Vineyrad magazine june 2015 feast of tabernacles

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Isaiah 5:7 “for the vineyard of the Lord of Hosts is the House of Israel”.


Glimpses of Israel Gan Hashlosha National Park

The beautiful pools and landscaped gardens of Gan Hashlosha National Park 2 Passport to Privilege • 6 What’s in that drink? Futuristic device lets you find out • 10 The Feast of Tabernacles 14 Israel quenches Marshall Islands thirst Published by David House Fellowship Inc.

The Vineyard June 2015

those of us today who have a mind for profit in realms other than financial.

The cupboard opened by Divine grace to Levi was far from empty. You will see what I mean if I now complete the verse of Scripture which I only partially quoted above. Here are the words which follow: “... YeHoVah, God(s) of Israel, He is their inheritance, as He spoke unto them.”

This verbal cupboard may not be large in wordy content but in treasure it is incalculable! However, we must go to the source of the story. The figure of Levi, the third son of Jacob and Leah, appears in a sanguinary silhouette against a background blackened by base behaviour in which he was joined by his brother Simeon. His sister Dinah had suffered an indignity at the hands of Shechem, the son of Hamor, the Hivite. An honourable redress was proffered to and accepted by the patriarch Jacob. In spite of this, and in circumstances most unfair to the Hivites, Levi allowed himself to be consumed by the fires of an indignant anger which burnt up common human decency and found him

standing in the pages of Scripture with a bloody sword dripping dishonour from its blade. (Genesis 34)

His father Jacob never forgot nor recovered from this wound to the good name of Israel. Prior to his demise the patriarch cursed the anger of Levi and Simeon and uttered the prophecy which, I have no doubt, will be a source of fascination for us as we behold the form of its unfolding. Quoting from the fifth and seventh verses of the forty-ninth chapter of Genesis, I give you Jacob’s words: “Simeon and Levi are brethren; weapons of violence their kinship … Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce, and their wrath for it was cruel; I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.”

The use of the personal pronoun in the first person, singular number, coupled to the fact that Jacob knew that it was from his deathbed that he uttered these words — he did, in fact, expire immediately after their pronouncement — afford adequate indication that the Patriarch spoke under the inspiration and impulse of the Holy Spirit and was thus giving verbal expression to an intention of Deity respecting Simeon and Levi.

If our second Biblical picture associated with the name of Levi again reveals the

February June 2015


Do we not, therefore, discern this same strong indignation against violation of rectitude upon the occasion of the Golden Calf? The incident is too well known to need mention here and the record can be read in full in the thirtysecond chapter of Exodus. Suffice to observe that when Moses uttered the challenge, crying: “Who is on the side of the Eternal, let him come unto me” it was “all the sons of Levi” who “gathered themselves together unto him.”

Levi’s disposition towards indignant anger, admittedly misdirected in the matter of the Hivites, was — if the science of genetics is to be trusted — a property apparently carried forward in the genes of his chromosomes and thus became a hereditary factor in his descendants, a characteristic which the All-Wonderful God of the Universe harnessed to His service and His glory.

If you will please add the prophecy of God to the propensity of Levi you will find that they join together not only to make a fascinating story but also to provide no small measure of personal comfort.

Passport to Privilege MY DEAR FRIENDS, I suppose each of us is acquainted with the pathetic scene immortalized in those superb words: “Old Mother Hubbard, she went to the cupboard To get the poor dog a bone. But when she got there, the cupboard was bare,

And so the poor dog had none.” If one’s mind should be in a whimsical mood one may be somewhat reminded of Mother Hubbard’s unfortunate canine when, in reading of the distribution of the Promised Land among the tribes of Israel, we come across these words in the Book of Joshua (Joshua 13:33): “But unto the tribe of Levi Moses gave no inheritance ...”

The Vineyard

Yet, if we invited the tribe of Levi to share in that profusion of sympathy we feel naturally towards Mother Hubbard’s dog, our invitation would be premature and our sympathy misplaced. Not poverty, but privilege, was Levi’s bestowed inheritance. Moreover, as we shall see, that particular tribe became the subject of a most remarkable fulfilment of prophecy and, accordingly, the object of great instruction for


blood-stained sword, this time in the hands of Levi’s descendants, let it be noted that it was wielded at the command of God for the vindication of His honour and the preservation of His great Revelation. So it appears that a hereditary disposition of character, otherwise precarious, can be harnessed by God and channelled by His power to produce expressions and outlets issuing in credit to the human possessors of that propensity and to the God Who gives them life. The name Levi means “to be attached to,” “to be joined to”; and although it appears quite clear from Exodus 19:6 that the offer made to Israel by the Eternal was that the whole nation should attach itself to Him and be a nation of priests, yet on account of the gross and culpable idolatry of the Golden Calf at the foot of Mount Sinai, this one special tribe of Levi became selected for attachment to the service of the sanctuary and the priestly office and function.

The Vineyard

You will remember that when the Eternal delivered Israel from Egyptian bondage, He sanctified all the firstborn of Israel for Himself. Here, however, the Levites are substituted for the firstborn and God declares: “For all the first-born among the children of Israel are Mine, both man and beast; on the day that I smote all the first-born in the land of Egypt I sanctified them for Myself. And I have taken the Levites instead of all the first-born among the children of Israel.” (Numbers 8:17, 18) I think you may like to read the whole record in the eighth chapter of Numbers.


The Levites were thus claimed by God in a status so special that they received no inheritance in the Land of Promise similar to the other tribes but their inheritance was, rather, in the Lord of the Land of Promise. (Refer Deuteronomy 10:9; 18:1.) God thus placed the Levites, His ministers, in the position of direct dependence upon Himself. He did, however, command that they were to receive their sustenance from the tithes of the other tribes. Indeed, Israel was Divinely warned not to neglect this privileged responsibility: “Take heed to yourself that you forsake not the Levite ...” (Deuteronomy 12:19) When this creditable Levitical position is viewed against the background of their eponymous ancestor, Levi, who snorted in “anger” (root, anaph), and whose “wrath” (root, ‘avar) pushed him beyond the proper bounds — for that is the root meaning embedded in the Hebrew words — are we not justified in detecting the gracious finger of the Divine Potter upon the human clay, redirecting and refining this very same disposition? And what of the “dividing” and “scattering” in Israel? How wonderfully and unexpectedly this was fulfilled! The curse was turned into a blessing and the original prediction modified because of the zeal and fidelity displayed by the Levites at the scene of the Golden Calf. God had said they should be “divided” and they were. The priestly Levites, the sons of Aaron, were assigned residence in thirteen

Before unearthing further “Treasures from Tenach” in respect of these Levites, I believe I can safely anticipate some curiosity regarding Simeon, confederate with his brother, you will remember, in that original unsavoury act of violence from which Jacob so vigorously dissociated himself, and consequently sharer in the Divine denunciation and decision.

cities and the non-priestly Levites in thirty-five cities (Kohathites, ten; Gershonites, thirteen; Merarites, twelve), a total of forty-eight cities. Moreover, since these cities were widely distributed throughout the land, including two beyond Jordan, the Levites were indeed literally “scattered” in Israel — yet, you will admit, in circumstances savouring of a blessing rather than a cursing.

Now the word of comfort. Although the Levite retired at age 50, it was only from arduous and heavy manual labour; he retained attachment to the ministry of God until the end of his days. Hence, my friends, there are no really old men in God’s service. He sustains His true ministers in strength and vitality until they continue their worship in the Promised Land above.

Parenthetically, then, let me add that the tribe of Simeon was “divided” and “scattered” within the area and tribe of Judah in a manner so thorough that they well nigh lost identity as a separate unit.


This article is an extract from the very popular radio series, “Treasures From Tenach”, which are also transcribed. Both audio (click MP3 tab, then “177passporttoprivilege.mp3”, and transcriptions are available for free download at

Founding Director of David House Fellowship Inc.

Dr Lawrence Duff-Forbes (1900–1964)

“The race of God’s anointed priests shall never pass away; Before His glorious face they stand, and serve Him night and day. Though reason raves and unbelief flows on, a mighty flood, There are, and shall be, till the end, the hidden priests of God, His Chosen souls, their earthly dross consumed in sacred fire; To God’s own heart their hearts ascend in flame of deep desire; The incense of their worship fills His Temple’s holiest place: Their song with wonder fills the Heavens, the glad new song of grace.” (G. Ter Stegen)

Now a final word, first of instruction, and then of comfort, for those who, today, serve the Living God in sincerity and in truth and in accordance with the Revelation of His Word.

An individual Levite was not eligible for the service of the sanctuary until he attained the age of twenty-five years; even then he was under a five year probationary period until age thirty. From which I gather that God chooses no novices for His service but points rather to proper training and instruction as a prerequisite. (Cf. Numbers 8:24 with Numbers 4:3)

June 2015


Top: Scanning produce with SCiO clues you in on quality, ripeness and nutritional value; Centre: SCiO puts molecular scanning at your fingertips; Bottom: Consumer Physics cofounders Damian Goldring (PhD in electro-optics) and Dror Sharon.

physical world, and we expect it to grow over time as we see how people use SCiO,” says Sharon. Googling the physical world

“The SCiO molecular scanner will create the first database of matter allowing people to ‘google’ the physical world and understand more about the environment around them and what they are putting into their bodies,” says OurCrowd partner David Stark. “This has major implications for commerce, health and scientific research.”

Each SCiO is made of hundreds of tailor-made components sourced from several different countries. However, Consumer Physics didn’t try to reinvent any manufacturing processes, which would have slowed the path to commercialization of its core technology. The idea is to scale quickly to the level of smartphones — billions of units per year.

Sharon tells ISRAEL21c that other companies are attempting to make consumer molecular scanners, “but we have yet to see something comparable in size or cost. The efforts have accelerated since we showed there was an interest in a solution like this.”

Sharon believes the possibilities are endless. For example, the device could reveal the properties of the diamond you’re thinking of buying, or the calorie count of the Hollandaise sauce at your favorite French restaurant.

He predicts that within 10 years, people will take molecular scanning for granted to the

“Every time you use SCiO you will be helping to build a database of knowledge about the stuff around us,” says Sharon. “The bigger our community gets, the more data SCiO will have about different materials and this goes right back to our community of users.”

He points out that they’re targeting a market that doesn’t exist yet, so it’s actually helpful for others to join in identifying potential users.

“We will supply apps that are going to tell you some useful information about your

The device, which costs $249, comes loaded with several apps divided into categories, such as dairy foods and pharmaceuticals. Other apps will be added according to need, and there’s a SCiO software development kit (SDK) available for $449; about 1,000 developers were among the Kickstarter investors.

These early investors will get their SCiOs first.

Portable storage innovator Dov Moran was Consumer Physics’ first angel investor. And last summer the company completed one of the most successful Kickstarter campaigns in history, raising more than $2.7 million (starting with a goal of $200,000) from nearly 13,000 backers.

They began with food, the most basic and ubiquitous part of daily life. Once they were convinced their hardware and related apps could provide the kind of information people currently cannot access but want to know, they sought and won funding from strategic investors, from Khosla Ventures in California and through the Jerusalem-based OurCrowd funding platform.

the purpose of bringing cutting-edge sensing technology to consumers. Before approaching investors, the team of engineers and scientists first wanted to prove to themselves that a pocket-sized molecular scanner would be viable technologically and from a consumer experience perspective.


W ant to know which watermelon is sweeter, whether an avocado is ripe, or what’s in that diamond? New pocket-sized molecular sensor reveals all.

Before buying fruit at the greengrocer, steak at the butcher or a nutritional supplement at the pharmacy, imagine taking a gadget out of your pocket, aiming it at the item and instantly seeing its quality, ripeness and nutritional value, plus a whole lot more data hidden at the molecular level. That is about to happen. Come July, the Israeli company Consumer Physics will start shipping preorders of its futuristic SCiO, the world’s first consumer-grade molecular sensor. The sensor, a tiny spectrometer, allows you to get instant relevant information about the chemical make-up of just about everything around you, from foods to plants, medicines, diamonds and more, sent directly to your smartphone. “In the last 10 years or so, we’ve all gotten used to having an instant ‘search button’ in our pocket that lets us know where we are on a map, book a table at a restaurant, listen to a song in a different language and buy it and translate it,” says Consumer Physics cofounder Dror Sharon, who describes his position as “CEO and Chief Happiness Officer.” “The power in our pockets is phenomenal, but one piece is missing, and that’s information about the things in our physical world – everything from food to medicine to fuel. That’s the basic need we’re trying to answer.”

The Vineyard

Is that a good avocado? Sharon tells ISRAEL21c that Consumer Physics was founded in 2011 specifically for



same degree as they now take smartphone cameras for granted. “It’s cool to think about googling your physical world, but really it’s also a basic human need,” he says.

SCiO will be sold via Consumer Physics’ ecommerce platform worldwide – preorders are already arriving from customers in countries including Iraq and Afghanistan – and eventually will be sold in retail stores.

For more information, visit

Abigail Klein Leichman (27 February 2015) Courtesy Israel 21C (

June 2015

Background photo: The pools and palms of Gan Hashlosha National Park Inset: Views of the park’s waterfall, river/canal and lake.

June 2015

Gan Hashlosha National Park

The Vineyard


glimpses of ISRAEL glimpses of ISRAEL glimpses of ISRAEL glimpses of ISRAEL



The Fea st o f Tabernacles

The Vineyard

MY FRIENDS, it was Benjamin Franklin who said: Fools make feasts, and wise men eat them. (Poor Richard 1733)

Be that as it may, the feasts we are considering were not the product of fools.

Indeed, it was the Eternal God Himself Who prepared the feasts we are currently enjoying, for God’s command had gone forth to Israel in these words:

‫שלש רגלים תחג לי בשנה‬:


Now, thirteen is the number of rebellion and seven the number of spiritual perfection or

I have already referred, in previous messages, to the significance of numbers in Scriptures and the consistency of their employment and association throughout the entire Bible of both the “Old” and the New Testaments; and the association is sound evidence of the One Divine Mind behind these Sacred Writings.

Third. The offerings associated with this feast were utterly peculiar to it. On all seven days the sin- offering of “one kid of the goats” was made together with burnt offerings of bullocks, rams and lambs, but — and here’s the point — whereas the other offerings remained constant each day, the case of the bullocks was different. These began with thirteen on the first day and decreased by one each day until reduced to seven on the last day of the feast. Do please capture this point for it is most interesting and highly instructive.

Second. For full seven days participants in the feast were to dwell in “booths” or ‫( סכות‬Leviticus 23:42, 43) from whence, of course, the feast gets its name; these were constructed of tree branches and, weather providing, they remained in these most picturesque structures to sleep, eat, pray and study. This was a regular, joyous coming aside unto the Eternal in gratitude and particularly in memory of Israel’s great deliverance from Egypt.

“Three times you shall keep a feast unto me in a year.” (Exodus 23:14)

However, it is true that wise men partake of these feasts. We have become wiser by participation, for the very food itself is wisdom. We have found the three feasts of Israel to be packed with prophecy.

The first feast, ‫( חג המצות‬the Feast of Unleavened Bread), with its associated appointments, ‫( פסח‬Passover), and ‫ראשית‬ ‫( עמר‬Wave Sheaf), highlighted Messiah’s Redemptive Bestowal of Life.

The second Feast, ‫( טעבש‬Feast of Pentecost) with its ‫( לחם הגופה שתים‬Two Wave-Loaves) highlighted the Individual Fruit of Messiah’s Redemptive Bestowal as seen in Messiah’s Redeemed Peoples.

The third Feast, ‫( חג הסכות‬Feast of Tabernacles) is now before us for our spiritual banquet-fare, and what a hopeful, satisfying feast is awaiting us, for it testifies of the National Fruit of Messiah’s Redemptive Bestowal as seen in Messiah’s Redeemed Nation, Israel.

To give you a quick and comprehensive grasp of this last and most highly significant of Israel’s Divinely-appointed Festivals, let me draw your attention to some of its salients: First. Its keynote was JOY. Of this glad occasion our Mishnah declares: He that has never seen the joy of the Beth ha She’ubah has never in his life seen joy. (Sukkah 5:1)

June 2015

offered sacrifices for, and interceded for, blessing upon all the Gentile nations of the world. Very few seem to know this. Sad that so many of those nations have responded only with hatred against Israel.

The Fea st o f Tabernacles completion. Thus the bullock offerings point to the process from rebellion to perfection. That’s interesting, isn’t it? Moreover, this last of Israel’s great prophetic feasts fell on the seventh month, preceded by the blowing of the Shofar on the first of the month and the Day of Atonements on the tenth day of the same month.

Seven is seen in these sacrifices in yet other ways. For instance, the 14 rams (7 x 2), the 98 lambs (7 x 7 x 2), and the 70 bullocks (7 x 10) make a total of 182 offerings (13 x 7 x 2). To this we may add the 336 tenths of ephahs of flour employed in the mealofferings (48 x 7) making a grand total of 518, again a saturation of seven! I strongly suspect that this remarkable figure seven is locked into Israel’s prophetic destiny in a highly significant manner. You will recall that, in the amazing prophecies of Moses as disclosed in Leviticus, chapter 26, the Eternal God pronounces a chastisement upon Israel of a duration designated as “seven times,” a protracted period during which our people Israel was to be overshadowed by the Gentile nations of the world and left to their meagre mercy.

Indeed, seven seems to saturate the whole Divine ordinance. A total of 70 bullocks were offered during the seven days. This is a remarkable coincidence with the 70 nations itemized in Genesis, chapter 10, and since 70 is 7 x 10 the figures point to ultimate spiritual completion or perfection even amongst the nations of the world.

How clearly the prophet Zechariah indicates this when he declares of the latter days:

Now, here is something exceedingly interesting. I don’t want to make too much of it, yet I think it arrests our attention. The Scriptures themselves employ occasionally an equation between a year and a day whereby the latter is made to stand for the former.

This is in line with the general trend of the prophetic Scriptures which teach that when Israel, as a nation, is brought back to his former true faith and mission, the Gentile nations will similarly be brought into Divine blessing.

“And it shall come to pass, that everyone that is left of the nations that came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Eternal of Hosts, and to keep ‫ חג הסכות‬The Feast of Tabernacles”. (Zechariah 14:16)

Thus a year, by Hebrew Scripture reckoning regarded as containing 360 days, is

The Vineyard

Is it not very touching and quite in harmony with this thought that, in Temple times, Israel


symbolically set forth as 360 years. In addition, the Scriptures themselves call a year a “time.”

Now, purely from a point of interest, let us take this by no means imaginative scale and let us apply it to the “seven times” of Leviticus 26 and see where it lead us. “Seven times” would be seven “year days” or 360 x 7, which totals 2,520 years. Let us assume, then, that God through the lips of His servant Moses indicates that Israel nationally shall cease to express himself as an independent nation for 2,520 years. How does that work out?

In a most interesting fashion I can assure you, for it was in the year 586 B.C.E. that Nebuchadnezzar extinguished the flame of Israel’s independent national entity and Israel has, ever since, remained subservient to and dominated by the Gentile nations until, on May 14, 1948, David ben Gurion rekindled that flame of independent national entity.

From Nebuchadnezzar to Ben Gurion could well be a period of time equaling 2,520 years or “seven times.” Whatever minor discrepancy exists could doubtless be accounted for by the well-known difference between Hebrew method of time-reckoning and that employed by Gentile nations. If there is any validity whatever to this speculation — and speculation I admit it is — then the newborn State of Israel will not suffer any permanent extinction but is

here to stay and to be brought back into felicity and fellowship with the God of Covenant faithfulness.

Is it not also interesting to observe that from the Biblical Passover to the Biblical Sukkot is seven months which on the same time-scale, also equals 2,520 years. What do you make of it?

Whatever our views of these figures, Israel’s feasts undoubtedly contain a prophetic content, and a hopeful note is disclosed when we observe that ‫ חג הסכות‬is also called “the feast of ingathering” (Exodus 23:16; 34:22) and “the feast of God” (Leviticus 23:39). Ingathered to God! What a joyful feast for Israel! May it come speedily!

Dr Lawrence Duff-Forbes (1900–1964) Founding Director of David House Fellowship Inc.

This article is an extract from the very popular radio series, “Treasures From Tenach”, which are also transcribed. Both audio (click MP3 tab, then “105feastoftabenacles.mp3”, and transcriptions are available for free download at


Image p10 & 13: “Scinia” by Anonymous work – Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons – media/File:Scinia.jpg

June 2015

In an interview with Voice of Israel, Israeli Ambassador to the Pacific Islands, Marshall Islands and Micronesia Michael Ronen explained that the geography of the Marshall Islands makes it impossible to catch rainwater before it runs off into the ocean.

The weather-resistant GalMobile is designed to produce drinking water from any contaminated water source up to 620 miles away. It is capable of operating for 60 hours before refueling from an independent energy source, and its integrated storage tank holds up to 2,650 gallons for distribution.

G.A.L. will ship the self-contained purification system to the Marshall Islands along with a training team to show local operators how to connect it to a brackish water source to produce drinking water that meets World Health Organization standards. Two operators can deploy the system within half an hour.

“This new product, patented in 171 countries, is the first of its kind in the world,” she says.“In a few minutes you have enough fresh water for 6,500 people to drink, completely automatically, with no need for an engineer.”

GalMobile, G.A.L. Deputy CEO Sigal Levi tells ISRAEL21c.

Israel quenches Marshall Islands thirst Israel’s G.A.L. Water Technologies sends its new mobile water purification system to the parched Pacific island at the request of the Foreign Ministry. For more than 20 years, Israel’s G.A.L. Water Technologies managed to stay under the radar as it quietly provided its water-treatment products on a humanitarian basis to African nations through Israel’s Foreign Ministry. Now the Caesarea-based company is in the spotlight as it sends its latest solution — a unique water-purification system loaded into a vehicle — to the Marshall Islands, which suffer a serious lack of drinking water despite being surrounded by the vast saltwater northern Pacific Ocean. Israel has gained a worldwide reputation for sharing its advanced desalination and watertech products. Just in the past year, the Israeli company IDE Technologies constructed a ship-based desalination operation in Japan. Therefore it was understandable that at a recent Samoan summit for heads of small developing island states, Marshall Islands President Christopher Loeak appealed to Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzachi Hanegbi for assistance with the water shortage.

The Vineyard

In response, Hanegbi arranged for the island to receive a donation of the very first


“The situation became even worse because the wells, which are not very good anyway, have become very salty,” Ronen added.

The GalMobile is being shipped to an archipelago of 6,000 residents called Ebeye, not far from an American army base. “It will give them all the water they need,” Ronen said.

The mobile treatment, storage and distribution unit, designed and constructed entirely in Israel, could save lives following natural disasters, when drinking water may be difficult or impossible to procure in the first few days after the catastrophe.

Water solutions for near and far The company also makes permanent desalination systems, as well as cleantech solutions for laundries, greenhouses, crop irrigation, hydroponic farming, water reclamation and emergency drinking-water needs. It boasts customers in many countries, including some that do not have diplomatic relations with Israel.

G.A.L.’s “plug & play” purification system, which produces 20 to 25 cubic meters of potable water per hour, has been used by the Spanish army since 2005 to keep troops in the field supplied with drinking water.

In Ethiopia, a G.A.L. reverse-osmosis system produces irrigation water from saline wells for geranium farmers, enabling them to use less chemical fertilizer and output less polluting waste. In Israel, among other projects, the company designed and implemented water-recovery systems at the Kishon

River using technologies including ultra-filtration and reverse osmosis.

Eight million cubic meters flow through these systems annually, providing restored wastewater to heavy industries in the Haifa Bay region. The restored water has 10 times less salt and minerals than freshwater, allowing the factories to consume less water while freeing up millions of cubic meters of water for other purposes and reducing the amount of wastewater released into the Kishon and Mediterranean.


“We provide a wide range of services to our customers, both as a consultant and as a supplier,” says Levi. “Our clients can choose to receive a turnkey solution to manage on their own, or a range of project management and maintenance services.”

For more information, visit

Abigail Klein Leichman (15 March 2015) Courtesy Israel 21C (

Above: G.A.L. built this system to provide restored wastewater to Haifa industries.

Far left: This GalMobile can provide enough fresh water for 5,000 people.

Centre left: A GalMobile ready for deployment.

Left: This G.A.L. system provides Spanish soldiers with potable water in Iraq.

June 2015

The Vineyard Vol 57, No5 June 2015

David House Fellowship Inc. publishers of THE VINEYARD magazine. AIM: to express Christian Love to the house of Israel and to spread universally Messianic truth.

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“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, may they prosper who love you.” Psalm 122:6 All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Readers please note we do not publish a January edition.

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