The UK’s Number ONE read for all waterways users
Issue 175, May 2020
Life under lockdown Boats in lockdown on visitor moorings above Sileby Lock on the Soar Navigation. PHOTO: LES HEATH
Social distancing on the towpath
THE Canal & River Trust has reiterated that use of local canal towpaths should be strictly limited during the lockdown restrictions which remained in place as we went to press. Walkers are urged to follow government guidance and keep their distance from others and moored boats. A statement issued before the bank holiday weekend continued: “We appreciate the important role our
canals play in urban areas – providing vital green space – however towpaths should be strictly for local use only during the coronavirus pandemic. “People must follow social distancing measures at all times, taking extra care on narrow towpaths.” While warmer weather may tempt people to go for a towpath walk, CRT reminded people of the importance of staying at home in order to protect the NHS and save lives.
“Our plea to everyone thinking of using the towpath is to be mindful of others and act always with consideration and with respect. If we all continue to observe government guidance then together we can combat this pandemic, and be able to enjoy getting back out on or by our waterways when we’ve beaten it. “Where a local journey is essential, we are asking people to try and avoid stretches with multiple moored boats,
use the full width of the towpath when passing, keep moving, and stand aside to allow others to pass, in single file.” The trust has been putting up banners, signs and posters at busy locations to remind people to limit their use of towpaths and has built an online hub of canal-related films, images, interactive content and stories for everyone to enjoy safely at home to get their enjoyment of the waterways virtually.
Gender pay gap
Craven scheme delay
Virtual flagships
WOMEN are paid on average 3.9% more than men at the Canal & River Trust according to its latest Gender Pay Gap Statement. Chief executive Richard Parry said: “The trust is committed to gender equality across all aspects of our employment, including pay. I am pleased to present our pay information in a transparent and accessible way.” The statement shows the gender pay gap and bonus gap at the Canal & River Trust at the ‘snapshot date’ – i.e. April 6, 2019 (pay) and in the 12 months reference period to April 6, 2019 (bonus). It can be found at www.canalrivertrust.
WORK on the £2 million Craven towpath improvement project between Gargrave and Kildwick has been suspended due to the coronavirus outbreak. Although much of the work has been completed, the Canal & River Trust halted activity on the remaining stretches to protect staff and subcontractors. It hopes to resume work later in the year on the project, which will see more than 11km of the towpath in Craven improved. It is being resurfaced with a natural limestone material and widened at key hotspots, including Gargrave and Broughton Road to provide better access to Skipton railway station and local employment sites.
IN LIGHT of the current situation, National Historic Ships UK is extending the deadline for submissions for its Flagship of the Year award and is now looking for a number of ‘Virtual Flagships’ for 2020. It is asking what online activities, events or social media coverage are being planned for the months ahead while museums or vessels are out of bounds to visitors. National Historic Ships UK will work with the winners of this award to raise their profile and promote their sites online throughout the season. It has also extended the deadline of its Small Grants Scheme until June 30.
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MORE than three weeks into lockdown and everything has just about ground to a halt. When I wrote this welcome last month, the holiday hire industry was still optimistic that people would be able to take holidays on board as a form of selfisolation. But the ban on all bar essential travel, which doesn’t include going to ‘second homes’, put the kibosh on that. On a lighter note, the lack of traffic is being hailed as good news for wildlife and many people are reporting being more conscious of hearing birdsong which would otherwise have been drowned out by engine noise. And I don’t know if it’s down to the weather or the drastic reduction in air travel but we have had some evenings when the sky seems to have been fuller of stars than usual. Under normal circumstances we would have reported on the presentations to our Top Teams this month but I was only able to make one visit – at the end of February before the restrictions kicked in – see report on page 4. Although the awards have been despatched by post, I am hopeful that we can still arrange presentations later in the year to give us chance to congratulate our winners. Some of the activities reported on this month happened before the restrictions so you will see photos of people not distancing themselves from each other. This has been a major concern for boaters moored alongside narrow towpaths which are being used by walkers and cyclists taking their permitted daily exercise. In recent years the Canal & River Trust has been going out of its way to promote towpath use as part of its well-being message but has had to take a raincheck on this and urge people to stay away from stretches where there are boats moored. Unfortunately the closures mean that some of our usual stockists are shut and you may be reading this online at in which case please keep visiting our website for any breaking news and updates affecting the inland waterways. Stay safe
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Making the most of the spring sunshine while in lockdown on the River Soar are liveaboards Wayne and Shaz who were heading for Nottingham when the new rules came into force. PHOTO: LES HEATH
See page 16 or call 01507 529529
Coalboat Aquilon on the western end of the Kennet & Avon Canal delivering, among other essentials, the April edition of Towpath Talk. PHOTO: SPENCER COLLINS
The last intact Mersey flat sinks By Jonathan Mosse
IN THE face of a 10.2m tide and a gale of storm force 9 Oakdale, the last intact example of a Mersey flat, sprang a plank and rapidly began to fill with water. She sank within three minutes, leaving her owner – Dave Keenan – just time to rescue his dog and cats and secure himself atop the craft’s superstructure to await the lifeboat, as his vessel settled onto the bottom of the estuarine mudflats west of Barrow-in-Furness. Dave has owned the 72ft 6in x 15ft 9in
Oakdale since 1976. Unless she can be repaired during the summer (when lower tides mean that she settles on the dry dunes for most of the time) next winter’s gales will undoubtedly herald her final end. Dave has the experience and the wherewithal to fund the repairs but it’s a job for at least two people. A small team would be even better. He would also be happy to fund the establishment of a preservation trust. If you feel you have a part to play in saving the only remaining, intact example of this historic vessel, Dave Keenan can be contacted on 07715 893111.
Could you help save Oakdale, the last intact Mersey flat?
EA postpones consultation on boat charges THE Environment Agency reported that it has seen a reduction in the movement of boats on its waterways and thanked those adhering to government guidance. However it reiterated advice that boaters should make journeys only to access essential services and facilities. Alice Mayne, deputy director for navigation and commercial development, said that it needs to continue management and regulation of its waterways in order to protect the environment and the public. The basis of funding for this work remains its fees and charges, including for boat registration and moorings. She stated: “You will be aware that we have been carrying out a strategic review of our boat registration charges and are due to consult on our proposals this spring. We recognise now is not the right time for a consultation of this nature and we have taken the decision to postpone this work. This means implementation of a new charge scheme will be delayed until 2022.” • If you keep or use your boat on one of the EA’s waterways, you still need to register it as required by the Environment Agency (Inland Waterways) Order 2010. The income the EA receives from boat
registration is vital for it to continue to manage and maintain its waterways. • The EA says it understands the challenges coronavirus is causing and that some customers are particularly affected by the recent measures to restrict the spread of the virus. • As the EA’s Boat Registration team is working remotely at the moment in line with government guidance, it is not able to print and send out registration plates. Therefore, when you register, you will only receive confirmation of your payment by email. Your registration plate will be sent out as soon as the EA is able to do so. In the meantime the EA will not expect you to display a valid registration plate on your boat. • The EA understands that some customers may have Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) certification which has expired or is due to expire within the next few months. As customers are not able to get new certification at this time due to the current government restrictions and advice, the EA will be extending certification in line with the agreed position issued by the BSS on behalf of the Environment Agency and the Canal & River Trust.
Defra seeks IWA’s views on Covid-19 impact AT A meeting held in March by video link, Defra's Navigation Team was keen to hear Inland Waterways Association input on the likely impact of Covid-19 on waterways across the country. IWA’s key concerns include boaters’ health and access to facilities, people not being able to afford to pay mooring and licence fees, navigation authorities’ ability to deal with emergency repairs and the impact on many waterway businesses, including hire boat companies through having to close down their operations. “We are concerned that smaller navigation authorities will be badly
affected, as well as the larger ones, particularly with the restrictions coming on top of extensive damage in the recent winter storms,” IWA stated. “Over the coming weeks and months we will continue to do what we can to help navigation authorities, waterway businesses and boaters and are currently assisting Defra in identifying the wider issues.” The video meeting covered other ongoing issues such as funding for the publicly owned waterways, the importance of navigation authorities providing sufficient basic facilities and other issues relating to the heritage and restoration of the waterways.
Tune into wildlife during tough times
THE Wildlife Trusts have created online nature activities to encourage everyone to tune in to wildlife at home this spring – and to help people find solace in nature during tough times. Spot bees, butterflies, bats and birds during your permitted local walk, keep children entertained with nature-themed crafts, or tune in to look at fabulous wildlife footage and photos! There’s also plenty of practical outdoor advice to inspire us to do more for wildlife in gardens, balconies or window boxes.
New videos
A new video will be uploaded to Wildlife Watch UK every Wednesday at 10am. The channel will feature wildlife experts, home-school help and seasonal species to spot at Future videos will include:
• How to build a pond • Be a garden scientist – exploring your garden wildlife • How to identify insects in your garden • How to make a bug hotel • What is marine pollution? • Why birds sing and how to recognise their songs.
Wildlife tours
Wildlife experts who are usually leading school visits, events or talking to visitors on reserves have had to down tools and work from home – and so they can now be found online leading wildlifespotting tours through their gardens, blogging about the life cycle of oil beetles or sharing heartwarming sounds of a dawn chorus on a sunny April morning. Leanne Manchester, wildlife gardener and digital
communications manager at The Wildlife Trusts, said: “More people than ever are tuning into our wildlife webcams – more than double the figure for this time last year – and we’re seeing people have a lot of fun wildlife-watching in their gardens. “Spring has arrived in splendid colour and sound, and over the past few days, hundreds of people have told us that they’ve spotted their first butterflies. These are joyful moments that people hold dear at this difficult time.” In total there are 24 webcams offered by Wildlife Trusts across the UK; 19 webcams are online now and five cams will come online later in spring, depending on when the species they watch arrive! Tune in at The Wildlife Trusts are also launching a weekly wildlife programme on YouTube this week for kids and parents.
Boatyard could provide home for historic boats By Les Heath
AN EXCITING new project to transform a boatyard on the River Calder is now in the hands of the local planners. Jeff and Mandy Dowsett, who have run Methley Bridge Boatyard and Chandlery since 1989, hope to make vast improvements to the yard near Castleford in West Yorkshire. Discussions are also under way on the possibility of providing a home for historic boats at the yard. One of them, the Sobriety from the
Yorkshire Waterways Museum which closed last year, has been offered a free mooring if the plans are approved. At the moment there is room for around 30 moored boats and 40 hardstanding boat spaces. Wakefield Council and the Canal & River Trust are happy with the proposal moving forward and are now awaiting the views of the Environment Agency. The ideas would vastly improve the waterfront in this area according to DMU Designs, who prepared the plans. A representative of DMU Designs
said that the current clubhouse would be demolished and a new clubhouse, workshop, boaters’ facilities and a causeway along the river bank would be constructed. He added: “The proposal provides something unique to the area which would really put Castleford on the map.” He said that the new boathouse could have varied use for both boaters and the local community. “The proposals would result in clear benefits to the local economy, social objectives and the local environment.”
The boatyard as it is today (top picture) compared with its appearance if the plans are approved. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Historic barge Sobriety has been offered a free mooring. PHOTO: JANET RICHARDSON
Fears over walkers keeping their distance
I Dig Canals project produces podcasts to enjoy at home HAVING been forced to cancel the final celebration events for its I Dig Canals project, Alarum Theatre has produced more podcasts which people can enjoy at home. To date, six episodes have been uploaded, with a variety of
presenters and lots of audio extracts to listen to. You can hear about first encounters with the canals in the 1960s, the state they were in, what it was like boating along them and how women got involved in the
campaigns to save them. New episodes will be added every Thursday for the next few weeks. To go to the recordings, visit and enter ‘alarum theatre’ in the search.
Trust launches weekly bulletins during Covid-19 crisis
The sign at the entrance to the New Lane boat moorings. PHOTO: COLIN WAREING BOATERS concerned about walkers keeping their distance have erected this home-made sign on their mooring on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal near Burscough, writes Colin Wareing. While the path alongside the mooring is also a public footpath, the boaters who are self isolating on their boats are
concerned about members of the public walking past on the narrowpath. There is a good towpath on the opposite side of the canal which had no boats moored along it when this photo was taken, so the general public are being encouraged to use that for their daily exercise.
THE Canal & River Trust is issuing a special weekly Boater’s Update as part of its response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Website FAQs at www. are also being updated with any relevant additional information. Trust staff have contacted all boaters with existing equality adjustments (EAs) and have asked any boater who is within the Government’s high-risk groups to make contact. A spokesman said: “We will be communicating on a weekly basis with those with EAs and boaters who have self-identified to ask them to contact us if they need any additional help or support, for example with help accessing essential services
such as water/waste, or need help getting supplies.” Those suffering genuine financial hardship as a result of the crisis can get in touch via their local boat licence support team or the online web form. CRT has also begun contacting continuous cruiser boaters to try and identify privately provided boater facilities they are dependent on. It will then be working with private providers to try and ensure that access is maintained to essential boater facilities during the lockdown. Customer service phone lines have temporarily reduced to 9am-5pm Monday to Friday as staff answering calls have now all moved to home working. There is cover for emergencies at weekends.
The winter relaxation on short-stay visitor moorings is being extended until the end of April and will be kept under review if the government restrictions continue beyond then. Working with other partners, CRT has also agreed a temporary extension to boat safety certificates due to renew in the coming weeks. More than 3000 posters reiterating that while they remain open, towpath use should now be limited, have been downloaded and thousands have been put up across the network. CRT has temporarily closed all of its staffed structures for all but essential journeys. It has also instigated contingency plans with most staff now home working as most offices are now closed except for essential staff.
Celebrating our Top Teams – at a distance! By Janet Richardson
WE HAD hoped to carry photos of the presentations of our 2019 Towpath Talk Top Team awards in this edition but were in the process of arranging these when the lockdown restrictions came into force. In the event we had managed to do one of these at the end of February – a commended award to Martin and Fiona Buck of the Waterways Chaplaincy North West team – at their monthly meeting in the Tom Rolt Centre at the National Waterways Museum, Ellesmere Port. The other awards were posted out to the recipients to be presented to their teams once it is safe to do so. They all received commemorative plaques and certificates along with donations of £100 to their charities. Overall winners Grantham Canal Society also received a letter confirming the prize of the day’s hire of a day boat kindly given by the awards’ main sponsor, the ABC Leisure Group. The Crusader Community Boat which won our new Community Boat Award received a £100 voucher to be spent at Midland Chandlers in Braunston, to whom we are also grateful for their support. The lockdown and especially the need to protect the older and more vulnerable members of our society, many of whom are active in the voluntary sector, means that the very organisations towards which our Top Team awards are targeted are currently at a standstill.
But that does not mean they are not preparing for when restrictions are eventually lifted and life can start to return to normal. Writing in the April edition of the Grantham Canal Society’s Bridge newsletter, chairman Mike Stone questions what the lockdown will mean for a society that needs funds to operate successfully. He points out that minimum operating cost of the society is about £25,000 per year which doesn’t include £20,000 committed match funding for the lock rebuilding project currently under way, nor the £20,000 needed to reinstate the slipway. Calling for fundraising ideas, Mike appeals to members to help prevent the crisis having a massive impact on the society’s financial position this year by raising an amount, however small, to offset this reduction. But on a more positive note, he writes: “The particularly good news is that the society has been approved as a contractor to the Canal & River Trust. This means the GCS can deliver properly planned and managed projects using volunteer labour without CRT staff present. This represents both a significant cost saving to the society and much greater flexibility to volunteer teams.” See our interview with Mike on page 14 of this issue. On its Facebook page, Crusader Community Boating, based in Northamptonshire, wrote on April 14: “On this bright and sunny morning
we should have been running our first trip of the year but sadly circumstances have changed our programme this year. Hopefully we will get back to normality in the not-too-distant future.” No new bookings are being accepted for the time being and the priority will be to offer trips to those groups whose trips have been postponed. Crusader Community Boating was due to officially launch its new trip boat for the 2020 season, Community Spirit, built by Colecraft in 2019. This widebeam boat is powered by a hybrid propulsion system, backed up by solar panels. When running under electric drive rather than its diesel engine, the quieter environment will enhance the overall passenger experience. A large cabin area has flexible seating accommodating up to 42 passengers (currently subject to MCA approval), depending on the number of wheelchairs on board. Embarkation is via a short ramp and hydraulic lift or stairs and is fully accessible by wheelchair users and those with walking aids. On receiving the award, enterprising chairman of trustees Colin Neal mocked up a photo with his wife Paula, also a crew volunteer, with the award in their home and then added a backdrop of the current trip boat Mountbatten Crusader. A commended award also went to the Friends of the River Nene which continues via its Facebook page to provide updates on the river state.
Helping boaters in need The presentation of the commended award to Martin and Fiona Buck, waterways chaplains in the North West hub, took place on February 28 and was also attended by two of our judging panel, Haley Hadley, sales and marketing director of award sponsor ABC Leisure Group and Ian McCarthy, who has been active in the Waterways Recovery Group North West for more than 30 years and is currently a volunteers’ representative on the Canal & River Trust Council. This took place at the hub’s monthly meeting held in the Tom Rolt Centre at the National Waterways Museum, Ellesmere Port and was also attended by Barbara Davis, lead waterways chaplain for the north which covers from Birmingham up to Skipton and across to Lincoln; chaplains Malcolm and Stephanie Grey-Smart and retired chaplain Gill Taggart. Martin explained that there are currently 11 in the NW hub plus two who have been recently appointed and a further two awaiting appointment. He described the role of the chaplains as “pastorally proactive and spiritually reactive” and said there was a lot people can do to help boaters in need.
Haley Hadley, sales and marketing director of ABC Leisure Group, presents the plaque to waterways chaplains Fiona and Martin Buck.
Ian McCarthy presents the certificate to Fiona and Martin Buck with lead waterway chaplain Barbara Davis.
Paula and Colin Neal of Crusader Community Boating with the plaque and certificate against a backdrop of trip boat Mountbatten Crusader. PHOTO SUPPLIED
North West hub members Malcolm and Stephanie Grey-Smart, Gill Taggart, Martin and Fiona Buck with lead chaplain for the north, Barbara Davis. PHOTOS: JANET RICHARDSON
Wales & South West regional director Mark Evans at the top of the Caen Hill Flight. PHOTO: BOB NAYLOR/WATERMARX
Around the regions
Mark will be moving his office to a new base on the third floor of the Llanthony Warehouse, home of National Waterways Museum, Gloucester. PHOTO: JANET RICHARDSON
Last year we talked to the regional directors of the Canal & River Trust’s six regions. There has since been a change at the Wales & South West, with former waterway manager Mark Evans stepping up to a new role.
By Janet Richardson
WALES & South West regional director Mark Evans had barely got his feet under the table in his new role when coronavirus turned everyone’s world upside down. When he started on January 6, he came with lots of local knowledge as he already worked for the Canal & River Trust and had previously been waterway manager for the Kennet & Avon and Bridgwater & Taunton Canals. “Coronavirus then kicked in and I haven’t even got round to meeting all my staff yet,” he told me. “They thought I knew the region already but this is a very big job compared with waterway manager.” Mark has strategic responsibility for the whole of Wales, liaising with the Welsh Government and local authorities and the management of the Monmouthshire & Brecon and Swansea Canals as well as the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct. The team in the West Midlands looks after the day-today running of the Montgomery and Llangollen Canals in North Wales. The South West canals in his remit are the Kennet & Avon, Gloucester & Sharpness and Bridgwater & Taunton as well as the River Severn Navigation and
the stretch of the River Avon between Hanham Lock, Bath and Bristol. Mark is currently based at the trust’s Gloucester Docks office but will be moving to the Llanthony Warehouse and joining the museums team on the third floor. The region also has offices in Devizes and Newbury on the K&A, Govilon on the Mon & Brec and Bathpool on the B&T. He currently has a staff of 105 with access to other colleagues and there are a couple of posts on hold due to the coronavirus situation. Out of the six regions, Wales & South West does not have the most canals and structures but is the biggest geographically so there is quite a large area to get around.
Mark has been with the trust for five years, having started as waterway manager in the South West in April 2015. “When we had the restructure nearly two years ago I moved across to a national role in chief investment officer Stuart Mills’ department as head of waterside moorings. I did that for about six months and also became interim head of museums; this role stopped at Christmas. “I am very pleased that Richard Parry (chief executive) and Stuart Mills
have given me that opportunity. When Richard Thomas moved on I was given the chance of this role so I took it; I have also been reunited with a lot of my staff.” “I think this is where my skills lie, also covering Wales because I come from Swansea and being in and around Wales is home for me.” He had previously worked for an environmental charity in the Welsh valleys. In our interview with Richard Thomas last year, we outlined the key regional objectives aimed at linking communities, raising awareness and promoting water-based activities. Mark explained: “Progress is good and we are still working to the same objectives but everything is on hold at the moment. We are working towards our business plan which is still very much focused around the health and well-being agenda.”
The coronavirus pandemic has thrown up all sorts of challenges such as social distancing and trying to keep people away from boaters who don’t want others near them. “Every five minutes there is something new to deal with at the moment and I am really trying to keep my staff safe,” Mark said. On the weekend prior to the national
His new role as regional director has meant a return to the area where Mark was formerly waterway manager. He is pictured during that time with Kennet & Avon Canal Trust president Rob Dean. PHOTO: JANET RICHARDSON lockdown, there were ‘chaotic’ scenes on the Caen Hill Flight and the national press likened some stretches of the Kennet & Avon Canal to being in the middle of Tesco. A decision was taken to close the flight to boats because it needs two people to operate the locks. “We didn’t want to put those colleagues and others at risk by staffing the flight,” explained Mark. However the towpath remains
open. “The trust is urging people to be considerate, follow Government guidelines and our advice, by not congregating on the towpaths, is to keep moving and strictly observe social distancing. We rely on our volunteers to support us in managing the network. However most of them are older and we don’t want to put anyone at risk so we find ourselves with a smaller team. But we will help boaters to move if essential,” Mark added.
Historic canal boat is called into action for tunnel inspection
AN 85-year-old canal boat which played a key role in fighting fires in London during the Second World War has once more come to the rescue to help with an emergency inspection of Blisworth Tunnel. Sculptor, which is ordinarily moored outside the Canal Museum at Stoke Bruerne, was called into action by the Canal & River Trust after a suspected
sinkhole was reported near one of the tunnel’s construction shafts. Engineers needed a boat to inspect the tunnel from the inside and Sculptor, moored just along the towpath, seemed an ideal option for a quick response. Being part of the trust’s museum collection and on the historic ships register, special permission was granted to use her. The inspection, which was
Inspecting the Blisworth Tunnel. PHOTOS: CRT
carried out in accordance with social distancing guidelines, found a small amount of displacement in the tunnel’s concrete lining but nothing to cause the trust’s specialist engineers immediate concern or require a closure of the tunnel. Further investigations will take place once the coronavirus restrictions ease but the inspection allowed the trust to ensure that the tunnel is safe. Built in 1935, Sculptor is one of a small number of working boats that still lives on the canal. Originally owned by the Grand Union Canal Carrying Company, she was used to carry a variety of cargo such as cotton and coal from London to the Midlands. During the Second World War Sculptor was called into action to help with firefighting duties in London, helping to pump water from the city’s canals to extinguish fires caused by bombing. After the war she was used as a canal maintenance boat at Northwich before being taken out of service in 1985. Today Sculptor is an important exhibit at the museum and is lovingly cared for, on behalf of the trust, by volunteers, including a number from the Friends of
Historic boat Sculptor on the Grand Union Canal near Stoke Bruene. the Canal Museum. Neil Owen, regional engineer for the Canal & River Trust, said: “Although boat traffic is very limited at the moment due to coronavirus, it was important for us to get into the tunnel to make sure that everything is safe. “It was really helpful for us to be able to use Sculptor as it enabled us to get in there quickly, have a good look, check there
was no significant damage and alleviate any concerns. It was also a bit of a treat for us to spend time on this amazing historic boat and it was wonderful to see her back in service again. “We’re really grateful to the Friends of the Canal Museum for their support in making it happen.” Kathryn Dodington, Sculptor volunteer, said: “It was a huge
privilege to be able to operate Sculptor on behalf of Canal & River Trust to enable their specialist tunnel engineers to inspect the Blisworth Tunnel and to declare it safe. “Sculptor is ready to serve again when required should the call come. She is a delight to operate and, like any old lady, does exactly what she is asked with graciousness.”
Bump in restoration road
SHROPSHIRE Union Canal Society was particularly disappointed that coronavirus forced it to stop work after huge strides were made in the restoration of the Montgomery Canal during March. Publicity officer Fred Barrett said: “It is with great regret that Shropshire Union Canal Society has understandably suspended activity on the last 330 metres of dry channel that will link the newly redeveloped Crickheath Winding Hole to the restored section at Pryces Bridge.
“This is particularly disappointing because the March work party had provided a sense of real purpose, having overcome a number of very challenging problems during the dreadful weather conditions that prevailed in the winter. “There will be no work parties until there is Government and CRT approval to recommence.” The society has also suspended all fundraising activities, promotional talks and attendance at events.
A view of Crickheath Winding Hole and the completed section at Pryces Bridge, which volunteers are working to join together. PHOTOS SUPPLIED
Milestone reached in Toddbrook Dam repair
THE Canal & River Trust has reached a significant milestone in the temporary repair project on Toddbrook Dam’s damaged auxiliary spillway. Working with main contractors Kier and Mott Macdonald, the trust has carefully excavated into the dam wall and installed a concrete ‘cut-off beam’ which sits on top of the existing waterproof clay core. The two are sealed together to create an improved waterproof barrier. Over the next few weeks, the dam spillway will be further enhanced by the installation of a crest wall, about 1m high on top of the dam, and the construction of two sturdy concrete waterproof barriers down the spillway slope to channel any overflowing water into the central undamaged section.
Work to install the clay core ‘cut-off beam’ (pre-coronavirus restrictions). PHOTOS: CANAL & RIVER TRUST
The new features will ensure that the dam spillway is secure in the face of any extreme weather event. They will remain in place until permanent reconstruction of the auxiliary spillway is undertaken – a project which is likely to take several years and cost around £10 million. Although many CRT maintenance and repair jobs across the 2000-mile waterway network have been postponed due to coronavirus, work continues on this important reservoir repair project. Stringent working conditions have been introduced to protect staff, including the use of extra protective equipment and social distancing rules. Rob Jowitt, Toddbrook project manager for the trust, said: “It is important that we complete these temporary works to
the Toddbrook dam spillway as soon as possible. All tasks and contractors are being closely supervised to ensure that we follow the Government’s guidelines and keep people safe. “The reservoir will remain drained to very low levels until the permanent repair project is completed. Now the inquiry reports have been published, we are working with experienced engineering consultants to produce a costed plan for the dam’s permanent repair. “We will then enter a 12-week public and planning consultation period before embarking on the construction of the final design solution. It is likely work will start on site on this major repair project in early 2021 and take a couple of years to complete.” Rob added: “Over the next few weeks we will be repairing boundary walls and clearing vegetation. In early summer, the temporary dam works will be followed by improvements to the Todd Brook inlet structures at the head of the reservoir. A new system of sluice gates will provide much greater control over how much water flows from the brook into the reservoir or around it via a bypass channel.” The weekly community open surgery sessions in Whaley Bridge have been suspended, following Government guidance on the spread of coronavirus. However, people can still get in touch via email: toddbrook@canalrivertrust. or view updates on the Trust’s website: restoring-toddbrook-reservoir
Toddbrook concrete cut-off installed.
A rail and bogey system has been introduced along the top of the dam wall to reduce manual handling.
Lichfield MP helps plant saplings LICHFIELD MP Michael Fabricant joined Lichfield and Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust volunteers planting 420 saplings at Fosseway Heath Nature Reserve and Wetlands. The saplings had been received from the Woodland Trust, which gives away hundreds of thousands of trees to community groups each year. The Lichfield and Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust volunteers planted the new hedgerow trees along the newly created canal channel on Falkland Road and within the Fosseway Heath Nature Reserve and Wetlands. Mr Fabricant, who is also a patron of the trust, helped plant one of the saplings donated by the Woodland Trust and added a plaque to acknowledge the donation. Mr Fabricant said: “The Fosseway Nature Reserve and Wetlands demonstrate the varied use of canals. “They are used not only by boaters, but also by people taking exercise or a stroll along the towpath and by the wildlife living in and alongside the canal.
“I was proud to help on the day by planting one of the saplings and screwing on a Woodland Trust plaque made by the 7th Lichfield Scouts. “The Lichfield and Hatherton Canals will open up access to the canal system in the Black Country and will provide an economic boost to the area when it is completed.” Christine Bull, chairman of Lichfield and Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust, said: “We planted more than 420 hedging plants and saplings which we had received free from the Woodland Trust. Since 2015 we have received more than 2000 saplings from the Woodland Trust so we are indebted to them for allowing us to make the environment better for wildlife and the community. “This planting session was carried out by our Saturday team, which includes about 10 young volunteers carrying out their Duke of Edinburgh award and 10 ‘recycled teenagers’. “So, not only do we thank the Woodland Trust, but our volunteers and all of our supporters.”
Lichfield MP Michael Fabricant with Aiden Edwards, 7th Lichfield Scouts, Christine Bull, LHCRT chairman and David Edwards, 7th Lichfield Scouts. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Piling it on at the Lichfield Canal
LICHFIELD & HATHERTON Canals Restoration Trust is looking beyond the current coronavirus crisis with its Falkland Road Piling Appeal. Through its 20-20 Vision initiative, the trust is inviting far-sighted supporters to contribute £20 per pile in return for which a personal tag will be attached, recording their generosity far into the future. The steel piling will provide channel protection along a highly visible section beside the bypass. It is a well-proven and robust long-term solution to water containment where the bank has to be supported such as for the towpath or where limited land is available. In January Staffordshire County Council transferred ownership of the first length of the Falkland Road environmental corridor to the trust. This had been reserved since the bypass was constructed in 2006 to accommodate a diversion of the Lichfield Canal replacing the original route past the historic Sandfields Waterworks. The Falkland Road section adjoins the now well-developed Fosseway Heath section with its public nature trail and will add another length to the popular Heritage Towpath Trail flanking the Lichfield Canal. This new appeal presents a rare opportunity for donors to be publicly recognised with a brief inscription embossed onto a metal tag permanently attached to the sponsored piles. It could include a personal name, a memorable pet or a club group. A similar appeal 20 years ago funded 400 piles on the Darnford section carrying an interesting variety of
inscriptions from the donors who made it possible. In due course, acquisition of the remaining length alongside Falkland Road will connect the canal with the planned tunnel under the railway south of Lichfield for which funding and tunnelling contracts are still being pursued. If you wish to support the appeal please complete and return the form below; if signed as a taxpayer, the trust can reclaim gift aid of 25p per £1 donation. Alternatively visit the trust’s website at html
Examples of name tags on pilings on the Darnford section.
Work on the site in Falkland Road.
Characters of the Cut
Alice Griffin meets the free spirits on board ‘The Hippie Boat’. THE world is in a strange place right now and I think it’s fair to say that while we ride out this coronavirus storm, many of us will be thinking about how we can live differently, and perhaps better, afterwards. So when I hear the terms ‘happy’, ‘non-judgmental’ and ‘striving for world peace’ I start to wonder if this is what the world needs more of: hippies! Peter and Julia Arman are owners of ‘The Hippie Boat’, a 2005 57ft traditional stern named Molly from which they sell Fair Trade, ethically sourced handmade clothing, accessories and gifts as they continuously cruise the waterways. Molly, their third boat, owned since March 2017, was bought when space started to become an issue: “We had reached a point where the stock kept on board was in desperate need of a room of its own as Pete could no longer stretch his legs out!” And so, with two bedrooms, Molly was the perfect answer.
Despite having no real link to the canals before moving afloat, Pete and Jules were already in possession of wandering spirits, having travelled across France, Spain and Portugal in an old Iveco bus in 2005/2006. This journey lit the fire for further adventures so when Pete’s job came to an end in 2009 and with some money left to them by family, Jules suggested a year out living on a narrowboat. “Our first boat was The King Of Clubs but as we really knew nothing about narrowboats our first weeks were definitely a baptism of fire, but we loved all of it!” they told me. It’s been quite a journey for Pete and Jules following that first foray into boating life, which included moving off the water for a while to do up their house for sale so they could make a life on the cut full-time. “We realised that all good things come to an end and if we wanted to
“A hippie is a person who is comfortable enough with themselves that they do not hold judgments about anyone else. They are usually happy people and try to spread their happiness everywhere they go. A true hippie does not always categorise themselves by the way they dress, rather by the way they act. To be a hippie is to be part of peaceful activism, striving for world peace.”
The Hippie Boat at one of the canalside festivals.
Free spirits Pete and Jules Arman.
stay living afloat, then plans needed to be made.” Once their house was sold they bought their second boat, Tkal Kah O Nel, but work commitments meant their cruising pattern was restricted and itchy feet set in so they began to explore ways to travel and work aboard. Jules explained: “The possibility of becoming roving traders led to us spending the summer of 2015 doing a recce.” Untying their mooring ropes, they travelled the length and breadth of the UK catching boat shows, festivals and events along the way and exploring what their niche might be. “We both love festival-style fashion and care a lot about ethical trade and as we didn’t see anyone else doing this, it seemed a perfect fit for us.” In spring 2016 Pete and Jules’s new life really began when they set off on what would become a 1000-mile journey. “We were finally, truly, free spirits,” they told me and that’s what they love most about full-time life on the cut. “It’s the freedom to roam slowly in our own home among some of the most beautiful countryside, to moor up in complete isolation or in the centre of a bustling city as the mood or need takes us. It’s also about being close to nature and living our lives outdoors as much as weather permits
UCAN mucks in to clean up pond area THE focus of recent Uppermill Community Action Network (UCAN) project days has included cleaning up the area around the village pond near the bus turning circle.
UCAN members were only too happy to join other local residents in helping to improve the area. Photos were taken before social distancing restrictions. PHOTOS SUPPLIED
The volunteers were approached to assist local residents who had been regularly cleaning the area and were very happy to help. After being rained off on a first attempt they eventually managed to carry out the clean-up, which focused on clearing debris and collecting litter. They concentrated on two key sections throughout the day, which were the pond area and adjacent footpath in Uppermill. The pond is populated by wildlife, used by ducks, moorhens and the occasional heron, and is watched and enjoyed by members of the community who live nearby. In addition, the volunteers tidied the adjacent footpath, ensuring the public’s right of access is kept clear. The last task of the day was to rebuild the nearby bench, which was missing the backrest. The work was successfully completed
using a quantity of timber fencing that was found around the local area. The bench has been restored to its former character and gives local people a lovely, quiet, peaceful place to sit on a sunny day and enjoy the beautiful Uppermill environment.
and being part of a vibrant, diverse and supportive community.” Passionate about promoting Fair Trade, Pete and Jules see their business as a way to realise their own values by consciously supporting responsible companies, workers and their families, thus reducing poverty, helping to eradicate child labour, providing a fair living and humane working conditions, and supporting environmentally friendly production methods. “It makes us happy to know something about the journey of our products and to share this with customers,” they said. Later this year they hope to be able to do that after Jules overcame her
flying phobia for a dream trip to India. “We wanted to connect with and create relationships with supply partners and we were keen to see if we could perhaps get some of our own designs made up. “It was a very successful trip and we are really happy and excited to have formed ongoing, mutually beneficial relationships and friendships with entrepreneurs who share our ethics.” Hopefully the issues we are currently facing in the world will not dampen events on the waterways too much this summer, because I know that seeing The Hippie Boat set up on the towpath would certainly be a hopeful and uplifting sight for us all! Alice Griffin is a writer, naturelover, slow-living advocate and intermittent boat-dweller currently on lockdown in France. www.
Continuously cruising on board The Hippie Boat. PHOTOS SUPPLIED
Facebook: TheHippieBoat Instagram: @thehippieboat Website: Loyalty Scheme: spend over £15 and receive a Hippie Boat Pin Badge, which gets you 10% off all future purchases!
Historic boats find new homes
FOUR historic boats have found new homes as part of a project launched last year by the National Waterways Museum (NWM) to rehome 12 craft in its collection. Following a review of the historic importance of its boats, they were offered free of charge by the Canal & River Trust to accredited museums and then to canal/waterway trusts and private organisations able to meet the demands of caring for the vessels and using them for public benefit. Although the museum is currently closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, the project continues to make progress and in January had
taken a positive step forward with the confirmed rehoming of four boats from the collection. Chiltern, a wooden motor narrowboat built in 1946 by Fellows, Morton & Clayton and Marple, an icebreaker, have found a new home with the Saltisford Canal Trust. “The plan is to display these hulls in a ‘mock-lock’, already constructed on site in Warwick, with full signage of their history to inform visitors to the trust,” explained Alan Lorentzen of the Saltisford Canal Trust. “These hulls will form an important part of the educational and heritage objectives of the charitable trust.” Marsden, an icebreaking and
The stern of Chiltern which will be displayed in a ‘mocklock’ at the Saltisford Canal Trust.
maintenance vessel, will be rehomed with the Huddersfield Canal Society in partnership with the Canal & River Trust’s Standedge Visitor Centre. Society chairman Alan Stopher said: “Our interest in the acquisition stemmed from its former use as a tunnel inspection vessel in the years before the Huddersfield Narrow Canal was restored to through navigation. “Originally built as an icebreaker, this historic vessel is sure to provide an interesting static exhibit outside the visitor centre. Once the move has taken place from the National Waterways Museum’s store, volunteers will be able to provide interpretive information and undertake some conservation work on the iron hull.” Stratford, an iron-riveted boat that worked on the southern part of the Stratford Canal, has found a new home with Coombeswood Canal Trust. Plans are being considered for a group of trust members to pull the boat the 80 miles and 71 locks from Ellesmere Port to Hawne Basin to raise money for Cancer Research and the charity, Newborns in Need. The journey will be supported by the heritage boat Atlas and two trust members on their boat Monty. Once the Covid-19 lockdown is over (which has led to the closure of the museum and the reduction to essential staff
The iron hull of icebreaker Marple has also found a new home with the Saltisford Canal Trust. only) the collections team will continue to work with these groups to progress the rehoming of these vessels through planning and paperwork completion. Although these boats are in the process of being transferred to new owners, the team is still caring for these vessels alongside the others in the collection. Homes are also being sought for: Aries, Star class wooden motor narrowboat (‘small ricky’) c1935; Birchills, butty boat 1913, converted to a shortened tug in 1957; a modern carved dug out canoe c1950; Marlyn, wooden motor gigboat c1940; Minstrel, small boat c1940; reed punt, a lateral-planked punt in poor condition; Scorpio, dumb barge known as ‘long boat’ built in 1890 as Helena; Shirley, small powered leisure boat c1930; Speedwell, wooden dumb barge c1925; Ulla, clinker-built salmon fishing boat c1952; Whaley Bridge, iron hull of ice breaker
Stratford will be heading for a new home with the Coombeswood Canal Trust. PHOTOS: CANAL & RIVER TRUST
The iron hull of ice breaker Marsden will become a static exhibit at the Standedge Visitor Centre on the Huddersfield Canal. c1900; a coxless four rowing boat with outriggers and a clinkerbuilt racing skiff. The vessels are being offered free of charge, with the new owner being asked to pay only the transport costs. The
deadline for expressions of interest has been extended to May 18, 2020. Details and an application form can be found on the Canal & River Trust website uk/nwm
Wey & Arun Canal Trust marks 25 years of boat trips WHEN the first fee-paying passengers cruised along the Wey & Arun Canal back in 1995, few members could have imagined that the trust would be celebrating 25 years of public boat trips. The inaugural boat trip on May 28, 1995 – the first time a narrowboat had traversed that part of the canal in 125 years – was for invited guests only on a one-and-a-quarter-mile restored stretch from Drungewick, passing under Barnsill Bridge to Baldwin’s Knob Lock. This cruise also saw the naming of the trip boat used, Zachariah Keppel, after the contractor appointed by the Wey & Arun Junction Canal Company to construct the canal in 1813. The boat had been donated to the Wey & Arun
Canal Trust in 1993. Its first owners were Cyril and Thelma Wood and their son Leslie, from Guildford in Surrey, who named it Elsetee, a mash-up of their names. The family then sold the boat to Nigel Thorne of Ash, who moored it at Gun’s Mouth in Shalford, Surrey. From there it found its way to the Wey & Arun Canal Trust, but the boat was disused and in a sorry state so the trust transported it by road to Redlands Farm in Plaistow, West Sussex, for extensive refurbishment by volunteers and refitting as a public trip boat. Thinking commercially, the trust’s directors saw the opportunity to raise funds for restoration by charging the public to cruise along the canal and
Trip boats Wiggonholt and Zachariah Keppel carrying passengers on the Wey & Arun Canal.
so the first public cruises began. These first trips had to be pre-booked and were for 30 passengers maximum, and also included a guided walk alongside the boat trip. Passengers started their half-hour walk at the Onslow Arms pub and then returned by boat, and had another walk back to the pub. Back then passengers were charged the sum of £3 for the experience – which in 1995 would have bought them two pints at the Onslow Arms. Special cruises soon followed, with the first Santa cruises taking place in 1998. Last year the trust welcomed more than 1000 passengers on boat trips just in the Christmas and new year period alone. As the trust was to learn, though, it wasn’t always plain sailing running a public trip boat operation. In 2001 Easter Special Cruises were planned for the first time but had to be cancelled due to foot and mouth precautions. The Onslow Arms was also closed for refurbishment until May (and at that time they provided the only nearby loos). Today there’s no shortage of conveniences, and the Wey & Arun Canal Trust owns three boats, with the greener and electric-powered Wiggonholt taking the majority of boat trippers, instead of the diesel Zachariah Keppel, supplemented by Josias Jessop, which seats nine. Wiggonholt is licensed to carry up to 48 passengers and has been adapted to accommodate wheelchairs with a toilet and access ramp. The trip boat route has changed too since the first cruises set out. Restoration has seen the completion of Brewhurst Bridge and Lock, Devil’s Hole Lock, Loxwood Road Crossing (a £2m-plus project) and Southland Lock, creating a three-anda-half mile showpiece restored canal section. Passengers no longer have to walk the canal to reach the boats, but are met at the dedicated canal
The original Elsetee. The boat was donated to the trust in 1993. centre, serving as tourist information hub as well as visitor centre. Trust chairman Sally Schupke said: “Things have certainly moved on in 25 years, but we’re still proud that so many get so much enjoyment from a relaxing cruise to take in the stunning scenery here, along with the thousands who enjoy its towpaths for walking, cycling and riding.” The 25th anniversary will be marked with special events during 2020 and a programme of public boat trips and special cruises will resume when coronavirus restrictions are lifted.
The canal centre at Loxwood Wharf.