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To promote the exhibition, information will be shared through the following channels: – Tourist Office of Neuchâtel – Neuchâtel Tourism, and other tourist offices in the Jura Arc – Espace de l’urbanisme horloger, La Chaux-de-Fonds – Museums; more in particular, watchmaking, science and history museums (distribution of flyers and posters) – Scientific and technical heritage sites in Switzerland (distribution of flyers and posters) – Chronométrophilia (Association suisse des amateurs d’horlogerie): articles in the association journal – Fédération Horlogère: articles in the federation journal – Swiss National Heritage League: listing on their website – Printed and online newspapers on watchmaking: press articles – Printed and online Swiss cultural guides – Social networks: posts on Instagram and Facebook in order to reach young people – University of Neuchâtel – Swiss astronomical society.
Communication plan
The exhibition opening is scheduled for June 2023. To ensure optimal visibility to the event, we plan: – To invite personalities from the cultural, scientific, financial and political world at the opening – A press conference and a press kit – To collaborate with regional tourist operators – To organize special events for the occasion: lectures, workshops, guided tours, etc. – To create specific flyers and posters – To set a communication strategy on Instagram and Facebook – To create a website for the exhibition.