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Hot weather greets visitors to Braunston Historic Boat Rally

By Phil Pickin
MANY of this year ' s outdoor events have been blessed with good weather and this year ' s Braunston Historic Boat Rally was no exception.
The event was opened by music mogul Pete Waterman, whose longstanding support for heritage railways and the canal close to Braunston is well known Given his love of steam, it was only right that he should open the rally at the tiller of Hasty, a 60ft steam tug
Other notable attendees included Sir David Suchet, who enjoyed a short trip on 70ft butty Raymond with his wife Lady Sheila and a number of other VIPs, including Canal & River Trust chief executive Richard Parry

As always, the focus of the day is on the boats, but in all 28 traders, including a number of charities, had stalls offering a range of goods and services to visitors

Tim Coghlan, Braunston Marina’s managing director, said: “Despite the economicsituation,therallyattendanceby both historic narrowboats and the public was very close to last year – just slightly ahead, which was very encouraging We had, in the end, 82 boats coming versus 81 last year – a few late breakdowns or we would have been ahead.”
Organisers hope to see a few more trade stands in future years to offset those that were lost as a result of the pandemic
This year ’ s ‘best in show’ boat went to Dory, winning a £250 Midland Chandlers voucher and the Nurser Award Buckby can The 70ft 1934 Fish Class motor, built for FMC by Yarwoods of Northwich, has been owned by David Ray of Norbury Junction since 2018.

In addition to this prize, a number of boats and charities also received donations, including: All Saints’ Church,
Braunston, Friends of Raymond, Friends of President, The Narrowboat Trust, Melton & Oakham Canal Society, the IWA, Cotswold Canal Trust, Hereford & Gloucester Canal Trust, Lichfield & Hatherton Canal Society and Buckingham Canal Society Some £5000 was donated to canal and local causes

Tim added: “Pete Waterman did a brilliant job opening the rally, and it was obvious he was in his element, all steamed up on the historic narrowboat Hasty We were helped with brilliant weather, with record attendance on Sunday and the punters not wanting to leave
“The Essex-based mobile bar Best Bar – Bar None stayed open until 7 45pm –well past the scheduled closing at 5pm, having one of its best days this year ”
For those who missed this year ’ s event, the team at Braunston tell us they will be holding the rally again next year in its usual slot, the last weekend in June.

Report&photos:PhilPickin ITDOESN’Tseemayear sincethelastGnosall CanalFestivalorC’Fest ontheShrophireUnion CanalintheStaffordshire villagethatgivestheevent itsname,andwhata differenceayearmakes. Lastyearwashotand dry;however,thisyear’s event,whichencompasses anumberofvenuesinthe village,washitbypoor weatheroverthethreedays ofthefestival. Thefocus ofC’Festisthe floating market,witharound15 boattradersmoored betweenbridges34and35. Itwas,therefore,ashame thatthosewhodidattend hadtododgeblustery showersandgustywinds. Theimpactofthepoor weatherwasn’tconfined totheboats,italsohitcar parkingwiththeusual field, usedbyvisitorstotheevent whotravelledbycar,not abletobeused,recentrain havingstoppedthefarmer fromharvestingthecrop itcontained.Alternative optionsincludedtheuse ofalocalbusrouteanda smallnumberofparking optionsinthearea. Despitethis,thehardy soulswhobravedthe sometimesinclement weatherenjoyedthe atmosphereoftheevent andvisitedthetraders andaroundninehistoric boatsthatweremoored closeby.Anumberof land-basedstandswere onoffertoprovidevisitors withinformationonthe workofgroups,including theShrewsbury&Newport CanalTrust,theRNLIand StaffordshireWildlifeTrust tonamejustafew. Foodandentertainment wasonofferthroughout theeventintheadjacent pubs,whichseemedto bedoinggoodbusiness. Thehardworkofthelocal restorationgroup,who haveresurfacedsections ofthetowpath,mayhave goneunnoticedbythe majorityofvisitorsbut helpedtokeepthetowpath accessible.Withsomeof thethree-dayeventbeing blessedwithsunshineand drierweather,thehopeis thatthegooddaysmadeup forthenotsogood.Fingers crossedforbetterweather forC’Fest24.