















TheRoyal Navy submarinetender with astylish Edwardian steamyacht look!
Let’sdip into thefactors you’ll need to consider Checkout this great little budget buy Wetake the grind out
Editor: LindseyA mrani
Illustrator: GrahameChambers
Publisher: SteveO’Hara
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This mo nth’sh ob by -related news ro un d- up
12 Heng Long Tugboat686
Phil Pa rker review sa grea tfun li ttle Read y-to -Run ba rg ai nb uy
16 Super’Phat ic!
Jo hn Bris towi ntro du ce su stoa ll th ea pp lica tion sa nd ad va ntag es of this 21st ce ntur yg lu e
20 St eadf as tsupport
Ni ck Brow nexp la in sw hy HM S Ad am an t wa sc ho se na sas ty li sh co mp an io nfor hi s1:4 8s ca le HM SX-1 su bm ar in e, an dh ow sh e wa sb ui lt
30 Ge tint ogears
DavidMarks ta ke sthe grin do ut of gras pi ng th ebasic s
In this month’sprize draw we’vegot apre -productionsampleofBilling Boats’ improved /updated andsoonto be re -released1:60scale tugboatkit up forgrabs,sodon’t miss thechance of having your name pulled!
40 Save moneywit ha subscription
Ch ec ko ut ou rlates td ea ls an dg et yo ur favo uritemag azin efor le ss
42 Flot sam& Je ts am: Goingf or apaddle
Ponderingapaddleboatproject?Then dipinasJohnParkeroutlinessomeof thefac tors you’ll need to consider
48 Blue Arrow
Draw in go nl es so ns learnt du ri ng this ex pe ri me ntal hydrofoilp roje ct,Phil Bu tton shares so me us eful poin te rs an dtipsfor th os ew ithsim ilar ai ms
54 HMS Warrior,Par t3
DavidB raycon cl ud es hi shan ds -o n ki tb uild review of th emag ni ficen t iron -h ulle db ea ut ytha twas oncethe la rg es t, fa stes ta nd most powe rful wa rs hi pi nQ ue en Victoria’s fle et
60 Boiler Room
RichardSimpson examines another importantaspec tofmodel engineering
66 Your Models
More of your brilliantworkshowc ased
69 Your le tt er s This month’smust-read correspondence
74 Next mont h…
Ju st th re eo fthe reason syou wo n’t wa nt to mi ss th eS ep te mb er 2024 is su eo fM od el Boat s
I’vementioned my ‘Model Boatsplaylist’ in this column before,soIwillbeginthis monthwithaTraceyThorn lyricquote: “Temptingtothink nowitwillall be plainsailing, oldenough nowtoknowthere’s no such thing”.Why?Well, becausewhile thosewise wordsare so true of life in general, they of ten particularly resonate when it comestomodel boat building projec ts.So, as Iamsurethat most of youwillhaveyourown talesofthe unexpected,hopefully youwillunderstandthe need foranoccasionalchangeoftackcontent wise.The plan forthisissue was, as flagged up on theNex tMonth page of theJulyedition, to bringyou Part 1ofNickBrown’s review of BillingBoats’kit forthe MS Mercantic Unfortunately, however, having reachedthe finishing stageofthe buildingoodtime, a nastyreactionbetween paintand primer then left Nick no otherchoicebut to stripthisall back andstart again. Hopefully, though,the modelwillbeready to show of finall itsglory very shor tly, possibly even as earlyasinthe Septemberissue.Inthe meantime,Iamsure youfind thearticle on HMS Adamant,aRoyal Navy submarinetenderNickand hisdad chosetoscratch buildasa companionfor their 1:48 scalemodel of theHMS X-1,amorethan worthy substitution.Thanks, Nick,for having been prepared forall eventualities!
Elsewhereinthe mag, Phil Button also snatches successfromthe jaws of defeat in his Blue Arrow feature, ending up with asomewhat differentmodel to theone he’d initially being aiming forbut,asa result,enabling him to sharesomever yusefulpointersand tips. Likewise,JohnParkerdipsintosomeofthe factorsyou’llneedtoconsiderifpondering goingfor apaddle, whileDavid Markstakes thegrind outofgraspingthe basics when it comestogears (OK, Iamnot goingtolie, I’mstill struggling abit –but perhapsnot a surprise as Idid fail my MathsGCSE).Plus, if you’re into tugs,you’reinfor atreat!Not only areweofferingyou to thechancetowin apreproduc tion factor ysamplefor BillingBoats’ soon to be re -released(followingupdates and improvements)1:60scale kitfor Ymer, but you’ll also finddetails of agreat little ReadyTo -Run bargainbuy broughttoour at tention by Phil Parker (norelationtoJohn).
Finally, becauseIamliterally wincingasI type thenameJohn, it ’s hold my handsup time (again!);someofyou mayhavenoticedthatinlas tmonth’s Welcomecolumn Ireferredtocontributor Tony Bird notjus t oncebut twiceasJohn–I’venoideawhy bu t apologiesfor anyconfusion caused,and I’m so sorr y, Tony.Permissiontoreciprocate by renaming me as yousee fit (well, within reason!)– although to be quitehones toverthe yearsI’vebecomeprett yusedtoresponding to Linda, Lesley,Cindy, etc,and even to,my personal favourite, ‘DearSir’(understandable givenmyunisexname, andtobehones tcertainly no worsethan‘Madam’,which forsome reason always feelslikewhatfollows is going to be adressingdownofsomesor t!).
En joyyou rrea d, Lindsey
If you have anews story for these pages,please contact the Editor,Lindsey Amrani, via e-mail ateditor@modelboats.co.uk
Forming part of the annual Appledore&Instow Regatta, the long-established pond yacht races (no R/C entries arepermitted) across the Taw and Torridge estuary in North Devon will this year take place on Saturday, August 3.
Starting at 11am, to coincidewith low tide, these races will be open to all those wishing to compete, and cups and prizes will be awarded to the winners in each of the categories. Entry is free of charge (although all donations will be gratefully received)and thereare usually plenty of loan yachts available for those without model boats of their own who want in on the action! Likewise, spectators arevery welcome to watch the races from the lifeboat slipway at no cost.
Honorary Regatta SecretaryPeter Reveley explains:“Racing across theTaw/Torridge
estuarystarted approximately 80 years ago. With Appledorehaving long been ashipand boatbuilding community,historically, many of the shipwrights also took great pride in making models, and it quicklybecame very competitive in terms of who could build the fastest! And whileindustrial boat building has sadly diminished locally, many of us who were brought up in the village havecontinued the tradition of building new,aswell as racing old, model boats.
We raceyachts in various length categories, including 1ft 9in, 2ft 3in, 3ft, 3ft 6in and multi-hulls up to 3ft 7in, and there’s also an open monohullrace. Thereare also races specifically for childrenunder theage of 14. We have just enough time to get all these races in between an hour beforeand an hour after low water.Weonlyrace in winds
Airfix has announced asheet of decals for use in conjunctionwith its A55015 1:72 scale RNLI Shannon Class Lifeboat StarterSet.Witha fleetof50RNLI Shannon Class Lifeboats currently in activeservice, the sheet will featureall the different lifeboat names, identification numbers, andtheir respective stations, thereby allowing modellersto accurately represent aspecificvessel/lifeboatstation of their choice.
up to Force 4, and alwayshave afallback date, as the event is aone offeach year ”
For further details, visit https://www appledore&instowregatta.org.uk
Just as the title of thisnew book by Glynn Guest suggests, within its 160 pages you will find all the information needed to design, outfitand operate your own‘Stand-Off Scale’ model warships, along with plentyof trouble-shooting helpand advice gleaned through years of modelling experience.
Airfi x s tockists.
Carrying an RRP of £9.9 9, o rd ers for the decal shee tc an be placed directly wit hh ttps: //uk.ai rfi x. com or purcha sed from all good Air fix st ockists.
scale RNLI Shannon Class Lifeboat Starter kit can nowbefinished to represent any one of the 50 Shannon class lifeboats currently in service.
Published in paperback format by The Crowood Presswith the ISBN 97807 19843914 and carrying an RRP (Recommended Retail Price) of £20, orders arenow being taken at www.crowood.com. Copies canalso be sourced via online retailers and local bookstores.
Last month’snews story flagging up theKirklees MBC Summer Open Daywas, regretfully, illustrated with aphotoofRawdon Model Boat Club’slake. Our sincerest apologies, therefore, to both clubs, and for any confusion this may have caused.
As part of its 40th anniversarycelebrations this year,the HistoricDockyard Chatham (Kent) is offering those on UniversalCredit or Pension Credit whoreside in any of thefollowing postcodes –ME1, ME2, ME3, ME4, ME5, ME7, ME8and ME9 1-7 –reduced price admission. These£2one day only tickets must be booked in advance online and proof of eligibilitypresented on arrival (visit https://thedockyard.co.uk/ plan-your-visit/buytickets/universal-credit-tickets/ for further details).
Currently running at the Historic Dockyarduntil September 1, 2024, andwell worth avisit this summer is RNLI 200: The Exhibition.
June 2024 saw the last of the thre e masts on the full-size re const ruct i o n of the Golden Hinde locat e da t London Brid ge craned into posi tion
The occasion was marked wi th a blessing by the Dea no fS ou th wark, the Revd Dr Mark Oa kley,w ho also, together with the winner of ac hildren’s art co mp et it io n, pl aced tw oc oin s underneath the ship’sm izz e nm ast (a halfpenny featuring The Golden Hinde and a5 0p piece ma rk ing the 200th anniversary of the RNLI, don ated by the Royal Mint), this bein gal on gestablished nautical traditi on said to bring good luck.
Hour long tours of TheGolden Hinde areconducted between 10amto6pm daily and can be booked in advance online at https://goldenhinde.co.uk.
The RNLI be hosting aspecial family friendly day out for residents and visitors to the Isle of Man alike between 10am to 4pm on SundayJuly 21 at the Port Erin LifeboatStation (Breakwater Road). The event will be attended by representatives fromboth the IOM Coastguardand IOMFire &Rescue Service, and there will be various stalls to browse, refreshments, live music and aDJ, and bouncy castles for the children. Plus, at 12 noon, lifeboats from Port Erin and Port St Mary will be putting on aliveonthe water display. For moreinformation, visit https://www.facebook.com/ OfficialPortErinRNLI/
BritishFijiClass Cruisers and is ss Cr an theirDerivatives –Design, ei at es n, Development andPerformance ve nt an rman
Based on original research in awide variety of archives, and heavily illustrated with plans, photographs and colour camouflage drawings, authorConrad Waters’new book offersthe firstin-depth study of thisinnovative cruiser design and the modifiedclasses that followed it.
Launched in hardbackformat by Seaforth Publications and carrying an RRP of £50, the title canbeordered from all good bookstores (quoting ISBN 9781526799838). However,worth pointing out is that the website https:// www.pen-and-sword.co.uk is currently offering a generous 20% discount on this price.
Following the onset of World WarII, U-boat attacks on Britain’svital sea lanes increased in ferocity,and the much-needed American-builtdestroyers and frigates supplied to the Royal Navy under Lend-Lease became crucial in the battle forthe Atlantic.
In his latest book, naval historian Angus explains the role these essential to survival vesselsserved, alongside period photographs, detailed ship profiles of the majorclasses, and acutaway illustration of HMS Campbeltown (of Saint-Nazaire raid fame).
Published in paperback format and carrying an RRP of £12.99 (please quote ISBN 9781472861283 if ordering from your local bookstore), the title is currently being offered at the promotional price of £11.69 when purchased viawww ospreypublishing.com, or for considerably less when opting for the downloadable eBook version.
eypu ishi .com,
Phil Parker draws agreat little Ready-to-Runbargain buytoour attention
Cheap ready-to-run radio control boats have been around for years. At some point,most of us will have been tempted, and found ourselves the owner of apretty toy offering hopeless controls and the running of three-legged donkey Some kid themselves that they will one day replace the mechanical parts, but generallythese areshunted to the backofthe workshop in disgrace.
All this changes with Heng Long’s little tugboat. Complete with everything required to get on the water,apart from acouple of AA batteries, for under £40 this model
is far better than it deserves to be for the money
Opening the box, the model obviously requires alittle assembly
Thereare some detailstobereleased from asprue and clipped in place. The wheelhouse is readytogobut needs to be plugged in and pushed into position. Everything is made from plastic and seems pretty strong. The hull is ready painted, either green or blue, with the lower section in redoxide.
Boat power comes from asingle 14500/600mAh 3.7V Li-on battery, which is charged from aUSB socket
"For under£40 thismodelisfar betterthan it deservestobefor the money"
Le ng th:230 mm
Wi dt h: 94 mm
He ig ht:154 mm
using the supplied lead, taking about90 minutes. The aforementioned pair of AAs fit in the bottom of thehandset. You’ll need asmall cross-head screwdrivertoopen the hatch, and one is provided in the box.
The battery fits under an easily removable hatch at the back of the boat. There’sno on/ offswitch, meaning the boat comesalive when plugged in, so switch thehandset on before you do this.
Control is via acar-typehandset with a steeringwheel for direction and trigger forspeed. Atrim knob is foundahead of thesteering wheel, as well as thepower button.Thisisa2.4GHz controller,and it will automatically pair with thereceiver in the boat. Range is around 50m
Impressively,the boat is powered by apair of 17mmdiameter,two-blade,propellers sitting in Kort nozzles. I’d expected that steering would be achieved by adjusting the power to each prop, but no, the nozzles swivel just as you would expect. As well as makingthe modelmoremanoeuvrable, the nozzles should protectthe props whenit’s put down on atable. The model isn’tfitted with awater sensor, so the props and nozzles will move when held in the air fortesting.
From box to water could take les st ime t ha ni tt akes to charge the bat tery.T he onl yp ro blem is that once you’ve fi tted the de tails the model won’tfi tb ack in the bo x! OK, it’sp re tty ro bu st ,b ut that’sw orth bear ing in mind for the future.
Once launched, the boat heads offata slightlyun-tugboat-like speed. Evenatabout half-throttleit’sa bit fast,the main complaint Ihave about it. Forwardand reverseis available by pushing the trigger back and forth. Speed is proportional, and Ifound it happy at about half-throttle, but there’sa bit moreifyou need to get out of the way of other sailors and their bigger boats
Steering is also proportional, none of the hardleft/hardright of other cheap boats. The turning circle is tiny,less thantwo feetasfar as Ican tell, but, with care, long sweeping turns arealso possible. It would be unfair to enter this into asteering competition, but if you did, you’d stand avery good chance of winning! Obviously the boatsteers in reverse, although it tends to pull to one side.
Although agenerous, compared to the size of the model, bow wave is created, while I’ve been sailing the decks have stayed clear of water.Should younot find that to bethe case, thebattery hatch coverwill keepthe insidesdry,probably even if the model turns submarine!Talking of which, the instructions pointout it doesn’tself-right and operators should take carenot to flipit over.Gladthey mentioned that!
Youmay feel the modelisa little topheavy.Mine certainly heels over in tight turns, but never shows any sign of capsizing. I’ve certainly enjoyed afew sessions pootling around our boat club lake.
Since this is areview,I’d suppose Ibetter indulge in an little nit-picking.I’ve already said the speed is alittle too high,but the biggest complaint concerns aclaim on the box. Apparently,this model is 1:72nd scale. That’sa mainstream plastic modellingscale, but don’t stand afigurefromyour Airfix kitbythe door as, at 42mm high, it will dwarf him! I’dsay that the model is 1:40 scale,soyou maybeable to get away with a1:42 scale person intended for Ogauge railway modellers. Is this important? Well, the model offersanexcellent starting point for modification and detailing,sothese
and others the likelihood is you’regoing to want acrew. Thereare acouple of other boats in our club being worked on by my fellow club members as Iwrite and Iamsure the editorwill be happy to featurethese and others in the Readers Models section.
Overall, this is afantastic little boat.It’s perfect for aquick trip to the lake, or for youngsters to cut their sailing teeth on. Plus, its diminutive size makes it perfectly portable, and suitablefor garden pools as well as larger bodies of water.Willtherebeany moreinthe range? Ihope so. ●
It’ssoeasy to ignoreprogress andsimply stick to the products we have, over the years, become comfortably familiarwith. This month, however,John Bristow of DeLuxe Materials wants to introduce more of us to this21st Century glue and its numerous advantages…
Super‘Phatic! needs explaining, asit’s aglue which has many benefits, and lots of applications, when model boat building. Whether you’reatraditionalscratch builder,kit builder,just liketoassemble straight out of the box and sail, or perhaps have repairs you need to undertake, Ihope you will be encouraged by this explanation of what Super’Phatic! candofor you.
Just like withsuperglue (CA), you can pre-assemble structures and then apply Super‘Phatic! The difference is that, unlike CA, the bond isn’tinstant, so you cancontinue to manoeuvreand position ajoint afterapplication if necessary.You will, however,find porous materials such as wood bond morequickly than they do when using aconventionalwood glue.
When gluing porous materials, especially balsa, and items that will be subjecttohighstress, reinforcement around the joint is needed. The beauty of Super‘Phatic! is that it will penetrate and toughen the material graduating away from the joint, thereby spreading the load into the surrounding material (see Photo 1).
To demonstrate the effectfor thepurposes of this article we placed some balsa sticks on abalsa sheet and ran atiny bead of Super’Phatic! along just one side of each of them (see Photo 2). For the first 30 seconds the glue remained visible, but within aminute it had been completely absorbed into the wood. Ashort time later,inspection revealed that rather than simply having bonding to the balsa sheet along the line whereglue had been applied, the sticks wereinfact firmly fixed at all points of contact (see Photo3).
Youwill find many tasks,including everything from repairing cracked balsa to sealing the inside of aboat, will be made so much easier becauseSuper’Phatic! will simply wick into ajoint.
Super‘Phatic! is an excellent glue for hybrid structures of wood, plastic, composites and metal, and model boats often incorporate a variety of these materials.
Photo 4 lists some of the porous to non-porous materials Super’Phatic! glue bonds brilliantly (e.g., balsa tometal, balsa to fibreglass, etc). This is becausethe
will fnd many tasks, including ever ythingfromrepairing cracked balsa to sealing the inside of aboat,
will be made so much easier because Super’Phatic! will simply wick into ajoint”
penetrationtoughens the porous material and the glue filets around the joint to bond firmly to the harder material. Epoxy glue, by comparison, doesn’tpenetrate as well andso the toughening effectistoo localised.
The bond is made with astrong but resilient film,which, unlikeCA, won’tshatter,which is especiallyreassuring when working with plywood joints.
Photo 5 illustrates the sheer strength of Super’Phatic!’s bond, as while the hardwood sticks glued to both plywood and balsa canbe broken, Super’Phatic! joints will remain intact. Likewise, when we bonded aplastic hinge (see Photo 6)and an aluminium strip (see Photo7)tobalsa with Super‘Phatic! glue, after an over-night cureitproved stronger than both the wood and metal, clearly demonstrating that it’sperfect for affixing metal ship fittings to ply
As already mentioned, Super‘Phatic!’s drying time is agoodcompromise between that of the instant bond created by CAs and the longer setting times of traditional glues.After it hasbeen applied to astructureyou have
several minutes within which to reposition things, yet Super’Phatichas arelatively short clamp orpin time.
When trying to clamp two flat surfaces together with PVAorAliphatic between
them, the glue will act as alubricant, and they will start to slide about. Clamping surfaces smeared withSuper‘Phatic! avoids this problem.
“When trying to clamp two fat surfaces together withPVA or Aliphatic between them, the glue will act as alubricant, and theywill starttoslide about. Clamping surfaces smearedwith Super‘Phatic! avoids this problem”
Another benefit when choosing Super’Phatic! is that it dries losing half its weightinthe process, therebyaffording the lightest possible finished joints (see Photo 8).
Super’Phatic! contains no solvents other than water.Itis, therefore, fume free. This makes it an ideal alternative to CA glues when working in aconfined space or, indeed, if you aresensitive to cyano and epoxies.
It is alsoveryeasy to clean up should there be any spills (see Photo 9).
Spills and excess applicationofproduct, however,are far less likely than with alot of other adhesives out there. The nozzle on a bottle of Super‘Phatic! dispenses just the right amount of product, with no dribbles (as demonstrated while being applied to a bulkhead in Photo 10), thereforeleaving no excess glue to worry about.
Photo 11 shows ahardwood side stringer that hasbeen glued to afibreglass hull side; any excess dry Super‘Phatic! glue canbe easily sanded away
Thereare many uses for Super‘Phatic! while modelboatbuilding, but hereare afew of themoresignificant ones…
Bonding stringers
Having tacked the stringer onto aGRP with RoketCAgluetomake sureit’sinthe right place, Super’Phatic! is added to createa
durablebond at the bow (see Photo12) and the side (see Photo 13)
Bonding/laminating aplywood deck Super’Phatic! can also be used for laminating. Photo 14 shows it being spread onto adummy marine plysheet
The deck is then placed, with plenty of adjustment time, onto asheet ofplastic styrene and weighted down. The glue dries through intothe plywood, thereby achieving acleaner and strongerresultthan you would get when using asimple contactglue (see Photo 15).
Photos 16 and 17/17a show the plywood planks looking great on both the maindeck
of our boats and also on that of customer Karl Kuttruff’ssteamer
On my own Sea Hornet (an enlarged version) Iusedplenty of Super’Phatic! for flooding the internal joints afterthe plywood skinning of the hull, reinforcingthe bulkheads,and finally bondingthe planked deck –using doll’shouse Parquet flooring panels –but don’ttell anyone! (see Photos 18 and19).
This is still my favourite boat and at the lakeside everyone asks wheredid you get that mister?
“If you’ve already discovered Super’Phatic! and havefound anovel use for it, please send in details via the editor…. A surprise DeLuxe Materialsprize packageawaits thebest three submissions received!”
If you’ve already discovered Super’Phatic! and have found anovel use for it, pleasesend in details via the editor,including agood photo of yourself either working on abuild in progress or with your finished model boat. Asurprise DeLuxe Materials prize package awaits the best three submissions received! ●
Super’Phatic! carries an RRP (Recommended Retail Price) of £7.99 and is distributed to all good hobby shops by Ripmax in the UK andExpo Tools. Should you encounter any difficulty finding the product,however, please visit the deluxematerials.com website or telephone 01529 455 034.