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Railwayana auctioneers and sale dates
List of auctioneers of railwayana, models and collectables
■ GW Railwayana, www.gwra.co.uk tel 01386 760109, email: simont@gwra.co.uk
Sale dates: Main auction: July 23/24, November 13. Buy & go (a non-reserve auction) April 24. ■ Great Central Railwayana, gcrauctions.com tel 01327 262193, email: info@ gcrauctions.co.uk
Sale dates: TBA ■ Talisman Railwayana Auctions, www.talismanauctions.co.uk tel 01949 21105
Sale dates: TBA ■ Railwayana Auctions UK, hold auctions under the name of Stafford Railwayana Auctions, Crewe Heritage Railwayana and Mid-Hants Railwayana, tel 01242 620020, www.ukrailwayana.com
Sale dates: Crewe, June 25-28; Mid-Hants, TBA. ■ Transport Auctions of London, Hamilton House, 87-89 Bell Street, Reigate, RH2 7AN, tel 01737 237505, www.transportauctionslondon.com
Sale date: May 8. ■ Special Auction Services, based in Newbury, tel 01635 580595 and Dudley 01384 931001. www.specialauctionservices.com, email: mail@specialauctionservices. com
Sale dates: April 13, June 29 and December 14. ■ Spicers Auctioneers, Dutch River Side, Old Goole, East Yorkshire, DN14 5TB, tel 01377 593593, email: andy@spicersauctioneers.com
Sale date: May 14 ■ Excaliber Auctions, Unit 16 Abbots Business Park, Primrose Hill, Kings Langley WD4 8FR, 020 3633 0913, www.excaliburauctions.com
Sale dates: Check website for latest information ■ Thirsk Farmers Auction Market, Thirsk Rural Business Centre, Blakey Lane, Thirsk, North Yorkshire YO7 3AB
Sale dates: April 23, June 12 and September 18. ■ Great Northern Railwayana Auctions, tel 0161 209 6524 or 07802 553880. gnrauctions.co.uk Auctions held at Poynton Leisure Centre, Yew Tree Lane, Poynton, Stockport SK12 1PU
Sale dates – check website ■ Vectis Auctions, www.vectis.co.uk, tel 01642 750 616 (Thornaby) or 01993 709 424 (Witney).
Sale dates – check website ■ Dreweatts Auctioneers, Donnington Priory, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2JE, tel 01635 553553, www.dreweatts.com
Sale dates – check website
Other sources of railwayana and collectables
■ The Original Nicholas Gerrard Railwayana Room, Unit 19, Pickering Antiquities, 42 Burgate Chambers, Pickering YO18 7AU, tel 07788 856752. Also trading from Hemswell Antiques, Building 2, Caenby Corner Estate, Hemswell Cliff, Gainsborough DN21 5TJ; Beverley Antiques & Collectors Centre, Beverley and the Red House Antique Centre, York. NicholasGerrardRailwayana@ gmail.com Twitter: @NicksRailwayana (outlets reopen April 12 in line with coronavirus restrictions). ■ Justackickago, online railway photo auctions, www.justaclickago. com tel 01509 890785.
Sale dates – check website ■ Great Central Railway Swap Meet, Station Yard, Quorn, LE12 8AG. Website: www.gcrailway.co.uk/ special-events/quorn-swap-meet
Sale dates: June 27 and September 5 (subject to any Government restrictions). ■ Junction Railwayana, Bay 1 , Spaceman Business Park, Severn Bridge Industrial Estate, Symondscliffe Way, Caldicot, NP26 5PS, 01291 790354, junctionrailwayana.com ■ Old Railway Tickets, 3 Mallard Close, Pickering, North Yorkshire YO18 8TF, tel 07746 615330 or 01751 474155, oldrailwaytickets.co.uk
■ At the time of writing, Covid-19 restrictions had not been fully lifted and most auction house sales were operating via a combination of online
bidding, postal and telephone bids. It was not known when, or even if, attended sales would resume and therefore some auction houses have not announced sale dates. Please call or check their websites for the latest information.