lssue138. November 2012
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OwnersClub TheGambridge-Oxford 07966249506/ COOCHOTLINE(for$eneralenquiries):
CommitteeMembers: Chairman TaffGillingham Road 218 Colchester lpswich Suffolk tP44QZ
SteveTurner Donatella House, Ryton,lvlalton NorthYorkshire, YO1765A.
Publicity JohnLakey 36,Rodbourne Road, Vacant. Vacant. Harborne, Volunteerlor Treasurer Volunteerfor l\,4embership Birmingham. or FinanceOfficer Secretaryor Data 817oPN. urgentlyneeded. Officerurgentlyneeded. Pleasecontact Pleasecontact Tel 0121243 4336 TaffGillinghamfor details. TaffGillinghamfor details. Treasurer
Tel:01653693183 Ielt O'1473712723 tafi@taff
MarqueSecretaries: Pre-FarinaCambfidge Secretary A55 Mk ll & A60 Secretary Morris OxIord V & Vl Secretary M.G. & Riley Secretary Wolseley15/60 & 16/60Secretary 6-Cylinder Secretary
Richardlvlaruda,145 StonesbyAvenue,Leicester,LE2 6TY ST147AX. Bob Metzner64 ParkAvenue.Uttoxeter.Staffordshire. Birmingham.847 5PU KeithBullock,35Lynbrook Close,Hollywood, BB87AE.Tel012B2860909.mick-holehouse@l DobbRhydding,SkiptonOld Road,Colne,Lancashire Mick Holehouse, NorthYorkshire, YO1765A.Te| 01653693183 SteveTurner,DonatellaHouse,Ryton,l\,4alton, TaffGillingham,218 ColchesterRoad,lpswich,Sufiolk.lP4 4QZ Tel:01473712723, taff@iaffma
AreaSecretaries& Meetings: lbrAgrccdValucInsurancc AV = ClubOfiicialsprepared to carryoutinspe.tions
Merseyside:Don Sykes,53 CornwallWay,Ainsdale,Southport, Merseyside.PR8 3SG. Tel:01704578348
Bedfordshire:NewAreaSecretaryneeded. The White Horse,HusborneCrawley,Nr Woburn.1st Tuesdayin month
Norfolk: Vacani
Chesterfield:AV MarkSutcliffe,5 NorburyDrive,Mansfield, NG184HT. Nottinohamshire. The OEe House,LoundsleyGreenRoad,Chestedield.S40 4RN 2nd l\,4onday of each monthfrom 8pm.
Oxfordshire& Berkshire: MarkShepey,21 Home Close,Wootton, OX136DB.Tel:0'1865327647Mobr07702109901 Abingdon. The Six Bells,The Gfeen,Warborough,Oxon. OX107ND.SecondTuesday ofthe month7pm till latefrom Aprilto September.
Dartford:AV BrianBlendell,40 BartonRoad,Sutton-at-Hone,Dartford, Kent.DA4 gEA. 01322863500. Sidcup Place,on the 4222 Sidcupto ChislehurstRoad(nearQueenMarys Hospital)at 8.30pm- 2nd Wednesdayeach month.
TS184LN Norlh East FlonGilbertson,'13GraysRoad,.Stockton-on-Tees. Tel:01642 615706 The VaneArms, LongneMon,off A66 nearStockton. 1st Mondayeach month.
Devon & Cornwall: AV John Middleton,45, St Andrew'sView,Taunton, Somerset.TA26JU. fel O779O286974 Meetingsto be arrangedsoon
Scotland: AV Jim Wilson,4 EttrickGroveEdinburgh,EH10sAW Tel:0131228 5158 iimbev@wi
Dorseb MartinKeeping,3 Burnt HouseLane,Sopley,Christchurch,Dorset, Shropshiro:AV DavidPortch,Shirley,BridgewaterStreet,Whitchurch, Shropshire.SY131QJ BH238DD Telr01425672962/07761 The ElmTree,HightownnearRingwoodHantsBH243DY Somerset AV ConradParr,28 BayhamRoad,Upper Knowle,Bristol, LastThursdayof the month BS4 2DR BristolBS494NR The Lord Nelson,Cleeve,on the 4370 nr. Congresbury, East Midlands: NewAreaSecretaryneeded. 2nd Wednesdayeach month8pm. HolidayInn, NormansCross(nearYaxley),Peterborough. 1st Wednesdayeach month (exceptJanuary), South West Midlandsi TemporaryContact:AV KeithBullock,35 Lynbrook Close,Hollywood,Birmingham.847 5PU East Sussex:SteveSimmons,22 SouthernRoad,HampdonPark, Eastbourne,Sussex, Sufiolk AVTaffGillingham,218 ColchesterRoad,lpswich,Suffolk.lP4 4QZ. The BarleyN,4ow, Selmeston,on A27 Brightonto Eastbourneroad. fel 01473 712723 1st Tuesdayeach month. (lvleetingscunentlysusponded) l East Yorkshire:AV SteveTurner,DonatellaHouse,Ryton,Malton, NorthYorkshire,YO17654. Teli 01653 693183 Surreyi AV DavePage,70 TelegraphLane,Claygate,Surrey.KT10oDY Tel:01372810301 MeetingscLrrrently suspended. The Star,KingstonRoad,Leatherhead,on 4243, one mile northof M25 Junction9. 3rd Mondayeach month 8pm Eire: ShaneConway,77 BryanstownManor,DublinRoad Drogheda, Co.Louth,Eire.Tel:086824 Wales:Adrian Purdy,18 Swan Lane,Ystalyfera,Swansea,SAg 2JB Teli01639845836 Hampshire:TemporaryContact:SimonLangrish.02380270954 lf you would liketo volunteeras Area Secretary,let Simonknow. West Midlands: AV John Davies,83 MellishBoad,WalsallWS4 2DF Walsall, ManorArms, Park Road,RushaLl, Hertfordshire:PeterBatchelor,79 FairfieldWay,GreatAshby,Stevenage. West Midlands,WS4 l LG. 3rd Mondayot the month8pm Hertfordshire. SG1 6BG.Tel 07767254012 The Highwayman,GreatNorth Road, Wirral & Cheahire:AV SimonThornton,35 BeaconDrive,West Kirby, Graveley,nr. StevenageSG47EH.3rd Tuesdayeach monthfrom 7.30pm. Wirral,L48 7EB. Tel:0151625 1236 Lancashire:AV RobertPaff,4 BeechGrove,Ashtonon Ribble,Preston,Lan_ FarmersArms,Frankby,Wirral.Meetingstobe Quarterlyon 3rd Wednesdayof lvlarch,June,September& Decemberat 7.30pm. cashire.PR2' The Boat Yard,Bolton Road,RileyGreen,PrestonPRSoSP South Africai 2nd Wednesdaveach monthB.00om
Club Officers: RegaliaOfficers FinanceOfficer DieselAdvisor RR Back Numbers
Geoff& GeorginaCodling(North)and Brian& WendyBlendell(Soufh)See adverton page '19. Vacant.Volunteerfor tinance officer urgently needed, Pleasecontact Taff Gillinghamfor details. ColinSmith,1 The Beeches,LittleBlakenham,lpswich,Suffolk. Tel: 01473830968 Cliff Brock,4 ConiferClose,St. Leonards,Ringwood,Hants.BH242RF. Iet 01425 472799
TechnicalOfficer AV Kim Henson,"Evergreen"51 BerkeleyAve. Parkestone,Poole,DorsetBH124HZ Modified Car Olficer Seth Kennedy,27a HallswelleRoad,TempleFortune,London.NW1'1oDH. Tel: 020 8455 1205 email: The Club makeseveryeffortto ensurethat the informationand advicepublishedis reliableand in accordancewith safetyprocedures.We are unableto accept responsibility for injury damageor loss,due to omissionor error We cannotacceptliabilityfor advertisersfailingto supplygoods.
Pleaseaddress your correspondenceto the relevant person.
lf in doubt, use the Secretary'saddress.
From your Editor...
Mum would have too. M_uml pas.ingmean5thar we havea very imporranr A big thank you as alwaysto all the contributors to this issue.we ^91.:** COOC roleuhich needsro be filledasquicklyaspossible. couldni do ir wirhouryou. Pleasekeeprhe arriclescoming. Mum took on the role of Finance Officer as sh; didn,t want to The AGM once again showedhow dedicatedour Menibers are. takeon the responsibilityof standingup in front of the membership with around 30 Club Cars from far and wide in miserableweathei everyyear at the AGM asteasurer In order to fill the vacancvwe conditions.We'll have the rally report in the next issue,along with havetw^ooptions:n e can eirherappoinra Treasurerwho look"afier the fantasticCOOC Welsh Tour, which has been helclover iue to all the llnan..!. or \ e can .arrl on a\ r,re are with a behind_thc_ lack of space. sccnesFinance Officer The thorny subject of future increasesof ethanol in petrol and . Either way, we rcally do need to fill this post as soon as possible. how it may a{Iectour cars will a.lsobe discussed. C urrenrl l rhe fi nancesare sri l l donc on papcr a lr hough.if a I haverecciveda lovelylenerfrom Member BcnnyLea requcstine volunteer wanted to convcd over to compuier, that wouljbc frne that we publishphorograph.of all our CIub Omiial.. so rlar voi too. lt i. rtraighrfor.ward ca.h at counring:-money in. moncl our. Ir will know who we are! We will have rhat orEanisedin RR139.'Bet is.ccnainly nor diffictrlr.or romplica(ed.and nor shouldir bn. you can r wairlSeeyou all in 201?. Davepage Just to compLcdlemafers lurrhet Howard Elliswho rookon rhe combined role of Membcrship Secretaryand Membership Data ChairmansReport...with an important appeal OIficer is now unable to fulfill the data side of the role. I'm very sad to have to report that my Mum Sheila, our Club,s Therefore we also need someonewho would be prcpared to look Finance Oflir-nr. dicd suddenly in hospiral on Sunday l6rh alicr rheCOOC darabase a-ndkccprhe MembershipAecordsup to Sgt]t:Tb:., She had beenwaiting for months for a hcart operation date. Again, this can be a combinid Membership Secretarv,/data which had beenconstantlydelayedand postponcdand, sadiy,Mum Ofllcer rolc. or ir can bc.jusrrhe bchind-rhe-sr en.s dara role and couldn't wait any longer. Howard can continue in the Membership Secretarvrole formerlv Shc had becn lookiig after the COOC accountsfor well over ten held byJohn Middleton ycars and had been involved in many Club eventsand activities Again, with the Renewal pcriod fast approachingwe necd to find sincerhe,mid-1980s beridcrbcinga Famill memberher.cll alonq replaccmenrs lor both rolc. a. quicklyas po*iblcis we will nor be wltn ljaai. abl cro l uncri ona" a C l ub w i rhourrhem. With the AGM approachingshe had made sure that thc annual neither job is being done so, if you think you may be .Currcntly accountswere completedand ready to sendoff to Gill prophet, our help-out,pleasecontacrme, SteveorJohn Lakey u, ,oon u, auditor, and, even while shewas in hospital, made sure that I had possibleto discussit. sentrhe accounrsolT:Shc reallydid do her bcsrfor rhc Club, rjphr AGM was a grcat successthis year and a big thank you to ^The up to the end. Stevefor organisingit at the EastAnslian Railwav i{useum. The day of her funeral could easilyhave been a sombre.morose. Apart from necding l\^o importanr n.r, CObC officialsrhc da1 bur she had becn adamantthai shedidn r wanr pcoplebeing reports showcd that the CIub was in a healthy state in terms of miserableoverher. Geoff Bakerpicked Dad, Traceyand iup in hii membenhip,.beingonly a fcw mcmbers down on the sameperiod rmmacularc Wolscley 6,/110 for the short iourney io the in 2001,which is quite an achievemcnt.On paper we made a slight Crema(oriumbehindthe rwo hear"estrhel neededan.xira one for lo"srhisyearas audiror Cill Propherha" spieadthc cosrof serd"ng all rhe flowers7. up ihe l-annaforum over "everalyears bur. in gcneral.rhe financei As we turned off the main road I caught sight of Lee Clarke,s are healthv SunTor caravancttein the Crematorium iu. park. *ith th. COOC Postage need watching very caretirlly and the committee -costs signin thc sidcwindor,.. and it mademe .mile.We rhenpassedColin cannot rule out an incrcasein the mcmbershipfee next vear but we 'Smifly' Smitht Riley 4/68 along the drivewayand thin, asthe car will repon bark in fururc RosetrcRecordcr!il'ir looksli[e will stoppedand tve all got out, I was really pleasedto seeConrad and be a need to put the price up. Paul Banyardfrom NTG. atongsideLnc and Smifly.They had all The Rosetri Rccoidcr and Farina Forum (ontinuc lo so from beenwaitinglor Mum to arrive.It r,,as very rouchineto secSrcre .t rengrhto.strengrh and it r,rasaqreedrhatrhc large "tqqksf lqgaliz and Suc Stone from Colourplan roo. Sh. rnould havc bcen realJy necds to be rcduced belorc r,re buy much-mor. srock.Il is chullFdro knowrharfriendsfrom rheClub had r.*en thc lrouble"o lo hopeqltha1rhc long-awaired onJine.hopmay helpwith rhi,. help give her a good send ofl I would like-roformally riankJohn Middjeton.Jam., B.adbury Paul had organiseda wreath on behalf of COOC members and and my lareM um. Sheila. lor all rhe work tharrhevhavedorreovei NTG in the shapeof a large BMC rosette.In the seaof flowers it thc yearr lo kecprhi. Club runningsmoorhJy and efliriendy. stood out as a reminder of all she had done for the Club over thc As with a.llclubsof this kind, we are only asgood asour voiunteers years. and the fact that the Club is this good justihows how good our Dad, Tracey and I have also been deeply touched by the tributcs volunteelsare, from Lee Ql21kq2ndJohn Laley which appearon pagcr4 an6 5. Thanks again for all your support.I hope you enjoy this issue. Thank you to all of you who have wiitten, callld. cmailed. Ieiephoned and senrrard".We reajl)do appreciare it and kror,rrhar Taff
New carrrbridge-oxford owners crub officiars urgently Required The club urgently needsa Treasurerur a behind-the-scenes Finance olficer and a Mernbership Secretary or a behind-the-scenes Data Olffcer. If you would be prepared to tal<eon either of theseroles, pleasecontact Thff, SteveorJohn right away.Thank you.
q, frtbute Co SheihQiffingham Sheila Gillinghatn, Taffs nwrn, died on Sunday 16th Septentber' It's itnpossible to iuerstate hout tttuch zaork Sheila did.for the club She utasn't a diaer and had liltle interest in the cc,rs but realised it was bnportant to her son and thq.t naade it inaportant to her- She zaorked tirelessly to keep this club running on ntany leaels not least zt'orking as the club'sfinancial oficer since , 2001.S"hehctd ai encyclopaedic knozuledge of the ntetnbership and l phoned her rnany tirnes zuith oid quistions like "I'm trying to think of the narne of a ,nni"bn, in so end so iho has blue such antl such.", and she zoould ojlen knozu their narareitntnediatel2' although she had probablg never naet thenl' posititte and a aeryt parl ol thc.lurninuuof nry chiLdlLood SlrciLa ztat n nnlrualll, chcu'luL.
hLrestrd firson u:ltt loucdlttoplr onrl loui rtt .rufporl htr soi in ulmtu,et uttleairi.u hc unltrtool;. ,slottt:tinrcsthe thorght litll'.;
itlluutt:c. Duing our lcanage |vnr I url seuralalhetJiirnls mrtna'q:dtn draf 'T(J in it nnra lhan trrce ultiLst talkittg to ,Sluih hemttv tltt utas stt utel:k liiLndlt nnl opn llnt :t zrouklakltil T(fiu'had l)ttttgl anallrct
ltroje ctt lnf h
antlraiculhtr opinionquit toudtl; doneandltrriied tui aspttlrll' lho;cutorkiq ttn llu' nttnhnhilt.ond aut 5 ]l:\l(" I'hrina; ' manl tltib nentbers ,igiin,rlr., suchn.,j1hn.iri,ldlrLor.,hl bai'ttt, iirrod Por,; {;,:nffint Ourgirn (,lot\lir BlenleLt aning oiitr:t thal ntal L"nott' in tlu cl,b. 'Sriu ntcmlxt.; othervincazttt:eretl ltrinan.tdnollagallu:t:)urfilhtnucn'fiict: I Lt t' holul huttntill' antl tprtebolhtnorLltt tha bookketPeral Slt rLs willt no AItm. running rr tlul if tfu bikea.i a kid Lapitk til braarlunl sltcul.t.t'a-..; alntt! ti'o)rutt ttul irvt tlira)t sautn.t lnLll uft. ,\/rckr*u' ci,cD'tlLittg
.firtrtlltn ltt'tn attt.
Joln I'akg'
"Atru(f I{ouse,Stanf,ingB,oomOn\" ou Lee L Lar?e To make an instant impact in someone'slife (in a good thought of by other people - it was an honour to know that friendly remarkableway) showsthe true spirit and character my 'get well soon" wasa helpingtonic, witnessedby Taff and of someonewho was brought up to be decent, honest and the family Receiving the tragic news from Taff so soon after Sheila's warm hearted,and havethe capabilitiesto give out, be well passingwas a shockto the system.I was at work and liked, be loved,yet still be strongwilled, private and had to 'down toolsand tal<ea break.that wasthe not be obtrusivein any way impact this lovely lady had left on you. Rare qualitiesnowadays,someonecoming Loveable, likeable, everybody thought from an era of the troublesomewar davs. Sheilawas going to pull through. when chivalry and camaraderie,respect, Plans were made, travelling up to dignity, was a part of life, but all Ipswich on the Sunday Monday started combined to make a wonderful ve1 hea'"y,knowingwe werc eoing to character,have a warm hearted likeable sayfarewell to a wonderful lady; I put personality, very rare indeed, very the Club logo on the SunTor, specialto have known and witnessed hopefully offering compassionate and to have experiencedthis in one's support, not only from the Club but Iife is unforgettable. privately too, but I need not have I first met Sheila in the processof worried, as instant recognition at the buying the ex-Club Van, wanting to Chapel Gate reassuredLes, Taff and personally know and see that my Tracey that we were here for Sheila. chequewassafelyreceived.A big smile, TaIl himself was quite understandably "Hello, comein" greetedme. Les flaff's under strain, but once mingling with dad) was in the hallway and instandy I felt family, friends and recognising CIub at ease, the nerves had settled down and I : Members,he readjustedhis composure,took felt warm and safe - strange really a deep breath, clenched both fists, shook considering we had never met before (all himself down and did a sterling job paying Sheila knew was that I was a Club Member tribute to his dear Mum's life. Tall's first words werc owning an A60 Van variant ie. my Sun-Tor Pz Van " Blimey,a full house,standingroom only. Mum would have Caravanetteand washere obtainins the CIub A60 Panel too). There was an aura of warmth and welcome about the been chu{fed to piecesto know she was loved by so many" place, a cup of tea led to a few morc, and soon sandwiches Indeed shewas.Taff's ability to copeunder intensepressure were made, and a conversationfired up (Sheilarecognising I'm sureis a trait passeddown from Sheila,asquoted earlier the fact the ex-Club Van wasgoing to a good home).Yes,this shecamefrom troublesomedaysof \'{W2, but alwaysgot the was a happy house,little did I know this was to be a start of job done (holdingthe family together,keepinga happy house becoming another dear friend, and also myself being etc.).Well done Taff, you did your Mum real proud. After the service,one could be drawn to the wonderful rememberedliving far away in SE london. I had heard that Sheila wasn't well, and had always bright coloursof a huge abundanceof flowers(thefirst hymn text,/spokento Taff on other matters, but alwaysenquired was 'All things bright and beautiful", which tells you something.)Amongst thesewasa nice touch organisedby our friends at NTG - a bold red BMC Rosette in flowers (representingour Club). Paul was here, and he and his staff had provided this wonderful tribute. This caught Taff and Tracey's attention, a great gesture,nice one Paul. Conrad Parr had made the long trip from Bristol (another family friend). He had been shockedand saddened,as he had only spoken to Sheila days before. Incidentally Conrad, your company was greatly appreciated,we stood together in the congrgation,both of coursevery down and sad, but moral supporteitherway got us through a di{ficult day Colin Smith was also there with his Riley and Geoff Baker,his spendid Wolseley 6/l l0 carrying out chauffeuring duties for the Gillingham family There were two hearses,one for Sheila, and an additional one full of flowers. I'm sure that all Club Members' nationwide thoughtsand wishesgo out to the Gillingham family rememberingSheila, "How's Mum doing?" and on a coupleof occasionsTaff was and of courseeveryoneelsewho knew her. You can always replace a Finance O{ficer, acting in that actually with his family, ie. with Mum, Dad and Tracey, and my messagewas instandy referred directly - "Mum, it's Lee role, but to find someonewith Sheila'spersonalityand calibre saying hi, hope you get better real soon". Taff said Mum is another issue.A wonderful dear ladv Rest in Peaceour immediately broke into a big smile, knowing she was being belovedSheila.
TheGambridge-oxford 0wnersClubbecame thefirstcarclubeverto holdtheir Festival ]'lational RallyattheFleetwo0d ofTransport onSunday l5th July. Sti I often known by its or ginal name of Tram Sunday,the Festval of Transportis an annualeventthat seesthe centreofthis h storc coastaltownin the NofthWestof England closedoff and turned nto a giantce ebrationof motorisedtransport.W th shopsand restaurantsall open for business,plentyof road s de sta ls and a paradelt offersmore to do than many other ralies and memberscena n y enloyedseeingFleetwood;its award winningfishand chipshop definitely drew plentyof praisel The record crowds a so en oved the c ub's d sp av on what turned out to be beautiful sunny day despiteth s year'sh gh ra nfal. Lancashre Area Secretary Rob Parr and his team did a great job organzing the event and produceduniquehand made prizesof ceramicplatesus ng original Bl\,4Chandbookartwork.Thesewere very popularand were presented to our winnersby ong standingclubmember[,4issBennyLea. A retiredHGV/PSVdrver Bennyonly recentlysold her l970 Wolseley 16/60because,at twice ts age,she was unabe to contnueto giveit the love and care she had avishedon it for many years.Howevershe st I enjoysattendng events n her more modernFover45 and droveup from Nlalvernfor the weekendto help,sayng in her pre event etter to organzer Rob Parr that she wou d be 'avaiiableto move road signsor ist regrstrations in a force 8 gale,which lgather is normal on the Fyde Coast'. She then added, referringto the road run along the Fylde coast on Saturday,'maybesomeonecould gve me a i11.I ratherfancy sitting n the back of a 6/1 10 wavingI ke the Queenbut won't be fussy'. She got her wish, travellingin Conrad Parrs lovely black exar-t'tp e. The overallwinnerof the club's BL HertageCup Jormost popular car was Stewart Peters from Peterboroughwith his Vanden PlasPr ncess4-lltreF. This is the frst time this nrodelhas everwon the award.
when we were looking This years cooc NationalRallywas hosted by us here in Lan.cashire. just for a venue, We decided that we wou|d choose somewhere With p|enty more to do than we decided of venues number visits to a various After club cars. our fantastic admireand discuss that the Fleetwood Festival of Transport was ideal, and after a few of us met up for sgnday Iunch we started on the task of organising.The festival (or Tram Sunday as its affectiohately called) has been in existence for some 26 years, and is a huge gathering of historic vehicles including lorries,buses, vans, cars and motorcycles,all within the unusualsetting of a Victorian seasidetown on the Lancashirecoastline. For some ofthe Lancashirearea Members,the weekend started on the Fridayafternoonwhere we set up our tents at the campsite, convenientlylocated within walking distance of the local hostelrywhere we were able to fine tune the arrangementsfor the following few days events. We r,,ierevery happy to see the sun shining on the Saturday morning, as this was the day that we were holdi;g a ro;d run from Fleetwood,down the Fylde coast through Blackpool and Lytham st Anne-'sfor the best fish and chips known to humanity!Arriving at the departure point it'was great seeing 11 Club Cars already parked up and ready for the ofi (pretty sure I wasn't late, it was purely the enthusiasmof COOC members!) some weeks 6efore the rally I had been contacted by member Benny Lea who despite not owning a car at the moment was very keen to take part, and she asked kindly if lwas able to 6/110 but wasn't frovid"ea vehiclefor her to travel as a passengerin....She speci1ed.aWolseley delightedto provide he was his, and with in attendance was thankfully Conrad fussy! to be ioing iis c"hautteursliilts for the day! On the Saturday night we laid on a free BBQ at the campsite, which was extremelywell receivedby Members and their families. The rally day itself started with gr;at weather once again, and when we arrived at Adelaide Street in Fleetwood at 7i41am, thJre were at least a couple of cars already parked up, one of which was John Gallon in his 460 countryman who had set out from surrey at 1 am in order to drive the 270 miles and arrive in time! Fantasiicl cars continued to arrivefor a couple of hours and by midday everyonethat was coming had arrived. It wis the flrst tirire a classic car club had held its National Rally at Fleetwood Festival of Transport,and by all accounts both from individualsand the features in the nationalclassic car press, was a st;rming success. I would very much like to thank all of the Lancashire area members for their support and time dedicated to the event, we should do it again, how about 2O22?l I would also like to extend sincere thanks from the Lancashirearea group to all the Members that came and supported the event, We hope you had a great time, We certain|ydid! Rob Pan (Lancashire Area Secretary) Crierof theCityof Ortordstandsnert to EddieFosterhMorrisOxford. Oppositepagefromtap:TheOfficialTown hisBlue Ma s onightSttf.ftCawbelland Ofqd Seties4 andhisgeyMutis John.Churchit dueenVi;b:rjadoesnotbok amused: regions of exacw 22Anilesfvrl thehrcspoctrve cliven @chhavkg fun Rasrthe, Dunblate mdJohn hadcanet'rc,n Afad Seties Vl.Stuaft AreaoganizingteamwithIheir pattof thecavalcade Lancashire af histaricvehicles; Lancashire; ta Heeful/ood. Scatland andRob'Parr;Ae of theplatescreatedby Atasdair Bremnea lan Lee,EddieFaster, Thomas, DlatetroohiesAtistah 'cemmbs RabParrusingaftworkfrcmBMCmanualsAttworkimages AreaSecretary lecturerandCOOCLancashire theBLHetitageTrophyto stewattPetersfrom to BMIHTat Gaydon:BennyLea,onteft,prcsenting usedwilh thanks petedaorough. votedhisVandmPlas4-LitreR the mostpopulatcaran theday;Satuday'sroadrun Felowmembers Riley4/72 marecarsinAdotaideStreetwithSteveTurner\Ortod havellerandJohnBradbury's Et Annes; ta Lt4ham nearest;theVDP4'LitreR of StewaftPeters featured a roadtun,stowingoffaraundthevi agepandandpub:the activities Thispagefrcmtop: Saturday's weekend weatherwasiustrightfor the BBQandsaciatat thecampsiteA memorable
10thMarch Surreywill beonSunday Weybridge,
2013 12th May [T BUnIil lcllt$ llflll - sunday Y[nfi$ilIftGAIllIRlllG filllufll G00G 2013 June PAn[0ffOnDsilnl-15th/16th il0nB$GIllililmYflHlT[I G0RllBUnY nexttime! The Clubwillbe takingpartin thismajorevent.lvloredetails
IISI fil$lllll RAllY& ]AilllYt[ll ltfil(lllll - satI sun.luly6th&7th2013 G00G Held at the North Norfolk Railway'sHolt Station.More details next time!
31st Ausust 23rdtosaturday Ausust I0Un0l G0nilW[llfilll illI WISIG0UililY- Friday IllI2013 G00G
SuneyPeterBatchelorp 2 Museum,Weybridge, DAYBrooklands MoRRIS lOThMARCH AUSTIN JohnLakeyp.2 CoftonParkBirmingham. PRIDE OFtollGBBlDGE 13$ APRII of COOCrunsinJourarea for details neit issue see lTDAYRUNS DRIVE COOC 21stAPBII EastYorks.SteveTurnerp 2 BurtonAgnesHallDriffield, GATIIEBING C00CY0RI(SH|RE 12thMAY MarkShepleyp 2 EVEI'IT CornburyPark,CharlburyOxfordshire. CEI'ITENARY 15$/16rhJUNE MoRRIS NorthNorfolkRailway,Holtstation.steve Turnerp.2 FUilWEEKEND RALTY & FAMIIY EASIANGUAN 6$f/ih JutY basedin Tintagel.SteveTurnerp.2 C0UNTRY & litfEST 23rd-31stAUG C00CToUR0FC0R]'|WALL
on thc day beforr:.Such rvasthc lcrocity oi thc storm, lightnirrg sct a thatchedroof ablazcnearbr'l hcr-crvclc pools of stancliDgwaterand grouPs l) ur l) uh m r c t r n , \ u q u \ L\ 'J \ of classiccal orvm:rsbusily srvappitrgnoteson lr'hicb was thc bcst route ou! to a\'oid getting slucklJust lrbout slLmsthis summer up rcalh'. vcr'v rvell attcndcd and rvas in -fhc vcar'sfir]al pub mcct camc in Seplcmbcr A dry cvcning but cool ancl stark contrastto that ofJune and .Ju]1lI'oI o1lcea perl'cc1sulnmcr's as thc dirrknesscomcson thal bil quickcr,I u'asn'tc)ipcclillg ?rhugc tur.nolll cr.cnilg anclthc cars.iustca c \\Irongl I allivccl to find 5 cals alreadvaIxl b)' thc cnd ol the eveninli,28 caN rclling in filling up thc village had bccn countcclwhich is a phcnon,enal amount lbl a SePt(rnlberevcning. green fionting thc pub. \\ie hacl Of thc 2B cars. 7 ter-e 'club' cars including ir rcrl'smrrt Austin i\95 orvnccl 35 classi(carsthat rright,oru-bcsl by Rcx Clcavcr rvho had driven dor'-n hrrm north Oxlordshirc. N4y old eler nieht in lr:r'rrs ol overall \ranclcn Plas 3 litre turnr:d up with ht:r'ncrv otner along rvith Bill Stalellrs numlrcrs.Inclucledin that 35 \ ulc 4 COOCI cars,one of u'hich \\'asa vt'ry- Al 10. lbr the.l cvlirclcr line up wc h:rd Graham (itlc's A60, Baln'Smith in sm:rrtA55 mk2 bcklrging to Graham Coles'snit cc Alison, a norly rccr'(ritcd an A55 mk 2, a non UOOC nrcmbcl in a \Volsclscl 16160 ancl finall,vntv mcmber Unloltunatcly I couldn't get aJlthc COO() t:hiclcs togcthcr fur a Orlbrd. Onc pt:r'vrncamc up io mc and saicloLLllinc up looked likc a BN'ltl photo shootas thingswerc gclting Prellv c(ngestccl.Thc landlor-cll'irsnrshccl clcaler'slrrrccourt! n1 bcal lillagcls So lar as pub mccts go, that's it lbr Llsuntil ,\pr-i1as rvc closedolvn lor thc: o his fcd p lling pints and we haclthc thumbsqr liom ser'e \\'irrlcrhalf of thc 1r:irr.\Ve intcnd to stickrvith the silmePul) as thc n(r!v who scc our mcds as part of a lilllinc to sqrport the villagc prtb. landlacllt'as vcr'y kccn lbr us t() continllc. Ihc actual clayitsell though Belolc that ciamcll1eCowicv ClassicCar Shc,$rI djcln't makc this o c,lnt C:lrahamColcs dicl and hc took somc Photos ol CluL Clars at that shoh' rcnrains opclt lo dcb:1leancl I'11confirrn things in tlre ncxt Rll. I rt'ill:rlso havc ,Llcpor'l on the Thatcham ClassicCiarsho irl thc RR. This is th(: shoN (abovc). Bank Holiclay u'cekcnd cirme thc \'Vhitchorsc Sho\ at rrhcr-cour local group hold thcir altnull mll\: C)vo ALLgLrst Fingtls crossedthcn lrrr a salt f'rcc lvintcr lbllowcd bl a Jong dn rvarm Ulfingclol- Nline rvasthc only liarina, uhich arrivcd in lJorc Gro ancl lcft Mark Shcplcl . . ... . .. . . thc rally site in brorvn courtcsv o[:rl] the mucll Thc organiscrslverc laccd sumrrler. r'r,ith:r dillicult choicc beinll too late to pull a sirorvaf'tera baclthundr:Istorm
2012 h:rs bccrr a grcat ycar lor thc Lan<:as]rircarca {arolrp, having had thc opportunity to host thc Natiol:rl l{ally (secRalll' rc:portp?rgc6). l)ecerrlrcr rvill scc our anlual Ch stnlasdinne)' rvhich thc dzrteand loczltionarc still to bc conlirmt:d, so, il you arc NO I on tht: ftrrurn,anclrvoulcllikcdctails,pk],lsccoDtactmc via email vi:r P()slal lhc addrcss shor,"nin the clctailsshown on pagc 2) \{c <rntirrrc to h:lc our monthl,vmcelingsidctails c,npage 2) ar'rdmcnrlxls nov and old ar-cvcry t'elconrc to.join us irt l hc Boalyardpub on tllc 2nd \\tclncsdiry ol eachmonth lrom BPm
lvlcmbcr \'{illiirrn Eustacc scnt mc lhis Photo of his 1967 Oxlbld, takcn on August l9th 2tll2 rvhilc taking part in a charity mn in Count,v Cork, olganisecl by tbe 1)uhallorv Vintege Club. lbllorving thc run, urchcquc for â&#x201A;Ź1,{i00tvas prescntcdto a local school lbr rhcir'spccialnccclstlasscs. in Irclirncl,this Oxlord also displals its ,\lthr-rughr-e-rcgistcrcd original British pl:rte,Il'lA 722E, :r nicc relerenccto its origins-
rvith thc ArrlLral llNl(l/BL \'Vr:llthc poril rlcather has continu<rdto disrtpt our s<:ason Rally at Ncnc P:rrt being probirbl)'thc wcttcst one trl all l;ut likc mysclf a|r'rsure rve still r:njoycdtbis rrr'y wcll organiscclcvt:nt. I cmaileclSara Nve altcnvar'clsto thank her ancl ali thosc invoh,ecllor thc h:rld rrork thal I know gocs into organising it . .l am slLrcI spokelor lr,anv of us th:ll .lttcndcd. lil thc sccondIlar runDinqa sm:rllerent hckl at r\ coupleof t'ccks later-lattenclt:d Palshangcr Acrodromc uhit:h is loc:rtcd on drt: outskirts ol \\rt:hvyn Gardcn Clitlr Organiscclby thc North l,onclon flying Club thclc $as asail a vtly nice sclertion oi' vehiclcsof all agcsaud tlpt:s plrrsthc aclclccll)onLrsol light vilLlgt aircrall goitrgup and dorvn during the courst:of thc day a vcrl nit:t dtv anclrvru-nlclavanclalso rvitllin h:rll This cvent is grrtilrg biggl ancl thcrc is irlsoan adcl(d attr'.rrti(,rr an hours drive lirr r'r'rc. of a band and solo singcr ol coursc singing/plavingsuitablcpcr-iodmatcrial Plus relicshments'ailablctoo. The lbllorving \'!i'dncsda,vI attcndcd the Acc Cielc'sllNI(l 6{)th Anniversary cr, nirre in North Lonclon. I didn't tirkenr,vC)xlbrclasI tas at lvork so rvcnt along altcnvards and thcrc r'r.crcsonrcfine BIIC motors on sholr I1 was go()clto seea Ii$ laniliar laccsrvitit N,Iy ncxt evcnt t'as thc thircl uu:kcnd in Scptt:rr,bcl clorvn in Cloxlcy Grccn ncar \\rirtiord lbr 'fllzrssicson thc Gluri with Caltcrs Stcam Firir u'hi(:h:rgairrrr'as:r vc 1 ni:, dry day alclattracts all qpcs of vchiclcsfiom fhr irnclrvide.Norv in its umptcenth vcar', it is well cslablishcdindeedand ahvaysa most drjoyable clayJustlhc AGNI :rnd Ralll' now in October to look lbrrvard to as thc rrishtslcz ly drat'in ciullr Our montlil o'ening meetingsarc sLillonly running rvith a small haldlil of us ltrr n4ich I thank thoseo[ you \\,ho do ,1llendblrt llo\\' lorlg will l)c kccp goiDgI don't knorrr Pctcr Batchelor' N{eanruirik:, thc r-estolltion of the sok: lenaining Irish assembl:d\\blseley I5l60. AZA 396 fsccl{ l{ 136)is continuing,and t}rc , i r r o \ , . f . , N l i ,h r , l a n d fF- q u . O Br i .r ,. havc now joincd up as Club \llelnbers. Havine sccn the car sonc months ago, thc amourrt of rvork bcitrg done is indeed imprcssile, and by drc timc this is in print it shouid hare bccn rc-spraved in lwo lone grcen, Shane Cjonwav
Novth East
Hi Membe$, just thought I would let you know that the weather hasn't been any kinder up north than the rest of the Counhy Our olvn Nofth East Rally at the Durham Regatta was called off at very short notice The Newby Hall Ra.lly which ahvays attracls a lot of our Members was also cancelled Any Members who had to pay an entrance fee will have the fee held over lor nexr year. However the rain did keep off for most of the day at the Moffat Rally which we attendedin the WolseleyJimWilson organisedthe Club Stand and we had a eood turnout of Club Cars, before SteveandJoanne left with the Members who were going on the ScottishTour'Jim alwaysmahesyou most welcome, thar <youJim. After reading the ChesterfieldArea Repoll in the last magazine about attmcting other BMC/BL ownersto lheir meetings,I would like to mention that Howad Ellis who is also Area Secretarylor the 1i00/ 1300 Club rang me to ask if we would object to any of their memberscoming along to our meetings.Howard came to ourJuly meeting and is hoping that some of his memberswill come along in future. We still mect in the Vanc Arms, Long Newton on the first Monday of each month exceptBanh Holidays The first weekend in August saw us take the Vanden Plas down to Hatton garden Village near Warwick to attend the Vanden Plas show day on Lhe Sunday It is i very nice venue to hold a rally with plenty to see and do lt would appear that the high price of perol is staring to deter owners of the
routeplan of carefulplanningincludingputtinga detaiLed After and accommodationlist togetherand ensurng we had a Club Stand at Moffat,the ScoltlshTourwas fina y upon us. We drove up to Scotch Corner to meet Werner and PriskaBeyelerwho had travelled 700 miles from Switzerlandto take part n the trip We were joined by Dave Strettonand Paul Dryden with a brace of lront wheel drive 'BMC cars, Eric & Jean Edwards in thelr ovely Triumph2500 Estate,l\,4ike Davs in h s A60 a'o Andrew& Susar lvarti^dalewfo were coni.g Jp lo Motfatforthe ra y ln his SunbeafirTalbot,but were unableto take part in the who e tour due to familycommtments.The convoywas completewnen PauLDobbinsarrivedin his 16/60. We drove up the A66 and M6 throughtorrentlalrain arr ving at Gretna to Green about 11am ior a short break beforetravellng on up the I\/174 sore of our grouolook part'n tl'e lloffat'or Lherally Ol arrivingir l\,4ofal scenic road run to St l\,4arvbLoch whlle others checked in to their B&Bs or pokedaroundthe auiojumbleon the rallyfleld.A greatsoc al eveningwas had by all, startingwith a mealat the wor d famousStar Inn,which is the narrowestpub followed by a lew pints n varloushosteiriesaround Motfat Sundaywas the maln day for the rallyand we were joinedon the c ub AndrewShortel,A an Logan Ron stand by Jim W lson AllanL4cquerter, John Churchilland StewartLeslieto namebut a few The rally Gilbertson, was I s LsJa br a-r self with elarnp es ol .u<taooJt every popJlarca' ever made and an enthusiasmfor the cars only found in Scotland Our awardswere presentedto Allan [,4cwhrter for his Rlley4/72 and Geoff Codling2nd pr ze The dlstanceawafd went withoutquestionto Wernerand Pr ska Beyelerfor their Oxlord, whlch by thjs time had covered approx 820 miles to attend the rally.Werner aLsowon an award from the organisersof the l/lotfat rally. Bv now it was tlme for our hardy littlegroup to head north on the first leg of our tour of the Hlghlandsand ls ands. Fjvecars headed out on to the [/]74 lead by Joanneand Jin our trusty old Oxford Travellerclose y followed by M ke Davis in his 460, then Werner & Pr ska in their Oxford Stuart Leslie in his Wo seley fol owed by Erlc & Jean in the Triumph2500. We would meet Allan Mcwhider at Hamiton servicesafterhe had picked up some sparessomewhereenroute.A an Loganwou d join us on skye tomofiow in his l\4agnetteThis completedour merry littleband We arrived ln Ca ander aftera pleasantand uneventfuljourneyin t me for a lish supper in the park by the river. Mondaydawned (wellactua y it didn't rea y get dark)f ne and sunny and after a ohoto shoot n the car park we set off on our very scenlc drive northto Skye,callingat G encoe,the CommandoMonumentnearSpean Bridoe and the E len DonanCastleen route.We also stopped n FortWillam to reluel at Morrison'sand th s caused both Eric and I running problems Juelcontainsethano in furtherup the road. lt seemscheap supermarket oreaterouantitiesthan the normal5% found in most of today's petrol overdosing with my patent mixtureof redex and 2 strokeoil soon cured the problemand the Oxfordran smoothy once more Stuckout on a singlelrack road at the most nonherlytip of Skyewith a misfiringOxfordwas a little worrying to say the easlL Tuesdaywas a free day for everyoneto enjoy Skye in thelr own way As
bigger cars who have to travel any distance to attend shows as the tr'rrnout for this show was yery poor On the Monday we left Warwick to drive or"erto North Wales to join Steve andJoanne on the Welsh Tour The Tour was based in Dolgellau in the Snowdonia National Park. On Tuesday morning we met up with the other Members, wc already6rew 3 couplesas they were alsoon the ScottishTour last year, so we knew we were in good company In all we had five Club Cars, one Triumph 2.5 estatcand a Daimler V12, just a nice number lor when it came to parking at the various places we visited. As always, Steve leaves nothine to chance and his vast knowledge of the area includes all the car parks aswell. The weather was pelfect cach day which I am led to believe was unusual for this part of Wales. It was so hot one afternoon that Joanne enjoyed a paddle in thc sea,unfortunately I did not have my camera with me. We left Wales on the Friday morning and I made a very bad decisionto travel home via the M6. Unfortunately there was a bad accidentaround the Prcston arca and we had to take a detour o1I the motorway We eventually arrived home at 6.30pm.We did over 700 trouble-freemiles altogetherin the Vanden PIas,which returned 20.5 mpg and used 2 pints of oil lVe had a most enjoyable time in Wales with good company and a bit of banter in the Unicorn Hotel eachnight. Our thanksgo to SteveandJoannewho obviously spend a lot of time planning thesetours. Hoping to meet everybodyagain next year in cornwall Ron G'bertson
Rockviewpointand aterin at the Portreefor a noggln and a naiter. Wednesdaysaw us headingback to the ma n and flrstto Plockton,which was the settingior the h tTV serles"HamishflcBeth" staringRobertCaryle Then on to the stunning"Beaach Na Ba" pass, which for rne was the highlightof the tour.Someof you may have seen thjs featuredon the TV d(i|ingthe wintermonthsor may havebeenover it your selves.Thisls the UK's 2nd highest road and probably one of the steepest and narrowest mountan passeswlth many very tight hairpinbends.Only the Harknotts pass in the Lakes comes c ose to this one. Any way we all made it to thetop at 2O0Ofeet withoutmishap and more lmportanty back down again What a sightour convoyof farina'sand Eric'sTrumph made.A bus stoppedat the vlewpointcar park and it'soccupantsseemedmore interestedin our cars than looklngat Loch K shorn far down below The wealher was clos ng n so we headed back down to sea or Loch leve and all d ved n to the Watersidecaf6 in Loch Carron.Joanneand I left the parly here as we were heading down to Onlch and would be iolned by the restof the groupon Thursdayevening. On eaving Loch Carron l\4ikeDavis found the descent of "Bealach Na Ba" had takenits to on his 460 brak ng system.A cylinderor maybetwo had blownand the mastercy lnderwas emptyand he had very littlein the way of brakes.Toppingthe f u d up and pumplngthe pedalbroughtsome degree of peda pressureback and he was able to drve back to Skye and loin us at Corran Bunkhouseon Thursday.I b ed the brakes and restored peda pressureand with carefulregularfluldchecksand subsequenttop ups he was ab e to completethe tour safey. I had come preparedwith cy inderrubberkits,hosesand fluidetc and ol coursemanymorespares but fortunateynonewere needed. A good nlght was had by all ln the FourSeasonsBar at nchreethat evenng. Fridaysaw us head ng south along the shoresof Loch Linnheto Easdale on the lsle ol Se I w th a photo shoot enrouteat "The Br dge Over The Atlantic".Arrivingat Easdae whlch was the settinglor the 1960s film starrlngBil Traversand VirginiaMcKenna"The R ng of BrlghtWatef' we were gree.edoy I re surs^ 1e ald everyo^esperl a haooy l^ou' or so exploringthisprettywestcoastfishingvillage.Thenwe headedto Inverary which includeda very scenlcdrivealongthe shoresof Loch Linnhe,Loch Etlveover the pass of Brander and along the shores of Loch Awe before descend ng down to Inveraryon the shoresof Loch Fyne. The weaiherdecided to spoi our afteTnoonso we headed back to Corran for our finalnightat the FourSeasons. Saturday morning saw a much-dep eted convoy of three cars heading home over Rannoch lvloorand along the shores of Loch Lomond belore hitting the motorway networkal Glasgow Did I enjoy the tour in the end? Yes of courseI didll I get greatpleasurefromorganisingand eadingour club trips. lwould be lying f lsaid lwasn't dlsappointedmore members couldnl joinus like ast year but we stiLhad a greattlme We still have our Cornish trip to look forward to next year' lf you have nevertahenpaa ir one o'ou'loLrs w1y n us J.5l ask soleor e who has been wiih us lf they enjoyed it and what fun we had I hope lots of you wi join us in Cornwallnext year. SteveTurner it wasmostof us metup for a
Phatasappasi!epagefrmtop:rheNeVisBange:KiltBackv]ewpoint'1sleofskye:TheTaUlineup:pizesattheMofta|C1assicCatSh0w'se oX|ardSeriesVl:WernetBeyele||ufhes||rvelled820ni1es|rnswjtzerlanc]]Mastpopu1a|ca|WasAtan MofaIeventwasverywella|tendea;YaUaranise|sJaanneandSrveTUne|'IhispageTheradtaApp1ecrossandthe|amausB piiij'ttn,ti,*|''s,,dgeoveriheAtlanic.atClachanB|idge'ls1eo|seil'Betow:t:heTaVstarting!heasc 'liunpn z.S tstate,M*e OZvisAustin BeyeierMottisaxt'otdViLHD 16/6A,Werner CanbridgeAtanMcwhiierRiley4/72,StetraftLeslieWolsetey
Tour f,ly Scottish Davis Member 6841 bv Mike
Satuday:Wethuney up ta Molfalanivingat abaut tunaf about50 milesup 113Aamin tinefar Ihearcanised DastSl Marv'sLoch.Ihe sunshoneanusfattheMallatCal Showon Sunday,tritha gaaddisplayaf ClubCarcon our siand lal uptaCallandet at 4 pn andiauneved WeleltMolfat au avetnightstap. on thelsle0l Manday: 9 3AamWeall setoll lat Potlrce antvingal oul Skye- goodlauney wilhlavelyscenety, BSB;about6 3APn rcspective Weallaurownlhingbutatanepantweallhad fuesday: hadthe sanetdeaand allnet upat thesane viewingpoint an Ihe Na heastcaaslaf Skye.Skyels vety banenbul I \/isiledlhemuseunal lslandLile landscaDe. beautiful slonebuit crctls' in a collectian at'prcltvthalched housed andshowedhawagticultueandhe ng vetyinlercsling ftshing\tlasthe nainstayal mastaf the lslandercand at causeweavtngll wasa lovelyhotsunnydaywhichnadeall lhediflercnce
t'/eall tnvelledbackta nainlandScatland Wednesday: taPlacklon ria theSkyeBridge(whichis quitebtealhtaking) pass.Ihis was LacttCanan,andthenup the.\pplecross quitenarcwandsteep,butalltheFainasmacle awesome. i! withrcasuableeasewltha shartbrcakal thetap andwhat a view!Coningbackda\M\tasa littlescarywtthnunercus tighthaipinslikeyaugel ar A/pinepassesfhal wasane dive naltabe nissed. hanewrh laane(lfotlherclurn 9 sAam Thusday: lautney a stapot'lof 2 nightsal Anich neatFa Williamftidays over wealhetwasnixedbul weallt entta lhelsleol Easdale thebtidgeavettheAtlantic'natasgnndasil saundsl ts rcailya glotifiedhumpbackbtidgev/ithone snalltshatch islandandthesunshonebnghlly. is a beautifullittie Easdale Wethen\avelledbackt0 1nichviaOban Satudaycane alllaa quicklylar au t'inalleghane We taautlneTlsfrcn Zuich,Switzeandand saidau farcwells l annotatways a longdivehone,butmosUy atherc.1!was about6 30pn advetlbackat Tadcaster by SteveandJoanne Touorganised Analhetlantastic lunet, andEatefulthanksgaesIo then bolh fhesetaus thaughtout with lhe totttesarc ate vety wotthwhlle, ) rre qoocl,bpp-q e t rcr . d"'tell - d5....,n nrld a^oSteL places.Ihadagrcat ne.
HiSteve, thetout,whichI JuslIosaythanksagainlot aryanising in lhesecondhalfof verynuch enjayeddespitelhev,leathet theweek!WheteI an theweathetthispaslweekhasbeen nobetler! at'terI galhonewasa ln thepaperlheTuesday rclercnce@ ATlecrcsson lhewo dnap whichsays' A rcnop tlighlandrcatl hasbeennanedalongstde Anenca'sfanausBoule66asoneaf lhewarld'sgrealest toulein WestetBoss,whbh cathuneys. TheApplecrass has naunlainscenery, lwistsandtuns thraughspectacular juslbeennanedasaneof thebeslplaceslot a roadtip by giantsaysa dnve TheUSpublishing NatanalGeagtaphic. alonqthelornetcaftletack is e\terybil asexhilantingas ot lhe SilkRaad SunselBoulevard Rouie66, Hotlywood's haipinbendsal the actosscentralAsia.Theheat'stopping ol a rcllercoastel naBaoftetsdriverslheequivalent Bealach ride,sayske nagazine". Caincidence iuslafteta COOCttip,or what? Slewan Leslte
Men*bers'Le*ers"' Deo!M! Bradbuly, Thenkyoufor givingmea flnal chanceto lenelYroy nembelshipto C00C.I hedintendedto renowwhenthe renew&lformws,8reoeived,but bocamofll shortly aftor ard nislaid the form- still havenot fourd it ln spitoof looking0I ovoritl I then thought$eUI hs,veDotolvn€da Farinasinc€ 1996soit is lerhapsjust ar well I callod!0y m€mbership ove! now.I hadhopedto tly to obtail anothercar,but 8ge unlikelyto obta'iD andill-healihlrecludedit I amthePeforo one.gowev6!I enioythe nagazino& wouldmisslt' I have slnce1960when beeno MorrisOxfordSerios5 enthusiast ny father boughthis firsi BMCcor,u! lo then webought Hilnan Millx oarsfron UncleJackat P & E Finn€YLtd' the Minx &nd RootosAgsnisof Bu!y.Rootesthon redestgned resr fhs whiohfatherand with thosololled_ovor Ga,zslle soheboughttheoxfordSeries5 fromUncle mvselfdisliked, BMcAgontsalsoof Bury we were J;e e[ Jos€Dh Cock€hoot, very ploas6dwith it. l encloserny chequefor 520.00
OurFarlnaForumwebste hasbeenactives nce February2008and oneof ils man features is the abiityto sharephotoslt'sso popuarthatwe've nowamassed ovef10,300pictures whlchf printed andla d end-lo-end, wouldstretch over12m es l'm suremostof us havepictlresin shoeboxes, or evenon a PC,thatarestofedwitnno thoughtabouthowto f nd thernagainquicky Oneuseful feat!reof the Forums p cturega ery s theabiityto "tag a photo.Ths is theequva entof wrt ng a noteon thebackof yourold paper photos.Thesetagscanihen be usedto searchfor a photoat a aterdate. n an dea word peoplewoud tag the r own picturesbut I reaised that this isn'tgo nt to happen,at eastnotwithanydegreeof accuracyor consistency. So, had a d lemma- do we simpy continle etllngour albumsexpandintoan evergrowingv riua shoebox,or do we do somethng to bringthemto ife? OnethingwassLrrethejob wasgettingb ggereveryday so I dec ded to takeacton The firststep was dec ding whal tags to Lrse.Theyhad to be consistentand enoughto makethe appearin a searchbut nol too manyas to makeit limeconsumng lo enter.So decldedon the fo lowing- Make,lvlode Reglslfaton Number(withoutspaces) Colour(basc primaryco ours suchas Red,B ueandGreen)with anadditional tagif thecaris DUOTONEpant andf nalya notef it wasan Engineor Interiorpictufe. The ast twotagswereusedbecausemostof oLlrphotosareof the outsde of cars;havingInteror and Enginetagsalows us to searchfor thosetypesof piclures. Thenextprobemwaswhowasto undertake thismammothtask?| put outan appea on the Forum for any memberswhocoud hep and quicky assembleda smal teamof volunteerArchivsts The 10,000photoswerespreadover500pages(20photosper page)Eachpagewasnumbered, but new p c t u r ew s e r eb e i n ga d d e da l t h e l m e , s o w e d e c d e d t o s t a r t w t h t h e o l d e s t p h o to sl r sta n d w o r ko u r waybacktowa.dsthe atestones.The500pagesweresp it intobatchesol 10(200photosper batch) and a commLrna spreadsheet was set up so thatArchivsts coud recordtheir|ame and start/ end datesfor eachbatch.Thisprocessstartedat the beg nningof AL-tgust 2012andwascompletedm dOctoberA fantastceffortand mythanksgo to MarkShepey GeorgeWeatherley and an Leelor al theirhardwofk So nowwete readyfor members lo startreapingthe benefitsol all thishardwork. Thesearching of photoscanwork n a numberof ways1) Yaunay be casuallybrawsingsamepicturesand see a car lhat intercstsyau. ln the battan ighthand coner af the piclure will be a list of tags - includingthe RegislratianNunber Click an lhe tag and allpjclues featwingthatcar willbe displayed. 2) Yaumay wanl ta see whatan Auslin Westninstetenginebay laakslike - ga to the PHOTaSpage ENGINE in thesearchbox andyou'llt'indthemall (currcntly and enterWESTMINSTER 54!) 3) Yaumay be wanderingwhata Moftis Oxt'ardlaakslike in a blue paint. Entet OXFARDBLUEin the seatchta seeall exanJles- or OXFORD BLUEDUO-IONEto seesameevenniceranesl Thepossibilities areendlessand I be ieveit realy doesbreathenewlifeintoour a b!ms. Whynol visit the Forumtodayandgiveil a try?- to uselhe Forumthenpleasesendme an emaileddie@morrisoxford-com li you'venotyet regislered slraighlaway! and l'llgetyou regislered EddieFosler,FarinaFor!mAdminislralor
THEMANWHOREALLYMADE THEMINI... 'I'hc Iirst lirll bioglirphv ol Lconarcl Lord is nol rvailablc as a soli back and c-book. Brick by Blick. Thc Bioglalrh,vof thc Man Who Rcally Nlaclethc tr{ini Lconard Lorcl (ISBN 978-I-4772-031P'-7 and 978-1-.1772-O31i-0 r'cspcctivciy) publishcdll AuthorHousezrtf l5.0,l (UK)tracks thc momcntoLrs lile of the man rcsponsiblelbr all our cars,cxplolinq thr: myths and mysteries. 'fhc author: llanln Nutland, is an arvard rvinning motoring journalist o[ Dearly 50 yeal.s'cxpclicncc. Vru t:ar olrrain lirll derailsof his book, see a selectionof ple\ iolrsh unpublishedphotos and eren read sanple chapter-s on
Yoursfa,lthfuly KenUn$vorth,Menbershi!N0 2828 sup\orl Ken.It's alwa)t mceta Thanklouforyur cantinued lftar Members'rcminitcmces F-d.
MOTORISTAND MO]OR CYCI.IST PRACTICAT Alonntous octasion.Itrd signssr,lislFatina.Ba itta .ttandsui t Lord. san, ,\ugh i.rbehindthecat uith Loftl'i d4)uu, (;earye Harriman. (Coly,tighL Bitish Motor Industrl, Haitage Trutt)
SouthernTV Ihanlstolr'l?rn ftneis lofihisphoro ri L,i€s salectofl theSofthefn II/sudros rr Scllihanrpior balrfeil ,6sdemor,sred. L,l-.ferlsri /nlhairfeaeplra, l/rigfidiarl area Comment by l|larkAnnetsonAugust29,2012 i ira'-eilr-.o|grialproioina ia,-r,.e lirsl ercbf lrrepcoierandi .rasiale, aboul20, farCsirrrr anj,,,rardiool]l Comment byTrevor& clendaChambers onAugust29,2012 Fariasircl / fa,/€a pnoico!a Zephtt6 coii\'etddiiiel/rrs /il,oir/00(a/rs-"rl iitereare molflrfgsiersbuitfila litercatbitnpetandanlite,,nrEr io! lsaarr/f closetoiheiii,Er L'ap fiilrCi/r:li/agonliteruy Lpll sc iherellrLslhay-!beeia iarabit,l sirengifeing tf fiai beihaj/x/eferi sorusly' baciilite/rlLajcfo, oic.urseihcfr,il,g/rted /he nlclorsea 4tfi /ers Commenl by BobMetzner onAugusl31,2012 tcri !i,,,eJolr Lrl.y:rr rdeas I'orhs reri Farnapioloshoolr
7'i '
lfiesels onParade 1967 (/511)and HellaI an e newl\,lenber ya,.rnigtt lthoLtght likethisphala /l /aslakenbyne Outside thel't/tlltan Harve|PubltcHaLtse ,4shI0rd. Kenl]/r lh€suu/re/ol 1967Thecas belon1ed lo SlarIaxrsofAshfard \t/tranI t,tsed la dn\/el0rasa pal tlneDriver. I havedrive,bolhcafsard lhey /ereDies""i engned.| ,,ras pital)eraphet a frcelence andfTascoyeirrga t|teddligv/llen lhis|l/astaken. Ay'y Iu//irnte1obl'Lras a, Fieclronics Ergi/]eer r,r/rich rsslii/rny bLrsrness lodayEve|ln 196/anehadi0 hayeseyeral/Obs 10rnakeends fleei./]olhing seenslohavechanged. I doubt if eilher carhessuryryed /r,i0uidloyetaknowif anyone krratus dit't'erently l',.,lalcoin Paqe.MarsiorKent
. .t",":+
..{ -
L A NE F DR DUR , 4 ' 6 t r
WISTRIDGE GAREGE €L''tFl :i ,D .R y)E . i .a.W. ' -:!q?!ar.E
tif ,.t ,
\{hcn rve bought our A60 on the Islc of \{ight, rle lbund that it had a smallplzrquellstened insideu' namc of the garagcu4rich had supplicd it. So last,vcar, we dccidedto sceif r'r'ccould fincl \\icstr-idgc(ialagc, on the outskirtsof Rydc.\{c dr-or up on the lbrecourt and parked. Onc of thc salesmencame out to talk to us:urd said that the garagewas still orurcd il' thc samefamilv asin 1962.He rvcnt to fcLchhis fathcr,rvho livesin thc housebchind the garage. l his gentlemantold us that he had undertakcnhis apprenticcshipat thc garageto becomea mcchanicand hc r-cmcmbcrcd the first A60s supplied Lo thcn.r. \lithout any hcsitation, hc told us the registration numbcr of drc iir-st,,\60 144r\DL. 1'his happensto bc thc original rcgistrationnumbcr of our .460l I1c g-avc us a bricf history ol thc local orvrers oi the czrr' a.ndhc rcmcmbcredworking on it and sen,icinpiir. Thc garagcuscdto kccp old rccords,but a couplc: o1'yearsago a leaking rcxrf lccl to tht: dcstruction of lots of rccords.\{hat a shame.\Vc rvercallou'ed to drivc thc car into thc rvortsLop 2rt the reat \\4rcrc\\'c took somc photos. Here are someof thc photos.\\rc'rc plzrnningon going-back this ycar-,asit is thc car''s5OthBirthday
201!Ealenilar 0tter EflfiE
fierc Icsfulls, il'stlriltimc a0dn.llu'll h cndune Glillr$$ i$ ru[[i$[urtlnDlril[[ri$nta$ail'Hinilrrr$ ynu $mrin! intficermcfiair. lt lcasfi crtll[ml fficlatcst Hlgrilar lllcriru lrom t[cG00G. throullr Prcirldonally producod,thlsA3 slzed off.dnq io€rurs5 pedod t960t 8Mc .dv.rdllng Int rtlidn.d wlth club c'Is trom todry.
Priced at f14,99 including UK delivery, and f18-99 tor Intornational orders including delivery. orders must be received by Monday November 26th to guarantee delivery for Christmas, Ordor onlino at lf you'd like to payby.heque (payableto TheCambridge-Oxford OlvneryCublthen pleasefill in the slip below @holocopierpennittedJ and post, along with payment to: COOC2OT3CAIE PAR OFFER do Mr E. Foster, 26 Ashd.le Roed, Mrrur Bridge, Wigrn, wNg sQT
Address: Postcode:
Email: Pleasesend me
Home Tel: COOC43 calendars,lenclose payment of
Mobi l e:
",:i."jFlI ir
This is thâ&#x201A;Ź Bottoir Lifl-Up Hofch Bock
,.A US S IE '' S AVIN G BY CL TFF BouLToN This car was put away in what the farmer classed as a garage in 1991,and he unfortunately passed away soon afterwards. His son drove it a few times, but 1991 was it's last year on the road. It was moved to a barn when the garuge roof was found to have collapsed,then moved again to another barn when the space was needed. Moving involved being towed by a tractor, then pushed in with a large straw bale on the front of the tractor. The last MOT datedNov 11th1991,gives the mileageas 37,569,and the speedo when I bought it read 37,910.1was approachedby the son at a show in Kent back in July who asked if I knew of anybody that wanted to buy a CambridgeEstate, and that was it. I went to see the car with my son, and you can guess lhe resl I just had to buy her. "Aussie" is now back on the road as a rolling restoration, with a fair bit of welding carried out. The engine is very nice and she drives just fine!
Westy RollsAgain!
Thisis notthefirsttimethiscarhasrolledat thisspotbecause John Fitzpatrick rolled lhe car during ihe Bevivalin 2008admittedlywith some momentduring testing forthisyear's Goodwood Revival assistance Aheartstopping tromanA35(seeBRl22,p.l5), popular Meeting AustinA95Westminster asJohnYoung's 'HardyHerbert' SadlytheWestminster, byKenny Breck, was whichwasto beco-driven Mark toobadlydamaged clipsthetyresandrollsto destruction, ascaptured byphotogapher to be repaired tor theeventandis almoslcertainly website. John beyond Amorandfealured ontheexcellent andSDortcar' 'Classic saving. fortunalely withoutinjury. escaped
Pinrn F,tuo aa un srond noisttur, d.occotd si ts cndl d. llh du cuiorlisn ndtt. I Na ruo, por to pdrornd/ft, | ,
Coups 3tandard.., matu latez-moi ce tbsu I qu.
L{ lncoq rror I drF... Irrur' dud
qu r.n buh $idrvtduilbd! s ou@e;o D ,6dru1
M a - | h M t k [ | '3 |!m .- 0 :Gd .'.
L'uolod falt ls forcs, mals...
Hello, asa ClubMemberherein France, I duidedk send2outhisdocument t0 bepubtishedf M1 Englishis nol sogood, )au areintoested. Iatk n2friendAmostohelpme... . SPIROU is a comicbookorjeinaly publishedin Belgium "for thosJagcd betweenthe ageof 7 and 77,,.Betwecn1952 and 1978a charactercalled Starter testedall thc ncw carsthatwereput on thc markct. is an anit lc on rhc MC Magnerrc .Following wich appearedin issuc l l05 dated lBJtie 1959.The word "farinite,,isuseto designate thc obsessive usageof Pinin Farina bodGs under difibrent brands of BMC Group. Bestregards, JeanLuc EMEW
audtr b o l b !Ai n &s''d d
tMc, woh,r.y, Mo,n, rn!y), L! hn c ro
soulr d0 buou: -
ndr od t! n. .un lrr
r! xrruvr
pudotr d6
drdo'd, .
A NATION.WIDE ORGANISATIOI{ IS AT YOURSERVIGE out cqt Brihin, sbftn s'U.'ftrin.dt.chtriti's!re
We sell probably the cheapest Stainless Steel Exhausts on
#,'fuaRosErrE rffi.&RECORDER ' ' ' -BaGkllumbers Seruice
for all
Thdfollowing odginal BRsarestillavailabte: 1185,Aas, AA6, 4tA6,1ta7, 4tA7, 5tA9, 2t9O,3t9O,4t9O,5t90,6/90, t/91, 53, 55, 57,59,60,61,62,64,65,66,67,68,69,71, 72,73,74,75,77,78,79, 80,81,82,8it,84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 9{r,94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,1(x),101,102, 103,104,105,t06,107, 108,109,1t0, 1rl, 1la 113!114 115,116, 1'17,114,119,1m,12'l,12.,123,1241,1, 1n, 12B,129,13IJ,'131,132, 133,134135,136, 137 OurBacknumbers Officer, CliffBrock, hasa co.nplete setof RosetteRecoroers fromNumber1 andis prepared to photo-copy articles or complete newsletters for members at cost. CliffBrock,4ConiterClose,St Leonards, Ringwood, Hants.BH242RF. TeleDhone: 014254727 99 (stamps Please enclose or cash)gopfor1 copy, El.20tor upto 3,11.60for 4 to 6,andt2.50for 10.Please writeyouraddress you. clearly.lhank
Lohgbridge Lane, Loscoe, H€
Derbyshire DETs
1000'sOF PARTSFOR 1,000'sOF CARS
Earlpart is a familyrunbusiness whichwasoriginatty estabtished in 1973 Foroverthjrlyyears,Earlpart hasdevetoped a reputation for qualitypartsat competitive supplying prices
Polo Sh Sweat T-shirts Boiler Suits Boiler Suits ( Rally Jacket Baseball Cap New Style Enamel
Wehaveover15catalogues, partsformodelssuchas detailing Wolseleys, A60's,Rileys,Tdumphs andmany,manyothers, toonumerous to mention lfthe makeofvehicloyouseekis notljstedin ourrangeof cataloguos, theslaffhereat Eaflpart arehappyto tryandsource yourrcquirements possible whercver Ourin houseexhaustmanufacturing centremeansthatwe can offeryoulop qualityexhausts at priceswhichsimplycannotbe bealen.Cutlingoutthe middleman'meansthesesavrngs can nowbe passedonio you
Itissti poss ble1orCambddge-oxford owners Clubmembers totakeadvantage ollhespecial Club Discount scheme operated bytheMC.Inodertoqualify please quote your forthedscolnt, narne andCllbmemboFhip (07966 numbtr totheSecretary vatheClub Hot|ine 249506)
€14.50 ELa,75 ELI,25 POA POA POA €11.O0 €16.50
All these itemsare availableto orderfrom: Geoff & Georgina Codling, 30, Hawling Road, Market Weighton, York. YO43 3JR. Telephone:01430 873690, All items subject to P&Pat t6.95 per order (includina VAT) and from ReqaliaOfficersat manv Ctub Raliies,
RM VehicleServices
T EL :0 1 6 5 36 9 3 1 8 3
Bichard Martin Classic Car SDecialist
Service,Repairs& RestorationOnAtt BMC& BLCarsi951-1980 (Serice& rcpoisundertoken onmostother1950's, 60's& 7O'sCors)
All mechanicalwork undertaken,lrom servicingto maiorrebuilds BodyRepairsincl. PanelWork, PaintWork, Wetating,RestorationWo* Farinasalwayswanted,whalevermodelor condition!
Body Repairs,Waxoyling,Valeting,MOT's by Appointment. Engine Rebuilds,Clutches, Brakes. UnleadedConversions& EngineTirning.
UsedSparesFor BMC Farinat
c.o.o.c. - E.YT.c.c.- M.M.O.C.
Approved Repairer - DISCOUNTTo
yeal,length Make, model, of ir0T, ofyourcalin BLoCK CAPITALS: wrib lhedescription Please details. condition, briefdescription, askingpriceandyourcontact coloul, manual/aulo, SURBEY KT10oDY REC0RDER,70 TELEGRAPH IANE,GLAYGATE, Thensendto: RoSETTE IN THECLUBACCEPTSNO LIAqLIT IN RESPECTOF VEHICLES,SPARESORSEFVICESADVERTISED THEBEIS NO CHARGEFOF ADVERTISING YOUB CAR IN THE RF. (M) IIIEIIBER THE ROSETTERECORDER.
FORSALE: AustinCambridgeA50 I haverealisedI shouldneverhavelel my Oxfordgo and wantanotherFarina.I only have 1 garageso sadlyI can't have with both.Thiscar is almostimmaculate not a signof rust. Needsnothingat all. TestedNlay2013.83250ONO. Fliccardo O'Connor07725102390 FORSALE: 1958AustinCambridge A55 lvlkl, ColourGrey,l\4GBengineand twin box,polybushedsuspensaon, carbs,lacetfuel pump,farinabrakes and wheels,red interior,12 month'5 so will need lVlOT, olderrestoration someTLC. Sellingdue to new project, lolsof historyand bills€2495or 82800 witha loadof spares.MrA.Thomas 01254875368Lancs.(m) 16/60 FORSALE:1971Wolseley Spare Completecar for rostoration. unleadedcylinderheadtotallyrestored by Earlpart.ColourDuotoneRed and CumulusGrey.q800.00.Telephonel\4r D J Ridler01823672394(m) Somerset FORSALE: 1966lvlorisOxlordVl. Bluewithcreamroof.85,000miles.
FOR SALE: Newand usedparts availablefor ihe A55 andA60 Farina range. Pleaseget in touchwithany Tel:01282 860909 requirements. evenings,or email (m) (Lancs)
Wolseley6y'110 & Austin Al10 Mk2 Fronl wheel Hub unit rebuilton an exchangebasisservice.Returned r€adyto boltbackon to your car lor another50,000plusmiles.Coniact StewartMorgan07774158005 hubs oJl\,1k2 lor price& availability WANTEO:l'm lookingfor a l/larina/ models. Sherpa1.8spinon oilfilterhousing. and a limitedsupplyfor l\4k'1 I'm not lookingfor the aftermarket Disc Brakes & TelescopicDampers: spinon adaplorsmindyoul I am offeringkitsfor frontdisc brake l\4arkShepley01865327647 (m) conversions, and telescopicdamper conversions fronl and rear,lor all WANTED:Looking for a pairol6/110 1500& 1600Farinas.Contact:I\,'like Laflin,NlodelFam, ChapelStreet, f rontOveriders.......good enoughto rechrome(no dents)or even NOSii I RocklandSt Peter,Attleborough, NodolkNR17l UJTel:01953 am rucKy. 483119rc78014448i,3.(m) ContaclStewart07774158005 Stewart.morgan3@btopenwo Servicing/RepalrsrMOT,Gearbox vehiclediagnostics etc. specialists, WANTED:A niceMorrisOxford E.C.AutocareA'1303ServiceStation, SeriesV that is in a reasonably good/excellent Bottisham,Cambs.01223 812357/ originalcondition.A goodpriceforthe rightcar.Simon 811122 0151625 1236(ev.)or email AmazingSpecialOfier for COOC Members:A completeservicefor your ClubCar torjust f120.00 inclusiveof all normalserviceitems.Yourcar will be lully serviced.lf requiredMOT carriedout. So, if your ClubCar needs a littleTLC,call SteveTurner01653 Discountedwheel CylindeJ 693'183, today.(m) ReconditioningServicefor Club Members:!26.05 plusp&p. quoto 6.CyllnderPower SteeringBoxes: exchange.COOCl\4embers LeakingWestminsler/ Wolseley/ specialcodeCW2011and your numberwhenplacingan VandonPlasPowerSteeringBoxes membership rebuiltusingall new seals& benchorderwilh Pasi ParlsLtd, Unit4, ChaseRoad,NorthernWay Industrial tested.Tel: Andy,01609776040 Estate,BurySt Edmunds,Sutfolk, (m) lP326NPTel.01284750729
WANTEO:AustinA55 Mkl orA95 Westminster. Car mustbe in good condition.Goodp ce paidJorthe right car by privatebuyer.ContactMichael Jawis 01604790399, lvlobilo07745839979
FORSALE: 460 SparesAllN.O.S.sxcept(4). ('1)Uhandfrontdoorlock,with2 keys, t2o. \2) Uhand in originalpackaging. fiont door lockwilh 2 keys,in a (non€18. (3) R4randrear original?)box. doorlockin box. !15. (4) R/handrear doorlock,appearsused,in working order.!10. (5) Bootlock,wilh key,good con. goodchrome,originalpackage. lront replacement !15. (6) 2 x l\4oprod brakeadjustmentkits l\4PK2,in original packages. (grubby) [10 each.{7) Fuel cap lock,tairlygoodchrome,no key.83. 4110 Spares:(1) Set of frontbrake padsfor Westminster A110etc.Average conditionfor theiryears.Scrutfyoriginal box.f15 (2) Setof 6 exhaustvalvesfor AustinA99,A110otc. packedin original box.€15. Photosil requirod.Postalcost givenwhen needed.Tet01474357121 Dominicl\4ilne(m) Kent
lUHNTED WANTED:Any N.O.S(newold stock) and chromeforthe AustinWestminster 6 cylinderlarinarangeof cars. (bumpers,grilles,lightsufiounds,lighi units,etc) 07842437595or 01202 769167TomWard{m)
and WANTEO:Any AustinWestminster 6 cylinderfarinarange(Wolseley6/110 and VDP3 litre)completecars,lrom sparescarsto goodexamplecars, O7A42437595ot 01202769167 Tom Ward(m) WANTED:A niceN4ofiisOxlordSeries V that is in a roasonablygood/excellent originalcondition.Agood pricefor the rightcar.Simon0151625 1236 (evenings)or email
WANTED:AustinA60 Cambridge. I am lookinglor a reallynice Austin460 Taxed(free)and validlvloT.The engine Cambridge,oithera saloonor an estate. runsbeautifullyand slartseasilyeven I'm not lookingfor a restorationproject on thesecold mornings.Verysmall but a reallynicecar readyto use and amounlof bodyworkto do, mainly enjoy.TelSteveTumer01653693183 q2200.Contact or emailf aroundlhe headlights. JamosBaskett07735472863West l\4idlands WANTED:Lefthanddrivesteeringbox, columnand dashboardforAustinA60. FOF SALE: Also requiredare one teat bumperoverRiley4n2 FrontGrilleNOS€70; riderandan 1800cc Marinaor MGB A60 Handbrakecable!20; engine.PleasecontactTrevorDeaneat A60 rearwheelbearingsx 2 !25; or trevordeaneclassics@ L704NOS red rearlensfor l\4orris phone0035385 1257400if anyonehas Oxfordf'l0; any ol thesepartsfor sale. NOSgirlingwheelcylindertittingkitsq5; 460 outerlrontwheelbearingsx 2 !20; WANTED:Austin460 Cambridge Pairof wiperwheelboxesfor 460 Saloon.I am lookinglor a reallynice (Lucaspart no 72713)NOS& boxed AustinA60 Cambridgewith manual qearbox.lrusl havered leatherinlerior. !30; Pairof NOS460 windowwinder 825 mechanisms Will considerif slightrestoraiionneeded. MarkShepley07702109901or email ol Pleasering lan Evans07733281902 markshepley62@ 01384859365(after4.30pm) Oxlordshire ianevansass@ FOR SALE: UsedSpares: Tonsof goodusedspares.Giveme a ring I mighthavewhatyou are looking for. SteveTurnerTel:01653 693183or (m) (N.Yorkshire)
WANTED:ForA60 estalo A60/OxfordFrontlowerpanel,Front fairing,Estalereartloorto bodylower panel(B2A1527)Reartailgateand windowrubbers.Simon 01516251236 (evenings)or
awd{vwaLLr4"' MembetGrceneBlacknorespottedthislatgescalenadel 499Auslin WesLninslet modelbangetstallata racemeetingIl is undercbod ontheAulo-Bex tahavebeenusedantheBMCslandat 1964MobtShowsA rcrcsuvivu. Anvarchiveohotosof thisat af BMCshawskndsof theerc?
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