1 minute read

Mosman Walking & Cycling Strategy

Direction Project Name Project Description


Maintain and enhance Mosman’s existing cycling network.


Almora St Cycle Route

Investigate and design a cycle route along Almora St connecting Balmoral to Military Road, with a bike stair rail linking Upper Almora to Lower Almora. Implementation will be subject to design feasibility, approvals and funding.

A3.2 Improve End-of-trip facility offerings

A3.3 Audit, maintain and undertake minor upgrades of existing cycling network infrastructure

A3.4 Enhancement of existing cycle network

Installation of bicycle parking stations, maintenance stations, water fountains, seating, etc. at strategic locations around Mosman. Locations to be identified via site audits.

Undertake general maintenance, as well as annual audits of the existing cycling network to identify hazards and/or improvements that can be addressed through minor works. This may include visibility improvements, wayfinding improvements, regular renewal of line marking, and other measures.

There are a few previously identified cycle networks that are yet to be completed. These include Rangers Avenue, Spofforth Street, Ourimbah Road and Carney Lane. Design and implementation of these improvement are subject to approvalsfrom TfNSW, Local Traffic Committee and Council and grant funding opportunities.

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