morsurf Issue

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Calling All Surfers What you have before you is not a longboard magazine and certainly not a shortboard magazine. We all know “short” has been done before. Instead, this is the beginning of a magazine for the modern surfer. If you, like me, surf up and down your coastline, it’s pretty easy to see what’s happening in the water. It’s a revolution of sorts. Every imaginable kind of surfboard is out there on a regular basis. Yet, when you thumb through the multitude of surf magazines, it would seem there are only two kinds of boards. Well, no mor. morSurf Magazine will focus on what’s relevant to our waves. We will be taking an in-depth look at Longboards, as well as Fish, Eggs, Hybrids and, yes, even Stand-Ups — and not just on a token basis. You’ll also be inundated with editorial on travel (including local jaunts and far-off destinations), health (dieting and fitness), business (product reviews and relevant happenings in the industry), art (spanning all mediums) and even the occasional How-To insight. We want, no we need to find new faces, whether they are surfers, shapers, shop owners or people who have had a hand in molding this sport and may have been sorely overlooked for years. We’ll also be keeping a close eye on the legends of the sport; they tend to have some keen insight that others overlook or fail to understand. Our goal is to reach the surfer that shares our ride-everything approach. Forget what Kelly or Joel are surfing. Instead, our audience is those who ride whatever feels right and gives them the most in return for the enjoyment of their surfing lives. Good Waves, Mike

Michael Anthony Aguirre Publisher, Editor-in-Chief Chasen Marshall Editor Paul West East Coast Editor-at-Large Ned McMahon Contributing Editor John Ker Photo Editor John Slavin Contributing Photo Editor John Bass Art Director Copyright 2009

morSurf Magazine 1935 South Coast Highway, Ste 150 Oceanside, Ca 92054 Ph:(760) 803-2003 Fax: (760) 729-7408 morSurf magazine will publish bi-monthly, 6 times yearly beginning in Feb 2009. For more information regarding advertising, subscriptions and contributions please email inquires to or check our website:

ON THE COVER Board riding variety is the spice of life. (Clockwise from top) Harley Ingleby, Photo: John Slavin; Sean Mattison, Photo: Lance Smith/; Mikey DeTemple, Photo: Keith Novosel; Stand-Up, Photo: Š Naish.

THIS SPREAD A late-afternoon paddle can quickly turn to something more when the sun starts dropping, the winds fall off, the skies clear and the ocean surface transforms into an artists palette. Photo: Chasen Marshall.


Putting Busted Surfboards To Good Use


Stand-up 101: Choosing the Proper Equipment


No reason to let that dilapidated or snapped surfboard gather dust in the corner of your garage. Smash it to pieces and put it in the ground. Well, kind of. By Ned McMahon.

It could be as easy as grabbing a board and paddle and taking to the water, but chances mini SUP education will help you specify what you’re looking for.

25 Years In The Making

Board Buyers Guide


They do it in Hollywood all the time, transitioning from working in front of the camera to behind it. Is the jump as easy for a surfer? Apparently yes, because Mikey DeTemple is making it look easy. By Paul West.

Always Something Good Down South


For the traveling surfer, Latin America is always a welcomed sojourn. With its pristine landscapes and offshore-wind-groomed beachbreaks, Nicaragua is making its case as one of the most desirable. By Dustin Franks.


A swell-packed winter season and tough economic times don’t lend well to a free-spending approach. Spend some time researching your options, find the perfect board and get stoked all over again.

Instead of letting old boards gather dust in rafters or take up space in landfills, one green-minded Southern California company found an alternative use for busted boards. By Ned McMahon Much work is being done to make surfboards from cleaner, more sustainable materials. Yet one key component in the sustainability issue is the full lifecycle of the product. This refers to what do we do with surfboards at the end of their life, and who ultimately is responsible for this. In Europe, “end of product life” issues are being considered to the extent that car makers may ultimately be responsible for the old cars that go to junk yards. Surfing is a long way from this, but the issue of throwing your old beat or broken board into the trash and landfill should be, and are now being addressed. One company that has been working on this for nearly two years is Rerip is an online site for used boarding equipment and environmental awareness. The issue really came to the forefront for them when a beach event that they co-sponsor (The Future of Surfing), where used boards were traded for new surf blanks, brought a flood of used and trashed boards to one place. The good boards were sold and all the money was donated to The San Diego Center for Children but there were many really trashed boards that needed some different attention. Enter Ecocentric Renovations. They have created a pioneering recycling system that surfers, environmentalists and innovators around the world should be excited about. They were willing to take all the used and broken boards and not just talk about recycling them but developed a process and did the testing to prove this recycling program would work. After numerous hours of work and testing, Ecocentric Renovations has found a way to mix old surfboards (fiberglass and foam) into cement. “Surfcrete”(tm) mix is now certified for non-structural use and is already scheduled to be a primary ingredient in four jobs by Ecocentric Renovations, including an Isystems Office, landscaping and a sound recording studio, all located in Los Angeles. The idea to recycle surfboards into concrete came to Sarkis Vartanian, co-founder of Ecocentric Renovations, when he met co-founder Meghan Dambacher at a sustainability conference at the University of Southern California. “Meghan’s ambition for a clean environment was a motivating factor in our innovation,” Vartanian explained. “Her excitement was so contagious that the more we talked about the properties of a

The lifecycle of surfboards no longer need to end in a compost heap or stuffed under the house. With the newfound use in concrete, it puts new meaning to sidewalk surfing.

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surfboard, the more I realized the boards would be a probable and acceptable component to our mix. “There are a number of possible applications, running the gamut from pots for plants and trees to ‘soft’ safety barriers which Caltrans could use on our freeways. The movie industry might even find Surfcrete a useful material for building sets.” Sarkis has worked in the green building field for many years and with the development of this new product, he formed Ecocentric Renovations as a green building company in 2008 with the motto: “the best renovation comes from innovation.” With any new ideas there are some hurdles. There are thousands of new surfboards made every year in Southern California alone. Between excess foam rail cuts and the waste material from shaping machines, together with boards that break or are too old to surf, and Ecocentric are optimistic that there will be enough material for the recycling program to sustain itself, but collecting all this recycling potential is a huge endeavor. “We are lucky to be getting a lot of help from surfers, shapers and green enthusiasts; the support is really encouraging,” Dambacher said. The City of San Diego quickly offered to set up a surf collection bin at the Miramar Landfill, and Holmen Surf Designs in Oceanside, Calif. offered to be the first shop to accept the old boards while helping spread the good news to other shapers. Some lifeguard departments had been contacted as possible collection sites as well. Stephen Grealy, Waste Reduction Disposal Division Program Manager for the City of San Diego says it best: “The program is not about the quantity of surfboards we receive, but the message it conveys that recycling is not just bottles and cans, but minimizing all waste we create.” Dambacher and Vartanian couldn’t agree more. The need then showed itself again with the second “Future of Surfing” event put on by Rerip this past summer. A record number of trashed boards were traded for blanks. It is so easy to squelch these efforts by saying that the cost and carbon footprint of collection, etc. far outweighs the benefits of the product, but these are the necessary steps required to take a new idea and make it viable. While the details of collection get worked out and more shops and surfboard manufactures participate, costs will ultimately come down. Vartanian continues to work on higher value products for Surfcrete and Dambacher continues her environmental awareness programs. In the end this will give us a far better end of life option for the trash that surfing generates. 11


By Paul West You can hear the hiss as the surfboard slices along the wave face, followed with the noise that only thousands of snowflakes can make as they melt on the water. A slight, unnoticed weight shift and the board lifts higher into the wave as the athlete glides effortlessly along the beach. Those few moments perched on the nose are but a mere glimpse of what he can and has done upon a board. But the philosophical question remains: “If there is no one on the beach, does he still rip?” One inspired slider is making an effort to ensure those efforts do not pass undocumented. They say the best teacher was once a student; the best coach previously a player. Perhaps the best surf filmmaker should be a surfer, and a good one at that? Lookout Hollywood, there is a new kid in town and he hails from the Far East. Yes, accomplished Floridian Mikey DeTemple is stepping behind the lens to make a new longboard flick, titled “Picaresque.” Combining his love for the sport, desire to travel and talents of a few fellow loggers, Mikey has embarked on a new chapter of his surfing life, transitioning from a successful professional surfing career to filmmaker.

Between organizing surf trips, speaking out for his sport, and displaying a stylish approach, DeTemple has the workings of a capable surf flick director. Photos: Chasen Marshall. 13

DeTemple was born into a surfing family in Babylon, N.Y. over 25 years ago. His father was a huge part of the surfing scene back in the early ’70s, along with hot local surfers John Henry, Billy States, Tom Dugan and the Davidson brothers. It was his fathers approach to the sport that was partially responsible for his lifelong love affair with surfing: “He had the best style and taught me that style was the most important aspect of my repertoire.” At 12 years old, Mikey’s surfing life changed forever. That summer,

as monumental, as groundbreaking like what Joel was doing in his late teens.” Remember the days of childhood — the aimless pursuits and whimsical daydreaming? Spending the day building a fort, discovering a new surf break, finding an easier way to get somewhere, spending time with your friends inventing some new gadget, a better skateboard, a faster surfboard, whatever. Dreams are what life is about, but dreams are among the easiest things to lose

fragile, yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery but the present is a gift, not to be wasted or taken for granted, it’s Mikey. Just weeks before the holidays, a few faulty wires caused Mikey to go under the knife to have his third pacemaker installed. A unique appreciation for life? That would do it. Which is part of why DeTemple is making certain that he does all he can with the abilities he’s been given. In the works for over a year now, the film is a labor of love as

With his ride-anything-and-everything approach, Mikey has the ability to get slotted on most any board he rides. Photo: Keith Novosel.

East Coast legend Tony Carimonaco invited then Japanese National Champion Takuji Masuda and Joel Tudor to spend the summer at his home. “Joel is the reason I ride a longboard,” DeTemple explained. “Joel was just a freak, doing things people never remembered being done in the ’60s. I don’t think the sport will ever again see anything 14

and/or give up on. Perhaps that is the best place to focus attention, keeping one’s mind open, looking for that the next phase in life. For Mikey, that phase appears to include the creative process and challenge of making a movie — mixing business with pleasure. Getting some friends together, traveling, sharing, laughing, living life — if anyone knows that life is

most great works are. In part, it is the love for the sport, but more specifically it is the love of longboarding. A love that has been mostly overlooked by the industry, the media, but not by the ones that really matter, the ones in the water His newest project has enabled some jet setting (top, in France), but DeTemple appears most comfortable along the East Coast chasing hurricane swells. Photos: Keith Novosel.



who still remember what life is about, having fun. The nuts and bolts are simple. Make something that is current and germane, showcasing great talent riding different boards. More specifically, riding the right boards for the conditions. As opposed to riding what all the advertisements and photo features say are cool, choosing to ride what feels right, what feels natural as the conditions determine. Bringing the child-like innocence and enthusiasm back into a sport that has seemingly gone stale. The surfing world has never been shy of characters. So Director DeTemple was particular in selecting talent from around the globe to star in his first shot at cinema. The list of unique characters include: Australians Harrison Roach and Matt Chojnacki, Californians Christian Wach, Tommy Witt, Scotty Stopnik and Bucky Barry, Florida’s Chad Doyle and New Jersey’s Rob Kullisek. All of the surfers are under 25 years of age and were chosen for their dynamic and fresh approach to stylish surfing, along with their ability to ride a diverse quiver of boards in a variety of conditions and locations. Picaresque puts surfers in picturesque surf in Australia, France, California, Mexico, Florida and Long Island. One last trip to Costa Rica in February will complete the filming. Part of Mikey’s inspiration for the film was birthed from the dire straits of his first love, longboarding. With the sport in a state of flux and in need of change, he believed his concept could be a voice and vehicle for what surfing can and should be. “[Unfortunately], most pro surfers end up riding the same board all of the time because they

Having molded business into pleasure, DeTemple can spend his time on the clock displacing water and/or surfing new lineups around the world. Not a bad gig. Photo: Keith Novosel.

are in the contest mode.” That archaic mode of thinking is something Mikey has aimed to break away from in his personal surfing, as well as through the individuals he casted. He would like to see surfers, especially the pros going back to the quiver concept and feeling free to ride different boards depending on what the conditions called for. Young Mikey DeTemple has a unique perspective of life. His past experiences are hidden under is quick smile, friendly demeanor and fierce competitive spirit. He is a wellspoken and articulate surfer who has the ability to become both a positive role model and an advocate for the sport. He says he is in it for the right reasons, and his sincerity proves that he cares. While Mikey is uncertain of the future of longboarding, he is certain that it will find its own place and identity. He knows that it will work out and that it will find itself once again. Maybe it is what it has always been, the overlooked, yet supremely talented younger brother. Maybe it is a hybrid of some sort, or maybe it will turn to all new materials making the sport lighter, faster and stronger. Or maybe it is what you make it. Maybe it is what it should be, free for interpretation. Maybe it’s just about being in the water, for yourself, feeling the spirit of the ocean. Maybe we overcomplicate it, and it is just surfing. Whatever it is, Mikey DeTemple wants to be a part of it. And he’s hoping he can help to shape its future through the first stone, through his brainchild, Picaresque. Picaresque will begin touring in Spring '09 and will be released the following summer. To see a teaser clip, go to Paul Hayden contributed to the writing of this article. 17

So you’ve decided to try out the newest fad to hit beaches, lakes and rivers since the kayak. Stand-Up Paddling really is everywhere these days. It’s fun, challenging and a great cardiovascular workout. Why wouldn’t you want to give it a go? But before you run to the nearest dealer, it’s best to get a crashcourse education on what it is that you’re looking for, depending on, well, what you’re looking for. To help with some quick tips, we turned to Jeff Warner, owner of Legends Surf Shop in Carlsbad, Calif.

GLS Soft Stand-Up Board: Foam Construction w/ 30mil Slick bottom. Sug. Retail: $795.00

Infinity, Custom Stand-Up Board: EPS Epoxy Construction. Sug. Retail: $1,000-$1,500

C4, Core-Four Stand-Up Board: Sandwich Construction. Sug. Retail: $1,650

Which board is the right board? Since the paddle is going to be dictated by the board you’re riding, we’ll start with picking the planing device. The most essential piece of equipment is the board. Since there is such a wide range of choices, the most important thing 18

to know when choosing one is what questions to ask. Consider the following: 1. Will you be using the board for surfing, touring or racing? 2. What board size and shape best matches your ability level?

There are significant differences in boards designed for wave riding and boards designed for flat water. For instance, wave riders will choose smaller, lower volume models, while boards intended for flat water are typically longer and higher in volume.

After passing through the growing pains that come with picking up SUPing, eventually you’ll graduate to a board that is quite a bit more maneuverable. The stability on a SUP has more to do with width and thickness and not necessarily length, so a shorter board with width and thickness can be stable but much more maneuverable once you are on a wave. For the beginning SUP surfer, stability will be the main concern. Depending on the size and weight of the person, 11’ to 11’ 6” tends to be the proper size range, with a width between 28.5 to 30 inches, and a thickness of 4 to 4.5 inches. This combination will offer the beginner a very stable board to be introduced to the sport. The intermediate surfer should look for a board in the range of 10’ to 10’6”

with a width of 28” to 28.5” and a thickness of 4 to 4.25 inches. A board in this range will offer a reasonable amount of stability while remaining maneuverable in the waves. Flat-water tour and race boards also come in a variety of choices. For open water paddling, a longer board is a good choice, mainly for its ability to glide. They’ll be proportionally wider and thicker giving a larger platform to get longer paddle strokes. A safe bet for flat-water touring boards is no less than 11 feet with a width of 28’ to 30’ and a thickness of 4 to 4.5 inches. If you are interested in racing look for a board with less width. You will give up some stability but will gain an advantage in speed. The fastest flat-water race boards will also have a very flat rocker.

Pick Your Paddle After you have your board picked out, selecting a paddle will be a bit easier. However, it’s still valuable to know the facts when it comes to selecting one. When choosing your paddle consider the following questions: 1. Will you be using the paddle for surfing, touring or racing? 2. What manufacturer/brand makes the paddle that best fit your needs? 3. What design elements should you look for in a paddle? For surfing, your paddle should be 4 to 6 inches over your head. Flatwater paddling requires a longer paddle, 8 to 9 inches over your head is best. The difference being, when surfing, you are using shorter, faster strokes to catch the wave. A shorter Continued on page 30

C4, The Stendy Adjustable Paddle Fiberglass Construction Sug. Retail: $287

Infinity, Ottertail Paddle Carbon-Fiber Construction Sug. Retail: $340

Leleo Kinimaka “Manta” Stand-Up Paddle Solid Wood Construction Sug. Retail: $350



Down South Something Good

With the potential of picture-perfect, yet eerilyempty lineups, topped off with consistent offshore gusts, an eclectic bunch of California friends made the jump down to Nicaragua. Words by Dustin Franks Photography by Daniel Franks In the midst of the winter doldrums, the travel bug had set in among a group of surfers, brothers and friends. An international jaunt to escape for a bit before the madness of a California Summer was in order and we were left with the task of deciding where to capitalize on swells stirring in the Southern Hemisphere. The willing group eventually came about and when the tickets were finally booked, Steven Thomas of Santa Cruz, Grant and Andy Gold, and the three brothers Franks, Danny, Steven and I were ready to go. Central America had proven itself time and again, and between the six of us, every nook and cranny of the chain-linked countries had been explored. The last on our collective list was Nicaragua. Surf tourism has been blossoming in the country for the past five years despite a tumultuous past. The expectations of fun surf, good accommodations and enough adventure to keep it interesting made the trip seem promising.


Recent experiences from friends and fellow surfers had reassured the decision, so we took notes, geared up and hopped on a plane set for Managua. Driving in Third World countries is always a hair-raising experience, and our trip from the airport to the coast was just that. Having frequently traveled to Baja, our posse was heavily trained in the ways of Gringo extortion, keeping our loaded-down 4x4 in one piece despite horrible roads, reading road maps in Spanish and playing slalom with livestock. We ran the threehour gauntlet and stopped in Rivas at the closest thing the region had to offer in terms of a grocery store. The sights, sounds, and smells of the bustling city harped back to previous experiences. There seems to be a formula to which these types of cities are comprised of throughout Central America. Transitioning from the frigid waters of Santa Cruz and the Bay Area, Steven Thomas was able to run free without the restraints of a wetsuit and frozen phalanges.


The crew took in as much surf and scenery as possible. (Opposite page) As Dustin put it, he “surfed his brains out,� with his single-fin retro as his primary vehicle. (Below) Of the highperformance mold, Thomas took every opportunity to send his board vertical. (Left) Just as this Orange-fronted Parakeet had a taste for Grant Gold, the locals took a liking to the group (in a non-cannibalistic way).


There’s usually a large church, the token super market, hordes of street vendors, cars with enormous speakers bungeed to the roof advertising God-knows-what at full volume, and more foot traffic than Times Square. Towns like this are everywhere throughout Latin America and always worth a bit of exploration. Cruising down the street is a shot of life and an immediate reminder that you’re out of your element. We hopped back in the car and arrived an hour later at the gates of where we’d be staying for the first five days of our trip.

Nicaragua has been heralded as being “the next Costa Rica” and for good reason. Since the stabilization of the political climate, international investors have bought up land in prime locations and developed “haciendas” which feature decked-out surf pads, and community amenities. These amenities include the waves out front. There are two communities, which lie next door to each other and span about a 10-mile stretch of coast that contains four of the best spots in the region. Access is definitely an issue and the vehicle of choice for really being “on it” in

terms of surf is the ponga, which is just an elongated fishing boat. The variety of surf crammed into the country’s southern stretch of coast is absolutely mind-boggling. With near constant offshore winds from sun-up to sundown, it really becomes a matter of what you feel like surfing that day. A beachbreak that looked like Puerto Escondido’s friendlier little sister kept us content for the first five days. A big outer reef A-frame down the beach had us bouncing back and forth between the two. While checking the surf one morning we started conversation 23

In order to get around the mostly rural Nicaraguan countryside, a proper 4x4 vehicle (right) was necessary, but the adventure of finding surf is half of the experience. Each nook along the coastline offered secret spots for Dustin Franks (inset below) and playful walls for Steven Franks (spread) to enjoy.

with local Nicaraguan surfer Ivan Saballos, who had gotten into the business of running charters throughout Nicaragua. We quickly got to talking about the region’s endless surfing resources and he began telling us about the area’s crown jewel: a shelfy, secluded left pointbreak that changed moods with the tide and offered up the best waves in the area. Ivan and his partners, Armando Segura and Fermin Guerrero, run, which offers five-star accommodations at some of the country’s best waves. The trio had a few days before their next crew arrived and offered the utmost hospitality by offering to drive us in to the left pointbreak they had been raving about. We immediately jumped at the opportunity. The next morning found me in the back seat of their car getting a socio-political science lesson on our way to what proved to be our best day of surf of the trip. Having grown up in Managua through the political turmoil, the three gave a stunning insight to the dark times the country had suffered through and its gradual rebuild. Stories of blackouts, bombings, guerilla takeovers, dictatorships, and food shortages left me with my jaw on the floor. They explained how the country has had a gradual rebirth since the open democratic elections of 1990. Nicaragua seems to have its feet firmly planted again, and all three of the guys seemed truly grateful to see their country flourish. As we pulled up to the picturesque cove, it was hard to imagine the instability and bloodshed that had once run rampant. We jumped ship the next day to our second destination up the road. The remainder of our trip found us sampling the local cuisine, finding 400 different species of insects larger than a size 9 shoe and figuring out which ones you probably shouldn’t screw with. We made way too close friends with small primates, drank beer and the finest rum in the land with our new Nicaraguan friends, and found a new shade of pink to apply to our skin. All this in-between absolutely surfing our brains out. Nicaragua proved to be well worth the trek. We arrived back at the airport itching to change our flights and figure out how to blow off the obligations of home. The good surf, warm vibes, and laid-back lifestyle was nearly impossible to leave. Surfed out, sore, and sporting trophy sunburns, we hopped on the flight headed back to California vowing to reinvestigate this little nook of the globe again as soon as possible. This name on the list was worth a second look. 24


Farberow 2

Brothers Marshall Model

The “Meth” Model

Length: 9’ 2” Nose: 18 3/4” Width: 23 1/2” Tail: 15 1/2” Thickness: 3 1/4” Fin set-up: Single box

Length: 8’ 6” Nose: 17 1/4” Width: 23” Tail: 15” Thickness: 3” Fin set-up: 2+1

Ever seen Josh surf Malibu…Rincon? A great surfer is the product of skill and equipment, the ratio being a moot point. Many agree Josh could hang heels on a barn door, but he prefers this board.

Trace & Chad Marshall (aka “The Reverends of Irreverence”) get all the waves and make no apologies for their mastery of them. But you’re welcome to ride their board, it’ll be our little secret.

Minimum Effort Theory Hydrolyzed: this updated blast from the past (thanks to Rich Wilkens) recalls those psychedelic ’60s where speed and pocket maneuverability were quintessential. Throw in a cheater five and Inna Gadda Davida, baby!

Length: 9’ 6” Nose: 18 1/8” Width: 23 1/2” Tail: 15 3/4” Thickness: 3 1/4” Fin set-up: Single box

Anderson Surfboards 4065 Glencoe Avenue Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Tel: 310-578-5860 Fax: 310-578-2120

Hansen “Convertible”

Length: 5’9” Nose: Custom Width: Custom Tail: Custom Thickness: Custom Fin set-up: 5 box, Quad or Tri The Hansen “Convertible” is a small wave board that comes with 5 fin boxes. It “Converts” to a Quad or Tri. It’s a very positive board and great fun to ride. Dealer inquires welcomed, please contact Craig Hollingsworth (760) 436-5956.


Anderson Surfboards 4065 Glencoe Avenue Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Tel: 310-578-5860 Fax: 310-578-2120

Anderson Surfboards 4065 Glencoe Avenue Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Tel: 310-578-5860 Fax: 310-578-2120

Stand-Up Paddle Board

Lightning Bolt SUP

Length: 10’ – 12’ Nose: 20” Width: 30” Tail: 18” Thickness: 4.25” Fin set-up: Quad Fin

Length: 9’8” Nose: Custom Width: 28” Tail: Custom Thickness: 4” Fin set-up: 2+1, Quad

GLS soft stand-up paddleboards are built for stand-up and tandem surfing. These versatile Boards are perfect for retail, rentals and allaround fun. Retail prices start at $795.00. Contact GLS or Craig.

The Lightning Bolt SUP’s are hand-made by Craig Hollingsworth in the USA. You have a choice of Polyester, Epoxy or E.V.F. construction. These Stand-Ups are designed for high-performance surfing. Dealer inquires welcomed, please contact Craig Hollingsworth (760) 436-5956.

Hansen Surfboards 1105 S. Coast Hwy 101 Encinitas, CA 92024 Tel: 760-753-6595

GLS Surf Inc. 214 Via El Centro Oceanside, CA 92058 Tel: 760-966-0446 Fax: 760-966-0449

Legends Surf Shop 2658 State Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: 760-436-5956


HighPerformance Stand-Up

Soul Rebel

Length: Custom Nose: Custom Width: Custom Tail: Custom Thickness: Custom Fin set-up: 2+1 Futures

Length: Custom Nose: Custom Width: Custom Tail: Custom Thickness: Custom Fin set-up: Five-fin Futures

Length: Custom Nose: Custom Width: Custom Tail: Custom Thickness: Custom Fin set-up: 2+1 Futures

Looking to step your game up? How about a true high-performance longboard? The Aggressor was created to provide exceptional maneuverability and speed. With a pulled-in nose and tail, this rocket ship loves the juicier stuff. Custom surfboards to meet your surfing requirements and budget. Dealer inquiries invited.

Through extensive R&D and feedback, McKinnon Shapes & Designs has developed a versatile, high-performance SUP Board. Maneuverability combined with stability will have you pushing the Stand-Up Paddle Surfing envelope. Custom dimensions available to meet your requirements and goals. Dealer inquiries invited.

The Soul Rebel is a versatile ,high-performance longboard. It combines un-equaled noseriding and superb maneuverability to provide you with a platform that will take your surfing to the next level. Custom surfboards to meet your surfing requirements and budget. Dealer inquires invited.

McKinnon Shapes & Designs

McKinnon Shapes & Designs

McKinnon Shapes & Designs

Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Tel: 714-377-6101

Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Tel: 714-377-6101

Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Tel: 714-377-6101

Contemporary Rounded Pin

Wide Nose Fish

Retro Fish

Length: 8’ Nose: 15.25” Width: 22.5” Tail: 16” Thickness: 3” Fin set-up: 3-Fin or Quad

Length: 5’8” Nose: 15.5” Width: 21” Tail: 16.750” Thickness: 2.375” Fin set-up: Quad

This is the best selling board we manufacture. Great board to get started on and is also excellent for the longboarder that wants to go shorter. The bottom has medium vee with a midpoint rail release for rail to rail turning.

Most of our Retro Fishes are quads. They feature a slight concave blending into a double concave vee between the fins. These fish are fast, quick turning boards that skate on top of the water.

Encinitas Surfboards

Encinitas Surfboards

107 N. Coast Hwy 101 Encinitas, CA 92024 Tel: 760-753-0506 Fax: 760-753-1331

Encinitas Surfboards

107 N. Coast Hwy 101 Encinitas, CA 92024 Tel: 760-753-0506 Fax: 760-753-1331

107 N. Coast Hwy 101 Encinitas, CA 92024 Tel: 760-753-0506 Fax: 760-753-1331

Length: 9’ Nose: 17.75” Width: 22.25” Tail: 14.25” Thickness: 2.75” Fin set-up: 2+1

This is one of our most versatile, all-around board shapes. The Rounded Pin is for quick, smooth turns. Speed concave bottom blends into a slight doublebarreled vee tail for speed and easy rail to rail turning.


Eaton Bonzer

Length: 9’ Nose: Custom Width: 23” Tail: Custom Thickness: 3” Fin set-up: Bonzer sides


Length: 9’ Nose: Custom Width: 22 1/2” Tail: Custom Thickness: 3” Fin set-up: 2+1

Length: 5’ 10” Nose: Custom Width: 22 1/4” Tail: Custom Thickness: 2 1/2” Fin set-up: Twin Keel

Made for … Too Much Fun. Go fast, turn more, surf more. Shaped by Ernie Higgins for Mike.

Hit it out of the park with this one. Made for good surf that’s fast and hollow. Take this board on your next trip, and you’ll have lifelong stories. Don’t watch, go surf.

This board should be called “The Flying Fish” — like a rocket down the line, fast. Now, throw it into a roundhouse cut back ... repeat! Do it again! One more time! A new look at old school. Have fun.

Waterlines / Ernie Higgins Surfboards 7179 Construction Court San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858-695-2690 Fax: 858-695-9428

Waterlines / Ernie Higgins Surfboards 7179 Construction Court San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858-695-2690 Fax: 858-695-9428

Waterlines / Ernie Higgins Surfboards 7179 Construction Court San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858-695-2690 Fax: 858-695-9428

RC Stand-Up Paddleboard

Length: 10’ Nose: 20” Width: 28” Tail: 17.75” Thickness: 4.5” Fin set-up: 2+1 (Future sides, O’Fish’L Lbox) Shaped as a “Rocket Fish,” this board is geared towards performance wave riding. All of the RC SUP’s are hand-shaped from 2lb. styrofoam and glassed with Epoxy. Since all of our SUP’s are hand-made, any size or shape you can dream of is possible. From wave-riders to flat-water cruisers to 16’ race boards. All of our boards are hand-made in the USA.


“The Line Drive”

RC Classic Longboard Length: 10’ Nose: 18.5” Width: 24” Tail: 15” Thickness: 3.125” Fin set-up: Single Fin (O’Fish”l Lbox) RC Classic Longboard has 60/40 rails and a slight rolled bottom that makes it very forgiving and easy to turn. It’s lower rocker is great for noseriding and quicker paddling. Available in polyester or Epoxy construction. Board sizes range from 8’ to 12’. All of our boards are hand-made in the USA.

RC Mod Fish Length: 5’ 10” Nose: 15.75” Width: 20.75” Tail: 15.75” Thickness: 2.375” Fin set-up: 5-fin, interchangeable (Futures or FCS)

Mod Fish is an updated version of the classic fish. Its pulled nose and tail adds more curve to the outline, which makes the board turn more and track less. It can be set up as a twin, tri or quad fin. Available in polyester or Epoxy construction. Board sizes range from 4’ to 8’. All of our boards are hand-made in the USA.

Ricky Carroll Surfboards (321) 636-4456

Ricky Carroll Surfboards (321) 636-4456

Ricky Carroll Surfboards (321) 636-4456


Continued from page 19

paddle with a broader blade shape will come in and out of the water faster, where a distance paddle with a longer, tapered paddle blade will take deeper, longer strokes for a more sustained glide. When selecting your paddle and all equipment designed for SUPing, it is important to consider whether the designer/manufacturer has a background in surfing, racing and/or canoe paddling. If so, the experience should translate into better equipment design and understanding of its products. There are many types of paddle constructions, the most commonly used are carbon, fiberglass and wood. Although the materials are very different, each type of paddle works equally well. It boils down to personal preference: the carbon paddle is the lightest with a stiffer shaft, the fiberglass paddle will have more flex and will be slightly heavier, and wood paddles are similar in flexibility and weight to the fiberglass. A proper paddle design with a slightly angled blade will direct the water flow down to help lift the board, creating less resistance as you move through the water. The wide point of the blade should be towards the bottom for a positive and efficient stroke, just like a propeller on a boat. By having slight vee on the power face of the blade, it will help to steer the paddle straight for less paddle wander and cavitations when taking strokes. This design also helps the paddle keep a straight line, minimizing the blade hitting the rail of the board. The front of the blade should feature a curved face, allowing water to flow efficiently to the backside, while allowing the paddle blade to easily skim across the water when using it to make turns or stabilize. Similar to a wing on a plane, the angled blade is more efficient then a flat surfaced paddle blade that can catch an edge when skimming across the water. Just as blade design is important, so too are the shafts for grip comfort and efficiency. Paddles utilizing an ergonomic palm grip and a tapered oval shaft with the proper amount of flex and stiffness work best. If your paddle has too much flex, you lose control; too stiff, you lose resiliency. Like anything, people have their preferences, so the best thing to do is educate yourself on what you are trying to accomplish and test a few paddles to see what feels best to you. After choosing your board and paddle and heading out to the water, another extremely important consideration is safety and etiquette. The board you will be riding is big and heavy. When you are first starting it can be hard to handle, so find an uncrowded location to practice until you have the ability and confidence to head to a populated break. And most importantly, share the waves — just because you can catch a wave doesn’t mean you should. 30

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