Hip Arthroscopy Surgeon
Doctors recommend for this treatment when patient face problem related to Hip. In this treatment patient inserted with camera on body that show image to guide in surgical treatment. As doctors use arthroscope and instruments are small so the cut they make is also small for surgery. Due to this patient will feel less pain.
What are risk of hip arthroscopy ?
1) Some of patients face numbness or tingling in the groin or inner thigh. 2) After operation patient need to do exercise which cause swelling and discomfort in the thigh, leg and buttock region. 3) If you Do heavy activity you may be have risk of fracture/ 4) Other common problem may be infection, bleeding and lung or leg clots. 5) General health issues.
What are the benefits of hip arthroscopy?
Due to small cut less tissue will damage.
2) Pain will be less. 3) Less blood loss. 4) Recovery time will be faster. 5) Doctors suggest patients to walk, to get off from crutches soon.
For more information visit: www.mosm.com
Address 8641 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 215 Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone no: 310-7777845