Over 55s Newsletter - Apr May Jun 2016

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April, May, June 2016


Welcome to the new look Over 55’s Newsletter.

In this Issue: you will find the full year of the Community Restaurant lunches, Seniors Week Festival info, new puzzles, exciting movie calendar, a fun filled Diary of Events and much much more….

Quick Phone List Activities Information, Referrals & Support

Olivier Strobel Lyn Kelleher Chantal Kerr

Seniors’ Activities Co-ordinator Community Support Officer

9978 4128 9978 4119 9978 4056

Nitesh Gurbani

Community Transport Coordinator

9978 4217


Claire Mullins

Community Restaurant Coordinator

9978 4123

Meals on Wheels

Katrina Jolley

Food Services Coordinator

9978 4130

Liz Nagel

Carers Program Coordinator


Carers Group

9978 4089 Mobile: 0419 784 089


Steven Walker

Volunteers Support Officer

9978 4126

Aged & Disability

Maya Jankovic

Development Officer

9978 4129

Newsletter available on-line at www.mosman.nsw.gov.au 2

From the Editor’s Desk

Dear readers,

Welcome back to the Over 55s Newsle er for April, May and June 2016! In this newsle er you will find all ac vi es, bus ou ngs, lunches for the above period, as well as contact and details of services available for all Seniors Ci zens in Mosman and in the area. Please give us a call if you need any assistance or informa on! There are many great and exci ng news for us at the Seniors Centre and in the offices. We have a new Aged and Disability Development Officer, Maya Jankovic, do not hesitate to say hello if you see Maya in the Centre. We also have a new Community transport Coordinator, Nitesh Gurani who will help with all your transport needs, give him a call if you are a Mosman Resident and need assistance with Transport. This year’s Seniors Week was between Friday the 1st April and Sunday the 10th; with a lot of great ac vi es happening at Council: The Mayoral lunch on the 1st of April, but also our tradi onal cocktail party on the 5th, a joint seminar between the Mosman Historical Society and IT for Re rees, exploring the technical capaci es of the Ipad for historical research and preserva on of old pictures; a fantas c play by the Old Women's theatre network (“Cabaret”); ac vi es at the library and the Art Gallery; exercise classes, and much much more! It has been packed with interes ng events and we thank all Seniors who joined us for Seniors Week! Check our website for all info, photos and stories of Seniors Week at the Seniors Centre on h p://mosman.nsw.gov.au/community/seniors. We also had several events for Neighbour Day (the actual day is Sunday the 27 March) acknowledging the importance of social interac on and community spirit to prevent social isola on. A lunch on the 22nd of March and a Morning tea on the 31st. Thank you to everyone for making Mosman the community it is. This year again we will be hos ng the Tax Help program at the Centre between July and October; we will have appointed ATO volunteers helping you through the process of ge ng your Tax returns done. Make sure you contact the Centre a er June to book an appointment. Don’t forget our regular program of ac vi es; Wendy is trying to start the kni ng group again, contribu ng to an amazing charity called Wraps with love, join her on the 3rd Friday in the a ernoon for a social me in the volunteers lounge! We also have renewed our Art Classes and would like more people to a end other ac vi es. The restaurant is also s ll opera ng every Tuesday and Friday at 12.30, if you are a Mosman resident and you have not been to the restaurant before, it is free the first me you a end! Delicious food and great company; why not give it a try? For all info, bookings and advice on our programs, call Olivier on 9978 4128, we are opened Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm and would love to help you at the Centre! Finally we would like to wish all Seniors a happy Easter and a happy belated Seniors Week 2016; stay warm, the Indian summer is finally over! From the Editor and the Aged and Disability Services team.


This information session is designed to help people with disability, as well as their families and carers, get ready for the National Disability Insurance Scheme that will commence in your area on 1 July 2016. The sessions will cover topics such as: What is the NDIS, and how does it work? Am I eligible for the NDIS? What will happened if I am made eligible? What kind of support can I access through the NDIS? The information session is also a perfect opportunity to bring your questions along and have them answered by experienced NDIA staff members

Mosman Senior Centre Mosman Square, Spit Junction Friday 15th April 2016 2:00pm - 4:00pm,

6:00pm - 8:00pm

RSVP by 13th April 2016 NSWSydneyengagement@ndis.gov.au

or call (02) 4726 4555

Please advise the name of those attending, contact phone number and any support requirements. Friends, family members and carers are welcome. Light refreshments will be available. 4


Meals on Wheels Mosman Meals on Wheels - Why we are superior to supermarket and other delivered meals Meals on Wheels


Other Services







A large selection of modified meals are available (eg pureed or minced)




High food safety standards ensure that meals are not left at the door or in an esky outside




Friendly volunteers have time for a quick chat




Volunteers assist with placing meals into the refrigerator or freezer. They can also start meals warming in the microwave or oven upon request




A trained dietician is available for home visits to discuss individual needs and requirements










Meals are cooked and delivered fresh each day and include a selection of fresh vegetables. Salads, sandwiches are also available (vegetarian, GF etc catered for). Chilled and frozen meals are delivered on days that suit you with no minimum order

For peace-of-mind, if no-one answers the door a follow up call is made to a nominated contact person Information and referrals can be made to other in-home services to maintain independence at home

Meals on Wheels is more than just a meal!


Meals on Wheels “Have you tried Meals on Wheels?” Are you looking for easier meal op ons? Would you like delicious, fresh meals delivered directly to your home on days that suit you? Our nutri ous meals are prepared daily by a catering company using the freshest ingredients. They are excellent quality, and fantas c value.

A 3-course meal and juice is only $8.50! Our menu offers a choice of meals each day, with tradi onal favourites as well as contemporary dishes to suit all tastes. We also have fresh salads and sandwiches. We can cater for special diets, such as gluten-free or vegetarian, and can provide pureed or so meals. We can even arrange for a die cian to contact you to discuss your requirements. Fresh, chilled meals are available Monday to Friday ready for you to heat in your oven or microwave. We also have a huge selec on of frozen meals.

Take-away meals If you’re unsure of when you’ll be at home to receive deliveries, why not come to the Meals on Wheels kitchen and collect some frozen meals. Bring a cool bag between 11am and 1pm and you can choose from our frozen selec on. Have you thought about taking away some frozen meals a er your exercise class or a er other ac vi es in the Seniors’ Centre?

New menu Our new winter menu begins in May, offering a range of warming meals for the cooler weather, including hearty casseroles, curries, rissoles and roast dinners. Please let us know if you would like us to send or email you a copy of our new menu or have a look on our website. If you, or someone you know or care for, would like to try our meals, or if you would just like to have a look at our menu, please contact either Katrina or Vicki. Kind regards,

phone: email: website: 6

Katrina & Vicki Meals on Wheels 9978 4130 meals@mosman.nsw.gov.au www.mosman.nsw.gov.au/community/seniors/meals-on-wheels

Meet out new Aged & Disability Development Officer, Maya Jankovic Who am I? Hello everyone, my name is Maya Jankovic and I am the "New Kazu", the name everyone has given me since my arrival. I have some big shoes to fill and I am sure she will be greatly missed by you all. My background is mainly in community and neighbourhood centres and in not for profit sector. I came from an organisa on called Holdsworth Community based in Eastern suburbs where I have been working for 11 years as a Community Care Manager, developing new and exci ng cultural and lifestyle programs for people over 55, and more recently established a community café/restaurant called Gaden, located in Woollahra. I am also a Social Worker and in my spare me I love to travel, be crea ve decora ng my friends' homes, socialising and visi ng many art galleries! What I do? I am the Development Officer (Aged & Disability Service) here at Mosman Council. Our team is made up of three units. Lifestyle & Culture Programs we deliver for ac ve and frail elderly through our Seniors Centre and Social Support Office. Individual & group transport for social and medical appointments through our Community Transport office; and, Food Services, which looks a er our Meals On Wheels and Community Restaurant. On top of that we have our Volunteers Coordinator who looks a er all our wonderful volunteers that help us out across all Council Services. What I can assist you with? I am very much futures focused and like to find solu ons to obstacles. If you have great concepts and need a nudge to see those ideas come to life, I am happy to assist. I like to think outside the box and be very flexible and crea ve in terms of how we can best serve our community and make things happen. So please speak to me if you would like to create a new social club or have ideas for bus ou ngs. My door is always open, be it good or bad! Please ask for me at recep on and I am happy to have a chat. I look forward in mee ng you all over the coming months.


Hello from Nitesh, our new Community Transport Coordinator A very warm greetings from the "new Dianne" as I have already been affectionately addressed by some of the users of the Community Transport and volunteers. I feel privileged having given the opportunity to serve the community here at Mosman while working with the Mosman Municipal Council. I hold a Master's degree in Humanities and speak Hindi and Spanish fluently. I have worked for various not for profit organizations ranging from fields like cultural planning, education and aged care. In my last position I served elderly residents of Sydney's Eastern suburbs under the Commonwealth funded CHS program. I am a full member of Australian Community Workers Association and look forward to apply my skills towards improving Community Transport Service to the best of my capabilities. Nitesh Gurbani 7

Community Support DO YOU KNOW ABOUT “MY AGED CARE?” My Aged Care is the Federal Government gateway to finding the aged care services that are right for you. It is your one-stop-shop for aged care services and informa on in Australia. It has been in opera on since 1 July 2015, and some people might s ll not have registered. We can assist you with this process at the Aged Services. This portal will provide you with informa on:    

On the different types of aged care services About your eligibility for services and how we can help you find local services On assessments and referrals to the providers that can meet your needs About the cost of your aged care services, including fee es mators.

When you call the My Aged Care contact centre, you will be asked for your consent to create a personalised client record. Your record will include up-to-date informa on on your needs and the results of any assessments or any services that you receive. Having a client record will reduce the number of mes you need to retell your story. Only you, your nominated representa ve, your assessor and service providers will be able to access relevant informa on in your record. If you are already receiving aged care services you do not have to contact My Aged Care unless your circumstances or care needs change. Further Informa on To find out how you can access the right aged care services for your needs: Visit the My Aged Care website at www.myagedcare.gov.au Call the My Aged Care contact centre on 1800 200 422


The My Aged Care contact centre operates: (The contact centre is closed on Public Holidays.) * Monday to Friday - 8am to 8pm * Saturday - 10am to 2pm If you have a hearing or speech impairment, we can help through the Na onal Relay Service. Call 1800 555 677 and ask for 1800 200 422 If you need an interpreter, we can help through the Transla ng and Interpre ng Service. Call 131 450 and ask for 1800 200 422. (Calls to 1800 numbers are generally free when made from a landline. All calls made from mobile phones are charged at the rates applicable to each telephone provider.) If you are a veteran or war widow/er, you may be eligible for Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) services or programs. You can talk to someone from the My Aged Care contact centre for more informa on.

My Aged Care brochures are available by calling at the Seniors Centre office. If you would like more informa on on My Aged Care or any informa on on services in general, please phone 9978 4119 or call at the Seniors Centre and ask to see the Community Support Officers. 8

Chantal Kerr & Lyn Kelleher Community Support Officers


Register as a Volunteer

We are looking at a number of new opportuni es for volunteering at the moment. Whether you are interested in becoming a volunteer, or already volunteer in another program, if you are interested to see what other opportuni es are out there please call Steven Walker on 9978 4126 or email s.walker@mosman.nsw.gov.au more informa on. Also a big thank you to all of our hard working volunteers, you do an amazing job and Mosman just wouldn’t be the same without you. Remember, you will always get something valuable back if you are prepared to put something in. "Volunteering is my therapy on the weekend. After a pressured week at work, I love having a giggle and a cup of tea with a friend" "You will always get something valuable back if you are prepared to put something in" "I am pleased to know that I am helping people to live independently in their own homes. I am making a difference to somebody's day"

News from the Community Restaurant The community restaurant is an amazing place to meet people and to start joining the Seniors Centre. The restaurant operates every Tuesday and Friday, we start serving food at 12.30 pm. Older Mosman residents who haven’t been to the restaurant before can come in for free for the first me! We are encouraging all residents to join us, we offer delicious and nutri ous 3 course meals plus juices and a glass of wine for only $10.00, you will not find be er value anywhere else! We also play music and have various entertainment. Once a month, (generally the last Friday of each month) we organise a theme lunch; French lunch, Melbourne Cup lunch, Christmas lunch, Aboriginal luncheon (as part of the Guringai Fes val) etc… for these lunches, you need to book in advance with Olivier on 9978 4128, the cost is $12.00 with entertainment and a themed menu! Finally, don’t forget our “Cheap Tuesdays”, on the first Tuesday of each month, which are only $7.00! It is a good me to come and try! We need more people to keep this amazing restaurant going! See you there! Regards Community Restaurant


Mosman Historical Society Meeting Venue: Date: Time:

Mosman Barry O’Keefe Library, Library Walk Mosman Wednesday 11 May 2016 6.45 pm for a 7 pm start

Speaker: Subject:

Dr Ian Hoskins Coast – A History of New South Wales Coastline

Dr Ian Hoskins has been a professional historian for 25 years and is at present the North Sydney Council’s Historian. He will discuss his book “Coast” which won the NSW Premier’s prize for Community & Regional History in 2014. Mr Hoskins realised that most books on Australian History focus on our nude brown land and pioneers moving ca le sheep across vast parts of land. So, with camera and pencils he decided to look at the sea . To write about the whole coast as a landscape tracing our rela onship with this stretch of land star ng with the aboriginal people feas ng on shellfish and perfec ng the art of building bark canoes and our present obsession with the beach as a place to lie and to holiday. Tea & Coffee Served Members: FREE

Visitors: $ 5.00 dona ons

For further informa on, ph: 0418 857 182

One for your diary: Venue: Date: Time:

Mosman Barry O’Keefe Library, Library Walk Mosman Wednesday 13 July 2016 6.45 pm for a 7 pm start


Dr Tanya Evans

The Spit amateur Swim Club is celebra ng its centenary this year. The Spit Baths opened in 1901, the Club in 1916 and many great swimmers have trained there included Frank O’Neil and Murray Rose.

The Sirius Singers, Mosman 2016 The Sirius Singers Choir – Jim Coyle, Director Sundays from 1:30 – 2:45pm No auditions. All welcome. Venue: The Sirius Room at The Garrison, 13 Spit Road, Pedestrian only access down driveway (off Spit Road). Venue close to Spit Road and Military Road buses. Wheelchair access available on request. Cost: First rehearsal free for new singers, then membership due for rest of eight week term to meet costs ($100 per full term). For more information, please email: Sirius.singers@gmail.com or ph 9960 6449. 10

Mosman Bowling Club The Mosman Bowling Club was pleased to make our Clubhouse available for Seniors' Tai Chi and Art classes over the last few weeks while the Council's usual premises were under renovation. Those who took part enjoyed the positive ambience of the Club. Anyone who wishes to give bowls a try should contact the Club. Men and women play the game together, and all ages participate. Members will be pleased to extend their hospitality. The Club provides free introductory lessons. These can be followed up with coaching, and we ensure new and prospective members are well looked after and made welcome. The coaches will get you on to the green as soon as possible so you can enjoy the game and the camaraderie of fellow bowlers. For more information, or to arrange a suitable time to try the game, Mary, our Office Manager, can be contacted Tuesday to Thursday on 9969 5198. Or you can call Jeff, our Head Coach, on 9904 0680. A flier providing information on the Club is also available on request, or you may like to look through our website www.mosmanbowlingclub.org.au

Mosman Village Art and Craft Market Dates to note... Saturday 7 May Saturday 4 June Saturday 2 July

Australian Academy of Tai – Chi Sydney, Northside Please support our 1st FLASHMOB video on YouTube On the internet, search: Flashmob Tai Chi Event Enjoy the video (4 mins) and please add a comment. (or get your grandchildren to do it) John Fryer


Community Restaurant Theme Lunches 2016 Mayoral Lunch ‘Seniors Week’

Friday 1 April

Seniors “Jazz” Cocktail Party

Tuesday 5 April


Friday 29 April

‘Cinco de Mayo’ Mexican Lunch

Friday 27 May

Guringai Fes val Lunch (Aboriginal)

Friday 24 June

‘Bas lle Day’ French Lunch

Friday 29 July

‘Celebrate Rio’ Olympics 2016

Friday 26 August

Greek Lunch

Friday 30 September

Melbourne Cup Lunch

Tuesday 1 November

Christmas Lunch

Friday 16 December

Restaurant Resumes Friday 6 January 2017


Weekly Bus Outings - Discovering Sydney Would you like a taste of country fresh pie in the quiet and green surroundings of the majestic Blue Mountains? Would you like to cherish a glass of your favourite drink while you contemplate the vastness of Tasman Sea across the whiter than white Maroubra beach? Does the idea of having a tea in the plush settings of Camelia Gardens titillate the romantic in you? Would you let go the opportunity to bask in the glory of Royal Australian Navy band in the shade of the imposing St Andrews Cathedral in an autumnal Sydney afternoon? Or would you rather enjoy the picturesque landscape of rural NSW and have a chance to contemplate exclusive collections at the Gosford Art Gallery and then go please your palate at a gourmet country kitchen with a glass of wine made out of home grown grapes emitting true bush aroma? Community Transport team at Mosman Municipal Council has prepared an extensive variety of venues for different tastes so that each and every touring enthusiast can have an opportunity to enjoy the excursions we offer. Service includes pick up from homes and morning tea on the way to the venue. You can expect utmost comfort and safety in our brand new Mitsubishi Rosa bus driven by experienced drivers. Volunteers, without whom we wouldn't be able to do this, will make sure your trip transforms into an unforgettable experience, something you would want to repeat and recommend to others. Trips are organised every Wednesday and sightseers are dropped back to their homes. It is a perfect opportunity to meet people, make new friends and, who knows, take home the anticipation of meeting them again. Possibilities are limitless while seats are limited; so hurry up, call us at 9978 4217 and reserve yours now!

See you on board!

Nitesh Gurbani

Conditions of access apply. We can accommodate maximum of 14 individuals


What’s on at the Library Faces in the Crowd Mosman’s Famous Forgotten Tuesday 19 April - Sunday 22 May 2016 As part of the 2016 Na onal Trust Heritage Fes val theme Discovery and Re-Discovery Mosman Library Service has put together a wonderful celebra on. Many Mosman residents and businesses were household names in their day and while the names may be familiar the stories of their success have been lost over me. We decided it was me to rediscover those hidden faces with some wonderful surprises and plenty of “I remember them ! “ moments. Included are architects, jewellers, collectors, manufacturers, company directors, auc oneers, a property developer and ar sts. Names such as Nancy Gurr, Lanyon Clark, Percy Marks, Dora Toovey, F. R Strange, Ken G. Hall, Francis Malley, Eric Lowe, Henry Taubman, Karna Birmingham, P. Neville Barne , Adrian Ashton, Rhoda Wager and the mysterious Jean Bianconi will ring bells. This is a wonderful opportunity to re-discover local tales of fame and fortune. On view at the Library from 19 April to 22 May 2016 during opening hours. This is a free event and no bookings are required.


Workshops at Mosman Making your own Wicking Bed Workshop FREE EVENT! Mosman Art Gallery Saturday 21 May 2016 10.00am - 1.00pm A wicking bed is a garden bed with a waterproof lining that holds a reservoir of water at the bo om from which water is drawn upwards like a wick to the surface of the bed via natural soil osmosis or through the roots of plants in the bed. Basically it works like large self-watering pot. In this workshop you will learn the basics to making your own wicking bed, from materials to detailed instruc ons and the correct method to get the best results.

Contact Loani on 9978 4024

Switch On to Switching Off!


Thursday 12 May 2016 Mosman Civic Centre 6.30pm to 8.30pm Petrified of opening your electricity or gas bill? Scared of increasing electricity (energy) rates? Join us for a community workshop where we will educate and empower you to make smart choices when it comes to energy usage in your unit, house or office space. Topics covered throughout the workshop will include:      

Energy 101 Where do I use energy in my home How do I save Hea ng & cooling Ligh ng Understanding Electricity/Gas Tariffs & Bills

    

Appliances Standby Power Hot water SHW & Solar PV Ba eries

The evening will be facilitated by Adam Corrigan and is hosted by the Living Mosman Program. Adam is the Managing Director Sustainable Energy and Water Services as well as Partnership Officer at the Be er Partnership.

Contact Julia on 9978 4043


What’s on at Mosman Art Gallery For more information please have a look at our website: http://mosmanartgallery.org.au/

On Exhibition... Coming Soon... Events...

Bungaree’s Farm - On Tour Saturday 25 June - Sunday 28 August 2016 Mosman Art Gallery is pleased to announce that our award winning exhibition Bungaree’s Farm will be touring to Flinders University Art Museum & City Gallery in South Australia next year. With ever increasing interest in the Bungaree story, expect to hear more developments about this ground breaking exhibition in the future.

Get Involved at Mosman Art Gallery There are many ways to get involved with Mosman Art Gallery. Become a Friend of Mosman Art Gallery to access a range of benefits and exclusive offers or join The Creative Circle to help support the Gallery's activities and programs. Become a valued volunteer to assist with the day to day operations of the Gallery or make a donation to help us to continue Donate to Mosman Art Gallery to create, connect, inspire and enrich .


What’s on at Mosman Art Gallery UNPACKED! The Mosman Art Collection Project Opens Monday 21 March to Thursday 16 June 2016 UNPACKED! The Mosman Art Collection Project offers viewers a rare glimpse into the 'behind the scenes' activities of a professional regional art gallery. During this gallery maintenance period works from the Mosman Art Collection will be displayed in a changing, temporary exhibition on Level 1 of the Gallery as staff attend to art collection audit, documentation, digitisation and conservation of works. Expect to see a wide of range of artworks from the unusual and quirky, to those works considered to be jewels in the crown of the Mosman Art Collection, ensuring its enviable reputation. The Mosman Art Collection is an historically important and unique collection of paintings and works on paper which have been collected since Mosman Municipal Council’s commencement in 1897. The collection’s primary focus is Australian painting, and the core of the collection has been formed through the annual, acquisitive Mosman Art Prize, first established in 1947 by the artist, architect and arts advocate, Alderman, Allan Gamble. The resulting collection of modern and contemporary paintings reflects developments in Australian art practices. The Mosman Art Collection also includes many significant works by Australian artists which have been acquired through several generous donations, including a major donation in 1945 by Alderman Keith Cowlishaw of 15 works from his personal collection of Australian Colonial and early twentieth century paintings including artworks by Conrad Martens, William Henry Raworth, William Whitney, William Lister, James Howe Carse and Valentine Delaware among others. The Mosman Art Collection also includes the major donation of Australian impressionist and early twentieth century paintings by Mr Neil Balnaves AO, The 17 Balnaves Gift.

Mosman Carers Group, ‘Caring for Carers’ A Carer is someone who is providing care and support for a family member or friend who has a disability, illness, dementia or is frail. The caring role can, at times, be overwhelming even isolating and often Carers have no idea what help is available. The group offers advice, assistance and ongoing support in time of crisis, navigation through the maze. It is a resource centre and offers a safe, secure and confidential outlet for Carers to laugh, cry, vent and share feelings if they wish to. Mosman Carers Group was set up over 12 years ago to provide ongoing support, information, advice and assistance and a vital part of the group is the friendship and support Carers give one another. The group meets every Wednesday from 10am til 12pm in the Harnett Room at Mosman Council , there are regular guest speakers covering a range of topics, morning teas and every few months a full day bus trip. The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed, you don't have to attend every week, just when you are able, The support, friendship and understanding has made a great difference to many Carers, they say that attending the meetings has helped them enormously and they don’t feel so alone or overwhelmed. If you are caring for someone you would be very welcome to attend the group , so please contact me and come along. Warm regards

Liz Nagel Carers Program Coordinator Contact: 9978 4089 18

Community Transport Are you having difficulty getting transport? Call 9978 4120 Transport to:       

Doctors and Hospitals Shopping Social outings Community Restaurant Exercise classes Visiting Others ?? Ask us

TAX HELP SERVICE The Tax Help Service is back in the Centre in July. Please call Olivier on 9978 4128 for bookings and for more information.

Conditions apply: People over 65 and frail  People with a disability  Carers who are looking after their loved one Minimum Fees apply 

The Probus Club of Mosman Combined Visitors are very welcome to a end our monthly mee ngs, held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Mosman Returned Services Club. Our mee ngs start at 10.30am and a er general business we take a break for morning tea followed by our guest speaker for the month. Details of our forthcoming mee ngs are: Wednesday 27 April 2016 Guest Speaker - Nora Hinchen's subject will be A Knight at the Movies: the many roles of John Mills. John Mills could have been typecast when he made his early films as a soldier, sailor or airman in World War 11, but that quickly changed a er the War. We will hear about his long life and the many characters he played on the screen, with film clips of some of those parts Wednesday 25 May 2016 Guest Speaker - Judith Sleijpen will talk about Gardening in small Spaces. She is a designer and consultant with Gardens, Balconies & Beyond on Sydney's north shore. Around 90 per cent of Australia's popula on lives on the seaboard and nearly 40 per cent of those live in medium or high-density housing. There's been a prolifera on of small gardens, courtyards and balconies that are perfect for these pampered plants. Wednesday 23 June 2016 Our guest speaker for June is to be advised. I'm sure we'll have someone very interes ng to hear . A er the mee ngs, visitors are very welcome to join us for lunch upstairs at the Horizon Restaurant. Inquiries: Sue Webb, Publicity Officer, 9969-6079


E X E R C I S E Healthy Lifestyle Why not join an exercise group with Healthy Lifestyle in 2016? Tuesday Gentle Exercise Gentle Pace Gentle Exercise Slow Pace Thursday Gentle Exercise Slow Pace Upright & Active New Zumba Gold

10.30am-11.30am 9.15am-10.15am 9.30am-10.30am 10.30am-11.30pm 2.00pm-3.00pm

Bookings are essential so call 8877 5300 for information and a course brochure or visit our website: www.nsccahs.nealth.nsw.gov.au/healthylifestyle

Over 55s Aquacise Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise by participating in Aquacise classes. Mosman Swim Centre, located in Vista Street Mosman, offers a range of different Aquacise classes for Over 55s that are proven to increase your metabolism, build muscle tone and strength, improve balance, flexibility and relieve tension. Each class can be varied in difficulty from easy to advanced. Prices for Aquacise classes are: Adult - $17.20 and Pensioner - $13.80. They also offer 10 visit multi-passes: Adult - $137.60 and Pensioner - $110.40, which are valid for 2 years from the date of purchase. For class timetables visit www.mosmanswimcentre.com.au or phone 9969 3888 for more information. There is a Special Needs Swimming Program on Saturday afternoons catering for both children and adults of all abilities, the program offers choice of group or personal sessions. For more information please phone 1300 117 946 or see staff at the Centre, 90 Vista Street, Mosman. 20

Periodic Play Reading Group The Periodic Play Reading Group has moved to the Library (Ground floor)! They s ll meet on the first and third Monday of each month (1.00 pm - 3.30 pm) and have an extensive collec on of great classic plays! Don’t hesitate to join the group, everybody welcome! For more info, call Olivier on 9978 4128, we hope to see you there!

Table Tennis In 2014, Seniors won the Mosman Championship (against a delegation from the Youth Centre)!, in 2015 we did not organize a tournament. Join us in 2016 and help us regain the crown!! When: Every Wednesday Time: 1.00pm – 4.00pm Just call in, or phone Olivier Strobel on 9978 4128. Please wear sneakers with good sturdy souls.

Mosman Art Classes Calling on all Mosman Artists! Mosman Artists; join one of our great art classes in 2016! Monday afternoons: 1.30pm and 4.00pm with Diana Bilderbeck-Frost (mixed media) Friday mornings: 9.00am - 11.30am with Erika Beck (mixed media). Come along and join one of our fantastic classes, learn and exchange with the group and with the teachers and start painting! All welcome, cost is $77.00 per term (10 weeks). No prerequisite knowledge required. Bookings are essential with Olivier on 02 9978 4128 21

Special Interest Computer Pals Computer Pals is a volunteer based program designed to help and assist you with basic computer lessons. Call us if you need to improve your skills, we have Macs and PC volunteers who can also help you with tablets. If you have issues with your smartphones, call us as well, we might be able to help you depending on the model and brand. You can have 5 lessons for $25.00 or 10 for $40.00, over 5 or 10 weeks. They are one on one tuitions with a volunteer, they can be an excellent first step if you have basic knowledge but need to know a bit more‌ We can help you with the Microsoft suite, pictures, internet, emails In 2016, we will try to help you more with tablets, Ipads and smartphones, call us to find a solution. Contact Olivier 9978 4128 to book 2016 terms: Term 2: 11Apr - 13 Jun Term 3: 4 Jul - 5 Sept Term 4: 3 Oct - 5 Dec. Where: Seniors' Centre Cost: $25.00/ 5 lessons OR $40.00/ 10 lessons

New Look for the Mosman Rider

The Mosman Rider has been refreshed with a new look. Watch out for the new-look bus when you hail and ride. The Mosman Rider operates 7 days a week from 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm from 1 October 2015.

Are you up for a game of chess


The Mosman Chess Group is going stronger then ever!!! Join us for a challenge, every Wednesday morning between 9am and 12.00pm, the more the merrier! For further information, contact Olivier on 9978 4128.

Knitting Group This group contributes to a charity organisation called Wrap with Love Inc. which dispatches quilts and covers to the four corners of the world. Our Mosman group has continued with their amazing efforts and produced over 50 quilts for Wraps With Love in 2014. Lets do even better in 2016! The Mosman knitting group needs more squares and more wool! Please call Olivier on 9978 4128 if you have wool to donate! Many thanks in advance. If you need more information, call Olivier at the Seniors' Centre. For the knitting group 2016. When: Every 3rd Friday of the month from 2pm – 4pm Where: Volunteers Room (next to the Meals on Wheels kitchen).

Birthday Celebrations Are you turning 80, 90 or 100? We would like to help you celebrate your big birthday. If you are having a big birthday coming up, let us know and join us at the Community Restaurant for a special afternoon. Call Olivier on 9978 4128

Calling on all Bingologists! We need more people to join our Bingo Group! We are looking for new players, so why not join us for a wonderful afternoon with Vicky, Kathleen and Jo and all the ladies from the afternoon Bingo group and have a great game and a few laughs. If you are interested, please call Olivier on 9978 4128. Bingo is on every Thursday afternoon in the volunteers lounge at 1pm. 23

Special Interest Join us on the 2nd Friday of every month at 2.00pm after the Community Restaurant for a free movie and afternoon tea at the Seniors Centre, proudly sponsored by Mosman Council. No booking required. What’s next? Friday 8 April:

Now Voyager

Friday 13 May:

7 Brides for 7 Brothers

Friday 10 June:


Friday 8 July:

Ten Canoes

117 mins

102 mins

122 mins

90 mins

Please note that while we will do our best to stick to the above program, it might still be subject to change depending on licensing rights.


No Bookings required, for more information called Olivier on 9978 4128.

Diary of Events April 2016

Seniors Week Friday 1 April — Sunday 10 April 2016



Community Restaurant - Themed lunch: Mayoral Lunch Seniors Week 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $12. Booking essential. Bring a friend. For more information & bookings contact Olivier on 9978 4128



Mosman Markets today



Seniors Week - Play “Cabaret”, Performance by the “Old Women’s Group Theatre” 2.30 - 4.00pm at the Seniors Centre. Gold coin donation encouraged. Call Olivier on 9978 4128 for more info.



Seniors Week - Seniors Cocktail Party - 4.00 - 6.00pm. Mosman Art Gallery Main Hall, Free event RSVP essential with Olivier on 9978 4128 No Community Restaurant today.



Out & About Trip - Kurrajong, lunch at Pie in the Sky. For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128



Seniors Week - Table Tennis Tournament. At the Seniors Centre, FREE event from 2pm to 4pm, no booking required, prizes to win.



Seniors Week - Historical Mosman & Ipads - 2.00 - 4.30PM Main Hall Seniors Centre, Cost $5.00 Booking with Olivier on 9978 4128 Christine David (IT for Retirees) and the Mosman Historical Society will explore old photographs of Mosman and will help you use your Ipad to save, store and enhance pictures. Afternoon tea and open discussion.



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 Seniors Week Classic Movie: Now Voyager - 117 mins. Join us after the community restaurant (2.00 pm) for this great movie! Main hall, Seniors Centre, afternoon tea, Free event, all welcome! More info: Olivier on 9978 4128. No booking required.



Over 55 Community Bus Trip - Impact Nursery, Lunch at Terrigal Enjoy the beautiful drive to Terrigal with stunning views over Brooklyn, and have morning Tea at Impact Nursery!. Bus leaves Council Car Par k at 9.00 am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128. 25

Diary of Events April 2016 (continued) Tuesday






Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Caringbah, lunch at the Camelia Gardens For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Over 55 Community Bus Trip - Bowral, Morning Tea at Berrima Bowral, has a large variety of boutiques, bookstores, restaurants and takeaways, join us for this amazing outing with a morning tea at Berrima! Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9.00 am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128.



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128

Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 Out & About Trip – Maroubra, lunch at Maroubra Seals For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128

Poet’s Corner Mothers hold their children’s hands for a while, but their hearts forever. 26

If anyone is interested in forming a Poetry group please contact Olivier on 9978 4128.

Diary of Events April 2016 (continued) Wednesday




Out & About Trip – Towradji, lunch at the Towradgi Bowling Club For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128 Community Restaurant—Themed lunch: Anzac Day Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $12. Bookings essential. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128

May 2016 Tuesday


Community Restaurant (Cheap Tuesday) 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $7. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Penrith, lunch at the Nepean Rowing Club For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Mosman Markets today



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – St Andrews Cathedral with the Royal Australian Navy band, 12.30 pm start For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 Friday Afternoon At The Movies – 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, 1954 – 102 mins Join us after the community restaurant (2.00 pm) for this great movie! Main hall, Seniors Centre, afternoon tea, Free event, all welcome! More info: Olivier on 9978 4128. No booking required. 27

Diary of Events May 2016 (continued) Saturday


Over 55 Community Bus Trip - Tanglin Alpaca Farm Enjoy the clear country air and warm hospitality of this breeding farm east of Kurrajong! Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9.00 am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128.



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128





Out & About Trip – Watsons Bay, Lunch at Doyles For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Brooklyn, lunch at King Tide Cafe For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128



Community Restaurant – Themed lunch: Mexican Lunch “Cinqo de Mayo” 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $12. Bookings essential. Bring a friend. For more information & bookings contact Olivier on 9978 4128.





Over 55 Community Bus Trip - Swansea, morning tea at Budgewoi Take in the beautiful scenery as we take the drive north, stopping in Budgewoi for morning tea and then continuing on to visit the town of Swansea on Lake Macquarie! Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9.00 am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128. Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128


Diary of Events June 2016 Wednesday






Mosman Markets



Community Restaurant “Cheap Tuesday” 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $7. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128









Out & About Trip – San Soucis, Lunch at St Georges Sailing Club For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 Friday Afternoon At The Movies – Amelie, 2001 – 122 mns Join us after the community restaurant (2.00 pm) for this great movie! Main hall, Seniors Centre, afternoon tea, Free event, all welcome! More info: Olivier on 9978 4128. No booking required. Over 55 Community Bus Trip - Gerringong/ Jerroa and morning tea at Bulli Beach Nestled in the Heartland Lunch at Camden! Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9.00 am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128. Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip - Ebenezer, lunch at the Ebenezer Church For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128

Out & About Trip – Picton, lunch at the Picton Bowling Club For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128


Diary of Events June 2016 (continued) Friday


Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128











Out & About Trip – Gosford, lunch at the Gosford Art Gallery For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128 Community Restaurant – Themed lunch: Guringai festival lunch, Aboriginal Themed Luncheon 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $12. Bookings essential. Bring a friend. For more information & bookings contact Olivier on 9978 4128 Over 55 Community Bus Trip - Kurrajong, morning tea at Penrith Regional Gallery Join us for an amazing bus trip to Kurrajong with a morning tea at the Penrith regional gallery! Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9.00 am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128. Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 5th Wednesday, Carers outing no Out and About trip today

THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB We are a group of friends offering not-for-profit social activities and day-trips for the over 55s on the Lower North Shore and Northern Beaches. The membership includes singles, retirees and couples. Our activities include a monthly get-together at the Mosman RS Club, lunches (midweek and Sundays), picnics, Orpheum special events, and day trips to regional areas by bus or train. Our next day trips are to Garden Island and the Riverboat Postman cruise on the Hawkesbury. 30

We invite enquiries from interested parties. To find out more, phone Margaret on 9904 1829 or email: ClubMosman@gmail.com

Diary of Events July 2015 Friday


Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No bookings required. Bring a friend. For more information & bookings contact Olivier on 9978 4128.



Mosman Markets





Community Restaurant “Cheap Tuesday” 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $7. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 Out & About Trip – Inner West, lunch at Haberfield Club For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 Seniors Week Classic Movie: Ten Canoes– 90 mins Join us after the community restaurant (2.00 pm) for this great movie! Main hall, Seniors Centre, afternoon tea, Free event, all welcome! More info: Olivier on 9978 4128. No booking required.



Over 55 Community Bus Trip - Morpeth Visit this charming and historic inland river port on the banks of the Hunter. Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9.00 am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128.

Poet’s Corner By Aileen Fisher

Little leaves fall softly down Red and yellow, orange and brown Whirling, twirling round and round Falling softly to the ground

Little leaves fall softly down To make a carpet on the ground. Then, swish, the wind comes whistling by And sends them dancing to the sky.

If anyone is interested in forming a Poetry group please contact Olivier on 9978 4128.



Riddles 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? What has a neck but no head? What goes up and doesn’t come back down? What belongs to you but us used more by others? What kind of coat is always wet when you put it on? What starts with a P, and ends with an E, and has thousands of le er? What comes down but never goes up? What type of cheese is made backwards? What can you catch but not throw? What can run but can’t walk?

Answers: 1. A clock. 2. A bo le. 3. Your age. 4. Your name. 5. A coat of paint. 6. A post office. 7. Rain. 8. Edam. 9. A cold. 10. Water.



Mosman Rider

34 34


Mosman Municipal Council


2.00pm – 4.30pm MONDAY ART CLASS (all media) $77.00 per term

MOSMAN HOME GARDENER’S SOCIETY Meets every second Tuesday of the month 7.00pm – 9.00pm

2.30pm – 4.30pm OLD TIME DANCE Ballroom / Sequence

First Tuesday each month is Cheap Tuesday $7



DRAMA GROUP for young people with a disability 4.30pm – 5.30pm

1.00pm – 3.00pm BINGO

2.00 - 2.45pm New Zumba Gold $88.00 conc - 10 weeks $110.00 full – 10 weeks

Table Tennis for Seniors 1.00pm - 4.00 pm Seniors Centre MOSMANABORIGINAL RECONCILIATION GROUP Meets the first Wednesday in Feb Apr Jun Aug Oct Dec of the month, 2pm – 4pm

2.00pm – 4.00pm NEW MAHJONG GROUP Call Olivier 9978 4128

UPRIGHT & ACTIVE CLASS A falls prevention exercise 10.30am – 11.30 pm $110.00 full – 10 weeks $88.00 conc – 10 weeks

9.00am departure BUS TRIPS As advertised $25.00


April May June 2016

Knitting Group 3rd Friday of the Month 2.00 pm- 4.00 pm Volunteers Lounge

Friday at the Movies Every 2nd Friday of the month, join us for a Free classic movie afternoon 2.15 – 4.30 pm

12.30pm – 2.00pm COMMUNITY RESTAURANT Every Week – $10.00 Last Friday of the month: International or theme Luncheon $12.00 pp Bookings Essential

M.C.C Scrabble group Meets every Friday after the restaurant apart from the 2nd Friday when the movie is on Seniors Lounge

ART CLASS 9.00am – 11.30am (all media) $77.00 per term

9.00am – 1.00pm COMPUTER PALS $25.00 for 5 Lessons

9.00am – 4.00pm COMPUTER PALS $25.00 for 5 Lessons

9.30am – 10.30am GENTLE EXERCISE $88.00 conc - 10 weeks $110.00 full – 10 weeks



Fresh Coffee Service 12.00-1.00pm Gold coin donation

ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLASSES 1.00pm – 2.30pm Coin Donation

10.00am – 12.00pm U3A $10.00 Joining Fee $45.00 Membership

9.15am – 10.15am 10.30am – 11.30am GENTLE EXERCISE $88.00 conc - 10 weeks $110.00 full – 10 weeks

12.30pm – 2.00pm COMMUNITY RESTAURANT $10

Chess Group 9.00am – 12.00pm

9.00am – 4.00pm COMPUTER PALS $25.00 for 5 Lessons

9.00am – 4.00pm COMPUTER PALS $25.00 for 5 Lessons

9.30am – 10.30am Level 1 TAI CHI 10.45am – 11.45am Beginners TAI CHI $10 a session



For more information please phone 9978 4128



1.00pm – 3.30pm PERIODIC PLAY READING GROUP Meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Library


MOSMAN SQUARE SENIORS CENTRE Mosman Council Aged & Disability Services Civic Centre, Mosman Square Mosman NSW 2088 Telephone: 9978 4128 www.mosman.nsw.gov.au


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