Global Possibilities
Summer 2011
Moses Brown Cupola
Moses Brown, a Friends school, exists to inspire the inner promise of each student and instill the utmost care for learning, people, and place. — Moses Brown School mission statement
Moses Brown School Board of Trustees 2011-2012 Frohman C. Anderson ’80 P ’10 ’12 John T. Barrett, Jr. ’63 P ’01 Neil S. Beranbaum ’86 P ’22 ’24 Emily Low Boenning ’81 Russell Carpenter ’59 David Costantino P ’12 Clerk, Buildings & Grounds Committee Marc A. Crisafulli P ’12 ’14 ’17
About Our Cover
Dana Falk P ’11 ’14 ’14
College Counseling Director Helen Scotte Gordon
Clerk, Development Committee
captured our cover image in Costa Rica.
Katharine Hazard Flynn P ’12 ’15
This summer, Chris Jenkins, Betsy Archibald,
Debbie Phipps and Scotte (shown second from right) headed to Costa Rica to utilize The Edward E. Ford Foundation grant, established to support faculty professional development. Chris, Scotte and Debbie
Clerk, Parents’ Association Ted Fischer ’83 P ’12 ’14 ’17
Treasurer Clerk, Budget & Finance Committee Gary Goldberg ’87 P ’17 ’19 ’20 Brian Goldner P ’14 Habib Y. Gorgi ’74 P ’08 ’10 ’12 ’17 Clerk of the Board
studied Spanish intensively, while Betsy explored
Clerk, Executive Committee
Costa Rican literature and conversation. “The two
Melissa Crouchley Hem ’85
weeks were a wonderful window on the people and their issues,” says Betsy.
At the end of each day of study, they toured their
surroundings on foot or bike, visited wildlife refuges,
David Holdt Lee Jaspers P ’11 ’14 Mary Jo Kaplan P ’08 ’11 Kathleen Levesque P’ 12 ’14 ’17 Frederick Martin
explored local arts and music, cooked and sampled
M. Willis Monroe ’04
native foods and fruits — and tested their language
Elizabeth Morse
skills wherever they went.
The estudiantes also enjoyed learning about Costa
Rican wildlife. En route to the coastal village of Puerto Viejo, they had the opportunity to experience
Neal Pandozzi ’91 Jaymin Patel P ’16 ’17 Dieter Pohl P ’14 Stephanie Ogidan Preston ’97 Clerk, Alumni Association
the jungle in the remote village of Tortuguero,
James Reavis P ’11 ’13 ’16
accessible only by boat through a dense system of
Clerk, Trustees Committee
canals. There, they saw — and heard — crocodile, toucan, macaw, sloth, and howler monkeys.
Scotte has led College Counseling at MB for 24
years. “Helping to guide seniors to the next phase
Cynthia West Reik Lisa Rocchio ’85 P ’14 ’15 ’21 Martha Schwope Friends Coordinator Carol Smith
of their lives is very satisfying to me,” says Scotte.
Recording Clerk
“It is truly a gift to read their college essays. I love to
E. Paul Sorensen P ’02
watch students take risks and assume responsibility
Blair D. Stambaugh
for their paths and decisions. I am proud to represent a school with such a fine national reputation.”
Sheri Sweitzer P ’05 Assistant Clerk Clerk, Strategic Planning Committee Reza Taleghani ’90
Catch up with Scotte and other MB faculty and staff at
Catherine Terry Taylor P ’15
Homecoming weekend this fall.
Clerk, Nominating Committee Steven Tripp P ’19 ’24 Carl Weinberg P ’90 ’94 ’16 ’24
Visit MB on Facebook or CampusLink for videos and photos of MB classrooms, activities and events today.
Elizabeth R. B. Zimmerman
Fan Moses Brown School at
Clerk, Nurturing Friends Education
MosesBrownSchool • Send your email address to so we can notify you of alumni events near you
Matt Glendinning Head of School Jackie Stillwell Clerk of NEYM
Summer 2011
Cupola A bi-annual magazine for Moses Brown School alumni Editor Sandi Seltzer P ’09 ’13 Managing Editor Kristen A. Curry
Class Notes Editor Susan Cordina P ’14 ’16 Director of Alumni Relations Karin Morse ’79
Director of Development and Alumni Relations Ronald Dalgliesh P ’19 ’21 Photography Peter Goldberg David O’Connor Designer Bridget Snow Design Printer Colonial Printing, Warwick, certified by the Forest Stewardship Council
34 32
The Cupola is produced by the Office of Alumni Relations for alumni and friends of Moses Brown. Your feedback is welcome. Please send comments to: Cupola, Moses Brown School, 250 Lloyd Avenue, Providence, RI 02906. Send suggestions, class notes, and address updates to MB Alumni Relations via or; 401-831-7350 x114. Moses Brown School is a nonprofit institution under the care of New England Yearly Meeting.
39 6
37 Global Challenges, Global Possibilities
Guest editor: John Silva ’75, page 7
A Letter from Head of School Matt Glendinning
Hope & Lloyd: School News
Marie Ewens Brown ’95
10 Robert Gosselink ’82
Alumni Events & Connections
Reunion 2011
Class Notes
14 Sarah Rogers ’78
The Moses Brown Fund
15 Omar Siddiqi ’91
Welcome, Class of 2011
In Memoriam
16 Thomas Frater ’82
Amazing Race? MB Around the World
Former Faculty & Staff
20 Carolyn Garth
Sustaining the Academic Environment
21 Global Education at MB
12 Charlie Paull ’70
17 Global Alumni
A letter from Matt Glendinning, Head of School “Some of our Kenyan buddies say they argue with their siblings over clothes, chores, and toys, like some of us do. Our buddies can use peace to resolve these conflicts, and we can too.”
From the fourth grade’s partnership with Kenya, a MB student reflection. See faculty member Carolyn Garth’s essay on page 20 in this issue of Cupola.
This quote from one of our younger
with investigating and recommending the
students serves as a fitting introduction
best forms of “global education” for MB.
to this edition of Cupola. This issue is
(Please see page 21 for recommendations
devoted to globalism, and the many ways
from the Global Stewardship Task Force.)
that Moses Brown teachers, students and
alumni are responding to and impacting
team, Moses Brown seeks to produce “global
an increasingly interconnected world.
stewards,” a rising generation of leaders
with the skills, values and desire to solve
globalization certainly has benefitted many
emerging local and global challenges. To do
people and regions of the world, it also has
so, the school is committed to offering a
brought about unintended consequences
“global education.”
such as corruption, vast disparities in
wealth, and the erosion of indigenous
introduce new forms of professional
cultures. Graduates today are entering a
development for faculty; expand the scope,
world very different from the 20th century,
frequency and destinations of language
and as both Marie Ewens Brown ’95 and
and service trips; strengthen local and
Tom Frater ’82 note on the pages within,
global service learning; and augment the
it is clear that new skills, approaches
curriculum with offerings such as Ethics and
and mindsets are needed for success
Conflict Resolution. In these ways we aim to
and leadership in the 21st century.
produce leaders motivated less by status
I first became interested in “global”
Over the next several years, MB will
and power and more by a sense of kinship
forms of education in college. As a
with and responsibility for others.
sophomore at Dartmouth, I participated
in a program in Greece that transformed
Cupola seem to share several things in
my understanding both of the world and
common. Each has found a passion that
of myself as a student. (On page 7, Guest
touches on a global issue or problem (e.g.,
Editor John Silva ’75 describes a similar
shifting demographics and immigration;
experience in Mexico). As a result, I changed
world trade; climatology; energy supply;
my major from engineering to classical
global health; international security). Each
archaeology, I began studying foreign
has developed relevant expertise. And all
languages seriously, and I went on to a
are putting their skills to work in service of
career in education that involved living
larger communities. We are honored to
and working in England, Spain, Greece
count them among the ranks of Moses
and Turkey.
Brown alumni, and we hope you will find
This is a timely and critical issue. While
Following the recommendations of that
One of the things that attracted me to
The alumni featured in this issue of
their stories inspiring and thought-
Moses Brown was the school’s clear desire
to bring a more global emphasis to its
programs and the experience of its
conversation going. Please email me at
students. Consequently, in the fall of 2009 if you
we convened a research team called the
would like to respond to anything you
Global Stewardship Task Force, charged
see here.
As always, I invite you to keep the
d Welcome, new faculty! The MB community welcomes the arrival of new faculty members this fall who represent decades of public and private school experience. Among the new faculty are three MB graduates: Allie Weitberg Jones
News from Moses Brown Today
’96 teaching in the preprimary class, Katie Evans ’06 in middle school science, and Jim Dickson ’05 in upper school math.
Joanne Coombs retires from MB Presidential Scholar awards Senior Dylan Neel ’11 and history teacher Jennifer Stewart were honored at the Presidential Scholar awards weekend in Washington D.C. in June. Dylan, named Presidential Scholar of Rhode Island, was one of 141 high school seniors from across the country to receive the award and was selected out of 3,000 candidates. Jennifer received an award from the U.S. Department of Education based on Dylan’s application essay on how she inspired him in his time at MB.
Third grade teacher Joanne Coombs retired in
June, capping a 19-year career where she was
solvers, deep thinkers, well-rounded, passionate,
Joanne describes MB students as “problem
known for her warmth and student-centered
eager, and cooperative.” “Watching students
approach to teaching. Joanne taught first and
move on to the next levels, where they have
third grades and also worked with the lower
choices and take ownership of learning, has been
school chorus. In her time at MB Joanne
extremely rewarding,” Joanne says. “The most
participated in the Fulbright Memorial Teacher
special moments are those when, by choice,
Fund Program, visiting schools in Japan and
former students would seek me out to reminisce
used a Leonard Miller Travel Grant, traveling to
about their third grade hopes, dreams, and
Peru to research Incan culture.
MB contributes to Special Olympics Throughout campus last spring, many fine and generous knitters gathered to work for the Scarves For Special Olympics collection. The MB knitters contributed a total of 43 scarves to the effort. Some of the scarves were given to athletes, coaches, and families of Rhode Island Special Olympians this year at the Rhode Island Winter Games. MB also hosted a Special Olympics Basketball game on campus, with warm support for the visiting athletes.
Foo Dogs On April 21, 2011 the Yat K. Tow Family,
What’s race got to do with it?
including former Trustee C. June Tow and
This was just one question asked this year at AISNE’s 2011 High School Students of Color Conference,
daughter Heather Tow-Yick ’94, came to
held in Holyoke, Mass. MB sent nine students to the conference, which was created in recognition of
campus for the Foo Dogs dedication. The
the unique needs, experiences, and challenges of students of color in independent schools. Upper
magnificent dogs, a gift from the family,
School Diversity Coordinator / language teacher Chandra Harris accompanied the students, along
have been located at the entrance to Lower
with Jill Stockman, College Counseling office. The conference featured speakers, performances, affinity
School for the last decade, guarding and
groups, group sharing, and a variety of workshops, including: The Northern Civil Rights Struggle,
protecting the children.
Islam, The Melting Pot, Mirage: Media and Race, and Introduction to Salsa Dancing.
photo: Scott McCall/
Congratulations The Class of 2011 received a number of significant awards. Four seniors received coveted National Merit Scholarship Awards and seven were honored within the National Merit program as Commended students. Kevin Matson has been named interim Dean of Students for the 2011-12 school year. Nine MB upper school students took part in the Rhode Island Science Olympiad, winning gold medals in the Forensics contest and in a team Science Bowl (quiz game) competition. They also won a silver
Earth Week 2011 Among many new activities designed by students and faculty this year, several hundred Random Acts of Greenness (RAGS) were collected, linked together, and displayed in the school library. From recycling their #5s to commuting via bicycle, MB community
medal in an event called Mission Possible, for which two students built a Rube Goldberg machine.
members found countless ways to be green.
The R.I. Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association named Jeff Maidment as Athletic Director
games and workshops with lower school
of the Year.
students. Students and faculty also lit up the
Middle school math teacher Dan Ohl will participate in the next cohort of the Friends Council on Education’s Institute for Engaging Leadership in Friends Schools.
Members of the Environmental Club shared
library by riding an Energy Cycle.
The school year ended with Friends Garden
celebrating its second growing season on the
Lacrosse player Hannah Saris ’12 competed in the Women’s Division National Tournament and in the
Moses Brown campus: by the end of the
Champion All-American Showcase at the ESPN RISE Games this summer, where she gained national
summer the garden contributed 375 pounds of
press coverage for her incredible performance.
fresh produce for the food pantry at Camp
Superior: The rating received by MB ensembles this year in competition — middle school jazz, upper
Street Ministries.
school string, and upper school wind. Members of MB’s upper school chorus also took first place at New York’s Heritage Festival. 36 upper school students were recognized for outstanding performance on the National Latin Exam, twenty four attained top scores on the National Spanish Exam, and seven received honors for their achievement on the National French Contest. Four MB seniors signed onto Division 1 collegiate teams: field hockey’s Liza Green to play at Brown and football players Daril Geisser, Sonny Porcaro, and CJ Handley to play at URI, Marist College, and Presbyterian College. The school year began on September 7, 2011, fully enrolled with 779 students.
Creative ways toward understanding diversity Lower and middle school students utilized
Wind Ensemble Reception Matt Glendinning, Steve Toro and composer George Masso pictured at the Brown University-Moses Brown Combined Wind Ensemble Reception. The performance took place on March 11 at Sayles Hall at Brown University.
interesting means of exploring diversity this past year. In lower school, students participated in a series of diversity workshops, each classroom hosting a different experience. During these, students were guided to explore issues and viewpoints that might be out of their normal everyday experience. Middle school students explored Colombian culture both through art and language studies. In studio art, they created their own versions of El sombrero alto del (the top hat of the) Congo Grande, which
is part of the annual Carnaval de Barranquilla.
“The notion of ‘global’ really is more of a mindset barrier today than a physical or financial one for many families.”
Global Challenges, Global Possibilities By Guest Editor John Silva ’75 I APPRECIATE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO
SHARE with MB’s alumni community after
Quaker writings often link this advice to
business with an Eastern Block immigrant
so many years and miles away. Since
Vocation. A friend from Westerly Meeting,
woman. This was a decade before Hispanic
graduating in 1975, my career has for the
Dan Campbell, introduced me to Quaker
was a racial designation for the Colombian
most part been forged in the agricultural
businessman John Woolman’s writings
factory workers in Pawtucket and Central
community of Salinas, California. I have
more than a decade ago. Woolman says that
Falls. Today there are numerous Latino
been practicing family medicine for a
“to turn all the treasures we possess into
cultures thriving within city limits. And
largely first-generation group of Mexican
the channel of Universal Love becomes the
with the power of the worldwide web, all
immigrants on essentially the same
business of our lives.” Certainly a difficult
students today have the option of global
block since 1987. This has been both
admonition in the complete, as Woolman
exchange and collaboration, interface and
revealing and satisfying and I would not
was able to achieve, but a worthy course
even enterprise. (At least the beginning of
have changed these many gratifying
of action for which we can and do strive
such, under encouraging guidance.) The
learning opportunities for anything else
in our vocational lives.
world community is truly smaller now
In my study about Stewardship,
job, I worked side by side in a black-owned
professionally. Perhaps the most useful
With regard to the testimony on
and by way of its foundational Quaker
preparation was the many years of Latin
Sustainability/Unity with Nature, it is clear
testimonies, as evidenced here, Moses
and French at MB which allowed me the
that with the changing and, perhaps,
Brown School should be well positioned to
confidence to travel to California’s closest
diminishing physical world, traditional
lead in developing more inclusive methods
international neighbor, Mexico, in 1986,
social justice must now include the impact
of global interaction and stewardship.
after my residency, to take an immersion
of the precarious environmental situations
conversational Spanish course.
that many of the world’s most vulnerable
John Silva is a physician in California. “I was
That eye-opening introduction to
inhabit or reside in. In the last decade, this
the only black kid in my class when I started
language and culture intertwined led to a
concept of environmental justice has been
at MB,” he says, “but little by little, I saw that
depth of understanding of Latin America
made very clear to the entire globe by the
change over time as the school became more
that I use and teach to young physicians-
circumstances seen in the wake of the
diverse.” He recalls Mr. Ward advocating for him
in-training daily. That exposure was
Hurricane Katrina disaster in the historically
to attend MB. “I had a great experience there,”
instrumental to fulfilling my end-of -the-
bustling city of New Orleans in 2005. This
John says, “warmly welcomed by supportive
20th-century American career, begun before
came to mind after reading 1978 alumna
classmates, many of whom were 13-year vets of
people really talked about “globalism.”
Sarah Rogers’ profile about her important
the school. There was a lot of change happening
Nowadays the opportunities are different
proactive work for the citizens of Florida.
at MB and in the country at the time. I value
and, in many ways, more challenging as
the friendships I made there.” After MB, John
it’s very clear the globe is getting smaller;
encouraging profiles display how a milieu
graduated from Tufts, attended medical school at
neighbors are getting closer and more
where Quaker principles are quietly and
Brown, and served on staff at Memorial Hospital
densely fitted, and we are all less resourced.
spiritually guarded on campus, has clearly
in Pawtucket. John has been practicing family
Grand changes are afoot and hopefully
made a difference in the final product. I was
medicine in the barrio of East Salinas, California
Moses Brown is actively educating for them
reminded of this as I read 1982 alumnus
since 1987 and is presently a full-time clinical
by way of its Quaker advices, including those
Tom Frater’s profile. The notion of “global”
faculty member at UCSF’s affiliate hospital in
on Stewardship and the newest testimony on
really is more of a mindset barrier today
Salinas, Natividad Medical Center. John and
Sustainability/Unity with Nature. With well-
than a physical or financial one for many
his wife Natalie have three children — Martin,
founded and intentionally-based instruction,
families. I was recruited to MB from a
Matisse, and Alejandra — and belong to the
the school will continue to teach for those
similar three-block distance from campus
Monterey Peninsula Friends Meeting in Carmel.
jobs that do not even exist yet, to paraphrase
as Tom, and my parents both graduated
Connect to John via facebook,
1973 alumnus Peter Zimmerman in a
from Hope High at the time Tom’s parents
roycamp, or
previous issue of this magazine.
were emigrating from Hungary. At my first
I believe the following exciting and
photo: White House
Economic Development Marie Brown came to MB in ninth grade, from Gordon. “I remember thinking MB was really big, which is funny now that I think about it.” Marie says. “I was probably a typical freshman, wanting to make friends and not stick out too much.”
Marie Ewens Brown ’95 Marie Brown ’95 worked at the White House in the Office of African Affairs at the National Security Council. Marie was there for the last six months of the Bush administration and the first ten months of the Obama administration. Now she is at the World Bank working in the U.S. Executive Director’s office, covering Africa and a number of other issues. Both the NSC and World Bank jobs came about through Marie’s work in International Affairs for the U.S. Treasury Department. “Both the World Bank job and NSC job have been fascinating windows into policy making on a global scale,” she says.
What led to your specific interest in security/
complement the existing staff that was
they need to know the risks and the
African affairs?
focused on security issues. I was present for
opportunities of various policy options. You
I would define the focus of my work since
the transition from the Bush Administration
often hear the phrase: “Don’t let the perfect
graduate school as economic development
to the incoming Obama Administration, and
be the enemy of the good.” It’s a bit of a
more than security interests, although the
it was a privilege to work for both. Following
cliché but it also is the reality of getting
two are clearly connected. I joined the
my stint at NSC, I joined the staff of the
things done in a democracy. You have to be
International Affairs Department at the
U.S. Executive Director’s Office at the World
able to compromise to move things through
U.S. Treasury in 2004 and was put to work
Bank, where I continue to look at economic
our system.
immediately on what ultimately became
development issues in Africa as an advisor
known as the Multilateral Debt Relief
to the U.S. representative on the World Bank
Global topics are covered frequently in MB
Initiative, which financed $60 billion in debt
Executive Board.
classrooms today and other alumni in this
Global Possibilities
relief from the poorest countries to the IMF
issue share updates on work in the East,
and World Bank. I started out just looking at
What has been the most gratifying, or
Uganda, etc. What can you share with readers
ways that the IMF might be able to finance
challenging, to you about your work?
about situations and/or experiences in Africa?
the debt write-off with their own internal
The most gratifying has certainly been the
Africa is a pretty diverse continent so it’s
resources, since donors were unlikely to be
power for the United States to do good in
hard to generalize. That said, there are some
able to contribute anything close to the
the world when we are humble, focus on
common shared issues. There’s a great spirit
amounts needed. Once we got the sign-off
discrete problems, and work with the
of entrepreneurship and desire to improve
of the Treasury Secretary, we coordinated
international community to generate
one’s quality of life across the region. There
with other governments, the G-7 and the
support for our initiatives. The most
have been some enormously successful
Boards of the IMF and World Bank. It was a
challenging part of my work is certainly
African-run businesses, and increasingly
fascinating first job and made me realize
working in large, sometimes dysfunctional
African entrepreneurs are sharing their
how exciting public policy can be. I had a
knowledge with others around the world.
great boss who had a lot of confidence in
At the same time, there are huge logistical
me and let me run with the issue. After 3 ½
What are key traits or competencies that
obstacles such as lack of electricity (only
years at Treasury, I moved to the White
students wishing to pursue a career path
about 30% of all African households have
House to work with a former Treasury
similar to yours would need?
access to even sporadic electricity), weak
colleague who had been named Special
An ability to distill complicated issues into
infrastructure, onerous regulations, and,
Assistant to the President for African
short oral briefings or 1-2 page memos is
of course, corruption. President Obama’s
Affairs; he wanted someone from Treasury
probably the most important skill for my
speech in Ghana addressed many of these
that understood economic issues and could
work. People don’t have a lot of time, but
issues and made the point that tackling
photos: Curt Carnemark and Thomas Sennett/World Bank
“I joined the International Affairs Department at the U.S. Treasury after graduate school and was put to work immediately on what became known as the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative, coordinating the Treasury Secretary, other governments, the G-7 and the Boards of the IMF and World Bank. It was a fascinating first job and made me realize how exciting public policy can be.”
them in a meaningful way is challenging
political process in Zimbabwe and arranged
and ultimately is up to African citizens and
for an Oval Office meeting between Prime
governments. I think “global understanding”
Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the
in my work involves both listening to what
Zimbabwean “opposition,” and President
Africans have to say about their own
Obama. She also worked to engage with the
development challenges while creating
new South African government following
incentives for African governments to raise
Jacob Zuma’s election.
the bar in terms of how they serve their own citizens. Finally, whenever we talk
Working for the World Bank: The World
about development, there’s a healthy fear
Bank is a multilateral organization that
of being patronizing. But the flip side of the
provides financial and technical assistance
coin is that so many countries look to the
to developing countries around the
U.S. to offer the vision of how to do things
world, with the goal of fighting poverty
right — whether it’s empowering women,
and creating sustainable economic growth.
minimizing corruption in government,
The World Bank has 187 member countries
putting in place regulations that stimulate
and works to advance a vision of inclusive
growth and protect consumers — and if we
and sustainable globalization, eradicate
can offer this advice in a constructive
global poverty, and create sustainable
manner, we all benefit.
MB stats: At MB, Marie was vice president
Marie Brown graduated from Columbia and
Last year, the World Bank provided $46.9 billion for 303
of Student Council, captain of the varsity
received a master’s degree in international relations
projects in developing countries worldwide, offering
soccer and lacrosse teams, and served
from Johns Hopkins (SAIS). She previously worked
financial and technical expertise to help reduce poverty
on the Discipline Committee, which she
as an economist focusing on Andean countries in
around the world. The Bank is currently involved in more
recollects was “an interesting way to
the office of international affairs at the Treasury
than 1,800 projects, as diverse as providing microcredit
see how consensus works in practice.”
Department, then as a director for African affairs
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, raising AIDS-prevention
for the National Security Council. Today, Marie
awareness in Guinea, supporting education of girls in
Security briefing: While working for the
works for the World Bank. She is the sister of
Bangladesh, improving health care delivery in Mexico,
National Security Council, primarily on
Damian Ewens ’94, Lara ’92, and Anne Ewens
and helping East Timor rebuild upon independence and
national security and economic issues in
Gantt (Wheeler ’94). She can be reached at marie.
India rebuild Gujarat after a devastating earthquake.
southern Africa, Marie focused on the
Visit to learn more.
International Trade Law What’s the top way your work will leave an impact on the world inhabited by future generations? “International trade allows countries to get new ideas, to obtain the resources that they need, and (by relying on each other) to reduce the risk of economic collapses. Most importantly, trade raises the overall income of a country and can be a powerful force to counteract poverty.”
Moses Brown to Bangkok: Robert Gosselink ’82 Rob Gosselink calls Washington, D.C. home, although his work in Asia finds him frequently shuttling from D.C. to Thailand. Rob is a trade lawyer. With more than 15 years of experience in antidumping and international trade law, Rob has represented steel, fertilizer, agriculture, and food processing
Global Possibilities
companies in China, the Ukraine, Vietnam, Mexico and beyond. He is managing partner of Trade Pacific’s Washington, D.C. operations:
the Middle East. In the early 1970s, my
While foreign language skills have been an
ROOM of a Chinese brake rotor casting
parents returned stateside, where Dad
invaluable element of my work and travel,
factory is enough to cure anyone of the
accepted a teaching position at Moses Brown;
personal interaction has been the critical
notion that the life of an international trade
eventually, Mom did, as well. I entered Moses
element. A willingness to explore and
lawyer is glamorous. It’s hard to feel
Brown in the lower school and gradually
embrace the unfamiliar has led me to strange
sophisticated and cool when you are
became rooted in a community of good
cases, good clients, and the best of friends.
checking out accounting entries in a dreary,
friends and dedicated faculty members.
cold, smoke-filled room in the middle of
Providence, RI, became our family hometown
Quaker life? Mine is anything but, I
nowhere, especially when you can’t even feel
for the next twenty years.
suppose. My days begin with lists of things
your toes. But 18 years after my first foray
that cannot possibly be completed. My
into representing foreign producers in unfair
yearning for travel was never far away. I
constant travel has given me a size 25 EEE
trade proceedings, and after butting heads
absorbed the Quaker values of tolerance and
carbon footprint, and I cannot seem to
with hundreds of zany accountants, I can’t
openness, the concepts of “God in everyone,”
disconnect from technology. The last thing I
think of what I’d prefer to be doing for a
the need to remain connected to what is
am achieving is a life of simplicity. Nor is a
living than roaming mushroom collectives in
happening around us, and therefore an
litigator’s life a peaceful one. Conflict reigns
Szechuan, rubber plantations in Malaysia,
appreciation and respect for diversity — of
in Washington and Beijing and all time
steel mills in Shanghai, shrimp farms in
people, of thoughts, of beliefs. These
zones in between. But one can still work for
Thailand, fish ponds on the Mekong River,
principles emphasize the benefits of world
peace in one’s life even if one’s life is not
pipe plants in Mexico, or any of the dozens
community and the equality of all people,
peaceful. In the midst of uncertainty in
of factories and farms where I’ve hung my
and provide a strong foundation for a life
Chiang Mai, Nha Trang, or Kuala Lumpur,
hat over the years.
lived at home or abroad. They underscore
my Quaker roots remind me to stop, pause,
As with all things, it started long ago. I
Even at Moses Brown, however, a
And what about the simple and peaceful
what humans have in common, not what
and experience moments of quiet reflection.
was born in Syria, my brother James in
divides us. At Oberlin College, I majored in
Mindful contemplation is precious,
Washington, DC, and my sister Rebecca in
Chinese language, eventually spending
deliberate work, and when successful,
Ethiopia. As children of Foreign Service
several years in Taiwan, and thereafter (and
reminds you to live life on your own
officers, we spent our younger years in a
now) practicing law in mainland China,
terms while simultaneously remaining
variety of distant places, mostly in Asia and
Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand, and Vietnam.
sensitive to everyone else’s.
“I absorbed the Quaker values of tolerance and openness, the concepts of ‘God in everyone,’ the need to remain connected to what is happening around us, and therefore an appreciation and respect for diversity — of people, of thoughts, of beliefs. These principles emphasize the benefits of world community and the equality of all people, and provide a strong foundation for a life lived at home or abroad. They underscore what humans have in common, not what divides us.”
At the end of the day, the best part of
Pacific trade: Rob’s firm, Trade Pacific PLLC,
my work has not been the successful case
is based in Washington, D.C. and helps
resolutions. Rather, it has been spending
manufacturers and exporters in Asian
time with friends after the labor is done:
countries comply with the complex and
enjoying fresh-picked oranges on a
evolving U.S. trade law. Rob is fluent in
moonlit evening in the suburbs outside
Mandarin Chinese, and formed the company
Monterrey; steeping in sulfur baths
in 2004 after many years of experience in
outside Chengdu; fishing for barramundi
the field. Trade Pacific has earned
in the ponds of Bangpakong. These are
widespread recognition for significant
the memories I cherish most. As in all
victories in a variety of cases affecting
aspects of life, getting to know people
exporters in China, Thailand, and Vietnam.
individually has been most interesting and rewarding. New interactions and
Rob is a graduate of Oberlin College, Tufts
perspectives provide learning and
University, and Boston College School of Law.
opportunities for growth. And when
When not flying around the world, Rob lives on
you comprehend the difficulties and
Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. with his wife
obstacles faced by others, it also lets
Mary Beth and — when laundry needs arise —
you view your own challenges from a
their three children. Rob is the son of former
different perspective.
faculty members Charles (Chuck) and Charlotte
Gosselink who led the history department and
All this from an early appreciation for
community, a little acceptance of the
service program at MB, respectively, in the
unknown, and an openness to change.
1970s and ’80s. Rob also ran cross-country for
While Moses Brown is a small school in
King “Doc” Odell, served on the Discipline
the smallest state, it provided me with a
Committee, and was a member of the Outing
world view that has served me well in all
Club. He was co-editor in chief of the yearbook.
my travels.
Contact Rob at
photo: MBARI
Marine Geology & Climate Change
Global Exploration: Charles Paull ’70 Senior research scientist, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, California Charlie Paull ’70 is a senior scientist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in California. He previously taught at UNC-Chapel Hill and performed research at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Charlie’s first job after college was as a marine geologist for the U. S. Geological Survey at Woods Hole. A central theme of Charlie’s work involves investigation of the fluxes of fluids and gases through continental margins. Through this effort he became an expert on the geology associated with sea floor fluid seepage sites and methane gas deposits within marine sediments. Variations in the fluxes of methane from the marine sediment into the overlying ocean water and atmosphere is believed to be controlled by the Earth’s climate state and changes in the fluxes of this potent greenhouse gas may provide a feedback to the Earth’s climate. Charlie’s other ongoing work focuses on the geology of submarine canyons. Many of these submarine canyons are as large or larger than the Grand Canyon of Arizona. While submarine canyons are known to be conduits though which huge volumes of material move from the continental land masses onto the deep-seafloor, remarkably little is known about how sediments move through these canyons and how the canyons were carved. Charlie has done basic work in documenting the processes that occur within
Global Possibilities
the submarine channels that run through submarine canyons.
Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and
by man. Society can neither manage nor
as a marine geologist/oceanographer
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)
appreciate the inherent value of areas we
exploring the ocean floor,” says Charlie Paull
to explore sections of the deep-sea floor.
have yet to explore.”
’70. “Although these marine environments
comprise the majority of the Earth’s surface,
exist when Charlie graduated from MB.
academic environment at MB fostered the
only a tiny fraction of it has been explored.”
Now these tools are enabling us to study
pursuit of individual interests while focusing
Charlie’s career has taken him from the
the seafloor much the way scientists
on developing concrete skills. “Although I
waters off Antarctic into the ice-bound
studied the landscape in previous centuries.
did not realize it at the time,” Charlie says,
portions of the Arctic Ocean and through
“I now acknowledge that the educational
six of the major ocean basins.
the physical environment within parts
imprint of my four years at MB dwarfed
of the seafloor where the conditions are
the impact of similar periods of time as an
and as a professor at the University of
changing, both through natural events and
undergraduate at Harvard and as a Ph.D.
North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Charlie moved
anthropogenic forcing. He is quick to point
candidate at the Scripps Institution of
to the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research
out that the oceans cover 70% of the Earth’s
Institute (MBARI) in Moss Landing,
surface, water mass within the oceans
California where he is now the chair of the
themselves are the largest habitat for life on
Recent research: Charlie has recently
research department. MBARI is a think-tank
Earth, and only a tiny part of the ocean floor
conducted expeditions to explore sites of
supported by the David and Lucile Packard
has been explored, let alone mapped, at any
seafloor methane leakage on the Canadian
Foundation dedicated to developing new
level of detail. “One of my goals,” he says,
Arctic shelf, associated with submarine
instruments, techniques, and technology to
“is to try to obtain a basic understanding of
landslides off of Norway in the deep-waters
study the oceans. Charlie now enjoys using
what conditions are like over the majority of
of the Gulf of Mexico. He has also been
state-of-the-art robotic vehicles including
the Earth’s surface before it gets disturbed
mapping, sampling, and monitoring within
After stints as a government scientist
These are technologies that did not
Charlie is focused on documenting
Charlie also comments that the
What can readers do? “When asked, ‘What can be done to make the Earth more environmentally sustaining and/or lessen the burdens on future generation?’, I cannot help but be honest — the largest problem facing the Earth is its rapidly expanding human population. I am regularly finding indications of the impact of man in what I once thought of as relatively pristine frontiers. However, these observations only emphasize that finding the resources to support the growing human population and maintaining a reasonable quality of life will be increasingly difficult. Thus, my advice is to encourage birth control globally.”
“One of my goals is to try to obtain a basic understanding of what conditions are like over the majority of the Earth’s surface before it gets disturbed by man. Society can neither
photo: Bill Ussler
photo: Todd Walsh
manage nor appreciate the inherent value of areas we have yet to explore.”
MBARI’s flagship research vessel is the Western Flyer, built to navigate rough seas and explore the Eastern Pacific Ocean, from Vancouver to Hawaii and Baja, California.
the 16 submarine canyons offshore of California.
Marine geologist Charlie Paull ’70 is shown working on a sea-floor sediment core while studying waters in the huge underwater Storegga Slide, located off the coast of Norway.
Class stats: While at MB, Charlie was a member of the track team and captain of the cross-country team. Recognized by his peers for his perseverance both on and off the track, Charlie was known for always finding a way to accomplish the tasks he set his mind to.
geology, then to the University of Miami for his M.S. and to Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla for his Ph.D. in oceanography. Today, Charlie is both working as a marine geologist / geochemical stratigrapher and serving within the
photo: M. Leet
After MB, Charlie Paull headed to Harvard to study
Charlie is based at MBARI’s facilities in Moss Landing, California, on the shoreline of Monterey Bay.
management team at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. He and guest editor John Silva
The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute is a center for advanced research and education in ocean
actually met in California while working together
science and technology. The institute was founded by David Packard, an engineer and co-founder (with
on a classroom beautification project for their
William Hewlett) of Hewlett-Packard Company. MBARI was established as a private, not-for-profit
children’s elementary school. Contact Charlie at
oceanographic research center. Today, its projects span the interdisciplinary ocean science fields and
develop new research tools and techniques, as well as technology related to ocean observatories.
Ensuring Energy for All What’s the top way your work will leave an impact on the world inhabited by future generations? “At FRCC we work to ensure that the transmission grid is built to be reliable and resilient now and in the future. We integrate traditional sources of power and renewable sources into the grid to ensure that there is sufficient and reliable energy available. Conserving energy is not only cost effective, but also environmentally sound. Conserving energy is easy when temperatures are mild, but it matters most when temperatures are extremely hot or cold.”
Sarah “Sally” Rogers ’78 President and CEO, Florida Reliability Coordinating Council, Inc., Tampa, Florida Sally Rogers started at Moses Brown as a junior in 1976, the first year Moses Brown accepted female students. “There were only about a dozen or so girls that first year,” she recalls. “As it turned out, being in a small group was actually great preparation for me,” says Sally. “When I attended my college engineering classes and when I started my career, the ratio of males to females was not much different than it was in those early years
Global Possibilities
of co-education at Moses Brown.”
had not been electricity to the island for
still going to be around for a while. The
UTILITY INDUSTRY because it was a good
three months. I don’t think most Americans
challenges we face change rapidly; cyber
fit for an electrical engineer and I figured
can imagine being without electricity for
security threats, geomagnetic disturbances,
electricity was going to be around for a
three months! In other parts of Tanzania,
integrating wind and solar into the grid,
while. I also like the idea of providing a
electricity is only available for a few hours
hurricanes and extreme temperatures. But
needed service to people. In my early career,
in the morning and in the evening, at least
that’s what makes it interesting to me.
I primarily performed engineering work, but
for those lucky people who have electricity
found that once I had a good understanding
— only 11%.
Sarah Rogers started her career working for an
of the specialty I was in, I wanted to learn
electric utility. When she left, she had 800 people
another specialty. I soon came to realize
operations for the state of Florida and the
in her department and was responsible for the
that I was more interested in management
long-range plans for generator additions
planning, engineering, construction, maintenance
and enrolled in an evening MBA program. I
and grid expansion amongst the various
and operation of the electricity grid in three states.
really like the challenging aspect of
utility owners. If we do our jobs well,
Today, Sarah is president and CEO of the Florida
managing and leading people and have been
most people will never know about us.
Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC), a not-for-
lucky to have been doing so for the last 20
For example, in January of 2010, Florida
profit company that ensures and enhances the
years or so. People are not always
experienced prolonged extreme cold
reliability and adequacy of the bulk electricity
predictable or rational and thus the
temperatures and the electric load exceeded
supply in Florida. Sarah was formerly with
problems and issues that I face are often
what was predicted for the year 2017. My
Progress Energy for more than 22 years. When
new and surprising.
team worked very closely with the electric
she came to Florida in 2000, she improved the
utilities in the state to coordinate scarce fuel
state’s transmission reliability by 25% and safety
glamorous and most people only want to
supplies, air emission limitations, and grid
performance by 900%. Sarah also led restoration
know that the lights will come on when
operations. We were successful because no
efforts for electric transmission following the four
they flip the switch. Americans are
one lost power and the general public never
hurricanes in 2004 in which more than 680
particularly spoiled by the very high
knew how close to the edge we were
transmission structures were severely damaged.
reliability of our electric system. I was in
Contact Sally at
Zanzibar on vacation last year and there
Electric utility work is not terribly
At FRCC, we coordinate the grid
It appears that the electricity business is
Global Healthcare Omar Siddiqi ’91 Omar Siddiqi and his family moved to Zambia last summer for his work in neurology research. “Zambia has to be one of the most beautiful countries in the world and a great place to raise children,” he says. Omar and Liz have two children, Akayla and Zain.
individual but the entire country. I am
admirable record of academic achievement,
there was always some silent expectation to
currently engaged in a research project
excelling in math and science. He also was a
pursue medicine as a career. I was initially
performing molecular tests on the spinal
three-sport athlete at MB — competing in
resistant to the idea of medical school even
fluid of HIV patients. Shortly after arriving, I
soccer, lacrosse, and basketball — and
though there were many things about
realized that the hospital was using the
enjoyed contributing to MB publications.
medicine I found appealing. I didn’t even
wrong test tubes to collect the spinal fluid
Omar began at MB in second grade.
come close to completing the premedical
which could adversely affect the results.
requirements in college. I really wanted to
After working with suppliers and donors, the
Global studies: While in college, Omar
make a decision that was mine and for the
hospital now has the correct collection tubes
did a semester abroad in Sydney, Australia
right reasons. After living abroad, most
and hopefully so will other health facilities in
(University of New South Wales), then a
notably in South Africa, I realized that global
the country. It is gratifying to be on the
post-graduate year at the University of Cape
health was an area of medicine that I could
frontlines of the HIV epidemic and feel as
Town. While in South Africa, he lived across
make my own, distinct from other medical
though I have something to contribute. It is
the street from the residence of Nelson
professionals in my family. As a result, I
difficult to see so many young people dying.
Mandela. Omar graduated from medical
attended medical school a bit later than most.
At times, the emergency ward can look like a
school at the University of Rochester and
During college, I spent a semester
war zone with all of the complications of HIV
served his residence at Beth Israel/Deaconess
studying at the University of New South
infection. However, I am an eternal optimist.
Medical Center in Boston. He also did a
Wales in Sydney, Australia. This experience
It is amazing to see how far we have come in
rotation in India and spent time doing
fundamentally changed who I was as a
three decades of battling this disease.
research and providing care in the island
person. I started to look at myself as an
villages of Madagascar.
individual within the world rather than an
setting is obviously different than what is
individual within the U.S. It encouraged me
traditionally taught in the U.S. There are a lot
Clinical focus: Omar’s work focuses on risk
to live in places such as Finland, South
of systems-based problems that can be very
factors for the development of epilepsy in
Africa, and now Zambia.
challenging especially when you are not of
the HIV-affected population of Zambia.
this system. In a resource-limited setting,
Omar is studying first-onset seizures in the
provide individuals with a perspective that
there are always issues of equipment
country’s HIV population because there are no
there are many ways to look at one’s place in
breakdown or shortage of supplies. There is
guidelines on how to manage these patients.
the world. This is not something that can
also a lot of unknown. There are many
“The rotation I did in India helped me realize
necessarily be taught in the classroom as it
interesting patients for whom an underlying
that neurological problems are not just
has much more meaning when it is applied.
cause is never identified. You often find
problems of the developed world,” he says.
Global education must also empower
victories in less traditional ways. I was able
individuals to believe that through passion
to get a wheelchair donated for a patient
Omar Siddiqi received a diploma in African
for a cause, some of our greatest challenges
who lost use of his legs and whose wife used
studies from the University of Cape Town and his
around the world related to health,
to carry him on her back to appointments.
medical degree from the University of Rochester.
environment, economics, etc., can be solved.
Some of the keys to working in this setting
He has worked in Boston, India, and Madagascar.
are knowing the limitations, working within
Today, Omar is a clinical research training fellow,
them, and having patience.
one of 14 selected by the American Academy of
The primary aim of global education is to
It is a privilege to work in the field of
global health, particularly in a country like
The skill set that is needed in this
Zambia. There are so many healthcare
Neurology, now working in Zambia. He can be
needs that the decisions physicians deal with
MB stats: While at MB, Omar served on the
every day can have impact not just on an
school’s Discipline Committee and created an
reached at
Renewable Energy In Global Markets Tom Frater came to MB in the fifth grade in 1976. After MB, Tom did a post-graduate year at Lawrenceville. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, then moved to Eastern Europe to work with his brother. Today, Tom works in global business, with his home base in Connecticut.
Thomas Frater ’82 Tom Frater ’82 is managing director of Nova Capital Partners, LLC, an emerging markets investment bank serving companies throughout Europe, Africa, Asia and parts of Latin America. Nova is headquartered in New York with additional offices in Johannesburg, South Africa. Among an international client list, Tom represents a Swedish investment fund that has interests in the development, building and management of leading biomass and waste-to-energy plants through Europe and Asia. Tom focuses his time on bringing U.S capital and technology to developing markets overseas, typically where energy needs are at a premium and carbon footprints are afterthoughts. Among the challenges, he has mandates from the Ukrainian and Chinese governments to
Global Possibilities
build large biomass plants to allow municipal governments to burn less coal, or conventional fossil fuels, in order to generate energy:
to introduce our Swedish client to corporate
encouraged by my parents to learn German
keep the language skills active.
clients we know in China, and other
(perhaps not so much Hungarian) and took
markets like Greece, where smaller-scale
this to task at Moses Brown. I was really
family in 1998 after ten years abroad. Four
renewable energy plants could be built for
terrible at German and required extra help
great children later (all German-speaking for
companies looking to go green, get off the
from German-speaking wunderkind
that matter), I still focus my energies on
traditional power grid, and generate cost
classmates like Karin Morse ’79 (Director of
bringing U.S. capital and technology to
savings to their operations. From where we
Alumni Relations). I kept with it and in the
global markets. I largely concentrate on
stand, all parties win when such game
end, I went on to study German at Penn
investing in emerging markets, where the
changing technologies can be introduced
(still struggling, but needed to complete my
growth and need seems to be greatest and
into the mix.
liberal arts requirements). Perhaps learning
remain in constant contact with colleagues
German at MB was one of the keys to
in markets in Europe, Asia, South America
important aspects that developed my focus
opening the door to my overseas work,
and, most recently, the Middle East.
on global markets stemmed from the age-old
and life…
concept by the English Victorian polymath
also lived through some crushing defeats in
Francis Galton of “nature verses nurture.”
York, I moved to Budapest. From Budapest, I
business, but I guess that is part of being
moved to Vienna, where I met and later
more entrepreneurial in approach. Perhaps
from Hungary in 1956 and settled about
married my wife Daniela, further expanding
the most important lesson I have learned is
three blocks from Moses Brown. There was
my German-speaking roots. I met my wife
that nothing worthwhile ever comes easy.
a can-do attitude as part of my upbringing
speaking German, although her English is
Also, despite the challenges, hard work,
and perhaps a sense that one can go into a
perhaps better than mine.
integrity and true friendship will also pay
foreign environment, work hard and make
dividends, all qualities taught to me in the
some progress, regardless of the obstacles.
caught the overseas bug and moved to
Foreign language and a respect for other
Shanghai where I spent nearly five years
cultures were also important aspects that
investing in industry in the mid-1990s. Even
Tom can be reached at tfrater@novacapital
were stressed as part of my natural habitat.
then, I was working with German companies,
Looking back, perhaps the most
On the nature side, my folks emigrated
On the nurture side of the ledger, I was
After college and a two-year stint in New
After five years in Central Europe, I
technology partners and employees, which I came back to Providence to start a
I have experienced some success, and
Shadows of the Elms.
Global Alumni Here, we offer a snapshot of the lives and globe-circling paths of several MB alumni. See Class Notes, pages 26-42, for more on MB alumni and their varied paths.
Joel Altman ’56
Grant Fraze ’01
Seeing the World
Peace Corps Path
“In the mid-fifties,” says Joel Altman ’56, of Foxboro, “my sense of global
Having his fill of city life and cubicle work, Grant Fraze ’01 decided to join
understanding was pretty much confined to Thayer Street, Lincoln
the Peace Corps. With a community service background and ability for
School, and the wonders of ancient civilizations and the ‘modern world’
languages, Grant figured he stood a chance, despite learning that less
described by Everett Raines and Ted Whitford, respectively.”
than 50% of volunteers make it through two years of service.
After graduating from optometry school, with the draft and Vietnam
An AP Spanish student, Grant wanted to go to Latin America — but
War taking place, Joel entered the Air Force as an optometry officer. The
was placed in Uganda. “I don’t think that anything fully prepares you for
recruiter asked him what other language he could speak and he replied,
doing something like the Peace Corps unless you grew up off the grid in
“Why, French, of course. Send me to Paris or Cannes.” He was promptly
Vermont or something,” he comments. “A lot of it is mental, adapting to
assigned to the Panama Canal Zone. The recruiter bid him adieu saying,
the absence of things that have been there your entire life: family,
“French, Spanish, it’s all the same. Have a good trip.”
refrigeration, plumbing, electricity, TV, clean water. It’s a shock just
getting to your site, observing how people around you live, and seeing
Joel says, “That was the door to my visiting, exploring, and
immersing myself in most of the countries of South and Central
firsthand the hardship they endure daily. Adopting their attitude makes
America, including a never-to-be-forgotten automobile trip from Panama
the transition easier; you realize that whatever you had at home was a
to New England. The point of all this: allow yourself to immerse yourselves
privilege you took for granted.”
in other cultures and languages, and the rewards of global understanding
will be yours forever. Moreover, I learned some Spanish!”
and how it enhances community. Uganda is the size of Oregon yet home
Grant says his time in Uganda taught him the importance of diversity
to more than 30 languages and a handful of ancient kingdoms whose descendants still hold great influence in regional affairs.
Grant worked for a nonprofit in Lugazi. As an economic development
volunteer, he helped small businesses and encouraged entrepreneurship. Grant helped 25 women form a business making paper bead jewelry — they raised more than $25,000 to put their kids in school and make home and lifestyle improvements; more importantly, they invested in local income-generating activities and were role models for their community.
Dick Meystre ’61 The World on Film
“I’m happy to have contributed to some small change,” Grant says. Coming home: After Uganda, Grant did get to Latin America, working for a biotech company in Brazil, teaching English to employees. He loved working there and grew an appreciation for the country and its people.
Dick Meystre’s career as a filmmaker has taken him around the world,
He welcomes MB’s emphasis on “global education,” favoring exchange
covering the topic of global education. Dick and his wife June enjoy
and immersion, not just classroom instruction: “American culture is
traveling the world and Dick even made films about two significant
spread all around the world,” Grant says, “but it’s amazing the lack of
global programs: Amigos de las Americas and Semester at Sea:
knowledge and curiosity we have for other cultures. The most important
thing the youth can do today is learn new languages and become aware
“Experience in foreign cultures shows you how the game is played
with different rules. When you see how people do things differently
of America’s role in a new world where other countries will be leading
you’re forced to consider which is the best way.”
the way and driving change.”
Mike Gannett ’61
Mike Gannett center
Peace Corps Pioneer Mike Gannett ’61 lives in Burlington, Vermont. Post-MB, Mike served in the Peace Corps in India. He says, “My vision of the planet at MB was like the New Yorker cover of a New Yorker’s view of California: 80% canyons of NYC, l0% Midwest plains, 5% Rocky Mountains and 5% California. Mine was similar but extended only to Italy, where my Dad served as a foreign service officer in Trieste and Rome. Flat tunnel vision warped into a rounded planet post-college, however.” In his junior year, Mike
Nick Salmons ’03 Building for Change
applied to the Peace Corps and was sent to India to work in rural villages promoting the efficacies of eggs. He says the two years there expanded
After spending a year working for Obama’s campaign, Nick Salmons
his global awareness and shifted his world vision. “Peace Corps, India
was accepted to attend the Natural Building Intensive, a four-month
altered my compass,” says Mike. He spent the next 20 years vested
sustainable building program at the Yestermorrow Design/Build school,
in things India... including marriage, employment with a big bank,
in Vermont’s idyllic Mad River Valley. Turning down job offers in
welcoming two daughters there, and working as an exporter/importer of
Washington, Nick packed up a few belongings, some grungy work
Indian specialties. He returned to New England in 1985 and continues to
clothes, drum set, and an odd assortment of tools, and headed north. At
travel widely with his wife (“and will continue as long as health and
Yestermorrow, Nick was immersed in a totally new world — using his
money hold out”). “I recommend a serious international component to
hands to build with straw bale, cob, clay, stone, and wood. At summer’s
the lives of MB graduates,” says Mike. “Yes, Meserve, Paxton, Raines,
end, he had landed a job with the New Frameworks Natural Building
Whitford et al (our MB pillars) gave us firm footings, but that’s only the
company and was putting his new skills to work constructing sustainable
start! ‘Leap out into the world ... and keep leaping’ is my impassioned
homes for families all over New England.
exhortation.” See what Mike did with his dusty Peace Corps slides at:
an NGO working on sustainable development projects in Africa and Haiti.
Fifteen months later came a call from the International Lifeline Fund,
This time, Nick headed to the Oregon coast for “Stove Camp” — a twoweek bootcamp to make cooking in the developing world safer, more efficient, and healthier for under $10 a stove.
“It was the wildest assortment of people I’d ever seen,” says Nick, “a
wonderful mix of mad scientists, engineers, everyday tinkerers, and humanitarians fresh from the field — all gathered for a single purpose. I felt instantly at home!” Nick’s charcoal stove — created specifically for Haiti — was voted “best in class” by his peers. It used significantly less fuel and produced less carbon monoxide than traditional stoves.
Peter Dwares ’62 Adapting in a Changing World
Nick’s experiences taught him what it means to use materials that are
abundant in the natural environment to create shelter or products that are lasting, beautiful and sustainable. Now he brings those lessons to bear as he changes how Ugandans cook. Completing a four-month stint
Global Possibilities
distributing fuel-efficient stoves to rural villages in the war-ravaged and
“Moses Brown introduced me to the Model United Nations in 1960. We
environmentally degraded North, this year Nick embarks on the second
were banging desks with shoes, mirroring Nikita Kruschev. Since then
phase of his assignment, setting up a factory in the capital city of
I’ve traveled with ambassadors and others to Europe, Mongolia, Tibet,
Kampala. The Ugandan-run factory will start producing charcoal stoves
South America, China, India, Syria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Japan etc. It’s
that consume 50-60% less charcoal and significantly reduce harmful
enriching mentally and spiritually to see how people live outside of the
emissions given off by their traditional counterparts. In Uganda — a
U.S. and to meet people who make geopolitical policy. It’s also fun to see
country where indoor air pollution from cooking is ranked fourth in the list of
different cultures, sipping espresso in a Cuban café talking politics, for
serious threats to health — a good stove doesn’t just save fuel: it saves lives.
example. The world has changed. Fifteen years ago, the United States was hegemonic. Now there is a Chinese block, a European block, there is the
Learn more: See Nick’s blog at http://muzunguMeansWhiteboy.
U.S.-Canada block and others like Brazil, Argentina, India rising.”
Rob Owen ’71 Service Overseas Rob Owen ’71 works as an international security consultant. This takes him far from Virginia, from Panama to Colombia and the Middle East. “Even my dogs wonder who I am when I return home,” he says. Rob
Julia Shaw ’02 Global Health Scholar
recently founded a Washington-based NGO called Light of the Lord Global Missions ( His group has planted two churches in Uganda as well as a small business. One of the programs they support resulted in the founding of the The Kathryn and Dwight Owen Education Centre in Nyeihanga, Uganda, about five hours from Kampala (shown). Rob also is
As an NYU undergraduate, Julia Shaw lived in Florence and Istanbul,
involved with an effort in Africa that helps with milk distribution.
studied art history and politics, and traveled throughout Europe and the Middle East. Her travel experiences fueled an interest in international human services work, but Julia’s first real encounter with public health came through an internship at New York’s Legal Aid Society during her senior year — where she learned about the high prevalence of HIV among inmates and decided to write her senior research paper on HIV/ AIDS in New York prisons. This research gave Julia her first real insight into health disparities in the U.S.
After graduation, Julia traveled to Geneva to participate in the Quaker
United Nations Office (QUNO) Summer School, a two-week program for young Friends. This let her talk to public health professionals with experiences ranging from vaccine administration to negotiation with world leaders on health policy. “One of the common themes was the shift from thinking internationally to thinking globally, recognizing that human issues transcend national borders,” Julia says.
Charles Gross ’68 Point de vue français
While working toward her graduate degree in public health at Brown,
she has focused on global maternal child health. Specifically, she looked
In the 1960s, language teacher Ted Whitford established a foreign
at the interactions between infectious diseases and micronutrient
student exchange program through the American Friends Service in
deficiencies in pregnancy in developing regions of the world. Last
Philadelphia with a public high school in Menton, a small city in
summer, she did field research in the Philippines as part of a clinical trial
southern France. Each year, a boy from MB and a boy from Menton
on treatment of schistosomiasis (a parasitic infection transmitted
would swap families.
through contact with contaminated water) in pregnancy. Now that she
has completed her MPH, Julia hopes to begin a career in global health
year 1966-67, and Dan Smets came to MB.
research, to help improve reproductive healthcare among populations in
the greatest need.
“Aside from regular letters, I spoke to my parents only once on the
Charles “Chas” Gross was selected to go to France for the academic “The world seemed like a much bigger place back then,” recalls Chas.
telephone during the whole year. As good as the language programs at Here and abroad: “In considering global health and understanding, it
MB were at the time, nothing could really prepare me for the reality of
is essential to keep in mind that the majority of challenges that people
those first few weeks in a foreign school where I knew no one,
face transcend national borders,” says Julia. “While disparities between
understood nothing and no one seemed to understand me.
developed and developing regions may be easier to identify, these
disparities also exist within each country and community including
school year, I was just another one of the guys, albeit with a funny
our own communities here in Rhode Island.”
accent. To this day, I still correspond with my French host family, and I
“As the months passed by, I made good progress. By the end of the
remain grateful to MB for providing the opportunity to immerse myself Photo shows her fieldwork in Macanip, the Philippines.
in different language and culture at such a young age.”
Speaking Up: Marafiki na Kenya (Friends with Kenya) By Carolyn Garth, lower school faculty
Community (jamii) “On the outside, we may be different — with few similarities — but on the inside, we are much alike.” — Moses Brown Student
Fourth grade teacher Carolyn Garth describes her classroom’s relationship with Quaker students in Kenya: STUDENTS HUDDLE IN GROUPS of four, looking at pictures from their new friends, who live in villages near Kakamega, Kenya. Some pictures are glued to paper, with queries connecting to Quaker testimonies written on the borders. Each student has a marker and is writing, responding to what they’ve seen in the images, which were captured on disposable cameras.
The room is silent, but the markers are flying in a written
conversation. Later, the students reread and reflect as they work together writing paragraphs that they will use to share their learning with the broader MB community. Before they finish, they will create posters that highlight Quaker testimonies and describe how the testimonies are reflected in the lives of their Kenyan friends.
My co-teacher, Elizabeth, and I think about Global
Studies as having three goals: to emphasize process as much as content, to impart global competency, and to impart an ethical mindset. At a Friends school, we endeavor to teach through the lens of the Quaker testimonies with time for meaningful reflection and a focus on respect for others as well as on service.
The connection between Friends education and
global education is striking to me in its indication of good pedagogy. As a teacher, I have always wanted to bring my curriculum to life, moving beyond engaging my students to making learning real for them. Over the last six years, I have learned to take advantage of the reflective, collaborative, and respectful foundation of teaching at a Friends’ school to do so.
Over the last two years, I have studied the relevance
of global education and teaching for the 21st century as another basis of my teaching. The ability of our fourth graders to think critically about and apply their knowledge of the Quaker testimonies as they reflect thoughtfully on stereotypes, commonalities, and the value in having a “buddy” in another country is nothing less than inspiring. I am grateful to have the opportunity to teach children in ways that I value and that I see fostering global, communicative, reflective, analytical, and ethical competence.
Global Possibilities
Carolyn Garth (shown top left, on right) joined MB in 2005.
Carolyn earned her B.A. from Tufts University, a Diploma of French Studies from the Universite Lumiere Lyon II, and a M.Ed. from the University of Massachusetts. She previously taught in Amherst and Dartmouth, Massachusetts and at the Lexington Fourth grade teachers Carolyn Garth and Elizabeth Grumbach partnered with several
Montessori School. Carolyn served on MB’s global stewardship
Quaker schools in western Kenya for the past two years. Through the exchange of
task force. For more information on the project, or to purchase a
disposable cameras and letters, students on both sides of the project have learned
copy of the book produced by the class, contact Carolyn at
about the lifestyle and culture of people on a different continent.
A Vision for Strengthening Global Education at Moses Brown During Opening Meetings with faculty and staff in August of 2009, the new head of school, Matt Glendinning, began to articulate his vision for the school, building on MB’s traditions of academic excellence and Friends education. Matt challenged all faculty and staff to answer three fundamental queries: What are the most pressing local or global issues that current MB
For the past two years, these questions have guided the work of a
students will face in their lifetimes?
research team called the Global Stewardship Task Force. Their report
What knowledge, skills and values will MB graduates need to help solve those problems?
and recommendations, compiled by Matt this summer, answer these questions and recommend ways to implement a program of Global Education at Moses Brown.
What can we do to ensure that MB students are developing those attributes, and the ability to use them wisely, compassionately and ethically?
After considerable research and discussion, the Global Stewardship Task Force endorsed the following definition. Moses Brown seeks to produce “global stewards,” a rising generation
• Imparts global competency (knowledge of other world regions,
of leaders with the skills, values and desire to solve emerging local
cultures and issues, and the ability to communicate across
and global challenges. To that end, the school is committed to
cultures by using other languages); and
offering a “global education,” one that:
• Develops an actively ethical mindset (basic values such as respect
• Emphasizes the process of learning (critical thinking, creativity,
for differences, coupled with a willingness to confront injustice
problem-solving, analysis and teamwork) as much as content;
and make a positive difference in the world).
As this vision resonates well with MB’s Quaker mission and identity, the team found many examples of “global” initiatives already underway at the school. To implement a vision of Global Education even more systematically, and thereby prepare all MB graduates for success and leadership in the 21st century, the task force recommends that Moses Brown: • Create expertise and engagement among faculty/staff through
external to Moses Brown — local, regional, national and
professional development at the individual, departmental and divisional levels.
international — in regular, meaningful ways. • Explore ways to bring international visitors and global
• Enhance curriculum and pedagogy to support MB’s definition of Global Education.
perspectives more regularly to MB. • Provide financial and human resources, incentives and recognition
• Help MB students to connect with people, issues and places
to advance the goals of Global Education at MB.
A period of targeted investment and growth will achieve: • A robust program of student travel and immersion experiences;
• The adoption of new technologies, particularly online experiences
• New curriculum, units of study and models of teaching that foster global knowledge, skills and values;
and teleconferencing; • A substantial increase in professional development opportunities,
• The regular presence of international students, scholars and visitors at MB;
funding and staff; • A series of promotion and recognition events and awards, for
• A collaborative/coordinated program in Service Learning, Multi-
students, faculty and the broader community.
Cultural/Diversity Education, and Civic Engagement;
This year, by means of personal reflection and departmental and divisional self-examination, faculty and staff will thresh these recommendations and envision ways to integrate Global Education more purposefully into our programs.
Moses Brown Alumni Association Alumni Connections Coast to Coast
The MB Alumni Association and Moses Brown School have partnered to provide opportunities for alumni to engage with each other and the school, locally, and from coast to
Washington D.C.
coast. If you would like to host an alumni event in your area or get involved with the MB Alumni Association, please contact Director of Alumni Relations Karin Morse ’79 at (401) 831-7350 x191 or
D.C. Reception — February 2011 Ash Wall ’05, Rob Lavoie ‘05, Andrew Read ’05, Brad Engle ’05, Krystyna Metcalf ’05 and Ben Freedman ’05 caught up at this annual event. Forty-two guests attended, including 28 alumni, four parents, and faculty/staff. Head of School Matt Glendinning chatted with Chuck Stuart ’56, Emily Schaefer ’03 and other guests.
Rhode Island
Florida Receptions — January/February 2011 In Vero Beach, 14 past parents, alumni and guests enjoyed breakfast at the Vero Beach Hotel and Spa in January. A group of 25 people comprised of alumni, parents of alumni and past and current faculty members and guests also attended the MBAA reception in Palm Beach in February. They were lucky to escape the especially snowy winter here in Rhode Island. Former faculty members Jerry Zeoli, Louise Heckman and Adele Espo came to enjoy the reception.
MBAA Save the Bay Shore Clean-Up at Easton’s Beach — April 2011 The Alumni Association joined Save the Bay for a spring clean-up. Jon Pariseault ’97, John Baldwin ‘94 and Max Ricci ’94 (and their sons) attended the clean-up at Easton’s Beach. Melina Panichas ’18, Sia and George Panichas ’83, and George Panichas ’15 came as a family to help with the MBAA clean-up. George Panichas ’83 and Dave Keyser ’89 celebrate their pickings.
California San Francisco Reception — March 2011 Clockwise from upper left: Matt Glendinning and Jeb Barrett ‘01 catch up in San Francisco. Matt Glendinning makes a presentation at the home of Peter Dwares ’62. Joe Ladd ’60 and Dan Young ‘54 at the San Francisco Alumni & Friends Reception held at the home of Peter Dwares ‘62.
MB Cupola: Class of 2011 join MBAA
Join Us — MBAA events throughout the year, near and far. 23
Moses Brown Alumni Association Reunion 2011
This May, alumni came together once again in the shadow of the elms to celebrate Reunion 2011. Drawing alumni from near and far, MB connections and common bonds were strengthened as classes celebrated their 5th to 65th reunions. Matt Paik ’91 travelled the furthest to attend Reunion 2011, all the way from South Korea.
Class of 1981
215 alumni enjoyed the transformation of the Field House with fine food and lively music. Class of 1991
Class of 2001 Top left: Alumni gathered in the Front Circle for the All-Classes Reunion Reception on a spectacular spring evening. Top right: Dick Nourie ’51 and his wife Reenie enjoy his yearbook. Left: Jesse Eschenheimer ’71, Margaret Crotty, Rory Riggs ’71 and Rob Owen ’71.
Class of 1986 Nine committee members successfully brought together 29 of their classmates — 37% of the class. At a special cocktail party earlier on Saturday evening, the 25th Reunion Alumnus Award was presented to Jeff Barry.
First Reunion: Class of 2006
Congratulations to the MBAA’s spring award recipients, recognized at Reunion. Tom Chappell ’61, Founder & Former CEO, Tom’s of Maine, Founder, Ramblers Way Farm Tom Chappell is a true innovator. Few people were talking about the importance of natural products and sustainable business practices in 1970 when Tom and his wife Kate founded Tom’s of Maine. But Tom’s of Maine became an industry leader in natural care products while showing that good business and the common good don’t have to be mutually exclusive. At times, Tom has also taken a different path in his personal life. In the late ‘80’s with Tom’s of Maine flying high, he enrolled in the Harvard Divinity School, earning a Masters in Theology in 1991. He has authored two books on his unique management style, promoting the concept of managing for the common good as well as for profit. In 1999, Tom founded the Saltwater Institute, a nonprofit organization offering innovative leadership development programs. A serial entrepreneur, in 2009 Tom and his wife again launched a new, Matt Glendinning, Tom Chappell ’61, and Habib Gorgi ’74.
innovative business venture, Ramblers Way Farm. With ethical and sustainable standards at the forefront of its practice, Ramblers Way is dedicated to creating superfine wool garments for everyday use. The company pays homage to America’s rich history as a textile producer while breathing new life into the domestic wool industry through collaboration with farmers and producers around the country.
Jeff Barry ’86, Founder & President, Boston Organics Following his graduation from Skidmore College in 1990, Jeff served for two years as a Peace Corps volunteer and English teacher in the Comoros Islands off the coast of East Africa. He also initiated a project to raise funds to build a central marketplace in the village for local growers, artisans, and fishermen. Jeff returned to the US and earned a Masters Degree in Environmental Economics and International Business in 1995 from the Fletcher School at Tufts University. From 1997-2000, he served as a Research Analyst for VentureOne in San Francisco, now a division of Dow Jones and Company, tracking the venture capital industry and interviewing owners and founders of start-ups and venture backed companies. In 2002, Jeff and his wife returned to the East Coast and founded Boston Organics, establishing a service that delivers fresh organic produce directly to consumers in the Boston area while supporting local and regional agriculture. The company has a strong philanthropic corporate culture, donating all surplus produce to Food for Free. Boston Organics also focuses its corporate giving in support of organizations that promote environmental sustainability, access to healthy food and lifestyles, and local agriculture. Any free time Jeff has outside of his work is joyfully spent with his wife and three boys cooking, eating, and building elaborate Thomas the Tank Engine sets.
Class of 1981
In the Waughtel-Howe Field House, the Class of 1971 was well represented with 31% of their graduating class attending a Reunion function. Pictured here are 14 members of the graduating class.
Class of 1946 met for dinner at the Hope Club (l-r): John Dean, Stanley Sorrentino, Bill Maguire, Bill McCormick, Ed Cook, Bruce Derbyshire and Bill Claflin.
Ted Moran ’87, Terry Moran ’76 and Terry Moran ’06. Three Morans came together to celebrate their reunions. Class of 1981: A core group of 1981 alumni caught up in the Front Circle at sunset.
The Moses Brown Alumni Association Board 2010-11 The mission of the Moses Brown Alumni Association is to foster lifelong relationships with the school and fellow alumni. Stephanie Ogidan Preston ’97, Clerk
Jonathan Tobias King ’90
Keith Monchik ’90, Assistant Clerk
Todd Machtley ’00
Timothy Rhodes ’80, Treasurer
Laura Marasco ’94
Adrian Hendricks ’58, Recording Clerk
Neal Pandozzi ’91
John Baldwin ’94
George Panichas ’83
Angelo Bianco ’86
Brian Panoff ’94
James Briden ’81
John Pariseault ’97
Cara Camacho ’97
Joss Poulton ’07
Joyce Chang ’94
Brad Shipp ’83
Pamela Fishman Cianci ’91
Ashley Haffenreffer Wagstaff ’82
Albie Dahlberg ’87
Dawn West ’79
Due to the generosity of the class of 1948, four students pursued independent study last
Jason Engle ’98
Richard White ’84
summer, on projects ranging from climate change in the Arctic to the business of profes-
Bay Hudner ’04
Thomas Wynn ’87
sional sports. Pictured (l-r) are Fran Sargent, Ray Mountain, Zach Leman ’11, Joe Picozzi ’11,
Hugh Hysell ’83
Katie Karpowicz Young ’99
Arianna Riva ’11, Austin Jaspers ’11, George Nazareth and Marshall Cannell.
David Keyser ’89
Philip Zexter ’81
1946 Bill Myers 48, an auxiliary member of Flotilla 82’s U.S. Coast Guard, along with Headmaster Colonel Daniel Kennedy, awarded 76 graduates with their Florida boating licenses at the Sarasota Military Academy last January.
1948 Global reach: Several members of the Class of ’46 enjoyed themselves at Reunion this May. Seven members of the class came to Reunion.
1940 Robert Peck writes, “I was touched by having my
comments lead off the alumni
Bill Claflin lives at the foot of
Rotarian of the Century for
portion of the last Cupola.
Blackstone Boulevard about
the Providence Club is
The photo of the MB faculty
one mile from MB, following
Stanley Sorrentino. Stanley
brought back many memories
residence in Panama Canal,
adds, “While a student at
of such outstanding men —
Pawtucket, New York and
many of whom I had classes
days on Oahu, then a week in
Colby, I was doing magic
Joan and Chuck Staples remain
mountain views. In March we
shows throughout the State
very active in their volunteer
spent 12 days in California, in
of Maine. The Rotary Club
and community involvements.
the Bay area and in Sonoma
of Waterville hired me and a
He writes, “We attend many
County. I am hoping to make it
health issues, but he writes,
group of other entertainers to
cultural events: symphony,
to my 65th reunion in 2012.”
“They are under control,
perform at The Opera House to
opera, chamber music, ballets,
John Townsend writes, “My
thanks to good physicians and
raise money for a family whose
etc. Our travel had us in Croa-
younger son died in June. I
modern technology. I am also
father was killed in an auto-
tia and the Dalmatian Coast
broke my collarbone and I
active in my church, which
mobile accident. Over 3,000
last November. On our cruise
Class Correspondent
retired from Harvard Divinity
helps, too!”
people attended this fund-
we saw historic cities, also
Marshall Cannell
raiser. That gesture of goodwill
nature preserves, and took side
25 Sheridan Road
Bill McCormick has had a few
School, where I taught Jewish
Kauai with splendid ocean and
studies. I am active writing
The Providence Rotary Club
made a lasting impression on
trips into Bosnia and Monte-
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481-5418
and attending seminars and
announced at their centennial
me and led me to later become
negro. In January we spent ten
celebration in May that the
a Rotarian.”
days in Hawaii, initially three
1961 Members of the Class of 1961 at Reunion 2011.
MB faculty circa 1949.
Bud Brooks ’51 and his wife Isabel live
in Dallas. Some may remember Bud as a teacher and “dorm parent” at MB; he taught at MB after graduating from Brown and has continued his career in teaching, most recently at Brookhaven Community College in Texas.
Thanks: Dick Burton ’54 After the last Cupola, Richard Burton ’54 wrote in, prompted Fred Goodrich ’51 is shown at a wire-
by the photo of the 1949 MB faculty. “Almost everyone was
less telecom trade show in Beijing a
instantly recognized and named, and all brought back a
few years ago. He attended the show
flood of such positive memories — what a profound impact
every fall for 11 years.
each had!” Dick writes. “Each has since died — one true regret is their passing has deprived me of the privilege of thanking each one of them, not for the imparted facts of the subject matter or the skills of the sport, but rather attributes far more important. The crucible of life crystallizes the awareness and appreciation of those individuals who’ve been
from current global affairs in
the late 1940s/early 1950s at assumes that I know what I
MB. We were, however, re-
know now!”
quired to take a “world affairs”
of positive influence, and of the nature and scope of that
Tom Breslin writes, “First me,
then my daughter and son,
forward to Reunion, a back
sponsored by Time magazine.
and now my grandson at MB.
injury prevented him from
The test served to remind most
these faculty imparted to me was not just the subject
Must be a pretty good place. I
travelling. He writes, “Having
of us, with the exception of
matter, but something far more essential to whatever
saw Bill Considine recently and
lived four years in Libya and
Dick Chadwell who, I believe,
he looks well.”
traveled in the Middle East for
always scored well, that we
many years, I see how inno-
knew little about anything
Robert Kellar lost his wife
cent our U.S. leaders are when
going on beyond the East Side
Loretta last July. He shares, “I
they chose to attack one side
of Providence. After 29 trips to
am doing okay. I am now living
or another in tribal societies.
China, I now realize that there
near my youngest son Barry in
We will not win by violence,
is a lot going on in that part
Clarksville, Tennessee.”
no matter how well-meaning
of the world that requires an
the attack may be. Supporting
Asian perspective to facilitate
education, especially in sci-
commerce. As many American
ences, gains all people more
companies have learned the
Martin Cassidy is still active in
than expressing our opinions
hard way, doing business is
Waughtel, Mr. Henderson, Army Armstrong, Charlie Hutton,
research of petroleum geology
with bullets.”
difficult even when you think
Arthur Cate, Mr. Paxton, Everett Raines, Babe Herman, Frank
and carbon dioxide seques-
“The true value and core substance of the MB education
successes I’ve enjoyed. Each by the personal example/ role model of integrity and dignity instilled core values: the awe and awareness of ‘the Greater Being/Presence,’ ethics, commitment, hard work, discipline, curiosity, organizational skills, priority setting, humanism, love of learning, selfrespect and self-responsibility, the joy of success by the underdog — and, yes, sense of humor! These have stood the test of time, and have been applicable across a great variety of life’s unexpected turns.
“For Headmaster Mr. Thomas, Coach Howe, Coach
Fuller, Miss Chappell, Miss Cullen, and so many others — my profound thanks and gratitude!” A nationally renowned hand surgeon, Dick is senior associate dean for academic affairs at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York. He lives in Pittsford with his wife Peggy.
While Martin was looking
test every year. I believe it was
that you understand the culture.”
tration. He writes, “These
Fred Goodrich was still working
are interesting times with so
as of December. Home is the
much to accomplish. With
farm that his parents bought
Roy McKechnie’s oldest friend,
the education from MB, there
in 1937 in Barnstead, New
Charlie Kenyon — met at MB
are few limits to what can be
Hampshire. On the current
in 1950 — died last October.
accomplished. I wish I were
issue, Fred commented, “We
He writes, “We were one-year
18 and setting out again. That
were pretty well insulated
post-graduate types. We at-
Class Notes
Members of the Class of ‘56 enjoyed catching up at Reunion.
1963 Rembrandt van Rijn Dutch, 1606–1669 Self Portrait Leaning on a Stone Still, 1639
These images — some of Frank’s favorites — are provided courtesy of the Johnson Museum.
Sunset at Carlsbad, Bob Krause ’63 presented work on the Moses Brown
African, Kota (Bakota), late 19th–early 20th century Reliquary guardian figure
campus earlier this spring.
tended Brown together, experi-
Dick Nourie is still married
enced military service virtually
after 54 years, five children,
simultaneously. (Charlie
15 grandchildren. “My son
Steve Dretler writes, “Although
— Army, me — Air Force). I
Rich who taught at MB for ten
my 60-hour work week as a
stayed more or less in touch
years, is now the head of the
urologic surgeon at Massa-
over the decades. I miss him.”
Abington Friends School.”
chusetts General Hospital has
Arthur Milot lives in James-
town full-time. Now retired, he
busy with seven grandchildren, Torah study, chess lessons and
and his family are there most
Class Correspondent
ice skating lessons (my family
of the time. The legacy contin-
Jack Houriet
thinks I’m crazy). Despite the
ues: his son Charlie was Class
2525 Turner Road
problems that occur with
of 1976 and grandson Bret
Willow Grove, PA 19090-1625
living, life is good. I miss my
Milot is in the Class of 2015.
dear friends Dan Cohen and
Fred DeCesaris.”
Bud Brooks writes, “Extend
Chinese, Zhejiang province Western Jin period (265–316) Funerary Jar
trickled down to 16, I am very
Art’s Global Impact: Frank Robinson ‘57 After 35 years as a museum director (at Williams College, RISD, and now Cornell), Frank Robinson ’57 recently decided to retire, or at least go part-time. “It has been wonderful to work in museums and before that as a college teacher in
my thanks to the members of
George Chappell became a
my class who returned for the
convinced Quaker. He writes,
reunion: Fred Barrows, Buzz
“I’ve joined the Midcoast
Class Correspondent
Halladay, Roy McKechnie, Dick
Friends Meeting in Damar-
Jerry Knowles
Nourie and Parker Scott. I am
iscotta, Maine. They are a nice
60 Blackstone Boulevard
century, the effects of climate change on the arts, and much
with them in spirit if not in
group and I am happy with
Providence, RI 02906
else. As a museum person, I go from a leak in the roof one
body. I would like to be there
my decision. I always skirted
moment to talking to an architect about a new wing the next,
with them to share the events
Friends meetings in other
and then on to a curator who wants to buy a Tang dynasty
and activities on Saturday and
places I lived by attending, but
the dinner in the evening, and
never made a commitment. So
join with them in a toast to the
this is something new for me.”
wonderful memories of Moses
At press time, George was on
After several satisfying careers:
Brown and our graduation 60
track to graduate from God-
advertising copy writer/creative
years ago. I’ve been looking at
dard College with his M.F.A.
director; film and video writer/
our 1951 Mosaic, looking at our
in creative writing in June. He
producer; real estate broker,
pictures, the formal ones and
has submitted the first draft of
Victor Goodman has returned
the snapshots, and reading the
a book of poems and hopes to
to teaching English which was
comments. Such memories!
get a job as a writing teacher.
his first real job back in 1967
Although Frank retired this summer from the Johnson Museum at
And, sad to say, we lost Charlie
“I owe it all — learning to write
at the University of Cincinnati.
Cornell, he will continue working at Cornell part-time, doing what
Kenyon this year. I hope the
— to Meserve, Paxton and
He is an adjunct instructor at
he does now — seeing alumni and leading tours of museums here
class has a great reunion.”
Smith,” he says.
Fordham University.
and abroad.
art history,” he says. “A work of art is the meeting point of so many different aspects of culture and society; I’ve had to study European blowfish, the rural economy of the 17th
bowl, and so on. The variety of a public organization like a museum is endless; the visitors range from pre-K kids learning about shapes and colors to Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers, learning about, well, shapes and colors, and everything in between, from teenagers in sneakers to scholars in various fields to major donors with hair as white as mine. It has been a privilege to spend a life this way.”
alumni poll
“My career as a documentary filmmaker has kept me learning with every topic I cover. Travel is certainly the greatest educator. One of my most interesting experiences abroad was doing a film for Save the Children on the rehabilitation of child soldiers in a refugee camp in Guinea. There, young men and women who were forcibly taken as children and forced to commit the most atrocious acts were given education and counseling so that they could return to society. Their stories were heartbreaking, but their courage was inspiring.” — Award-winning TV producer Joe Lovett ’62 produced the first in-depth AIDS investigations for national television, airing on 20/20. He also has produced national documentaries for PBS and HBO on AIDS in South Africa, global warming, and the methamphetamine epidemic.
Full On Winter: David Hall ’68 exhibited at Tierney Fine Art in Bozeman, Montana.
1970 Paul Sorrentino ’70 recently published Transforming Vision, which describes multiethnic Christian communities. The book offers a guide to multiethnic ministry for church and campus leaders. Paul is director of religious life at Amherst College and on the faculty at Bethel Seminary of the East.
Working for Global Rights: Russ Carpenter ‘59 Russ Carpenter ’59 spent some time in December in Kabul,
Afghanistan. He went there as a member of the board and executive committee of Global Rights — an international
Paul Warburton ’71 wrote a book about baseball published by
human rights organization that works with local human
McFarland in 2010 entitled Signature Seasons: 15 Baseball Legends
rights partners in difficult third-world countries — to assess
at Their Most Memorable, 1908-1949.
the Global Rights program in Afghanistan. That program was established in 2000 to assist Afghan women refugees in
of my paintings are inspired
Pakistan who had fled from the Taliban, and has operated
by the southwest Montana
in post-Taliban Afghanistan to promote women’s rights, the
and Yellowstone Park areas. Stephen Morris writes, “I am
A piece of my heart resides
Bill Lynch writes, “A highlight
still churning out books and
there, due in large part to the
this year was competing in
articles as well as publishing
poetry associated with the
the World Age Group Olympic
Green Living Journal. If you want
convergence of family and
Distance Triathlon in Buda-
to see how we live in Vermont,
friends, moving water and
pest last September. It was
check out my novel, Stories and
mayfly hatches. I live in Salt
inspiring to compete with 47
Tunes, on Amazon.”
Lake City and on Blaine Spring
rule of law, and access to justice.
Russ was powerfully impressed by the dedicated young
Afghan lawyers who have made the Global Rights organization the respected leader in training a new generation of younger Afghans in Western legal and human rights values. They have pioneered and taught law courses at Kabul University in legal representation, Afghan rights, and family law. They have placed and mentored their best law
Creek near Ennis, Montana.”
men in my age group, 65-69. I was very pleased to place in
graduates in Afghan human rights and governmental orga-
Al Hunt wrote to say that he
my division’s top half and be
nizations. And they have established street-front legal aid
would be racing in Antigua
ninth of the 14 Americans. Ted
in April and would not be
bureaus for victims of spousal abuse and denials of family
Whitford’s swim coaching got
able to make the reunion. He
Winthrop Sanford is proud
rights. Among other accomplishments, their courses have
me started.”
says, “Let it be known to my
to announce that his grand-
1966 classmates that Mike
daughter Grace Louise
Sweetser and I see each other
Goodwin was born last
all the time between South
September to his daughter
integrated men and women in the same classes for the first time ever in Afghan Sharia (Islamic) law schools. These Global Rights programs will now expand to universities and provincial capitals elsewhere in Afghanistan.
Russ comments, “Kabul was not otherwise a good
place to visit. The city has grown from 500,000 residents to 5,000,000 during the present war and is overwhelmed by traffic, squatters, air pollution, trash and sewage, and corruption. Large areas of the city — controlled by the U.S. and its coalition, the U.N., major western embassies, and Afghan warlords — are cordoned off and inaccessible. In general,
Class Correspondent
Dartmouth, Massachusetts,
Heather Sanford Goodwin ’96
Stephen Carney
Annapolis, Maryland and Port
and her husband Dan
191 Spring Road
St. Lucie, Florida.” Al can be
North Kingstown, RI 02852
reached at
1970 Neil Brier coaches the Dwight
Dave Hall writes, “I am a self-
School’s middle school soccer
taught artist and have been
team which went 15-0 last fall.
the many Westerners who work there do not walk in the
Curtis Mays is now retired in
painting full-time since 2003.
Neil writes, “I am the associate
streets and outside of work, there is little for them to do.
Sun Valley, Idaho and busy
I am moved by the half-light
dean for student affairs and
There are better places in the world to work and play.”
relaxing, skiing, and hiking.
of dawn and dusk, and most
CAS (Creativity, Action and
Class Notes 1977 Henning Fenzell, George Fenzell’s ’77 son, shows MB pride by wearing Blue and White. He was born last October and is pictured here with mom Jennifer Lefevre and dad George.
West Coast / East Coast: Christian Davis ‘86 and dad Joe Davis ‘61 enjoyed celebrating Reunion together this
spring. Christian lives in California, while Joe is in Newport.
Class of 1976 met at Reunion this spring.
Maurice Etheredge ’81 shares, “It’s great to reconnect with the institution, which helped shape who I am as a person. The curriculum challenged me academically. The boarding department shaped my independence and leadership skills. The friends I
Service) coordinator at Dwight
made here at MB are for life.”
and co-chair of the Brooklyn Community Board 14’s youth
Harriet Dashoff Lockshine’s ’80 son Louis
Lockshine, 11, made the All-A Honor Roll this past year at his school, Hans Christian Andersen Elementary, in Rockledge, Florida.
Stanley Wachtenheim works in the global markets, right from downtown Providence at Merchants Overseas, Inc.
on Bassett Street. Stanley is president and CEO of
Merchants Overseas, the largest 5-star U.S. distribution partner of Swarovski Crystal and one of the last jewelry companies located in
Bill sees Mark Melaragno ’81
in Charlotte and welcomes other visitors. He also got to
see Peter Ramsden on business
Lawrence Knowles has been
Class Correspondent
trips to the area (supplying
living in San Diego since
Ashley Haffenreffer
the South with quality New
2004. “These days, I write for
England seafood) and saw Les-
AOL News and teach ESL at
Providence’s Historic Jewelry
Parker Ramspott has owned
136 Highland Avenue
lie and Owen O’Neil, Nell and
San Diego State University.”
and operated a bicycle store
Rowayton, CT 06853
Tim O’Neil ’80 and Christine
Lawrence “Jerry” Knowles II
in Amherst, Massachusetts for
and John Gregg ’81 on Cape
’57 joined his son Larry’s 25th
more than 20 years. See www.
Cod last summer. He says: “I
Reunion dinner in the field
keep returning to Rhode Island
laughingdogbicycles to learn Burr Stewart started his own consulting practice last year after almost 30 years at the Port of Seattle, Washington.
Bill Baker and his wife, Meg
every summer in hopes that
Filoon, and their two boys
I will get an invitation from
Michelle Smith-Gonsalves
have been in Charlotte, North
Ashley H. in Little Compton so
lives in Barrington with her
Carolina for ten years now,
I can show off my beer belly!”
husband Manny and children,
Lindy, 10, Sabrina, 8, and
Roger Goodman was re-elected
but their kids’ ice hockey and
to a third term in the Washing-
lacrosse passion has given
ton State legislature as the vice
them a Southern geography
Joseph, 5. She writes, “I’m still good friends with Jeff
Class Correspondent
chair of the house judiciary
lesson, bringing them to
Stephen Griffin’s sons Riley,
Durso-Finley and we get to-
Gordon Ondis
committee. He is busy also
Atlanta, Annapolis, and
class of 2016, and Chase, class
gether many times over the
43 Duncan Avenue
with his young children Vivian,
Cleveland (where they were
of 2018, are now together in
year. Also, I see Devin Kelly
Providence, RI 02906
8, and Felix, 4. He and his
hosted by Perry Blossom).
the middle school at MB. “It’s
and Tim Faulkner as they are
family live in Kirkland, a
They were in Rhode Island
great to be back in the MB
both in Barrington and have
suburb of Seattle.
for a tournament in January.
children friendly with mine.”
In February, Dave Dwares ’92 married Catherine Novosel in Florida, with Ned Silverman as best man and several MB alumni in attendance.
Joel Volterra ’89 is living and working in NYC as a geotechnical/civil engineer and competing in triathlon and marathon endurance events to raise money for cancer research. Here, Joel is shown
Save the date! MB Golf Tourney Returns
getting his medal from Chrissie Wellington at the Timberman Ironman
The Quaker Golf Classic will take place on Monday, October 3, at
70.3 mile finish last August in New
Wannamoisett Country Club in Rumford, sponsored by the
Hampshire. To see more about Joel’s
MB Alumni Association. Space is limited to 120 golfers, with
efforts, visit http://pages.teamintraining.
registrations being taken now. Tournament proceeds will
support the MBAA Bliss Scholarship Fund and help MBAA expand alumni programs. Cost is $225 per golfer, $900 per foursome, and $25 for the 5:30 cocktail reception. The MBAA also welcomes sponsors at a variety of levels. For more,
Adrienne Schaberg Filipov ’91
contact MB Alumni Relations at,
welcomed her first baby, a son,
831-7350 x288.
Maximilian Alexander, with her
Wannamoisett is regularly heralded as one of the top
husband of four years, Sergei. She
100 courses in America and annually hosts the prestigious
writes, “Everyone is doing great
Northeast Amateur. This Donald Ross-designed par 69
and still living in NYC. We enjoyed
masterpiece has been ranked as one of the top 50 courses in
coming to the 20th reunion in April
the nation by Golf Magazine, GolfWeek and Golf Digest.
and introducing Max to all the
At MB’s last golf tournament (2006), John Gower ’78 came
other class of 1991 MB babies.”
closest to pin and David DiSanto ’00 had the longest drive.
Class Correspondent
Kelley Ciampi Wigren
8 Juniper Road
Wellesley, MA 02482
The winning team included Paul Ardente ’81.
1989 Dave Keyser writes, “On December 29, Elizabeth Quinn Keyser officially arrived on the scene at 7 lbs. 14 oz., 21 inches
Adrian Hurditch just moved
Last winter, David Dwares mar-
to a new house in Seattle.
ried Catherine Novosel in Palm
Contact Adrian at ahurditch@
Beach, Florida. Ned Silverman
was best man. The wedding
was beautiful and overlooked the ocean, says Kelley Wigren: “It was a truly fantastic week-
strains of Newcastle Disease in
long. She met her big sister
Paul Dahlberg writes, “After 26
end, and we all had a great
cormorants to the East Coast.
Charlotte and everyone was
years of school, I am finally en-
time catching up! I look for-
“This is certainly a global
home just in time to celebrate
tering the ‘real world’. It takes
ward to hearing more exciting
Inga Sidor is a veterinary
pathogen,” she says, “with
the New Year together.”
some getting used to.” Paul
news from classmates soon!”
pathologist and assistant
potentially dire consequences
lives in York, Pennsylvania.
On hand at Dave’s wedding
clinical professor at the
for wild and domestic birds,
University of New Hampshire.
and the New England
She has been working
economy. We’re working to
regionally (New England) with
create a Northeast Wildlife
a variety of wildlife disease
(l-r above) were: Richard WasLara Rosenbaum writes, “Hello
serman ’83, Eric Wasserman ’06,
Class Correspondent
everyone! Nothing too huge to
Donald Dwares ’55, David Was-
Julie Reitzas
report, yet, but I’m embark-
serman, Aaron Simon, David
Disease Cooperative to
1688 Drift Road
ing on my first book project!
Dukcevich, Damon Yip, Kelley
issues, including marine
assist state and federal wildlife
P.O. Box 302
I’m still a freelance writer for
Wigren, David Dwares, Peter
mammals and birds. Most
agencies to better detect and
Westport Point,
magazines and websites. I still
Dwares ’62, Andy Wigren, Josh
recently, Inga was part of
track wildlife diseases.” Inga
MA 02791-0302
live in Salt Lake City, but plan
Holland, Rob Lancaster, Ned
a multi-agency group that
previously worked at Mystic
to move by early spring/
Silverman, Eric King, and Patrick
confirmed spread of virulent
summer of 2011.”
Wasserman ’08.
Class Notes
Global Perspective: Abby Demopulos ‘90 In December, Jayma and Jay Sitton ’92 welcomed Henri to their family.
Abby Demopulos ’90 has been working in London these past few years, posted on assignment at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Abby works for the U.S. Treasury Department (International Affairs), which oversees the EBRD for the U.S. The European Bank is an internationallyowned institution which invests in Central and Eastern Europe to promote transition to market economies.
Doc for president!
Members of the Doc Odell Fan Club should get
Abby spent a year in Italy during college and a year
teaching English in Poland.
on Facebook to get the latest updates on Doc Odell’s doings. Why wait for the next Cupola to
get your MB news? The MB Facebook page has
pounded Latin grammar into my head for six years,” Abby
“I was fortunate that Mrs. Heckman and Mrs. Breindel
updates on recent events, such as the spring mu-
says. “Later, when I had the opportunity to live overseas, I had
sical Grease, Krause Gallery exhibits, Reunion
a leg up on Italian and some idea how to decode the cases and
photo albums, and videos from SPAF this spring.
verb tenses of Polish.”
On April 1, many MB fans witnessed King “Doc”
Odell announce his candidacy for president in
“Latin was my favorite class at MB because it was a
mix of language and ancient history,” she says. “Languages
2012 via video. See
play a large part in global education, but a good background
in history, writing and mathematical skills are critical to developing necessary analytical skills. The best way to develop global understanding is to live outside the U.S. for awhile.”
Welcome, Charlie! Proud parents are Christine Murphy Costello ‘93 and Last May, Kirsten Hall became
her husband Kevin.
the U.S. Agent for the Bright Group International, a Londonbased children’s illustration agency. She spent two weeks in Thailand this February
Former faculty update: Paul Graseck
Former faculty member Paul Graseck can now be found in
researching, writing, and pho-
Kentucky. Paul is director of cultural studies in Louisville,
tographing a feature story on
Christine Murphy Costello and
Last MB knew, Mishaal Al-
elephants to run in the March
her husband Kevin Costello
Sulaiman had returned to his
a district with 100,000 students and 130 schools. “A new
issue of Time For Kids Magazine.
became parents in April to
home country of Saudia Arabia
experience for me!” he says. “It is a fascinating job. I really
a boy, Charles. “Charlie, our
and was involved in promot-
like Louisville.” Paul oversees curriculum (K-12) in five areas
Kris Photopoulos writes,”After
bruiser, weighed in at 9.2 lbs
ing motor sports in the region.
for the district’s 100,000 students: Social Studies, Arts &
15 years living in NYC and
and was 21 inches long.
Mishaal had formed United
Everyone is doing well.”
Humanities, World Languages, Practical Living, and Music.
New Jersey, we moved back to
Racing Company and launched
After leaving MB in 1987, Paul taught public high school social
the Jeddah Raceway, the first
Saunderstown last May. We had our third child on Labor Day, little boy Carter Michael
and largest project of its kind in Saudi Arabia. Mishaal was
studies for 14 years in Woodstock, Connecticut. While at Woodstock, he earned his Ph.D. in educational studies from the University of Connecticut.
who joins our son Kaiden,
More ’94!
vice-chairman and executive
5, and our daughter Chloe,
We received a request in a
director of the project and
almost 3. My former com-
recent Cupola survey: “More
hoping to bring international
pany Wimba was acquired by
class notes from the Class of
competition to the raceway.
in three different school districts. He also served as a high
Blackboard in July so I am now
’94, please.” 1994 alumni —
Updates from Mishaal or other
school planning consultant for the Paul Cuffee School in
working for them.”
can you send a note or photo?
classmates welcome.
Since leaving classroom teaching, Paul has been an
administrator, including curriculum director and principal,
2000 Caroline Means ’00 married Sebastien Laye last year in Nonquitt, Massachusetts. Shown at her wedding are (l-r): Marla Nasser, Liz Silvia Frary with son Emmett, Jessica Brown, Kai Schwertner ’02, Charlie Means ’69, Caroline Means, Sara Farley ’02, Maddie Means ’02, Howard Means ’63, Laura Gruber ’02, Chip Baker, and Bob Sheridan ’68. Theodore Sedgwick Watson ’65 also attended.
Nancy Johnston Boissonet ’96 and family happily welcomed Max, born last October. They live in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts.
Becky Shaw O’Hara ’99 lives in Guangzhou, China. She works for Rawlings designing and overseeing the manufacture of baseball and softball bats in China. She’s a mechanical engineer (McGill U. ‘04) working with aluminum, fiberglass and composite bats (wooden bats are made in the U.S.).
Become a FAN of Moses Brown at
1996 Elisa Magendantz Barton
After State Department
Class Correspondent
assignments in Iraq and Italy,
Jason Engle
Chris Curran has finished his
back to Colorado from North
Class Correspondent
114 Marbury Avenue
term as vice consul in the
UPenn. I’ve been based in
Carolina. Her husband Adam
Cara Camacho
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Rome Embassy. Chris’ next
London since 2001. I’ve been
teaches fourth grade at the
216 Maryland Avenue NE,
assignment, starting this July,
working at The Wallace
Aspen Elementary School and
is assistant to the ambassador
Collection, an art museum in
previously taught at the Caro-
Washington, DC 20002-5749
lina Friends School in Durham.
to the United Nations. He will
the West End of London since 2006. I’m the head of events,
“It was so wonderful to see
responsible for generating in-
him grow to understand and
Class Correspondent
Brian Lehrman and his wife
come for the museum through
love the Quaker philosophy
Welcome, Parker! Zoe Street
Kirstin McCarthy
April live with their family in
corporate and private hire.
of the school,” says Margaret.
Anderson ’97 and family
1511 Vermont Avenue, NW
Marlborough, Massachusetts.
Sam and I have two kids,
“Three moves in three years,”
welcomed Parker Lily
Washington, DC 20005
Brian continues to work at
Robbie who is 3 and Nina who
she says. “I think we’ll be stay-
Anderson in December. They
Raytheon and travels to Asia
is 1 so life is very busy!”
ing here for a little while!”
live in Clearwater, Florida.
on a regular basis.
shares an update from London.
Margaret Symonds Hancock
Elisa says, “I’m married to Sam
and her husband have moved
Barton, a Brit I met back at
be in New York for two years.
Class Notes
Survey Says: comments received after the last Cupola on MB Teachers
Andrew Silver ’01 married Jenna Adelberg in Philadelphia last October.
“As his first group of students in middle school, we initially gave DAVID FLAXMAN a run for his money but he quickly became a well-respected teacher, mentor, Pictured with Connor Hartley ’02
and friend. Señor’s enthusiasm, passion for teaching,
at his Nantucket wedding last
and motivation to help students grow and succeed
October are Scott Robbin ’02 and
academically and personally was unparalleled. RUTH
Adam Freedman ’02.
BREINDEL was also a wonderful educator; she was tough
but fair, and taught us more than just Latin — she helped us learn how to learn.”
—Lauren Wier Guilhardi ’00
survey says
Are you a Peace Corps alumnus, too? Cupola is looking for stories/ updates/photos from alumni who celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps this year. To date, MB records indicate a number of MB alumni with Peace Corps connections: Mike Gannett ’61
Chris Hill ’70
Richard Gittleman ’73
Peter Kilmarx ’79
Jeff Barry ’86
Cormoros Islands
David Morsilli ’87
Elizabeth Drew ’88
South Africa
Elizabeth Lefebvre Winangun ’90
Chris Curran ’99
Amanda Harter Fogle-Donmoyer ’99 Benin Grant Fraze ’01
Peter Treut ’01
Jenny Moniz ’02, Matt Glendinning, Karin Morse ’79, Matt Fishbein ’02 and Jackie Asadorian enjoyed the Boston alumni gathering in June at Boston
Class Correspondent
University’s Castle.
Liz Donat
1285 Clarkson St. Apt #11
Denver, CO 80218
Ari Heckman writes, “I live
in the West Village of Manhat-
If you have also served in the Peace Corps, let us know: email Photos welcome.
photo: PeaceCorps
2000 Elspeth Beauchamp received
her Ph.D. in tumor biology
tan and run three real estate Another MB alumnus in
related companies based in
from Georgetown University
Andrew Silver married Jenna
Brooklyn. MB friends remain
Rebecca Tanguay finished her
education: Matthew Fishbein
last May. She has received
Adelberg at the Please Touch
a large part of my life.” Ari re-
last year at the Silver School
is the assistant director of
several awards and honors
Museum in Philadelphia last
turned to MB for Reunion this
of Social Work at NYU. She
annual giving and coaches the
while at Georgetown. Her
October. In attendance were
spring and hosted an ’01 event
graduated with her master’s
varsity football team at Thayer
dissertation was related to
Andrew’s dad Paul ’68 and
at The Salon in Downcity Prov-
and plans to work in addiction
Academy in Braintree, Massa-
the treatment of pediatric
Andrew’s brother Nate ’06,
idence. Ari previously worked
treatment and become certi-
chusetts. After getting his B.A.
cancer and is expected to enter
who was best man, along with
for Cornish Associates and
fied as an addiction specialist:
at Wesleyan, Matt received
FDA trials soon. She is doing
several 2001 classmates: Matt
played a role in the revitaliza-
“I currently intern at the NYC
his master’s at the University
research at Georgetown, and
Archibald, Noah Davis, Adam
tion of downtown Providence.
Department of Probation and
of East Anglia in England. He
looking for a post-doctoral
Drobnis, Jeremy Forsythe,
Ari’s newest company, ash,
have developed the first wom-
lives in Boston and connected
position. She will likely do
Geoff Nelson, Jason Pappas,
offers loft living to city dwell-
en’s group and plan to create
with Cupola recently on Face-
her post-doc at Philadelphia
Chris Savage, Peter Treut, Julie
ers. One of the most popular is
training for probation officers
book and attended the Boston
Children’s hospital in February.
Fritz and Erica Teverow.
“World Village.”
to better serve their clients.”
event in June.
2003 Become a FAN of Moses Brown at
Adam Mignanelli ’03 self-published a photography book on Sicilian typography and signs after spending time there in 2007.
2003 2006 classmates Jon Boc and Adam Tracy caught up with Alumni Relations Director Karin Morse ‘79 at the Boston Alumni Reception in June.
Kristina Rigby Shepherd ’03 and Toby Shepherd welcomed their first baby boy, Elijah, last March. Kristina writes, “Toby is in his last year of public policy graduate school at Harvard and I am in my final year of my master’s degree in nurse-midwifery.” Amy Ostroff has been living in Yokohama, Japan for the past five years working as an
2009. Arian writes, “He is from Houston and received his MFA
educational trainer at a pub-
from RISD in graphic design.
lishing company in Tokyo. She
Jake Duhaime is now social
emailed, “When I saw the topic
media manager for the Detroit
Aaron Tracy finished his
Music. This fall, John will begin
We now live in New Haven.
of your next Cupola, I thought
Red Wings. Last winter would
master’s in healthcare
a master’s in library and
I am in the master’s nursing
you might be interested to
have been his fifth season as a
management at Duquesne
information science program
program at Yale to receive my
hear about the earthquake/
hockey reporter, but Jake says,
University in June. He will
at Simmons, specializing in
women’s health nurse prac-
radiation situation and relief
“Things change when the
start medical school at Sackler
archival education and music
titioner degree. My husband
efforts from someone who
premier franchise in U.S.
School of Medicine in Tel Aviv,
history. He continues to
works as a senior graphic
lives here and experienced the
hockey comes calling.”
Israel in August.
research and play in the 19th-
designer and teaches at the
century American minstrel
University of New Haven. My
banjo tradition in the North-
program lasts three years and
east and South. He is planning
then we’re planning on moving back to Rhode Island!”
earthquakes. I was working
about two hours away from
Adam Mignanelli’s new
the Fukushima plant, in Chiba,
photography book studies the
when the initial earthquake
relationship of typography
Class Correspondent
to return to Iceland in July to
happened. I am also in contact
and signage with the land and
Kori Burnham
trek the infamous Ring Road,
with a bunch of the former
people of Sicily. Adam writes,
250 Creek Street
and continue a photography
Japanese exchange students
“While working full-time at
Wrentham, MA 02093
project documenting the
who attended MB from Toyo
Vice Media here in New York,
churches found in the rural
Jessica Gazin lives in Sunder-
High School in Shizuoka, and I
I plan to have an exhibition
areas of the country.
land, Massachusetts where
am sure they would be happy
and a book launch event for
to contribute thoughts or
Tipografia di Sicilia. More infor-
Since graduating from
Arian Rotondi Solomon
volunteers with the Special
opinions as well. Over the
mation can be seen at http://
Wheaton in 2008, John
graduated from Connecticut
Olympics and Horizons for
course of the past few weeks I I also
Campopiano has been
College with a degree in
Homeless Children. She writes,
was reminded of some of the
have been running an art and
working as an administrative
women’s health and dance.
“It gives me an opportunity to
Quaker values and lessons we
design media blog called The
assistant, multimedia archivist
She took two years off from
work with homeless children.
were taught growing up, and
Ballast with my brother Matt
and graphic designer for Ran
school, working as a health
I’m looking to go to grad
now I clearly see the benefits.”
’01. I often spend time with
Blake and the contemporary
screening technician and a
school in the next year or two
Amy can be contacted at
Alexander Egan, Greg Katzen
improvisation department at
personal fitness trainer. She
for early childhood special
and Caitlin Miller in NYC.”
New England Conservatory of
married Matthew Solomon in
2005 she is a preschool teacher. She
Class Notes
The Class of 2006 enjoying their first MB Reunion.
Alumni depicted varying locales in the Spring Alumni Exhibit: Clockwise from top left: Somewhere Else in Maine, David Everett
The Class of 2006 has the largest facebook page: 89 members
’81, Comet, Reva Street ’05, Boston Public Gardens, Marc Mazzarelli ’81, Wind-sculpted icicle, Haines, Alaska, L. B. Chase ’58, and Water Lilies, Robert Krause ’63.
Carlos Avila writes, “Moses Brown helped make me who I Gabe Amo is in England. Gabe
Jacob Chase-Lubitz recently
was awarded a Marshall Schol-
worked in communications
Tegan Mortimer writes, “After
hope my children can receive
arship and began studying at
at the Israel Palestine Center
spending four grey and rainy
the same kind of well-rounded
Oxford this past October for a
for Research and Information
years in Scotland, I finally
education that I did.”
degree in comparative social
in East Jerusalem. He lives in
graduated from the University
policy. “Moses Brown helped
Bethlehem, West Bank, and
of St. Andrews with a degree
Hanna Bratton returned to
environment and cultural
me lay the foundation to this
is working on improving his
in environmental biology and
college at The New School in
studies, I examined the
huge opportunity,” says Gabe.
Arabic. He studied interna-
geography last June. I’m now
Manhattan after an incredible
potential of population growth
Gabe graduated from Wheaton
tional business and manage-
located on the beautiful Isle
three months in Central America
in Detroit and design-led
last year where he served as
ment at Dickinson College,
of Anglesey in North Wales
working on organic farms.
solutions to the problem of
president of the Student
concentrating on the Middle
pursuing a master’s degree
Government Association.
East. Jake also worked for the
in marine environmental
Monica Carvalho completed her
thesis at the University of
U.S. Department of State as an
protection with Bangor
first semester at Teachers
Chicago. That experience led
intern at the Foreign Service
University. My summer will be
College at Columbia University.
me to my current job running
Institute and attended the
spent in Wales working on my
She will finish her program
media and communications
am today in a very large way. I
Kara Elliott-Ortega writes, “Interested in the built
“shrinking cities” in my senior
Class Correspondent
American University in Cairo.
master’s dissertation, model-
in December with a master’s
for the Society of Architectural
Nate Silver
At the Israel Palestine Center
ing historical sea-level changes
degree in teaching (secondary
Historians. I’m still living in
2046 W. Cortez #2
(, Jake directed
around the Isles of Scilly. So,
English education) and New
Chicago, and in my spare time
Chicago, IL 60622
the Center for Public Media
unfortunately I’ll have to miss
York State Teaching Certifica-
I rabble-rouse and write for
and was director of strategic
out on seeing my MB friends
tion. She plans on teaching, a Chicago-
this time!”
high school English.
centric website.”
Become a FAN of Moses Brown at | Log in to CAMPUSLINK, MB’s online directory, at | SEE photos and videos from the past year at MB | Follow MB on TWITTER | Be sure we have your personal email address to send E-NEWS with info on special events and regional gatherings near you.
A global community — countries and languages represented by MB’s facebook fans: Egyptian Odyssey: Dana Weiner ‘07 Duke student Dana Weiner ’07 spent a semester studying in Egypt last year. Dana attended the American University in Cairo and lived in Zamalek. Dana took classes on
Countries: 798 U.S. 10 Canada 7 Japan 3 each – United Kingdom, Italy 2 each – Spain, Pakistan
management and media ethics, ancient Egyptian technology, museum management, and a colloquial Arabic class. She also got to experience Egypt winning the African Cup in soccer, which she calls “amazing. Soccer is the biggest, most popular sport in the country, and people flooded the streets waving Egyptian flags (myself included) to show pride for the country and excitement about the win. I saw families packed into small cars, buses crowded over capacity, and people walking in the middle of highways. It was an incredible display of Egyptian pride.”
“Egypt is a beautiful country with diverse terrain,”
she says. “Cairo is a big, busy, city, New Cairo is a sandy desert, and Gouna is a beach paradise. The versatility in environments is impressive.” While in Egypt, Dana also got to go sandboarding (like snowboarding on sand dunes) in the Sahara desert. She also went on a Nile cruise and even visited with the extended family of Habib Gorgi ’74 in Giza.
Cities 274 Providence 43 Boston 32 West Warwick 30 New York 26 Chicago 20 Seattle
Languages 805 English (U.S.) 26 English (U.K.) 5 Japanese 4 Spanish 1 German 1 Leet Speak
Dana graduated from Duke this June and plans to attend law school.
2008 2007
Class Correspondent
Natalie Triedman
Class Correspondent
major, she cites the innovative
283 Wayland Ave.
Lindy Nash
work being done to allow for
Providence, RI 02906
1312 Narragansett Blvd.
self-directed intervention for
Cranston, RI 02905
obesity where patients choose
to join an online program to
address the issue. Emily wants to be part of the change that
Last September at UC Berkeley,
can better facilitate relation-
before the start of the lacrosse
ships between doctors and
Class Correspondent
season, Emily Abbood learned
patients. With medical school
Betsy Tammaro
the university was dropping
in her future, she would also
69 Londonderry Way
women’s lacrosse due to cost-
like to earn a master’s degree
Uxbridge, MA 01569
cutting. Emily’s school gave
in public health.
the teams a choice to play this season’s schedule or not. For
Eli Cushner writes, “Hey,
Emily, there was no choice.
everyone! I hope you all have
Alexander Bloom writes, “I
Cal won three games and lost
a magical graduation!” Eli
finished my sophomore year
one. She said that a sustaining
Cushner was a Class of 1948
at Wheaton College. I love it
goal this season is to prove
Independent Study Award
here! I declared my major,
to the country that women’s
winner and attended the
psychology, with a minor in
lacrosse at Cal should not
McBride Magic School in Las
education. Maybe I will be back
have been cut. A public health
Vegas in 2006.
at MB to teach some day!”
King “Doc” Odell has taught world languages to countless MB students over the years. This summer, he caught up with 1997 alumni Sarah Chiappetta and Katie Howard Hart at the Boston Alumni Reception.
Class Notes
Welcome, Class of 2011 MB and Away: Class of 2011 heads off to destinations far and wide “Do what you’re good at. Do what your special abilities call you to do. Working together in this way, we can all make a better world. … Never before have we lived in a time where we need more ethical examples. Those who go out into the world to take will ultimately be shortchanged. Those who go out into the world to give will find their lives and the world transformed.” Tom’s of Maine founder and former CEO, Tom Chappell ’61, delivered MB’s Commencement address.
Student Senate President Joe Picozzi ’11 took the wide view at Commencement this June, asking classmate Austin Jaspers to capture the moment on his camera. “Graduation means the end of an era for a lot of us,” he said. “We have to start over. Everyone’s going to be the new kid again. We’re going to have to find our way around new buildings, get used to new teachers, find new friends. Personally, I’m pumped. Moses Brown is the type of school that encourages its students to get out there and try new things. At MB, we participated in Harkness discussions instead of lectures. We played sports we never would have otherwise, and we all performed hours of community service. Through these experiences, we learned new ways to think; we met new people, and we grew as people. Moses Brown taught us to be comfortable outside of our comfort zone.”
2011 Destinations The most popular colleges to which our students applied included Boston University, Northeastern, Brown, Syracuse and Tufts. Our Ivy acceptances were strong: seniors were offered enrollment at Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Brown, and Princeton. Boston University and Tufts have the highest rates of MB attendance, each enrolling six graduates, while five went to Brown.
The following institutions admitted the highest numbers of
MB students: Boston University, Northeastern, the University of Rhode Island, and the University of Vermont.
We are extremely proud of the Class of 2011 for expanding
their thinking and choices beyond colleges that are traditionally popular among New England students. Many seniors actively researched a range of powerful schools, using consortiums such as Colleges that Change Lives (CTCL). Students were accepted at many schools outside of New England, such as the University of Michigan, Northwestern, Stanford and Occidental. Congratulations to all of this year’s MB “Lifers” — their careers truly spanned the MB experience.
Moses Brown seniors were also drawn to the southern states,
with graduates applying to the University of Mississippi, the University of South Carolina, the University of Texas/ Austin, the University of Miami, and Tulane; some adventuresome seniors decided to venture abroad, looking at the University of Edinburgh and McGill.
Stay in touch Fan Moses Brown School on school to see recent videos and campus news. Visit or contact
In Memoriam Moses Brown publishes memorial notes based on published obituaries. Please forward to Office of Alumni Relations, Moses Brown School, 250 Lloyd Avenue, Providence, RI 02906; fax (401) 455-0084; email
Robert Whitaker, Class of 1929, a Phi Beta Kappa
R. Clinton Fuller, Class of 1943, professor emeritus of
Clarence Smith, Class of 1946, served as a U.S.
graduate of Williams College, was a lieutenant
biochemistry at the University of Massachusetts,
Marine during the Korean Conflict as 2nd Lieutenant
commander in the Navy in World War II. He worked
graduated from Brown and earned his Ph.D. at
and received many citations including Service Medal
for 36 years at the William Haskell Manufacturing
Stanford in microbiology. Clint believed in an
with two stars and the United Nations Service Medal.
Company in Pawtucket as director, vice president and
international scientific community without political
Employed as a salesman, he was also a member of
general manager. He later was business and
boundaries, and produced hundreds of published
Medina VFW Post 5137 and enjoyed making jewelry
development manager for Central Congregational
journal articles. He was a recipient of the Alexander
and telling jokes. (12/5/10)
Church in Providence, where he was instrumental in
von Humboldt fellowship at the University of
purchasing and creating Hamilton House as a senior
Freiburg, and was awarded an honorary doctoral
community center. Robert enjoyed summers at his
degree at Moscow State University. Clint’s scientific
home in Westport Harbor sailing his Beetle Cat.
research, especially into the biochemical mechanisms
of photosynthesis, remains pivotal to the understanding of how plants turn sunlight into
Philip Kelsey, Class of 1934, spent his first 12 years
energy. (10/18/10)
John Paulson, Class of 1947, a research chemist who worked at the Air Force Geophysics Lab at Hanscom Field, Bedford, graduated from Haverford College and earned his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Rochester. He was the recipient of two prestigious Air Force awards and was internationally recognized for his research on atmospheric chemistry. John served
on the West Bank in Ramallah, Palestine, where his father served as principal of the Friends Boarding
Henry Fales, Class of 1944, was drafted into the Army
as president of the Hanscom chapter of Sigma Xi.
School and minister of the Quaker Meeting. He
Air Corps, where he was trained as a ball turret
graduated from Guildford College, then received a
gunner on B-17s, then attended Colby College on the
divinity degree at Boston University and a master’s of
GI Bill. After leaving his position as an engineer/
divinity at Hartford Seminary. He served as a
programmer at General Electric, he worked as a
congregational minister in numerous churches in
handyman for senior citizens and as a computer
New England and New York and as interim pastor of
operator for the Nauset Regional School system. In
the Frankfort Church in Philadelphia. He was an
retirement, Henry became interested in ham radio,
English teacher at Atlantic City Friends School and
achieving the highest amateur radio license, Extra. He
Atlantic City High School. Because of his Quaker
was a member of the board of the Orleans Council on
beliefs, Philip was always involved in anti-war and
Aging where he also taught computer classes and
peace activities and registered as a conscientious
helped many seniors set up their home computers. He
objector, refusing to take up arms in World War II.
was designated Volunteer of the Year in Orleans in
2002 and was honored by Elder Services of Cape Cod. (2/15/10)
Robert Thomas, Class of 1934, a Brown graduate, served in the Army in the ETO during World War II.
J. William Nutter, Class of 1944, an Eagle Scout,
He worked as an insurance underwriting executive of
graduated from Yale, George Washington Law
the AMICA Insurance Company for 35 years and was
School, and the Naval Justice School. He served as
a member of the Appalachian Mountain Club, the
a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and was called back
Yankee Trailers Hiking Club, the Newman YMCA, and
into service during the Korean War. He was
the First Baptist Church in America. After retiring,
employed by the federal government, serving as chief
Robert finished climbing all of New England’s 4000 ft.
majority counsel for the Indians Claims Commission.
mountains and traveling to all of the 50 states.
He devoted 18 years to coaching his daughters in
softball, basketball, and soccer and was active at their schools, serving several years as PTO president.
H. Gordon Fraser, Class of 1937, a graduate of
Francis Beckett, Class of 1948, attended Brown until his schooling was interrupted to serve in the Navy during the Korean War, after which he received his bachelor’s degree from UCLA. Frank settled in Los Angeles and joined the Hughes Aircraft Company as a beginning engineer and retired as a top executive in the Missile Systems Group. A frequent visitor to the Pacific Northwest, with a keen water-lover’s interest in the Columbia River, Frank chose to relocate to Washington upon retirement. (4/28/11)
David Lubrano, Class of 1948, a graduate of Brown University, received his M.B.A. from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. During the Korean conflict, he was stationed in Seoul serving with the U.S. Army Military Police and received his combat infantry badge. After starting as a certified public accountant for Arthur Anderson, Dave co-founded National Medical Care. He was chief financial officer of Apollo Computer Inc., helping to establish Route 128 as the east coast challenger to California’s Silicon Valley, and later founded his own venture capital firm, 21st Century Ventures, Inc. Dave served on the board of trustees of MB and many other schools and organizations. For a time, he was co-owner of the
Amherst College, was a veteran of World War II where he served as a PT boat captain in both the Atlantic
Peter Arnold, Class of 1946, served in the U.S. Army
Pleasant Mountain Ski Resort and helped install the
and Pacific. He worked for the A.T. Wall Company,
after MB and was employed by the Coats and Clark
mountain’s first triple chair. Dave enjoyed piloting his
where he retired as vice president. (8/2/10)
Company for 43 years. He was an active member of
boat, The Satin Doll, on the waters of Moose Pond in
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church in Olathe, Kansas and
Maine. (2/23/11)
also achieved the rank of 32nd Degree Mason. Peter’s favorite lifelong hobby was ham radio. (4/3/11)
Frederick Gleason, Class of 1949, spent two years in the Navy before attending Brown, graduating with a degree in history while playing football and baseball. He worked in marketing for Mobil Oil and retired as president of one of its operating subsidiaries. He and his wife lived in Beaufort, South Carolina before settling in Richmond, Virginia. (5/22/10)
John Dauray, Class of 1950, graduated from Boston University with a degree in business. He worked for his father at Electric Maintenance in Woonsocket for several years before opening Dauray Furniture in Linwood, Massachusetts. Later he worked for several furniture stores and went on the road as a furniture and rug salesman. John enjoyed genealogy, coin collecting, antique cars and archeology, and was proud of a quartz quarry he found that was published in a national magazine. He was a member of the Pomfret Lion’s Club and the Unitarian Church in Uxbridge, Massachusetts. (11/26/10)
Robert Larson, Class of 1953, graduated from Wesleyan University and received an M.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He worked for Exxon and then as a consultant. While living in New Jersey, Bob was an avid volunteer. He tutored children and spearheaded a $200,000 renovation of a home for boys. Most recently, he lived in Fairport, New York. (5/6/10)
K. Dun Gifford, Class of 1956, a graduate of Harvard
Ralph Richardson, Class of 1965, graduated from the
College, Harvard Law School, and the U.S. Navy
University of Pennsylvania where he studied
Officers Candidate School, served in the U.S. Navy,
architecture with Louis Kahn. His musical career
specializing in navigation, reaching the level of
began with local bands which he managed and played
lieutenant, junior grade. He received an honorary
in, including the Mamas and the Papas. A talented
doctorate in humane letters from Cambridge College.
architect and designer, he designed several residences
Dun began his career at the Department of Housing
in Hollywood, California. As an entrepreneur, Dick
and Urban Development, researching policy proposals
created several design-based enterprises including the
for the White House, and later worked as a legislative
Coach Corporation in Arizona, and most recently, the
assistant to Sen. Edward Kennedy, and became a
Great Orb Corporation. (2/11/11)
national campaign coordinator during the presidential bid of Sen. Robert Kennedy. He witnessed Senator Kennedy’s assassination and helped subdue the assailant, Sirhan Sirhan. In Boston, he became vice
Lawrence Carrera, Class of 1984, was an analyst at Advantage Technical Resources. He was a former Providence resident and had lived in Cranston for the
Craig Watjen, Class of 1953, graduated from
president of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes, and then founded
Harvard, then received his B.S. in music from the
the Great Bay company, which played a role in
Julliard School, a master of music in clarinet from the
construction projects such as Copley Place and
New England Conservatory of Music, and an M.B.A.
Fanueil Hall Marketplace. Dun was named chairman
from the Stanford University Graduate Business
of the national American Institute of Wine and Food,
School. After spending ten years at Microsoft, he co-
and subsequently founded Oldways Preservation
Justin Linton, Class of 1993, an avid sports fan,
founded Light Sciences Oncology, Inc., a leading-edge
Trust, a nonprofit organization which promotes
attended the University of Rhode Island. He worked
cancer research group. Craig served on several boards
healthy and sustainable diets around the world. He
for Blackstone Catering and previously was a
including the Seattle Symphony, where his
was active in land conservation, helping shape the
bartender for TGIFridays. Justin lived in East
contribution made possible the purchase of the
Islands Trust Bill and co-founding the Nantucket Land
Providence. (5/19/11)
Watjen Concert Organ. Craig played clarinet with the
Council. An avid, competitive sailor, Dun served as
Boston Symphony, the Boston Pops, and the North
the navigator for the successful defense of America’s
Carolina Symphony. (8/13/10)
Cup aboard the Constellation. He also survived the sinking of the Italian ocean liner Andrea Doria while
Cyrus Hamlin, Class of 1954, professor emeritus of
travelling home from a family vacation. (5/9/10)
received his B.A. from Harvard and a Ph.D. from Yale.
Edward Baram, Class of 1957, was a graduate of the
He was professor of English and comparative
New York Military Academy. He loved tennis and golf
literature at the University of Toronto and co-founded
and was an avid gardener. Ed lived in Narragansett.
the undergraduate program in literary studies. At
Yale, he served as chair of the departments of chair of theater studies and president of the Elizabethan Club and Manuscript Society. He was visiting professor at many schools, in the U.S and abroad; his published work focused on the poetry of Friedrich Hölderlin, Goethe’s Faust, and the poetics of European Romanticism. (1/9/11)
held at the Providence Friends Meeting House. (3/10/11)
Former Faculty/Staff Hilda DeLisi worked at MB from 1976-2004. She was the girls’ equipment and locker room manager and
German and comparative literature at Yale University,
German and comparative literature and served as
past year with his family. His memorial service was
later worked in food services. Hilda lived in Orlando, Florida. (12/18/10)
Charles Hutton taught in the science department from 1942-1956. He was also on the faculty of
R. Gregory Green, Class of 1963, a resident of Santa Fe, graduated from Brown and RISD and attended Harvard University Special Courses. He was a U.S. Army Engineer Officer Candidate School graduate at the end of his service at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. where he was awarded a Joint Commission
Westtown Friends School, headmaster of Oakwood School, headmaster of Wilmington Friends School, and head of the School Consortium of New Jersey. Charles worked as a fundraiser and development consultant for Marts and Lundy, Hutton Associates and the Appalachian College Association. (2/12/11)
Medal. Greg was owner and Chief HR Officer at North Star Human Resources and was senior advisor at Strategic Development Worldwide in San Diego. He was also proud to be a member of the Society of Cincinnati and the Native American All Nations Stronghold. (3/29/11)
Amazing Race If you start at MB, can you make it around the world on your MB connections? A recent scan of MB’s records shows several alumni living around the world — not a comprehensive list by any means, but a sampling. Have you moved and wish to update MB? Email
Providence, R.I. • Fred Blackall ’68, 20 Stimson Ave. (less than a mile away)
Israel • Sari Ryvicker Mansheim ’89, Yad Binyamin, physician
Pennyslvania • Mark Castro ’01, Philadelphia Museum of Art
Belgium • Laraine Laudati ’71, Brussels, attorney
Missouri • Howard Caldwell ’41, Lee’s Summit, member of the MB Athletic Hall of Fame
Netherlands • Peter Silverstein ’81, PR Onnen, founder/teacher, Art Academy
Utah • Stephen Brown ’79, Sandy, president of a cross-continent trucking company
of Utrecht
California • James Allen ’54, Northridge, geography professor at Cal State
United Kingdom • John Horrell ’45, retired (Blitz to MB: John came to MB
Alaska • Ralph Lynch ’68, Anchorage, cold fusion/data research
during WWII to escape the bombing of London) Aruba • Louis Posner ’81, Oranjestad, exporter, Aruba Aloe Balm
Hong Kong • Isabella Cha-Yang Lo ’84, Kowloon, textile designer Korea • Wonki Park ’98, Seoul, co-founder, Korea Lacrosse Association; bicycle importer/distributor
South Africa • Thuli Madi ’95, Natal, website project coordinator Haiti • George Roumain ’67, Port-au-Prince
Nepal • Stan Armington ’60, Kathmandu, director of Malla Treks
George Sipp, former middle school head, visits New England
periodically to see family. His wife Jan passed away three years
Glendinning, with his sister-in-law Conkie Howland: “My
ago. They lived in Florida for almost 30 years. George now lives
recollection of the school in the 1960s is of a creaking, drafty,
near his son in Kansas City. He writes, “I am comfortable here in
slightly shabby old building, housing a dynamic faculty and
Kansas City (where I never in my wildest dreams expected to
hundreds of happy boys. My observation of today’s school
live!); I found that it’s a modern, cosmopolitan city, not the
strongly suggests a similar dynamic faculty and hundreds of
frontier town I somehow pictured in my mind. Despite a few
happy boys and girls housed in a very welcoming
physical setbacks, I can say with reasonable conviction that I’m
environment. I could hardly believe the changes!”
Paige Davidson ’12
Former Faculty & Staff Last fall, George visited MB and met Head Matt
doing quite well for an old guy of 83.”
Looking Forward Do you know of a classmate doing work of a forward-looking nature? The next issue of Cupola will have a futuristic feel. We are looking for stories about alumni doing work that
Former middle school science teacher
with young people. She helped teach the fifth grade boat
is forward-thinking. Send comments/
Ellie Wickes is now working in real
building unit at the Paul Cuffee School for several years, and has
suggestions/stories to Managing
estate, showing and selling properties
also done some math tutoring. This past year, she did some
Editor Kristen Curry at kcurry@
in the coastal towns of southeastern
educational coaching at MB with middle and upper school
Massachusetts and Rhode Island. She
students to help them with organization, study skills, and
Send news/notes/photos/
recently joined William Raveis
resource management. “I really enjoy the interaction,” says Ellie.
feedback to: Susan Cordina,
Chapman Enstone Real Estate. “I like it
“I run into past students often and it is very rewarding. They are
Class Notes Editor, Alumni Relations,
because I use many of the skills I used
all thriving and making their way in the world. I feel very lucky
Moses Brown School alumni@
teaching,” says Ellie, “which are
to have been part of the process. For fun, I have taken up golf. I
problem solving, communication and
say that with tongue in cheek because it is fairly difficult but I
networking. I’ve sold some houses to teachers and students and
am enjoying it and playing some beautiful courses. Life is good.”
would love to work with more!” Ellie also has continued working
Say hello to Ellie at
Share comments on Cupola at our online survey:
Anonymous (6) Mark Richard Alperin ‘76 Frohman Anderson ‘80 P’10 ‘12 Peter Hoyle Armstrong ‘52 Barbara and James Bachand P’84 Robert Gifford Berry ‘40 Zenas W. Bliss ‘44 Russell A. Boss ‘57 Jeffrey G. Brier ‘71 Anne and David Burnham Richard H. W. Chadwell ‘51 Thomas Chappell ‘61 and Katherine Chappell William Howard Claflin ‘46 Americo W. and Judith L. Colaluca P’92 ‘97 Ellen and Charles Collis P’80 ‘81 ‘87 Sarah E. Crane ‘91 Melissa MacGillivray Dane ‘87 Donald Dwares ‘55 P’92 ‘94 Peter Lance Dwares ‘62 Harley A. Frank ‘81
PRESERVING OUR FUTURE, THE OBADIAH BROWN SOCIETY Named in honor of Moses Brown’s only son whose $100,000 bequest provided the foundation for the school’s current endowment, The Obadiah Brown Society recognizes donors who have remembered MB with testamentary intentions and planned gifts. Those listed at left have followed in Obadiah’s footsteps by making their intentions known to the school. Talking to MB today about a planned gift of tomorrow allows you the opportunity to engage in a conversation about an MB area that you would most like to support via a legacy gift.
Mary Jo Griffin GP’96 ‘98 Gordon Holmes ‘56 Charles P. Isherwood ‘40 E. Gardner Jacobs, Jr. ‘43 Amy Roebuck Jones ‘79 Richard H. Jones ‘42 Peter E. Lacaillade ‘67 Theodore Low ‘44 P’81 Will Mackenzie ‘56
LIFE INCOME GIFTS Immediate Tax Benefits…Lifetime Income Stream…Gift to Moses Brown. Life income gifts pay income to you or to others you designate for a specific term of years, or for your life. If you fund the giving vehicle with a gift annuity or one of several kinds of trusts, with long-term appreciated securities, you may increase your income, gain an immediate tax benefit and make a more significant contribution than would be possible with an outright gift of cash. These gift types include: gift annuities, remainder trusts, and lead trusts.
Stanley Markowitz ‘46 Douglas P. Marquis ‘58 William C. McClaskey ‘57 James R. McCulloch ‘70 P’08 Bruce G. McInnes ‘55 Terrence Moran ‘76 P’06 ‘08 Bill Myers ‘48 P’77 ‘79 C. Rodney O’Connor ‘50 Lester N. Odams ‘47
BEQUESTS Make a Major Gift to MB…No Impact on Current Income or Lifestyle. How can you make a meaningful gift to Moses Brown while keeping your assets intact? A bequest — made through a will, a testamentary trust, or a codicil to either — allows you to make a gift without impacting your assets, income or lifestyle. Bequests can include cash, stock, real or tangible property. If you would like to know more about the details and possibilities of creating a gift by bequest, call the Development Office or consult your attorney.
King B. Odell Harmon A. Poole, Jr. ‘42 Beth Prairie ‘89 John and Marianne Renza P’90 ‘94 Ann and Robert Rheault P’09 ‘11 Donna and Stuart Robinson P’87 ‘89 Gail S. Samdperil ‘81
REAL ESTATE Give your Home to MB Today…Stay for Life…Get an Immediate Tax Deduction. You may give a home, farm, or other real estate to Moses Brown School. You will receive an immediate income tax deduction based on the full fair market value of the property — determined by a qualified appraiser — at the time of the gift. Retaining lifetime occupancy is possible.
Bob Samors ‘77 Francis B. Sargent ‘48 P’73 Turner C. Scott ‘66 Craig S. C. Shaw ‘48 P’78 ‘82 A. Homer Skinner, Jr. ‘38
You can set up a named, endowed scholarship or faculty chair, or provide endowed support for your favorite program (athletic team, theater, music, service, etc.) via a bequest or life income instrument. In recognition of that intention, the school wants to celebrate your gift today!
Reza Taleghani ‘90 Stephen Toro Leonard J. Triedman ‘46 P’75 ‘78 ‘81 Paul H. Welch ‘53 Wade M. Wilks ‘66 Dean Stuart Woodman ‘46 P’78
To learn how your name can forever be associated with Moses Brown in support of a priority at the school that is most important to you, contact Ron Dalgliesh, director of development and alumni relations, at 401-831-7350 x111 or
Moses Brown School 250 Lloyd Avenue, Providence, RI 02906 401-831-7350
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Providence, RI Permit No. 3264
For the Honor of Truth
Alumni parents: If this Cupola is addressed to a graduate no longer residing at your home, please contact or call x114 to update his or her address.
MB Alumni: Global Scope / Local Connections Go local and come back to MB this fall! Quaker Golf Classic & Moses Brown Homecoming 2011
Quaker Golf Classic: October 3 at Wannamoisett Country Club, Rumford Golf: 1:00 start | 5:30 reception
Watch for more events in the coming year in New York, Boston, Washington, D.C., California, and Providence.
Homecoming Reception: October 14 at The Squantum Club, East Providence October 15-16: Homecoming on the MB Campus Homecoming: Homecoming Reception | MB teams in action | Family fun activities | Alumni panel: Moses Brown Stories | Pancake breakfast | Alumni / alumna soccer games | Presentation of the Young Alumnus and Service to Alma Mater awards. See details and photos at • Sponsored by the Moses Brown Alumni Association