BMC Travel Rugs

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T he i s s u e o f t h i s f o l d e r d o e s n o t co n stitu te a n o f{ e r , a n d the ri S ht i s reserved to alt e r p r i c e s a n d / o r sp e cifica tio n sa t a n y tim e with o u t noti ce. S al es are made s ub i e c t t o , a n d w i t h th e b e n e fit o f th e Br itish M o to r Corporati on's C ondi ti ons of S a l ea n d W a r r a n t y , co p ie s o f wh ich a r e a va ila b lefr o m D i stri butors and D eal ers.




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tRb Pti nted i n EnEldni 8 f h- Nutr'eldPtes Lh' ted, Cot tey, O 4ot d. 21116 \40991) 2.162- l s0d.

.. ACCESSORY. ALL WOOL,ALL-THE.YEAR.ROUND ir A . lut ' l, \ t lr c r o,r t l f o l i r . t i l ' , , l l , r 'rvell-prcparetllricrric cxcitcdll. planted da1-s before; on coldcr davs, a \varn coverinâ‚Źi for such as tltc-sc,arr{l -'\untie's kncr:s.Or-'ct-.ions nrary rnore, dcnaud l travel trrg. It rrrakes Lhat rNrch tlifferencc to vour pl:a-.rrr'c and {rorrfort-so ruuch so, irr fact, tl)at it \\ill lrcc,:rure arr indislrensal)leitem in voul car'. 'fhis all-lool trAvcl rog is lirllv alrplor crl lrv Il.l\1.(1.tnrl, as such, is srrararrtcctl f,rr 12 r r r or t Lhs . Yor r r r ill f ild t l' c s i z e ( 5 8 i n . l , r '7 2 i r r . ) arrrple and thr: eolours tastclirl arrrl rvrrnrrThe l cight is npproxirnatcly 3 lL. Fecl lirr l ourself thc ms's soft pilc at vour local lt.trI.C. DistriLutor or Dealer'' and r:hoose thcre lionr rri e attthl]rrt;c trrturr

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l):rttcrIs. \v-'hylrot atlrl this touch of lrrrrrn to \'otrr crr- lirr orrll f2 l9s. 6rl.'1


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