ExclusiveWSP 10 Prize Draw
WIN* apre-production sample of BillingBoatsʼnewly updatedpatrolboatkit
*Terms &conditions apply- seep.13
PLUS News, Views, Your Models and lotsmore!
Hello Hello Dolly Dolly! Introducingthisswelllooking,head turning, ladyinred
Editor: LindseyA mrani
Illustrator: GrahameChambers
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10 Compass360
This mo nth’sh ob by -related news ro un d- up
12 WINapre -product ion WSP10kit
Yo ur chan ce to na bafac to ry sa mp le of th en ew ly im proved, up da te da nd soon to re re leas ed ki tfor this Pa ss au Pa trol Boat
14 Cheap&easy canalboatopt ions
Mo re to pideas fo rA sh ley Ne ed ha m’sG en eral Pu rp os eh ull
20 HelloDolly!
NevWad ei ntro du ce su sto an othe ro fhis beau ti fu lm od el s
30 It don’tmeanathing, if youain’t gotthatswing
John Milesonputsthe “doo -ah, doo-ah,doo -ah” into building a Norfolkwherr y
36 Save moneywit ha subscription
Ch ec ko ut ou rlates td ea ls an dg et yo ur favo uritemag azin efor le ss
38 Take Plaw t! FREE PULL-OUT PL AN
Ha rr yH it ch en es pr ov id es as te pby -s te pg ui de to th eb ui ld of hi s st ri ki ng an ds om ew ha t‘ou tt he re ’ de si gn
46 CADlessdesign
Gl yn nG ue st gi ve ssom ee ncou ra gi ng ad vice fo rp ut ti ng yo ur plan si nto ac tion th eo ld skoo lway
48 HMS Express Part 2
Phil Bu tton co mp le te sthi sc leve r co nver sion an de ng ag es in so me op eratio ntro ub le sh oo ti ng
54 Flot sam&Jet sam: St ilet to
Look in gfor yo ur next challe ng e? Jo hn Pa rker su gg es ts afasci na ti ng
Asmanyo fyou will kn ow,Il ea n towa rd stry in gtokee pb oththe writin gs ty le of features an dthe to ne of th emag azin ei ng en eral as re la xe d, in fo rmal an di nc lu si ve as possib le.O f co ur se,the co nten tn ee ds to sp ec ia li st fo cu se da nd in fo rmative, bu th ob bies are mean ttob efun so,i nmyeye s, it stan ds to reason that th emag azin es de dica te dto th em sh ou ld be too. Ih op e, th erefore, that whil erea di ng this mo nth’si ss ue yo uw illfi nd yo ur se lf sm ili ng,lau ghin go ut lo ud an d/or pe rhapseve nsin gi ng alon gw ithsom eo f th ea ssig ned th em etun es!
30 38 46
hi storic stea myac ht (w hich ca nb e mo de ll ed in ei th er ra ce or nava lg ui se) yo umay fa nc ytak in ga stab at…
59 Boiler Room
RichardSim pson be gi ns atra ns pa re nt acco un to fw hy am od el bu il tw iththe in te ntio no fb ei ng stea m- powe re da nd ra dio- co ntro ll ed is nowkep tb ehin d glas so ns ta ticd is play
64 Mult i-Speedand more
Bu ck le up,a sDaveW ig gi ns is once ab ou ttoh ur tl eu sd ow nM em or yL an e
66 Your Models
Mo re of yo ur VIBs (Ver yImp re ssive Bu il ds)s howc as ed
69 Your Letter s
Op en fo ru mfor allmat te rs mo de lb oa t re la te d
74 Next mont h…
Ju st th re eo fthe reason syou wo n’t wa nt to mi ss th eD ecem be r2024i ss ue of Mo de lB oa ts
Ta ke Plaw t,for exam pl e– th eb uild gu id e that acco mpanie sNovem be r’sfre ep ull- ou t plan…Naturally,you ge ta ll th ei ns truc tion s ne ed ed to co mp le te this ea sy,e co no mic bu il d, bu tthe stor yb ehin dHarry Hi tc he ne s’ de sign (*whic hyou ca n, of co ur se,c hose to finis ha nd de ta il in al es s‘ou tthe re’a nd mo re ‘d ow ntoear th’s ty le if yo usow is h) is pe pp ered wi th good ol dfas hion ed Ge ordie hu mo ur,too.(If,bythe way, yo u’ve ever co nsid ered su bm it ti ng ap la no fyou rown fo rp ub lica tion,the no npag es 46 -47you’ll fin dsom erea ll yu se fu la nd en co urag in g ad vice from Gl yn nG ue st).
*T he op po rtun it ytop er so na li se is al so keyi nthe la te st in stal me nt of As hl ey Ne ed ha m’ss em i- re gu la r‘allfor on e, an d on efor all’ se ri es,w hich fo cu se so nthe crea tion of in te rc ha ng ea bl etop sfor a Ge ne ra l- Pu rp os eh ull( bu il dd etails fo r wh ic hfea tu re di no ur Ju ly 2024 is su e).T hi s ti me arou nd,A sh leyexp la in s( in hi sown in im itab le way) howtom akelig ht wo rk of co ns truc ti ng acou pl eo fver ybas ic ca na l boat su pe rs truc tu re s, wh ic hc an th en be cu stom is ed to yo ur hear t’scon te nt
Bi ll in gB oa ts’n ew ly im proved an d up da te dp ol ic epatro lb oa tk it –a n exam pl eo fw hich is up fo rg ra bs in th is mo nth’sexc lu si ve prized raw–i sa no th er proj ec ttha tp re se nt so ptio ns .I ns id e th eb ox ,eve ry th in gn ee de dtob ui ld a co nv in ci ng 1:20 sc al es ta ticrep lica of a WSP10i ss up pl ie d. As ev id en ce dbythe ma nu fa cturer ’s sh ot so fap ro to ty pe bu il d be in gp ut th ro ug hi ts pa ce so ut on th e wa te rh ow ever,fac ili ta ti ng th ei ns ta lla tion of ra dio- co ntro lw as so me th in gver ym uc h fa ctored in to th ed es ig na nd deve lo pm en t proc es so fthi srevam pe dk it.S o, wh ethe r yo uw an ttod is pl ay or pl ay,you ca nb es ure Bi ll in gB oa ts’W SP 10 wi ll fit th eb il l.
Fo rthe sc ra tc hb uild er sa mo ng st yo u look in gfor yo ur next bigc ha ll en ge th ou gh, NevWad e’s Dolly,J oh nM il eson’s No rfol k wh erry an dthe vi ntag es team ya ch t su gg es tion from Jo hn Pa rker alls er ve up (I wa sg oi ng to say‘se riou s’,b ut in te rm s of Jo hn Mile so n’sfea tu re that wo ul db e so mewhat of acon trad ic tion in te rm s) food fo rthou gh t.
Th ec he rr yo nthe to pi sthe Yo ur Mo de ls / Yo ur Le tter ss ec tion,a nd it is pe rhapstim e Ip oi nted ou tw hy th es em us t- read pa ge s area lwaysp ositio ne drig ht at th ebac ko f th emag.Q ui te si mp ly,a si t’syou rs up po rt that ke epsM od el Boat sa float,Ithi nk you de se rvethe final say.
En joyyou rrea d, Li nd sey
If you have anews story for these pages,please contact the Editor,Lindsey Amrani, via e-mail ateditor@modelboats.co.uk
IN MEMORY OF BrianPerkins,1936-2024
We aresad to announce that Brian Perkins, along standing and highly regarded member of the model boat community,has recently passed away Brian’sp assion for mod elling began in the early 1970s w ith I. C. powered model boats. In tho se ear ly y ears, he also ventured into 1:8 scale glow-engined cars and became af ounding member o ft he track building group in Wo mb w ell, which to this day is still goi ng stro ng .H is interests then ex pand ed to emb rac e 1:12 R/C cars at the Britd ale G lass tracks in Wa th-Upon-Dearne, w here he keenly part ic ipate di nr ace events from the late 1970s through to the early ‘80s. After this came model flying with gliders an dg low -eng ined aircraft, which brought him immens e joy.B yt he mid-1980 sB rian had
starte dh is own compan y, so w ith all his time an de ff ort bein gd ev ote dt ot he bu sine ss, his ho bbie sw ere, natura lly,s et aside –b ut on ly brie fly.A model bo at kit gifte dt oh im by hi ss on Ste ph en (wh or uns the Ma n vers Wa te rfront Boat Clu b) one Christmas saw Bria n’sp as sion instantly re ign ited. From tha t poin to nwa rd ,h is interest i na ll area so fm ode ls ai ling, inclu ding yachts, submarine s, workboats and live ste amb oa ts, flou rish ed . Brian became an active and very popular member of both the Kirklees Model Boat Club and the ManversWaterfront Boat Club, and will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
Running through until March 2025, this exhibition at the National Waterfront Museum in Oystermouth Road, Marime Quarter, Swansea SA1 3RD, pays tribute to the life-saving work of the Royal National Lifeboat Institute’s around the Welsh coastline. Visitors can learn all about how the types of rescues and thus the equipment needed to carry them out have changed over the years, the heroic crews who’ve served, and the innovative lifeboat designed and built at Wales’s Atlantic Colle . The museum is open from 10am to 5pm daily, and admission is fr of ch ge.
Snap up acharity suppor ting ap achari su or ti Waterwayscalendar terwaysc ar
Those interestedin working on oneAshley Needham’s latest top ideas (see page 14-18) may findfurther inspiration in River Canal Rescue’s 2025 Waterways calendar Priced at £9.99, including postage and packing, this can be ordered via RCR’s website www.rivercanalrescue.co.uk orbycalling01785 785680, and every sale made will increase the donation RCRwill be making to Cancer Research UK.
Images for the calendar havebeen selected from over 375 entries submitted to aphotographic competition –the judges (RCR MD Stephanie Horton, Canal Boat Editor Charlie Waters, and Canal &River Trust Communications Manager Damian Kemp) having had the difficult task of whittling thesedown to just 13 winning shots (one for eachmonth and thena further shot for the cover).All entries,however, will feature in avideotobereleased on YouTube and RCR’sFacebook page.
Warships in the e KomandorskiIslands, ma an , 1943 43
In this forthcoming new title naval expert Mark Lardas provides adetailed account of the Battleof the KomandorskiIslands in the North Pacific during World WarII. The book, illustrated throughout with archive photographs and ship profiles of allthe majorUSand IJNwarships involved, explains how, despite being seriously outgunned, the US Navy managed to emerge triumphant from this hardfoughtsolely surface engagementinwhich aircraft played no part.
Following its successful launchonSky earlier this year, RewindTV, Britain’snewestindependent channel,isnow available to watch on Freeview (Channel 95). Withbroadcasting schedules presented in retrostyle for atruly immersiveexperience, this channel offers the opportunity to revisit, or perhaps discoverfor thefirst time, awide rangeofdocumentaries, films, dramas,comedies, shows, etc,from the‘Golden Age’ of British television.Justthree of the nostalgic gems worth tuning in for thisAutumn are: Britannia –the early 1970s’ documentary
The Loss of the SS Schiller -the award-winning World WarII drama-style documentary
Raise the Titanic –the classic featurefilm in which a U.S. Admiral (Jason Robarbs) and histeam compete with Russians in an attempt to salvage the
Due for launch on October24, 2024, in paperback format, thetitle, allocated ISBN 9781472861405, will carry an RRP (RecommendedRetail Price)of£12.99. Copies, however,can currently be pre-ordered via www.ospreypublishing.com at the discounted price of £11.69. Forthe e-readers amongst you, digital downloads arealso available.
USS Princeton, TheLifeand Loss of “Sweet P”
Also due for release on October 24, 2024, is this study of the aircraft carrier USS Princeton and the vital role she played in the US Navy’svictory over the IJN during the war in the Pacific. Referring back to first-hand accounts from archives such as the Naval History and Heritage Command, author David R. Leick examines the campaigns, tactics, command decisions, and life aboardship, spanning from early 1943 until Princeton’s tragic demise in October1944.
The title, presented in hardback format under ISBN 9781472868589, will carry an RRP of £25, butcan currently be pre-ordered at the discounted price of £22.50 via www.ospreypublishing.com. Once again, digital download options arealso available.
Fancy nabbing apreproduction factory sample of Billing Boats’newly improved, updated and recently re-released 1:20 scale WSP 10 Passau Patrol Boat kit? Then here’syour chance!
Excitingly,although this new version of the WSP 10isbeing sold as static model kit, the option to add radio-controlhas clearly been kept very much in mind throughout the design and development process. As a result, while the build itselfcan be achieved by the ‘Advanced Beginner’ (with the help of the comprehensive photo manual supplied in the box), there’s also enormous scope for the more
experienced amongst you to install yourown running gear and get the finished model out on patrol. But don’ttake our word for it, checkout Billing Boats’ prototype being put through its pacesonthe lake!
The kit builds a1:20 scale replica of a WSP10(WSP being an acronym for Wasserschutzpolizei,which literally translates as Water Protection Police) patrol boat built at the Bodan Shipyard in Kressborn, Germany,and delivered new on June 30, 1989, to the Harbour Police in Bayern. Currently stationed at Passauonthe River Danube, this vessel patrols an area stretching roughly 80km upstream from the Austrian border.Itmeasures 15m inlength, with abeam of 3.9m, and isfitted with 300hp MAN diesel engines, giving it avery nippy approximate speed of 40kph. It is usually manned by acrew of two and undertakes awide variety of police duties, including surveillance, especially in connectionwith dangerous or potentially risky to the environment cargoes.
N.B. For this particular prize draw we can only accept entries from those residing in mainland UK, the European Union and North America. The competition closes on December 20, 2024. There arenocash alternatives available. Terms and conditions apply.To view the privacy policy of MMG Ltd (publisher of Model Boats) please visit www.mortons.co.uk/ privacy
To be included in thedraw,all you need to do is completethe entry form included on this page,cut it out (photocopiesofthe form will be accepted from thoseofyou not wishingtodeface yourmagazine) and mail it back to us at:
BB WSP 10 Kit Prize Draw ModelBoats
Mortons Media Group, Media Centre, Morton Way, Hor ncastle, Lincs LN9 6JR
Pleasenote, the closing date for entry submissions will be Friday,December 20, 2024
Good luck, everyone!
CanalBoat GP hull topper ll pper
Ashley Needham provides yet another top idea for hissuper versatile General-Purposehull
Sofar,this series on my super versatile General-Purpose hull has featured adisco boat and Crimea gunboat/paddle warship tops, but since then acoupleofother possibilities I’d been toying withthe idea of have come to fruition. This month, though, to narrowthings down I’ll be focusing on asingle theme, but one with multiple options!
The concept of acanal boat as a topcame about when Iwas mulling over several alternatives withmymate Trevor.With asmile, he produced, from his `come in handy`box, a4-inchtall figure(it might havebeen Dr Who), which he stood on the sternof
the plain deck blank sitting in my GP hull. Once we’d then put along box in the centreofthe deck, and it was plain to see what these two simple items made the boat look like, yes, a canal boat!
This is only ashort article as, to be honest, making abasic canal boat superstructureisvery easy –sothe paucity of photos illustrating the construction process is somewhat deliberate, as things arepretty selfevident. It would be alonger article in thenormal course of events, but as the hull has been made already,that’s 2/3 of an article dispensed with in one foul swoop!
I have not gonefor super-realism, butwith somethinglike this you could go to all out, as thebase for the model is very simple and lends itself to being heavily accessorised. Indeed, ignoring that this top was made to fit an existing hull, avery simple‘date box’ style hull could be knocked up in an afternoon to provide ameans of getting any number of canal boat tops on the water.Iapologise for the fact that there is only one ‘build photo’! The deck was about the only thing worth photographing, as the cabins aresosimple they really don’t necessitate aphoto`in the plain wood`, as it were.
To work…
Ihave decided, as the builder,that thereare two main styles of canal boat: the live-in or passenger variety, and the workboat. Just as the actual hull was sized and outfitted to accept avariety of top types, so the canal boat deck can easily be configured to accommodate different styles of cabin, and this is achieved by the use of acentral well or cargo trough which can be filled with things various or alternatively covered by a longboat cabin.
First things first, adeckhad to be made and apiece of 4mmply was put onthe work bench, thehull lowered ontop upside down and theoutline drawn round with apencil. Obviously, this was too big to sit inside the hull bulwarks, so aline was drawn approximately 4mm inside this outline and then cut out on abandsaw Idecided to leave averyshallow bulwark, so 15mm strips of wood wereused as spacersunderneath,
meaningthe deck could be sat on the shelves already in place (see Photo 1). Remember,the GP hull (if you are new to the magazine,see theJuly 2024 issueofModel Boats) had strips inside on which to sit adeck upon These wereset low for thegunboat, so any other decks needed aspacer to raise them to the required height. Following abit of ‘light trimming’ to achieve areasonable fit, thecentral load-well was marked out (approx. 300 x75mm, set 100mm from the bow,giving approximately an 18mm ‘walkway’ either side), followed by a second smaller well 90mm long, that would be covered by asmall cabin (see Photos 2and 2a). As you step down into anarrow boat cabin,I needed this second well to simulate the depth of thecabin floor.Neither of the wells had to be deep, as the apparent depth of the main one would be covered with aload of some sort, and thepassengerend painted black, disguising the shallowness of it.
“I havenot gone for superrealism, butwith something like
this youcould go to all out, as the base for the modelisvery simple
and lends itself to being heavily accessorised”
30mm deep ply strips wereglued around the inside of the cutaway to give a10mm high combing and awell depth of about20mm (as measured from the deck surface). After the glue had set, aply floor was added, glued on from underneath. Idid the same for the rear well, although the depth and combing height wasn’tascritical as this would be coveredbyeither the small cabin or theend of the passenger cabin. In addition, and as an afterthought, Imade another cutout for thestep going down into the cabin –one step only being necessary, as the rear well would be painted black, detracting from its shallow depth. Finally,the front load area was treated to aspot of redoxide paint (again see Photo2).
At the stern,a horse-shoe of ply was cut and gluedinto place as aseat for the stern rails, andfor this Iused 25mmsquarehole steel galvanised wiregarden mesh –very useful as instant railings (see Photo 3,overleaf), while at the bow aportion of the front was painted with PVAglue and sprinkled with sand to mimic anonslip area, beforepainting the whole deck in adark green acrylic paint (again, see Photo2a).
Deck trappings
A10mm high ply box was made to fit over the central well lip, incorporatingtriangular front and rear plates75mm high to support a6mm diameterdowel bar over
the top (this can be used to drape acover over as afeatureifyou wish to doso). For the rear,a simple ply box 100mm long by 60 wide was fashioned in 4mm ply,with slightly sloping sides (85 wide, tapering to 65mm at the top) and adoorcut out. Holes, 12mm in my case, weredrilled in the sides and tarpaulin eyelets (approx. 23mm outside diameter) wereglued in place after the cabin had been sealed, sanded and painted in agreen craft acrylicpaint,toact as portholes or windows, and they do the job very nicely! Ifinished the cabin with astovepipe, life rings, a mooring ring and rope, and finally a solar panel! (a squareofblack acrylic with silver painted edges).
For the passenger top, asimple 420mm long boxby65mmhigh, similar to the rear cabin, withslightly sloping sides(85mm tapering to 65mm), was made, again from ply.This is aclose fit over the well combing, which holds the top snugly
in place and extends, of course,to cover the second small cabin-well (see Photo 3). As with the cargo cabin, once afew stiffeners had been added inside, thedoorways werecut using thebandsaw after the main construction hadtaken place (I foundthiseasierthantrying to hold everything together), and Ithen added two end pieces to form the doors. Again, tarp eyelets wereused as portholes, thin ply ‘windows’ created for thefront portion, and, after painting, the top was accessorised with life rings, three ‘solar panels’, astove-pipe (paper straw)and arow of vents –the latter being representedbyantique-style upholstery nails, in anice bronze colour,fitted in pre-drilled holes with superglue andspaced to ensurean even heightusing plastic craft beads.
Access to thecabin at the rear for the driver was taken careofbya cut-out similar to that of small cabin. This time, however,Imade some ply doors and atop sliding hatch cover (its fixed in place!) –anescutcheon nail providingthe nice little brass doorknob (see Photo4).
Once agai n, Ip lu ndered my stock of cheap 85mm high arm ym en and modi fied one lu ck yc hap by carving offh is mi lita ry equi pment and paddi ng out hi sc hes ti nw ith filler; an eces sary evi l, as due to him bei ng at hi nh ol lo wfi gure, I couldn’tc ompl etel yt ri mo ff al lt he straps, grenades and so on. After so me sandi ng, he was then given a makeover in acryl ic pai nt. He now sports ay el lo ws afety vest wi th re flecti ve si lv er stri pes, and hi sc ap has been pai nted orange whi ch may be taken to be ah ardh at (see Photo 5 ). Thes efi gures werev ery che ap and ju st happened to be in
“Te world is your oyster here!”
my spares box, but ones of as imilar size arep le nti ful if you look online or go to car boot sal es .K itted out in H&S equi pment, my man now re ally looks the part for the work boat, but at the same time doe sn’tl ook out of place when using the passenger top. Looking around for differently styled figures will allow you to customise your top ab it more, but you will have to ins ert wire‘ pegs ’i nt heir feet that will engage wi th holes in the deck in order to swap your characters around. Ah ip py styl eo fd river woul d, for instance, work re ally well if you decided to give your canal boat af abul ous 1970s’ psychedelic paint job.
Anyway,myman is steering the boat via atraditionally shaped tube tiller bar,created from solid wire, painted white, and made to fit into his hand. It doesn’tturn with the rudder, as although asimple thing to arrange, actually providing the figurewith sufficient arm movement or flexibility in the body would be difficult at this size. Once moving, though, the tiller wouldn’tbetwiddledmuch in any case, just afew degrees either way If Iweretohave used asmaller 75mm figureand adjusted the proportions of the cabin to suit, the canal boat would suddenly appear to be much larger, while conversely alarger figureand larger cabin would makefor aslightly smaller looking craft.
The world is youroyster here! Ihave used ‘Toxic Waste’ sweet barrels, just as they come (once emptied of sweets!), for abit of fun in the cargo top –these just being sat on the ply floor (see Photos 6and 6a)As an alternative, acoal load has been made, by gluing 10mm pea shingle
on to aply insertand spraying it gloss black (see Photo 7). Youwould think 10mm lumps of ‘coal’ would be too big, butIfound that smaller sized lumps simply ended up looking like black sand! Youcould, of course, also go down the carved foam/PVA/sand/ paint route to simulate aload of sand, gravel or what-have-you.
Expanding yet moreonthe working canal boat theme, acheap seaside sand-toy digger Icame across made agood dredger insertonceI’d cut the undersize cab off, discarded the wheeled section (it now sitsonablock ofwood sized to tuck intothe cargo well) and then painted (see Photo 8).
Ihavekept the passenger/livingin top fairly basic (see the intro shot forthisfeature), but clear windows perhaps with lighting inside would be easy,and thereare loads of dollshouse items to be had for additional empennage on top or along the sides
Hanging fenders, rope, balloon types or tyres, would certainly help add interest to the plain hull sides.
On thewater
With most of the Disco Boat weights in place under the batteryand of course having the very small 385 can motor,25mm brass prop and 7.2V Nimh stick, performanceisverycanal boat-like.This boat is, however,super stable and she turns on asixpence (very manoeuvrable). She’snot fast,
but she does have sufficientoomph to counter headwinds and thelike Indeed, one could say she’s actually overpowered for acanal boat. As per the real thing, it doesn’t really matter how you choose to ballast theboat; deep, shallow,bow up... you seeall sorts on the canal –although ahigher freeboardwhen it’swindy is handy to improve splash resistance
Either top combination looks great, and they areboth interesting boats for theaudience at the park; this is an important brief at our pond, as the boats have quite alarge following
The deck sits inside the GP hull so is slightly less than the 600 by 120mm of that item, while the tops areabout 80-ishmmtallas measured fromthe hullbulwark.
from both fellow model boaters and the public alike.
This is far and away the cheapest of the tops Ihave built so far,but we don’tneed to stop there, because... To be continued! ●
Hello, Dolly!
NevWade introduces us to another of his beautiful models…
While sailing one of mymodel boats in Sheffield backin 2006, Igot chatting to a fellow enthusiastwho had what he explainedwas aDutchvessel out on the water.The model, whichhe’d named Dolly Rocker, appeared to beacross between atraditional barge and acabin cruiser (extensive research since has yettoturnup a real-life match). Finding myself quite taken with her,Iasked this gentleman if Icould borrow his boat,along with the frame drawings he happened to mention he had, so that Icould make
a few sketches from which to buildmy own version. He very kindlyagreed but, for some inexplicablereason, the resulting copies were then simply filed away –for the next17years! Recently, however,I finallylaidmy hands on them again, so, gentlemen, with no further ado, may Ifinally present Dolly!
Gettingmypaper work in order
I’ll admitthe project didn’tget off to the best of starts.I thought I’d been very careful when while making
copies of the drawings I’d borrowed all those years ago, but closer inspection revealed otherwise.My side elevation sketch looked fine, but when it came to my cross sections thereappeared to be anumber of discrepancies, and these took several sessions at the drawing boardto adapt/alter/modify
Eventually confident everything was as it should be on paper,however,I began by cutting outall the halfcross sections, laying theseagainst the side elevation in the appropriate places (just to double check the resulting