LS Curriculum

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Reading Awareness: Daily read-aloud & silent reading time Introduction to decoding, Pre-reading skills, Memorizing monthly poem, Reading own name and classmates’ names, Letter recognition, Letter representation (uppercase), Model reading

Writing Awareness: Become comfortable with classroom tools and proper grip (examples: writing utensils, scissors & small manipulatives), Pretend and dictated writing Introduction to Letters formation: Tracing letters in various mediums, Writing name Writing Engagement: Friendly Dragon Literary Magazine Contributions

Foundational Math Concepts: Sorting, Pattern work, Block work, Counting 1-20, Exposure of 1-100, Number recognition and correlations, Number formation, Sequencing

Unit Themes: Families, Community & Community workers, Celebrations/holidays, Diversity awareness with a focus on how people live Approaches to Learning: Activity center themes: grocery store , vet’s office, doctor’s office, restaurant, Calendar introduction: seasons, days of week, months of year, Picture book connections

Units: Sand & water play, Magnets,Weights/balances, Shells & Rocks, Nutrition: fruits/vegetables Explorations & Field trips: Apple picking, Biomes Center, Bagel factory, cooking Approaches to Scientific Discovery: Observation, Scientific Drawing, Creating Diagrams, Building Models, Experiments

Social and Community Skills Practice: Listening to & following directions, Cooperation Physical Skill Development: Concentration on locomotor movements, Exploratory movements & having fun, Group Stretching (e.g. Baby Bird Game), Introduction to Yoga as part of classroom routines, Daily Outdoor Recess

Music Literacy: Concepts of pitch: high & low,Volume: loud & soft, Duration: long & short, Musical forms: call & response & echo, Rhythmic awareness Vocal and Instrumental Practice: Expand song repertoire, Improvisation: create original song lyrics to many songs, Finger plays & dancing games, Hand-held percussion instruments, Reinforce the sense of pulse

Artistic Explorations: Children as Illustrators, Creating hand puppets, Alphabet Collages Approaches to Artist Medium and Concepts: Open explorations of drawing, painting, & sculpture materials, Observing art from children’s book illustrators

Introduction to Woodshop begins in Kindergarten

Introduction to Spanish begins in first grade

Guided Reading: Daily read-aloud & silent reading, Letter recognition & representation, Morning message, Phonics & decoding,Word wall, Fluency: memorizing poems, Individual instruction Genre Focus: Weekly magazine, Let’s Find Out, Poetry, Picture books, Introduction to nonfiction Reading Engagement: Reading time

Writing Conventions: Introduction to Handwriting, Introduction to grammar, Spelling awareness Writing Craft Focus: Beginning, middle, & end of story, Personal narrative Writing Process and Engagement: Personal experience drawing & writing journal, Letter projects with fine motor practice Publishing: Individual and class books, Friendly Dragon Literary Magazine Contributions

Early Math Concepts: Counting towards 100, Number recognition & correlation, Number formation, Sorting by attributes, Creating, recognizing & extending patterns, Graphs & surveys, Measuring, Introduction to addition, Mapping, Counting concepts, Introduction to place value

Unit Themes: Creating Community: Creation of classroom rules, Being a part of a community, Self control, Second tries and second chances,What is the golden rule? Caring For Community: Our Classroom, Our Earth,The Study of Bees & Fundraising Effort, Multicultural Holidays: Multicultural heros, Celebrations Approaches to Learning: Picture book connections, Field trips-Celebrations & community sharing of learning

Units: Scientific Observation: Class Pet, Nature: nature walk, changing seasons, Documenting like a scientist,The 5 Senses, Magnets, Habitats Study,The Study of Bees, Observation & documentation of lifecycles: ladybugs, butterflies, wood frogs Approaches to Scientific Discovery: Observation, Scientific Drawing, Creating Diagrams, Building Models, Experiments

Social and Community Skills Practice: Listening to & following directions Cooperation Physical Skill Development: Warm-up activities, Locomotor movement practice, Age-appropriate games & activities (i.e. Mail Carrier Game), Daily Outdoor Recess

Music Literacy: Concepts of pitch,Volume, Duration, Musical forms, Rhythmic awareness Vocal and Instrumental Practice: Expand song repertoire, Improvisation, Finger plays & dancing games, Hand-held percussion instruments, Reinforce the sense of pulse, Practice for & performance of a class assembly

Artistic Explorations: Artist Study: Eric Carle, Observational Drawing, Imagination Painting, Clay Exploration Approaches to Artist Medium and Concepts: Guided explorations of drawing, painting, sculpture materials, Fine motor skill concentration, Concepts of line, shape & pattern, Set design for class play, Visit RISD Art Museum

Woodcraft Projects: Model train, Sculptural car, Jar bookends Woodworking Skills: Foundation hand tool operations, Familiarity with wood as building material, Rudimentary assembly techniques, Shaping, smoothing & finish procedures

Introduction to Spanish begins in first grade

Guided Reading: Daily read-aloud, Small group reading, Morning message, Phonics & decoding strategies, Comprehension strategies,Word wall, Fluency practice Genre Focus: Introduction to elements of literature, Nonfictionresearch skills, Picture books, Poetry, Introduction to chapter book Reading Engagement: Just Right books, Daily home reading, Reading workshop

Writing Conventions: Handwriting, Basic grammar & introduction to punctuation, Spelling patterns, Content vocabulary Writing Craft Focus: Report writing, Basic story elements,Word choice, Written response, Genre Focus: Narrative Nonfiction Poetry Writing Process and Engagement: Writing workshop, Author’s publication celebrationFriendly Dragon Literary Magazine Contributions

Math Concepts: Number formation, Number sense & place value, Patterns & sorting, Graphing & data collection, Standard & nonstandard measuring,Time & temperature, Single digit addition & subtraction, Introduction to geometry, Basic money, Introduction to probability, Estimation Approaches to Mathematics: Real-life math models (calendar, weather graphing), Creating models to represent concepts, Introduction to problem solving, Critical thinking & using multiple strategies, Math activities & games, Skill practice

Unit Themes:

Units: Liquids: properties, wicking, dissolving, evaporation, Balancing: trial & error, record keeping, Animals: vertebrates & invertebrates Approaches to Scientific Discovery: Observing & Comparing, Scientific drawing, Scientific writing, Using Diagrams, Collecting, representing & analyzing data, Problem solving, Experimenting, Inquiry

Social and Community Skills Practice: Listening skills, Cooperation,Teamwork Physical Skill Development: Warm-up activities, Stretching, Locomotor moving, Tag games & non-competitive games & activities (i.e. Clean Up Your Yard Game) Dance: Three-week dance residency Daily Outdoor Recess

Music Literacy: Pitch, volume & tempo, Musical forms, Rhythmic & melodic notation Vocal and Instrumental Practice: Expand song repertoire, Expand vocal improvisation, Circle games, dances, & creative movement, Dramatic play & body percussion, Sense of pulse, rhythmic patterns, Hand-held percussion, mallet instruments

Artistic Explorations: Content connected art projects, Animal studies in multiple medium, Self Portraits, Relief sculptures in clay Approaches to Artist Medium and ConceptsArt: Building on drawing, painting, collage, & sculpting skills, Green Art: transforming recycled medium, Visit RISD Art Museum

Woodcraft Projects: Model airplane, Note holder,Treasure box Woodworking Skills: Linear measurement, Cutting non-linear shapes, Butt joint & dowel assembly, Stained & painted finishes

Guided Reading: Read-aloud & independent silent reading, Morning message, Phonics & decoding strategies, Comprehension strategies, Independent reading, Reader’s response notebook, Fluency practice Genre Focus: Picture book author studies, Multicultural Mythology, Folktales & Fairytales, Memoir, Nonfiction & research skills, Introduction to story structure & genre analysis Reading Engagement: Just Right books, Reader’s theater

Writing Conventions: Handwriting,Applying grammar & punctuation skills, Spelling patterns, Content vocabulary & vocabulary instruction Writing Craft Focus: Fundamental non-fiction & creative writing, Craft mini-lessons, Genre Focus: personal narrative, poetry & non-fiction, Paragraph writing process with topic sentence, Picture books as models for student writing Writing Process and Engagement: Journaling, Creative writing, Focus on prewriting strategies like peer idea shares, Revision & editing strategies, Conferencing, Author’s publication celebration, Friendly Dragon Literary Magazine Contributions

Math Concepts: Graphing & data collection, Standard & nonstandard measuring, Place value, Addition & subtraction with regrouping, Introduction to multiplication & division, Geometry explorations, Money, Probability,Time, Estimation Approaches to Mathematics: Calendar math, Math strategy development, Concept model development, Problem solving strategies, Critical thinking & using multiple strategies, Math activities & games with manipulatives, Skill practice,Writing in math & math reflections with pictures, numbers & words

Unit Themes and Focus: Culture Study: Japan, Geography, Aspects of culture, Creating Community: Family study, Family traditions, Family diversity, Historical Event: Greece/Olympics, Positive sportsmanship, teambuilding & cooperation, Ancient history, Mythology, Making Connections: Light Festivals, Religious diversity, Quaker values, Inner light, Cultural understandings Approaches to Learning: Literature connections, Interdisciplinary connections, Note-taking from multiple sources, Research process, Experiential-based learning, Celebrations & community sharing of learning

Units: Plants and Animals of NE: food webs, native people, natural dyes; Electricity: circuits, wiring tools; Amphibians: record keeping, life cycles, ecology Approaches to Scientific Discovery: Observing & Comparing, Scientific drawing, Scientific writing, Using Diagrams, Collecting, representing & analyzing data, Problem solving, Experimenting, Inquiry

Social and Community Skills Practice: Listening skills, Cooperation,Teamwork Physical Skill Development: Warm-up activities, Stretching, Locomotor moving, Tag games & non-competitive games and activities (i.e. Jump rope, jump sticks, skips-its, scoops) Dance: Three-week dance residency Daily Outdoor Recess

Music Literacy: Musical forms, Lives & music of Bach, Haydn, Mozart, & Beethoven, Rhythmic & melodic notation, Note values, rests, staff note names Vocal and Instrumental Practice: Expand song repertoire, Emphasis on correct vocal technique, Rounds, partner songs, easy two part harmonies, Circle games, creative movement, dramatic play, body percussion

Artistic Explorations: Japanese carp kites, Bamboo Ink Painting, Personal storytelling through drawing & painting Approaches to Artist Medium and Concepts: Painting, drawing, collage, ceramic sculpture, Visual storytelling, Radial symmetry, Cultural Art Study: Japan

Guided Reading and Literature: Read aloud & silent reading, Class novels, Small group reading, Morning message, Independent reading, Reader’s notebook, Reading strategies, Oral reading practice Genre Focus: Author studies, Realistic fiction, Biographies, Story structure & genre analysis, Nonfiction & research skills Reading Engagement: Just Right books, Reader’s theater

Writing Conventions: Handwriting, Grammar & punctuation, Spelling patterns & phonics, Content vocabulary, Dictionary skills Writing Craft Focus: Report writing, Craft mini-lessons, Genre explorations, Fiction & nonfiction paragraph writing/structure Writing Process and Engagement: Journaling with prompts, Creative writing, Stages of writing process, Author’s publication celebration, Friendly Dragon Literary Magazine Contributions

Math Concepts: Addition/subtraction basic facts review, Addition & subtraction with multiple digits & regrouping, Understanding multiplication & division, Geometry, Measurement & time, Money, Introduction to fractions & decimals Approaches to Mathematics: Concept model development, Problem solving strategies, Critical thinking & using multiple strategies, Math activities & games with manipulatives, Skill practice, Interdisciplinary connections, Writing in math & math reflections with pictures, numbers & words

Unit Themes: Geography & topography: Narragansett Bay Watershed, National Parks, Culture Study: Native Americans, Historical Period: Founding of Rhode Island, Economics: Southeast New England industries Approaches to Learning: Literature connections, Interdisciplinary connections, Note-taking from multiple sources, Research process, Experiential based learning, Current events, Celebrations & community sharing of learning

Units: Insects: anatomy, life cycles, measuring, graphing data, scientific drawing; Machines: structures, gears, wheels & pulleys, free inventing; Birds: characteristics, life cycles, field observation notes, owl pellets Approaches to Scientific Discovery: Observing & Comparing, Scientific drawing, Scientific writing, Using Diagrams, Collecting, representing & analyzing data, Problem solving, Experimenting, Inquiry

Social and Community Skills Practice: Listening skills, Cooperation & teamwork, Group warm-up activities Physical Skill Development: Stretching,Tag games, Fun activities using various pieces of equipment, Introduction to sport-specific skills for a variety of sports (i.e. Six corners and Foxtails) Dance: Three-week dance residency Daily Outdoor Recess

Music Literacy: Musical forms, Continued composer study Vocal and Instrumental Practice: Expand song repertoire, Correct tone production techniques, Rounds, descants, partner songs, two part songs, Body percussion, folk dances, Orff instruments, Handheld percussion instruments, Introduce recorder

Literature: Read aloud & silent reading, Class novels & interdisciplinary reading, Independent reading: GARP, Reading strategies Genre Focus: Story structure & genre analysis, Historical fiction, Nonfiction & research skills, Study of Poetic Devices Reading Engagement: Independent reading GARP projects, Reader’s notebook, Morning message, Reader’s theater Listening and Speaking Strategies: Oral reading with inflection, Oral presentations, Active listening

Writing Conventions: Handwriting, Grammar & punctuation, Spelling patterns, Content vocabulary Writing Craft Focus: Craft mini-lessons,Writer’s workshop,Various paragraph structures, Story arc, Character trait analysis, Report & essay writing Genre Focus: Personal narrative, Realistic fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction writing Writing Process and Engagement: Journaling,Writing process & publication, Interdisciplinary writing projects, Friendly Dragon Literary Magazine Contributions

Math Concepts Focus: Place value with large numbers, Multiplication & division theory & algorithms, Geometry, Fractions, Decimals, Introduction to using systems Approaches to Mathematics: Concept model development, Problem solving strategies, Critical thinking & using multiple strategies, Math activities & games, Skill practice, Interdisciplinary connections, Writing in math

Unit Themes: Beliefs and values: World Religions, Historical period: Immigration, Culture study: Kenya, Making Connections: Westward expansion effect on native populations Approaches to Learning: Literature connections, Interdisciplinary connections, Note-taking from multiple sources, Inquiry-based research methods, Research report writing, Experiential-based learning, Simulations, Guest Speakers,Technology enhanced learning experiences, Historical & resource mapping & mapmaking skills, Problem-based group projects, Current event connections, Celebrations & community sharing of learning

Units: Chemistry: temperature, states of matter, changes, experimenting with a variable, electronic probes; Magnetism: forces, earth’s magnetism, manufacturing magnets, electromagnets, motors; Plants: anatomy & function, life cycles, needs, plants in the food web Approaches to Scientific Discovery: Observing & Comparing, Scientific drawing, Scientific writing, Using Diagrams, Collecting, representing & analyzing data, Problem solving, Experimenting, Inquiry

Social and Community Skills Practice: Listening skills, Group cooperation & teamwork Physical Skill Development: Warm-up activities, Stretching,Tag games, & sport specific skills practice for a variety of sports, Fitness Games such as Five Bean Bags & Mat Ball, Yoga as part of classroom routines Daily Outdoor Recess

Literature: Read aloud & silent reading, Class novels, Literature circles, Independent reading-genre & theme lists, Book clubs, Read around the world, Morning message, Reading strategies Genre Focus: Mysteries, Global literature, Historical fiction, Biography, Fantasy, Interdisciplinary reading, Nonfiction & research skills Listening and Speaking Strategies: Oral reading with dramatization, Oral presentations, Active listening

Writing Conventions: Grammar, punctuation & sentence structure, Spelling patterns & Vocabulary development, Greek & Latin derived prefixes, suffixes & roots, Content vocabulary Writing Craft Focus: Essay & report writing, Outlining, Craft mini-lessons, Elements of genres & format,Writing Workshop Genre Focus: Descriptive, Mystery, Persuasive, Poetry, Nonfiction writing, Play script Writing Process and Engagement: Journaling, Creative writing,Writing process & publication, Interdisciplinary writing projects, Introduction to formal research report writing with bibliograph, Friendly Dragon Literary Magazine Contributions

Math Concepts Focus: Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division with whole numbers, decimals & fractions, Understanding traditional algorithms & proofs,Translation between whole numbers, decimal, fractions & percents,Applied geometry with polygons & solids, Data analysis, Using & translating measurements in multiple systems, Introduction to integers Approaches to Mathematics: Problem solving strategies, Critical thinking & using multiple strategies, Math activities & games, Skill practice, Interdisciplinary connections, Performance assessment task with real-life applications, Mathematicians intellectual heritage connections,Writing in math

Unit Theme: Beliefs & Values: Quaker testimonies, Culture Study: Modern China, Historical period: The Civil Rights Movement, Making Connections: Fifth grade play Approaches to Learning: Nonfiction reading strategies, Inquiry guided research methods, Research report writing with outlines & bibliographies, Using primary sources, Social justice theme connections, Literature connections, Interdisciplinary connections, Current events, Experiential-based learning, Guest speakers, Technology-enhanced learning experiences, Celebrations & community sharing of learning

Units: Marine Science Of Narragansett Bay: native species, writing & drawing, water quality, sewage & toilets, lo-flow design challenge, Human body: anatomy, data analysis, systems (i.e. digestive, reproductive), Light: light energy, shadows, colored light, reflection & refraction, pursue own light experiment idea Approaches to Scientific Discovery: Observing & Comparing, Scientific drawing, Scientific writing, Using Diagrams, Collecting, representing & analyzing data, Problem solving, Experimenting, Inquiry

Social and Community Skills Practice: Listening skills, cooperation, Respect & teamwork Physical Skill Development: Warm-up activities: Stretching, Personal physical best activities, Fundamentals for specific sports, Fitness Games, Pedometer work, Sports: Basketball, Volleyball,Table Tennis, Pickle Ball,Yoga & Self Awareness as part of classroom routines Daily Outdoor Recess

(some units rotate each year)

Creating Community: Friendship Making Connections: Human Body Culture Study: Our Community, Australia, Russia, or Egypt Research Study: Arctic/Alaska, Rainforest, or African Savannah Approaches to Learning: Hands-on projects, Picture book connections Interdisciplinary connections, Field trips, Experiential-based learning, Celebrations & community sharing of learning




Community Building and Routines: Morning Message, Morning Meeting: Greeting, Sharing, Activities, Calendar, Schedule, Arrival & dismissal handshake with teachers, Logical Consequences Community Engagement: Energizers, Conflict resolution, Introduction to C.A.R.E.S.: Cooperation, Assertion, Responsibility, Empathy, Self Control

Shared Community Values and Themes: Introduction to inner light, Emphasis on SPICES and Quaker Values Quaker Practice: Shared silence, Meeting For Worship

Service Learning: Year-long partnership with Camp Street Ministries, lower school collection at Thanksgiving Basic Global Awareness Themes: Who am I? What is a community? How do I help my community?

Library: Picture book read aloud & discussions Genre Focus: Folk tales, Riddles, Nonfiction, Poetry Introduction to using the library Book choice, care & responsibility Literature Highlight: Award-Winning Books Continued Reading Readiness

Community Building and Routines: Morning Message, Morning Meeting: Greeting, Sharing, Activities, Calendar, Schedule, Arrival & dismissal handshake with teachers, Logical Consequences Community Engagement: Conflict Resolution, Energizers, Group participation activities, Small group work & partner work, third grade buddies, C.A.R.E.S.: building community core values

Shared Community Values and Themes:Emphasis on SPICES and Quaker Values, Recognizing & acknowledging the light in each member of our community Quaker Practice: Shared silence, Meeting For Worship

Service Learning: Fundraising to purchase beehives through Heifer International, Participation in school-wide monthly food drives to benefit local food pantry, Support sustainability & recycling programs in the classroom Expansion on Global Awareness Themes: What is community? How do I help my community? How do I help my environment? Diversity workshops

Introduction to Spanish begins Focus on: Vocabulary development, Basic pronunciation, Introduction to conversational Spanish Approaches to Language: Songs & dances, Games, Read aloud stories & discussions, Cultural connections & celebrations, Spanish-speaking country geographical highlights

Library: Interdisciplinary reading support, Picture book read aloud & discussions, Increased book search skills, Parts of a book,Types of books & element of genre, Literature Highlight:Award Winning Books, Finding Just Right Books

Community Building and Routines: Morning Message, Morning Meeting, Arrival & dismissal handshake with teachers, Classroom rules creation with students, Logical Consequences, Hopes & Dreams, Modeling of materials usage Community Engagement: Conflict Resolution, Energizers, Group participation activities, C.A.R.E.S.: Community core values

Shared Community Values and Themes: Deepening understanding of how to calm body & mind for silent worship, Develop awareness of how to listen for Inner Voice, Beginning Awareness of application of Quaker testimonies Quaker Practice: Shared silence, Meeting for Worship, Meeting for Sharing & Learning

Service Learning: Support sustainability & recycling programs, Nike Reuse-a-shoe collection, Donations of fleece scarves & hats, Community Garden Global Awareness- Themes: What are other communities like? How do we build community together? What makes up a country? What makes places around the globe unique? Approaches: Cultural curriculum units, Interdisciplinary & literature connections, Diversity workshops

Woodcraft Projects: Animal marionette, Birdhouse, Initial bookends Woodworking Skills: Project design & pattern making, Non-linear sawing, Right angle layout

Introduction to Spanish continues New Skill Focus: Practice with total physical response curriculum, increased target language use in classes Approaches to Language: Songs & dances, Games, Read aloud stories & discussions, Cultural connections & celebrations, Spanish speaking country geographical highlights, Famous Spanish speakers of interest

Library: Interdisciplinary reading support, Picture book read aloud & discussions, Literature Highlight: AwardWinning Books, Finding Just Right Books, Getting to know the library’s collections, Interpretation of spine labels, Genre Focus: using fairy tales to identify the elements of literature

Community Building and Routines: Morning Message, Morning Meeting, Arrival & dismissal handshake with teachers, Classroom rules creation with students, Logical Consequences, Hopes & Dreams, Goal setting, Modeling of materials usage Community Engagement: Conflict Resolution, Energizers, Group participation activities, C.A.R.E.S.: Community core values

Shared Community Values and Themes: In-depth reflection on application of Quaker testimonies Quaker Practice: Shared silence, Meeting for Worship, Meeting for Sharing & Learning, Introduction to Queries creation & contemplation

Artistic Explorations: “My Body In Motion” self portraits in acrylic, Matisse-inspired collages, O’Keeffe magnification pastels, Construction challenge: coil pots Approaches to Artist Medium and Concepts: Weaving coil pots, watercolor, acrylic painting, Artist Studies (i.e. Georgia O’Keeffe), Picture plane composition, Create scenery for third grade play Visit RISD Art Museum

Woodcraft Projects: Bug box, Rustic stool, Marble maze Woodworking Skills: Layout of curvilinear shapes, Cutting of interior spaces, Angled drilling, Glued edge joining & clamping operations

Spanish Instruction increases New Skill Focus: Text introduced to transition students into writing in Spanish Approaches to Language: Songs & dances, Games, Read aloud stories & discussions, Cultural connections & celebrations, Spanish-speaking country geographical highlights, Famous Spanish speakers of interest

Library: Interdisciplinary reading support, Picture book read aloud & discussions, Literature Highlight: Rhode Island Children’s Book Award, Finding Just Right Books, Genre Focus: tall tales & legends, Introduction to Dewey Decimal system, Introduction to the online catalog, Introduction to dictionary and encyclopedia skills Digital Literacy: Introduction to the functions of an operating system & server, Ethical Use Policy, Intro to keyboarding, Internet skills begin, Multimedia authoring tools, Presentation software,Web tools for individual & collaborative publishing projects

Community Building and Routines: Morning Message, Morning Meeting, Arrival & dismissal handshake with teachers, Classroom rules creation with students, Logical Consequences, Hopes & Dreams, Goal setting with reflection, Modeling of materials usage Community Engagement: Conflict Resolution, Energizers, Group participation activities, Active listening & communication skills, C.A.R.E.S.: Community core values

Shared Community Values and Themes: Quaker Testimonies in Our World Quaker Practice: Shared Silence, Meeting for Worship, Practice with different types of Meetings: Meeting for Sharing, Programmed Meeting, Visit by Friends Educator, Development of child-created queries

Service Learning: Save the Bay, Community Garden Global Awareness: Themes: How do we nurture and maintain our local resources? What does it mean to be a member of the world community? How do climate, natural resources and geography affect how people live? How do humans impact the natural world? How do people’s beliefs, values & behaviors help shape culture? Approaches: Native Culture Focus, Geographic Regions Study, Interdisciplinary & literature connections, Diversity workshops

Music Literacy: Musical forms, Continued study of lives & music of well-known composers, Increased rhythmic, melodic note reading skills, Increase knowledge of musical terms Vocal and Instrumental Practice: Expand song repertoire, Correct tone production techniques, Rounds, descants, two part songs, Circle games, dramatic play, body percussion, folk dances, Orff instruments, Hand-held percussion & drums, Continued recorder study

Artistic Explorations: Metallic reliefs, Plaster life cast masks, Zen Buddhist-inspired sand mandalas, Ceramic pueblo storyteller figures Approaches to Artist Medium and Concepts: Building on painting, drawing, sculpting skills, Cultural art studies, Focus on composition & design, Create scenery for fourth grade play

Woodcraft Projects: Square Stool,Tabletop games, Sliding top box Woodworking Skills: Symmetrical pattern making, Planning techniques, Scroll saw operation, Setting & concealing finish nails, Furniture construction

New Skill Focus: Gender & number agreement Approaches to Language: Songs, Games, Read aloud stories and discussions, Cultural connections & celebrations, Spanishspeaking country geographical highlights, Famous Spanish speakers of interest, Introduce technology based immersion program

Community Building and Routines: Morning Message, Morning Meeting, Arrival & dismissal handshake with teachers, Classroom rules creation with students, Logical Consequences, Hopes & Dreams, Goal setting with reflection, Modeling & role play Community Engagement: Conflict Resolution, Energizers, Group participation activities, Self expression & self advocacy skills, C.A.R.E.S.: Community core values

Shared Community Values and Themes: Modeling Quaker testimonies in our community, Connecting with Quakers globally Quaker Practice: Shared silence, Meeting for Worship, Meeting for Sharing & Learning, Understanding & practice of mindful reflection, Individual studies on Quaker testimonies, Creation of Programmed Meeting for Worship, Creating Queries

Service Learning: Student-generated service project (i.e. Relationship with recent immigrant local populations), Community Garden Global Awareness: Themes: What is religion & how are the religions of the world similar or different? What are stereotypes? How does climate & geography affect human development? What is immigration & the immigrant experience? What can we learn from communicating with Quaker children in Kenya? Approaches: Modern culture study, Historical culture study Merging of cultures study, Interdisciplinary and literature connections, Diversity workshops

Music Literacy: Musical forms, Continued study of lives & music of well-known composers, Increased rhythmic, melodic note reading skills, Increase knowledge of musical terms, Key signatures, scales & I, IV, & V chord structures Vocal and Instrumental Practice: Continue to expand song repertoire, Emphasis on correct vocal techniques, Rounds, descants, two and three part harmony songs, Circle games, dramatic play, body percussion, folk dances, Basic instruments, Continued recorder study, Fifth Grade Play with Music

Artistic Explorations: Edward Hicks’ inspired “Peaceable Kingdom” acrylic paintings, Egyptian ceramic canopic jars, Acrylic self-portraits with symbols, Plaster-sculpted life-sized busts Approaches to Artist Medium and Concepts: Building on drawing, painting, collage skills, Foreground/ Background, Advanced color mixing techniques, Symbolism in art history, Collaborate on props/scenery for fifth grade play, Visit RISD Art Museum

Woodcraft Projects: Letter holder, Toolbox Woodworking Skills: Scale drawing, Reading measured drawings, Layout of diagonal lines, Independent project planning & development, Metal & plastic cutting

Spanish increases to three times per week with weekly homework New Skill Focus: Conjugation in present tense Approaches to Language: Songs, Games, Read aloud stories & discussions, Cultural connections & celebrations, Spanishspeaking country geographical highlights, Famous Spanish speakers of interest,Technology-based immersion program

Community Building and Routines: Morning Message, Morning Meeting, Classroom rules creation, Logical consequences, Hopes & Dreams, Student-generated goal setting with reflection, Modeling and role play Community Engagement: Conflict Resolution, Energizers, Group participation activities, Self expression & self advocacy skills, Community building through development of social leadership, Alton Jones Community Building Trip, C.A.R.E.S.: Modeling community core values

Shared Community Values and Themes: Quaker testimonies in real-life workshops Quaker Practice: Shared silence, Meeting for Worship, Meeting for Sharing & Learning weekly, Acting as elders of the lower school, Practice various reflection techniques, Query creation, Lead Programmed Meeting For Worship

Service Learning: Local Nursing Home Visits, Interviews & Talent Show, Global Assistance Fundraising Student Initiative, Community Garden Global Awareness:Themes: How do countries relate to & rely on each other? How does a country’s history influence its modern life? How do cultures change? What is social justice? What are the needs of different members of our community? How do we respect various stages of life? Approaches: Modern culture study, Historical culture study, Interdisciplinary & literature connections, Diversity workshops

Library: Reading Readiness: nursery rhymes, Narrative Structure: finger plays, songs, & puppet play; Picture book read aloud & discussions; Literature Awareness; Concept of Book Word Play

Library: Interdisciplinary reading support, Picture book read aloud & discussions, Literature Highlight: Newbery Award, Finding Just Right Books, Continued research skills in coordination with classroom projects, Introduction to inquiry-based research process, Using online catalog & databases, Use of online catalog for independent reading books using resource lists, Reviewing books on the online catalog Digital Literacy: Review of the functions of an operating system & server, Ethical Use Policy, Keyboarding skills, Review of internet skills, Introduction of online research skills, Multimedia authoring tools, Presentation software,Web tools for individual & collaborative publishing, projects Library: Interdisciplinary reading support, Picture book read aloud & discussions, Literature Highlight: Newbery Award, Finding Just Right Books, Inquiry based research process with focus on in depth questions using online catalog & databases, Finding & reviewing books on the online catalog Digital Literacy: Review of the functions of an operating system & server, Ethical Use Policy, Keyboarding skills, Review of internet skills, Focus on online research resources, citation, & bibliographic formats, Multimedia authoring, Presentation software,Web tools for individual & collaborative publishing projects


Service Learning: Course of Study or Interest-based yearly projects (i.e. Scarf Project for Special Olympics), Community Garden Global Awareness:Themes: What is culture? How do people organize themselves around the world? What values does our community share? How do we practice the art of listening and effective communication? How do we value commonalities and understanding differences in human condition? Approaches: Culture Study of Japan, Interdisciplinary & literature connections, Diversity workshops


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