Expert Work Visa for Israel

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Expert Work Visa The process of securing the B-1 foreign expert work visa consists of two stages: First you must receive a permit from the Ministry of Trade and Commerce ("Tamat"), which is then submitted to the Ministry of Interior ("MOI") who grants you a one-year work permit (B-1) and multi-entry visa as a foreign expert worker. This visa is renewable once a year for the duration of 5 years, and is given if you continue on doing the same work and fulfill the same prerequisites It is possible to extend the . visa for more than 5 years with the approval of the ministry of trade and commerce, minister of finance, and minister of interior. TAMAT – Ministry of Trade and Commerce The Ministry of Trade and Commerce (Tamat) requires that the applicant for a foreign expert worker visa submits the following and complies with the following requirements: 1) Application fee of 1140 NIS (this fee changes a bit every year). 2) Tamat application (our office could complete most of it on your behalf). 3) Affidavit to be signed by the entity employing the foreign expert workers' services. 4) Printout/Extract which includes the details of the employing entity. 5) CV and certificates for the foreign expert worker which confirm educational background, experience and/or the expertise of the foreign expert worker. You will

need to prepare a CV that we can translate into Hebrew and amend to comply with the requirements. The CV will need to emphasize your experience in charitable work. 6) Letter of explanation from the employing entity regarding the reasons that the expertise of the foreign expert worker is necessary, along with documents and recommendation letters that support the written request. 7) Letters of recommendation from officials. 8) Copy of the foreign expert worker's passport which needs to be valid for at least three additional years from the date of application. From an accountant you will need: 9) For an Israeli company: Certified copy of the 102 forms that were submitted by the employing entity to National Insurance ("Bituach Leumi") offices in connection with its Israeli employees. This requirement is only relevant to Israeli entities that employ Israelis. The forms should be signed with the accountant's stamp on it. Your accountant will need to provide this for us. 10) For an Israeli company: Approval from the accountant that the employing entity is in operation and that a going concern warningwas ‫))חי עסק הערת‬ not registered against the entity during the previous year. The employing company's accountant should be The accountant should . able to provide this approval to the (‫ 'ג תצהיר‬also sign an appendix (Tatsir gimel-

application, which we can provide to the accountant. Your account will need to provide this for us. 11) Salary requirement; In general the requirement is that the employee receives twice the average gross monthly salary of an Israeli, i.e. approximately 17,500 NIS – 18,000 NIS. The Minister of Trade and Commerce has discretion to refuse to give a recommendation, and withhold giving the permit when the prospective employee or employer does not meet all the aforesaid requirements. After a recommendation is received from the Ministry of Trade and Commerce, a representative of the employing company will need to invite you into Israel, and the B-1 working visa, along with accompanying visas, will then be sent to the Israeli consulate in your country. Therefore, we will schedule an appointment at the MOI after the application to the Ministry of Trade and Commerce has been submitted. MOI- Ministry of Interior Once you receive a recommendation from the Ministry of Trade and Commerce, the Ministry of Interior requires that the employing entity will invite the foreign expert worker into the country. We can represent the employing entity, and go to the Ministry of Interior with the prospective employee's passport in order to receive the work permit, or the company's representative can do so. We will need to submit the following documentation: 1) Application form. Our office can complete the appropriate forms, and a representative of the employing entity will need to sign these and stamp them with a company stamp. We should receive the original documents.

2) Passport photo per applicant (in accordance with Israeli standards for passport photos). 3) Marriage certificate and birth certificates for spouse and children, if relevant, along with police report from the employees' country indicating that the employee and his family members have no criminal records. 4) Letter of recommendation from the employing entity. We will use the same letter presented before the Ministry of Trade and Commerce with minor relevant changes. 5) CV of the foreign expert worker. We will use the same CV presented before the Ministry of Trade and Commerce. 6) Recommendations from official government offices and from affiliated entities. We will use the same letters of recommendation presented before the Ministry of Trade and Commerce. 7) Any credentials proving your qualification. We will use the same credentials presented before the Ministry of Trade and Commerce. 8) Affidavit by the employing entity wherein it undertakes to medically insure the foreign expert worker with private medical insurance. We will sign the authorized representative of the employing entity on such an affidavit given to us by the Ministry of Interior. 9) Application fee of 9,860 NIS (this fee changes a bit every year). Please note that all original documents, such as birth

certificates, police background check, marriage certificate, etcetera, will need to be stamped by an Apostille. Once we receive the above-mentioned details and documentation, and once you approve our legal fees, as stated below, we will begin to prepare the application. It is preferable to send us the relevant documentation for you (police reports, marriage certificate, and birth certificates) first by email, so it can be approved by us, and only then send the originals by regular mail to our office's address (see below). Legal Fees Concerning legal fees, our office charges 6,000 USD + VAT for the whole process, 5,000 USD + VAT in advance, and 1,000 USD + VAT at the end of the process, once you obtain the expert worker's visa. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have in this regard. I am looking forward to hearing from you, and moving forward, Godspeed. Please Contact us for more information. Lydia Morgan CAO Jerusalem Institute of Justice Tel: 972(0)2 5375545 Fax: 972(0)2 5370057


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