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Monetary Policy ReportMay 2023
The Bank of England's quarterly Monetary Policy Report sets out the economic analysis and inflation projections that the Monetary Policy Committee uses to make its interest rate decisions.
Inflation is too high. It has been around 10% since last summer.
In March prices were 10 1% higher than a year ago Inf ation has been around 10% since last summer well above the 2% target
Higher energy prices are one of the main reasons for this.
Russia’s nvasion of Ukraine led to large increases in the price of gas Households’ energy costs have almost doub ed s nce the start of ast year
Economic headlines
Businesses are charging more for their products because of the higher costs they face. There are ots of job vacancies as fewer people are seeking work fol owing the pandemic. That means that employers are hav ng to offer higher wages to attract job applicants Prices for services have risen marked y
The Bank of England have raised interest rates higher to make sure inflation falls
In total, they have ra sed our interest rate to 4 5% from 0 1% s nce December 2021 Higher interest rates make it more expensive for peop e to borrow money and encourage them to save That means that, overall, they w ll tend to spend less If peop e on the whole spend less on goods and services, prices will tend to rise more slowly That lowers the rate of inflation
Inflation is expected to fall quickly
To around 5% by the end of this year That doesn’t mean that pr ces will fall but they wil stop increasing so quickly.
Monthly GDP is estimated to have fallen by 0.1% in May following growth of 0.2% in April 2023.
Looking at the broader picture GDP has shown no growth in the three months to May 2023.
Production output fell by 0 6% in May 2023 after a fa l of 0 2% in April 2023, this sector was the main contributor to the fall in monthly GDP in May.
The construction sector fell by 0.2% in May 2023 fol owing a fall of 0 9% in April 2023, revised down from a fall of 0 6% in the prev ous publication
UK denies report of ready deal to rejoin EU's Horizon science scheme.
UK Prime Minister Rish Sunak's office den ed a BBC report that a deal for Britain to rejoin the European Union's Horizon scientific research scheme had been negotiated and was awa ting approva
No deal has been agreed upon and ta ks are ongoing Brita n ' s government said. The UK has been negotiat ng with the EU over rejoining Horizon after London and Brussels sett ed their d spute over post-Brex t trade rules governing Northern Ireland in February