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March 2016
Make yourself at home at the Victoria Bikers’ Pub If you like the company of fellow motorcyclists in an atmosphere of live music, real ale and no-fuss British food, lots of rideouts and bike gatherings throughout the year, the Victoria Bikers’ Pub could be just the place for you.
he minute you open the door way from Sawbridgeworth, Herts, to of the Victoria Bikers’ Pub in the Dragon Rally, and many tales Coalville, Leicestershire, the were regaled as the hours ticked by. All kinds of people walk through the cosy but well-worn surroundings shout out: “Make yourself at home”. door – bikers of every description, rock In one corner, surrounded by racks music lovers, truckers, three-wheeler of second-hand motorcycle clothing and vintage car fans… even members for sale, is proprietor John Commons’ of the so-called ‘Old Age Pensioners ‘open-plan’ office – basically a table MCC’ that was set up as a joke but now and chair strewn with papers so that enjoys a large membership! As late afternoon turned to early he can keep an eye on the bar – along with his maroon 250cc BSA C15 and, evening, a steady stream of regulars curled up by a window, his well-petted swelled the numbers until the pub was alive with cheerful banter. (by everyone!) ginger cat Helen. The Victoria started life as a 19th When this feature was compiled, early arrivals Pat and Rick, who’d just century ‘pit pub’ for the miners turned up on their 1941 BSA M20 of Coalville, and it was the black and 750cc Ural outfit, were staying stuff that kept the town alive for overnight at the Vic while on their 150 years. However the Vic’s grass-
Shadows fall as The Victoria Bikers’ Pub in Coalville prepares for another busy Thursday evening on February 11.
En route to the Dragon Rally, Rick (left) and Pat enjoy a crack with The Vic’s proprietor John Commons and his cat Helen. Note the real ale cask on the bar.
roots clientele steadily dwindled with classic rock sounds drifting into after Snibston Colliery, whose roots the car park and the smell of fried went right back to George Stephenson, onions from the pub’s own burger was closed down in December van adding to the atmosphere. Each year, always on the nearest 1983 despite achieving a recordSaturday to Midsummer’s Day, breaking output. After Shipstone’s Brewer y the Vic puts on a Moxters of Rock modernised and enlarged the pub, tribute event, and this year’s theme the new landlords asked John, who will be Thin Lizzie, to mark the was running a number of rock 30th anniversary of the death of venues including The Rock House vocalist Phil Lynott, who became at Shepshed, to organise a bit of live the first black Irishman to achieve music, and in 1993 John suggested rock music success. Among Thin Lizzie’s hits were Whiskey in the starting a bike night. The first of these, on January 5, 1994, Jar, Jailbreak and The Boys are Back attracted five motorcyclists, “but by in Town. An unusual aspect of The the end of summer you could stick a few noughts on the end” said John. Victoria Bikers’ Pub is its wall of “When the landlords left in 1999 they remembrance, with small wooden asked if I’d consider taking the pub crosses in memory of motorcycle on. I didn’t want the commitment racers (including Karl Harris, at first, but after a lot of negotiating I Marco Simoncelli and Barry did, and it became a music venue and Sheene) as well as ordinary friends and those from the music bikers’ pub.” Thursday is always the Vic’s big industry. The pub features three live stages, bike night, and in the summer particularly there’s an abundance of has simple accommodation for machinery from Harley-Davidsons to overnight stays, and organises many Lambrettas, from vintage to modern, music and motorcycling events in
The amusing pub sign caricature of Queen Victoria riding into town is repeated on the black T-shirts and other souvenirs that are on sale inside the pub.
and around the pub, including the garden, where a large marquee is sometimes erected. Famous visitors to the Vic have included James Toseland, who’s performed there with his old rock band Crash, the Hairy Bikers, Niall Mackenzie, Colin Edwards, James Whitham and Randy Mamola. In fact there’s so much going on at The Vic that you really must visit the website at www.vicbikerspub.co.uk
Pat shows off the ex-WD 1941 BSA M20 on which he’d set off from Sawbridgeworth to the Dragon Rally the previous day.
March 2016
Thriving off-road scene woos crowds at brilliant Telford Classic Dirt Bike Show The classic off-road bike scene showed its strength once again over the weekend of February 20-21, as riders and enthusiasts flocked to Telford’s International Centre for the premier event of the year.
ponsored by Hagon Shocks, The guests kept the crowds the Classic Dirt Bike Show entertained during on-stage welcomed thousands of off- interviews with Classic Dirt Bike road enthusiasts through the doors, magazine editor Tim Britton, and also while traders in attendance reported regaled fans with stories from their healthy sales of parts, spares, kit careers at the traditional Saturday and accessories. All Star Classic night dinner. Speedway’s Paul Müller said: “There Displays were a major element of were loads of people, lots of interest the event, and among the gems was and we had a really great response a selection from show sponsor Hagon from the public. It’s a fantastic show Shocks, who are already making plans which is very well organised.” to bring together rare Hagon bikes Adding to the buzz in the three for a major display at the 2018 show busy halls was the presence of an to coincide with its 60th anniversary abundance of off-road sporting stars year. Hagon’s Tony Hutchison said: including speedway legend Barry “We’re delighted to be on board with Briggs, trials champion Wayne le the Telford show and to be able to Marquand, scrambling ace Jim Aird, put something back in to the off-road and trials ace and all-round racer world. It’s been a good weekend for Nick Jefferies. us, we’ve had some great feedback
Best in Show winner at Telford was Adrian Moss’s 1964/65 Rickman Mk. III, which had been rebuilt from scratch over the past two years.
There’s nothing you can’t do with a Bantam, and this tasty exhibit drew plenty of admirers.
and we’re excited about showcasing even more Hagon bikes over the next two years.” It was a successful weekend for Adrian Moss too, with the Rickman Motorcycles managing director claiming the Best In Show award for his 1964/65 Rickman Mk. III. Adrian said: “The bike has been rebuilt from scratch over the past two years and has yet to be ridden. Now the project is complete, we expect it will be used in competition by Andy Robertson.” Adding his thoughts to the weekend’s proceedings, event planner Richard Graham said: “It’s been another great weekend for the Telford show, and I thank everyone Classic Dirt Bike editor Tim Britton does his stuff on stage as he interviews a involved for their efforts. Roll on 2017.” fit-looking Nick Jefferies.
Show visitors search for that essential piece of motorcycle-related literature.
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March 2016
Bristol classic shines despite the weather A series of stunning classic motorcycles impressed the gathered crowds at the Royal Bath & West Showground, Shepton Mallet, on February 6-7 as enthusiasts descended on the venue for one of the UK’s favourite annual bike events
A Royal Enfield gets a modern version of the feather duster treatment.
he 36th Carole Nash Bristol Classic MotorCycle Show brought together some of the UK’s finest veteran, vintage and classic machines under one roof. They included three entries from well known collector Henry Body, which drew significant attention over the weekend – particularly his 1913 Williamson, which is one of just a few rare survivors in the UK. Exhibition manager Nick Mowbray said: “There was much anticipation about Henry’s bikes and they proved popular among showgoers, with plenty of people gathered round to get a glimpse of the superb examples.” Charlie Cannon’s AJS Silver Streak was named Best in Show while the Gold Star Owners’ Club won the Best Club Stand award. The Gold Star exhibition team went for an eclectic mix of machines, showcasing a variety of road and race bikes, including off-road examples. The group’s chairman Ron May said: “It just goes to prove that Gold Stars can do anything.”
While the weather did its best to put a damper on things at the 36th Carole Nash Bristol Classic MotorCycle Show at the Bath & West Showground, Shepton Mallet, on February 6-7, there was plenty to interest visitors inside.
A busy viewing day and sale event for the Charterhouse auction added to the buzz as a collection of barn-find restoration projects and spares consigned from Devon sold for £40,000, nearly three times the top estimate for the lots. Charterhouse’s head of motorcycles, Matthew Whitney, said: “Both the preview day and the auction were very well attended, and we’re also delighted with our online efforts which saw a record number of clients registering to bid.” Reflecting on the weekend, Nick added: “Our thanks must go to all the traders and exhibitors who helped us put on a decent show in what were, at times, extremely trying conditions.”
Charlie Cannon shows off his cup after taking the Best in Show award with his AJS Silver Streak.