3 minute read

Message from the General Manager


It’s been a busy and eventful four years and I think the range of works, programs and services outlined in this report attest to a strong record of delivery by Council over the period. Mosman’s Community Strategic Plan, MOSPLAN, has set the direction for Council’s e orts, and our rolling MOSPLAN Delivery Program has guided service delivery as well as setting performance targets each year. The current MOSPLAN was developed by Councillors with input from the community in 2017 and 2018, and the projects and programs agreed as part of the Delivery Program are largely complete. That is not to say there haven’t been di culties encountered along the way or that there haven’t been some decisions or consequences that weren’t anticipated four years ago. While many of our key performance indicators have been tracking well against adopted targets, some have not gone to plan due, largely, to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic over the last two years. That said, I am very proud of the way that sta have been able to adapt to changing circumstances and to continue delivering services in new and innovative ways. The more recent challenges of COVID-19 have been tackled alongside longer-standing issues for our community including tra c congestion, development and maintaining Mosman’s village lifestyle. For Council, there have also been the ongoing challenges of maintaining local infrastructure and services at levels expected by the community, while also ensuring that the financial sustainability of the organisation is carefully managed. As an established area we are cognisant that, although our population is not growing at a rapid rate, there are many existing facilities that require costly and consistent upkeep and renewal to meet contemporary standards and expectations. I’m proud to say that we’ve been able to keep pace with necessary infrastructure renewals in terms of both financial and professional capacity to deliver. This is, however, always a fine balancing act and opportunities to raise the necessary revenue are not always within our control. The sound financial results achieved over the last few years reflect strong budgetary control and an intimate understanding and appreciation of the resources at Council’s disposal. Council’s customers have remained central to the way we do business and we have continued our e orts to constantly improve the quality of customer interactions. Whether you are attending Council’s customer service centre, one of our community facilities or doing business online with Council at any time of the day, our focus has been firmly on making this an easier, more welcoming and streamlined experience. There have been huge advances in our online o erings which have not only been of great assistance in current times, but which have responded more generally to the realities of modern daily life. It has been especially fulfilling for me to lead a team of sta who are by equal measures caring, proactive, diligent and highly professional in the way they go about serving the Mosman community. The results achieved in sta engagement surveys over the period demonstrate high levels of sta satisfaction and a strong understanding of the vision and purpose of Council. From the significant amount of positive feedback received from local residents, I’m confident there is a lot that we’re doing right. Of course, there’s also things we can improve upon and we’ll continue to do just that. With development of the next MOSPLAN due to take place over coming months, Council’s Executive Team and sta look forward to delivering on the new Vision and directions endorsed by the Council elected for the 20212024 term.

Dominic Johnson, General Manager

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