BMC Seat Belts

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SEAT BELTS Added security for a rear passenger can be g;ven with a single diaSonal static seat beltbut t he b e l t m u s t b e b o th str o n g e n o u g h a n d a n ch o r e d se curel ).enough. B .M.C . rear seat belts have been designed specifically to give the maximum security with the minimum of inconvenience,


M O D E I AP P L IC A T ION Aurtjn/14or.h Mini saloon., 14inicoop6r. Ril€y Elf, Wok€l€y Hornet, A,lO Saloon and c o u n t r y m.n ,, ADA4160 ., .. Au*in/rlofu is Mini-Trev€ll€r and C o u n r r rm.n .. .. .. 24A l€6 Morb Hinor1000, Morh Oxrod (Serier V and Vl), i100, Riley 1164, 1F2, 1.5, Ansin t'55 ( M k t D , A 6 0 . 1 1 0 0 ,A 9 9 , A ffo , wolserey 1500, 16160, 6/99, 6/110, l"l.G. 1100, Masnette lV ADA 41,14



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O S ELFAD JU STINGA ND S E LFP A RK ING Th e new B . M . C . A u t o m a t i c Se a t Be lt fo r fr o n t se a t o ccu p a n ts Sives you all the advantates of a static seat belt plus the addit ional a b i l i t y o f b e i n g f r e e to m o ve d u r in g n o r m a l tr a ve l, F or a f ull d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e w o r kin t o f th e b e lt se e o p p o site Pa8e. iIODEL APPIICATION M o r i ! . n d A u sti n Mi n i ra n g e t ,, Wolseley Horo.!, Riley Elf Au *i n , t a o rfk, a n d 1 4 .G.1 1 0 0 .. Austin 455 (l',lk. ll), 460, 499, Allo r4or.k Oxrord (Seriesv znd vl) Wolseley 1s/60, 16/60,6/99, 6/110 R i t e y 4 1 6 4,4 F 2 .. .. l ' 1 . C .l l a g ne ke (l rks. l l l a n d l V ) .. .. R i l e y1 5 , Wo l se l e y 1 5 0 0 .. Au i t i n A 4 0 -. Morrk r4inor 2-door.nd Morrh Li.or 4'door


Mrnufactsred by Britax

1) NORMAL MOVEMENT(|LLUSTRATION The ball is in a central position so that the automatic locking device is disentaged, allov/ing complete freedom to carry out any movement required. ABNORMALMOVEMENT(|LLUSTRATIONS 2, 3, 4) The ball is movedout of the centralpositionand the mechanism of the automatic lockinS device enSagesimmediately, giving the wearer the security ofiered by a static seat belt. The automaticlocking deviceengages regardlessof any movement of the wearer. A sleepingpassenSeris protected without knowing of the needfor protection.

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