Achievement Oriented CV Khaled Golam Mortuza is a development professional having 9+ years of working experiences in the spheres of development project management, project monitoring, eLearning management (eLM), policy research, advocacy and campaign. He has earned both academic schooling and practical orientations in analyzing causes and mechanisms involved in human development at various scale; especially focusing on the interests, institutional settings and politics that shape social relations and local livelihoods in developing countries. Academically, he secured one Masters in Development Studies (MDS) from BRAC University and graduated in Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Hons) from ShereBangla Agricultural University. He also had completed a number of professional trainings, shortcourses, blended learning courses from various national and international organizations and universities. He is involved with many webbased thematic working groups, professional forum and enetworks where in some of the networks he leads as the expert moderator. Over the years, he has developed the expertise to grasp complex development issues related to human development with economic & social issues of justice; access and identify relevant policies & interventions for solutions; and shape policy studies that link development theories into praxis. He also has technical expertise identifying flexibilities of Trade Related aspects on Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) policy options for better access to affordable high quality medicines. He has research interest on Development Knowledge Management, Environmentally Responsible Business, Social Entrepreneurship development, eLarning Management System (eLMS), Intellectual Property Governance etc. He attended many workshops, seminars and conferences held in Bangladesh, Thailand (visited twice), Vietnam (visited twice), India (visited twice), Nepal, South Africa on Multidevelopmental issues.
University Education Master of Development Studies (MDS) BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in year 20042006 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Hons.) ShereBangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in year 2000
Professional Training and Short Courses Flexibilities of the TRIPS Agreement Offered by UNCTAD and the financial grant from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), German Government during the period from June 2009 to December 2009. The program was arranged by InWentCapacity Building International, Germany in support with Common Sense: eLearning and Training Consultants, Vienna, Austria. The participants were from Thailand, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh. Management, Marketing and Motivation Offered and the financial grant from GIZ GmbH. The participants are from: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Jamaica, Nepal, Philippines, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Ukraine and Zimbabwe. The course consists the following modules: 'Management Styles', 'Marketing Mix', 'Market Analysis and Competition', 'Interpersonal Communication' and 'Motivation and Teamwork' and 'Presentation Skills'. eLearning skills course: eLearning Management (eLM) Coducted by GIZ eLearning experts and the University of the Philippines Open University and the financial grant from GIZ GmbH. The course deals with the management of eLearning modules viz. Basics of eLearning Projects, Planning of eLearning Projects, Implementation of eLearning Projects, Assessment of eLearning Projects, Cost Estimation of eLearning Projects. Business and Climate Change Full Suite Management Skills Online Development Politics Online Modules Measuring Progress: Statistics for MDG Indicators Poverty Analysis
Professional Skills and Knowhows 9+ years of proficient workengagement both in local and international assignments. Acquaintances in project administration,, monitoring & evaluation and reporting. Campaign and peoples' advocacy capabilities both at home & abroad through participating and arranging a number of peoples caravan & campaign events since 2005. Expertise in community based Disaster Management Approaches in facilitating communities to become active citizens in their own community s development. Mindset to search for socially aggravated notforprofit entrepreneurship development. Completed Computer Application Courses from BUET Computer Centre and have proficiency in Office applications, Graphics software, web applications :email & Internet Language proficiencies in Bengali, English.
Research Investigations Provision of Services for campaign and advocating for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Bangladesh Benchmark Survey Report 2008 on Monga (seasonal depletion of purchasing capacity) Economic Integration in South Asia: Issues and Pathways ; Pearson Publications (Book) Enabling Activities for the Preparation of the Second National Communication (SNC) of Bangladesh to UNFCCC Environment and Business Relations in Urban SMEs: A study on Mirpur Benarashii Palli
The MDGs & Poverty Reduction Strategies in Bangladesh Children in Emergencies in the Context of Preparedness and Response to Cyclone in Bangladesh Post Flood Agricultural Rehabilitation: A Review of Proposed Strategies in Post Disaster Seed Relief and Rehabilitation Biodegradability in Rural Energy Supply & Environmental Sustainability Global Dimensions of Development and Environmental Standards An Ethnographic Analysis on Cultural Significance of Shopping Migration and Livelihoods: Gendered Quest for Development Policies Brainstorming of Innovative Development Project Ideas Social Entrepreneur Dr. Mohiuddin Farooque: A New Generation Lawyer Acculturation of Bengali Festivals – an Emic View Modern Orchard Practice in Bangladesh Reviewing Different NGO Governance Principles Rural NonFarm Activities in Developing Countries
Professional Engagements Current engagements Moderator, Alumni Health Portal TRIPS; an online experts forum supported by GiZ, GmbH. Monitoring Officer, 'MPs and Constituents Working FacetoFace in Eradicating Poverty and Strengthening Primary Education' a project' of IED implementing on behalf of The Asia Foundation and USAID started since August 2011. Coordinator in 'Advocacy on Stipend and School Calender Issues including Research' a project of IED in support with Concern Worldwide. Project started since July 2011 Previous engagements Campaign Coordinator in UN Millennium Campaign at BUP and IED from April 2009 to December 2010. Program Officer in HungerFREE International Campaign National Secretariat at BUP from January 2008 to March 2009 Research Associate in 'Imagine a New South Asia (INSA) Economic Management Study' Regional Secretariat at BUP from the period of January to December 2007 Research Associate in Save the Children UK during the period from March to August 2006 Research intern in Research and Evaluation Division (RED) at BRAC from November 2005 February 2006 Campaign Support Associate in 'Peoples` Forum on MDGs (PFM) Secretariat' at CAMPE from June 2005 to December 2005 Director, 'Progressive Agriculturist Liable for Community Advancement in Bangladesh' An agricultural firm during the period from March 2002 to April 2004.
Contact Details FlatB5, Building6, National Housing Apartment Complex, BlockG, Mirpur2, Dhaka1216 Phone: +8801713131334 , Email: , Website:
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