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editor's letter.

Welcome to the first ent cultural backgro is our focus. We have Speaking to our own p importance to Chines order to create excit

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We have been fas ates. The thoughts tention. We have e ists. Móshì brings photography to spark ing and including the

我們 的觀 Mós 我們

t issue of Móshì! We are a team of 4 photography students each from differounds, wanting to explore what cultural fusion is to us. For this issue China e investigated the cultural fusion between the U.K and China within London. peers and branching out, we have explored various themes that are of great se students in the capital. On each shoot we produce, we all contribute in ting pieces. Móshì is a platform for this creative and collaborative thinking.

迎來到M ó s h ì 雜誌的第一期,我們是由四位有著不同文化背景 攝影學生組成的,等待著去探索我們不同文化的融合。這一期 雜誌我們準備探索有5000年文明歷史的國家“中國”。我們 在倫敦調查中國和英國的文化。去了解一下有什麼共同之處 不同的地方。我們探索了對於在倫敦的中國學生有非常重要 幾個不同的主題。我們每一次拍照的時候都會嘗試去拍的更加大有趣。

scinated by the complex dialogues that cultural fusion creand opinions regarding the UK and China have grasped our atexplored various themes and issues collaborating with journaltogether articles written by young creatives combined with bold k conversation. As a collaborative we remain committed to our image make work of young creatives who need a platform to showcase their work.

們很喜歡討論關於流行文化創造出來的作品,所以一些英國和中國 觀點和想法引起了我們的注意,經過一些與記者的合作和探索, shì 匯集了很多年輕,創意和大膽的攝影引發的談話文章,而 們也會與那些年輕藝術家保持關係並且給與他們一個展示的平台

Thank you for your support and enjoy the first issue of Móshì! Becca. Michaela. Hannah. Jess.

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sual i V . r o Edit u h d i S Becca media L A I C O r . PR . S o t i d E HIte W h a n ucher n o t Ha e r . Team l a u s i öm. V r t s r e a zett l e a h c mi ent m p o l e & dev h c r a e s re jess ho

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contents p.6 censor p.12 TEA p.18 dish it out p.38 looking east p.50 the beauty myth p.54 Grypes p.64 "The limits of my language are the limits of my world" p.70 ART & Freedom in Hong kong

censor. BY liping luo

我該怎麼向外國人定義自己的國家呢?中國,這個國家的古老,早已在新中國成立之後慢慢褪去 痕跡。它的確正在以一個新生兒的身份飛速發展,但是它的一黨專政,互聯網管制,新聞自由...等 等,都令西方國家不解。作為一個正在英國念新聞系大一的中國學生,我也看到一些在中國所看不 到和學習不到的東西。有人定義它為自由,我對此並不否認。 • 互聯網 中國限制互聯網,我們看不到Facebook, 看不到Youtube, 也看不到BBC或者New York Times,總 的來說國外的社交網站和新聞網站都被中國完全屏蔽,中國盡可能地限制對它發展不利的輿論和信 息,當然也包括我現在正在寫的這篇文章。當我來到國外,感覺到的第一個自由就是網絡自由,我 可以在上網查到很多20年都不知道中國發生的事,比如近代非常轟動的六四運動。而作為一個新聞 系學生,以批判性的眼光來學習祖國曾發生過的真實歷史,是對我的專業很有幫助的。 • 同性戀 同性戀在英國已經被合法化,但中國還需要有很長一段路要走。在我個人看來,每一個人都有追求 自身幸福的權利,即使我是一名異性戀,我也需要尊重不同人的不同選擇。正如一位名叫JS Mill的 作家在《論自由》中的觀點一樣,只要自己的行為沒有影響或傷害到他人的利益,個人就不需要負 責。然而,中國法律並不接受同性戀,但這並不代表著中國就沒有同性戀者。 總的來說,在中國感受不到這些自由的主要原因之一是因為其實際的發展程度,我相信未來遲早有 一天,我可以在自己國家裡感受到與現在能感受到的一樣的自由。我熱愛自己的祖國,我希望那一 天快快到來。

How could I define my country in the new century? The antiquity of China is fading away with the economy, like a new born baby, is developing at a world-shocking pace; however, its one-party leadership, blockages on the internet and the press are still not understood by western countries. As a Chinese student abroad I am given the freedom to feel something that I would not be allowed to learn in my homeland. Chinese government puts blockage on multiple websites such as Facebook, Youtube, BBC and New York Times. To some extent, the Social Networking Services and News websites are totally banned in China. The government wishes to restrict the information which would seems to be not conductive to China’s economic development and political stability. For instance, this article could be scanned and banned from the Internet world of Mainland China because of its political sensitivity. When I arrived to this new western country, the first freedom I felt is the freedom of the Internet - I can search a lot of things that I couldn’t find in China; for example, the ‘Tiananmen Square Protest’, were student-led popular demonstrations in Beijing, bur forcibly suppressed by hardline leaders who ordered the military to enforce martial law. As a Journalism student, it is helpful for me to learn the real history of my country with critical thinking.

Homosexuality has been legalized in the UK, but not in China. In my perspective, every human being has the right to pursuit happiness, even though I am heterosexual, I should respect different people’s choices. Like J. S. Mill’s opinion on the book On Liberty that an individual doesn’t need to be responsible for their own behaviour as long as it does not affect others, once this personal action harms or hurts others benefits, individuals need to take responsibility. However, Chinese law does not accept homosexuality. It doesn’t mean we don’t have gay or lesbians in China, but the freedom I can feel is much more here in the UK compared to China. In conclusion, the main reason for this kind of banned freedom I cannot feel in China is because of the level of actual development. I believe one day in the future that I can feel the same freedom in my own country sooner or later. I love my homeland, and I hope that day is coming.

photography becca sidhu Images inspired by the conflicting symbolisms of colour in East and West. black: death / prosperity white: purity / death red: warning / good fortune thumbnails created in Glitché iPhone app

For example, tea ware varies depending on the brew and the location of the ceremony, because the aim of tea tasting is to achieve harmony of mind and body. Colour, functionality, and material all matter when it comes to provide

In the past, tea was considered a refined drink only connoisseur could truly appreciate, and tasting sessions were often organised to try out different brews: Chinese tea culture has gone through various developing processes in order to maintain a traditional approach to tea drinking. But in China, drinking tea and tasting tea are viewed as two completely different acts. While the latter is a mere way to refresh and tone the body, the former is seen as a chance to cultivate morality and mind by taking time to present and serve the tea, which is why Chinese ceremonial serving– despite being less strict compared to its Japanese counterpart– still maintains a set of rules taken very seriously.

“Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day” states an old Chinese saying, and the fact that tea was already considered very important as early as the Song dynasty era (960-1279) furthermore enhances its relevance in China’s history

In the UK anyone can brew an Earl Grey or an English Breakfast teabag, possibly on the go so not to miss the tube or the bus, but in China tea is not a simple beverage: it represents an evolving trait of the country’s culture and a way to uphold social relationships, with clear rules to follow when it comes to picking a brew and serving.

Photography Hannah white

chรก. by aurora Bosotti

What really matters is that, in spite of centuries of changes, tea remains a constant and a necessity for millions of people who still take time to learn the rules of tea serving.

In spite of being highly underestimated in its meaning in the West– except when you are in the UK, where tea is a solution to everything, from a cold to a broken heart– Chinese culture still believes in the symbolism behind this simple drink: serving tea has an endless amount of meaning, starting from being a sign of respect when served to the elders, to being a form of apology.

Imagine a very easy-listening background tune, one capable of transporting you to the farthest corner of China: forget about traffic jams, the late bus home, smelly people on the tube after a 9 to 5 shift. Leave at home your worries and focus on the performance of your server. Calm movements because there’s no rush here, only you and your steaming hot brew being prepared to perfection, and for once you can fully enjoy the aroma with no fear of tourists bumping into you and spilling your drink on your new blouse or tie.

a way to communicate with nature. And there is no better way to reach peace of mind than watching a special act of performing art such as a tea serving ceremony.

今天,西方國家仍有很多人未懂欣賞中國茶,除了嗜茶如藥的英國人 ﹣ 他們相信茶能醫百病,不論是傷風或心病。不過中華文化依然堅持,簡單一杯茶背 後有著無數意義和象徵,它可以代表尊重,也可以代表歉意。最重要的是,不論經過多少世紀,茶,會一直是上百萬個願意花時間去中國學習茶道的人的 必需品,

試想像一首柔和的音樂響起,你隨著飄到中國最遙遠的一個角落,那裡沒有甚麼交通,通宵巴士,或下班時段地鐵裡的臭汗味。然後,你的煩惱都通通放 在一邊,此刻就專注看著眼前的泡茶者,一點也不著急,享受著平靜的時刻。也不會突然有人撞到你或者把飲料倒到你衣服上,你可以完全浸淫在一片香 氣當中,讓茶道將你和你的茶都帶到完美境界。

以往,茶是非常精緻的飲品,只有專業鑑賞家才能夠品賞。而不同茶莊亦會舉辦大大小小的品茶活動。在中國,喝茶跟品茶有莫大分別。前者只是注重茶 本身提神及調理體質的功用;後者則強調透過慢慢地預備茶品的過程去達到陶冶性情的效果,也就是茶道。雖然中國的茶道不及日本的茶道般嚴謹,但其 對於奉茶的細節仍是十分講究。比方說,泡茶者會按茶種和進行茶道的地點來選用茶具,以達至身心和應的狀態,因為顏色,功用和物料這些都是跟大自 然溝通的關鍵。我相信沒有比觀看茶道等更能幫助洗滌心靈的藝術。


泡茶幾乎是每個英國人都懂的一件事,尤其在趕地鐵的日子,沖調一包格雷伯爵茶、英式早餐紅茶是多麼的適合。但中國茶則不是那麼容易:它由選材到 上茶都有一套既定的規矩,代表著中華文化特色的演化,還有人際間溝通的一種語言。


sh IT OUT.


by vicki cheng

When we meet our family or friends or just someone random to talk to, our first words are always, “how are you?” or “what a horrible weather, isn’t it?” But for the Chinese, a very common way to start a conversation is to ask each other, “have you eaten yet?” If the answer is “not yet” or “just a little bit”, a spontaneous lunch or dinner invite will conduce natural politeness. Eating is a necessary part in Chinese people’s daily schedule. More importantly they try their best to eat together. Because in their culture, food does not only fill the stomach, it is the most common social activity, prevailing across all social classes. Modern city lifestyle teaches us to get our meals done by all sorts of grab-and-go, a cold sandwich, or even skipping lunch occasionally. But if you ask any person coming from a Chinese background, they would tell you how they definitely treasure a big dinner around the table, with freshly cooked hot dishes and endless noise. One significant example would be wedding banquets. In the usual wedding planning process, an essential item is getting the parents or guardians of both partners together, (again, on a lunch or dinner table), to discuss the menu of the wedding banquet. There are standardized menus but there always are variations. In fact, some weddings have been in crisis just because families have disagreements over the choice of wedding menus. You can tell how seriously food is treated in the Chinese community. It’s a symbol of necessity, warmth, hospitality, celebration, honour, and much more than that. It is a pity that there is hardly any good quality Chinese food in the UK. There are yet they are usually pricy. The ones in Chinatown are relatively cheap, but mostly for tourists, hence not very authentic. Nevertheless, I am glad to see that although the Chinese food itself isn’t that widely available yet, the Chinese way of eating is becoming more and more popular. Even in French or Italian restaurants, they start to serve on round tables and increase the sharing options on the menus. I anticipate seeing the Chinese style of eating and living grow in the UK.

在英國,我們跟親友打招呼的方式一般是簡單地說句:「你好嗎?」又或者「天氣真 糟糕呢!」但對於中國人來說,打開話題時最常說的卻是:「吃過飯了嗎? 」如果 對方回答「還未」或「一點點而已」 的話,雙方就會很自然地相約之後一起吃飯。 吃 , 是 中 國 人 日 常 生 活 中 不 可 或 缺 一 環 , 而 且 他 們 喜 歡 聚 在 一 起 用 餐 。 在 他 們 的 文 化 裡 , 食 物 不 僅 用 來 治 肚 , 更 重 要 是 將 人 連 繫 。 不 論 是 那 個 社 會 階 層 , 吃 飯 仍 然 是 最 普 遍 的 社 交 平 台 。 忙 碌 的 都 市 生 活 已 令 我 們 習 慣 了 各 種 便 當 , 三 文 治 , 甚 至 不 吃 當 一 餐 。 但 若 果 你 隨 便 問 一 個 來 自 中 國 家 庭 的 人 , 他 都 會 告 訴 你 , 他 的 理 想 飯 局 就 是 一 群 人 熱 鬧 地 圍 著 一 桌 熱 騰 騰 的 飯 菜 。 婚宴就是明顯的例子。一般人婚禮籌劃時,雙方家長會會面(通常在一間餐廳 裡),然後商討婚宴當晚的菜式。有些人喜歡標準款式,也有些人自訂。事實 上,不少準婚夫妻都會因為菜單的問題而起爭執,由此可見中國人對食物的重 視。它象徵了基本需要,溫暖,待客之道,慶祝,名譽,還有很多的事情。 很可惜,要在英國找到質素不賴的中國菜並不容易,即使找到的亦不便宜。倫敦中國 城裡的餐廳比較划算,但為了迎合遊客的口味,它們的食物都弄得沒那麼正宗。話雖 如此, 我還是很高興看到中國人的吃飯文化在英國變得愈來愈普及。即使在一間法 國或意大利菜的餐廳裡,他們也開始設置一些圓形的桌子,和在菜單上增添可共享 的選項,讓客人享受飯聚的快樂。 我期待著更多中國文化的飲食和生活方式出現。

#moshifeatures vicki cheng Photographed by Becca sidhu


Photography becca sidhu

Photography michaela zetterström Fruit patterns inspired by Chinese pattern and Chinese fruit. Pomegranate, orange, langsat, longan, lychee, tangerine and pomelo are typical crops grown in China. FUN FACT: did you know that the orange originates from China? When it was introduced to Europe in the 16th century it was called the “Chinese apple”.

wèidao .



LOOKING E BY Diana Tleuliyeva

WHILE I hesitate whether I should ‘invest’ into a classic PS11 Proenza Schouler, my neighbour is trotting the corridor in her new Valentinos. That’s the second pair of rock studs in a week! These It shoes have been on my wish list for quite some time but I haven’t decided to buy them…At least not yet. While waiting for the lift, I can’t help but notice that she is also wearing a 2.55 Chanel. I can’t say that I’m a big fan of this ‘die for’ item but I have to admit it’s flawless. No wonder you can see a lot of avid shoppers whether in Harrods or Selfridges queuing up to buy this timeless bag. Recent studies have shown that on average Chinese shoppers spend around £2,000 on a single trip to London’s West End; meaning a Chanel bag is an easy purchase. Whether you go to Harrods or New Bond Street, you no longer see Japanese customers queuing up for Louis Vuitton bags. What used to be prime destination for tourists from the Middle East and Russia, Sloane Street welcomes more and more Chinese shoppers every day. It’s not a surprise that there’s a high demand for Mandarin-speakers in London’s stores now. Wander into Selfridges or Liberty, you’ll see that half of the sales staff speak Mandarin, ready to help Chinese shoppers to make their purchases. Fashion, contributing £26 billion to the UK economy, is highly cherished and devoured with relish by young Chinese who come to visit, work or study to Britain. “Fashion is in everyone’s blood in London. And it’s very diverse. You see classy people around Knightsbridge; chic on Brick Lane; trendy and high end in Mayfair. I always get inspired by people I see on the streets”, says Xian Li, BA Fashion Design Technology graduate from London College of Fashion. For a fashion student, London is definitely a place to be. With the power of Chinese consumers, the fashion industry has turned its attention eastwards. “Chinese influence can be seen on runway shows every season”, says Haili Jin, London College of Fashion graduate. Marc Jacobs’ Shanghai-inspired collection for Louis Vuitton in 2011 is off the top of my head. Chinese elements were seen throughout the entire collection from mandarin collars to tiger prints. Mary Katrantzou, famous for her flower prints, had Chinese nautical prints lined up for her

EAST. collection in the same year as well. “Most people will see the traditional Chinese textile more than the silhouette. You can see shadows of inspirations from the textiles on runways. But for the silhouette, you can only see Qi Pao, Chinese national dress”, says Xian Li, “But actually China has much more inspiring traditional elements in comparison to what you see on the catwalk shows”, she continues. As a fashion designer, Xian is planning to use Chinese traditional motifs in her designs in the future: “There are 56 ethnic groups in China, each of them has their own culture, costumes and textiles. They are very delicate and inspiring; and people rarely know about them abroad.” Like Xian, Haili is also thinking to use traditional craftsmanship in a modern way: “More and more traditions are lost, and I really hope we could do something to protect our heritage.” There’s a big possibility of seeing people in London wearing more Chinoiserie chic collections with a modern twist. 當我還在猶豫應否購買一個PS11 Proenza Schouler的 經典款時,我鄰居剛好穿著她 最新的Valentino經過走廊。這已經是這個禮拜的第二雙了!這些鞋子都已經在我的購 買清單裏好一段時間了,可是我現在還是下不定決心。當我在等升降機的時候,我不 得不留意到她背著的2.55 Chanel。雖然我不是這經典款式的死忠粉絲,但我卻不能 不承認它的完美。難怪你總是會看到一群狂熱的消費者在Harrods或在Selfridges排隊 購買這長青的包包。 最近有研究指出中國消費者在倫敦的一次性消費平均是英鎊,這代表Chanel的包包對 他們來說不過是九牛一毛。無論你去的是Harrods或New Bond Street,你再也不會 看到日本遊客在Louis Vuitton門口排隊。以往身為中東和俄羅斯的遊客購物勝地的 Sloane Street,今天也歡迎更多的中國旅客。由此可見,我們一點都不用驚訝倫敦商 店對中國遊客那高企的需求`。走進Selfriges或Liberty,你會發現店裏過半數的服務 員都操能著一口流利的普通話,隨時為中國的消費者提供服務。 隨著中國消費者的力量,時裝界開始把注意力投放在東方。’中國的影響力可以從各 個季節的時裝表演中看出來.’ Haili Jin說,她是London College of Fashion的畢業 生。Marc Jacobs’ 在2011年為 Louis Vuitton設計的的上海系列馬上浮現在我腦海 裡。從領子到虎紋,中國的元素簡直滲透了整個系列。,Mary Katrantzou,出名於她 的花紋,在他同年的系列裏也包含了中國海上圖案. 很多人將會發現比起中國的單色 圖案,不少設計多著重於中國傳統紡布料。你可以在在時裝表演上看到來自中國布料 靈感的影子。相反,在圖案方面,你卻只看到旗袍,中國的傳統穿著。說’但相比起 你現在看到的,其實中國還有更多啓發性的傳統元素。他繼續道。

身為一個時裝設計師,Xian打算在她的設計裏用上中國傳統圖案. ‘中國有56個少數民族,他們分別都有自己的文 啓發性,而且外國人對他們的認識很少。’就像Xian, Haili也在考慮把傳統的手工藝呈現於現代的手法中。’現在越 坐上一點什麼來保護我們的文化歷史。’由此可見,將來我們有很大機會在倫敦看到人們穿著揉合著現代和中國傳

Photography hannah white

jacket / helmut lang Shoes / open ceremony

necklace / swarovski

文化,服裝和布料。他們都非常特別和有 越來越多的傳統已經遺失了,我希望能 傳統元素的時裝呢!

shoes / zara scarf / stylist's own

Dress / victoria beckham scarf / ccino jiao

Shoes / louboutin phone case / ebay

watch / michael kors hat / stylist's own

bag/ givenchy shorts / diesel cuff / alexander mcqueen

hat / kenzo t-shirt / dolce and gabbana trainer / nike air jordan necklace / stylist's own


the beauty myth. BY Diana Tleuliyeva If you were to think of the ideal woman, what would she look like? Would she look like Zhang Ziyi or Keira Knightley; Zoe Saldana or Charlize Theron? All these four women are different but are beautiful. As girls and women, we are always pressurised to look beautiful but it’s hard to define what a beautiful woman should look like. As a matter of fact, beauty standards are different in every society changing from era to era. From the very beginning of Chinese history, fair skin has been desirable in women. They would use cosmetic powder made of rice or with pearls and expensive spices to adorn their faces. The same ideology existed in the Western culture where the aristocracy would powder their faces for pale-effect. Lips were important part of Chinese women’s face. From the Han Dynasty onwards, women would use rouge, which was something like lipstick, to ornament their lips into different shapes like circle-shaped or heartshaped. While Queen Elizabeth in Britain applied crimson colour for her lips, red lipsticks were banned during Victorian times. Another feature that represented the beauty standard in China for a long time are almond-shaped eyes. Western women are more likely to have larger eyes that are considered more desirable in women. Now, many Asian girls charmed by Western beauty would undergo double-eyelid surgery or would use eye pencils to get the Western look. Nowadays, a thin waist is one of the most desirable attributes a woman should possess in both Eastern and Western cultures. This modern standard of having a slender waist is similar to the Han Dynasty period. However, during the Tang Dynasty women with full waist were more preferred. No matter what the beauty standards are in China or in Britain, people generally like what they don’t have. What we don’t have and what is different is always fascinating and charming. Western and Eastern cultures have become much closer in the 21st century and beauty standards are often borrowed from both cultures in the pursuit of the ideal.

Photography michaela zetterström makeup concept jess driver

美麗神話 作者:戴安娜

如果讓你想像一個理想中的女人,她會是什麼樣子呢?她會看起來像章子怡,凱拉•奈特利,佐伊•索爾達娜 這是很難的,因為美的定義在每個時代都是不一樣的。 在中國的古代女人們都喜歡白皙的肌膚,她們會使用大米製成的化妝粉或珍珠和昂貴的香料來裝飾她們的臉 中國女性同時非常重視嘴唇的化妝,從漢朝起女人們就會用胭脂把嘴唇化裝成圓形或心形的,而胭脂是一種 了整個維多利亞時代。

然而在這之後的很長一段時間,另一個美麗的標準又出現在人們的眼前“杏仁狀的眼睛”,很多人都迷上了 線筆來達到擁有大眼睛的效果。 如今,在東西方文化里瘦腰更是一種美的表現,然而瘦腰這一行為卻是由中國漢朝開始的,當時的人們就認 但是不管在英國還是中國或是世界各地美女的標準都是一樣的,人們總是喜歡自己沒有的東西,相信在不久





認為纖細的腰才是美麗的。 久的將來世界的審美觀將會越來越一致,因為東西方的文化也在越來越靠近。


NICOLa chan.

Photography: Jess Ho Stylist: Hysan. H, Nicola. C Hair and Makeup artist: Jamie. N Designer: Raymond. H, Jenny. L, Ben. L Model: Georgie. H







For centuries, the sword has acted as men’s divine body adornment, the same that

My design is inspired by these exquisite antique swords. They define the mysteri strength of a weapon and beauty of a piece of jewellery. Coupled with the backgr of 15 peculiar rings, each inculcating with an artistic soul, embedded with beau techniques and materials such as silver, diamonds and sapphires.

The rings’ shapes are influenced by the pommel of a sword - a distinctive featur has now been uniquely made to cling around the fingers. As such, the rings have

t jewellery had been for women.

ious relationship between our hands and wielding swords, yet juxtapose the round being situated in the classic renaissance period, this is a collection uty and a tinge of aggressiveness. They are all hand-crafted with traditional

re to prevent the sword from slipping away from the hand. In this case, it been made to be easily wearable.

有史以來,劍代表著男人身上最神聖的裝飾,就猶如女人身上的珠寶一樣。 我的設計靈感來 董劍。他們傳釋了手跟揮舞的劍之間那神秘的關係,與此同時,它不但呈現了武器的力量, 的美麗。加上文藝復興時代的背景,這是一個包含著15隻奇特戒指的系列,它們各自帶有一 擁有它的美麗和那隱藏的野心。它們都是利用傳統的工藝和材料,比如說銀,鑽石和藍寶石 些戒指的形狀來自於劍的柄端--一個特別的設計去防止劍把從手裏滑落。而在這個設計裏 造去套在手指上。因此,這些戒指的設計是便於穿戴的。

來自於這些精緻的古 ,也象徵著一件珠寶 一個藝術的靈魂,並 石來人手制作的。 這 裏,它就被特別的打


ai weiwei

BY Georgia s



"The limits of my language are the limits of my world" Given the daily displays of personal expression and quite frankly self-infatuation posted online here in the democratic UK, it is just too easy to forget the extreme censorship within the communist states of the east, where the very act of your online habit would be a criminal offence, let alone the content of your cause. Censor as you may, opinion will transcend written languages. In the physical world, posture, gait and tone of voice communicate ideas beyond the limits of language. This ailment of expression has transformed to fit the digital world through the brilliant sub-culture of internet memes. Much like the use of hashtags to illustrate subtext, Chinese internet users have developed their own means to circumvent governmental measures. The Chinese word for grass mud horse, “cao ni ma”, when spoken aloud is only a stone’s throw away from the slightly crude, but ever necessary “fuck your mum”. Ingenious puns like these are these are used to wave two fingers to the censorship laws in China, and they don’t stop at mud horses. The river crab is the official term for the Chinese censorship, “hexie” sounding like harmony, which of course demonstrates the intelligent satire seamlessly. Legendary artist and activist, Ai Wei Wei has produced a series of screen prints that explore this issue. Wei Wei borrows the visual language from ancient illustrations used to warn off evil spirits by hanging above the doorways of homes - coupled with the imagery from social media and communication technology, Wei Wei challenges the censorship and promotes his personal opinion, seen by the Door Gods raising their middle fingers. These prints were aptly produced for use as screen savers for the Chinese people and read fight for justice, rid evil spirits. There is no place for apathy in the face of communist regime and severe censorship. Cultural commentary on current events is elementary in both educating the masses and documenting our present - the limits of your language don’t have to be the limits of your world.

“ 我 語 言 的 界 限 是 我 世 界 的 界 限 。 ” 對於每日在民主作風的英國網絡上張貼一些個人表現主義和坦率的個 人自戀主義的帖子的人, 他們很容易忘記那些在共產主義的東方國 家中網絡中的行為也會構成犯罪行為的嚴格審查,更不用說是個人的 主張。但是主張的形式可以超越書面的語言。在有形的世界裡, 姿 勢,步調,和說話的語氣可以超越語言的限制進而更好的做到思想的 溝通。這些病態的措辭為了適應數字世界已經轉化成卓越的可以互聯 網爆紅的亞文化。類似於運用主題標籤說明潛台詞,中國互聯網用戶 已經開發出了他們自己的網絡詞彙用於防治政府部門的審核制度。羊 駝的中文詞語:“草泥馬”在網絡中的使用就與本身的意思大相徑 庭,詞語本身的讀音是“操你媽”的諧音。這種巧妙的雙關語的使用 就像是在諷刺中國的網絡審核制度, 詞語本事已經不只是停留在要 表達羊駝這種動物的層面。河蟹這個詞語已經被網絡用戶正式命名為 中國的網絡審核的表達詞語, “河蟹”聽起來像是:和諧, 這當然 表明不間斷的智慧型諷刺現象。傳說中的藝術家、積極活動分子:艾 未未,創作了一系列反映這些論點的絲網印刷畫。艾未未憑藉從中國 古代繪畫中用於懸掛於家裡出入口,起到驅逐惡靈作用的視覺語言, 並在其中加入了現代社會媒體和溝通技術的門神形象來挑戰審核制度 和發表個人觀點,就好像是門神豎起了中指一樣。這些畫像被巧妙的 用於中國網絡用戶的屏保,同時解讀出爭取正義,擺脫邪靈的意思。 更深一步的表明了這裡沒有留給冷漠的共產主義政權和嚴重的審核制 度的位置的意思。時事文化評論是教育群眾和記錄我們的當下這兩種 初衷構成,同時表明了:你語言的界限並沒有成為你世界的界限。

lisson gallery. Beijing-based film maker, musician, political activist and artist, Ai Weiwei brings his practice to The Lisson Gallery this summer. Far from the live streams of his arrest, The Lisson Gallery invites visitors to take in his sculptural pieces with more ease and time and arguably less drama. His commentary on contemporary geopolitics speaks directly to those in the here and now, enabling his work to be ever-relevant and his courageous actions are a key factor in bringing about social change in China.


NICOLE FOO As I write this on the 4th of June, people all over Hong Kong are gathered at a candle light vigil in remembrance of the Tian An Men massacre that happened 25 years ago. And yet it is strange to think, just 30 minutes away across the border, the Chinese on the mainland never knew it happened. Under the one country two systems policy, Hong Kong has the luxury of being a safe haven for freedom of speech in China. While this degree of artistic freedom should encourage great local art, I feel that the Hong Kong culture inhibits the growth of artists. The fast pace of life leaves little time to appreciate the arts; a prosperity-focused mentality leave few to understand, let alone pursue it. But this doesn’t mean there is no art and design here – Hong Kong is a leading international art market. This city of excitement and contradictions is an inspirational hub that attracts creatives from all corners of the earth. Only here would you find trees, centuries old, growing out of concrete hills, or old taoist temples nestled between towering sky scrapers, or colonial buildings fused with modern glass and steel architecture. However, foreign creatives never stay long enough to cultivate the Hong Kong art scene. When the giant rubber duck by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman visited Hong Kong waters, it was all people would talk about. Social media became hourly updates on how the duck was doing. The accidental deflation of the duck made headlines on primetime news! Hong Kongers crave for something new and unique, something only creatives can provide. Local art could become a medium for communication to unite the strong-minded people of Hong Kong, especially in a time when it feels their way of life and the freedom they’ve held so dear is slowly and inevitably crumbling at the pressure of the Beijing government.

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