Mosman Now - Autumn 2014

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Issue 9 Autumn 2015

MOSMANNOW NEWSLETTER Council’s vision for our Civic Centre site

Have your say

In early February, Mayor Peter Abelson wrote to all Mosman households about Council’s vision for the Civic Centre site to build new facilities to meet the Mosman community's needs. These new facilities could include a contemporary library, purpose-built art gallery, multi-purpose community spaces for youth and seniors, customer friendly and efficient administration offices and Council Chambers, additional public car parking, and activation and beautification of public spaces. To fund the cost of new development, part of the site would need to be redeveloped for residential and retail use. All development would comply with current height and density planning controls (i.e. no greater than 5 storeys). Council’s vision is currently on public exhibition and the deadline for submissions has been extended to 25 March 2015. You are encouraged to visit Council’s website or the exhibition display at the Civic Centre (ground floor foyer) to find out more. Do you support the idea of redeveloping the Civic Centre site for improved community facilities funded by residential/retail development on part of the site? Let us know what you think by completing a short survey or making a written submission. For further information and links to the survey see Council’s website. For enquiries see contact details to the right.

What kind of future do you want for Mosman? As part of the State Government’s ‘Fit for the Future’ reform package, local councils are required to demonstrate how they intend to operate in the future. Council has resolved to exhibit a range of possible options including continuing independence and mergers and is currently seeking community feedback. See the included flyer for further information and how to have your say using the enclosed feedback card. The closing date for feedback is Thursday 2 April 2015.


Visit Council's website or the display in the Mosman Civic Centre (ground floor foyer), and complete the short survey to let us know what you think. Your comments will help inform Council in its decisions about the future of this important site.

Exhibition close

25 March 2015.


Kelly Lynch, Senior Strategic Planner, on 9978 4058 (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) Joe Vertel, Senior Planning Advisor, on 9978 4214 (Monday, Wednesday)

for the latest events in Mosman visit

Artists of Mosman: 2088 As the Artists of Mosman: 2088 exhibition for 2015 draws closer, Mosman Art Gallery is anticipating another influx of artworks from the talented residents of Mosman. With our rich artistic heritage including aboriginal rock art, the artist camps of Streeton and Roberts and the modernist visions of Margaret Preston, this region shares a strong creative legacy. The exhibition is open to works from residents of Mosman and friends or volunteers of Mosman Art Gallery. Artworks in any media including drawing, painting, ceramics, jewellery, photography or textile can be brought to the Gallery on Tuesday 31st March for a chance to be exhibited. The 2015 exhibition runs from 11 April until 3 May. Entry forms and conditions are available online at

Dog poo fairy success

The 12 month campaign 'there's no such thing as the dog poo fairy', has focused on responsible pet ownership amongst local residents. The campaign has encouraged dog owners to do the right thing and pick up after their dog to help keep our streets, parks and beaches clean. The ‘dog poo fairy’ message has been targeted at residents and visitors alike. Of Council parks and reserves, six have been monitored, and dog poo left has been counted and flagged. Flagging undertaken in January 2015 showed great results with a 53% decrease in the amount of dog poo left in our parks and reserves over the last 12 months. We are encouraged by these results and continue to ask the community to act responsibly. Remember to consider your community and your environment - pick up after your dog and bag it and bin it! As part of the ‘dog poo fairy’ evaluation process we would appreciate your feedback. To share your views, visit To assist dog owners in helping keep Mosman’s public areas clean, we also have POOch Pouches available free to interested residents. The pouch is easily attached to your dog's leash for convenience, just drop into Council or call 9978 4043. Visit

Immunisation Clinics Is your child due for his or her next immunisation? Perhaps you are about to be a new mum or dad and are considering local options for immunisation services? Council runs immunisation clinics on the third Tuesday of each month between 10am and 12pm at Mosman Drill Hall, Cross Street, Mosman. The next clinics will be held on 17 March, 21 April and 19 May 2015. For all enquiries call the Children’s Services team on 9978 4161.

Plastic marine waste Over the Australia Day 2015 long weekend, artist Anton Pulvirenti was engaged by Council to create a storyboard about marine plastics littering our waterways and contaminating the human food chain. Anton's colourful chalk drawings along the Balmoral Beach promenade were viewed by hundreds of beach goers including families enjoying the last week of the summer holidays. The chalk drawings were intended to raise awareness about the problems associated with plastics and other litter and the impacts plastics can have not only on the marine environment and marine life but also on us. The drawings were a call to initiate action to reduce plastic use and bin waste properly. In doing so we can reduce harm to birds and marine animals and at the same time ensure that the fish we eat carry minimal plastic contaminates. To continue the story of plastic waste and how it can impact on the marine environment, Council is hosting a community event at the Mosman Art Gallery entitled 'Life in the Harbour- the Plastic Saga'. Join us at the Art Gallery on Thursday 19 March, 6.30pm to hear guest speakers marine biologist and artist Meredith Peach, who will discuss plastics and the marine environment, her personal journey with plastic and how this has affected her as a scientist and an artist, and Vivian Sim UNSW PhD Candidate, who will share her latest research including storm water as the gateway to micro plastics. RSVP online at or call Loani on 9978 4024. Do you have a pool or spa?

Illegal Dumping Illegal dumping has significant environmental and social costs for residents of Mosman. Some of these include: § Land degradation and the destruction of local bush land § Contamination of soil and water sources due to runoff from dump sites § Dumped materials can catch fire either by spontaneous combustion or arson, which can damage property and bushland § Illegal dumping items are a lost resource as some of these items can be recycled § Dumped items can create physical and chemical hazards (protruding nails or sharp edges and harmful fluids or dust) § Dump sites attract rodents, insects and other vermin that post health risks § Thousands of volunteer hours are spent participating in clean up initiatives, such as Clean Up Australia Day, which becomes a waste of community resources

If you intend to lease or sell your home you need a pool certificate. By now you may be aware that initial changes to the NSW swimming pool legislation have commenced, with all pool owners required to register their pool or spa with the Office of Local Government (OLG) also But did you know that from 29 April 2015 all properties with a pool sold or leased must have a valid Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate? You can apply to Council for this certificate. Council will first organise an inspection of the pool, then advise if it complies with the requirements of the Swimming Pools Act 1992 (the Act) and let you know if any work is needed to comply which is valid for three years. Upon completion of works, Council will issue a certificate stating that the swimming pool or spa complies with the requirements of the Act. Please note that a Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate application incurs a cost of $150. Should a reinspection be required an additional $100 fee will be charged. You can download an application form from Council's website or call the Compliance Team on 9978 4000.

Illegal Items Dumping of waste larger than litter onto land or into water is illegal. Items that are considered illegal when dumped include: § General household rubbish § Larger domestic items (mattresses, furniture, whitegoods, etc) § Construction and demolition waste including excavation waste and asbestos § Organic garden material § Chemicals and other hazardous waste § Abandoned vehicles, car parts and shopping trolleys


In 2014 there were 600 instances of illegal dumping in Mosman which cost more than $60,000 to dispose of correctly. Report illegal dumping If you identify items that have been illegally dumped you can report it via Council’s website or by contacting the Waste Information Line on 9978 4076. What are the fines for illegal dumping? Penalties of up to $500,000 apply for illegally dumped waste. On the spot fines can be given to: § Individuals – up to $4,000, and § Companies – up to $8,000

Where can I dispose of my waste legally? § A free household clean up service is organised twice a year by

Library wins Anzac grant Mosman Library has recently received a grant for the conservation of five rare First World War Honour Boards held in the Mosman Local Studies Collection. This grant is part of the Australian Government's Anzac Centenary Program which provides funds to Federal Members of Parliament with the aim of facilitating projects to commemorate the Great War. The Mosman Boards are a rich historic resource displaying over 220 portrait photographs of local men who enlisted in the First World War. They are a significant resource for the Library’s innovative online project Doing Our Bit: Mosman 1914–1918. Doing Our Bit aims to commemorate the centenary of WWI by collecting and sharing records, stories, memories and photographs relating to the wartime experiences of local service people. View the project website at This grant will allow the Library to digitise each photograph and upload them to the ‘Doing Our Bit’ site. The boards will be assessed and treated by a professional conservator to ensure their longevity. A facsimile photographic copy of each board will then be framed for display on commemorative occasions.

Council. Additional clean up collections can be arranged outside these times for an additional cost.

§ Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre in Terry Hills is our local

waste facility. Please visit Council’s website to check what materials are accepted.

§ For abandoned shopping trolleys please report to Trolley

Trackers on 1800 641 497 or visit


is illegal

MosmanNow is available throughout Mosman as a printed edition. It is also published electronically in PDF and Digital Edition. Links to additional content may be found in the online version.

Scan this QR Code with your web-enabled smart phone or tablet to access online services and news.

©2015 Mosman Municipal Council This publication is written by Council staff and authorised for distribution by Veronica Lee – General Manager Spit Junction NSW 2088 9978 4000 fax 9978 4132

What’s On

Connect with us

Don't miss out on the many fun and interesting events taking place in Mosman over the next few months. Here is a sample of what's on offer – visit for more.

Bradley Bushland Community Day

Saturday 21 March, 9am–12pm Bradley Bushland Reserve, 2 Alexander Avenue, Mosman To celebrate International Day of Forests come along and learn more about the ecological community at Bradley Bushland, including historical and recent influences, and help the Bradley Bushcare Group with their program of planting and weed control.

Mosman Youth Art Prize

Mosman Library Update Mosman Library services continue to operate from the ground floor as building works proceed on the upper floor to improve public accessibility to the foyer and toilets. A small lending collection, public access Internet PCs and free wi-fi are available during the works. This is also an excellent opportunity for library members to check out the Library's fantastic eBook and eMagazine collection at Full library services will resume in April. For more information please contact the Library on 9978 4091 or visit

Saturday 7 March – Sunday 29 March Mosman Art Gallery A chance to see the diverse talents of our region's young, aspiring and emerging artists. This popular competition sees almost 400 entries received annually from entrants across Sydney. Young artists aged between 12–21 submit artworks in a variety of media including painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, video, photography and ceramics to win over $8,000 in cash prizes, scholarships and art materials.

Shorefest 2015

Saturday 18 April, 11am–5pm St Leonards Park, North Sydney The North Shore’s premier music event for young people is on again in 2015, this year including some of Australia's best hardcore and metal acts. Shorefest is an all-ages drug and alcohol free event held in National Youth Week each year. Presented by Mosman, North Sydney, Lane Cove, Hornsby, Ryde, Willoughby and Ku-ring-gai Councils the event boasts an exciting line-up of nationally touring artists as well as local bands. The day includes market stalls, rides and plenty of music to enjoy. Visit the Shorefest 2015 Facebook page to stay up to date.

Vaccinate your pet rabbits Rabbit owners are encouraged to vaccinate their pets ahead of the feral rabbit control program. Mosman Council will be controlling feral rabbit populations with the release of the Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV) as part of a region-wide control program through the Urban Feral Animal Action Group. Release is planned for late March to early April (weather dependent). Due to the wet and mild winter last year, rabbit populations have seen an explosion in numbers. Rabbits are known for their large scale destruction of agricultural and environmental assets. In metropolitan areas this includes parks and sporting fields as well as bushland areas. Council encourages residents with pet rabbits to ensure their animals are vaccinated in advance (six weeks is optimum) of the planned release of RHDV. All local vets have been advised. The virus can be spread via direct contact with infected individuals and by insects, such as mosquitos. The control agent is specific to rabbits and will not have adverse effects on other species, humans included. The release of the virus is timed to ensure improved effectiveness and the most beneficial outcome. This is part of an ongoing annual control program that includes a range of control methods. RHDV is an appropriate tool in urban areas where other methods are restricted due to increased risk.

ART–maker, patron, lover Photographs by Gary Grealy Saturday 9 May – Sunday 12 July Mosman Art Gallery In this series of portraits, professional photographer Gary Grealy captures some of the most unique characters of Australia's art world. This world inhabited by the talented, strong, generous and at times eccentric characters of art patrons, gallery directors, art lovers and artists is portrayed as a carefully constructed and realised universe with film noir overtones. Gary Grealy has been a frequent finalist in the National Photographic Portrait Prize at the National Portrait Gallery and his work has been collected by the National Portrait Gallery and National Gallery of Australia.

No Stopping and yellow lines A No Stopping zone can be marked with No Stopping signs or an unbroken yellow edge line. You must not stop your vehicle on a length of road that has No Stopping signs or an unbroken yellow edge line. No Stopping includes when the vehicle is not moving but the engine is still running. Please consider other road users and park safely. For more information contact Council’s Traffic section on 9978 4032.



Mosman Youth is the place for young people to get involved in local issues and see what’s happening around Mosman

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