Vineyard 10:2013

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Isaiah 5:7 “for the vineyard of the Lord of Hosts is the House of Israel”.


Glimpses of Israel

Modern Architecture in Israel Katzrin, Golan 2 Heritage and Destiny s 5 The Manifest Ascension s 10 Top 10 Israeli Apps That Are Revolutionizing Your Journeys s 14 Israel’s Blue I Monitoring Water Published by David House Fellowship Inc.

The Vineyard October 2013

Heritage and Destiny

MY DEAR FRIENDS, I came across a most arresting statement recently. Here it is:

the most trustworthy Judaism in all Israel’s glorious heritage.

“The road to tomorrow leads through yesterday.”

Look back to Sarah whose inability to bear children was twofold by virtue of age and by virtue of barrenness, yet who, by the grace and power of God, was the subject of Divine biological miracle and gave birth to Isaac, from whom came Jacob and Judah the Messianic line of promise. Ahead was Destiny — the Land, the Lord of the Land, and the Messianic Kingdom of God on earth!

This affirmation is weighty, weighty with truth where the nation of Israel is concerned. Israel’s heritage should be, must be, shall be, the determinative factor in Israel’s future destiny. Israel can only look ahead by looking backward. Indeed, this backward look is a Divine injunction, and it comes clearly and unmistakably from the lips of a prince of prophecy, the great Isaiah. Here is his exhortation to Israel, as valid today as in the day he uttered it: “Hearken to Me, you that follow after righteousness, you that seek the Eternal; look unto the rock from whence you were hewn, and to the hole of the pit from whence you were dug. Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bore you; ...” (Isaiah 51:1, 2) Yes, indeed, look back to Abraham and Sarah, O Israel, and behold your future destiny. Look back to Abraham, the rock from which were hewn the twelve tribes of Israel; look back to Sarah whose maternal womb was the fountain from which Isaac and the whole House of Jacob proceeded. Look back! Look back! Back to Abraham who, on the sole basis that he believed God, was accounted righteous in the Divine reckoning. To Abraham who, whilst yet uncircumcised, received the precious Messianic promises that make Messianic Judaism the most ancient Judaism and


The Vineyard

What a priceless patrimony! Its eightfold bounty has been summed up as follows: “... they have the right of Sonship and the Shekinah-glory, and the Covenants; to them the Law was given and the Order of ceremonial worship, and the Promises; the Patriarchs were their ancestors, and from them Messiah took His flesh — Messiah the Over-Lord of all, God blessed throughout the ages.” (Romans 9:4–5) Towering into the spiritual skyline like twin Matterhorns, and dominating the potential of earth’s bliss and blessing, are the heritage and destiny of Israel, the Jewish people. But between these mountain peaks of Divine promise and purpose there lies a perilous valley, a valley so dense with the overgrowth of the immediate that the skyline becomes obscured and only faith can preserve in the eye of the soul the image of the twin peaks of heritage and destiny. I call this corpse-clad valley, the Valley of Vanishing View and I cannot pretend that

Israel, as a national entity, has not frequently succumbed in its viewless canyons.

reciprocity. God imputed righteousness to Abraham on the basis of Abraham’s faith.

Faithful to the Divine promise and purpose, the Eternal raised up Moses to deliver Israel out of Egypt, and Malach Adonai, the Angel of the Eternal, the Messianic Being, was their Divine Escort. Nevertheless, that generation, lacking the faith of their father Abraham, lost their lives in that terrible Valley of Vanishing View.

Then, following the Reciprocity came the Ratification, the outward and visible sign, in this instance, circumcision (Genesis 17).

But God hadn’t finished with the nation then, any more than He has finished with the nation today. Raising up Joshua to succeed Moses, the Eternal led the new generation, with Caleb across the Jordan and into the Promised Land. On that very occasion the backward look forward was necessary and we of Israel today will also look forward if we, too, look backward to the significance of those events and note some striking parallels. Just as our father Abraham entered into God’s grace and promise whilst yet uncircumcised, so the new generation of Israel under Joshua entered into the Land of Promise whilst yet uncircumcised. There is an invaluable spiritual lesson for us all here and we just mustn’t miss it. Of Abraham it is recorded in the Torah — “And he believed in the Eternal; Who accounted it to him as righteousness.” (Genesis 15:6) Grasp the spiritual sequence. First the Reciprocity, then the Ratification. Abraham bestowed upon God a faith and belief that the integrity of God fully merited; in gracious reciprocity, God bestowed upon Abraham a righteousness which the faith of Abraham fully merited. Be careful to observe that it was Abraham’s faith — not his own personal merits or good works — that opened the door to this rich

I have already indicated that the Scriptures speak of two circumcisions, a spiritual circumcision and a physical circumcision, and the latter is merely the outward symbol of the former; moreover, without the former, the latter remains merely a symbol and neither God nor man can find satisfaction in a symbol which has no actuality to justify its existence. The spiritual circumcision is called the circumcision of the heart (e.g. Deuteronomy 10:16, 30:6; Jeremiah 4:4, 9:24 — English tr. 9:25, 26) and it is obvious that our father Abraham had experienced the spiritual prior to submitting to the physical. When, however, we turn our eyes from the father of the nation to the nation itself, we discern the same Divine principles operative but there are important distinctions illuminating both the heritage and destiny of Israel nationally. Israel entered into Canaan uncircumcised; however, once Israel was over Jordan, the Divine command came to “circumcise again the children of Israel the second time.” Tradition affirms a collective circumcision before the Exodus from Egypt. The circumcision over Jordan at Gilgal, if tradition be trustworthy, would therefore be the second collective circumcision. With Abraham the individual, the sequence was as it ever must be with an individual — first the Reciprocity then the Ratification. With Israel, the nation, an aggregate of individuals, the sequence is reversed because Israel’s enjoyment

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of the heritage (as apart from the heritage itself) was by means of obedience to the Covenant (Genesis 17:7–10. See Rashi). Israel’s history, written by himself, is a sad commentary on his failure to obey and enjoy. But the Eternal, blessed be He, foreknew and foresaw Israel’s failure and, through Jeremiah more particularly, promised the twelve tribes of Israel a New Testament, a New Covenant. This fact is so little known and understood by Israel today. You will find the remarkable Scripture in the thirty-first chapter of Jeremiah:

33. “But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Eternal, I will put My law in their inward parts, and in their heart will I write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people; 34. “And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying: ‘Know the Eternal’; for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Eternal; for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin will I remember no more.”

ɺɩɡɚɺɠ ɩɺɸɫɥ ɤɥɤɩɚɭɠɰ ɭɩɠɡ ɭɩɮɩ ɤɰɤ Down the ages and even to this very day, innumerable Jewish individuals have escaped ɤɹɣɧ ɺɩɸɡ ɤɣɥɤɩ ɺɩɡɚɺɠɥ ɬɠɸɹɩ ɭɥɩɡ ɭɺɥɡɠɚɺɠ ɩɺɸɫ ɸɹɠ ɺɩɸɡɫ ɠɬ ɭɩɸɶɮ ɵɸɠɮ ɭɠɩɶɥɤɬ ɭɣɩɡ ɩɷɩɦɧɤ ɩɫɰɠɥ ɩɺɩɸɡɚɺɠ ɥɸɴɤ ɤɮɤɚɸɹɠ ɤɥɤɩɚɭɠɰ ɭɡ ɩɺɬɲɡ

from the Valley of Vanishing View and have recaptured their heritage and will fulfil their blessed destiny.

This great company of Jewish individuals is a happy foretaste of the predicted day when Israel nationally will emerge from the spiritual gloom of that valley where human tradition obscures and where an “it” — the Torah — has taken the place of “Him” — the God of the Torah.

ɬɠɸɹɩ ɺɩɡɚɺɠ ɺɸɫɠ ɸɹɠ ɺɩɸɡɤ ɺɠɦ ɩɫ ɩɺɺɰ ɤɥɤɩɚɭɠɰ ɭɤɤ ɭɩɮɩɤ ɩɸɧɠ ɤɰɡɺɫɠ ɭɡɬɚɬɲɥ ɭɡɸɷɡ ɩɺɸɥɺɚɺɠ In my book Peril from the North, now available, ɭɲɬ ɩɬɚɥɩɤɩ ɤɮɤɥ ɭɩɤɬɠɬ ɭɤɬ ɩɺɩɩɤɥ I have traced Israel’s impending journey through ɥɩɧɠɚɺɠ ɹɩɠɥ ɥɤɲɸɚɺɠ ɹɩɠ ɣɥɲ ɥɣɮɬɩ ɠɬɥ ɩɺɥɠ ɥɲɣɩ ɭɬɥɫɚɩɫ ɤɥɤɩɚɺɠ ɥɲɣ ɸɮɠɬ ɧɬɱɠ ɩɫ ɤɥɤɩɚɭɠɰ ɭɬɥɣɢɚɣɲɥ ɭɰɨɷɮɬ ɱ ɣɥɲɚɸɫɦɠ ɠɬ ɭɺɠɨɧɬɥ ɭɰɥɲɬ 31. “Behold, the days come, says the Eternal, that I will make a new covenant (a new testament) with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah; 32. “Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; forasmuch as they broke My covenant, although I was a husband to them says the Eternal.


The Vineyard

the last midnight in his history to the day when, surely, for Israel as a nation, the mountain peaks of Heritage and Destiny will burst into rapturous view in the blazing glory of the rising of the Sun of Righteousness ... with healing in its wings. (Malachi 3:20; English tr. 4:2) Dr Lawrence Duff-Forbes (1900–1964) Founding Director of David House Fellowship Inc. This article is an extract from the very popular radio series, “Treasures From Tenach”, which are also transcribed. Both audio (click MP3 tab, then “159HeritageAndDestiny.mp3”, and transcriptions are available for free download at .

!"#$%&'()#*+$$$ $$,*-#'*(.' MY DEAR FRIENDS, the Palestinian Amora, Isaac Nappaha, has declared that “a handful of flour brought by a poor man voluntarily is more precious than two handfuls of incense brought by the High Priest” (Ecclesiastes R. to 4:6), by which sentiment he extols the fragrance, the preciousness, the sweet savour of a voluntary offering, a presentation flowing from the uncoerced inclinations of the offeror. This attitude of spontaneous presentation is appreciated, too, by the Eternal God of Israel, for He designates as a sweet savour to Him the three voluntary offerings known respectively as the Burnt- Offering, the Meal-Offering and the Peace-Offering. The first actual mention of a burnt-offering in Scripture is found in the eighth chapter of Bereshit (Genesis) where the patriarch Noah, after the Great Deluge, voluntarily erects an altar and offers burnt offerings to the Eternal, of Whom it is then said that He “smelled the sweet savour.” Truly, as Joanna Baillie would say, “A willing heart adds feathers to the heel” (De Montfort), and this spirit of willingness has been quaintly embodied in an imaginary conversation between Abraham and Isaac which Jewish legend has created in connection with the Divine command for Abraham to offer Isaac as a burnt-offering, as recorded in the twentysecond chapter of Genesis. Jewish legend puts these words into Isaac’s mouth: As the Eternal liveth, and as thy soul liveth, there is nothing in my heart to cause me to deviate either to the right or to the left from the word that the Eternal hath spoken to me ... But I am joyful and cheerful of heart in this matter, and I say, ‘Blessed is the Lord Who has this day chosen me to be a burnt offering before Him.’

Elsewhere in legend God is imagined as saying to Isaac, “Thou art a perfect sacrifice, without a blemish, and as a burnt offering is made unfit if it is taken outside of the sanctuary, so thou wouldst be profaned if thou shouldest happen outside of the Holy Land.” Feeling convinced of your interest in these ancient Jewish traditions, let me advance a third quotation, this time, in praise of the willingness of Messiah. Here it is: Said Messiah: ‘Lord of the universe, I accept cheerfully all trials, if only all souls be saved, not only those living in my days, but also ... those who have passed away from the days of Adam to the present time!” (Pesikta Rabbati, ch. 36, ed. Friedmann, 161 b)

October 2013


!"#$%&'()#*+$,*-#'*(.' That last quotation is from the Pesikta Rabbati on Isaiah, chapter 61, verse 2, in which section of Scripture we read the very familiar words: “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; Because the Eternal has anointed me To bring good tidings to the humble; He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And opening of the eyes to them that are bound; To proclaim the year of the Lord’s good pleasure, And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all that mourn ...” As you can see, our Jewish tradition has given — as I think, correctly — a Messianic connotation to the prophet’s utterance. In Scripture, the Hebrew word generally rendered “burnt-offering” is ɤɬɲ, and I think you will be rather fascinated with its basic meaning. In the active voice it means “to ascend,” “to go up.” The sacrifice was consumed by fire and since flames, vapours and sparks fly upwards to the heavens, ascending visibly in the sight of the offeror, the offering is aptly named the ɤɬɲ, the “ascending-offering.” You will read these words in the fourth verse of the first chapter of Leviticus: ɥɩɬɲ ɸɴɫɬ ɥɬ ɤɶɸɰɥ ɤɬɲɤ ɹɠɸ ɬɲ ɥɣɩ ɪɮɱɥ “And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the ɤɬɲ [the burnt or ascending offering] and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him.” Here, indeed, blaze forth those divine principles to which I have referred to in past messages. Let us note them anew; they are treasures too precious to overlook. Here is the doctrine of IDENTIFICATION. The offeror identifies himself with the sinless sacrifice by laying his hand upon its head.


The Vineyard

Remember, this was one of the voluntary offerings, therefore the offeror was motive, actuated, by FAITH in thus bringing his ɤɬɲ to God and identifying himself with it. Here, too, is the doctrine of SUBSTITUTION. The sinless animal was substitute for the person identifying himself with it. This idea of substitution is firmly embedded in Tenach and also in our Jewish tradition. Again, here is the doctrine of IMPUTATION. The Divinely acceptable quality of sacrifice is Divinely imputed to the offeror who by faith identifies himself with it. There is also here the doctrine of DEATH. But, as I remarked in my last message, not the death of the offeror but the death of the substitute. So far as the people of Israel as a national entity is concerned we find the word ɤɬɲ first used at Exodus, chapter 24, verse 4, where Moses built an altar under Mount Sinai and also twelve pillars according to the twelve tribes of Israel. There Moses, and here I quote the Scripture: “... sent the young men of the children of Israel, who offered burnt-offerings, and sacrificed peace-offerings of oxen unto the Eternal. And Moses took half of the blood, and put it in basins; and half of the blood he dashed against the altar. And he took the book of the covenant, and read it in the hearing of the people; and they said: ‘all that the Eternal has spoken will we do, and obey.’ And Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it on the people, and said: ‘Behold the blood of the covenant, which the Eternal has made with you in agreement with all these words.’” (Exodus 24:5–8) This national transaction was, of course, prior to the institution of the Aaronic priesthood. Already we have seen what we may call the general outline of redemption in the Torah, particularly Genesis 3:15 where the Person

Whom we have called the Seed of the Woman is seen suffering, yet victorious. Our Jewish tradition recognizes this Pro-Evangel as applying to the Messiah. In the other two sections of Tenach this revelation is carried still further forward and we see Messiah, not only as Sufferer and Conqueror, but also as our substitute. Our ancient Jewish fathers widely and clearly teach that the Substitute typified by Israel’s sacrificial system was none other than the Messiah. The culminating prophecy of the suffering of the Messiah is, of course, found in that section of Tenach beginning at Isaiah, chapter 52, verse 13 and running through chapter 53. It is exceedingly impressive to observe that, as the whole twelve tribes of Israel were represented in the twelve pillars which Moses erected beneath Mount Sinai, so, in this rich section of Isaiah’s prophecy, it has been recognized that there are no less than twelve references to Messiah’s vicarious suffering as the Substitute Supreme for Israel.

Messiah by which He, in SUBSTITUTION, qualifies us to receive by Divine IMPUTATION His acceptable righteousness wrought out for us by His atoning DEATH which He executed voluntarily; catching up into Himself all the eloquent types and shadows of the Levitical economy and giving them precious substance in time, in history, in eternity, and — best of all — in the secure soul-assurance of all of Israel’s precious sons whose faith reaches out in grateful appropriation of God’s greatest gift — eternal life through the Messiah of Israel! Dr Lawrence Duff-Forbes (1900–1964) Founding Director of David House Fellowship Inc. This article is an extract from the very popular radio series, “Treasures From Tenach”, which are also transcribed. Both audio (click MP3 tab, then “087ManifestAscension.mp3”, and transcriptions are available for free download at .

It seems that if the Eternal God of Israel wishes to assure His people that Redemption’s loving arms are wide enough to enfold all twelve tribes of Israel in their fond and reconciling embrace, and to draw us all to the bosom of a pardoning and loving God in righteous restoration of blessed fellowship once forfeited. One final feature regarding ɤɬɲ ³ the burntoffering. The animal to be offered was always to be a male and it was to be totally consumed by fire, a feature portraying perfect presentation of the offeror of himself ³ body, soul and spirit ³ as a triune entity of submission to the accepted and acceptable Will of God. We have already seen this spirit of glad, submissive, willingness attributed by our Jewish tradition to the Messiah Who yields Himself as our Substitute to God. May we who learn these Divine principles be equally willing to embrace them. So shall we experience in our souls the bliss of the knowledge of IDENTIFICATION with

October 2013


glimpses of ISRAEL glimpses of ISRAEL

MODERN Architecture IN ISRAEL m





The Vineyard

glimpses of ISRAEL glimpses of ISRAEL Background photo:



Mitzpe Ramon


October 2013


TOP 10 ISRAELI APPS THAT ARE Made-in-Israel apps help you find a bus, taxi, parking spot and the fastest route to drive. They even check your tire pressure and alcohol intake. Whether it’s a navigation aid you’re seeking, or a city bus or parking, these apps have you covered. One will check your tire pressure and another checks your breath to gauge if you’re too tipsy to drive – and it’ll even hail you a cab if you are.

1. Waze Waze was a global household name even before it was judged the world’s best mobile app and Google plunked down $1.03 billion to buy it in June.

2. iOnRoad Last March, international telecom giant Qualcomm awarded Israeli-made driving safety app iOnRoad $250,000 in funding and assistance, as the winner of its third annual QPrize international venture investment competition. iOnRoad uses iPhone and Android smartphones’ cameras, sensors and GPS to determine hazards – for example, if a driver is too close to the car ahead or is exceeding the speed limit — and sends an audiovisual alert. The app’s personal dashboard lets the driver play music, make a phone call or check a map, with just a single tap.

The free crowdsourced navigation app allows users to share traffic information automatically in real time simply by following their GPS tracks. Waze also allows drivers to build maps together and create private groups to share traffic tips. The service began in Israel but is available all over the world.

Waze >

Inset photo courtesy of


The Vineyard

REVOLUTIONIZING YOUR JOURNEYS 3. TourPal This GPS-driven app offers audio-guided tours in a wide variety of countries and languages – including cities such as London, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Rome, Madrid, Bangkok, Delhi, Berlin, Nice and Budapest. At a cost of less than $9 per tour, this app is a boon for cost-conscious travelers opting to see the sights on their own. The tours are narrated by professional guides and cover each location’s “must see” tourist attractions. No Internet fees apply while traveling with the app on.

5. TireCheck The Israeli company Neomatix recently released a smartphone app that takes the work, dirt and gadgetry out of checking your tire pressure. Select your car from the list, point your phone’s camera at each tire, and TireCheck provides an estimated pressure reading. If a tire is under-inflated, the app tells you the nearest location of an air pump, as well as how much air you need to add.

4. Alcohoot

The app tracks your results over time to help you make smarter decisions, and will even order you a taxi if you’ve had too much to drink. You can also use it to find nearby restaurants. >



The Alcohoot app works with a smartphone Breathalyzer gadget invented by two former Israeli soldiers. Blow into the device and see your blood-alcohol level displayed on screen.

TireCheck >

Photos courtesy of

October 2013


6. GetTaxi

7. Moovit

Whether you’re in Tel Aviv, London, New York, Paris, Berlin or Moscow, if you have this app you never have to stand on the curb hailing a cab. The GetTaxi mobile phone app lets you request a cab from a call center with a screen tap.


You can watch on the screen, in real time, as your taxi approaches. The app also provides your driver’s picture, name, license number and ratings by other users. Last year, GetTaxi raised $20 million toward its New York launch. GetTaxi

Moovit is a free, community-based mobile app that helps you navigate every step of a trip via public transportation. It shows you where to find your bus stop and gives walking directions from the closest stop to your destination. Based on Open Street Maps, Moovit uses schedules from transportation companies and GPS data from buses on the move. It even collects data passively from other users, determining how fast they’re progressing on a bus, for instance. Users can send reports about travel conditions and delays.

8. NetBus Available only in Israel for now, Netbus pulls real-time data from the GPS tracking reported every 20 seconds to servers at the Ministry of Transportation, providing real-time data about whatever public bus you are waiting for. On the screen, the user sees a map showing the progress of the bus in traffic. The developers tell ISRAEL21c they plan to extend it overseas; no word yet on when that might happen. >


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The Vineyard

9. Parking apps Once you’ve gotten where you’re going, you need to park the car. The following apps are among several made-in-Israel approaches to spare you from circling the block and fiddling with machines to pay your parking fee.

in public spaces allocated by municipalities affiliated with the CellOPark system. The parking is calculated and paid for per minute, and payments are made once a month by credit card.

10. Nirsham

Pango, billed as the world’s first pay-bymobile-phone parking solution, lets users locate, book and pay for garage parking spots via smartphone. PangoUSA operates in an ever-increasing number of cities, such as New York and Phoenix.

There’s never a cop around when you see a bad driver, right? Israeli startup Nirsham (“Recorded”) has solved that problem – only in Israel, for now — with a mobile app to document and monitor such misbehaviors as road bullying and traffic violations.

Parko brings a crowdsourcing solution to parking by connecting users hunting for a spot with users about to leave a spot.

Its designated camera works in “pedestrian” or “driver” modes. The latter needs just one push of a button to record what’s happening outside the windshield. Photos are posted for a week on the company website. Based on input from viewers, Nirsham can report offenders to the proper authorities.

Most of the action is automatic, thanks to GPS sensors that tells the app when a user seems to have parked and left the vehicle, and when the driver is again approaching the car. Parko won the Google-sponsored Israeli Mobile Challenge competition in June 2012. CellOPark has implemented its mobile parking payment system so far in Germany, Israel, Brazil and Spain. Using their smartphones, subscribers pay for parking

Abigail Klein Leichman (5 August 2013) Courtesy Israel 21C (


< NetBus

Photos courtesy of

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The company’s ‘smart’ water system keeps tabs on the quality of water in global cities and factories, and is now entering the swimming pool market. Israel’s Blue I (pronounced blue eye) had already defined the space for online waterquality monitoring in the early 2000s, before most people heard of smartphones. Now the company, officially founded in 2003, boasts tens of thousands of its “smart” water systems in factories and municipalities around the world. Blue I smart boxes, based on electro-optics, are about to be installed in several American cities, and are found in about 150 locations throughout Barcelona. Clients include Yoplait yogurt in France; BASF, the largest chemical company in the world; and 25 Coca-Cola bottling plants — including in India and Israel. Israel’s national water company Mekorot is another Blue I client, as is Israel’s Oil Refineries. The company, which employs 25 in Israel, tests for two basic water-quality measures — chlorine and turbidity. It is one of few companies that can determine and ensure absolute zero levels of chlorine in the water, which is very important for the food and beverage industry. “We are the gatekeepers there,” says CTO Stela Diamant. Blue I claims it was one of the first on the market to offer cloud-connected systems and software as part of its water-tech solution: “Now it’s mainstream, but it wasn’t a service most people heard about when we started,” says Diamant.


The Vineyard

Its products can also be used to keep an eye on more dangerous scenarios like environmental terrorism, says Diamant.

Water safety and security “We offer safety and security,” she tells ISRAEL21c. “If you are monitoring a municipality’s chlorine and turbidity levels you can get security from Blue I. Our system can be used as a first alarm. “You cannot identify if someone drops anthrax into a water network with any online water analyzer, but ours can provide an early alert. We are monitoring the water every day, and if something looks suspicious, like in the city of Barcelona where they are monitoring key points all the time, it would be easy to isolate a suspicious area and shut down the water in that one isolated area,” she explains. In most cases, large cities just take small samples of water to the lab by hand every couple of days from key locations. This oldfashioned method makes it really hard to react the moment anything unusual shows up in the water, Diamant explains. Even unknowns like anthrax will affect the chlorine and turbidity readouts in Blue I’s ultra-sensitive devices, she says: “Our system can wake up personnel so they can go out and measure samples and investigate a situation, or to tell them to close valves.” The company has recently won a tender to make the water in the Guangdong region of China more secure, in addition to


Coca-Cola in India uses Blue I from Israel

others around the world including at least a handful of cities in the United States. Commercial laws in some states prevent Blue I from divulging more specifics.

Pool-boy, in a box Now, the multi-million dollar company, working under the “waves,” is entering the pool business and hopes to make a splash with Prizma – its “pool boy in a box” solution. It does not require any technical skills or personnel to operate.

Yoplait in France keeps its water monitored with Blue I

Prizma is for private pools in need of real-time, automatic quality monitoring. “We have lots of activity in Brazil, where we are promoting Prizma for condominium pools, where they have water tanks attached to the buildings,” says Diamant. “We started with 20 pools in Brazil to see how it works. It’s an easy solution that not only checks for chlorine levels in the pool but it can also adjust chlorine levels accordingly,” says Diamant. A recent $3 million investment will come in handy to help Blue I penetrate deeper waters as it expands and develops new products. South America and India are two of the target markets.

Prizma “automatic pool boy system” installation in Germany.

Effi Capital from Israel led the recent investment in the company now based in Rosh Ha’Ayin’s Afek Industrial Park.

Blue I is controlled by the Shaked family through Shaked Global Group, Docor International Management and Tene Investment Funds.

The company used to be based in Kibbutz Ramat Rachel, when it was a sister company to Mapal Pools.

Karin Kloosterman (7 August 2013) Courtesy Israel 21C (

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The Vineyard Vol 55, No 9 October 2013

David House Fellowship Inc. publishers of THE VINEYARD magazine. AIM: to express Christian Love to the house of Israel and to spread universally Messianic truth.

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