Fall 2012 Cupola - Archives

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Fall 2012

Moses Brown Take a Tour of the MB Archives


Moses Brown, a Friends school, exists to inspire the inner promise of each student and instill the utmost care for learning, people, and place. — Moses Brown School mission statement

About Our Cover

Moses Brown School Board of Trustees 2012-2013 Paul Adler P ’14 ’16 John T. Barrett, Jr. ’63 P ’01 Neil S. Beranbaum ’86 P ’22 ’24 Russell Carpenter ’59 Marc A. Crisafulli P ’12 ’14 ’17 Amy Curell P ’14 Dana Falk P ’11 ’14 ’14 Clerk, Parents’ Association Katharine Hazard Flynn P ’12 ’15 Treasurer Clerk, Budget & Finance Committee Gary Goldberg ’87 P ’17 ’19 ’20 Clerk, Campaign Steering Committee

The cover of this issue of Cupola depicts the Moses

Club will be pleased to know that bicycles are still a presence

Brown Bicycle Club heading out for a spin in the

on the MB campus; many students and employees pedal

spring of 1935. The photograph was located in the

to the school on a regular basis. Thanks to Archivist King

Clerk of the Board

Moses Brown Archives. Past members of the Bicycle

Odell, our guest editor for this issue.

Clerk, Executive Committee

Brian Goldner P ’14 Habib Y. Gorgi ’74 P ’08 ’10 ’12 ’17

Melissa Crouchley Hem ’85 David Holdt Lee Jaspers P ’11 ’14 Mary Jo Kaplan P ’08 ’11 ’17 Kathleen Levesque P ’12 ’14 ’17 Assistant Clerk of the Board Frederick Martin Donald McNemar Keith Monchik ’90 P ’24 ’27 Clerk, MB Alumni Association M. Willis Monroe ’04 Elizabeth Morse Neal Pandozzi ’91

2012 Graduates:

Jaymin Patel P ’16 ’17

Fan Moses Brown School at facebook.com/MosesBrownSchool • Send your email address to alumni@mosesbrown.org

James Reavis P ’11 ’13 ’16

so we can notify you of alumni events near you • Send news, photos and updates to alumni@mosesbrown.org

Clerk, Trustees Committee

Dieter Pohl P ’14

Lisa Rocchio ’85 P ’14 ’15 ’21 Martha Schwope Friends Coordinator


W. Bradley Shipp ’83

Emily Low Boenning ’81 and Wiley Cerilli ’98 will be recognized at Homecoming this

Recording Clerk

fall, receiving the Service to Alma Mater and Outstanding Young Alumnus awards

Catherine Terry Taylor P ’15

from the Moses Brown Alumni Association. They will receive their awards at the

Clerk, Nominating Committee

Homecoming Reception at the Providence Art Club on October 19.

Carol Smith

Nia Thomas Heather Tow-Yick ’94 Steven Tripp P ’19 ’24 Carl Weinberg P ’90 ’94 ’16 ’24

Next Issue Did you enjoy this issue of Cupola and wish to share a photo, story, update, or suggestion for the spring edition?

Send comments/suggestions/stories to Managing Editor Kristen Curry at kcurry@mosesbrown.org

Send news/notes/photos/feedback to: Susan Cordina, Class Notes Editor, Alumni Relations,

Moses Brown School alumni@mosesbrown.org Share comments on Cupola at our online survey: www.mosesbrown.org

Want More Archives? Visit MB on Facebook for more photos from the Archives.

Elizabeth R. B. Zimmerman P ’94 Clerk, Nurturing Friends Education Matt Glendinning Head of School Jackie Stillwell Clerk of NEYM

Cupola Cupola A bi-annual magazine for Moses Brown School alumni

Fall 2012

Editor Sandi Connors P ’09 ’13 Managing Editor Kristen A. Curry Class Notes Editor Susan Cordina P ’16 Director of Alumni Relations Karin Morse ’79 Director of Development and Alumni Relations Ronald Dalgliesh P ’19 ’21 Photography Peter Goldberg David O’Connor Designer Bridget Snow Design Printer Colonial Printing, Warwick, certified by the Forest Stewardship Council The Cupola is produced by the Office of Alumni Relations for alumni and friends of Moses Brown. Your feedback is welcome. Please send comments to: Cupola, Moses Brown School, 250 Lloyd Avenue, Providence, RI 02906. Send suggestions, class notes, and address updates to MB Alumni Relations via mosesbrown.org or alumni@mosesbrown.org; 401-831-7350 x114. Moses Brown School is a nonprofit institution. www.mosesbrown.org


Schoolhouse News


A Stroll Through the MB Archives, guest editor, King “Doc” Odell


Moses Brown Alumni Association News & Events


Class Notes


Living Our Legacy A letter from Matt Glendinning, Head of School



Moses Brown. His life “spoke” through

and in groups — that fosters self-discovery

ATTENDED the annual

his actions as a community leader,

and collective wisdom; and a moral purpose

meeting of the New

entrepreneur and philanthropist, and

that promotes integrity, equality and service

England Yearly Meeting

through his leadership at the forefront of

toward positive social change.

of Friends, the theme for

both the abolitionist movement and the

which was Living with

birth of the textile industry in America.

exploring some of the people and places

Integrity in a Time of

Other Friends throughout history have

that have played an important role in MB’s

Change. From my perspective as MB’s Head

played leading roles in the women’s suffrage

past. In addition to being a fun romp down

of School, this motif succinctly captures

and pacifist movements in the United

memory lane, this visual and textual

much of the subtle, enduring power of

States, the latter leading to receipt of the

retrospective hopefully will inspire all to

Quakerism and provides a useful frame for

Nobel Peace Prize in 1947.

reflect on the many ways that Moses Brown

our ongoing work at Moses Brown School.

in upholding and furthering this legacy of

testimonies that form the core of Quaker


what is most remarkable to me is that

faith and practice (the others being simplicity,

Moses Brown’s historic strengths seem as

peace, community, equality and service).

to our history, understanding the many

relevant in the 21st century as they were

Often equated with honesty, the concept of

ways that MB’s past influences its present,

when the school was founded in 1784.

integrity is firmly embedded in MB’s culture

and honoring the unique traits that have

Integrity for us means applying these

and enshrined in the school’s motto, “For

sustained the school through 228 years.

timeless values to the rapidly-changing

the Honor of Truth.” At a deeper level,

conditions we are facing today. I hope you

integrity also connotes a sense of wholeness,

curriculum and pedagogy, staying true to

enjoy the stories and examples within these

of faithfulness to one’s identity and beliefs,

principles that have served the school so

pages, and as always I welcome your

and being true to oneself despite the

well for more than two centuries: inquiry-

comments at mglendinning@mosesbrown.org.

vicissitudes of circumstance, time and place.

based teaching that nurtures self-confidence

and initiative; the acceptance of complexity

Integrity is one of the six essential

The Quakers’ commitment to living in

What role can Moses Brown School play

Part of our answer lies in being faithful

We also strive for integrity in our

accordance with deeply held principles

and openness to new perspectives; the

found expression in our school’s founder,

practice of reflection — both individually

This issue of Cupola is devoted to

has impacted generations of students. Now beginning my fourth year at MB,


New Views Visit the MB website to see videos with glimpses of school life at Moses Brown today. Recent topics include the faculty blues band ode to Betsy Archibald upon her leaving MB, summer renovations, the spring production of Little Shop of Horrors, music convocation, and class of 2012 senior project presentations (including hovercraft). Today’s digital media is tomorrow’s MB archives!

News from Moses Brown Today

What does Friends education look like? Virginia Kain ’12 explored Friends’ testimonies in action for

Thank you!

her senior photography project. Her photos were featured at New England Yearly Meeting.

Longtime faculty member Dave Duhaime, school psychologist, left MB in June to return to private practice. Dave first came to MB in 1973, fresh


out of college, as a part-time PE teacher. “I felt

MB’s first TEDx event was

an affinity for this place almost immediately,”

shaped around the theme

he says. He was fascinated by students — the

Lives that Speak. 1,000 people

way they behaved and reacted to their environ-

came to campus to hear 15

ment, how they learned and changed so dra-

stories, including three alum-

matically. After two years, Dave was hired to

ni. See the videos at www.

co-teach third grade in lower school: “I learned


a few things about education along the way, mostly from watching the masterful Adele Espo.” Dave later went back to school to pursue

Keith Monchik ’90

Kathy Ryan is recipi-

his doctorate in child psychology and eventually

is the new clerk of Moses

ent of the 2012-13

returned to MB, as a parent. When the MB psy-

Brown’s Alumni Association.

Joseph Olney

chologist position opened up in 1996, Dave

An orthopaedic surgeon,

Sabbatical. This past

rejoined the faculty: “It was the perfect job for

Keith serves as team

summer, Kathy

me. I was able to return to work in exactly the

physician for several

traveled to the

kind of environment that matched my profes-

schools in the R.I.

Grand Canyon, as

sional interests. People often ask me if kids

Interscholastic League,

well as Bryce and

have changed much over the years. I always say

including MB. He has

Zion canyons. She’ll

that, while the culture has certainly changed,

been a member of the R.I.

visit the Grand

kids are still kids. They are trying to make sense

Disaster Medical Assistance Team for 16 years

Tetons, Yellowstone and Yosemite next

of the world and their place in it. They are full

and a part of many federal disaster responses,

summer. Kathy is studying the environ-

of wonder and joy, eager to learn, trying to do

including the 9/11 attack in New York City

ments, vegetation and topography of each

their best. Moses Brown provides an environ-

and the Haitian earthquake. Keith’s sports

park, to incorporate into the preprimary

ment in which kids can become their best

interests date back to his days as a member

classroom through discussions, pictures,


of MB’s football and squash teams.

and books.


Seventh grade embarked on their fourth annual March to Milot in May. Teachers Jon Gold and

Welcome, new faculty and staff!

Graham Holland related the story

The MB community welcomes the arrival of new employees

of the Civil War over the course of

this fall who represent decades of public and private experi-

the eight-mile walk to Rehoboth.

ence. Longtime lower school faculty member Jeff d’Entremont

After the march, students created

is now serving as interim head of the lower school.

a Civil War encampment.

Hola, Bonjour, Salve! Language students immerse themselves In an event that would make King “Doc” Odell happy, middle school students engaged in a full-day of language celebration and study last spring. Latin students walked to the RISD Museum to study Roman art. Latin teacher Lisa Ardente lectured on art history while students studied East Side architecture as they walked, noting roots in Greek and Roman design. Spanish students visited Progreso Latino in Central Falls, a community agency dedicated to


helping local Latino and immigrant communi-

The MB Sailing team is 2012

ties. Students also practiced their Spanish-

R.I. State Sailing Champion,

speaking skills while shopping at a city market.

winning the title in Newport

French students toured the French-American

this past spring.

School of Rhode Island and sat in on a French class, then visited the Museum of Work and Culture in Woonsocket, learning about the influence of French-Canadian immigrants. They capped their trip with a visit to the Crêperie, where they culminated the immersion experience with a taste of l’art culinaire français.

Kudos Woodshop instructor Randy Street was named this year’s Faculty Member of the Year. Randy received his award from the Alumni Association at Reunion in May.

Happy Birthday, RISE! Another ‘blast from the past’ celebrated at MB this year: RISE Camp (Rhode Island Summer Enrichment) celebrated its 50th year on the MB campus. Jerrett Wilson, upper school language faculty, is the new director of RISE Camp.

The future of an MB education During the last two years, the Moses Brown community has engaged in a process of visioning to imagine the future of education and to ensure that our children receive the skills, values and attributes needed to successfully navigate the complex issues of the 21st century. Broad community input and multiple sources of information have been gathered, and the work continues this year. Please share your voice by attending MB events in the coming year.

Several MB faculty engaged in professional development this past summer. Carolyn Buonanno Chase, middle school, visited Pompeii and Rome to support her teaching of sixth grade Ancient History. Upper school faculty


The tradition continues! Thanks to all

David Moss and Hui Gao (above) used an E.E.

prior generations of Mosaic editors; your

Ford grant to spend ten days walking Cotswold

work forms much of today’s Moses

Way in England. Second grade teacher Laura

Brown Archives. The 2011-2012 Mosaic

Hunt traveled to Glacier National Park to join

was helmed by Nika Witczak, Prema

volunteers on the Blackfoot Reservation. See all

Roberts-Gaddipati and Kristen Merlo;

faculty/staff professional development and trip

Addie Audette ’13 designed the cover.

blogs at www.mosesbrown.org.

Interested in more MB history? Some of the school’s history has been written already — there is the Centennial History, the Paxton book, Shadows of the Elms by Fuller, and Mr. Thomas’ observations. All are available at the Walter Jones Library. To make an appointment to visit the Moses Brown Archives, call the school or contact Doc directly at kodell@ mosesbrown.org.

“I often have to be reliant on my memory for what happened in the past; many times, my memory is the only memory we have of those things.”

The Doctor is In

photo: Virginia Kain

By Guest Editor King “Doc” Odell, MB Archivist THE CUPOLA IS, IN ITSELF, A PIECE OF

it would be impossible for anyone to know

want to see. To me, getting the Moses

ARCHIVES. I’m delighted to be editor of this

everything we have. We have things as

Brown Room set up, with his mementos, all

particular issue. The Cupola is one of the

small as a personal note written years ago

that we have of his personal things, is very

main archives of our school. The magazine

up to some chairs that are worth several

important. This would be a place where

covers all facets of activity for the period it

thousand dollars. In between, we have a

alumni could visit, where the Archivist could

covers, encompassing alumni, faculty, and

lot of records, oddities, clothing, books,

speak to students, where we could offer

students. This particular issue is devoted

obituaries, sports articles, and personal

lectures for current students, and meet with

to a most important part of school life: the

mementos of many alumni — they’re all

alumni during Reunion to talk about things

history of our school in the Archives.

very valuable. You’ll see some in this Cupola.

that happened during their time here.

I became Moses Brown’s archivist when

In addition to the Archives room in

I often meet older alumni that I had as

our previous Archivist, Frank Fuller, retired.

Middle House, much of our archival material

students many years ago. They compare

I worked with Frank and knew him very

is also stored in the basement of the

what’s going on now and what the school

well. I have to thank him very much, on

library in many, many boxes. It would be

was then: there’s a big difference. I try to

behalf of Moses Brown, for his work in the

impossible to catalog it all — it would take

bridge that difference. In my own mind,

Archives. Frank was meticulous, detail-

forever and a day to do it; there’s just so

sometimes it’s difficult to accept some of

oriented, as well as gossipy and curious.

many bits of paper.

the changes but everything seems to be for

Those are all aspects of a good archivist. I

the good. But there’s that nagging thought

hope that everyone will enjoy this issue of

Brown Room dedicated to the memory of

that everything we project for the future, no

Cupola — they should, because the past is

Moses Brown, a room with certain archives

matter how “highfalutin” it may sound, is

what our future is built on.

in it, where alumni could come and look at

based on a solid past.

the yearbooks and other things they might

I don’t even know all of the Archives;

Someday, I would like to see a Moses

And this school has a great past.

King “Doc” Odell taught in Moses Brown’s upper school for 52 years, 1953-2005. Over the years, Doc taught and coached, and even led the upper school for a time. He has advised numerous clubs — including Debate, Broadcasting, Flying, Radio, Young Republicans, and The Mosaic yearbook. The R.I. Foreign Language Association named Doc Teacher of the Year in 2000. Doc coached track and cross-country at MB from 1964-2004 and is a member of the Moses Brown Athletic Hall of Fame. Doc received his Ph.D. from the University of Missouri and has been a Fulbright scholar at the Universities of Grenoble, Perugia, and Valencia. He lives in Warwick. Contact Doc c/o MB Archives, Moses Brown School, 250 Lloyd Avenue, Providence, RI 02906; (401) 831-7350 x137; kodell@mosesbrown.org.


A Stroll Through the Moses Brown Archives

photo courtesy of The Providence Journal

What does the physical legacy of our 228 years look like? Is it a book, a report card, an object, or a mem-

Moses Brown Archives

ory? Many things contribute to the collective legacy of thoughts, memories and artifacts that help define Moses Brown School. In the last Cupola, our stories looked ahead to our future. This issue takes a look back; the following pages share a recent trip through

Tops in tenure: Thomas J. Battey served the school for six decades (1868-1931). In

the MB Archives. Thanks to Doc Odell for being our

2013, King “Doc” Odell will approach Battey’s record when he celebrates his 60th

terrific guide!

year at MB. The current teachers with the most years of service to MB are upper school faculty Bruce Shaw (math) and Jamie German (science); both celebrate 35 years of service to MB this fall. The longest-serving staff member is Denise Monk, food services, on staff at MB for 31 years.


Boarding In the early years, the school depended on boarders to fill the school and enrolled students from all over New England. The boarding department saw its most robust capacity in the early 1970s, when international students often traveled here from countries such as Iran, Germany and Korea. By the 1990s, the trends were changing and the school phased out boarding, devoting more of its funds to local outreach through financial aid. “We hope to have more students from less-privileged backgrounds,” Headmaster David Burnham said in a Providence Journal-Bulletin article. As the school focused its energies on a positive reaffirmation of the Quaker principles upon which it was founded, MB attempted to attract more lower- and middle-income families from Rhode Island. There were 46 boarders, 7% of the school population, when the boarding department closed.

Mr. Henderson and Mr. Cole welcome Curtis Andrews ’52, Patrick Jordan ’51 and Clarence Vars ’51 to Middle House on September 20, 1949, marking the end to summer vacation. School began the next day (fully enrolled). It was Moses Brown’s 131st opening.

A dormitory in Belmont, Lower School Boarding Department, circa 1935.

Boarder Searle Field ’62 brought the attached letter to his recent 50th Reunion.

1. Exam time! True or false? Boarders lived on the third floor and were allowed to go into the cupola as a special treat. (Please see page 17 for answers.)


The Spoon Ceremony In 1880, a tradition was born where the outgoing senior class would “pass” a huge wooden spoon to the incoming, new senior class. The spoon is a symbol of the responsibilities of the class receiving the spoon to nurture the whole school in the coming year. Art faculty Kristin Street paints the dates on the

Moses Brown Archives

spoon each year.


Moses Brown, our founder and first

Moses Brown is buried at North Burial

principal, was 81 years old when

Ground, off North Main Street in Providence.

he opened the doors of the school

His grave is located in the Quaker section of

for the first time in January 1819.

the cemetery and also includes the graves

He continued as head of school, or

of his three wives, Anna, Mary, and Phebe.

“principal learner,” until his death

Moses Brown died in 1836, a fortnight shy of

in 1836 at age 97.

his 98th birthday.

2. True or false: Moses Brown was not a birth-right Quaker, but was convinced.

Echoing through time: the Phoenix The Phoenix Echo was the MB yearbook / magazine published in June 1892 for Friends’ School, fourth volume. This copy, currently in the school archives, was owned by Hattie Estes. Articles included a translation of the Aeneid, recollections of “F.S. socials”, a look at the “modern and new” Studio of the Three Oaks, In Memoriam, and Alumni Notes for graduates of 1885-1891. Alumni reported a range of activities and occupations: business, teaching, moving, marrying, attending college (men and women alike). Societies and clubs from that time period included a literary society, Athletic Association, Christian Fellowship Union, baseball team, Friends’ Cycle Club, and Glee Club. Reunion was proposed that year to be held in June for the school’s alumni. (Today the MB alumni base numbers approximately 7,000 and Reunion is held in May.)

3. True or false: Three Oaks was originally built as the headmaster’s home.

Schoolboy Cyclists The Moses Brown Bicycle Club was formed in 1932 with the goal of creating camaraderie and understanding between members and teachers, promoting leadership, developing character, and stimulating enthusiasm for bicycling “because of the wholesome sport and exercise that it promotes.” The club was very active in the 1940s with 70 members and J. Drisko Allen, math instructor and head of the lower school, at the lead. Mr. Allen and seven lower school students even made a 525-mile, 14-day bicycle trip from Providence to Canada to tour lower Quebec. The Providence Bulletin quoted them as admitting that bicycle traveling is a little slow “in this atomic, jet-propelled age but that you can still see plenty of sights over a pair of handlebars if your legs hold out.”

For many years every May, Moses Brown School celebrated a Father and Son Day. This was a long-running MB tradition when MB was a boys’ school; the first one took place in 1931.

Mr. Lloyd Sprague, shown here with Bicycle Club members in

Left: Committee for the 20th annual Father and Son Day, 1950.

1956, was the first head of middle school at MB.


4. True or false: Gifford used to be the home of the MB lower school.

Lower school assemblies: talent is timeless! Even more than half a century ago, the lower school’s regular assemblies engaged a wide variety of talents. Each production was a combined effort of all boys in each grade, with many parents and friends in attendance. Hansel & Gretel was

Program of Progress:

produced in 1944 by third primary under the tutelage of Miss Wilson. Other

Name of the effort made at MB in the 1961-62 school

productions that year included Music from Many Lands and Rip Van Winkle.

year to build a field house on campus. Donations for the building were recorded on a scoreboard at the school field day. Many parents of current MB alumni donated toward what today is known as the Waughtel-Howe Field House. The development effort provided for the Campanella football field, running track (now the Odell Track), and a new upper school building — Friends Hall. Each division of the school — lower, middle, and upper — gained its own unique play and quadrangle area. The school also staged a dinner symposium on educational excellence, with 600 in attendance. Robert Cunningham (shown above) was headmaster at the time and instrumental in Moses Brown’s first major fund drive.

Lower school group: Class of 1950’s Nathan Fuller, Nathan Durfee, Peter Freeman,

Moses Brown Archives

Frederick Brooks and friends.


5. Test yourself: There is a marked grave on the MB campus. Whose is it, and where? 6. True or false: The Walter Jones Library was once the school’s gymnasium.

Lights on! Following the 1938 hurricane, many parts of the city were without electricity. The neighbors of the Moses Brown campus, their homes darkened, saw with envy, the usual lights shining forth at the school. How was this possible? (The school manufactured its own electricity, direct current.)

The executive committee of the Parents’ Council, circa 1951.

An Active Parents’ Council The MB parents’ group was known as the Parents’ Council into the 1970s. A peek at notes from Parents’ Association minutes and correspondence from years back reveals a similar attention to supporting academics:

In the spring of 1962, the Parents’ Association donated $600 for athletic

equipment to aid the school’s new physical fitness program. They also gave summer faculty grants to Ed Armstrong and Jerry Zeoli to go to Springfield College to take courses in preparation for the new physical fitness program. In addition, they gave funds to Mrs. Monahon of the middle school for a trip MB Homecoming 1973

to Greece.

In the 1965-66 school year, parents held the annual book fair in Alumni

Hall with profits earmarked for the school libraries. That year’s event was planned around the theme “The Ten Most Wanted Books on a Desert Isle.”

Roy McKechnie ’51 enjoys Homecoming 1991.

Mr. William Paxton, Clinton Williams ’27, Headmaster George St. John, Alumni Association President Woodworth Carpenter ’26, L.R. Thomas, Jr. ’41, and Bancroft Littlefield ’30 shown at MB’s first Homecoming in 1955.

Stephen Howe ’52, Frank Fuller, Coach and Mrs. Waughtel, and Seth Gifford ’39, at the 1965 Homecoming Game. Mr. Fuller, shown second from left, taught Latin at MB, 1942-75, and went on to become the first Moses Brown archivist.

Homecoming Through the Years MB held its first Homecoming on November 5, 1955. Alumni Association President Woodworth “Woody” Carpenter ’26 invited all alumni through a letter. Although it was a chilly, rainy day, alumni representing 29 classes, 1903-1955, braved the weather and watched 63 cross-country runners take part in the New England Prep School Championships and cheered the varsity in its 13-6 victory over Pomfret. After the game, spectators enjoyed hot coffee in Alumni Hall as they chatted with Headmaster and Mrs. St. John and members of the faculty. That evening, supper was held in the school dining room. Woody expressed the appreciation of the alumni and the hope that this would be the forerunner of many annual gatherings for the same purpose.


Where are the women? Coeducation 1976 was a historic year in Providence and not only for the nation’s bicentennial. That fall marked the return of girls to our campus. While the school was originally co-ed, only boys were admitted from 1926 through 1976. School opened in 1976 with 67 female students: 24 in the lower school, 16 in middle school, and 27 in the upper school. MB’s strong advisor system provided essential support for the new students. Margaret Moore was the first girl to graduate, in 1977. Interviewed by The Quaker, History Department Chairman Mr. Stackpole affirmed the change, commenting, “Coeducation is an important Quaker educational precept.”

7. Girl grads: What year was the first graduating class with young women? 1800s or 1970s?

Many former MB students have fond memories of the dining hall’s ice cream maker. (Despite the school’s Quaker heritage, the machine came from a military destroyer, purchased in a surplus sale.) “The ice cream was out of this world,” says King “Doc” Odell, guest editor and school archivist. “I loved the vanilla.”

Opening days: The school first opened in Providence in 1819 as Friends Boarding School, New England Meeting. The first student to arrive in 1819 was

Moses Brown Archives

Maria Augusta Fuller of Lynn, Massachusetts, age 12.


What’s in a name? The school officially became Moses Brown School in 1904, taking the name of its founder. Prior to this, the school on the hill had several names, including Friends’ School and the New England Yearly Meeting Boarding School.

Early ’90s: Thinking Ahead As the 20th century drew to a close, the MB community sought to look ahead. In a survey of community members at the time, graduates and current parents reflected: • MB gave graduates a tremendous education • Parents chose MB for the quality of the education and the influence of Quaker values • Parents also expressed the hope that foreign languages could be introduced in the lower school

Ransom’s Room: Belmont was a residential area of Moses Brown, which has most recently housed English and humanities classrooms and the College Counseling offices. “Ma” Hersey was the first House Mother; she is shown with her young charges in the Belmont living room, 1935.

In 1725, Friends erected their first Meeting House in Providence proper on Stampers Hill (by Olney). In 1745, they moved to North Main Street where they remained for

8. Election year trivia: Has any U.S. president ever visited Moses Brown?

more than a century. The current Meeting House, adjacent to Moses Brown School, opened in the 195253 school year.

The Moses Brown reception area, or “Bird Room,” is famous for its contents, which were donated to the school in 1861. The case includes two wild passenger pigeons (now extinct) as well as a mourning dove, mockingbird, blue heron, cottontail rabbit, red fox, and a platypus.

Dance Committee 1941-42


Mosaic board, 1940s

Mosaic, 1970s

Doc credits generations of Quaker editors with playing a key role in preserving the history of Moses Brown and the issues of each passing year in tangible, memorable form. “The Quaker is the place to see what is going on here,” he says. “Old Quakers offer sports news, some criticism, information on school issues of a given time. What was the Student Senate doing that year? That’s the core of The Quaker.” Doc calls The Quaker and Mosaic vital records for the school.

MB news, 1950s

Preprimary classroom, with Miss Woodbury on the far right

9. The Dwares Family Student Center used to be called: a. Henderson — b. the Barn — c. Editha Thomas — d. all of the above

AstroTurf in action in the Lower School PE program

At a 1989 event at MB, staff member Pam Matson and students Juliet

Moses Brown Archives

McGee ’89 and Marc Patrick ’89 mark AstroTurf’s 25th anniversary


with Ed Milner, president of AstroTurf Industries.

MB roots: In the early 1960s, when synthetic turf was first invented, AstroTurf was installed in the Waughtel-Howe Field House. Engineers had tested the turf in labs — but needed a real-world test. As MB was opening its new athletic facility, the school provided a unique “test lab.” In 1964, the school installed a green meadow of artificial turf in the Field House. It worked — two years later, the high-tech grass was installed at the new space-age Houston Astrodome (and gained its name). Jerry Zeoli, athletic director at the time, oversaw the product installation at MB. “We had an idea that it would develop into something big,” he reflected later. The original Astroturf remained in the Field House until 1990.

10. How old is the middle school?

Life Stories The Archives display case contains particularly significant items. “They have memories,” Doc comments. Doc has been able to procure a few personal scrapbooks of former students that were really the Facebook walls of their day. He is particularly proud of one put together by a girl who attended MB during the years of World War I. Mildred Mader graduated in 1919 and built up this scrapbook in the course of her career here, containing every little thing that she did or received. “You can see a life and see the school through the relics that she kept,” Doc says. “Read the old records, read the old Delphians, the old Quakers or newspapers — those things tell a heck of a lot. Without them, without a hard copy, we’d be lost to even talk about what happened in the past.”

Faculty 1967-68

11. Take the MB train: Is Duke Ellington an MB alumnus?

Archivist King Odell says that if alumni or families have things that might be of interest to MB, they probably are: “You can relive a lot by seeing these things. People bring in a football helmet, a well-worn pair of football shoes, or a uniform — it meant something to them.” These decades-old cleats were recently sent to the MB Archives, with accompanying uniform, treasured over the years by the athlete who wore them once.

Answers 1.


2. True: The Quaker term for becoming a Quaker is “convinced” rather than “convert.” Moses Brown became a Quaker in 1774. 3.




5. The dog Pell is buried in the southeast corner of the Grove. Pell belonged to Principal Augustine Jones, 1879-1904. He was the turn of the century Quaker who permitted dancing at MB! 6.


7. 1800s. MB was originally a co-ed school that stopped admitting girls in the late 1920s because of economic pressures. Girls returned to campus in 1976.

Thanks to Frank Fuller, Florence Lambrese, and Doug MacLeod for all their work in the MB Archives before King Odell and to Anne Krive, librarian, who helps out today. Readers: Please share stories, items or

8. Yes — in 1833, President Andrew Jackson visited the school. The President complimented his host, Moses Brown, who was then in his 95th year.

photos from your own personal archives.


MB time capsule?

d. all of the above

10. The middle school was established in 1958 and was made up of the top grade of lower school — the seventh — and the bottom grade of upper school, the eighth. Grade six joined the middle school program in 1973. 11. No, but he did visit and perform at Moses Brown (for Senior Prom). Duke Ellington’s grandson Edward Ellington ‘64 (shown above) is an MB alumnus and was artist-in-residence here in the 2004-05 year. He brought The Duke Ellington Legacy Band to work with MB jazz ensembles, after being impressed by their performances at his 40th reunion.

What would you put in your own personal

Share your MB memories by emailing alumni@mosesbrown.org or posting at our Facebook page: facebook.com/mosesbrownschool. See Class Notes, page 24, for more MB memories and mementos.


Moses Brown Alumni Association Alumni Connections Coast to Coast

The Alumni Association and Moses Brown School have partnered to provide many opportunities for alumni to engage with each other and the school, locally and from coast to coast. If you would like to host an event or serve on the Alumni Association Board, please contact Director of Alumni Relations Karin Morse ’79 at kmorse@mosesbrown.org or (401) 831-7350 ext. 191.

Alumni & Friends Receptions in Boston, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Vero Beach and Palm Beach. Mark your calendar for Homecoming Weekend October 19-20.


Los Angeles Visits in Santa Monica, Culver City and Beverly Hills — February 2012 Alumni Relations staff Ron Dalgliesh and Karin Morse caught up with Scott Champagne ’93 and Jamie Gilson ’10 this past February.

San Francisco Reception — March 2012 Matt Glendinning, Ron Dalgliesh and Karin Morse travelled to San Francisco and visited local alumni in the Bay Area. They were joined by MBAA members Brian Panoff ’94 and Pam Fishman Cianci ’91 at the Reception.



From the Archives

William Turner enjoys catching up with John

Seattle Reception — February 2012

Gillespie ’50 and his wife at the NYC Trustee

In the early part of the last century, Moses Brown’s school New

Dinner at the New York Yacht Club in April

York alumni (pre-MBAA) held events for interested alumni for

1966. Mr. Turner was on staff at MB for 45 years

the low price of $2 each; attendees could register via postal mail.

and was living on Long Island at the time. The

(Today, alumni events are free — and you can sign up online or

Gillespies came from their home in Bronxville.

with a quick phone call or email to the Alumni Office.)

Washington, D.C.

D.C. Reception with Matt Glendinning — April 2012 Forty-nine alumni attended D.C. events this past spring. Matt Glendinning is pictured here with ’50s grads Marshall Meyers ’57, Chuck Stuart ’56, Adrian Hendricks ’58 and Dick Oresman ’53.

MB Alumni Events: you never know until you go! Frederic Schwartz ’60 and his wife Jill enjoyed chatting with Richard Derbyshire ’76 at MB’s Washington reception in April. Hearing that Richard was a partner of Shen Milsom Wilke, one of the world’s leading communications technology engineering companies, Jill posed a problem. She needed a specialized, highpower projector for an artist’s video which was to be part of a Washington outdoor sculpture exhibit she was directing. Richard sprang into action, and persuaded Christie Digital to loan a top-of-the-line unit for the six-month exhibit. While installing the projector, Richard and Frederic were reminiscing about Moses Brown only to discover that Janice Calabresi Maggs ’78 (whose brother, Steven Calabresi ’76, was in Richard’s class) was there for a preview of the video. MB serendipity at work again.

Chuck Stuart ’56 and Audrey Latham Dreibelbis ’90 visit with Perry Buroker from Moses Brown.


Moses Brown Alumni Association Alumni Connections Coast to Coast

Rhode Island

Student Alumni Association Student Alumni Association members prepared Valentine’s Day packages for the class of 2008 (college seniors) to congratulate them and keep them connected to MB.

Save the Bay Newport Shoreline Clean-up — April 2012 On a beautiful Sunday in April, alums gathered to clean up the shoreline at Fort Adams State Park. Pictured here are John Pariseault ’98 with his son Joey and faculty members George and Tara Tsakraklides who helped Alumni Baseball Game – June 2012

Alumni Lacrosse Game — May 2012

the MB contingent collect more than 250 pounds of trash.

PawSox Outing — June 2012


Boston Harpoon Brewery Reception — May 2012 Thirty alumni and guests enjoyed craft beer and a brief talk by Yankee Brew News Publisher Jamie Magee ’78.


Moses Brown Alumni Association Reunion 2012

Classes celebrating their 5th – 70th reunions came together in May to spend time in the shadow of the elms strengthening relationships and making new connections with one another and the school.

Class of 1947

Class of 1957 pictured with Alysia Kelly Curry ’87 representing her father Bob Kelly.

The classes of 1977 — 2007 enjoyed the transformation of the Waughtel-Howe Field House with fine food and music.

Class of 1972

Class of 1962 50th Reunion

Steve Sylvester ’87 and Karin Morse ’79 Class of 1982

Class of 1957

catch up at the 25th Reunion Reception.


Moses Brown Alumni Association Reunion 2012

Classes celebrating their 5th – 70th reunions came together in May to spend time in the shadow of the elms strengthening relationships and making new connections with one another and the school.

Class of 1987

Class of 1982, including comedian Tom Cotter ’82, an America’s Got Talent contestant. Class of 1992

Class of 1997

Class of 1972 classmates — Ed Nickerson, Paul Maeder

Class of 2002 — Sean Singer and Adam Freedman

and Martin Carney

with Director of Alumni Relations Karin Morse.

Class of 2002

Styles change, connection remains: Class pride has always been high at MB. Recently found in the Archives: two Friends School pins belonging to Mary Harkness White, Class of 1902, a class pin belonging to Rufus Fuller ’15, a

Class of 2007


1927 MB pin, and a Reunion invite circa 1995.

Congratulations to the MBAA’s spring award recipients, recognized at Reunion: David Morsilli ’87, International Aid Worker After graduation from Boston University, David Morsilli worked as an aide to Governor Bruce Sundlun. After three years at the R.I. State House, he went on to earn his M.B.A. at BU’s London campus. David then spent several years in the private sector, working in investing in Boston and telecommunications sales in Manhattan. Looking for more fulfilling work, David joined the Peace Corps and served as a community development volunteer in Macedonia. He attended Boston University’s School of Public Health, getting certified in “Managing Disasters and Complex Humanitarian Emergencies.” Within several months of graduating this program, Hurricane Katrina slammed the Gulf Coast and David reconnected with R.I.’s American Red Cross Chapter, where he had previously volunteered, and was deployed to Mississippi.

He remained there for four months, managing distribution of emergency supplies, sheltering, and hot meals. David

then headed overseas to Darfur with the International Rescue Committee to serve as camp manager at a camp for displaced people. Eventually David assumed responsibility of three separate camps with a combined population of 250,000. David’s next assignment took him to Somalia to establish the IRC’s first field office in that country and implement water, sanitation, and hygiene projects in the drought-affected region. In David’s most recent assignment, he joined the U.S. Agency for International Development and was assigned to Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Embedded with a U.S. Marine Battalion, he worked with Afghan government officials to deliver essential government services (from water to agricultural support) to the community to gain their support, thus contributing to the stability, legitimacy and capacity of the new government.

Peter Kilborn ’57, Journalist and Author Kilborn became a staff reporter for the Providence Journal-Bulletin and went on to Business Week as a correspondent in Paris, bureau chief in Los Angeles, an editor for Business Week in New York, and to Newsweek as business editor. He joined the New York Times where he worked for 30 years as an editor and foreign and national correspondent. He covered Wall Street, northern Europe from London, economic policy in Washington under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, welfare, health care, and the workplace.

Later he roamed rural America for the Times, writing Page One stories on ghost towns of the Great Plains, poverty

in the Mississippi Delta, the Oklahoma City bombing, illiteracy in Appalachia, hurricanes in Florida and North Carolina, octogenarian dating in Arizona, moonshine in Virginia, and rider lawn mower racing in North Dakota.

Over his career, the Times accorded Peter ten Publisher’s Awards and nominated him twice for the Pulitzer Prize. At

Newsweek, he won the New York Deadline Club’s Special Achievement Citation for his cover story on surging foreign investment in the U.S. More recently, Peter authored Next Stop Reloville: Life inside America’s New Rootless Professional Class.

Former Headmaster David Burnham with Kelley Ciampi Wigren ’92

Class of 1992 with faculty member Tom Andrew.

and daughter and Shawn Selby ’92.

Former faculty member Doug MacLeod and Class of 1977 — Peter Flink catches up with Archivist King Odell.

his son Will MacLeod ’02 celebrated Will’s

Student Alumni Association member Merci McMahon ’12 on

10th reunion together.

tour with alumni Phil Hindley ’62 and David Gass ’52.


The Moses Brown Alumni Association Board 2012-13 The mission of the Moses Brown Alumni Association is to foster lifelong relationships with the school and fellow alumni. Keith Monchik ’90, Clerk

Joyce Chang ’94

Todd Machtley ’00

George Panichas ’83, Assistant Clerk

Pamela Fishman Cianci ’91

John Pariseault ’97

Thanks to last year’s MBAA board. Last year, the Moses

Brian Panoff ’94, Treasurer

Jason Engle ’98

Joss Poulton ’07

Brown Alumni Association held 18 alumni events and four

Albie Dahlberg ’87, Recording Clerk

Gina Guiducci ’97

Brad Shipp ’83

alumni games. If you are interested in serving on the MBAA

Taylor Rotondi Anderson ’02

Adrian Hendricks ’58

Ahvi Spindell ’72

board, please contact Director of Alumni Relations Karin

John Baldwin ’94

Hugh Hysell ’83

Dawn West ’79

Morse ’79 (kmorse@mosesbrown.org) or Clerk Keith

Angelo Bianco ’86

David Keyser ’89

Richard White ’84

Monchik ’90 (keithmonchik@yahoo.com).

Members of the 2011-2012 Alumni Association gathered after the annual retreat. The MBAA worked with Head of School Matt Glendinning on strategic planning, “Forging a Vision for MB.” First row: Brad Shipp ’83, Keith Monchik ’90, Stephanie Ogidan Preston ’97, Dawn West ’79; second: John Pariseault ’97, Brian Panoff ’94, Dave Keyser ’89, Taylor Rotondi Anderson ’02; third: Gina Guiducci ’97, Joss Poulton ’07, Albie Dahlberg ’87, Adrian Hendricks ’58, Jason Engle ’98.


Vintage base ball back at MB! Middle school science teacher Tony PirruccelloMcClellan, a member of the re-established Providence Grays, brought the 19thcentury game back to campus this spring.

This photo of an early MB baseball team currently hangs in the Archives.

MB a part of baseball history? Middle school science teacher Tony Pirruccello-McClellan — who plays for the reincarnated Providence Grays vintage base ball team — recently shared with Cupola that Willie White — who went to MB before Brown — was possibly the first black player to play major league baseball. William Edward White played as a substitute in one baseball game for the Providence Grays in June, 1879. Research by the Society for American Baseball Research suggests that White may have been the first African-American to play major league baseball. Little is known about White, although a peek into the MB Archives indicates that he attended Moses Brown from 1873-79. White was called by the Grays to replace the injured first baseman. White was a student at Brown University and played for the college’s team. He went 1-for-4 and scored a run as Providence won 5-3. It is unknown why White did not play for the Grays again; he was replaced in the next game by Hall of Famer “Orator Jim” O’Rourke. Research suggests that the William White who took the field that day was the son of a plantation owner from Milner, Georgia, Andrew White, and his black slave, Hannah White. William and his siblings were all named in A.J. White’s 1877 will, which described them as the children of his servant Hannah White and stipulated that they be educated in the North. Census records indicate that White moved to Chicago after Brown and became a bookkeeper.


Class Notes

1943 Global Psychiatrist: E. Gardner Jacobs ’43 Not one to limit his practice to geography, Philadelphia-based psychiatrist Gardner Jacobs has been seeing patients in China using Skype. “Each patient has four sessions a week,” he says. “Analyses are most often four to six years in duration. Any symptoms usually disappear in the first two years. As I think those who use Skype, especially, will agree, the other person, even halfway around the world, appears right there.” “Technology does make possible what was not possible less than ten years ago,” Gardner comments. He


appreciates the Internet bandwidth in Europe and China that makes all this possible. “There is indeed more global interconnection,” he comments. “That, and doing work in a new way, work I enjoy, has been an unexpected development. It brings me back to what was an eye-opening experience when I was in Asia, Japan specifically, as a

Steele Blackall and John Nowell caught up

19-year-old in the Navy. Some of that early experience — which included sailing up Tokyo bay in the early morning

with one another at Reunion this past spring.

less than three months after World War II suddenly ended — has, so many years later and in a different manner, been a challenge and a pleasure.”

1904 Many of MB’s first female graduates stayed in the Providence area and contributed in teaching and a range of fields well through the 20th century. Dr. Dorothy Gifford ’18 taught for many years at Lincoln School in Providence, serving with distinction as head of the science department through the 1970s.



Football 1924 photo donated to the MB Archives by Fred Swan ’26. A Quaker and a teacher, Mr. Swan lived in Pennsylvania and retired from Westtown School. He stayed in regular contact with MB over the years.

Years ago, MB ran on coal. Allan Bellows ’43 (left) pushes the first wheelbarrow. In 1945, the school switched to Narragansett Electric and the engine room became home to the music program. In an earlier time (right), female students relaxed in the Girl’s Parlor.



Helen and Tom Jenckes ’57 missed Reunion, but caught up with MBers at the March alumni reception in San Francisco. Golf Team 1952.


Several members of the Class of 1947 enjoyed themselves at Reunion this May, including Harleigh “Van” Tingley, Dick Fitton, Reg Weller, Ted Richards, Fran Sargent, and Chuck Staples.

1952 Douglas Richardson writes


about Reunion, “Dick Leon who was with us for our 50th, will not join us (in person) for our

Moses Brown’s 1941-42 track team with legendary MB track Coach

Class Correspondent

60th. He’s in heaven now. Dick

Marshall Cannell

loved the school and his four

25 Sheridan Rd

years there. I miss his ‘bra-

Wellesley Hills, MA 02481-5418

vado style’. He was a lifelong friend.”

F. Warren “Junie” Howe. Coach Howe was head track coach at MB

Van Tingley lives in Maine and


from 1925-61 and instrumental in the development of track in the

enjoys it thoroughly. He and


state of Rhode Island. The Waughtel-Howe Field House is named

his wife Lucie ski in the winter,

in his honor.

sail in the summer, and travel

Bill Myers taught a rigorous

and his wife continue to travel,

in between — most frequently

eight-week-long U.S. Coast

most recently to London, Ath-

to Colorado to see their chil-

Guard, Flotilla 82-sponsored

ens, and Madrid: “We sniffed

dren and grandchildren.

boating safety class to 119

a little tear gas in Athens, re-

students from Sarasota High

minding us of the early sixties



Peter Shattuck says that he

In Diamondhead, Mississippi,

After 33 years in sales with

Joan and Chuck Staples con-

School’s Carefree Learner

in Berkeley,” he says. “I write

Robert Farwell and his wife

Bethlehem Electric Company,

tinue their busy retirement —

Marine Biology class. At gradu-

about travel and books for

Dotty still serve as substi-

Charles Bearse retired after

he still hikes the mountains of

ation, the students received

local publications, and follow

tute teachers in the Hancock

eight years as VP of marketing

New Hampshire, Colorado and

safe boater licenses and Coast

the adventures of our seven

County school district. Last

with Philadelphia Electric and

California. Chuck continues

Guard certificates enabling

grandchildren.” Peter and Eliz-

summer, they traveled through

Wire Company. Charles writes,

volunteering at the Chicago

them to operate watercraft.

abeth live in Sacramento.

Germany, Poland, Hungary,

“Charlotte and I enjoy our

Cultural Center. Recent trav-

Bill hopes that the class will

Slovakia, Czech Republic and

summer home in Avalon, New

els include a week’s riverboat

make Florida’s waterways

After leaving MB and the Gov-

Austria. Later, they flew to

Jersey with occasional visits

cruise on Germany’s Elbe River

safer and that this program

ernor’s Academy, then gradu-

Athens, then cruised the

from our four children and

and to the islands of Oahu and

will be adopted by all schools

ating with a degree in physics

Dalmatian Coast.

eight grandchildren.”


in his district.

from Colby, Donald Tracy spent


Class Notes


1955 Don Tracy ’52 and his wife Linda on a recent trip to Lake Como in Italy. The Tracys live in Rockport, Maine.

Last November, Carolyn and Dick Curtis attended a recital at St. Luke’s Church in East Greenwich. Joanne Coombs (above), the recently retired third grade teacher at MB, was pianist and accompanied by her sister Jean on the flute. Joanne, her husband Ed, and Carolyn were classmates at South Kingstown High School, class of 1961, and celebrated their 50th reunion last year.

1952 Way to go! Tom Nichols ’52 of Vancouver, BC, travelled 2,506 miles for his MB Reunion. Tom is a retired planner for the Vancouver Park Board. He is shown with classmates Noel Field, Skip Walls and Fred Blakeman.

six years in the U.S. Air Force. John Vanderhoop retired from

Leaving an enjoyable flight assignment, he accepted a

the U.S. Air Force in Las Vegas

Arabian, until he passed sev-

position with MIT’s Instrumen-

Linda are surrounded by fam-

and admits, “Perhaps, shame-

eral years ago in London. We

from Westfield, New Jersey to

tation Lab where he worked on

ily in Rockport; they see their

fully, I do nothing now except

even enjoyed getting together

West Chester, Pennsylvania,

earthquake detection devices.

six children and grandchildren

play golf five days a week. It

in Paris, when I was stationed

where, after 49 wonderful

From there, Don joined Itek

frequently. The Tracys love the

was seven or eight years ago

in Germany many years ago.

years of marriage, she passed

and continued to work with

coast of Maine. Over the years,

that I stopped by MB with my

He was a very special personal

away quite unexpectedly in

hydrostatic technology; he

Don also has built himself a

grandson, Kyle, and we had a

friend to me and I certainly

2007,” he writes. “I am lucky

even developed a technique

tax preparation/advisory busi-

wonderful tour of MB. I was

miss him.”

to be in good health, and can

to measure a large, aspheric

ness, with nearly 350 clients.

able to share many exciting

lens to 5 millionths of an inch:

“Three more tax seasons and I

old stories of how it was back

David Hensel spent 41 years

although ‘work’ for me has

“That piece of glass now rests

will be fully retired at age 80,”

then and to speak of the ca-

in the corporate world after a

been a four-letter word since

somewhere on the surface

Don says. He sends regards to

maraderie I enjoyed with for-

three-year “hitch” as a naval

retirement, I stay busy with

of Mars, but the images were

all at MB.

mer fellow classmates. It was

officer on board a destroyer

travel and local activities, one

around that time that I was in

based in Norfolk, Virginia.

of which is the prevention of

Foster Kinney was unable to

contact with Fred Blakeman,

In the corporate world, he

child abuse right here where

curity alarm companies and

attend his 60th reunion. He ex-

a fellow military retiree, he

spent 20 years at Scott Paper

I live.”

moved to Maine. Ten years

plains, “We attended the high

from the Navy, and me from

Company and 21 years with

and 20-plus employees later,

school graduation of our old-

the Air Force. We had quite

Engelhard Corporation, pri-


Don sold a business that

est grandson at the Air Force

an animated and informative

marily a chemical catalyst

was grossing over a million a

Academy High School, but un-

conversation together! Per-

company (e.g., inventor of the

Class Correspondent

year — mostly from monitor-

fortunately, we left there too

haps, former classmates would

catalytic converter for the au-

Jack Houriet

ing poultry houses’ high-low

early to see President Obama

be interested in knowing that

tomobile), which is now part

2525 Turner Rd.

temperatures and vent fans

address the graduating class.”

I stayed in contact all my life

of BASF chemical company.

Willow Grove, PA 19090-1625

to keep thousands of chickens

Foster and his wife Sharon live

with my former roommate at

Dave retired in 1999. “Haynie


alive and comfortable.

outside of Palo Alto, California.

MB and Brown, Marty ‘Frenchy’

and I moved shortly thereafter


Now, Don and his wife

gratifying,” he says. Don later began two se-

actually still part my hair! And



Bruce Haggerty made an impromptu visit to see MB and King “Doc” Odell in May. As a former star winter track Mr. William Paxton was head of MB’s English department for

athlete under Coach Warren Howe, Bruce dropped down

Richard Chadwell ’51 and wife

40 years, 1925-66. Following his retirement from Moses

and even did some one-handed push-ups to prove to Doc he

Wanda Lincoln recently endowed a

Brown, Mr. Paxton wrote The History of the Third Half-

was still in tip-top shape. Pictured here in his senior year as

fund to honor Mr. Paxton.

Century at Moses Brown, 1919-1969, published in 1974.

the winter track captain is Bruce setting the school record in

Lessons Learned: Dick Chadwell ’51 honors Bill Paxton with new endowed fund

the 40-yard dash at 4.5 seconds at the New England Prep School championships in Andover. Kudos to Bruce for making fitness a lifelong commitment! Bruce lives in San Diego.

Dick Chadwell’s most vivid memory of MB faculty member Bill Paxton might surprise you. “I got caught plagiarizing,” Dick says, “and through that experience, Mr. Paxton taught me about the value of honesty. He didn’t just punish me — and he did punish me — but he really talked to me about how important it was to have people trust and believe you. It was a major life lesson.”

More than 60 years later, Dick has decided to leave MB 15% of his estate to establish the

Richard H.W. Chadwell ’51 Endowed Fund for Faculty and Student Excellence. This gift is given in honor of Bill Paxton for “lessons learned” and will support faculty professional development and student scholarships.


After MB, Dick graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and spent time in the Navy

before beginning a long career in the brokerage business, including 25 years with Kidder Peabody. In reflecting on his MB experience, Dick values the variety of experiences the

interested in some of my recre-

Stephen Carney writes to class-

school afforded him, from being a 150 lb. pulling guard on the football team to learning an

ational math work. I’m one of

mates: “Please start planning

appreciation for music, which became a lifelong passion, from Mrs. Thomas.

the coauthors of a manuscript

a trip back to Moses Brown for

which has been accepted for

our 50th reunion in May. I’m

publishing in the Journal of

still managing Carney Capital,

Combinatorial Mathematics and

an investment firm I started

Combinatorial Computing, found

15 years ago. Our six children

at www.combinatorialmath.

have all finished school and

ca/jcmcc — a very obscure

I finally got a raise after all

journal. Also, for fun and

these years. Hope to see all of

but MB really gave me a lot. I wanted to make significant gifts to places that helped me and

games, I have my own website,

you next May.” Steve can be

where they would in turn continue to help other people.”


reached at ncb3@cox.net.

To read more of Dick Chadwell’s MB story and his legacy gift, visit www.mosesbrown.org/



Larry Kilham ’59 recently tried

Stephen Morris has co-

his hand at writing a near-fu-

authored another book, The

Borne out of his own experience, Dick has a deep belief in the value of a liberal arts

education. “Today, more than ever, young people need the wide-ranging exposure of the liberal arts education MB provides,” he comments from his home in Florida. “If you are not broadly educated and flexible enough to change, it will be difficult to succeed in today’s environment.”

In reflecting on his gift, Dick says, “Education is so important. I wasn’t a brilliant student



brought me on as adjunct pro-

try to condense 55 years of

ture science fiction novel, Love

Wrath of Irene, which chronicles

fessor to teach English, busi-

news into a few brief para-

Byte, which has been launched

the impact of Tropical Storm

Class Correspondent

ness, and math. I love visiting

graphs. I was a late bloomer

on Kindle. The book involves

Irene on the 21 towns in the

Jerry Knowles

my granddaughter Claire in

and didn’t get a college degree

a super-intelligent AI female

White River watershed. It is

20 Newman Avenue

Ann Arbor where my daughter

until 1980. It finally was a

computer developed for social

a comprehensive account of

Rumford, RI 02916-1960

Kate is a professor of romance

B.S. in computer science from

media warfare. Reviewers have

Vermont’s worst natural di-



Brown University (magna

called Kilham’s book a “fast-

saster since the Flood of 1927.

cum laude — brief bio at Mes-

paced thriller … The science is

The book chronicles the idyllic

Tom Jenckes writes, “After

In response to Class Corre-

sage # 8 groups.yahoo.com/

up to the minute, and perhaps

summer days just before the

being laid off from my teach-

spondent Jerry Knowles, Bill

group/CSAtrium). I bought

ahead of its time. That alone

storm through to Thanks-

ing position at Hayward in

Butler writes, “I’ve moved a

my current home in Durango,

can keep you awake at night

giving Day, 2011. Book sale

2009, I began teaching English

long way away from Moses

Colorado last year and think

— whether you are human or

profits will benefit the Central

at Argosy University here in

Brown, but got your 55th re-

I’m finally settled in. ‘Babe’

a machine.” Love Byte is avail-

Vermont Community Action

Alameda, California. They

union letter and thought I’d

Herman would probably be

able via Amazon.

Council’s Irene Relief Fund.


Class Notes

Writing from the Roadshow: John Buxton ’62 1960s/’70s

Eagle-eyed readers of Cupola might recognize John Buxton ’62 from Antiques Roadshow. John is an appraiser on the WGBH series and has been with Roadshow since its inception. He recently filmed Season 17, starting in Boston. John says his path to public TV stardom was an unexpected one. After MB, he graduated from Williston Academy, majored in English at Tulane, and eventually opened his own import and appraisal business in Dallas. But as they do on Roadshow, we’ll let John explain the background on his particular piece:

“My path to the Roadshow is a convoluted story. I had dropped out of Tulane

midway through the second semester. My parents failed to be amused and upon getting accepted back to Tulane later in 1965, they refused to pay. I felt very fortunate to have won a Navy scholarship in a competition that included 200 applicants. This meant that I was regular Navy just like I had graduated from Annapolis and owed the government four years of my life. At Tulane, I majored in English with minors in philosophy and psychology. I took art history and dropped it after two weeks because it seemed boring. My passion at Tulane was taking a leadership role in my fraternity Kappa Sigma and preparing for a Naval career after graduation in the summer of 1968. Moses Brown was the first high school in Rhode Island to organize a lacrosse

“I saw a lot in my five years in the Navy including a brief stint flying airplanes

team (1963) and to play a full season in 1964. The team was coached by Mr. Long.

in Pensacola, as main propulsion assistant on the destroyer escort USS Joseph K.

MB’s 1970-71 team is shown here.

Taussig, and admiral’s aide to Rear Admiral Marmaduke Bayne, Commander of

Also in the early 1960s, MB senior Pete Scull (an All-Prep All-American football

the Middle East Forces based in Bahrain. The Admiral’s wife was a collector and

player) was chosen as one of 12 baseball players for the People-to-People baseball

a major influence as we collected a bit of everything on the trips we took through

team of Rhode Island, which visited South America in the summer of 1964 —

Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, and India. I decided — much to the Admiral’s

traveling to Honduras, Columbia, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic.

disappointment — that I was more interested in being involved with art and artifacts than pursuing a military career.


“When I returned to Dallas in 1964, I decided I was an art dealer and importer

of handicrafts from Africa and the Middle East. I quickly learned that I did not have a clue what I was doing. For the first time in my life, I really applied myself with passion to learn everything I could about traditional African, Pre-Columbian, American Indian and Oceanic Art.

“For the past 38 years I have been trying to pay back all the people who helped

me, by mentoring young dealers and appraisers who have contacted me. It has been challenging but nonetheless inspiring and fascinating to the point that I consider myself blessed to be able to go to work every day. I love what I do. The most gratifying part of my career is that I was able to be successful, with hard work and a little luck, after I had been pretty much been written off as a screwup.”

1957’s reunion had a good turnout at Friday night’s dinner at La Masseria. Sue and

After MB, John boarded at Williston Academy, where he was v.p. of Student Council and

John Drew and Peter Kilborn (who received the Distinguished Alumnus Award)

co-captain of football, wrestling and lacrosse, before heading to Tulane. John comments,

also attended the Saturday evening events. Shown here are Bill McClaskey, Irene

“For me, Moses Brown was an amazing tradition that I was briefly a part of. My family

and Moe Mellion, Ellen and Stan Goldberg, Ralph Barton, Marge and Ron Boss,

had been a major part of Brown University and Providence. My grandfather Col. G. Edward

Laura Barton, Ron Smith, Carol and Bill Albert, Jerry Knowles and Kathleen

Buxton was a tough act to follow and maybe I needed to find my own way in the world.”


See John’s website (www.arttrak.com) for more.


1967 1972

Personal finance expert Jordan Goodman ’72 (left) returned to MB for Reunion and also took time to speak to current students, faculty and staff. Jordan gave a special assembly for seniors and spoke to economics classes in a thought-provoking assembly, filled with great tips. See more about Jordan at moneyanswers.com. Many photos in Archives of the mid-1960s were taken by George Bliven ’67 (right). George received a 1967 Certificate of Merit for National Achievement in photography from Scholastic Magazine and had his work on the cover of the MB Bulletin. The annual competition was sponsored by the Eastman Kodak Company.

1978 Congrats! photo: Patrick O’Connor, Rhode Island Monthly

The “Top Docs” issue of Rhode Island Monthly arrived at Moses Brown this spring ... congratulations to oncologist Scott Triedman ’78, named one of the top doctors in Rhode Island in a survey of his peers. Scott was quoted as saying that he loves the continuity of being a thirdgeneration physician at Miriam. David Barrall ’72 was also recognized for his local work in plastic/reconstructive surgery. Were you in the issue and we missed you? Are you a newly minted M.D. or tops in your own field or state? Let us know: alumni@mosesbrown.org.

MB received two great photos of “The Swamp,” a loose collective of friends and classmates at MB from the late 1970s. Thanks to Beth


Taylor, former English faculty, for sharing these photos. Beth is now

Hardi Parker says he enjoyed the opportunity

on the faculty at Brown.

to be guest editor for the last issue of the MB magazine — “It was good to participate and give back something to an institution

Mike teaches middle school

in which I believe!”

students with learning differences at the Hamilton School at Wheeler. He is retired from



Rob Wilson continues to work

and Vietnam vets. “We hope

for the Veterans Education

to educate both the Deerfield

Project in Massachusetts. This

community and the general

Matthew Jacobs was unable

spring, VEP held an event at

public,” Rob says. Rob is execu-

to attend the Los Angeles re-

lacrosse coaching, but still coaching basketball.


the campus of Rob’s sometime

tive director of the Veterans

ception this March because

Amy Roebuck Jones shares,

Circumnavigating the globe

school rival from his days at

Education Project, which cel-

he was in Charleston, South

“I am the proud mom of my

during a sabbatical year,

MB, Deerfield Academy. One

ebrates its 30th anniversary

Carolina, working on produc-

first and only teenager. My

Herbert “Chip” Tucker spent

of the events at Deerfield

this year. VEP arranges for vet-

tion design for the Lifetime TV

daughter Alexandra Roebuck

a semester teaching at Leeds

combined readings from

erans, World War II through

series Army Wives. Matt can be

Jones turned 13 in October.

University in the U.K. as a

Classical Greek drama about

Iraq and Afghanistan, to share

reached at matthewcjacobs@

Also, I anticipate my husband

Fulbright Scholar, and then as

veterans of the Trojan Wars

their personal stories of mili-


Andrew’s retirement after 23

a visiting professor at Victoria

coping with the challenges of

tary service and combat with

University in New Zealand. He

war, homecoming and combat

civilian audiences in order to

Michael Blecharczyk lives

this summer. One more move

also visited South Africa, India,

trauma with the real-time ex-

better understand the realities

in East Providence with his

and hopefully we will finally

Australia and Fiji.

periences of Iraq, Afghanistan

of war.

wife Laura and son Jose.

settle down.”


years of service in the Navy

Alumni from 1955 to 1984 will remember Mrs. Perry’s effortlessly musical telephone greeting. Marjorie was Moses Brown’s receptionist and secretary/bookkeeper for 29 years.

Answer the Call! Alumni support of The Moses Brown Fund is important and essential to MB’s continued strength. Last year, more than 1,000 alumni supported MB — a new record. So, this fall, when a student, classmate or staff member reaches out to ask for your support, we hope you’ll answer the call! Gifts to The Moses Brown Fund are directed to four essential priorities: Teaching and Academics; Scholarships; Athletics, The Arts, and Friends Education; and MB’s Historic Campus. Building on a centuries-old tradition, these investments focus on providing a rigorous, values-based education that prepares students to live and lead in the 21st century. For further information, please contact the MB Alumni and Development office at 401-831-7350 x196 or online at http://www.mosesbrown.org/mosesbrownfund.



The Steingold family has expanded its MB connection. Neal Steingold ’78 has two children at MB. His daughter Sarah is entering her junior year and son Ben is a freshman this fall, coming from Gordon. Neal’s wife Linda Kaplan also started working at MB last year, joining the school as director of parent relations and leadership giving.

My Second Home: David Burnham, Headmaster (1978-1994) Former Head of School Dave Burnham shares memories on our issue’s topic:

“During my 16 years as headmaster, my office served as a second home; I arrived early

each morning and often stayed late. Each school head has his or her own style but I altered little to the room I inherited in 1978. As a sailor, the room’s nautical paintings were a daily inspiration. Over the mantel, ‘Waiting for the Wind’ depicted four listless 19th-century sailing ships going nowhere. On the west wall were two William Bradford paintings of whaleships plying their trade among icebergs off Labrador. Behind my desk two ships, tightly engaged, exchanged broadsides. This non-Quakerly painting, which hopefully did not describe my management style, was eventually auctioned and a placid seascape with a fisherman and small sailboat took its place.

“Two other fixtures of my second home were a very old Bible and an antique, but healthily

ticking, grandfather clock. The Bible lived in its own glass case on the little table to the right as

The MB Black Student Union, February 1969, with Mrs. Terry, advisor.

one entered. It was a Geneva Bible, often called a Breeches Bible because it described an embarrassed Adam and Eve who, discovering they were naked, covered their private parts with breeches. Dated 1599, this Bible had lost much of its value because the key descriptive page had been ripped out. I did leaf through it a few times and found occasional pressed flowers and marginal notes. My imagination brought to life gentle ladies of a distant era.

“I do not know when the tall clock arrived at the school but just inside its door a glass-

covered letter from John Bailey, clockmaker of New Bedford, says to Augustine Jones,

1980 Tim Rhodes lives in East Greenwich with wife Karyn and their


three daughters. He writes, “I have two daughters in college,

Sara Ades Goodwin shares,

one at University of Vermont

“With two kids of my own in

majoring in neurology, and

college and a third on the way

the other a pre-med major at

there — it seems like just yes-

cared for.’ He was right. The clock kept perfect time when I remembered the weekly wind-

the College of Charleston. My

terday that we were college-

up. I do confess that I kept it five minutes fast to help office visitors not be late to their next

youngest daughter is at East

bound. How could it be that it


Greenwich High School. I had

was 30 years ago?”

a great time seeing Peter Roe

Principal 1879-1904, that he and his apprentices made the clock in 1817. Bailey’s handwriting is exquisite but he apologizes for it, ‘Thou wilt please excuse the writing considering my age well on to 94.’ He goes on to say, ‘The clock will probably run many years yet if properly

“This office was my kingdom, my home away from my Olney Street home. From my win-

dow, I could imagine Moses Brown himself walking in from the main gate, a hunched over, gallant old man, just checking how his school and its new headmaster were doing. And from that office, I would go upstairs at night to visit boarders, or exchange puns with Doug Wilson when he was night watchman, parting for the evening with ‘Carrion, you old buzzard.’ Or slip out on winter nights to Meehan and, ticketless, take in the last period of a hockey game.”

last year at the 2011 varsity


homecoming soccer game, and had lunch with Ted Widmer

Priscilla Johnson Wong’s son

last year.” Contact Tim at

graduated from high school


this spring. She has a daughter

Tim recently completed a

who is a junior and another

five-year term as treasurer of

in eighth grade. She writes, “I

Dave Burnham and his wife Anne live in Rehoboth. He continues to be involved with the Paul Cuffee

the Alumni Association. Many

can’t believe it! My graduation

maritime charter school in Providence and the Herreshoff Museum in Bristol. Dave can be reached at

thanks to Tim for all of his fine

from MB seems like yesterday.”


work on behalf of alumni!

They live in Darien, Connecticut.


Class Notes 1994 Bambie Plante Brown ’94 recently donated a kidney and hopes to spread the word about living organ donation. Read more about Bambie’s donation at oswegovet.com.


1990 Doing good in the neighborhood MB students and employees continue to volunteer at the Mount Hope Learning Center. Elizabeth L. Winangun ’90 is the new executive director of the center and is working hard, with a dedicated board, to strengthen the agency’s position after hard times — and having some success. Elizabeth is saving a community resource that serves the Mount Hope community. Elizabeth is a former Peace Corps volunteer (Malawi, 1994-97). The Mount Hope Learning Center has more than 100 children come through the center afterschool for help with homework and other activities, and offers classes and services to adults in the neighborhood as well.

The top travel award goes to Millie Carlbom Flinn ’87 (left) who travelled 3,279 miles from Louth, England for Reunion this past spring. She joined Rachel Littman and Katie O’Donnell McNamara.

Greg Baldwin ’87, Stephanie Ogidan Preston ’97, and David

Faculty Kevin Matson catches up with Dave Murdock ’93 at last

Morsilli ’87 all spoke at Reunion this spring. They are shown with

year’s Boston Alumni Reception. Also found in the Archives,

Ron Dalgliesh, director of development and alumni relations.

Kevin in the early days of his MB tenure, with Chris Libutti ’89, receiving the Thomas Melucci ’84 Hockey Award. Rhonda Clement works as a PR


consultant and now represents the Squantum Association in

Catherine (Haning) Kleiber

David Leventhal lives on Snead

and education for thousands

East Providence; she is con-

shared information recently

not been safety tested and that

Island in Florida. Both he and

of welfare recipients in New

ducting marketing and com-

on the health effects of radio-

the safety guidelines formu-

his sister Wendy work in real

Hampshire,” she says. Sarah is

munications for the club and

frequency radiation exposure,

lated by industry organizations

estate. He travels when he

now working at PACE Career

focusing on booking corporate

asking MB and other con-

and adopted by the FCC do not

can and recently took a trip to

Academy, a new charter high

and social events. To catch

cerned individuals to “Turn

protect the population from

Ireland. Check out his website

school in Allenstown. Sarah is

up with Rhonda, contact her

off your Wireless Devices for

biological effects or damage.”


the internship coordinator.

at rhonda@emaginepr.com.

Earth Day.” “Who would be

See www.emrpolicy.org or

and drop him a line anytime.

She lives in Epsom.

Rhonda lives in Portsmouth

foolish enough to run a mi-


with her two daughters, 7

crowave oven with the door

for more.

and 9.

open?” Catherine says. “WiFi


operates at the same fre-

Brad Martin writes, “My wife

quency as a microwave oven,

Laura and I welcomed our

using a pulsed modulated

third daughter Audrey Louise

Sarah Ladd Bennett connected


to the “future” theme for the last issue of Cupola. Sarah at-

Class Correspondent

tended Earlham after MB and

Julie Reitzas

worked for 14 years for the

1688 Drift Rd.

Class Correspondent

radiofrequency (RF) signal that

Martin on 11-11-11. We’re

“Working Futures” program

P.O. Box 302

Hillary Monahan Ramos

studies have demonstrated

gearing up for a summer spent

in New Hampshire. “I am pas-

Westport Point, MA 02791-

289 Main St.

to be biologically active, and

between Storrs, Virginia, and

sionate about my work and


Hampton, CT 06247

is becoming ubiquitous. Few

hopefully lots of time in James-

proud of the role that I played



Americans realize that pulsed

town.” Brad can be reached at

in promoting job readiness



RF microwave radiation has



1996 Ben Kilborn ’08 is joined by several MB community members at his 2008 wedding. Shown are (l-r) Justin Shaghalian, Ben Kilborn, Rocco Rainone, John Tutalo, Ted Moran ’87, Sam Chase ’53, and Peter Kilborn ’57.

Commencement 2012: Heather Tow-Yick ‘94 Heather Tow-Yick ’94 was MB’s 2012 Commencement


speaker. She described the importance of asking the right questions and asked graduates to reflect on three: What are you good at? What do you care about? What will be your legacy? The founding executive director of Teach for America — Rhode Island, and a fifth-generation Rhode Islander, Heather has worked in a variety of education reform positions, including as special assistant to former New York City Schools Chancellor Joel Klein. She is a former strategy consultant with the Bridgespan Group and was a member of Teach For America’s 1998 New York corps. Heather earned her B.A. from Brown, then went onto earn an M.B.A

Zach Florin ’94 returned to MB this March as a director of leadership giving. A “lifer” at MB (and one of the co-founders of SPAF), Zach


from M.I.T.’s Sloan School of Management and a master’s

now gets to share the passion he has for his MB education with

degree from Columbia University Teachers College.

parents and alumni around the country. After graduating from Ken-

Laurens Goff and his wife

yon College, Zach spent time doing research in psychology and four

Wheezie welcomed a baby

graduation rate of high-income students (85%) and low-

years as a teacher in independent schools, including at the American

daughter in January. Liesl

income students (63%). The goal of Teach For America R.I.

International School in Genoa, Italy. More recently, Zach has been

“Lees” Hester Goff weighed 6

managing partner at Vantage Point Tutors where he worked with

pounds 8 ounces. Laurens is a

many MB students. Now, Zach will be connecting with MB parents

very proud dad and loves to

and alumni locally and around the country.

show off his daughter.

Rhode Island has a 22-point difference between the

is to identify why this gap exists and to help close it. “One of Rhode Island’s greatest assets is its sense of community,” says Heather. “It seems that everyone knows each other, so there is an incredible motivation to improve. We



Class Correspondent

Domenic Grieco married Jamie

her mother since the funeral,

Kelley Ciampi Wigren

Cook at Ocean Cliff in New-

but called her shortly after

8 Juniper Rd.

port. For their honeymoon,

Allie was born.”

Wellesley, MA 02482

they went to Africa.

781-235-4512 kelleywigren11@yahoo.com


Danielle Weiss Medina, her

Ben Kilborn is head golf profes-

Amy Anderson Wyatt, Jennifer

husband Jan, and their twin

sional at the Fall River Country

Kacewicz Carney, Veronica

girls, Gabrielle and Alaina, re-

Club. He married his wife Beth

Rotelli Vacca ’97, Becca Rotelli

cently moved from New York

at the Providence Biltmore in

Mignanelli ’01, Kyle Rotelli ’04,

City to East Greenwich. After

2008 and welcomed a little

Adam Seed ’94 and Matt Mi-

15 years at MTV, creating and

girl in 2010 named Allison Jen-

gnanelli ’01. Kate writes, “I also

overseeing shows like My Super

nifer Kilborn. He writes, “The

recently switched careers. I

Sweet 16 and I Used To Be Fat,

‘Jennifer’ came from my dear

ran my own fashion public re-

Danielle now runs her own

friend, Jennifer Quigley ’97,

lations business called Kick PR

production company, Mad

who sadly passed two weeks

in NYC for six years and gave

Fusion Media, where she de-

before I left for college in 1996.

that up in 2010 to begin teach-

Congratulations! Kate Sullivan Fleming was married last August

velops and produces shows for

She was the best female friend

ing at a Montessori school in

2011 to Eric Fleming in Cape Cod.

television and the internet. She

I made at MB. That made for

Manhattan. I teach 3-6-year-

and her whole family returned

a difficult move to South Caro-

olds and will be finishing up

to campus to celebrate her

lina, but we gain strength from

my Montessori certification

20th Reunion.

these things in the long-term.

this May!”

are fortunate that Teach For America corps members were welcomed with open arms when we arrived here in 2010.”


Sadly, I had not spoken with

Kate Sullivan Fleming married Eric Fleming last year. Wedding attendees included


Class Notes Island Photography, courtesy of Friends Academy



Dance! This was the message humorously shared by Geoff Nelson ’01, when asked to give the graduation speech at Friends Academy on Long Island this spring. Geoff is on the faculty there. Geoff recalled his own MB graduation and how his Aunt Susan chose to compare his Moses Brown graduation and future post-graduate life to dancing (borrowed from the Lee Ann Womack song). Geoff shared a wonderful commencement speech with his graduating students, recalling how his aunt so loved “I Hope You Dance” and its advice

Jeb Barrett and Nick Jezienicki ’00 attended a

that she wrote the entire lyrics on his MB graduation card. The senior class at Friends nominates speakers from among their teachers and then votes their choice. Geoff was voted to deliver the com-

fundraiser event for Minds Matter of San Francisco which helps high school students from low-income families gain admission into leading colleges.

mencement address by his students.

1993 Danielle Dupont Wyant and her husband Ray welcomed their first child, a son, Benjamin, last November.

1997 Wiley Cerilli ’98 married Allison Mahoney last fall.



Corina St. Jean Durney ’01, now in D.C., attended MB’s April reception there.

Here’s looking at you! Stephanie Ogidan Preston ’97


recently concluded eight years

Class Correspondent

of service to Moses Brown on

Jason Engle writes, “Jess,

Jason Engle

the MB Alumni Association,

Caroline and I welcomed baby

12 Marsden Court

including serving as clerk from

Emily Ann on May 4 at 2:42

Seekonk, MA 02771

2007-2012. Stephanie is now

a.m. Our oldest, Caroline, loves


COO of Matchbox, Inc. in

her new sister!”


Boston, a college admission service company.

Ann Shelly Leffers lives in

1999 Timothy Hurley writes, “My hockey team was able to pick up some ice time at the Staples Center before an LA Kings game back in November. I thought you might appreciate the ‘nod’ to MB on California ice! Brent McCormick was also in attendance. Hope you are

While living in New York City,

Miami and is a cardiac cath-

Wiley Cerilli happened upon

eter lab nurse at Mt. Sinai

MB’s March 2012 alumni event

Hospital and Medical Center

in Seattle. He was in town

in Miami Beach. She recently

on business and saw the MB

volunteered in the Dominican

Class Correspondent

banner outside the event.

Republic on a one-week medi-

Cara Camacho

As a result he was able to

cal mission with her father;

Natasha Agudelo Ramirez’s

band after living in Colorado

401 13th St. NE, Apt. 105

catch up with Head of Middle

she hopes to return this year.

oldest son, Ismael, graduated

for seven years. They are both

Washington, DC 20002-6316

School Jared Schott and other

Annie also has a rescue dog,

from eighth grade at MB in

psychotherapists and practic-


MB staff and alumni. Con-

whom she loves dearly, and is


ing at local agencies.


gratulations also to Wiley who

passionate about animal rights




doing well!” Reach Tim at tjnh@peak-5.com.

Calyn Gray Acebes moved back to Rhode Island with her hus-

recently sold his company,

(specifically no-kill animal

Mark Viana has launched a

SinglePlatform, to Constant

shelters). Still a devoted Bos-

practice in Boston with empha-

Contact, and was featured in

ton/New England sports fan,

Kirstin McCarthy

Elspeth Morrison Beauchamp is

sis on commercial law, bank-

Forbes magazine this year in

Ann welcomes any MB family

736 Girard Street NW

now a postdoc at the Robert H.

ruptcy, and immigration. Mark

an article entitled, “Meet the

in the South Florida area to

Washington, DC 20001-3821

Lurie Comprehensive Cancer

joined many classmates for his

Sales Machine Quietly Con-

contact her at aleffers@gmail.


Center of Northwestern Uni-

15th reunion this May.

quering the Local Web.”



versity in Chicago.




While visiting family, Adam Newman ’03 stopped by the Alumni Relations Office to visit Karin Morse ’79. Adam serves in the Israeli Army as a paratrooper. After his first six months, he received his Israel citizenship. After serving 20 months, Adam intends to attend graduate school this fall of 2012.

John Kenneth Hays spent a semester in Athens, Greece in his junior year and a semester in Seville, Spain in his senior year. After college, he traveled for several months in Argentina and worked for two summers as a sled dog handler in Skagway, Alaska where he threw rocks at bears. Jake worked for nine months as a beekeeper in Captain Cook, Hawaii and swam with the dolphins. And, finally, he took a trapeze lesson in NYC.

Boston Alumni Reception last January at the Old State House.

Randy Street was awarded Faculty Member of the Year by the Alumni Association at Reunion this spring. His wife and Upper School Visual Arts faculty member Kristin Street, his daughters Morgan Street ’06, Reva Street ’05, and Zoe Street


Anderson ’97 were all present to support him — including his granddaughter Parker.

2007 Class Correspondent Lindy Nash 1312 Narragansett Blvd. Cranston, RI 02905 401-527-0896


Hans Van Lancker is happily as a second-year orthopedic

Sarah Lindblom submits, “Hey

Class Correspondent

surgery resident at McGill Uni-

’07s! I graduated Smith College

Liz Donat


on the dean’s list with a double

957 NW 63rd St.


major in classical studies and

Seattle, WA 98107-2215 401-864-9600 Sam Daly recently visited MB on his way to New York City. In


living and working in Montreal


addition to acting, Sam and his father may be seen on The Daly

dance. I’m currently pursuing my MLS at the University of

Class Correspondent

Maryland, College Park con-

Nate Silver

centrating in archives. I also

Show on YouTube. This is a comedic series written and directed by

Meagan Gibson Wheeler and

2046 W Cortez #2

work in several institutions as

Ben Shelton, starring Tim and Sam Daly, with guest stars such as

her husband have moved back

Chicago, IL 60622

a freelance archival assistant.

Nathan Fillion, Whoopi Goldberg, Steven Weber, Taye Diggs, Amy

to Boston; Meagan transferred

Home 401-272-3319

Can’t wait to see everyone at

Brenneman and Tom Bergeron.

to Grant Thorton’s Boston office.






The Class of 2007 enjoying their first MB Reunion with former staff member Helen Faria.

College Counseling’s Jill Stockman caught Spencer Novich ’06 in Cirque du Soleil on a recent visit to Las Vegas. “Spencer was incredible in Ka,” Jill says. “He is in character here — a consummate actor!” Michael

Sara Evans ’07 and

Blackman ’04 and Bill Domineau ’07 also caught

Dawn West ’79 enjoyed

Spencer’s high-flying show at the MGM Grand.

the Boston reception in January.

2006 2006

Congratulations to Katie Evans Goldman ’06 on her recent nuptials. Katie married Sam Goldman in December at Brown (they met on the crew team there). Katie’s MB advisees Maddie Gorgi ‘17 and Molly Fischer ‘17 attended.

On the annual alumni relations trip to California this February, Karin Morse ’79 caught up with Hanna Bratton.

2007 2005

Ash Wall and Rob Lavoie at the D.C. Happy Hour. From the Archives files, circa 2007: (Then) Head of School Joanne Hoffman with advisees. Since retiring from MB, Joanne has served as academic dean at Beacon Academy in Boston, consulted at the Asheville School, and served on boards for Community Prep and Axis of Hope. She also served as interim head at Friends’ Central School in Pennsylvania. Joanne is the proud grandmother of two young grandsons.



Paul McCarthy and Erin Iannotti have been classmates since 1995 when they met in kindergarten at MB. They have been friends for 17 years. They both graduated from Connecticut College in May.



Nate Ardente ’09 at one of the sites he studied for Grow Smart Rhode Island this summer. Nate produced case studies of development projects in Rhode Island that exemplify smart growth principles, available as a public education resource. The “Box Office” — a shipping-container building located on Harris Ave. in Providence — is a great example of this and is one site that Nate examined. See growsmartri.org for more of Nate’s case studies.

Building Connections: Nate Ardente ‘09 Nathaniel Ardente ’09, a senior at Denison University in Ohio, enjoyed the last issue of Cupola and even connected with GrowSmart Executive Director Scott Wolf ’71 to intern

Congratulations to Sam Sager ’08, who graduated in May.

Visiting artist Peter Ferry ’09 performed at MB in May, including

While at Tufts, Sam earned All-

at Reunion. He said, “It’s too exciting to be returning to perform

New England Baseball Honors

at MB for the first time in three years, which feels like forever to

and was voted best shortstop

this newly minted alumnus!” Peter is happily studying percussion

in New England for 2012 by the

in Rochester, New York at the Eastman School of Music. Peter will

region’s head coaches.

return as the artist-in-residence for the 2012-13 academic year.

MosesBrownSchool Place

there this past summer. Nate is an environmental studies major at Denison. He hopes to pursue a career in sustainable development and solve global environmental issues on a local scale. “I became interested in Grow Smart RI


Austin Jaspers ‘11 initiated the

after reading the article about Scott Wolf in Cupola,” Nate

idea for TEDx at MB as part of

says. “I am fascinated by GrowSmart’s focus on integrat-

his senior project. The spring

ing historic architecture with business and living spaces,

event drew 1,000 visitors to the

transportation systems, agriculture and natural resources.

Waughtel-Howe Field House for

The economic growth of our state depends on this sort of

a day-long series of talks on topics ranging from inventing

innovative and integrative community.”

to storytelling.

This year, Nate’s senior project will center on sustain-

able design, specifically, off-the-grid dormitories. He says, “I hope to use what I have learned at Grow Smart RI as Scott and his staff build a plan for strong, livable communities that will revitalize Rhode Island’s economy.”


3% of her class, and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She also received a paralegal certificate from Boston University and

Natalie Triedman

plans to attend law school in

Class Correspondent

283 Wayland Ave.

the fall of 2013.

Betsy Tammaro 69 Londonderry Way

Providence, RI 02906



Class Correspondent


David Rogg was one of four

Uxbridge, MA 01569


valedictorians at Dartmouth’s


graduation this June and in-


Erin Iannotti graduated summa

cluded comments on what

cum laude from Connecticut

he learned at MB. See David’s

Hannah Monroe is a sopho-

College, receiving a B.A. in

speech and read about his busi-

more at Warren Wilson

psychology and economics.

ness venture designing and

College in Asheville, North

Erin was named a Winthrop

launching an app for social

Carolina studying environmen-

Scholar, placing her in the top

media (www.dartmouth.edu).

tal education and sociology.

Class Notes

Welcome, Class of 2012 Moses Brown is proud of the Class of 2012 and wishes them the very best. MB’s Class of 2012 is a bright, original and outgoing group of graduates, including an Eagle Scout, a space shuttle expert, a passionate marine biologist/diver, a Civil War re-enactor, a maple syrup extractor, a fashion blog writer, the creator of a Windows game application, and three National Merit Finalists. This fall, MB’s newest batch of graduates heads off to destinations far and wide. A few lucky colleges will enroll MB graduates in substantial numbers: Babson College (4), Boston University (5), Brown University (6), and the University of Vermont (4). MB students continue to be well represented at the historic Ivies: MB seniors will go on to Brown, Dartmouth, Penn, and Columbia. One graduate will venture abroad, to St. Andrew’s in Scotland.

Congratulations to all of this year’s Moses Brown “Lifers” — they truly enjoyed the scope of the MB experience!

MB seniors officially joined the Moses Brown Alumni Association this spring, with a visit to the school’s historic cupola. Long live the old school! Congratulations to 2012’s legacy graduates and their parents: First row, l-r: Matt Keigwin, Paxton Major, Robbie Fischer, Alex Gorgi, and Nate Rex. Second row: Scott Keigwin ’82, Eric Schultze ’78, Ted Fischer ’83, Devyn Penney, Mindy Fischer Penney ’84, Habib Gorgi ’74, Ava Anderson, Frohman Anderson ’80, Jessie Litwin, and Stephen Litwin ’75.

(Did you know? The cupola was nearly blown off the school in the Hurricane of 1954, only to be saved by staff who bravely secured it. And in the early 1970s, the weathervane atop the structure was stolen — via helicopter.)

Stay in touch Fan Moses Brown School on facebook.com/ mosesbrownschool to see recent videos and get campus news. Share news at alumni@mosesbrown.org.


In Memoriam Moses Brown publishes memorial notes based on published obituaries. Please forward to Office of Alumni Relations, Moses Brown School, 250 Lloyd Avenue, Providence, RI 02906; fax (401) 455-0084; email alumni@mosesbrown.org. George Urquhart, Class of 1938, received degrees

Robert Lownes, Class of 1946, owned Lownes

from MIT and was awarded the Rensselaer Medal in

Insurance Agency. His father and three brothers all

1940 for distinction in mathematics and science.

attended MB. Bob lived in Scottsdale, Arizona.

George served as Captain in the U.S. Army Air Force.


He worked at Bell Aircraft and Northrop Corporation, leading the team that produced the B-2 Stealth Bomber. George volunteered in the California prisoner outreach program, was a small business mentor, an Episcopal Church reader, ESL tutor, accomplished woodworker, and published a book Reasons To Believe in 2010. (2/14/12)

Lester Odams, Class of 1947, graduated from Amherst College and served as a staff sergeant in the U.S. Air Force. He worked for more than 30 years with General Electric. Lester then lived in South Carolina for 15 years before returning to Connecticut. (4/23/12)

becoming a doctor, studied at Texas Tech and earned the Best Teaching Resident Award. He was a member of the faculty at Texas Tech School of Medicine until starting his own practice. Chris was a clinic volunteer

John Plimpton, Class of 1939, served in the Naval Air Corps during WWII, flying weather planes from the aircraft carrier Princeton. He worked at Woodstock Associates, Arkwright Factory Mutual Insurance, and Fiduciary Trust Company. John was active with the Sherborn Town Meeting, New England Forestry Foundation, New England Home for Little Wanderers, Charles River Watershed Association, and Trustees of Reservations. John worked to restore water quality in the Charles River which he celebrated with an annual commute — via canoe — from Sherborn to the financial district. (3/8/12)

Adrian Sanford, Class of 1940, of Manhattan, served in the Navy during World War II. He worked as an Educational Development Corporation editor. Adrian lived in Keauhou, Hawaii. (9/11/11)

Carl Lindblad, Class of 1943, a graduate of Harvard, worked as a self-employed accountant. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Carl lived in Needham, Massachusetts for 54 years and was a longtime member of the Congregational Church. (6/21/12)

William Hoey, Class of 1948, attended MIT and

MD and on the board of Wayside Teen Center. An avid

Harvard and taught civil engineering at California

cyclist, he enjoyed adventures such as trekking in

State Polytechnic University. Bill lived in Roseville,

Nepal, climbing the Grand, or kayaking the Snake

California. (10/10/10)

River in Idaho. (6/21/12)

W. Mott Hupfel, Class of 1952, graduated from

Bradford Livingston, Class of 1996, attended

Dartmouth College, then served two years in the

Northeastern University. He wrote beautiful poetry,

peacetime army in Germany. He co-founded

loved music, and was passionate about literature.

Wilmington Capital Management, which was

Bradford lived in Little Compton. (5/19/12)

eventually sold to the Wilmington Trust Company. Fourteen years ago, he started the annual carol service at New London’s Pequot Chapel where he served as assistant treasurer. Mott was an avid fly fisherman who tied his own flies. (3/6/12)

Emily Swide Boosahda taught lower school art from 1951-1953. Her students included school-aged children, adult education students, and summer campers in

Edmond Perregaux, Class of 1953, worked as a

Gloucester and Newport; she worked as an art teacher

health care administrator, director of development for

in West Boylston Public Schools for more than 20 years.

the Roaring Fork Conservancy (Colorado) and also

Emily served on the Leominster and Shrewsbury Art

taught management at small colleges. Ed enjoyed fly-

Associations and was involved with the arts foundation,

fishing, bridge, cribbage, Scrabble and gin rummy. An

garden club, and PTA in West Boylston. She also helped

Eagle Scout, he was active in Boy Scouting, Chamber

resurrect the annual Middle Eastern Food Festival at St.

of Commerce, Trout Unlimited, and Rotary. Ed helped

George’s Orthodox Cathedral. (2/13/12)

establish the Two Rivers Unitarian-Universalist church and faithfully read the names of those who died in Iraq and Afghanistan, in sunshine, rain or

Gardner Grant, Class of 1944, a graduate of Yale

snow, at the town hall flagpole on Monday mornings.

University and Harvard Business School, was the


inventor of automatic toll machines. A lifelong fly fisherman, Gardner served as president of New York’s

Former Faculty/Staff

John Mitchell taught science and music at MB from 1943-1946. While in high school, he worked in his family’s general store and took up the trumpet. Jack worked his way through UNH by leading a jazz band and playing at locales throughout New England. He

Paul Hansen, Class of 1958, earned a bachelor’s

served with the Army Air Corps, then taught at

degree from URI and an accounting degree from Siena

Kimball Union Academy, Horace Mann School,

College. He worked for more than 25 years for the

Scarsdale High, and MB. Jack completed a M.Ed. at

State of New York as a fiscal analyst and auditor. Paul

Columbia University, then worked with the Ford

was involved with his church ministries and served as

Foundation to develop the Advanced Placement (AP)

treasurer for the Peniel Bible Conference and the

Program for the nation’s high schools. He served as

Renewal Prayer Network. A train enthusiast, Paul was

headmaster of Fryeburg Academy and North

a member of the Train Collectors Association, the

Yarmouth Academy in Maine and the Prairie School in

Milton Brier, Class of 1946, was a past Moses Brown

Upstate Train Associates, Adirondack Live Steamers

Wisconsin. After retiring, Jack worked for S.C. Johnson

trustee. A graduate of Brown, he was a partner in Brier

and Lionel Operating Train Society. (2/15/12)

and was involved in a number of Rancho Bernardo

Theodore Gordon Fly Fishers, the Federation of Fly Fishers and the American Museum of Fly Fishing; he was a board member of Trout Unlimited, the Atlantic Salmon Federation, the Hudson River Foundation for Science and Environmental Research, and Yale’s Peabody Museum of Natural History. (3/28/12)

community organizations. (3/14/12)

& Brier Insurance Company for 32 years. Milton was a member of Temple Emanu-El, Common Cause and the University Club. He served with many organizations and was a past president of Camp JORI. Milt was an All-American swimmer. (6/19/12)


Christopher Powers, Class of 1973, a graduate of Harvard and University of Virginia Law School,

We learned at press time of the passing of beloved

worked at and later became partner with Kemp Smith

brass instrument instructor Ron Marshall; see the

in El Paso. At 40, he left law to pursue his dream of

next issue for a fuller story on Ron’s life.

Former Faculty & Staff After 43 years as a science teacher and administrator, most recently at Brattleboro HS in Vermont, Jim Maland (MB 1970s) retired in June. “I love my work more than ever,” he writes, “the seeds which were planted indeed at Moses Brown. Some of my most memorable years were spent during my nine years teaching and coaching at MB. Best to all at MB.”

Nancy Pedrick (middle school history, 1978-2005) is retired — but not really. She says her favorite job by far is teaching history at a near-by minimum security prison: “As most teachers find, I learn so much from my students,” she writes. “I learned that these are regular men/boys who’ve made mistakes. They are definitely not the kind of prisoners that TV portrays. They are intelligent, interesting, and, most of all, very much want a high school diploma. Some of these men missed key chances in high school, did stupid things, and now find that they are very interested in a variety of subjects and capable of learning. They ask great questions and I enjoy finding answers for them. The men are very polite and grateful for any help given.” Nancy lives in a beautiful area of Vermont with fields, a nearby ski mountain, and a pond as view.

New faculty, 1988: Kelly Kamborian, Dave Dewey, and Alisha Jacobsen, middle school.

Judith Lewis (director of library services, 1973-2009) and Donovan Lewis (physics and science teacher, 1972-77) are happily retired in Florida. Judi loves growing herbs, sunning and reading on the beach nearby, and is in the final editing stages of a book for intermediate readers (working title — Dear Esmarelda: The Top-Secret Diary of a Quaker Queen-to-be).

Samara Estroff (lower school, 2003-08) was married this summer in Minneapolis. Amy Newbold and Abby Hertzmark attended. Samara has been busy training a new puppy and participating in Ragbrai to raise money for LIVESTRONG. Ragbrai

Nicole Newby-Crossley (MB PLUS, through 2003) is a teaching assistant at the Wolf School in Rumford and also tutors math K-4.

is a 460-mile bike ride across Iowa. “I can’t believe that my first class is heading to college next year!” Samara teaches at the Blake School.

Nicole has two children, Elizabeth, 7, and Louisa, 4, who came to RISE camp with her this summer, her third in the Lower Camp: “It’s such a pleasure to be back on the beautiful MB campus and see many old (not aged) friends and former workmates!”


Former Faculty & Staff

In addition to trying to keep up with his 96-year-old mother, Doug MacLeod (upper school history, 1979-2011) continues to coach at St. Mark’s School in Southborough, Massachusetts. He recently earned his “Sandan”, or thirdCoach Wayne Curtis recently celebrated 50 years coaching lacrosse — he returned to MB this spring when the middle-school Little Compton team he now coaches played MB.

degree black belt, in Uechi Ryu Karate. Doug is very busy with house and landscaping projects, historical research, genealogy, the Masons and the Lexington Minutemen. Kathy MacLeod was recently recognized at an awards dinner for her five years of exemplary service as an admission officer, lacrosse coach and residential life team member at the Fay School, also in Southborough. Doug and Kathy send their warmest regards to their former students, faculty and staff colleagues.

Jim Tull (1976-1981) gave the MB commencement address in 1995 and played softball at MB recently (with Lee Clasper-Torch and friends) — “Between is a blur,” he says. “I’d love to attend a faculty reunion if we could get the ’70s/80s together.” Jim lives in Providence and often bumps into teachers and students from his MB time. He teaches at CCRI. Former MB staffers Beryl Kenyon and Florence Lambrese at Moses Brown Day, 1987. Longtime faculty members Chuck and Charlotte Gosselink (1972-1991, history and religion) left MB when Charlotte became pastor of a church in Rochester, New York. Chuck taught at the Rochester Institute of Technology and Monroe Community Lucy Frost Lewis ’84 (former director of development, now at Yale) designed the 1984 yearbook cover as a student at MB, the bicentennial year.

College. The Gosselinks now live Pennsylvania. “We are officially retired but still pretty active,” Chuck writes. “It is hard to get out of teaching mode.” Chuck has been doing a lot of speaking/teaching in the area, on topics mostly related to Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East. He also has written several books, primarily family and community history (see www.gosselink.us). The Gosselinks spend summers on Lake George, New York and also recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

Congratulations to longtime, beloved baseball coach Paul Donovan, who was inducted into the Rhode Island Interscholastic League’s Hall of Fame in May. “Over the span of an amazing 44 years (1957-2001), a generation of Rhode Island high school baseball players have benefited from the knowledge of the quiet and unassuming Paul Donovan, a ‘gentleman coach’ in the truest sense,” his award read. Baseball team, 1971


Help Orchestrate Mb’s Future: Consider A Legacy Gift

Legacy gifts — generally made via bequests or special planned gifts — are investments that assist Moses Brown School in providing the best education possible for MB students. These gifts are most often established as named endowed funds and impact MB forever. MB has 95 endowed funds whose annual income distributions support areas critical to the school’s vitality: from funds that enhance our great teaching to co-curricular programs to financial aid.

Legacy gifts can have a significant effect for both donors and MB. For example, a new charitable gift annuity established by a member of the Class of 1963 with a gift of $100,000 could potentially provide these benefits*: For donors

For MB

• A $26,611 tax deduction

• A $50,000 gift

• $4,700 annual payments for life

• Impacting students and teachers today

New legacy gifts could endow permanent funds to: • Support the work of a faculty member like John Mitchell (shown above teaching band in the Music Room in 1945) • Provide on-going financial aid for a student playing in MB’s nationally acclaimed Jazz Band • Enhance programs, like MB’s overall Music program, that are core to the school’s sustained strength

• Opportunity to see your gift • Opportunity to personally thank making a difference donors now *Note: The information in this illustration is not intended as tax or legal advice. Your specific deductions and payments would vary based on a number of factors including age, beneficiaries, and the size and type of the gift. While MB can provide individualized illustrations, consulting an attorney or CPA is recommended.

To learn more and to forever be associated with Moses Brown School by making a legacy gift, contact Ron Dalgliesh, director of development and alumni relations, at 401-831-7350 x111 or rdalgliesh@mosesbrown.org or visit www.mosesbrown.org/plannedgiving

Moses Brown School 250 Lloyd Avenue, Providence, RI 02906 www.mosesbrown.org 401-831-7350

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For the Honor of Truth

Alumni parents: If this Cupola is addressed to a graduate no longer residing at your home, please contact alumni@mosesbrown.org or call x114 to update his or her address.

Homecoming 2012

What’s on the MB events menu? Homecoming! See mosesbrown.org/alumni for more

Homecoming Reception: October 19 at the Providence Art Club, 11 Thomas Street 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. October 19-20: Homecoming on the MB Campus

Let’s Celebrate our Shared History See details at www.mosesbrown.org/homecoming Sponsored by the Moses Brown Alumni Association Connect with other folks in the MB community — and see additional Archive photos — at www. facebook.com/mosesbrownschool.

The Snack Bar’s mobile unit made its first appearance at the MB/St. George’s baseball game on May 6, 1953. John Dowling ’53 and Charles Silva ’53 dispensed iced cokes and devil dogs to give the fans cheering pep: the final score was 3-1 in favor of MB. The S.A.C. snack bar was almost entirely studentlaunched and operated. After expenses were met, profits went into the Student Good Will Fund to support various charitable enterprises at home and abroad. School carpenters built the cart and School Treasurer Mr. Jernquist advised students managing the enterprise.

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