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ModelBoats,ISSN0140-2910, is publishedmonthly by MortonsM edia Group, Me diaC entre, Morton Way, Horncastle,L incs LN96 JR UK. TheUSannualsubscriptionprice is 89USD. Airfreight andmailing in theUSA by agentnamed WN Shipping USA, 156-15,146th Avenue,2nd Floor, Jamaica, NY 11434, USA. Periodicalspostage paid at Brooklyn,NY11256. US Postmaster:Sendaddress changestoModel Boats, WN Shipping USA, 156-15,146th Avenue,2nd Floor, Jamaica, NY 11434, USA. Subscription recordsare maintained at DSB.netLtd,3Queensbridge, TheLakes, Northampton, NN45DT.Air Business Ltdisactingasour mailingagent.
08 Compass360
This mo nth’sh ob by -related news ro un d- up an dthe op po rtunit yto wi nacopyo fJan va nd er Ve ke n’s beau ti fu ll yill us trated bo ok Boats
10 Billing Boats PrizeDraw
Yo ur chan ce to WINa1:20sca le fis hi ng boat ki ti ni ts new, and li mi te de di tion,M ed iterra nean gu ise
12 BlackpoolModel Show 2024
Da ve Wo ol ey prov id es as pe ci al ph otor ep or tf ro mt hi syea r’s event
20 Material matter s, Part2
Co li nB is ho pconc lu de shis gu ide wi th th efac to rs yo u’ll ne ed to co nsid er wh en ch oosi ng fit ti ng, ad he si ve s, pa in ts an dvarnish es
26 AJawsome Orca
Blac kParkM od el Boat Cl ub me mb er Cris sy Howe sc ha ts wi th
ou rEd, Li nd sey, ab ou th er kill er fir st bu ild
34 Monitor: M35
As hl ey Ne ed ha ms ha re sa no th er to pi dea
RayWoo dp rovide sa na cco mpanyi ng bu il dg uide fo rhis ‘a ll ab oa rd for Lu nd y’ de sign
46 Save moneywit ha subscription
Ch ec ko ut th el ates tp ri nt an dd ig it al of fe rs an dg et yo ur fa vo ur item ag fo rl ess
48 SailingSquar er ounda pond
NevWad eexp la in sh ow it sd one
56 Flot sam&Jet sam: TheWelmanSubmarine
Jo hn Pa rker re fle ct so nthis ‘d es pe ra te ti me sc allfor de sp erate meas ures’ves se lfro mthe SOE, a.k.a. Ch urchill’s‘di rt ytrick s’ depar tm ent
60 Boiler Room
RichardSim pson co mp le te shis bu ild of the BenAin
66 Memory Lane:
Dave Wigg in scon ti nu es hisfes ti ve fo rayi ntothe wo rl do fv in ta ge ma ri ne steam
68 Your Models/ Your Letters
Mo re of yo ur VIBs (Ver yImp re ssive Bu il ds)s howc as ed an dsome in te re sting fe ed ba ck
74 Next mont h…
Ju st th re eofthe reason syou wo n’t wa nt to mi ss th eFeb ru ar y2025i ss ue of Mo de lB oa ts
Asp ro mise di nmycolum nlast mo nth, we’veg ot abit of atreat in storefor th em orea dvan ced mo de lboa tbuild er sa mo ng st youinthis is su e–Ray Wood ’s free pull -out plan and bu ildg uide fo ra 1:48 sc al emod el of the Lu nd yIslan dser vi ng ma il,sup plie sa nd pa ssenge rves se lMS Oldenburg
Much easier to buildisBilling Boats’ Monterey FishingBoatkit in itsnew Mediterraneanguise.We’re told this versionisbeing produced in quitelimited numbers, so we’redelighted to have an exampleupfor grabsinthe exclusiveprize draw you’ll findonpages 12-13. Oh,and by theway,although marketed as astatic kit, forthose of youlooking fora bitmore of achallenge,at1:20scale there’salways thepossiblyofinstallingyourown R/C equipment–the worldreallyisyourlobster!
Plus,i nasecon dp rize draw (turnto ou rCom pa ss 36 0n ew se ctio n),the re’s acopyofPre stel Pu blis hi ng’s gorge ous newbook Boats to be wo n. Presen ted in ha rd ba ck fo rmat,i t’sa ti tl etha tc an be enjoye dbyeve ryon efro ma nc ie nt ma ri ne rs to in qu isitiveyou ng ster s, than ks to th ed iver se arrayoftopic scovered an dthe brig htly coloured re tro-fu tu rist illu stra tion s, whic ha re as beau ti fu la sthey arei nforma tive.
Youw illa lsofi nd arepor tfro mthe 2024 Blac kpoolMod el Show,som eg reat featurel engtha rtic le s, an in te rv ieww ith re ce nt newm em be rtothe Blac kPark Mo de lClu b, th ei nc re di blytal en te dCrissy Howe s, an da ll your favouritereg ular pa ge s–soIhop eyou enjoyyou rrea d.
Therewill, of course,belotsmoreto come in 2025,so, to be sure younever miss an issue, checkout ourlates tsubscription deals(seepages 46 -47).We’dgreatly appreciate yousubscribing —it’sthe best waytosupport us,asitensures we retain themajorit yofthe revenue. This allows us to continueinves ting in themagazineand delivering thecontent youlove.
Prefer to bu yfro myou rloc al shop? No proble m— Ju st As k! Youc an se tup a‘Shop Save’a tyou rloc al store. Th ey ’ll re se rveacopyofeve ry ed itio n, read yfor youtocolle ct.T hisser vice is availa bl eat allg oo dn ewsa ge nt s!
TheRoyalNavyand Fishery ProtectionfromtheFourteenth CenturytothePresent by authorandnaval historianJon Wisewasannouncedwinner of the2024 Maritime Foundation Awardfor Best Bookatthe 28th AnnualMaritime Media Awards onThursday,October17. Itisclaimedthatthe Fishery Protection Squadron(FPS)is theoldestsquadroninthe
fleet,predatingtheformal creationoftheNavyitselfin the earlypartofthe16thcentury, yetthisisthefirstbook to explore its‘Cinderella’ role. Thehardbackformatbook is pricedat£25andcanbe orderedeitheronlineviawww. or from yourlocalbookstorewhen quotingISBN:978139904 1706.
To beinwith achanceofwinning thisfantasticprize,all you needto doiscompletetheBoatsBookPrize Drawentryformbelow,cutitout (photocopiesof theformwillbe acceptablefor thoseof you whodonot wishtodefaceyourmagazine)andmail itbacktousat:
BoatsBookPrizeDraw ModelBoats
MortonsMediaGroup MediaCentre,Morton Way Horncastle,LincsLN96JR
Pleasenote,inorder tobe inincluded inthedraw,yourentry form mustbe withusonorbeforethe closingdateof Friday,January24,2025.
Thismonth,courtesy of Prestel PublishingLtd,we’reable to offeryouthechancetowin acopy of this delightfully illustrated,hardbackformat book Boats –Steamers, IcebreakersandGhost Ships Perfecteithertokeep or gift,thisvisuallyenchanting voyageintotheworld ofshipsandshipping introducesyoung re aders toanoceanicarray of naval phenomena.Deftlyweaving history,s cienceandculture, thebookcovers af ascinating arrayofsubjects ,s uchas historicvessels,amazing voyages,extraordinary figures,technical de tails andculturalphenomena, whilealsodelvinginto topics suc ha sw hyseas havestreets,whichbodies ofwaterarec onsidered cursed,how as hipstays afl oa t,howtouse as extant, andhowlighthouseswork. Thevibrantlycoloured,
re tro-futurist,acco mp anying illustrationsfromartistJanvan der Ve kenarea sb eautifulas theyarei nformative,making thistheperfectbookfornaval enthusiastsofallages.
To beincludedin thedraw,allyouneedtodoiscompletetheentry formincludedonthispage,cut itout(photocopiesofthe formwillbe acceptedfrom thoseofyounot wishingtodefaceyourmagazine) and mailitbackto us at:
replacesomeofmytoolsthathave seenbetterdays,so Iwasgladto get sometimetoperuse what was onofferfromPeak Tools,andtobe abletochatwithothervarioustraders aboutwhat’snewandupcomingin theirscheduleof kits andfittings.
Funds raised fortheRNLI 2024willgodownas arecordyear in termsofraisingfundsfortheRNLI, withproceedsfromtheBringandBuy standmaking up alargepercentage oftheimpressive£2,121achieved.
“Plansforthe2025eventare nowunderway,with adate of November15-16havingalready beenset”