Mosman Library News & Views - Autumn 2012

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Did you know Mosman Library offers free language courses?


Mosman Library Celebrates the Love of Reading!

Photo credit: Travelling Helsinki by Anna Jarske, on Flickr – some rights reserved

Free language learning software is now available from Mosman Library. All you need is your library card! Planning an overseas trip, or picking up another language for pleasure or profit? Learn the fundamentals fast with Transparent Language Online. The course is easy and engaging. Eighty languages are at your fingertips, and for language learning on the go, access your lessons from an iPhone or Android app. For those new to Australia whose first language is not English, we offer Road to IELTS. IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is a leading test of English for higher education, immigration and employment. The Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship accepts test results from IELTS. Road to IELTS offers 120 hours of free online tuition to help you succeed in the IELTS exam. Language courses are free to members of Mosman Library, and available online 24/7. To get started, just go to

New Service ‐ SMS holds notification.

If you would like to receive Holds alerts via sms please ask the staff.


At Mosman Library we love a party so what better way to celebrate Library Lovers Day than to throw one of our very own. And this year it was a double celebration as we, along with libraries around the country, launched the National Year of Reading 2012. Having had a successful party for our book clubs a couple of years ago we decided it was high time for another one but this time opened the invitation to not only book club members but anyone who wanted to join in the worthy celebrations. Preparations began in earnest as we organised games, party food, drinks, cup cakes, and lucky door prizes. When Library Lovers Day finally rolled around staff were all prepared for a fun filled day. Throughout the day staff encouraged borrowers to enter our ‘book that changed your life?’ competition for a chance to win a fantastic hamper packed with chocolates, wine and book vouchers as well as offering e‐book reader demonstrations and free chocolates. As the afternoon rolled into evening out came the wine and nibbles and the celebrations really kicked in. As our book club members arrived the library was quickly filled with the lively chatter of book lovers. The food was divine and the book club members were happy mingling and chatting with the staff, each other and other library patrons. Once the lucky door prizes were drawn guests began to take leave but not without expressing their thanks for a fantastic evening. As one of our members commented on the way out “Who needs a date on Valentine’s Day when you can party in the library…I even got to take home some books!”.

Phone: 9978 4091



Stories of times past keep up with the times

Donations and the Mosman Library Local Studies Collection

43 Shadforth St, c.1951. Grandmother & uncle on ex‐army BSA bike. Photo courtesy Mrs Jean Greenhalgh.

A sense of neighbourhood is paramount to a sense of community. Mosman Memories of Your Street was launched in 2006 as a means of recording those quickly disappearing memories of the old neighbourhood. Within a week of going live the site was discovered by expats living in England who were eager to share stories of their Mosman. Since then more and more storytellers have found us and in six years we have collected many valuable personal stories, memories and photographs of a Mosman past. As time went on we realised that this site was fulfilling another important social function and one we had not envisaged. Mosman Memories was being used to find long lost family and friends; reconnections with the past are being made. Last year we decided the site needed to be revamped and we now have a wonderful new glamorous storyboard for storytellers. Using Google Maps we have plotted each story enabling ease of locating and linking stories and images. So if you haven’t read any of the Mosman stories – or shared your own – now is the time. Just head to

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Over the years materials in the Local Studies Collection have been acquired from a number of public and private sources, by either purchase or donation. Donations are very important in the development of a descriptive local collection. Materials do not have age restrictions and can include photographs, diaries, letters, concert programmes, tram tickets, newsletters, pottery, textiles and books. In some instances where people do not wish to part with their precious memorabilia we are given the opportunity to copy these items. The thoughtfulness and generosity of those who donate materials is truly appreciated and as a way of sharing these valuable resources they will be displayed throughout the year in the library complementing our Donations page on the library website. This sundial made by Raphael Clint for Archibald Mosman around 1835. It was found in Dungog in the early 1990s and donated to Mosman Library shortly after. The image is in the Mosman Library: Local Studies Collection on Flickr

Crime Book Club

Do you love a good crime, mystery or thriller? If so you may be interested in joining the Mosman Library Crime Book Club. The group meets once a month (first Wednesday between 10.30am and 11.30am) to discuss some great crime authors and titles. Reading lists, books and discussion questions will be provided, so why not come along and enjoy a friendly and informal chat with like‐minded, crime loving readers. To enquire about this exciting group, or to register your interest, please phone Jacqueline Elstein on 9978 4102.

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Library and Information Week, 2012

May 21 ‐ May 27 2012 is Library and Information Week. This year, the theme is “Think Outside the Book” and we will be looking at all the things the Library does, not just lending books, but all of our services. All week we will be showcasing Library services such as community information, workshops, seminars, Author Evenings, children’s services and a variety of other wonderful things the Library has to offer. So keep a look out for the May What’s On newsletter for more information!

Download Audiobooks, eBooks, Music, and Video Anytime, Anywhere

Photo credit: Glare Test (Minimum) by I AM I.A.M., on Flickr – some rights reserved

Mosman Library offers you best‐selling and classic audiobooks and eBooks available 24/7 through the Mosman Library website. You can browse the collection, check out with your library card, and download to PC, Mac®, and many mobile devices. To get started, you will need to install free software. For audiobooks, OverDrive® Media Console™ and to read eBooks, you’ll need Adobe® Digital Editions. Titles can be enjoyed immediately or transferred to a variety of devices, including iPod®,iPad, Sony® Reader™, and many others. Some audio titles can also be burned to CD to listen on‐the‐ go. Titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period. There are no late fees!

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Are You Looking For A Good Book?

The National Year of Reading 2012 is an initiative that aims to ignite a passion for reading in all Australians. Why not celebrate the love of books by joining Mosman Readers, Mosman Library’s very own readers’ community. Here you can read reviews, post your own, keep up to date with events and be part of a vibrant online community. Mosman Library also holds a great range of online resources to help find your next great read. Visit the Reading Lounge to access the magazine Good Reading and use literary resources such as Novelist and Who else writes like…..?.

Home Library Service

Are you, or someone you know unable to visit the library anymore? Did you know that Mosman Library provides a Home Library Service for Mosman residents who are unable to visit the Library or no longer able to carry their items home? In consultation with the reader, the Librarian selects items for you and these are delivered regularly to your home, usually by the same Home Library Volunteer. If you are able to visit the Library to choose your items, but unable to take items home then the Library can organize for the items of your choosing to be delivered to your home on a regular basis, usually by Home Library Volunteers. In some instances a medical certificate is required to take advantage of this service. If you wish to discuss this service, or for more information, please contact the Home Services Librarian on 99784093.

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Premier’s Reading Challenge 2012

Reading Rave Wrap‐Up!

It’s that time of the year again! The Premier’s Reading Challenge has been running for many years now, and aims to encourage kids to read and experience a range of literature. To complete the challenge, kids must read a certain number of books from the Challenge list for their age group. New books are added each year, so there is always something to challenge both confident and emerging readers. But the Premier’s Reading Challenge doesn’t have to be a challenge for parents– it’s easy to find the books you need using the annotated lists available in the library. You can borrow them any time you visit to check what books the library has a copy of, and where to find them. To make it extra simple, picture books on the challenge list are marked with a sticker so they are easy to find. And as always, please just ask for help if you need it!

So Long, Farewell… After four very happy years as Children’s Librarian here at Mosman Library I am both sad and happy to tell you that I will be finishing up in the middle of March. It has been wonderful meeting and getting to know so many of the bright, funny and clever children who are regular visitors to the library and I am grateful to all my little friends for making my time here so enjoyable. I’ll miss being a part of your lives. Thank‐you to all the families who have offered their kindness, appreciation and support of the library, and I hope you all continue to enjoy the great programs that the library is able to offer. Bye for now! Kate.

We had our Reading Rave prize presentation on Wednesday 15 February where the hard‐working teens who read 20 hours or more over the Summer Holidays came to the Library and claimed their prizes. The Prizes were awarded by the Mayor of Mosman, Councillor Anne Connon, who gave a short speech congratulating the participants and thanking the generous sponsors of the event. This was the ninth year the Library has offered Reading Rave, with over 50 participants signing up over the Summer. Participants this year read a total of 1397 hours and 339 books with an average of over 63 hours read for each participant. A highly anticipated segment of the Reading Rave presentation was the drawing of the grand prize winner! Each year, teens who read more than 60 hours are eligible to go in the grand prize draw, and the Mayor of Mosman, Councillor Anne Connon, draws the winner at random. This years grand prize was a Nintendo Wii with Mario Kart (and some other goodies, too) and was won by Emma Guo (age 12), who read more than 30 books in 65 hours over the Summer period.

Don’t Miss... ...your chance to meet author R.A. Spratt– who will be visiting the library to talk to children about her wonderful series of Nanny Piggins books! Thursday 10 May 4:00pm Book online.

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