3 minute read
On Tuesday, December 7, 2021, America and the world will mark the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor with a series of commemorative events focused on those taking place in Hawaii.
In the time since the attack, the date has been honoured with various memorials and commemorations to pay tribute to those who were killed that Sunday, and more generally to the millions who lost their lives during the course of the Pacific War.
In the months after the Japanese offensive, ‘Remember December 7’ and ‘Remember Pearl Harbor’ became slogans used to incite hatred of the enemy and unite Americans behind the common cause of forcing unconditional Japanese defeat.
The words have stayed the same, but the sentiment has softened in the years since to a point where all those who perished and suffered as a result of that infamous Sunday are remembered.
Among those gathered on Oahu to pay their respects each year are those who witnessed it for themselves, coming together to honour fallen friends and colleagues; they being the only ones who can truly understand the horrors to which they were subjected.
Even as their numbers become fewer with each passing year, we must never forget these brave souls and the thousands more who never got the chance to share their harrowing story.
The story of Pearl Harbor is not an easy one to tell. Not only is it a gargantuan tale to try and weave into just 132 pages, but when delving into the facts the sobering realisation emerges that just 80 years ago a war was raging across the earth which would eventually claim the lives of more than 20 million of its inhabitants.
My interest in Pearl Harbor is historical, and that’s what I wanted this volume to be about, but remaining detached enough to present the cold hard facts has been a challenge –although it’s one I feel privileged to have been able to take on.
In my own small way, I’ve been able to remember the sacrifices that were made, the hardships which were endured and the incredible bravery and determination that ordinary people, no different to myself, were able to summon in the face of adversity.
I certainly hope my admiration and respect for all those who were involved on that ‘day of infamy’ and the wider conflicts of which it was a part are reflected in this volume, and that my efforts to present a fair and balanced narrative of what was occurring on both sides of the Pacific comes across.
In my own humble opinion, the Pearl Harbor attack is the single most defining episode of the last century, and we’re still trying to fully understand and learn the effects of it today. To say that I’d like you to ‘enjoy’ this read would seem strange given the topic, but I hope you find my presentation of Pearl Harbor history to be an interesting and informative one.
Jack Harrison Author
I owe a great deal of thanks to a great many people and organisations for helping make this publication a reality. Professionally I must first praise the wealth of Pearl Harbor related resources which exist, allowing this fascinating and historically important tale to be told. More specifically to this volume, mentions must go to production editor Dan Sharp, designer Craig Lamb, cover artist Ronnie Olsthoorn, cover designer Justin Blackamore and picture desk operators Paul Fincham and Jonathan Schofield who used their collective expertise to hone my words and then bring them to life in the pages you see before you. On a final personal note I would like to express my appreciation for the support and understanding of friends, family and loved ones throughout the time it took to compile Pearl Harbor: The 80th Anniversary. It required a great deal of time, effort and concentration – not to mention a few late nights – to reach this final product and I would not have been able to achieve it without their help.
A US military photographer surveys the devastation caused by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor as smoke rises into the skies above Battleship Row. Courtesy, PA

AUTHOR: Jack Harrison jharrison@mortons.co.uk
PAGE DESIGN: Craig Lamb design_lamb@btinternet.com
COVER DESIGN: Justin Blackamore
COVER ARTWORK: Ronnie Olsthoorn aviationart.aero