Arete, Summer 2020: Voices of a Remarkable Class

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’ Q: Describe your MB experience in one word

Voices of a Remarkable Class Matt Glendinning, Head of School

It seems fitting that in a year like no other we are celebrating a graduating class like no other. For that reason, guest editor Emilie Lum ’20 and I are delighted to share with you this edition of Areté, dedicated to the Moses Brown Class of 2020. Before this year played out, we already knew the seniors to be a remarkable class. We knew them to be kind and joyful, to be curious and passionate, to be excellent role models, to care deeply about each other, and to be fierce advocates for justice and social change.

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While MB is not a perfect place, it is a community devoted to reflection, dialogue and positive change; At MB, students explore who they are, and they find and use their voices; Students used the situation this spring as an opportunity — to problem solve, become creative, explore new ideas and possibilities; What we miss most about school is the people (far more so than the place); This moment has created a new sense of openness and honesty about the value of human relationships — a new level of caring for others; The time away really forced a reevaluation of our school community, and heightened appreciation for friends and for faculty and the many roles they play.

But this spring asked more of them, much more. As all of us know, our school year was disrupted by a global pandemic and a moment of national recognition in the push for racial equity and justice. The school closed for spring break on March 13 and never reopened, and just like that the seniors were forced to grow up — to show maturity, leadership and resilience well beyond their years. In a moment of national, indeed global, adversity, the Class of 2020 showed their true mettle and led us forward.

Thanks to Emilie’s Senior Project, documenting the experiences of her classmates, this newsletter is filled with the voices of our seniors. Demonstrating a level of reflection and self-awareness rarely seen in teenagers, the class captured themselves, one another, our community and these historic times in keen observations such as these:

As Head of School, I am not only hopeful for this senior class, but also sincerely inspired by all that they have shown us. We will do well to follow their example.

The leaders we needed this spring are the ones the world needs now. The seniors have led us through the end of year and into a quickly changing future with love, gratitude and a radical openness to new perspectives and solutions. That they are leading us towards a better day is not in doubt.

Class of 2020, we will keep our admiring eyes on you!

Range of Emotions Emilie Lum ’20, guest editor of Areté

It’s been quite difficult to describe the range of emotions and feelings that have come with being part of the Class of 2020. It’s been equally strange, yet memorable; heartbreaking, but not without moments of joy; terrifying, but hopeful. Restricted to seeing my classmates and teachers through the lenses of my computer screen was plainly put, horrible. My motivation was replaced entirely with disbelief. Many of us struggled with online school and were in a state of grieving for everything that we missed out on during our senior spring. Yet, we were able to preserve moments of joy and the feeling of community. Whether it be making new friendships with peers I’ve barely had conversations with despite online classes, finding ways to still “fool around” in class occasionally (such as convincing the class to seemingly pass a pencil around the computer screen), always having the support of the amazing faculty who care whole-heartedly for their students, or appreciating the tremendous efforts made by the school to celebrate the senior class as best as possible, I have been able to experience once more what it means to be part of the MB community. The Class of 2020 is an unforgettable class — and not just because of these drastic times. We’re strong leaders. We’re passionate. We’re humble and kind. We’re talented students, thinkers, athletes, artists, actors, musicians, writers, builders, speakers, activists and so much more. Regardless, it’s a terrifying time to be transitioning into the age of young adulthood: a time characterized by a global pandemic, racial injustice, multiple humanitarian crises and much, much more. However, what gives me hope is that our class is part of an upcoming generation that is hungry for change. These circumstances have resulted in a historic youth-led fight for a better world. Throughout the entire school year, we have demonstrated repeatedly that we rise to the occasion. I am confident that beyond the walls of Moses Brown, we too will continue to rise to the occasion for this collective call for change. Every day, I feel lucky to have shared my high school experience with so many incredible people in my class and beyond thankful for every opportunity I’ve been given by Moses Brown. It’s been hard to feel closure from my time here at Moses Brown. Yet, the lack of closure is almost comforting, because I know Moses Brown will always be a second home.

Summer 2020, Areté | 1

What makes MB special to you? And why?


The teachers — you’ll never find any school with teachers who go so above and beyond. Every single teacher has a genuine care for their students, not just in the classroom but for who they are as people.


What makes Moses Brown unique from just about any community is that it is constantly trying to improve. Insight from any student of any grade, caliber or status is treasured and heard. Truly anyone can become the catalyst and voice of change. This year alone we have seen inspiring students from diverse backgrounds stand up for mental health awareness, racial equality and a need for a more eco-friendly school. Our ability to turn these ideas into productive discussions is so unique! This model is seldom seen in other communities, but something I know I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

Abigail Sherwood


Thank you all for the wonderful and truly lovely events you created, and gifts you gave, to the 2020 Seniors and us, their parents. Given the limits of the pandemic, I cannot imagine a more delightful process than the one you developed to honor and recognize the class throughout the spring.


Jack Doughty

Jennie Newkirk (Henry Miller ’20)

I’ve gone to Moses Brown for 13 years and it’s hard to explain how much my time at MB has truly meant to me. There are so many great people I’ve met who have helped me grow, including my teachers and fellow students. Whether through courses that have broadened my perspectives or just being able to have a voice in my community (so unique about Moses Brown), the care that our teachers show for their students is something I will always remember. Natalie Sepe

01 02 MAY






Classes with open discussions and teachers being willing to listen and talk about anything.


Cate Greene

33 upper school advisors and administrators delivered signs to 102 homes of our seniors to surprise each of them with a special delivery and to say hello!

The faculty is truly SO special and unique to any other school. They care and they aren't afraid to show it. I think about how amazing the caravan was and how amazing it was to see all of my favorite people. They will go above and beyond to make sure you succeed. I've received so much support from my teachers and I couldn't be more thankful. Mel Ea

The sense of community I feel when I walk onto the campus is truly amazing. I have learned who I am at Moses Brown, and how my voice can be heard and how I can make change.

MB is special to me because I grew up on the campus and it provided me with a home-awayfrom-home. Whether it was sitting in the sun outside of Woodman, working at RISE camp, or driving to school on a random Saturday in middle school because I forgot my science textbook, I always felt a sense of comfort at MB that I never had to look for, it was always just there every time that I stepped onto campus.

Marybeth Fitzsimmons

Giavanna D’Alessandro

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Who makes MB special to you? And why?

Everyone! No matter who they are, student, staff, faculty, they all have had an impact on my growth with their unique personalities and thoughts. I have made relationships with people I would not have expected, and I am truly grateful for that. Ashley Qiu

For me, the people who make MB special are the teachers. I am so grateful for the many caring, smart and dedicated adults who have taught me in my Moses Brown experience. Overwhelmingly, my teachers have been obviously enthusiastic about sharing their expertise, incredibly thoughtful in their interactions with students, and excellent role models for others in our community. Will Malloy

BANNER POSTED ON FRONT GATE MB decided that the Class of 2020 yard sign just wasn’t enough and wanted to give everyone in town the chance to see and applaud the class! Many seniors came by to take selfies and posted them on social media.






All of the teachers, staff, coaches and my peers make MB special for me. Every teacher I have had and even ones that I didn’t have an actual class with have helped me in some way. Whether it’s sitting with me for a whole period, helping me with a question, providing me with a space to let out my worries, a coach pushing me to be the best I could be, or even someone from Sage saying hi and asking me how my day is going. Kelly Graziano




While MB couldn't host the traditional pancake breakfast for the seniors on their last day of classes, the school emailed every member of the Class of 2020 with a Grubhub gift certificate so they could each have their own celebratory meal delivered.

The faculty at MB are just amazing people with amazing stories. One person who influenced me a lot, especially this year, is my advisor Jennifer Stewart who taught me so many things I would never learn from anyone else and has been truly a role model to me and I’m just so thankful. Courtney Yang Debbie Phipps, Emilia Peña-Disla, Katie Denoyelle, Jen McFadden, Barret Clarke and Mr. Pitts-Wiley are a few that have impacted my experience here greatly. Each of them has introduced or helped fire a passion of mine and I will always be grateful. Dora Elice

Kelly Joseph, Karen Lustig and Joshua Cabrera are a few of the many people who make MB special for me. All three of them bring personality, commitment and maturity to Moses Brown and have showed me how to move through the world in a manner that is respectful and meaningful. They are role models to me and Moses Brown is a better place because of them. Ben Buroker

My friends have made MB so special for me. Over the past four years they’ve made boring days fun, hard days easy, and countless memories. I am so lucky to be able to look back and smile at my high school experience. Amanda Steckler

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Alyssa Baker’s completed senior tile.

What will you miss the most about Moses Brown?

Everything. Kelly Graziano The teachers and faculty. Specifically for me, my advisor David and Barret, our wonderful nurse. They both have been my best friends throughout these few years and I can't believe I won't be able to see them every day anymore. I'm so grateful that they were a part of my life because I would not have gotten through high school without them.

My teachers, the campus and the girls soccer team. Cate Greene

Alyssa Baker


THE TEACHERS Abigail Sherwood

Thanks to the generosity of the Parents’ Association and senior parents Elizabeth and Gary Goldberg ’87 (and SquadLocker) each senior was given a generous gift certificate to spend on one of a kind MB Class of 2020 branded merchandise !



I will miss the people at MB the most because everyone is so caring. I have made so many genuine and personal relationships with teachers, and I will miss seeing them on a daily basis. I will miss seeing my peers, both those I am close with and even those that I’m not. All of them have taught me and showed me so many experiences that I will hold onto for a lifetime.







The teachers and Meeting for Worship. Tristan Connell


Ashley Qiu

* Renina Wynn and Mel Ea from middle school to senior year.

Very simply, I will miss my friends and teachers. In particular, I will miss my advisory, the people in the String Orchestra and my wonderful collaborators in the theatre program. These are the people who have made my experience fun and memorable. Will Malloy

* Amanda Steckler with friends before Roses in the Snow in March, 2020.

Dora Elice on her first day of school at MB.

I've been at MB for 15 years so what I will miss most is the way I knew my way around. It was all very familiar and became a second home. Dora Elice

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Will Malloy enjoying time with friends in the theater program.


Student-submitted photo

I’ve been thinking about this a lot since the COVID pandemic began. Of course I will miss the teachers, faculty and peers that have made Moses Brown so special, but I think that what I will miss the most is just the routine of a normal day at Moses Brown. I will miss the drive to school, parking on the hill and walking in with my friends, advisory, being in a classroom and hanging out in the field house before practice. It’s definitely tragic the way our senior year ended so abruptly, but it honestly made me realize how much I appreciated the average day at MB. Amanda Steckler


What was your most memorable moment or experience at MB? Why?



Kelly Graziano and the Girls Soccer team celebrating after winning the State Championship in November, 2019.

Wow, you exceeded my expectations by a mile. Honestly, the educational experience provided to the kids during the school year is gift enough and that was just the cherry on the top. I can’t even imagine how much work, time, headache and perseverance you and many others put in to pull that off so beautifully. Amy Grundt (Lucy Howland ’20)

Ben Buroker and teammates during lacrosse season in 2019.

My most memorable experience at MB was the varsity basketball team's first win in almost two seasons during my junior year. The emotion and sense of brotherhood that filled the locker room after that game was a feeling I will remember forever. It was a moment that meant a lot to every player on that team. Ian Gundersen

The memories that come to mind aren’t really big milestones, they are more so little moments: little laughs with friends and teachers, beautiful days on campus, etc. Krissy Gately



Moses Brown Athletics put together special Senior Day celebrations which honored and recognized our senior athletes alongside their families and coaches over the course of two days on campus. Jack Doughty with the Boys Basketball team before a game.




I'm going to miss the feeling of walking through campus on the first warm day after winter and seeing the campus in its beautiful glory, filled with students enjoying it just as much as I do. Ian Gundersen





Marybeth Fitzsimmons and teammates celebated their win after a shootout in the semifinal game against Pilgrim in November, 2019.





The Upper School’s annual Academic Awards day became a live Zoom Webinar event which allowed the entire Upper School community to celebrate together the well-deserved recognition of student achievement. Prizes and citations were delivered to the students at their homes immediately following.

I will never forget the win in the girls soccer semifinal game against Pilgrim. We won in a shootout after two overtimes. It was just such an indescribable feeling, beating them as the underdogs. We then went on to the finals and won the State Championship but that semifinal game is a memory I'll hold with me forever. Marybeth Fitzsimmons

Gia D’Alessandro in her early years at MB.

The day I found out Shannon Smith, my first grade teacher, was leaving MB. She taught me and both my brothers and had tutored me multiple times a week for many years. She was another constant in my MB support system who always knew how to lift me up and who watched me grow up and become the person that I am today. Giavanna D'Alessandro


Mel Ea participating at the Black Lives Matter protest in June, 2020.

My most memorable moment at MB was the MLK meeting for worship where the rhetoric of the school turned to focus on race relations. I saw people who turned their shoulder away from discomfort begin to embrace it. Affinity groups took a while to actually get started but were incredible once added. Mel Ea


Student-submitted photo

Summer 2020, Areté | 5

Did you have any silver linings or unexpected joys as you closed out an extraordinary year?

Kudos to the entire MB Team for an amazing season recognizing the seniors! You somehow figured out a way to take a difficult time and turn it into joyous, fun and celebratory while still being safe at all times. Denise and I really appreciate all of the time, effort and care that went into every step of the last few weeks. A very heartfelt thank you!


The tradition of holding the senior art show before Baccalaureate continued this year, even from afar. MB’s upper school art department and technology team created a terrific digital video exhibit of artwork created by the Class of 2020.

Jim Paquette (Jillian Paquette ’20)

My unexpected joys have been seeing the people I love, even socially distant. If anything, this entire experience has taught me to appreciate these people more than I did before. Mel Ea

It became apparent to me how much our faculty care about us ... they organized so many amazing alternatives for us, which really shows their immense efforts to support us. Krissy Gately

01 31 02 JUNE



Online school helped me realized how much our teachers were always on our side and just wanted to help us as much as possible. Cate Greene




Today was AMAZING!!! You created an experience our babies will never forget. It was beyond thoughtful and extremely fun! Thank you so much. Take good care.

MB partnered with a Senior Parent committee to create a celebratory campus caravan, drive-through experience. Each senior family was greeted and cheered along a pathway — with classmates ahead of and behind them. Each senior decorated their car and even danced along the route! The event culminated with the traditional ‘building of the class.’

Joanne Debrah ’97 (Renina Wynn ’20)

Although my four years at MB were unexpectedly cut short, I am so much more grateful for the time I got to spend and the relationships I've made at MB because of it. During this time, it is impossible to take the MB community for granted the way I had been for years, and I can easily say I have never wanted to see a group of people more than I want to see my community at MB. As they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder, and, because of this distance, I truly value every memory I was able to make at MB. Leah Coleman

This semester taught me how to be resilient and appreciate what the MB community has done for my class to make this as memorable as possible. The closure I expected to have with my classmates on graduation day actually came on a random day in April when the governor announced that schools were closed for the rest of the school year. It was the most unexpected and emotional day I had ever had that was filled with texts, calls, posts and kind messages from the community expressing their gratitude for each other and for the years that we had together. Giavanna D'Alessandro

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This experience is one that only the class of 2020 will have (hopefully), and it has marked us as a special group of people for the rest of time. I believe that while the Coronavirus has separated us physically, it has brought us much closer emotionally than we ever could have come. Ian Gundersen



How have Quaker values shaped you and your experience at MB? When I started at MB 15 years ago, I didn’t understand the Quaker values or Meeting for Worship. Now, I truly live by them. The SPICES watch over each day of my life and I strive for inner peace and letting my Inner Light shine. I could not be more grateful to have the Quaker values instilled in me at such an early age.

 – You Will Be Found

Dora Elice MB has really helped me learn how to make friends and how to connect with people especially in a community that’s always changing. You’re taught the value of opening up to people, making friends, being friendly and those skills are super important especially for all of us going to college. I think that the Quaker values combined with the kindness of the faculty, staff and students every day has something to do with it. We've been given the skills to go out and build our own community and friend group. MB taught me that and it's something that has been really valuable to me that I’ll carry with me for a long time.

Quakers' commitment to peace, and especially nonviolence, I have learned is a spring of unbreakable strength, not weakness. This commitment is the resolve and control to clash against a torrent of troubles, of violence, yet to know the spirit will always rise. Tristan Connell

Delphine King


This traditional Quaker Meeting of Reflection is a meaningful and solemn experience to provide and receive messages intended for the Class of 2020 or community as a whole. This year’s event, while virtual, was no less meaninful as it opened with Hilary Major offering the annual faculty address.







I think learning and thinking about the Quaker values provides me with a great framework for making decisions and guiding my actions both as a member of the MB community and as a person as I move on from this school. I think that returning to these values as a basis for making choices or thinking about others is a great way to create a healthy, trusting, positive environment for everyone in the MB community. Will Malloy






COMMENCEMENT Graduation was live and in the Grove! The need for social distancing required MB to be creative, but an experience was designed that provided each senior and their family the opportunity to come to campus and walk across the stage to receive their diploma with a small audience of other classmates, parents and faculty present for each senior’s ‘moment of graduation.’ The day began with a video experience including many of the traditional Commencement program elements, then ended with a unique Zoom event at 8:30 pm celebrating the Inner Light of each senior.

The Quaker values had more of an impact on me than I thought. All of the SPICES mean something to me now in ways that are relevant to my personal life. I will always carry them with me and will always try to keep them in mind as different things are thrown my way. Kelly Graziano

Something that really has made me value my time at Moses Brown is Meeting for Worship. I love that every student has the potential to speak and have their voices heard every week and it makes me appreciate where we are and what we have at MB. Julia Binder Stewardship in particular has always stood out to me. MB has conditioned me to think of others before myself. Throughout my four years I’ve participated in numerous community-based clubs while still committing to volunteering opportunities outside of school. As I move on to college, I can see myself becoming involved in more clubs that share these values. Amanda Steckler

I definitely think MFW, is something I took for granted during my time, and I will miss it dearly. Especially in my senior year I took that time to reflect, and was a space I could just let go and breathe. As I leave MB, I hope to remember to take those moments to breathe. Renina Wynn

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Class of 2020 Nina Ahmad Jack Anderson Matthew Andrews Penelope Armenio Alyssa Baker Samuel Baldwin Alexander Barker Miles Barrett Harrison Bell Ginger Berry Julia Binder Lauren Bonner Charlotte Bromberg Benjamin Buroker Leah Coleman Robert Coleman Tristan Connell Cameron Cooper Owen Cummings Jade Cyrus Giavanna D’Alessandro

Adam DiBiase Michael DiCenso John Doughty Melissa Ea Dora Elice Marybeth Fitzsimmons Hanna Franklin Dominic Froio Benjamin Gadol Kristen Gately David Gedeon Abigail Gerrish Honor Goldberg Caitlin Gooding Laney Goodrich Kelly Graziano Cating Greene William Greene Ian Gundersen Eve Harrington William Hassett

Lucy Howland Ben Janaway Autumn Jencks Ryan Johnson Kailas Kahler Jessica Kelly Delphine King Ethan Kuzneski Karl Lauture Henry Lee Benjamin LeStage Isabel Ludes Emilie Lum Damilare Mabray William Malloy Nikolai Markov-Riss John McGahan Joseph McGahan Jacquelyn Mendes Jair Meza Henry Miller

Edwin Monteiro Olivia Murray Santiago Najarro Cano Abbinaya Narayanan Luke Niemiec Ilse Novis Jillian Paquette Morgan Plouffe Asia Porter Leah Prigmore Ashley Qiu Emerson Rains Aakriti Raj Samantha Ricci Jesse Romero Harrison Runci Matthew Schadone Natalie Sepe Paul Shannon Abigail Sherwood Ariel Shirzadi

Faith Siwicki Logan Smith Eric Song Amanda Steckler Samuel Stone Trey Sullivan Carson Swift Meghan Themistocle Gabriel Timpson-Neill Kade Tyrrell Peter Veale Karisma Verma Caroline Worrell Renina Wynn Yufei Xiao Courtney Yang Natasha Yates Stella Younkin

Voices of a Remarkable Class What’s Inside:

Summer 2020

A Senior Spring Like No Other

In Their Own Words

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Our timeline of experiences and memories offer a unique window into the final weeks of the school year for the Class of 2020.

Our newest graduates and their parents reflect on the MB experience, and the unexpected silver linings of a COVID senior spring.

The Class of 2020 submitted photos capturing their most memorable moments - and we captured photos of them celebrating their final weeks at Moses Brown.

Featuring the Senior Class of 2020

Voices of a Remarkable Class

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