoingup the Sogndalpass.We hadbeentoldthatit hadsnowedin the night,butthe roadswereclear.The A60tookthe lead.First,it wasquitegentlethensmallamounlsof snow appearedas the roadsta(edto twistandlurn.Wedrovethrough1ofthigh snowdriftsal thesidesof the road.At thetop of thepass,all youcouldsee Therewerea waswhitewilha greyskipof roadgoingofl intothedistance. few peopleskiing,the viewswerebreathlaking and we evenhad a small fight.Afterstopping for a restbreak(yestherewereeventoiletsup snowball (thank goodness for highjnthemountains)we tookthewindyroadsdownhill largedrumbrakes)andstoppedby a beaulifulfjordfor our picnic0ustlike We thenhadto useseveral oneof those1960sjigsawpuzzlepictures). of FlAm. ferrieslmostof whichwerefree)to reachourdestination The hotelis righton the Aurlandfjord andcateredfor the largecruise ships,so we weregteetedwilh a smallqueueandpeoplesayingthatlhey wanteda water{rontroom.Sowhenii cameto ourturn,Derrickaskedfor the same- andthe answerhe got wasthatall the roomswerethe same. Ourviewol thegrassbankat the backdidn'tseemthe same- so to make partywithour importedwine. up for il we decidedto havean impromptu


whichhavebeenrebuiltthere;andsecondly we were 15thcenturyonwards, and to meetmembersfromanothercar clubfor a lookat theirworkshops clubhouse. Whenwe arrivedat lheworkshop theladieswereusheredawaytora boat tripthroughlocksandbackintoSkien.Afterthemenhadlookedaroundthe workshops, they hadto do theirown navigation to meetup again.Attera weresurprised shortcarride,we metothermembers attheirclubhouse.We hadcontributed to buyingthe landand 10be toldthalall clubmembers As we left,the helping to buildtheclubhouse. Something to try ourselves? A60 gavea big coughand stopped.Withmanyhandsto helpand lots of wasa bit poorand mentalkit wasrealisedthatthe ignitioncoilconnection thefloat theculprit of thecoughwassomebadfuelwhichhadalsojammed Wewereableto carryon1o chamber making fuelweepoutof thehousing. oneof NoMay'smaior the hotel,wherewe foundothershadsufieredthroughbadfuel.the l\,4erc iATU KDAY: Wehada tripon the Flamrailway, a whiningbeltwhichcouldbe heardhalla mileawayl touristattractions. Theroutecutsthroughsomeof thecountry'swildestand haddeveloped mostspectacular countryside as it windsitswaythroughgorgesupto Myrdal we setoff on the mainrouteto Bergen.lt is oneot the steepestrailwaysin theworld T U €5D AY: Afterblowingoulthefuelinthecarbfloatchamber, andslartsfromoppositethe hotel.We hadreservedseating(lhestaffhad for a nicewalkaroundthe townwithviewsacrossthe bay.Afterlunch,a put up stickerssayingOLDTll\,lEBSCARS,the cheek).Thetrainstopsat memberof the localcar clubtook us on a car run.Aftertravelling through voicesaysthalyoumayhear somecountrylanes,we stoppedfor icecreamandwalkedalongtheshore. oneof the spectacular waterfalls. A recorded of outVikingburialrnounds andloldussomehistory andseeoneoi lhe waternymphs,whichenticemenwiththeirbeautyand Thelocalmanpointed voice.In a phototakenbyoneof ourtourpeopleit showeda manwitha wig the area.Backat the hotel,a groupof us decidedto go outfor an authentic (itwastheonlyplaceopen). Thiswasour onl On reaching ihetoptheweatherhadturnedto snowandit hada feeling med,downto thelocalChinese of Christmas intheair.Afterlhereturntripwe gotbackintothecarsto make lastnightin Norway, so we hada bil of a party- buiwe hadan earlystart againpassing throughmoreamazing the nextday. ourwayto ournexthotelat Kongsberg, sceneryandpasseswasup forbreakfast by 6.2oam. We W€DN €JDAY: Nearlyeveryone deskto paylhe carparkingbill butthe managerhad JUNDAY: We tookanothercouplelo the silverminejustoutsldeof wentto thereception Kongsberg, wherewe wereshownhowtheyusedto maketunnelsintolhe decidedto let us otf as he'dsaid it was so niceto havelots ot old cars ferryto Hi(shalsin Denmark rock,by lightingfiresagainstthe rocktacelo makeit brittleandthenusing around.The tookabout2 hoursgoingpasllots pickaxes. Wethenhada 180miletripacrossDenmark to makeihe Theyusedto mineup to 7 metersa month- thetrip inlothe mine ol niceislands. is 2.5km,so it hadtakenquitea longtime.Thetrainjourneyintothemine 6pmferry.lt wasjustlikea scenefromWackyRaceswithallthesecarilying Butweall madegoodtimeeveniftheorganiser's lakes12 minutesin a verycramped,ratierlycarriagewhereyouhaveto sit downthedualcarriagewaygotmostpeoplelostaswe arrivedat theferryterminalai Esbjerg withyourkneesin-between theirs.Theminehasvarious directions opposite someone waterpumpswithliftsystems. Backat the for the shipbackto HaMich.Everyone sataroundlaughingandjokingand iunnelsandshatlsincorporating shop.In the Suedecidedto try outthe RollsRoyce(we'llneverfitthatoneinthegarage). suriace, theenginedrivershowedus aroundtheengineering afternoon we wandered aroundthetownandfoundan Essogaragedoneup We hadquitea wat as the Danishauthoritiesdecidedlo havea proper andAmerican cars. documentation checkof everycar,whilstlotsof peoplein suitswatchedas in a 1960sthemeanda largecollection of memorabilia if on an ollicialvisit. A quickwalkbackto the holelforthecar andwe tooksomephotos. scenery M ON DAY: Theshorttripto Larviktookusthroughmagnificent hadbecomea bitbarren withhardlyanothersoulontheroad.Thelandscape by lunchtime.Whenwe stoppedin a parkingspotwe founda plaquewhich said thal this was wherelhe heroesof Telemarkhad crossedon their incredible 800kmtrip backto Sweden- whichmadeus think.Onwardto a smalltowncalledSkiengoingthroughvariouscountrylanesthat haven't firstlythere changedin thelast100years.Westoppedherefortworeasons: is a fantaslicopen-airmuseumwhereyoucanwalkaroundhousesfromthe

TH U K5DAY: on arrivalin England, we watchedeveryone elseoff the ferry(wewerelastas we wereon thetop deck,whereyouhaveto do a uturn).At lasl we couldpu! somebetterfuel in the car.All in all,we hada fantastictiFe, madesomegreatfriendsandit's greatto takean oldgirl (l meantheSr notSue)on a triplikethis(only1800miles).We'drecommend it to everyqhe. DerrickGough

oxow$Berks Our monthly pub meets are up and running again and at the same nameiy the Six Bells pub in location as the previous 2 years Warborough nr Wallingford. All classiccars / bikes very welcome. This pub has been through some tricky times with a closure follorving a fire last year. There is a temporary tenant running things now and she is very keen to see us succeedand I hope she gets the tenancy from the brewery. Food is being sen'ed now as well. However, the pub no longer opens on Mondays so we've changed to the secondTuesday of the month. This hasn't suited everyoneand I apologiselor that but it's a caseof taking the next best option. So as I write this, we've just had our first meet of the ycar in April. As I arrived it was a real pleasure to seea lvhite A60 parked up with Alan Lovell and his father waiting in the bar. Thatt a measureol real enthusiasmwhcn you get members from other areas attending your local meets! On the COOC lront it rvasjust me and AIan but rve had some other cars show up including a mint Triumph Dolomite Sprint. As the weather improves and the eveningslengthen, I'm optimistic we'll see some good mects on the same scale as last year: t2thJune, l0th July, l4th August, I lth September. Thatcham ClassicCar Show on Saturday l3th October remains our venue lor the Oxlordshire & Berkshire annual rnecl. We had considereddoing this at the Cowley ClassicCar Show (l2th August)but unfortunately3 local COOC memberscan't make this one. Ifanyone wants to go to the Cowley ClassicCar (which allows any classic,notjust thosemade at Cowley or Abingdon), contact Malcolm Fearn (e-mail: malcolmfeam@mac.com). There are scoresofevents going on now and throughout May /June. Should be plenty of material for the next Rosette Recorder including a tdp to Germanv in my Austin lvestminster. Until then, enjoy your classics. Mark Shepley


MKtr 6/110

ttevtfordshLre Well {irst and foremostI would like to thank you to thoseofyou who turned up at Brooldandsin March. It was one of the best club displaysyet, we had I believe 28 - 30 cars. A few rew lacesand some regulats and oLrrnew club llag was flying high (once I was shown how to erect the thing - those of you who really know me will know I don't do technical matters but stick me in frolt of accountsetc. and I am quite happy ) it rvas also good to see Brian & Wendy artending with the regalia to sell, Back il February Nil&i and I took a long weekend away down in Weston Super Mare and whilst down there lve visited Oakham Treasuresin Portbury near Bristol, we only came acrossthis by picking up the leaflet in the guest house we staycd in, it $'as truly an excelle[t mtseum housing a unique collection of memorabilia from days gone bn if you remelnber the item then it's very likely to be there on display, a very impressive display of historic tractors and farm equipmcnt. We spent over two hours walking round but could easily havc spent much more time there, they also have their own tca room on site which made lovely cakes, the carrot cake was just totally unavoidable to have. Their websiteis www.oakhamtreasures.co.uk By the time you read this aticle, a ferv of us rvi1lhave taken part in another annual Ipswich to Felixstowe Run, I am praying that it will be a dry and enjoyable day as it was last ycar. We will report back on this run. The passeshave started to arrive and so am now starting to look lorward to the coming season,lets hope lve have some nice days even ifonly for the show days eh?? I still have a number of FREE passesfor the club display at Luton Festival of Transport on Sunday l0thJune,just send SAE envelopeto securethe FREE pass, Peter Batchelor

Smooth, quiot and surpdsinglyswift when th€ n6sd adse!, ths 10 Mk. ll otfeB rn impressiv€perform€ncewtth power stegringenra, Wilh ArJtomatic the pfice is !1,276.7.1.inc. P.T. AACKEDBY TWELVEMONTHS'WAFRANTY ond B.M.C,SeNice-Express Export,Everywhoro, C OME A N D S E EIT-TR Y tT A T:




treLanA New member Noel O'Donnell sent me a couple of photos of his rccently accluiredA60 saloon,which representedthe Club at a shorvin Eglinton on April lst just a lew miles ftom his home in Dcrry. Nothing diflicult in that you mighl think, except that the water pump developeda last minutc lcak, in spite of which Noel carried out a temporary repair and managed to gct to the show. \'Vcll done Noel, and hopefully a new water pump will be fltted soon. In lacr rhere were tlvo A60s on display there, which makes a changc fiom the nearly all\{olselcy displaysI have been witnessingat recent showsI attended. This Austin has had tlyo previous owners! one ofwhom is also a CIub Member, and had owned the car lor 40 years Shane Conway





Vetthu.e,/ u:";,', t "' I f {;:i ::,';: :;,@,';:,:: | (;lub Cttt' \ npbaaArlat, id',r" '71

'tt'r tntol tnnnal;onr.Fi'il u .lounJn e'enr plrclaal P,i,?,'(ln'lc, qntJPin'pt,


,. I '';'o;i':' f:,;'ifo , l"o,'i'r,,

Anne (now the Prince.r.tREal) al tlu 6ltrl oJ a Rotal Vq,tr\",ti'tq, 'l,aoltng "itl btaAe \, nt'lon(ll!07. 11lou .un r

readthercpi.on.,it reads:'I'rincessAnne, | 7, nho is barninglo t]tiaeat theuheel oJ a shoaingbrakcaLBallatzrysurdal. Ajtur shehadbeenslnpping ho|idEtcroadsgauehera roundoJ applauseasshemadea smlothstart to makethereturnjourneltn Bahnoral,ninemilesawE ' It is ncttknc.twn whetherthiscar is tlu ralaL3 Lt c,rthe 4Lt R Countryman. CananltMembersttLlJromkis phon?

*i II

I',nxc.s AJ ( i]. \l,o ir l!:iftritr( tu die, ft (r nlrl:,,1.w L ,rh,l. rl, ah! l, .,\, .\rr. .l( nr'rv.ro .'i\r,l\ qr. j,'r x,!r, L,ror rDrl.o!'ii li.rhur,



DiLc. i\fi.

Buchiagham Palaceh the1960\


This Pince.r.t3-litre Countrltnan, f.nishedin thebesltoke tr2tolshadeo;f bottlegreen,wasprodutedin I 963 in respanse l0 a rcmmissitnfrom HM fueenEli<abeth. Two prtuiouil,, Vandn Plas fuid hincess hlre salaar l0 sltooling contertud a 3 lears brnkespectfcattn asa dem.onstratorJot theQteen,ke(nb lntnft htr ouLoJ her llatLxlrullestatecars.This etirlent[ worked,asin 1966 a.litrther.orderaos ruehul.fur a similarj canuerLed rcpLacement, lhis timebasedon the1 litre R; thiscarrcnainedin .ttruice until 1969.It is belinted thataJiutherJiue Vunden Plas(irunhlmanswercproduud,ontoJ whithuas usedb1BMC Chaitman George Harriman.IncidentaLll oncei.thadseraed itspurfox, tht 196l (regisued3Ba )'IX) uas dcspatched demt)rLslxta1 ta Longbidgeanduas lntur [,,ord;iLhassuttited(boLlctm Lefuandis usedbl AustinChrhmanLeonard aJ),IemberStcaeDale. ndal in theotunership

wtites:"Wentup to NTGin MenberGeoryeWeatheley to geta few lpswich(a200nile rcundtripin theWolseley) Anamuingplace,theanountof stuffthey bitsandpieces. laisosawCo/inSmifh'ssfunnlrg havethereis incredible. Riley4168whichis justbackon theroadfollowinga long do notshowiusthownicethiscar restontion.TheDictures is.whatanexcellent iob." Dear Editar I lacated this original magazine in the United Statesas my brother lives there. The article insideis lengthy and probably too big far the Rasette F16^^n1a.


if'e anliratu


will investigatewhether I can scan t without damaging the pages, which are a bit brittle. A picture af the cavet might be of interest to readers though? It was the October 1959 issueof 'CarLife'and it featurcd an extensiveroad test report of the MG Magnette Mk3, Morris Oxfard V and Austin Cambrian. It has a footnoteat the end af the article which is interesting: 'CAMBRIDGE CAI'/IBBIAN - The story of a name'. WhenBMC decided to market the new A55 Mk 2 in North America, the company was afraid it wauld run afoul af Canadian capyright laws with the ward 'Cambridge' So the substitutename 'Cambrian' was agreed an. After 'Car Life's' story went to press however,BMC's lawyers advised the company that'Cambridge' was safe to use after all. The car is naw the A55 l-emhtirl-a

in tha

I lq 2<

well as in England. Our apolagies to our readers. Regards Mick Holehause



1967 MoRnrsOxrono DE.LUXE

Dtur ,\n. Iinda.tld art htrt lfinfttgrulh ol aut Siits l-I () '.litl. 'Jonha". t hLth iLt lfunLgl lfu (.1/ultnight lilic ta hatc ln llt07 tt,t it,tn' littin! tl liatl Httringlan. tba l ntiltt soulltrtl ,guntlcrlrutl.IlL.lir.s!snt "/rnina" ttbo 1ryu.:l I0th l!)|i7. a! Trttt:t:t't. Hahnt.tifu, \iuulerlantl.ttho ii tt,: nain '\Ltrrit dnltn Tln \lihngt tat 8.t 1 ltr: ftttton'it'i ing attl naunlittg ht)k !lat an llilnt.tlut'. 'lryui 2nl 1967, anl tit linal litt0t t i.ittt ir! atrl dt\lulLlt lookliat on tht'lo[lrtttitg dar. Tlnu.nltq',,lugtr.tl.3rrl 1967. llt agtrl la bLartu nr.litt tt lrtltl tl' inclrdLrltt.fitll-ttrrt'staal lttt. rtgi:!raliau.)tttt)lhullaltt' 1195.00. 111i.\ rtnll::ta[, n fitlirll. a.slolligltl tingnltnttattrlutt anntt:!tt: llt'ullcctul ht nn Thtnlr1 .Iugutl |7th M67.ttndthLdIitr:tt niltngct'at |()trtlutt utt lnn:t ho aul. 7 fu alltrt.tinttlt laltI tttilng' atit i-t l6ll.i7h:' In l9!)l slr lrtrl unt tttrtitt rtlaralittt aotk.'l hit tttt lont lt \til ,lt'tr tl liarlltarl tt,ln tlirltr itonrlLtlil.jrthll'r ttrttttrtl !rtti:L ltit irrtl; loa higltlt, it trut it'tt, gnnl. :ttfttlutnltlt al I:tlil lfu tnrl tl 20() l. .'fttninttti'.a' att tt tt)ia) tar. [ !ltu! !itlt'n nt.)lo)rrli\t tlanngLtllfu oll\ilt ol tlt ttt ;a Ltttli lt \'ttl'l-lrt .;lu u,otl it'ltr tor/;tl hit nrntit nn htt. att lll! nrl 0 \:th\uluttt! o(au\iatt anl aut Sfu ltttt lrarrlletl dl otr) lllt ot!)tl\'. ll htn itt '\unrhrlunr!. ( lh lll;nlh. .tid tt.t ln rtulrl ttfitn ktld' :ht ir t'r t ltiltlrn it lntutg 'hrnt oll. in otlrli!iut la au ii.til.t lrtour.litnilit'.rin '\[ilrllttt'r anl I]ud;inghot:ltir':. ttl anrl ttn httin.jt lrip.sto lktttt rhntt !lu' ur.tl cotttl tnd rnt.\ la llt gonc olf tht hut tttll otll itlttn lfu corttl. \'ttt Ju'it rclirtl ottl ult sot.t lL'lu:lt trat in tlaih r.tt'.t)it] llu'.1tt)llt (ttN)tlltnt ft.t!.rttt alittrt: jutl aio.li2. tlith t:auhl intltdL longattrl tltotl.jautnot lhit ttrtrtt tltttrl lo n|!t'r.fion ott(-)atttla attrlhat: Il'hctt uttlcol ptttrl.x'a: inboluul anl IntLd l tlu ll'\10J0lnlrol rnu nll ua.) la ahln;n..\ti/ .\n' lntl lhr ttlinltt ltrtul alh'ru|. tt urttt ;ht nat an ntlntlul Pclnl. ,1litr tt't'lt'li \undrrlattl tt Ii'trl lt l5-v'rtrt a! hirlg I lltit aloLrl (ila:tlttit. Il lutt tLtitttt ttltotl la tnott fhn lhtn', thclii l.j ttilrr itt.;l al Ir:0.;!hta.jorttnt'1.;.fllt lultn la htrtfitdthin: anl htttli ht Srolknrl' tlt l) '\tttl rlun.jtuntt'1 .tfuhalaIal [t'tthtartt! l')iotltttlll .ir t4u]t'lt)t)ttt Iun tt h ( i I autt.;I tt;lt nr. ,1.;lit tlrJittt.ot, ItLotLhl lil;t lo rht wttt' fi[nt or Tl ittnl;tith ho: If atu' CLrth,\Ittnbtr tan tttnncrlnt t ilh vmeonr ht tlo lhit I t auld It i ttt' giallfnl. I hafu-tvuhavliund this ltLl.tltl;ttga tlu!!itthnttnal [nrcl If itlLatrrbr:s!tli.;ht.tTfu:ltnaawl.y',hn Hr4hts .\lnthtt .\it l752

of a example theonlyexisting beingpossibly AZA396is a raresurvivor, in Dublinin 15i60Firstregistered Wolseley genuine lrsh registered WiHSI1669(arelhereany number thecarhasserial 1959, September platefittedbythelrish aswellasa second oldersurvvorsthanthisone?), thecar Although Dublin. lslandbridge, plant,Booth-Poole Ltd,of assembly to being stored victim had fallen it on the clock, i5,000 mlles hasonly itsdemise years,a factthatcouldhavehastened inrecent outdoors rrwasforlunate and owners, 2011by itspresent y acquired 1 l\,4arch has the work To date all on it shortlyafterwards commenced restoration painted getting it the hope of with bodywork, welding and on concentrated of thecar withtherebuild andihenconiinue months, durinothesummer willbe aboutto gracetherally thisraremachine Hopefully afterriards. ConwaY Shane circuitin2013. fhe photosabove showthecarasit years lookedseveral agowhenit was enteredin the Mosneyshow,plus oneaf theseial nunhet& assenby plantplate. Leftandbelowtwo nore recentonesof it beingrcstored.


We sell probably the cheapest Stainless Steel Exhausts on

ROSETTE RECORDER llumbersSeruice TheiollowingoriginalRRsareslill available:

ti me for all

dts -

11a5,21a5, a , 4rc6, 1147, 4147, 5rc9, 2/90,3t90, 4t90, 5t90, 6/90, 1/91, 53, 5s, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 7r, 72,73,74,75,77,7A,79,S0,S1,82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 84, 89, 90, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,102, 103,104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, I10, t1t, 112,fi3, fi4, fi5, fi6, 117,118,119,120,121,12''1,124,1,'126, 1n, 1n, 129,130,131;l32, 133,134,135 Our Back numbersOfflcer.C ff Brock, has a comp ete set of Rosette Recorders from Number1 and is preparedto photo-copyarticlesor comp ete newsletters for membersat cost.

close,st Leonalds, Cliff8rock,4Conifer Ringwood, Hanb.BH24 2RF. Teleohone: 01425472799

N O.



Stainless- you can dependon it !


Longbridge Lane,Loscoe,Heanor


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eg7576t-l es1[reh1r.,


1000'sOF PARTSFOR,|000's OFCARS x Avai

in 1973.ovs mor€ Ealparti6atamilyrun businesswhichwasoiginally€stablished than thirty ysars Ear parl has devoloped a reputation lor suppLyingqualily psds at a compeliliv€o'ice. I Earlbanaas 1s caraloguesoelarlr€ oarls lor suchnodoJsas wolseleys.A6os. n*t

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forCambridge-Oxford Owners Clubmembers to takeadvantage It s stllposslbe ofthespecialClub Discolntscheme operated bytheBAC.Inorderto qlalifyforthe please quoteyourname andClubmembership number totheSecretary discount, va theClubHouine i07966 2495061.


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All these itemsare availableto orderfrom: Geoff & Georgina Codling, 30, Hawling Road, Market weighton, York. YO43 3JR. Tel ephone: 01430873690.gcodl i ng@ gcodl i ng. plus. com All items subject to P&Pat t6.95 per order (including.VAT) and from Regalia officers at many Club Rallies.

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-M.M.o,c. c.o.o.c. - E.Y.T,c.c. Approved Repairer - DISCO(NT


to Members


Make,model,year'lenglhot MoT' CAPITALS: of yourcarin BLoCK wriiethedescriplion Please details' askingp.iceandyourcontaJt bdeldescription, condition, manual/aulo, colour, KT1 0 00Y SURREY' GLAYGATE, LANE, ?0TEIEGBAPH BEC0RDER, Then;endto:R0sEfTE rosetterecorder@co-oc.olg A9YEB1Sq9 ORSERV1CES SPABES OFVEHICLES' NOllABlLlrylN FESPECT THECLUBACCEPTS ]I YouF cAB lNTHERF. (M)MEIvBER rsE nosEnEieconoen. THEFErs No cHARGEFoRADVERTISING

ot good WANTED:I ama newmemberlookingfor FORSALE:UsedSpares:Tons project. AnyFarinasaloon usedspares,Givemea ringI mighlhave a restoration A55/ A60, Cambridqe whaiybuarelookinglor. SleveTurnerTel:carderivates WheelCyllnder Discounted Wolseley 16/60,etc Nol L,lorris Oxlord, larinaman@ 01653693183 oremail: FOR SALE: 1964 M.G. [.'lagnetteI\rK lV Servlcelor Club Feconditioning - the or fazedaboutcondiiion bothered (m)(N.Yorks) btinlernet.com lllidlands Members:f26.05plusp&p.exchange. worseihe betterll Preterably quotespecialcode COOCl,4embers area.Pleasecontactwiihpholosif havea PARTSFOBSALE:I currently number andvourmembership CW2O11 ' Thanks,AndrewFraulo laroeouanlitvol newoldstockandused possible whenolacinqan orderwithPastPatts (msmber 7459) Daitsi6r Farinas.I mayhavewhatyou wav Northern Ltd.u;il4. dhaseRoad, (m) irant.ContactStewarlLee07889853952 andrewlraulo@blinternet.com Estate,BurySi Edmunds, Industrial co.uk or emailslewa@lee363.fsnel 750729 Sufiolk,lP326NPTel.01284 16/60, For1965Wolseley WANTED: head,innerand SYSTEMS' workinosoeedometer FORSALE:TWO"COVER Disc Brakes& TelescopicDampers: C/WBAGStO outers-pe;docable,andclock.Please CARCOVEBS OUTDOOR I am otferinqkits lor lront discbrake ringTed01634366131[/edway,Kent FournewtyresVery iit Farina4s.(1)Used,a bitgrubbybut renewed, absorbgrs damper andtelescopic convelsions-, inc P&P t30 ssrviceable. Augusl goodcondition MOTtill Derlectlv throughout '(2) frontandlear,lor all 1500& conversions 1-8 spin on oil Sherpa Marina / WANTED: inc !55 been usgd iew never As 2012.saleduelo oersonalcircurnstances Lallin,Model Contact:lrike notlookingior thealler 1600Fadnas. filterhousing.l'm 01323 P&PHowardEllis(m)01609780445 f5250ONO.AlanSear,E.S[rssex St Peter, mindyoullvlark Farm,ChapelStreel,Rockland marketspinon adaptors com howardellis@bunlernel.com 761635email:albelsear@gmail NorfolkNR171UJTel: Attleborough, 01865327647 Shepley 4444$.(m) 9rc7801 0195348311 (m) markshepley@btopenwodd.com spates FORSALE:SixcYlinder (allpices plusP & P): Wolseley 6/99 Wolseley6/110& Austinal10 Mk2 AustinA60Cambridge. WANTED: !50; Neli speedoHeadBCA4254 lensamber I amlookinglor a reallynice AuslinA60 FronlwheelHubunil rebuilton an AustinAggNewrearflasher basisservrce, eilhera saloonor an eslale- exchange Cambridge, 6/99Newreverse L64Oel0;Wolseley readvto bolibackon t0 yourcar projectblt Returned 6/110 l'm notlookinglor a restoration boxgl0lWolselev oearlor3 sDeed a reallynrcecarreadylo usoandenjoy foranother50,000plusjmiles.Contact NewvoltaoiconirolboxR8340825; 07774 59005 Stewa t\,,torgan TelSt€veTurner01653693183 Clulch wolselev6/110NewLockheed comlor 6/110 or omailfarinaman@blinternet.com slewart.morgan3@btopenworld MK2€T5iWolseley Master oylindet price hubs anda of l\,4k2 & availability 35 Geaboxinhibitor NewBordwarner iimitedsupplylor Mkl modols. ior a Pairol 6/110 Looking 6/110NewLucas WANTED: switch!1iO;Wolseley enough10 lronlOveriders......,qood 6/110 f10;Wolseley brakeliqhtswitch (nodenls)or evenNosit I am AmazingSpecialOfferfor COOC rechrome switche50; Reoair€jd indicator/flasher Members:A compleieserviceloryour 6/110Pairrecon.Brakecalipers luckv.ConiactStewart07774158005 Wdlseley inclusive of all com(m) Cl!b Carforiusle120.00 Sle\iart.morgan3@btopenworld tor [IK2 €150; Mnewpislons/seals normalseruiceilens.Yourcarwillbetully laygear 16/60:Gearbox Hasbeenofllhe roadforsomeyearsbut AlsolorWolsel€y [,'lOTcariedout So, li required Saloon. servlced. AusiinA60Cambridge WANTED: New€45.ContactAndY a l!llbrakeoverhaul 22H1281 hasjusi undergone (m) I amlookinglora reallynce AustinA60 il yourClubcar n€edsa littleTLc,call Hodgson on 01609776040(N.Yorks) Thebody,chromeand to oasslVlOT. SteveTurner01653693183,todav.(m) withmanualgearboxMust Cambridge onlyneedssome inleriorareunmalked.lt il inlerior. consider Will have red leather workunderthebonnetto minordetailing Pleaseringlan o-CylinderPowerSteeringBoxes: needed. sliohtrestoralion to rareopporlunity makeconcourse.This Vanden Wolselev/ Weslminste/ Leakino 859365 or 01384 Ev;ns 07733281902 lor e5,000 is available mint A60 obtaina com PlasP6werStee ng Boxesrebuillusing forlurtherdetailscontactSleveMedhurst WANTEDiForA60estate,A60/Oxiord (after4.30pm)ianevansa55@g.mail all newseals& bench-tested. Estate Fronllowerpanel,Frontlairing, on 01323728806or 07905537333 776040 email: Tel:Andv.01609 1660,rose Wolseley rearfloorto bodylow€rpanel|BZA1527) WANTED: (m) be in concours wa.hodgaon@bloPenworld.com beige.lvlusl Simon taupe/sandy & windowrubbers. FORSALE:A pairol 460 BIIICnewold Reartailgale minl.CallThomas or absoluley coridition 01516251236(eves)or email Seatsallin good stockrearwings. MOT, Gearbox Servlcing/RepaiB: or email _on Nl 02830850084 seatInred rustywing@blinternel.com frontpassenger condition:A60 etc.E U v€hiclediagnosllcs I amwillinglo specialisls, ymulholland@hotmail.com seatin black leaiher,A60lrontpassenger Stalion, Autocare A1303 Servic€ seatrn WANTED;A nicelllorrisOxfordSeriesV paya iairpice. memberno.601 A55l k 2lrontpass€nger leather, cambs.01223812357l Bottisham, good/gxcellent 16/60tront thatis in a reasonably Wolseley bluelealher, 811122www.ecaulocare.co.uk AusiinA55Mk1495 WANTED: A goodpricelor lhe door onornalcondition. passenger Sealin bluevinyl.Various Carmustbe in good or Westminsler. cars,pleaseasRll you riq6tcar.SimonOl516251236(eves) kimstor4 cylinder Goodpice paidforlherighlcar condition. com New ehail rusiywing@btinternel needone.variouscoloursavailable. Jarvis buver.ContactMicha€l bvDrivale forthe455 and andusedpartsavailable Letthanddrivesleeingbox' 0i604790399,Mobile07745839979 WANTED: 460 Farinarange.Pleasegetin touch lor AustinA60. columnanddashboard withanvrequirements, areonergarblimperover_ or email Alsorequired Tel:01i82860909evenings, (m)(Lancs) ddefandan 1800cc Marinaor MGB nn a featurc recently mick holehouse@lineono.net Magazine' Collectot Theexcellent'Model enqine.PleasecontaclTrevorDeaneat thesevety to issue soon who are Models, Silas based onFrench or treiordeaneclassics@hotmail.com FORSALE:A pairof A60rearlightsin it anyonehas phone0035385 1257400 l:43 scalemodels' edition verygoodcondition, $50Canadian IiniEd (m) anyof lheseparistorsale lonyfox@symPatico.ca




The 1962MG MagnetteMk4, 1959Wal)etev15/60and the 1962Riley 4/72 look like thet are shapingup nicely. Finishesfor the Wolseley15/60 Beigeand ClipperBlue/Smake wiltbe Black/Bir;h Grey,Maroon/Whitehall Grev.fhe Rilev4/72 will be offeredin threedifferenttwo-tonefinishes: Greenor lris Ati;nca Beige/SandyBeige,AlmondGreen/Parcelain Blue/Old English White.

Prices will be arcund 870 each. fhei UK distributor is British Heritage Madels. 01244 324761 emaiI b hm-uk@talktaIk.net fot morc details.



*x r-11

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